st october 2018) get to know your county...

Tich Gi Dongruok ISSUE NO. 11 (1 ST OCTOBER 2018 - 31 ST OCTOBER 2018) Get to Know Your County Technology is the future and the fourth industrial revolution in the global history: Joe Mucheru. Page 7 e construction work is projected to take a total of 44 weeks or 10 months from the day of the ground-breaking occasion which will be in about two weeks’ time. Page 4. 20,000-SEATER SIAYA STADIUM CONTRACT Siaya First lady in parenting education tour in Bondo Page 12: Plan International alongside other partners are working in Siaya county to secure strong foundation for young children through strength- ening health, nutrition, early learning, responsive care giving as well as safety and security for children between 0 to 8 years. With a theme of “waste is wealth” the Department of Environment in Siaya County has given Augustinian Community Foundation (ACO), the go ahead to protect the environment and conserve natural resources within the County through various activities in the long term. The Foundation’s target is to create a conducive environment for Siaya County community by paying attention to environmental sustainability - SEE PAGE 8 ”WASTE IS WEALTH” PROJECT TO LAUNCH IN SIAYA DEVELOPMENT PLANS PROGRESS FUN AND MORE NO MORE SIAYA WORKSHOPS OUTSIDE THE COUNTY; RASANGA His Excellency Cornel Rasanga Amoth has directed that all Siaya Government workshops, seminars, trainings and conferences will now be domiciled within Siaya County as part of government austerity measures to curb wastage while promoting local investments, SEE PAGE 9. SIAYA COUNTY PARTICIPATES IN THE MAGICAL KENYA TRAVEL EXPO 4 October 2018 Siaya County has joined the rest of the world in the 2018 Magical Kenya Travel Expo going on in Nairobi this week to show case sites and places worth visiting in Kenya. Tourism Cabinet Secretary Hon. Najib Balala & the Principal Secretary in e Sports, Culture & Arts Depart- ment in e National Government Mr. Joe Okudo yesterday launched the Magical Kenya travel expo at the KICC, Nairobi joined by travelers across the world in Kenya. Siaya County is one of the exhibitors to promote Siaya as a tourism destination amongst several Counties and Countries in the East African region. e expo aims to promote Kenya as a tourist destination. It will be remembered that Siaya was recently crowned first runners-up as the culture & heritage tourist destination in Kenya. e county offers a vast array of tourist products namely; cultural tourism via the annual Got Ramogi cultural event, Sports tourism through the annual Lake victoria Sitatunga boat race amongst others . e County is blessed with pristine beaches, waterfalls, unique bird habitats amongst other spectacles.

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Page 1: ST OCTOBER 2018) Get to Know Your County … Gi Dongruok ISSUE NO. 11 (1ST OCTOBER 2018 - 31ST OCTOBER 2018) Get to Know

Tich Gi DongruokISSUE NO. 11 (1ST OCTOBER 2018 - 31ST OCTOBER 2018) Get to Know Your CountyTechnology is the future and the fourth industrial revolution in the global history: Joe Mucheru. Page 7

The construction work is projected to take a total of 44 weeks or 10 months from the day of the ground-breaking occasion which will be in about two weeks’ time. Page 4.


Siaya First lady in parenting education tour in Bondo

Page 12: Plan International alongside other partners are working in Siaya county to secure strong foundation for young children through strength-ening health, nutrition, early learning, responsive care giving as well as safety and security for children between 0 to 8 years.

With a theme of “waste is wealth” the Department of Environment in Siaya County has given Augustinian Community Foundation (ACO), the go ahead to protect the environment and conserve natural resources within the County through various activities in the long term. The Foundation’s target is to create a conducive environment for Siaya County community by paying attention to environmental sustainability - SEE PAGE 8





His Excellency Cornel Rasanga Amoth has directed that all Siaya Government workshops, seminars, trainings and conferences will now be domiciled within Siaya County as part of government austerity measures to curb wastage while promoting local investments, SEE PAGE 9.


Siaya County has joined the rest of the world in the 2018 Magical Kenya Travel Expo going on in Nairobi this week to show case sites and places worth visiting in Kenya.

Tourism Cabinet Secretary Hon. Najib Balala & the Principal Secretary in The Sports, Culture & Arts Depart-ment in The National Government Mr. Joe Okudo yesterday launched

the Magical Kenya travel expo at the KICC, Nairobi joined by travelers across the world in Kenya.

Siaya County is one of the exhibitors to promote Siaya as a tourism destination amongst several Counties and Countries in the East African region. The expo aims to promote Kenya as a tourist destination.

It will be remembered that Siaya was recently crowned first runners-up as

the culture & heritage tourist destination in Kenya. The county offers a vast array of tourist products namely; cultural tourism via the annual Got Ramogi cultural event, Sports tourism through the annual Lake victoria Sitatunga boat race amongst others . The County is blessed with pristine beaches, waterfalls, unique bird habitats amongst other spectacles.

Page 2: ST OCTOBER 2018) Get to Know Your County … Gi Dongruok ISSUE NO. 11 (1ST OCTOBER 2018 - 31ST OCTOBER 2018) Get to Know

“To avoid duplication of projects, we decided to allow national govern-ment to deal directly with older persons on matters of social protec-tion fund and have now redirected related resources earlier budgeted for the programme to boost NHIF scheme supporting the older person, disable and pregnant mothers.” - Siaya County Deputy Governor. H.E. Dr. James Okumbe.

‘’ This year, we’ve had 35,398 cases of cholera which is a big reduction from 2013 where we had 60,444 cases of cholera infections. This is a success as a county and more initiatives are required in households to have access to use latrines and also have water stations,’’

-Rarieda Sub County administratorMr. Richard Kodindo.

“We have managed to vaccinate over 40, 642 livestock animals within the region and farmers are free to move them now. The rift valley fever outbreak reported in June 2018 is no longer a threat to human and livestock even as we plan as a Department to do continuous spraying from January 2019 in the affected areas.”

-CECM department of Agriculture, livestock and fisheries.Hon. Charles Ogada.


CONTENTS To Advertise in this space, contact The Department of Communications, County Government of Siaya P.O. BOX 8 0 3, SIAYA, KENYA Email: - communication

Page 2 The County NEWSLETTER

“I encourage members of the public to fully participate in the construction process and frequently report to me the progress of the construction works be-cause these are public funds that must be properly utilised with the vigilance of the members of the public.”

-Siaya County GovernorH.E. Cornel Rasanga Amoth.

County Progress a. Public Service and Administration b. Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries c. Education, Youth Affairs, Gender and Social Affairs d. Finance and Economic Planning e. Health and Sanitation f. Lands, Physical Planning, Housing & Urban Development g. Public Works, Energy, Roads and Transport h. Tourism, Culture, Sports and Arts i. Enterprise and Industrial Development j. Water, Irrigation, Environment and Natural Resources k. General Pictoriall. Poetry Corner

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15th October 2018.

By Communication Directorate.

Siaya County today joined the rest of the world in celebrating this year’s United Nations Global Hand Washing

Commemoration Day themed ‘’Lwedo Mal-er-Rito Ngima Maber’’ (Clean Hands-Recipe for Health) at Ragegni Dispensary, Rarieda Sub-countySiaya County.

The annual event marked its 11th year celebrations in Kenya after its launch in 2008 by the National Government under the auspices of The United Nations Organization.

During the commemoration of this day, hundreds of thousands of Siaya children mobilized from various wards across the County were sensitised on the importance of hand washing with soap as a regular practice.

Speaking during the County commemora-tion activities, Rarieda Sub-County administrator Mr. Richard Kodindo directed all proprietors of public and private buildings, schools and government institutions to put in place mechanisms geared towards promotion of hand washing with soap. He added that it’s not only small children who should wash their hands, but also adults to prevent possible occurrence of poor health related infections and outbreaks.

Siaya County has previously been ranked as

an Open Defecation Free Zone (ODF) by the United Nations Organization, UNICEF. ‘’ This year, we’ve had 35,398 cases of cholera which is a big reduction from 2013 where we had 60,444 cases of cholera infections,’’ said Mr. Kodindo.

‘’ This is a success as a county and more initiatives are required in households to have access to use latrines and also have water stations,’’ retariated Mr. Kodindo.

Some of the activities conducted included hand washing demonstration by using of soap and water, poems and acts from the famous Rachar Theatre group. The event was graced by Siaya County Government stakeholders and Plan International Kenya as the main sponsoring partner.

Other partners included World Vision, KIWASH Kenya, RTI-Tayari, SIBO and CHVs from Rarieda sub-county.

The residents were urged to train ECD going school children to be mentored in order to wash hands at a young age hence making it a practice.

Siaya County Director of Health Mr. Oruenjo Ken and County Public Health Officer Madam Mable Chanzu were also in attendance representing His Excellency Cornel Amoth Rasanga.

Rarieda Community Health Volunteers were encouraged by the County Health Director to continue with the grassroots community health strategy after they recently bought a brand-new bus from their savings.


2nd October, 2018.

By Communication Directorate.

Siaya County Deputy Governor His Excellency Dr. James Ouko Okum-be has announced that the KShs. 20

million earlier earmarked for facilitating the older person cash transfer programme by the County Government of Siaya has been redirected to support the National Hospital Insurance Fund Scheme to offer Universal Health Care for the elderly within Siaya County in the Financial Year 2018/2019. This will cure possible duplication of cash transfer support to the elderly as the Na-tional Government is involved in similar initiative.

Some KShs.9 million was paid out to older persons in May 2018 as part of the cash transfer program by the County Govern-ment of Siaya according to the Deputy Governor who was addressing over 300 older persons drawn from all Sub Counties of Siaya County during celebrations to mark International Day of Older Persons at the Siaya County Stadium yesterday Monday.

The International Day of Older Persons was declared so by the United Nations on De-cember 14 1990, and has been celebrated thence annually to raise awareness on issues affecting the elderly. Siaya County joined some 28 other countries who conducted the celebrations yesterday with the National Celebrations held in Bomet County here in Kenya.

“To avoid duplication of projects, we decided to allow national government to deal directly

with older persons on matters of social protection fund and have now redirected related resources earlier budgeted for the programme to boost NHIF scheme support-ing the older person, disable and pregnant mothers,” noted Dr. Okumbe.About 22,000 citizens of Siaya above 65 years of age are currently enlisted to earn a monthly stipend of KShs. 2,000 monthly as part of the National Government’s social protection cash transfer fund. The funds received through various financial outlets including Equity, Kenya Commercial Bank and Post Bank have served to offer a life line for the elderly.

Dr. Okumbe was accompanied by Siaya County Commissioner Michael Ole Tialal, Roads Executive Hon. Bernard Odak Mboha, Education Chief Officer Peter Odhiambo and Kenya Society for People with AIDS Coordinator Mr. Dan Odipo among several other partners working with the elderly in Siaya County including KCB, Equity Bank, Post Bank, Pendeza Africa, Siaya County Older Persons Organization, NHIF, HELPAGE, KARIKA (Nrb)

Siaya County Commissioner Mr. Michael Ole Tialal in his remarks lauded the Jubilee government for boosting the lives of over 22,000 elderly persons within Siaya County through the cash transfer initiative. He noted that children are no longer insurance for older persons hence government interven-tion to provide the social protection fund. While urging the elderly to provide their tradition-al advisory role on morals to the current youth folk, the commissioner decried the 94 currently incarcerated youngsters at Siaya Prisons for murder related charges as a sign of decayed moral values in the society.

Health and sanitation

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30th October 2018.

By Communication Directorate.

His Excellency Cornel Rasanga Amoth, Governor, County Government of Siaya has today presided over the contract sign-

ing of the construction of a 20,000-seater capacity ultra-modern stadium at the Siaya County Head-quarters.

The construction will seek to increase access for all Siaya citizens to modern sporting facilities required for quality sports talent development and exposure. The stadium will also provide international sports arena for major national and international events which will attract revenue and create direct and indirect employment opportuni-ties for Siaya County residents. The stadium shall also lend itself to socio-cultural events, gatherings and conferences.

The contract has been awarded to Jiangsu Provincial Construction Group Compant ltd. The construction works will include the main block, external works, sports pitch, amphitheatre, toilets and sales points, electrical installations, mechanical installations and floodlights.

The construction work is projected to take a total of 44 weeks or 10 months from the day of the

ground-breaking occasion which will be in about two weeks’ time. Addressing the contractor and members of the public at the contract signing ceremony at the County Headquarters earlier today, the Governor directed that all non-technical jobs be done by the local community members at fair rates. His Excellency further directed his officers to closely monitor the construction process and ensure compliance with this directive.

“I encourage members of the public to fully participate in the construction process and frequently report to me the progress of the construction works because these are public funds that must be properly utilised with the vigilance of the members of the public”, noted His Excellency.

The Deputy Governor His Excellency Dr. James Okumbe while welcoming the Governor to address

the gathering, encouraged the local business owners including hardware owners, suppliers, sub-contractors, the hotelier industry and those in the business of small-time food services to take advantage of the business opportunities that this construction brings with it.

Present at the contract signing ceremony were all members of the Siaya County Executive Committee led by the County Secretary Mr. Anyona Dave, representative of the County Assembly Hon. Edwin Odhiambo of South Sakwa Ward, County Government Chief Officers, Directors staff and members of the public all who lauded the initiative and committed to support the Governor in his legacy initiatives in the coming years.

Tourism, Culture, Sports and Arts

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Enterprise and Industrial Development

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24th October 2018.

By Communication Directorate.

With up to 12 kilometers stretch of land beach sites along Lake Victoria, His Excellency Dr. James

Okumbe, Siaya County Deputy Governor has noted that Siaya County has strategic invest-ment sites for the hospitality and construction industries very well suited to attract invest-ments in millions of shillings and provide huge employment numbers in the immediate future. These and various other investment opportunities in Siaya across all departments are on exhibition here in Bomet County.

Addressing the press at the ongoing Lake Region Investment and Trade Conference in Bomet County yesterday, the Deputy Gover-nor sent an olive branch to various investors pitching camp in Bomet to consider investing in the land of heroes as Siaya has come to be known. He enumerated the various initiatives launched by His Excellency Cornel Rasanga, the Siaya Governor, thus far to provide enabling environment for potential invest-ments including accessible roads, friendly business laws and regulations.

To date, Siaya County has set aside KShs. 100 million as initial investment to the upcoming

Lake Region Economic Bloc Bank while according to the Siaya County Speaker Hon. George Okode, Siaya County Assembly is scheduled to debate and subsequently pass The Lake Region Economic Bloc formation bill into an act as soon as the assemblers resume sittings after the current recess .His Excellency Dr. James Okumbe says this actions are evi-dence that Siaya County is committed to the Lake Region Economic Bloc dream.

While congratulating the Governors for agreeing to work together under the bloc, Dr. Okumbe said that by working together, the fourteen counties will ease the hustle of bringing potential donors and investors into the region. With small populations in differ-ent counties it is not easy to convince and tap investors into the region unless the counties came together as a bloc according to the Deputy Governor.

The Siaya County Deputy Chief who was accompanied in the media brief by Trade Executive Hon. Jaoko Oburu, Roads Executive Hon. Benard Mboha and County Communication Director, Hon. Jerry Ochieng used the occasion to clarify the commitment of the County Government of Siaya to the Economic Bloc idea under the leadership of His Excellency Cornel Rasanga Amoth.

There have been allegations in some quarters that specific counties are not keen on join-ing the bloc. The Deputy Governor set to clear the air on these allegations with specific regard to Siaya noting that the presence of Siaya Executives and Assembly members in the ongoing conference provides evidence of such commitment coupled with the said actions towards actualizing the conference talent thus far as earlier enumerated.

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16th October 2018.

By Communication Directorate.

The County Government of Siaya is rehabili-tating several dams in the County as part of the various measures to boost food security

through irrigation within Siaya County according to His Excellency Cornel Rasanga Amoth.

Speaking during World Food Day commemora-tions held at Ajigo Village, in Bondo Constituency, the Governor said the government will also roll out mega other irrigation prgrammes targeting youthful small scale farmers in the region. Themed “Our actions, Our Future, Towards Zero Hunger by Vision 2030,” for this year, the annual World Food Day activities are meant to inspire action towards food security worldwide.

The Governor says the dams previously dug by colonial administrators in 1950s will be rehabilitated and the water harnessed to support irrigation for food crops within the County.

The agriculture department is strategizing on how to rehabilitate the dams and put aside a kitty that will benefit small scale youthful farmers to transform all idle land within the County into agricultural production with a view to stabilising the region’s food security.

The County Government of Siaya will also ensure all the water reservoirs are rehabilitated and re-de-signed to provide drinking and irrigation water to the farmers who are keen on investing on food production for local consumption and export.

The Siaya County World Food Day commemoration event held at Mzee Jacob’s home in Ajigo Village saw various partners and government officials participate including Hon. Adrian Ouma (Water), Hon. Charles Ogada (Agriculture), Hon. Odak Mboha (Roads) and Hon. Elizabeth Adhiam-bo (Tourism) all who called on the local community to protect environment to boost water volumes within the County.

The Governor who visited several agricultural stands and witnessed various products that have undergone value addition technology also appealed to farmers to learn modern faming technologies and emulate it on their jurisdictions so as to promote value chain crops.

To boost food security to date, the County

Government of Siaya has purchased and supplied 185.6 Metric tons of certified seeds, 385.5 metric tons planting fertilizers and 277 metric tons of top dressing fertilizers. The mechanised tractor hire services has also seen the County plough several thousands of hectares thereby significantly increas-ing harvest ratios countywide.

His Excellency Dr. James Okumbe, Siaya Deputy Governor, who was also present encouraged the residents to adopt the new agricultural technology being promoted by the Siaya agriculture department to hasten the actualisation of food security. Dr. Okumbe also encouraged all leaders to tone down on 2022 politics and put more energy on service delivery.

The Agriculture Executive Hon. Ogada who also spoke during the occasion said the government remains committed towards alleviating hunger and poverty through food production and that will only be achieved with more youths venture into agri-business initiatives.

Siaya remains endowed with agricultural expertise that if embraced by farmers will re-engineer modern farming technologies that are necessary for increased yields.

Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries

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22nd October 2018.

By Communication Directorate.

Ten years ago, the energy sector was the world’s economic driver through extractive industries

with energy companies like Shell and BP driving the world’s economy. Now, the information and technology edge drives the world’s economy with Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, Google and Apple companies sitting at the top as the world’s economic giants, leading employers and generating unprecedented revenue.

In light of such data, Information, Com-munication and Technology Principal Secretary at The National Government Mr. Jerome Ochieng says the future of work is online.

While opening a five day Ajira Digital Program Training of Trainers Workshop targeting over 450 trainees countrywide at the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development earlier today, the Principal Secretary noted that the National Gov-ernment’s big four agenda aimed at leap-frogging Kenya’s economy in the midterm through provision of jobs is anchored on information and technology as the biggest enabler for employment creation.

Ajira Digital Program aims to introduce young people to online work and provide them with the necessary tools, training and mentorship to enable them to work and earn a decent income.

With about 1 million people entering the job market yearly in Kenya, the need for gainful employment cannot be overem-phasized. Mr. Ochieng says crowdsourc-ing, which means getting a crowd to do a job faster without necessarily having the crowd in the same room but online, is ex-pected to generate USD 15 billion income annually by 2022

The aim of The Ajira Digital Program spearheaded by The ICT Ministry in part-nership with Counties is to have 1 million Kenyan youth working on digital jobs and digitally enabled jobs by June 2019 and 1 million every year thereafter. 120,600 online workers are expected to be trained in the next eight months through 150 training centres countrywide according to the Ajira Digital Program roadmap shared by The ICT Ministry officials.

Digital jobs include data entry, content writing, transcription, software develop-ment, accounting, civil engineering, car-

pentry, plumbing, masonry and all jobs available in the mainstream job market. Quoting Charles Darwin, the evolution theorist of yore, Mr. Ochieng has alluded to the need to quickly adjust to the new work ecosystem noting that, not the toughest but the one most responsive to change will survive the coming informa-tion and technology age.

The ICT Ministry has prioritized the digi-tisation of the land registry and digitisa-tion of the court system working with the judiciary and are expected to be major technology driven job creation opportu-nities by the National Government for the youth in the coming days.

Siaya County has sent a team of five ICT and Communication officials to this five day training that was opened today. A subsequent training of youths is expected to see increased number of youths work-ing online in Siaya County and beyond. So far, over 40,000 Kenyans are earning by doing hundreds of jobs online.

More information on the Ajira Digital Program can be accessed through


11th October, 2018.

Hon. Joe Mucheru, the Information, Communication and Technology Cabinet Secretary in the National Government says that technology is the future and by default the fourth industrial revolution in the global history of revolutions since the ancient age.

Over 10,000 youths have so far been trained in Kenya on Ajira Digital Program to spur this revolution according to the cabinet secretary thereby inspiring creativity and innovation through digital platforms like Mpesa, Uber and Social Media to address local challenges. It is these efforts by the National Govern-ment that led to the nomination of President Kenyatta as the global youth champion on technology and innovation by the latest United Nations General Assembly.

Launching a Collaboration on the Implementation of the Ajira Digital Program meeting between the National and the County Governments at The Kenya Insti-tute of Curriculum Development here in Nairobi this morning, the ICT Cabinet Secretary noted that technology is disrupting markets positively and all coun-ties must embrace online job creation opportunities for the youth or perish in the near future. This collaboration meeting brings together County Executives, Chief Officers and County Directors in charge of Information, Communication and Technology from all the 47 counties of Kenya.

The Ajira Digital Program aims to introduce young people to online work and provide them with the necessary tools, training and mentorship to enable them to work and earn a decent income. The program’s goal is to enable over 1 mil-lion youth to earn above minimum wage from digital platforms every year.

Freelancing to earn based on individual interests and talents at times of own convenience are some of the advantages of digital platform as a business opportunity. Constituency Innovation Hubs providing free WI FI to the public in 290 constituencies as part of the wider mission to ensure affordable broad-band connectivity across the country is part of the Ajira digital program with the National Government partnering with National Government Constituency Development Fund to actualize.

With Kenya’s medium age at 19 years, about 25 million of the population are young but jobless hence the need to optimize online platforms to generate employment opportunities. In the next five years, ICT is expected to overtake tourism in top currency earnings for the national revenue generation.

The Ajira Digital Program is training trainers at the County level who are expect-ed to further devolve the training platform down to the village levels to increase awareness on platforms for online job creation opportunities countrywide. Apart from the ICT Cabinet Secretary, Mr. Jerome Ochieng, the Principal ICT Secretary is also facilitating this collaboration meeting.

Education, Youth Affairs, Gender and Social Affairs

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Water, environment and naturalresources

Page 8 The County NEWSLETTER


4th October, 2018.

By Communication Diredctorate.

Water Chief Officer Author Omollo has written to the Kenya National Highways Authority (KENHA) to allow part of KShs.10 million Gem Akala water infrastructure run across and beside the Bondo-Kisian Road. In the letter dated October 3 2018, Omollo said the infrastructure works should start and end within a period of three months beginning November 2018 hence the request to the KENHA to give the green light.

After assessing the project area, it has been found that it will cross the road hence the decision to notify the KENHA to approve the infrastructure construction.

The County Government of Siaya in partnership with Kenya Integrated Water Sanitation and Hygiene (KIWSH) seeks to invest Sh.10 million water project to benefit residents of Gem Akala and its environs according to the Chief Officer.

The KShs.10 million has already been wired into the accounts of the implementing agency (KIWASH) and it is expected that the Kenya National Highway Authority will give imme-diate feedback so that the project gets implemented within the next three months as planned.

The water project expected to produce no less than 18,000 litres of water upon completion will be installed with solar and also connected to the electricity grid. The project to be implemented by the Kenya Integrated Water Sanitation and Hygiene Agency has been funded by the USAID.


15 October, 2018.

By Communication Directorate.

With a theme of “waste is wealth” the Department of Environment in Siaya County

has given Augustinian Community Foun-dation (ACO), the go ahead to protect the environment and conserve natural resources within the County through various activities in the long term.

“Am happy that you want to partner with us in this project and we look forward to discussing the specifics of this noble initiative”, noted Mr Gabriel Oduong’, the Siaya County Director of Environment when he hosted the ACO representatives in his office earlier today.

The Foundation’s target is to create a conducive environment for Siaya County community by paying attention to envi-ronmental sustainability.

The ACO Foundation representatives led by the CEO Angeline Nyapeda, Vice President ACO Zachary Abuya and County coordinator ACO, Collins Owade

who paid a courtesy call on the Director noted that their organization is centred on Environmental Empowerment and Capacity Building, through Participatory Approaches for Social Transformation.

To execute this project, the Augustinian Community Foundation have three ob-jectives including to Secure a Clean and Healthy Environment, to promote Natu-ral Resources Conservation and to Foster Art as a Cultural tool to shape Environ-mental Behaviour. With the rallying call “Leave no one behind in the process of environmental sustainability”, ACO Foundation will engage on massive training of the com-munities in Siaya County on solid waste management policies, legal frameworks, institutional capacity and waste manage-ment technologies and risks associated with the project of attaining sustainable solid waste management.

The Director of Environment Mr Gabri-el Oduong’ in his welcoming remarks encouraged the ACO team to work with the County Government of Siaya to en-sure maximum benefits from the project objects.

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Tourism, Culture, Sports and Arts

Page 9 The County NEWSLETTER


5th October, 2018.

By Communication Directorate.

His Excellency Cornel Rasanga Amoth has directed that all Siaya Government workshops, semi-

nars, trainings and conferences will now be domiciled within Siaya County as part of government austerity measures to curb wastage while promoting local investments like The Audrey Premier Resort relaunched here in Siaya this weekend.

Addressing revelers at the relaunch of the former Namsagali Resort along the Siaya - Ugunja main road Friday evening, the Governor decried the expenditure of Siaya County resources on workshops outside the County thereby promoting resource flight at the expense of local hospitality invest-ments.

The Governor associated the situation of such workshops outside the County with the thirst for related per diems and allow-ances.

The Audrey Premier Resort, an initiative of a private investor within the County pop-ular known for the “Pi Soko” water brand Eng. Vitalis Asewe, has been relaunched in

a colorful ceremony presided over by His Excellency Cornel Rasanga Amoth among guests from across the political and eco-nomic divide including top Siaya County Executive Committee Members.

The Governor while citing the conducive investment environment so far created by his government called on private investors from all walks of life to put hotels and other investments of this stature as part of their contribution to devolved Government sys-tems. His Excellency lauded private invest-ment as the ultimate form of devolution .

Siaya County Executives Hon. Benard Mboha (Roads), Hon. Dismas Wakla (Lands), Hon. Eng. Adrian Ouma (Water), Chief Officer Joseph Ogutu (Enterprise), Member of County Assembly Hon. Winnie Otieno (Nominated) all agreed on the hos-pitality industry as still virgin particularly in Siaya town and urged increased invest-ments moving forward.

Kenya Commercial Bank Manager, Siaya Branch Madam Grace Agolla and Siaya County Kenya Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chairperson Madam Roseline Omuga, Mwisho Mwisho Proprietor Mr. Joseph Ochieng Musumba also graced the auspicious relaunch. The revamped facility has provisions for robust conference facil-ities, executive accommodation facilities and eateries of assorted nature. Visit and sample.


4th October 2018.

Siaya County has joined the rest of the world in the 2018 Magical Kenya Travel Expo going on in Nairobi this week to show case sites and places worth visiting in Kenya.

Tourism Cabinet Secretary Hon. Najib Balala & the Principal Secretary in The Sports, Culture & Arts Department in The National Government Mr. Joe Okudo yesterday launched the Magical Kenya travel expo at the KICC, Nairobi joined by travelers across the world in Kenya.

Siaya County is one of the exhibitors to promote Siaya as a tourism destination amongst several Counties and Countries in the East African region. The expo aims to promote Kenya as a tourist destination.

It will be remembered that Siaya was recently crowned first runners-up as the culture & heritage tourist destination in Kenya. The county offers a vast array of tourist products namely; cultural tourism via the annual Got Ramogi cultural event, Sports tourism through the annual Lake victoria Sitatunga boat race amongst others. The County is blessed with pristine beaches, waterfalls, unique bird habitats amongst other spectacles.

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1st October 2018.

By Communication Directorate.

The Department of Agriculture Siaya County together with a team of specialist from the World Bank

yesterday met to review the progress of Lower Nzoia Irrigation Scheme Project run by both the National Government and the County government funded by the World Bank at a tune of KShs. 5.3 Billion.

The World Bank team is visiting Siaya County to assess the project site and to find out the progress made as Lower Nzoia Irrigation project activities are concerned.

The team together with the Siaya Gov-ernment officials agreed to work together and over time to achieve the require-ments before the term of the project elapses. The National Irrigation Board and the department of Agriculture will ensure that land compensation and relat-ed activities such as public participation, construction of irrigation infrastructure and establishment of demonstrations

farms continues to avoid further delays.

“In order to achieve our target we need to adhere to the schedule to help us overcome project delays” Xiaokui Lee, a team leader with the World Bank visiting mission noted. Identification of key stakeholdes and formation of various task forces such as communication, agriculture and land management was highlighted as key and should be fast tracked.

“We want to harmonize planning amongst the two counties (Busia and Siaya) so that we ensure that the people of Siaya benefit and own the project.” Hon. Charles Ogada, Agriculture Execu-tive in the Siaya Government averred.

After another preparedness review meet-ing coming up on 16th October 2018, ground activities along River Nzoia will ensue in one of the biggest irrigation schemes in Western Kenya expected to dramatically change lives within Siaya County and it’s horizons.

15th October, 2018.

By Communication Directorate.

Livestock farmers in Siaya County have a reason to smile after the County Government of Siaya

finally lifted the quarantine imposed in June 2018 due to an outbreak of Rift Valley Fever desease that left one dead in the region recently.

The new directive gives farmers a chance to sell their livestock and also move them within the county and beyond.

The Agriculture Executive Hon. Charles Ogada while announcing this move declared that the rift valley fever outbreak reported in June 2018 was no longer a threat to human and livestock and while the ban affected livestock farmers, buyers and butchers from the county and outside, they are now free to trade and feast.

“We have managed to vaccinate over 40, 642 livestock animals within the region and farmers are free to move them now,” said Mr Ogada adding that the Depart-ment plans to do continuous spraying from January 2019 in the affected areas including West Alego, Usonga, Central Alego, East Yimbo, Ukwala and West Ugenya in Siaya County.

The Siaya government has also sprayed 16,546 animals with accarricide that suppresses mosquitoes which was declared a major transmitter of the Rift Valley Fever.

A 20-year-old man from Uriri village in Siaya County succumbed to the disease after a week-long treatment at a health facility in Alego Usonga Sub County prompting the ban lifted today.

The deceased was rushed to the County Referral Hospital with fever and bleed-ing from body orifices before he died.

The County Department of Health and Sanitation has however advised residents to exercise caution while handling sick animals and not to slaughter them without alerting the veterinary team or public health officers moving forward even after this ban.

Following fears that the disease could be spreading fast in the region, a team of veterinary doctors from the Region-al Veterinary Investigation Laboratory Kericho have pitched tent in Siaya to check any suspected case now and in the future. Meanwhile, move your livestock freely now.


Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries

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22nd October 2018.

By Communication Directorate.

Fourteen Governors have asked the National Government to reduce the many bureaucratic bottlenecks that continue to hinder investment by private investors whom they have spent

resources wooing from abroad in a bid to unlock poverty and hun-ger in the counties.

Led by Kericho Governor Paul Chepkwony, the County bosses from across the Lake Region argue that most of them have won billions of investment opportunities from abroad but accessing counties has been difficult due to various requirements by the National Government authorities.

“It has been very difficult to attract investment in Kenya especially through public private partnership. There are 21 steps that must be overcome requiring up to six years to process, a move that has seen most of us losing investors who are hardly patient,” said Chepkwony.

Speaking during the launch of The Lake Region Trade Investment and Blue Economy Conference opened earlier today in Bomet by His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta, Chepkwony noted that Counties cannot develop unless governors links with private investors to exploit economic opportunities in counties.

He added that his partnership with various universities like Olaxandrian, Metican and Indian government has seen resources injected to support various health facilities especially the construc-tion of maternity wings of various health facilities countrywide despite these hurdles. Some of these difficulties include unrealistic

tax cut expectations by the National Government.Prof. Chepkwony was among the panellists at the initial discussion session. Other panelists included Devolution Cabinet Secretary Eugene Wamalwa, East African Community Chief Administrative Secretary Ken Obura, Foreign Affairs Chief Administrative Secre-tary Ababu Namwamba. Kisumu Governor Prof. Anyang Nyong’o, moderated this session.

In a bid to entrench regional blocs in law and strengthen their ex-istence as viable economic centres, the Ministry of Devolution is working on a policy and legal frame work which should be ready by 31st January 2019 according to Devolution Cabinet Secretary Hon. Wamalwa Eugine.

Once the legal frame work is complete and launched, the Devolu-tion Ministry together with LREB will initiate public participation forums with a view of seeking inputs of the public as a way of allowing them to own it.

Wamalwa while addressing the gathering bringing together fourteen counties along the Lake Victoria belt said that his office

remains committed towards capacity building counties to helpenhance their investment capacities.“For Counties to achieve the many projects in their County Integrated Development Plans, they must source revenue from own streams and opt for joint private public partnerships,” said Wamalwa.

However, Governor Nyong'o wants all commissions established in 1978 including the Lake Region Development Commission and Lake Victoria Environmental Commission should be disbanded and their objectives and projects undertaken by Counties.

The trade and investment conference scheduled to run between 21st and 23rd October 2018 seeks to identify and share investment opportunities within the regional bloc thereby attracting investors to optimize all shared opportunities within the region. Delegates from all the fourteen counties forming the bloc including Siaya, Kakamega, Busia, Vihiga, Bungoma, Migori, Kisumu, Homa Bay, Nyamira, Kisii, Uasin Gishu, Nandi, Kericho and Trans Nzoia started arriving yesterday. Several private investment entities are participating in the three day conference on trade and investment.

Lake Region Economic Block

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For Counties to achieve many projects in their County Integrat-ed Development Plans, they must source revenue from own streams and opt for joint private public partnerships” Eugene Wamalwa.


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5th October, 2018.

By Communication Directorate.

Earlier yesterday, Siaya first lady Her Excellency Rosella Rasanga graced an event organized by parenting groups in Usire sub location Bondo Sub County. The parent-ing education project supported by Plan International through funding from Conrad Hilton foundation have managed to implement quality ECD interventions in 85 centers and 14 health facilities within Siaya County in the past year alone.

Yesterday, the parents showcased the milestones they have made towards enhancing nurturing care for young children during this visit by The First Lady. Plan Inter-national alongside other partners are working in Siaya county to secure strong foundation for young children through strengthening health, nutrition, early learning, responsive care giving as well as safety and security for children between 0 to 8 years.

Her Excellency was accompanied by Plan International Project Manager ECD Caroline Linda and County Ma-ternal and adolescent Health coordinator Dr. Elizabeth Omondi. The visit expected to inspire the objects of nur-turing care for the early childhood development related activities under the First Lady’s patronage.


11th October 2018.

By Communication Directorate

As part of the activities to mark The International Day of the Girl Child, Siaya County Governor His Excellency Cornel Rasanga Amoth briefly handed over the reigns of Siaya Governorship to Miss Beatrice Atieno, a class 8 pupil from Gunda Sigomre Primary School in a 30 minutes mock session at his offices in Siaya to help children “see” what it means to head a County.

Accompanied by fellow students from the school situated in Ugunja Sub County, Beatrice assumed the office of the Governor and conducted various activities including going through the Governor’s official mails and recommending the necessary action to relevant departments, a meet the people session where she had a one on one conversation with two members of the public who came to consult the governor on various issues of public interest.

The Governor lauded the confidence in Beatrice and urged her to work hard and actually become the governor in real life in future. He noted that women should not be left behind in our day to day lives and the need to embrace women’s leadership for a better country.

The International Day of The Girl Child is set to be celebrated at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University in Bondo, where Miss Beatrice will give a talk on her experience as the governor for Siaya for the short period she acted in that capacity.

The event organized by Plan International, is focused in reflecting the steps that have been made to put the girl child at par with the boy child in terms of education, leadership and several societal activities. This will intern help in filling the gaps realized in order to achieve targets.

County extras

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25th October, 2018.

By Communication Directorate.

The three-day inaugural LREB Trade, Investment and Blue Economy Conference ended in Bomet on a high note yesterday, as delegates expressed optimism on unstoppable push for realization of the founders’ dreams for the Lake Region’s economic transformation.

The Chairman of the Bloc, H.E. Wycliffe Ambetsa Oparanya officially closed the conference and commended the host county’s remarkable attainment of high standards of organization and hosting of the event. He also acknowledged the national government’s commitment to the realization of the objectives of the economic bloc following President Uhuru’s acceptance to officially open the conference and also for launching the bloc’s blueprint in 2015.

The conference communique was read out by Bomet Governor and vice chairperson of LREB, H.E. Dr. Joyce Laboso while Kisii Governor, H.E. James Ongwae read out the resolutions. Some of the key areas highlighted in the communique are as follows (all resolutions and communique items will be released in full shortly): Passing of LREB Bills by County Assemblies to be finalized by December 2018. The bloc to collaborate with all levels of government - counties and national - to ensure that its blueprint is aligned to the national development agenda particularly the big four agenda. Commitment to harmonization of member counties’ tax regimes to ease trade among members. Recognized the need for coordination of development programs with other government agencies within a framework that ropes in key actors. Optimal and sustainable utilization of resources including conservation of forests, water management and infrastructure. Support for establishment of special economic zones. Undertake to promote alternative power sources, especially solar, to mitigate high cost of power. Development of a policy framework for the bloc’s blue economy.

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25th October 2018.

By Communication Directorate.

The Council of Governors have today nominated His Excellency Cornel Rasanga Amoth to sit in

its special committee tasked to under-take an internal audit to look at how Counties have implemented devolution which will in turn inform the refer-endum question for Counties in the ongoing debate about constitutional amendment.

In a statement read on it’s behalf by The Council Chairman and Turkana County boss His Excellency Josephat Nanok after a four hour meeting with the Governors earlier today the Council of Governors resolved to support the referendum but only if it seeks to increase allocations to counties as in previous call for Pesa Mashinani and if the process is‘Wanjiku’led. The special committee established on the referendum will be co-chaired by H. E. Prof. Kivutha Kibwana and H.E. Kiraitu Murungi and other members will include H.E Joyce Laboso, H.E Anyang Nyongo, H.E. Amason Kingi, H.E. Charity Ngilu, H.E. Francis

Kimemeia, H.E. Paul Chepkwony, and H.E. Wycliffe Oparanya of Kakamega.

Other major resolutions by the Coun-cil meeting of today held at the Delta House headquarters, Nairobi touched on unconstitutionality of the County Oversight and Accountability Bill 2018 that is before the Senate and the legal mandate of ownership and management of the Water Service Providers (WSPs) within the Counties by the Counties.

The Governors have meanwhile noted that there are challenges still facing Counties key among them, the slow disbursement of funds. This has hampered implementation of development projects. Apparently, counties are halfway through the financial year and three quarter of the counties are yet to receive their allocations according to Governor Nanok Josephat of Turkana who doubles as the Council of Governors Chairman.

It is now official, the 6th Annual Devolution Conference will be held on 4th – 8th March 2019 in Sagana, Kirinyaga County as agreed by Governors today. The guiding theme is; “Deliver. Transform. Measure. Remaining Accountable”. The Conference will follow up on the previous resolutions with tangibles outputs from each county and other government agencies.

County extras

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23rd October 2018.

By Communication Directorate.

The Governors from The Lake Region Economic Bloc have resolved to work with The President’s Delivery Unit to deliver on the big four economic agen-da at the County level while jointly monitoring progress.

Led by His Excellency Wilberforce Ottichilo of Vihiga and his Nandi Counterpart His Excellency Stephen Sang, the Governors participating in the three day conference today said they will hold continuously hold sessions with the president through its Delivery Unit to gauge progress and measure impact of the big four agenda on mwananchi.

Dr. Otichilo who was part of the day’s panelists at the ongoing trade, investment and blue economy conference in Bomet noted the central place of the President’s Delivery Unit catapulting Kenya’s economy to new levels and the need to replicate similar units in Countries.

Meanwhile, Governor Sang has proposed joint deliberations between the Council of Governor’s Secretariat and the Presidents Delivery Unit to refocus prioritization of plans on partnerships around Small Medium Enterprises (SME’s), Kenya Private Sector Authority (KEPSA), Private Sectors and Agencies like USAID and UN and develop comprehensive action plan for implementation.

“Siaya Governor His Excellency Cornel Rasanga however warned that the President’s legacy projects risk collapsing unless a clear support strategy and coordination between the Presidency and the County Governments is agreed. The Governor also decried the slow pace of the initiation of the big four agenda items.

Earlier, Hon. Moses Kuria had noted that there is an acute shortage of nile perch and tilapia fish species in the Lake Victoria and the need to boost food security in the region by county governments investing on aquaculture farming model needed to be pursued as an investment option within the Lake Region. On Agriculture, Kuria said counties must adopt agro-processing initiatives.

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9th October, 2018.

By Communication Directorate.

In order to realize the gains of investing in Inte-grated ECD, the County Government of Siaya has committed to strengthening the leadership

capacity and engagement with all relevant govern-ment sectors to scale up ECD in Siaya County.

Speaking earlier this morning, H.E. governor Cornel Rasanga assured that he will ensure that Siaya regains its Glory as the source of academic Heroes and also a model County where others will learn from.

The governor further committed to use any avail-

able opportunity including the national platform ofthe Council of Governors to ensure that all childrenin Kenya develop to their full potential, clarifying that being a devolved function, Early Childhood Development has been part of the central plans of the Government with programmes targeting some 172, 669 children below 5 years in Siaya County being the priority.

Investing in Early Childhood Development has been a priority of Siaya leadership since 2013 though the main focus has been on preschool education. To date, the Government has construct-ed 200 model ECD centers at a tune of about 100 million and as well furnished the classrooms with chairs,lockers and cupboards at a cost of about Ksh. 109 million, and recruited 637 Early Childhood teachers who are paid Ksh.15,640 per month from the county coffers. There has also been partnership programs with the

County Government of Siaya to advance nurturing care in 2014 and this has since supported about 23 health facilities in the county todate.

While officially opening proceedings on Science of Early Childhood Development workshop for Siaya leaders, H.E. Rasanga revealed that his team met with partners supporting ECD amongst them representatives from Hilton Conrad Foundation where there was an agreement to launch and scale up Nurturing Care Project through the partnerships.

Prof.Kofi Marfo of Aga Khan University Institute for Human development ,who was also present promised to continue supporting the program for the sake of achieving optimal development of children in Siaya.

The county first lady H.E. Rosila Rasanga who also doubles up as the patron of the ECD and nurturing care in Siaya said that it is a sacred duty of every leader and parent to ensure that no child is left behind on the journey of nurturing care for Early childhood development.

Governor Rasanga reiterated that ECD is the vehicle towards promoting socioeconomic growth and political stability in the County and I therefore pledged to take lead in scaling up ECD in the whole County through collaboration with supporting partners and with the First Lady as the Champion and patron.

The program which is supported among by other partners Hilton Foundation, PATH, Amref Health Africa, Catholic Relief Service was also attended by County executive and members of Siaya County Assembly.

Education, Youth Affairs, Gender and Social Affairs

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29th October 2018.

By Communication Directorate.

Siaya County Finance Department has recommended joint public participation in formulating County budgets to avoid a

scenario where the budget document prepared by County Executive gets watered down by the County Assembly.

The joint process will be key in saving tax payers money and formation of a comprehensive document with aspirations of public, executive and the assembly.

The core planning team at the County treasury decried the current trend of budget handling where the executive and the assembly do parallel public participation exercises on the budget with

the final document hardly reflecting the aspirations of the members of the public.

“We are vouching for a joint public participation that involves executive and assembly to not only reduce wastage of public taxes but also develop a comprehensive budget document whose content has priorities of the general public in mind” noted the economists.

The economists who spoke during Siaya County participatory Budget Training in the County said the executive usually face the wrath of the public while seeking their inputs on the subsequent budget as they demand projects initially proposed in the executive’s budget document but which had been mutilated by the assembly budget committee.

The planning department while rooting for a singular joint public participation noted that the spirit of public on the document does not end up in the budget approved by assembly usually as the public priorities get deleted in the ultimate assembly document. Further, the department is proposing the establishment of sector working groups who will hold meetings with assembles to share on flagship projects by the executive on various sectors of development.

The Kenya Accountable Devolution Programme Coordinator at the World Bank Madam RoseWanjiru has meanwhile said effective public participation should be done on the supplementa-ry budget adding that even Members of

Parliament have ignored it yet it’s so significant to Wanjiku.

The leaders were reacting to comments made by ward administrators.The administrators led by Central Alego administration Nicholas Okola had asked Finance department to explain why the public inputs were not considered in the supple-mentary budgets.

Madam Wanjiru also called on the County Ad-ministration to consider seeking even more inputs of the public in formation of County Inte-grated Development Plan so that they are privy to its content. The forum opening was graced by Governance Chief Officer Joseph Omondi and head of County Public participation Rebecca Opondo.

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Finance and economic planning

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Consider what you owe to His immutability. Though you have changed a thousand times, He has not changed once. -Charles Spurgeon

Music is the greatest commu-nication in the world. Even if people dont understand the language that youre singing in, they still know good music when they hear it.

Lou Rawls

Don’t be a dreamer, be a believer and take action on your goals today, instead of just thinking about them.

Poetry Corner

@ Catherine Pulsifer

Easy is as easy does,

Who hasn’t heard that phrase?But what really does that mean,If you don’t do, easy never finds the way?There are so many different ways,That messages are tangled in.Find a quote or poem you like,Then make sense of what is says.Sometimes you may not under-stand,But then there will be times you do.And those times are when we truly benefit,And bring the message into view.Wisdom finds us in many ways,It’s up to us to allow it to help.Many people benefit from these thoughts,And it’s a way to allow yourself to self-help.Be You No Matter Who

Pick Yourself Up

@ Julie Hebert

To sit back and nap is nothing but slack,Especially when someone is in need.So get on your toes and pick up your lows,And help to accomplish the deed.People are hurting all over the world,And you may feel your something the same.But really your moping about nothing not some-thing,And something should light your flame.So pick yourself up, and get on your strut,And stop feeling sorry for yourself.You’re all that you have, you can change who you are,Remove your positive attitude from the shelf.It’s time to think big and not be scared of the world,As challenges make life interesting and fun.Take the next step and dive into something new,And you’re sure to one day hit a home run.

It Couldn’t Be Done

@ Edgar Guest

Somebody said that it couldn’t be done,But, he with a chuckle repliedThat “maybe it couldn’t,” but he would be oneWho wouldn’t say so till he had tried.So he buckled right in with the trace of a grinOn his face. If he worried he hid it.He started to sing as he tackled the thingThat couldn’t be done, and he did it.Somebody scoffed: “Oh, you’ll never do that;At least no one has done it”;But he took off his coat and he took off his hat,And the first thing we knew he’d begun it.With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,Without any doubting,He started to sing as he tackled the thingThat couldn’t be done, and he did it.There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,There are thousands to prophesy failure;There are thousands to point out to you one by one,The dangers that wait to assail you.But just buckle it in with a bit of a grin,Just take off your coat and go to it;Just start to sing as you tackle the thingThat “couldn’t be done” and you’ll do it.

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General Pictorial

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Agriculture CECM Hon. Charles Ogada during an interview with NTV’s Mark Masai, Standing Communication Director Jerry William Ochieng’

H.E. Governor Cornel Rasanga addressing the press during the LREB summit in Bomet, accompanied by CECMs and other County Government officers

H.E. Raila Amollo Odinga flanked by H.E. Cornel Rasanga in Migori during Ochilo Ayako’s campaign.

Siaya County Government and County Assembly officials led by H.E. Governor Rasanga during the nurturing care summit in Kisumu

Council Of Governors meeting in Nairobi. H.E. Governor Rasanga was nominated to sit in taskforce mandated with internal auditing of devolution progress in counties

H.E. Governor Rasanga meeting pupils from Sigomre primary school in his headquarters office during the International Day of the Girl Child.

H.E. Governor Rasanga addressing member Governor during the LREB status review.

Pupils washing hands during the Global handwashing day commemorated in Rarieda sub county- Siaya

H.E. Governor Rasanga joins in sharing cake during the lauching of Audrey Premer Resort

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Published by Communications Directorate of CGS