st. peter lutheran church · church office - 641-816-5531 office fax - 641-816-4717 church...

APRIL 2020 The Newsletter of St. Peter Lutheran Church [ELCA], Greene, IA Pastor Daniel Flucke’s cell phone - 641-257-9794 Parsonage - 641-816-3531 Pastor’s Email - [email protected] Church Office - 641-816-5531 Office Fax - 641-816-4717 Church Office Email - [email protected] Website: Holy Week, Victory of God at Easter! St. Peter Lutheran Church [Evangelical Lutheran Church in America] 324 E. Traer St., PO Box 638 Greene, Iowa 50636

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APRIL 2020 The Newsletter of

St. Peter Lutheran Church [ELCA], Greene, IA

Pastor Daniel Flucke’s cell phone - 641-257-9794 Parsonage - 641-816-3531

Pastor’s Email - [email protected] Church Office - 641-816-5531

Office Fax - 641-816-4717 Church Office Email - [email protected]


Holy Week, Victory of God at Easter!

St. Peter Lutheran Church [Evangelical Lutheran Church in America] 324 E. Traer St., PO Box 638 Greene, Iowa 50636

Page 2: St. Peter Lutheran Church · Church Office - 641-816-5531 Office Fax - 641-816-4717 Church Office Email - Website: Holy Week, Victory of God at Easter! St

St. Peter Lutheran Church - Greene, IA -- Unofficial Council Minutes, March 4, 2020Members Present: Esther Backer, Carrie Eiklenborg, Andrea Gotto, Kelly Hoodjer, Keith Hyman, Erin Mulder and Jan Osier Members Absent: Clarene Backer, David Crow, John Ebensberger and Chuck Thompson Also Present:  Robin Majewski, Christin Flucke and Gale Brinkman (Treasurer).Devotions: Keith read from Bread for the Day. Pastor Daniel also read a passage that was used at tonight’s Lenten service.Secretary's Minutes: Kelly made a motion to accept the Secretary’s minutes. Esther 2nd. M/CChurch Vision: Pastor Daniel gave each member of the Council a book “Autopsy of a Deceased Church”. For the next 3 months we will read portions of the book and have discussion on it. Pastor Daniel also has extra books if anyone else would like to read it. Pastor Daniel asked what motivates us to come to worship, and what some of our memories of meaningful worships were.Additions to Agenda: A. Shelby Gallagher will be on the Stewardship & Finance Committee. B. Council members are reminded to call the office if they’re not able to be at a council meeting. C. Wedding at St Peter on May 16th.Committee Reports Building and Grounds: Met February 10th. A. Keith reported the 2 holes in the ceiling in the basement of the parsonage have been repaired. B. The basement bathroom toilet in the parsonage has been fixed. Mold has also been found in the basement & some of the asbestos floor tiles are popping up. C. The custodians will also be attending the Buildings & Grounds meetings. D. There is a drain issue in the parsonage. E. Dennis Griffin has bid $2,759.00 to put white vinyl trim around the parsonage’s windows. F. The sidewalk by where a tree was removed will be fixed later. G. The dishwasher in the kitchen will have guidelines of how to use it. H. There are now extra chairs in the overflow room. The chairs will be counted to see how many there are before any decision is made. The broken ones need to be disposed of. I. Robin is making copies of the church keys. J. 3 Windows in the old basement need to be replaced this summer. K. Electronic sign is now working correctly.L. Gary Schmidt continues to look into replacing lights with LED lights. M. A new vacuum is needed for the fellowship hall.Erin made a motion to buy the new vacuum at approximately $450.00. Andrea 2nd. M/CEducation and Youth: A. Christin reported that Sunday School continues to go well. B. The Sunday School kids sang February 29, at the 6:00 Saturday night service. C. The Confirmation class visited a Mosque in Waterloo and found it very informative. D. Wednesday March 11, Christin is asking for approximately 12 members of our congregation to come to Confirmation for a question & answer time of how faith is lived out serving our community through vocations. E. On April 1st the council is asked to come early before the council meeting for “Our Congregation Night” with the confirmation class. F. First Communion classes start March 15th, with First Communion on Palm Sunday. G. Asking for ideas for Adult Education classes.H. Looking at how to make the cry room more welcoming.Stewardship and Finance: Met March 31. A. The committee was given a handout titled “Stewards of God’s Love”. We will be reading and discussing this at the upcoming meetings. B. A container will be put out during lent for the 40 days of giving. We’d like to meet a goal of $500.00 in giving.Worship and Evangelism: A. The hymns have been chosen through Easter. B. John continues to work on the welcome kits. These kits will be taken to City Hall to be handed out to new residents to Greene. C. Pastor Daniel is working on revising St Peter’s wedding policies. Council will get an email of the document to review. He will be meeting with the couple this weekend that is planning to get married at St Peter on May16th, so would like everyone’s input on the packet. D. The summer worship times will go into effect on May 10th. Saturday night service will remain at 6:00 pm. Sunday service time will be at 9:30 am. Communion will be every week. Motion by Jan to accept the summer worship times. Esther 2nd. MC Personnel: Will meet in April.Motion made by Kelly to accept committee reports. Esther 2nd. M/CWELCA: No reportYouth & Children’s Ministry: A. Christin thanked everyone who stepped in to help while she was on maternity leave. B. Luther League will be going to Colorado this summer. There are 9 students from St

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St. Peter Lutheran ChurchFinancial ReportMarch 17, 2020

Ending BalanceCurrent Fund Balance $9,08577Current Fund Amount in MMDA $0.00


Other Fund BalancesBenevolence and Mission $2,016.30Building and Repair $445.06Basement Windows $3,899.00Fellowship $2,099.24Thrivent Choice $2,099.24Restoration $17,711.49Missionary Support $850.00AED $450.00


Bank Balance Checking $17,890.58Money Market $21,063.28


Goyer Scholarship $1,229.63McCosh - Gift of Love $1,020.31

On Stewardship

“Give something, however small, to the one in need. For it is not small to one who has nothing. Nor is it small to God, if we have given what we could.” —St. Gregory Nazianzen (c. 329-390)

“If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord; so then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s.” —Paul in Romans 14:8

Saint Peter Lutheran ChurchMission Statement

WELCOMES people into a relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church,EQUIPS people with a faith that works in daily life, andSERVES in the world to make a difference in Jesus’ Name.

Easter Offerings

During the Easter season, it is encouraging to see both new and familiar faces at our worship services. Throughout the year, many of you already support the congregation with your time, talent, and financial contributions, but greater participation is always welcome. We encourage you to look into our electronic giving and mobile GivePlus programs. It takes just a few minutes to set up. Log on to the Church’s website or review the green and white cards found in the pew racks or on the fellowship hall hymnal cart, for more information. Contact the church office or Gale Brinkman for more details.

Restoration FundSt. Peter Lutheran Church

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6:00 pm - Holy Saturday, April 11th

7:00 am - Easter Sunrise Service April 12th

9:30 am - Easter Festival Worship April 12th

There will be no 11:00 am Praise Worship on Easter Sunday, April 12th

11:00 am - Sunday, April 19th, & 26th

Home CommunionsPlease call the church office and schedule a time for the Pastor to come to you with Communion.

•When individual glasses are offered at Holy Communion, the clear glasses have wine in them and the purple glasses have grape juice.

APRIL - Holy Communion

Communing With All the Saints

We have an extension of our Worship by offering the opportunity to receive Holy Communion on the day we celebrate it in worship. For those who are not able to attend worship, but would like to receive Communion, we will send the Sacrament to you right from the worship service. Lay ministers will bring Communion to those who wish it. If you are interested in receiving Holy Communion from the Sunday Service or if you have questions about this, please call the parish office at 816-5531 to set up a time.

Lutheran World ReliefMISSION ACTION -- Quilt Dedication will be on Saturday, March 21 and both services on Sunday, March 22. If we counted right, we ended up getting 236 quilts done. Most of them are distributed through Lutheran World Relief. Some are set aside for raffles at the April Card Party/Salad Lunch and Country Time. Many are given to Bremwood (LSI) in Waverly. This year we are also donating some to a Women’s Shelter, and some to the Veterans Home in Marshalltown. 2 Quilts of Valor were also made and will be presented to 2 of St. Peter’s veterans. We keep a supply in a closet that are distributed sometimes through our local food bank at their discretion. Some are also given to various fund-raisers, such as for medical expenses, to people it is decided are in need of help. We were able to assemble, with the help of the youth, 67 School Kits to be distributed through Lutheran World Relief. We were able to donate one quilt to Robin Ralls for a raffle that she is involved with that helps to raise money so foster children can attend a special camp for one week.

None of this could have been done without the generous donations of this congregation, members of the community, WELCA and monetary donations through Thrivent Financial.

Volunteers put in many, many, many hours to complete the quilt/kit project. Thanks to all of you for giving so unselfishly of your time and talents. And thank you for the many donations of supplies needed for the kits and materials needed for quilts.

Thanks to Delores Adelmund for sewing school bags. Thanks to Connie Yerkes for serving on WELCA Board on behalf of Mission Action. Thanks to Julie Brinkman for being so efficient in ordering batting as needed.

Whatever part any of you play in this way of “doing God’s work”, just know you are appreciated and you DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE in someone’s life.

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St. Peter WELCA ALTAR FLOWERS: APRIL - Vision Circle

11th - Put up Easter flowersTBA: Deliver Easter balloons 19th - Take down Easter flowers20th - Prayer Shawl Ministry 3:00 pm


Wednesday, April 1st at 7:30 pm

Ministry of the Food Bank

Nonperishable food items or financial donations

“It is more blessed to give than to receive...”

Food BankFood Bank item for the month of April is laundry soap. All donations are appreciated, we can use any food/paper items that are given to us.  We are using the “item of the month” as just  a suggestion.

The Ladies Luncheon scheduled for Saturday, March 28th has been cancelled.

Please pass along this information.

Ladies Luncheon

We are looking for someone to chair or two people to co-chair Country Time in the fall of 2020. There may also be other committee heads that will have to be found. If this would be something you would be interested in doing, please contact Sue Schroeder at 641-816-4668. THE WELCA BOARD

Country Time

Salad Luncheon and Card Party

The salad Luncheon and Card party scheduled for Thursday, April 30th has been cancelled. Please pass along this information.


12th - Volunteer needed

19th - Volunteer needed

26th -Volunteer needed

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FIRST COMMUNION Our Fifth grade children are ready to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion after receiving instruction about the Sacrament. They understand the significance of receiving God’s grace through communion with Jesus Christ. As Luther wrote in the Small Catechism: “HOW CAN EATING AND DRINKING DO ALL THIS?” “It is not eating and drinking that does this, but the words, “GIVEN AND SHED FOR YOU FOR THE REMISSION OF SINS.” These words, along with eating and drinking, are the main thing in the sacrament. And whoever believes these words has exactly what they say, forgiveness of sins.”

The following children will receive the Lord’s grace in Holy Communion when in person worship resumes:

Ezra Almelien Jack Bartels Augusta Dralle Jack Dwyer Dakota Martzahn Cameron McBurney Kiki Steere Bennett Yerkes

Here’s a fun way for everyone in the community to get outside and enjoy an “Easter egg

hunt” while still observing the current health safety recommendations.

All you have to do is put an Easter egg picture in your front window on Palm Sunday, April 5th. That’s it! Color one, cut one out, print one off the internet, make a special design that represents your family, whatever. Then, during the week leading up to Easter, take some time to walk around outside and see how many Easter eggs you can spot!

Super easy. No direct human contact. Get fresh air. Have fun!

Thanks to the Visitation Volunteers for their time spent with members of our congregation in the past year.  We are hopeful to continue with one-on-one visits and telephone calls on a monthly basis to those who have homebound issues, they are still a vital part of our St. Peter ministry.  If anyone has suggestions to offer—visits needed, volunteer to visit, etc.—please let me know.   Jo Ann 816-5647  

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St. Peter Lutheran APRIL Birthdays1 - Tabitha Buss, Becky Heidenwirth, Jaydon Landers, Karen Worley2 - Jared Allen3 - Colton Chisholm, Makenzie Quade4 - Tucker Brinkman, Kale Mulder5 - Tom Heidenwirth, Ramsey Kock, Rick Martzahn6 - Emily Egertson Ainsley Spain9 - Haley Freesemann, Hannah Weiskamp

10 - Roger Landers, Brooke Trees, 11 - Darvin Arjes12 - Alex Almelien, Richard Landers14 - Marty Adelmund, Camryn Bartels, Cooper Bartels, Todd Steere15 - Travis Krull, Levi Towsley16 - Chad Duckworth, 17 - Dienna Schafer18 - Dean Johnson, Judy Otto, Oakley Ruby

23 - Leighton Schoville24 - Steve Brinkman, Aubrie Obermier, Darin Osier25 - Matt Rottler, Mandy Schmidt26 - Allison Fox28 - Delos Adelmund, Olene Schroeder, Carter Yerkes29 - Nanette Spratt30 - Martin Bramer, Brooke Rohwedder

LSINational Child Abuse Prevention Month

According to the Iowa Department of Human Services, 8,967 Iowa children were subject to abuse or neglect in 2018. The most common forms of abuse included denial of critical care, physical injury, exposure to illegal drugs or dangerous substance, and sexual abuse.

Lutheran Services in Iowa (LSI) helps combat child abuse through prevention, safety, and stability services, as well as mental and behavioral health care.

Through regular in-home visits to families, LSI’s Early Childhood Services prevent child abuse by giving parents the support, education, and resources they need to build a healthy, stable home for their children. In 2019, our Early Childhood programs provided more than 11,000 in-home visits to families.

LSI’s Family Safety, Risk, and Permanency Services help children and families already involved in a crisis or abuse situation to become safer and more stable, and LSI’s Bremwood and Beloit Residential Treatment Centers serve many children and youth who have experienced trauma from past abuse or neglect.

You can make a direct impact on these children and families through your support of LSI. For more information, please contact Deb Whitford, LSI director of philanthropy and church relations, at [email protected] or 563-676-2065.

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Funeral Planning WorksheetUntil Jesus returns, all of us will one day die. The most universal fact of human life is that it ends. Although it may be uncomfortable to think about, planning for the end of your life is an act of love and kindness for your family. Planning ahead for your funeral gives your family the gift of helping them through a difficult time by letting them know your wishes.We encourage you to consider your funeral wishes and take the time to fill out a Planning Form available in the church office. Once completed, we will make a copy for you and keep a copy in the office. When your earthly life is complete, your family will have the gift of your plans to use as they prepare for your funeral. If you have any questions, please give the office a call.

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Louise E. Goyer Scholarship Policy

During her lifetime, Louise E. Goyer donated the sum of $20,000.00 to St. Peter Lutheran Church for the purpose of providing financial assistance in the form of scholarships to members of St. Peter Lutheran Church, Greene, Iowa, that attend a Lutheran college. The gift document provides:

“ . . . the income from this gift shall be used to provide scholarships to members of St. Peter Lutheran Church who are attending a Lutheran College. The gift is to be invested and the income may be accumulated over two or more years to provide larger scholarships or used annually for one or more students per the discretion of your Church council.”

On November 7, 2002 the St. Peter Church Council adopted the following policy regarding this scholarship endowment. In March 2014 the council adopted changes to the scholarship endowment.

1. The income from the Louise E. Goyer Scholarship Fund, herein referred to as the Goyer Scholarship, shall be accumulated for two years prior to the award of any scholarship(s). The first

scholarship(s) shall be awarded for the academic year beginning in the fall of 2003 and each alternate academic year thereafter.

2. The Goyer Scholarship Fund will be awarded yearly starting in 2014. When and or if the scholarship funds are depleted, we will then go back to every other year or until we have funds

available. This will be decided on by the church council each March.

3. Any member of St. Peter Lutheran Church that is attending or will attend a Lutheran college may apply for a Goyer Scholarship.

4. The application must be filed with the St. Peter Church office before May 1 of any year that the Goyer Scholarship is awarded.

5. The application may be made in a handwritten or typewritten form stating the Applicant’s intention to attend a Lutheran college during the academic year beginning in the fall of the year of application.

6. The Church Council will review the applications and determine the amount of the scholarship(s) to be awarded to each Applicant.

7. The Goyer Scholarship funds will be distributed to the Applicant and the college upon proof of the Applicant’s enrollment in a Lutheran college.

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Holy Saturday & Sunrise Service

Holy Saturday - 6:00 pm

Easter Sunrise Service - 7:00 am

Easter Festival Worship - 9:30 am Christ Is Risen!

Join us for the first celebration of Easter as the darkness of Good Friday gives way to the new light of our risen Savior! Holy Communion by Intinction. 

“Very early on the first day of the week, when the sun had risen, they went to the tomb…” Join us to celebrate the best surprise in history - the empty tomb! Our Savior is no longer dead, but alive and risen from the tomb, and because he lives, we too shall live! Altar Communion.

Alleluia! Christ is risen! Come celebrate the good news that the tomb is empty and Jesus is alive! Christ the Lord is risen today, and Christians gather to sing praises to our risen Lord. Holy Communion by Intinction.

Please note there will be no 11:00 am Praise worship on Easter Sunday.

Holy Week: The Heart of the Christian Faith

Maundy Thursday Worship 6:15 pm Online

How important must it have been for Jesus with less than 24 hours to live, to command His followers to love and serve one another? Extremely! Renew your commitment to following the command of your Lord and Savior.

Good Friday Worship 6:15 pm Online

Come to the cross and bring your sins to Jesus. Let the wounds of our Lord bring forgiveness and Life.

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Can Sorting Schedule

April 5th - Trip Team Pastor Aidan, Nathan, David, Kedric

April 19th - Trip Team Carrie Sydney, Brooke, Aubrie, Maddy, Lexie

*Subject to change, watch Remind

During this time of “social distancing” we will be having Luther League online on Sunday mornings through Zoom meetings.

Christin will send out more info via Remind.













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APRIL 2020 - St. Peter Lutheran Church

Christ Suffered, Christ Died, Christ Rose Again!

Sunday Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday Saturday3 4

56 7 8 9 10 11

1213 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28 29 30 Altar Guild: Delores Adelmund, Jeanie Krull

8:30 am Worship 9:45 am Fellowship, Sunday School, Luther League 11:00 am Praise Worship with Communion 2:00 pm - Valley View Devotions

6:00 pm Worship

7:00 am Men’s Bible Study

Newsletter Items Due

3:00 pm Prayer Shawl Ministry

Senior Health Clinic


9:30 am Worship online

Office Closed

Easter Sunday “Christ Is Risen.”7:00 am - Easter Sunrise Worship with Communion 9:30 am - Festival Worship with Communion NO Sunday School & Praise Worship

Ushers and Lectors - See “Worship Servants” page for schedule.

Holy SaturdayGood Friday

6:15 pm Worship online

Maundy Thursday

6:15 pm Worship online

Holy Week

Palm Sunday

8:30 am Worship 9:45 am Fellowship, Sunday School, Luther League 11:00 am Praise Worship with Communion

6:00 pm Worship with Communion

6:00 pm Worship

7:00 am Men’s Bible Study 6:15 pm 7th & 8th Confirmation

7:00 am Men’s Bible Study 6:15 pm 7th & 8th Confirmation