st. nicholas catholic bulletins/english/2016...mission...

Mission Statement: We, the parish family of St. Nicholas Roman Catholic Church, are called to live the Gospel through the spirit of kindness and generosity of our patron Saint. Our multicultural community values a strong commitment to life-long spiritual growth through Word and Sacraments, a devotion to nurturing the Catholic faith of the younger generations and sharing the many gifts God has given us for the benefit of others. THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME VOL. XV, NO 48 Oct 23, 2016 St. Nicholas Catholic Church 514 MARION AVE., PLATTEVILLE, CO 80651 Phone and Fax: 970-785-2143 Pastor: Father Juan Manuel Bonilla Deacon John Volk Deacon Mike Otero Deacon Cecil Gingerich Sunday Masses: 11:15 am - English 12:45 pm Spanish Weekdays: Monday and First Friday - 6:00 pm - Bilingual Communion Service: Wednesday - 6:00 pm Confessions: Monday and First Friday - 5:00- 6:00 PM Adoration: Monday, Wednesday and First Friday 5:00 6:00 PM OFFICE HOURS Wednesday & Friday: 11:30 3:30 P.M. FOOD BANK HOURS Wednesday & Friday: 12:00 3:00 P.M. For assistance when the office is closed, call Liz at 970-227-8805 After Hour Emergency Anointings: 720-683-8970

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Page 1: St. Nicholas Catholic Bulletins/English/2016...Mission Statement: We, the parish family of St. Nicholas Roman Catholic Church, are called to

Mission Statement: We, the parish family of St. Nicholas Roman Catholic Church, are called to live the Gospel through the spirit of kindness and

generosity of our patron Saint.

Our multicultural community values a strong commitment to life-long spiritual growth through Word and Sacraments, a devotion

to nurturing the Catholic faith of the younger generations and sharing the many gifts God has given us for the benefit of others.


VOL. XV, NO 48

Oct 23, 2016

St. Nicholas Catholic Church 514 MARION AVE., PLATTEVILLE, CO 80651

Phone and Fax: 970-785-2143

Pastor: Father Juan Manuel Bonilla

Deacon John Volk

Deacon Mike Otero

Deacon Cecil Gingerich

Sunday Masses:

11:15 am - English

12:45 pm – Spanish


Monday and First Friday - 6:00

pm - Bilingual

Communion Service:

Wednesday - 6:00 pm

Confessions: Monday and First Friday -

5:00- 6:00 PM

Adoration: Monday, Wednesday and First

Friday 5:00 – 6:00 PM


Wednesday & Friday:

11:30 – 3:30 P.M.


Wednesday & Friday:

12:00 – 3:00 P.M.

For assistance when the office

is closed,

call Liz at 970-227-8805

After Hour Emergency



Page 2: St. Nicholas Catholic Bulletins/English/2016...Mission Statement: We, the parish family of St. Nicholas Roman Catholic Church, are called to


Oct 24


Oct 25


Oct 26


Oct 27


Oct 28


Oct 29


Oct 30

Eph 4:32-5:8

Ps 1:1-6

Lk 13:10-17

Eph 5:21-33

Ps 128:1-5

Lk 13:18-21

Eph 6:1-9

Ps 145:10-14

Lk 13:22-30

Eph 6:10-20

Ps 144:1-10

Lk 13:31-35

Phil 1:1-11

Ps 111:1-6

Lk 14:1-6

Phil 1:18-26

Ps 42:2-5

Lk 14:1-11

Wis 11:22-12:2

Ps 145:1-4

2 Thes 1:11-2:2

Lk 19:1-10

St. Nicholas Schedule

Sunday, Oct 23 9:30 am , RE Classes

9:30 am, Parent Classes

9:45 am, Parent Meeting, Spanish

Monday, Oct 24 5:00 – 6:00 pm, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

5:00 pm, Confessions, 6:00 pm, Mass

7:00 pm, Spanish Baptismal Prep Class, preregister required

Tuesday, Oct 25 7:00 pm, RCIA Class

Wednesday, Oct 26 7:00 pm, Assisted Suicide Proposition 106, exploring the

unintended effects with (Dr.) John Volk, Platteville

Elementary Library – for all voters

Thursday, Oct 27 7:00 pm, English Bible Study, contact Frank Llanas

6:00 pm, Fritzler Corn Maze, see flyer for details

Friday, Oct 28

Saturday, Oct 29

Sunday, Oct 30 Thanksgiving Food Drive Contest

9:30 am, RE Class

9:30 am, Parent Classes

Tamales for sale after both Masses

Monday, Oct 31

5:00 – 6:00 pm, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

5:00 pm, Confessions, 6:00 pm, Mass

Tuesday, Nov 1 7:00 pm, RCIA Classes Begin

7:00 pm, Knights of Columbus, Johnstown

Wednesday, Nov 2

Thursday, Nov 3 7:00 pm, English Bible Study, contact Frank Llanas

Friday, Nov 4 5:00 – 6:00 pm, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

5:00 pm, Confessions, 6:00 pm, Mass

Saturday, Nov 5

Mass Intentions: Sunday, Oct 23

11:15 am: Souls of Sherry Lyn Slate and Floyd


12:45 pm: Soul of Elide de Espadas Avita

Mon, Oct 24, 6:00 pm: Souls of Tranquilino, Jose

and Abdon Nevarez

Sunday, Oct 30

11:30 am: Soul of Estella Cervantes

12:45 pm: Soul of Aurelio Loza Preciado

Monday, Oct 31, 6:00 pm: Soul of William and

Loretta Krueger and deceased members of the

Schiferl Family

Remember in your prayers Parishioners that are:


Homebound or infirm:

Sick or injured: Alma Gingerich

Recently Deceased:

Other needs:

And our family and friends: Frederick Hurst

Please pray for the following seminarians this

week: Sile Wilfred Kone, Manuel Alarcon,

Yaroslav Cherniavskyi, Patrick DiLoreto, Micah

Flores, Jason DiRito, Donald Rasolofoarimanana

Names will stay on the list for two weeks, if you want a name to

continue beyond the two weeks, please call the office.

RE Thanksgiving Food Drive

October 30 – November 20




Page 3: St. Nicholas Catholic Bulletins/English/2016...Mission Statement: We, the parish family of St. Nicholas Roman Catholic Church, are called to

Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time October 30, 2016

Reading I : Wisdom 11:22-12:2 To God, the universe is a drop of morning dew.

Wisdom literature in the Bible is a rich source of spirituality.

In this passage, we are assure that God will have mercy on us always.

We are reminded that God created all that is, and loves all that he created!

Reading II : 2 Thessalonians 1:11-2:2 We pray for you always.

Paul prays that the community in Thessalonica may be faithful to the message preached about Jesus Christ.

He addresses the rumor in the community that Christ would be returning soon, a common belief in the early years

of the Faith.

He urges them not to be agitated by this rumor, but to go on living their lives faithfully.

Gospel : Luke 19:1-10 Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus.

Here we see Jesus' compassion and sense of justice reach a peak.

He demonstrates his love of the sinner by eating with them, something that would have been seen by his detractors

as very out-of-place for a rabbi such as Jesus.

But as usual, he persists and teaches a valuable lesson: take in the outcast and sinner first and they will later be


Theme: Jesus' love transforms all people and all things!

Breaking Open the Word Suggested text for faith sharing: Today’s Gospel

Step One: Listen to the Word As you listen to the familiar story in today’s reading, what word or phrase catches your ear? What image from the

story strikes you?

Step Two: Look into Your Life Question for Children: Jesus showed that he loved Zacchaeus by having supper with him. How does Jesus show

his love for you?

Question for Youth: Jesus saw Zaccheaus as he was – mistakes and all. What masks, if any, do you hide behind

so others won't see who you really are? Who do you trust to see your true self?

Question for Adults: Why do you suppose Jesus was so kind to Zacchaeus? What lesson do you draw from this

reading regarding those who are considered "public sinners" today?

Choose one of the following activities as a way to further reflect on the Sunday readings:

Sit down as a household and talk about those people whom you consider least welcome in your house. Are

they people against whom you have a prejudice? Neighbors whom you don’t like? Family members against whom

you hold a grudge? Of others? Choose one name from this list and plan how to reconcile.

Invite family members to make special "welcome" placements for a simple supper you make. Invite people

whom you know but haven't seen in a while to come to supper and share with them.

Read the newspaper together to see who in your community is rejected and hated, including prisoners,

immigrants, and others. Become more aware of these people and if possible, help them feel welcome.

Page 4: St. Nicholas Catholic Bulletins/English/2016...Mission Statement: We, the parish family of St. Nicholas Roman Catholic Church, are called to

31º domingo en tiempo ordinario 30 de Octubre, 2016

Primera Lectura : Sabiduría 11:22-12:2 Para Dios, el universo es como una gota de rocío por la mañana.

La literatura de Sabiduría de la Biblia es una rica fuente de espiritualidad.

En este pasaje, se nos asegura que Dios tendrá siempre misericordia con nosotros.

Se nos recuerda que Dios creó todo lo que existe y ama todo lo que creó.

Segunda Lectura : 2 Tesalonicenses 1:11-2:2 Siempre rezamos por ustedes.

Pablo reza para que la comunidad de Tesalónica sea fiel al mensaje predicado sobre Jesucristo.

Él habla del rumor en la comunidad acerca del pronto regreso de Cristo, una creencia común en los primeros años

de la Fe.

Él los urge a no inquietarse por este rumor sino que sigan viviendo sus vidas con fe.

Evangelio : Lucas 19:1-10 Zaqueo quería ver a Jesús.

Aquí vemos que la compasión y el sentido de justicia de Jesús llega a su punto culminante.

Él demuestra su amor por los pecadores al comer con ellos, lo cual hubiera sido visto por sus detractores como

algo fuera de lo común para un rabino como Jesús.

Pero como siempre, él persiste y enseña una lección valiosa: reciban al vagabundo y al pecador primero y más

tarde ellos serán curados.

Tema: ¡El amor de Jesús transforma a todas las personas y todas las cosas!

Apuntes de la Palabra Texto sugerido para compartir la fe: El Evangelio de hoy

Paso uno: Escuchar la Palabra Al escuchar la conocida historia en la lectura de hoy, ¿qué palabra o frase les llamó la atención? ¿Qué imagen de la

historia les impactó?

Paso dos: Examinar su vida Pregunta para los niños: Jesús mostró que él amaba a Zaqueo al comer con él. ¿Cómo muestra Jesús su amor por


Pregunta para los jóvenes: Jesús vio a Zaqueo como era, con todo y sus errores, y él te ve a ti de la misma forma.

¿Qué máscaras, si hay alguna, escondes para que otros no vean quién eres en realidad? ¿En quién confías para que

te vea verdaderamente tal y como eres?

Pregunta para los adultos: ¿Por qué creen que Jesús fue tan bueno con Zaqueo? ¿Qué lección sacan de esta

lectura sobre aquéllos que hoy se consideran "pecadores públicos"?

Elijan una de las siguientes actividades como una forma de reflexión sobre las lecturas del domingo:

De tarea, siéntense y hablen de las personas a quienes consideran menos bienvenidas en su casa. ¿Son ellas

personas contra quienes ustedes tienen algún perjuicio? ¿Vecinos que no les caen bien? ¿Algún familiar por quien

sienten rencor? ¿O cualquier otra persona? Elijan un nombre de esta lista y planifiquen cómo reconciliarse.

Inviten a familiares a hacer unos "manteles individuales" especiales de bienvenida para una comida simple.

Inviten a comer y a compartir tiempo con su familia a personas conocidas pero que no han visto desde hace


Lean juntos el periódico para ver quién en su comunidad es rechazado y odiado, incluidos los prisioneros,

inmigrantes y otros. Estén más conscientes de estas personas y, si es posible, ayúdenlos a sentirse bienvenidos.

Page 5: St. Nicholas Catholic Bulletins/English/2016...Mission Statement: We, the parish family of St. Nicholas Roman Catholic Church, are called to

Anniversary Blessings Oct 23: Adrian and Maria de Jesus Delgado – 13 years

Oct 24: Nocolas and Delia Corral Hernandez – 11 years

Birthday Blessings Oct 23: Sarvando Morales, Maria Ramirez,

Jessica Quinones, Rebecca Verastegui

Oct 24: Debra Deselms, Luis Quiroz, Josh Guevara

Oct 25: Lisbeth Madera, Evelyn Tapia, Angel Gonzalez,

Arlette Madera

Oct 26: Antonio Batrez, Gerardo Camarillo

Oct 28: Francisco Lira, Adrian Delgado,

Alejandro Arellano, Vanessa Galvan,

Julian Lechuga

Oct 29: Isabel Velo, Jose Manuel Soto Arzola, Noelia Torres

Keep up with the latest news and events, find us online at: or

Kids – Father Juan Manuel wants you to memorize the following Bible verse: John 20:22

If you can recite it for him during the next Children’s Homily on November 20, he will have a prize for you!

Flocknote is our new communication system.

If you have not signed up yet, please do so. If you missed the

clipboards going around the church today, you find them in

the back of the church or you may contact the office to sign-

up. We will need your email address (if you have one) and a

phone number that received texts.

Sept 28 – Nov 6

Join us in prayer and fasting

to bring an end to abortion.

We Need You Each

First Saturday!

Next Prayer in the

Square event will be:


November 5 9 a.m. - Bilingual Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of the

Immaculate Conception

* Celebrant: Fr. Jorge Rodriguez – Denver’s new Auxiliary


* Concelebrant: Monsignor Bernard Schmitz – Vicar for


10 a.m. - Bilingual Rosary & Divine Mercy Chaplet on the

West Steps of the Capitol

This is not a political rally, but there isn’t a more pressing

time to join in prayer.




John Volk, M.D.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

7:00 p.m.

Platteville Elementary School Library 1202 Main St, Platteville


Page 6: St. Nicholas Catholic Bulletins/English/2016...Mission Statement: We, the parish family of St. Nicholas Roman Catholic Church, are called to

Meditation: Luke 12:13-21 . . . rich in what matters to God. (Luke 12:21)

How often, when you give away a smile or a hug, do you

receive it right back? Quite a lot, probably. That’s because love

multiplies when you share it. It’s not exactly the same with

money. When you give it, say to a merchant, you don’t get any

back. Your bank account is diminished.

Today’s Gospel warns us that if we focus primarily on our

possessions and money, we might approach Jesus like the fellow

having a hard time with his brother. He asks Jesus to help him

secure his share of an earthly inheritance. Unfortunately, he’s

asking the wrong person. While Jesus does care about our

financial situations, he is much more vested in our spiritual

riches. He is rich in mercy and kindness, and he wants to make

us rich too. This is the kind of wealth that “matters to God”

(Luke 12:21).

Just as a person approaches a financial advisor to grow their

material wealth, we can ask Jesus to help us grow our spiritual

wealth. Often, this starts by appreciating the immense value of

riches we already have: humility or patience, mercy or love. We

can ask him to help us grow in them even more.

But we don’t have to stop there. Because our spiritual

“treasure chests” matter to God, he is ready to give us even

more. Do you need more compassion? Ask for it! Are you stuck

in some kind of resentment? Ask for the gift of forgiveness.

Unlike the brother who wanted to hold on to his share of money,

God loves to share his bounty. His spiritual riches don’t deplete

when he gives them away.

Your spiritual treasure chest won’t be any less full, either,

even if you try to empty it out on people every day. Remember

Jesus’ promise: “Give and gifts will be given to you; a good

measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing, will

be poured into your lap. For the measure with which you

measure will in return be measured out to you” (Luke 6:38).

When you are rich in what matters to God, you can spread the

wealth without losing anything. That’s how generous Jesus is!

“Lord, help me to receive more and more from you so that I

can give more and more to everyone else.”

Reprinted with permission of The Word Among Us,

Parish Information Pastor: Father Juan Manuel Bonilla 970-587-2879

Deacon: John Volk 970-330-1042 [email protected]

Deacon: Mike Otero 970-635-2913 [email protected]

Deacon Cecil Gingerich 303-476-0000 [email protected]

Business Manager: Wendy Mast 970-539-6253

[email protected]

Co-Director of Religious Education:

Liz Krueger 970-227-8805 [email protected]

Estella Robles 970-576-1290 [email protected]

Spanish Coordinator:

Estella Robles 970-576-1290 [email protected]

Altar and Rosary Meeting, 2nd Sunday of month, 10:00A.M.

co-presidents: Juanita Garcia 970-301-8652

Betty Gutfelder 970-737-2255

Altar Servers:

Frank & Connie Llanas 970-785-2167

Baptisms: Prior registration for class is required.

Classes: English 2nd Tuesday, at St. John the Baptist, Johnstown

Spanish 4th Monday, St. Nicholas Parish Hall

Contact Parish Office 970-785-2143

Bible Study: Wednesday in Spanish 7:00 pm, Parish Hall

Thursdays in English 7:00 p.m., contact Frank Llanas

Frank Llanas 970-785-2167

Community Giving Cards:

Emil Zeiler 303-875-6106

Funeral Dinners:

Betty Gutfelder 970-737-2255

Susan Zeiler 970-785-2528

Knights of Columbus:

Joe Krueger 303-857-2894

Maintenance Committee:

Marriage Preparation Classes: contact Deacon John

Music Ministry:

Elaine McIrvin - English 303-710-1062

Lola Cabrera - Spanish 970-785-6196

Pastoral Council: First Mondays at 7:00 p.m.

Presidents: Francisco Llanas

Secretary: Margaret Salamanca

Representatives: Alma Gingerich, Alyshia Medina, and Anadine


Prayer Chain:

Liz Krueger 970-227-8805

Connie Llanas 970- 785-2167

Emil Zeiler 303-875-6106

Rental of Parish Hall:

Wendy Mast 970-539-6253

Youth Ministry:

Reyna Cruz 970-576-2264

Religious Education: every Sunday 9:30-11:00 (Sept-May)

Call News for the Bulletin to:

Wendy 970-785-2143

email: [email protected]

Catholic Chaplain @ North CO Med Center 970-392-2034

Saint of the Day

St. John of Capistrano

Feast Day: Oct 23


Patron saint of jurists

To learn more visit

O glorious Saint Nicholas, the noble preacher of

Christ, thou art a great and fervid helper of those

in difficulties, of those who are on land, and of

those who are at sea, all-compassionate, a

precious intercessor for those who are far off and

those who are near. Wherefore, in our gathering

we shout to thee to intercede with the Lord, that

we be delivered from every tribulation.

St. Nicholas

of Myra