st. tammany farmer (covington, la.) 1880-12-11 [p ]

sTHE T. TAMMANY FARMER #oral Journalb the fJPrial 0 St. Tammuany, ISiED EVERY SATU:BDAY. J..L. SMJITH ... .,u"PA.a TuLre W. G. KE-TZEL...... Earo: And Iusiness iMam.ager. SCIGSCRItpTIO.V IA RAN' One Fpy, one year . .......... $2•e0 Uas eopy, six uaonth ........... 1 0o .e gjpy. three muouths .......... 50 COVIN(ITON. LA.: 5~M1pa v. s , Icei,.r 11, ss0o. .Spanish mous is beginning t• I ,ravwl North for Christmas decora- i t a. Counterfeit one thousand dollar United States Bowl.s ,re in cireu:a. The forked radish t-ro i unu- unasaly good this yean'.--,rrt.a ,Courser. Two pylicenen were shut in N\e Orleans week. ywhile in the dis e arge of their duty -worki,,g to. glory &.d depr"ciated warran~. Wonder how many "nale inlhlt )tants" will have their persoui. property seid, to pati-fy tit ipecial school tax f o,,e dsiar? Coong as seumbied tahis ,.e'L Tjhe Democratic upIenubePta lIW"Kue. ed to business, and tIe Rcpunlii .cans oseeded go fitlibstef. RIt suit, nothing done. Union par isp, Lou.niaue, is us. of debt, 'and has moonue in th asmpry. St. Taumansuy parish- ujit compprieous gyre nli.,,. a,.. we are a long distance fromu Uh,,i.. The St. Tammuauy Faitan call: city a "'baukruirt bog Iole! Are we going to stand this, men?-N. O. Daily S•ates. S ipaess you ll have to "afa•p4 it," pr take a so0# $ea'" in the mud. Delnqueit tuft-payers h,'ve jn . j' Iaree weekp left in which to setil. with the tax collector. After th. pfs of .January the Sheriff at come forward, with his writs i,; seizure and sale. Judge E. F. RutIssll. of Tnbge:.. boa, Judge Wa-'dsworth, of Frasnk fkrloq, and CoL James Linugan, oi• popular City Attorney, have at- irved in Covington, to attend Di. tipt POPl. t In New Orleaus, after a heavr rpinfall, the tax and license panoe hpl•. a meeting and cpntriaute s\ dollars each to have the streets re- paired, aqd the policemen an a school teachers work fqr .yItha, . and board themselves. W he duo the people's money appear to. an, hpow? The etiu a ed reyenqe from t-.. special school tax ip this parisi will fall *hort, owing to the fau fhaat msnv property onuers ar. ;.dies, end are cuRaeq~nutly ex panpt from the plysmet qf the aeiuml tax. which is 4o1y e. ctet rne "all male iphqlhitanu s oc r twemty-one years of ne."' t~aes det FInyef sent in hla , p;.- anal meanlge to Congr•ss Iuot Mon u- dsy. It is too Iqng-wiunedl for .u columns. He stours tio villify ti, South, for p;artiz'tu muoiives, sot. gratnlates the Caautry 0n3 the irion ps uoRitlopk fqor the f:itrat; de manuces Mormuonism; fyrors ti,, mnprovemeut of the Mlimsi sippii and recuummends that Gnrat b. made C aPtaj Qeneaeral ofd e tie " i-- The Feliciana -ntinel asrw: A. p siga of inmprovement in the .'nudi- pf fmances of this hpariah, nio bettel a~e oud 4 a lg ited PIqq that ,al ti.e wop' in the last terma of the tiNs tri$ Court, after securinug thei fretincatee, walked into the trean•- . naib's o e and drew tlh c4.h .. , the 4ame. Treasurer Fisher bi,. I ne conOSerable ipacr ial oblitt droni his term of ulee, and to bi Aur .and capaci•• aed, is due [1 THE FACTORY (QUESTION. 7U FAUsEr. o:@p1i4ti9U to the prupoaed leaaip ,of the cottou wills in lie P.~xite&ituar at BtI~tn Rimnge to a company of Louisisans capital- fists, mcets with the approval of the : cuuntxy jweSd geaserslly. The it Jelawwsu Ojarnun autl Brton Rutge 4dwxncWa diawgree witlh n'. however, as will baW seen by the4 l DJ loaing: W We suppose you wouldl Imrv. Luisiaja cspstaists go e)North to, tavrsi their mu.tmey, pur let titt 1 Penitentiary looaaaas staalnd still usti: the rnet wtr :tt tau, up. JVI1) taut. put l~us1s $Q 'wrk, E~ven it tbe capitalists shola tull atle woansy. tlose j~tu4),ple aLl over this Sta;te '\oulaij liikAwilae tl islathtense y be.l."tirea. C9,tun that grows r:glht aroaap aLw a Uouge wa ulW Ihe et-avrte-t 3n10 goods whi-l s coulal bCt btaugb: at a less fiuama thatn they can 1* b anlat at Lowell. The idea of up-' posing such an ass eaitrirw. is eulnolgi _o aatoasiah a fivet.yer-taol b.c tfailly, we think theJa. JRtaI W-81n A, t ontrary jt-t bcauae he c.II ,be. We ' artss in fav. of setting tlhos. lusty b.outs sto a stim.a, nasal w. *~ nt it dtits.- Iv by usiain,{iaw.- AL~relwuse*. (,'arwat Y"astr head is Ievel on that paainia. riessat Vlaron. Tgo r."at of ti,. .ah..aEs World tina astll. y aasa.-aat thae - to pay thae S;ate tin jr sia. tIsal seut~tl of list- pri'on, to teay asothisang .f thet gere, it esksultlra IatvrrpriSe wotulal the i ts kaepiaa eI th :tart y Irat"hprty int first nas. ra - p~ir. r-Las beta-tit lo Losaisi aija in h ttt.ia1tt58 et-lane! is ilaaat1at al.titas lat inter* Ratque Ad" we. WVe have. Io dastabi that tlis renhi aUg of the 14,tui an.S be of gre-iL uerLytt, tlstam'ase".V, to auta-sg thtaaj lto paty their ann:ual renstal tif itute fur the Peaitena'iary. W. sike it as a anittor of couase, huw -vi:, thsit tha CeJssees payy their aaip- uateilttal UUayh ow. "'ta rGfuaiw . .vitgJua the 'di ist* lootast" #L 45 aau ,- *aaaun by :Luuisasstatas." We Ount haffer withl the V'iqgioa tumd dJuaob- in tlhias: We aunt toe tdusty boats. wL+ a-ty motionsbyt $eaateof Lion .Una. TIoe blous beioung to tlhe State, apes tiLe people .isouultI be .aendt fiteal b thtea. $$aft this beutin .aas ousy he des irel Ja urect fruW Lts State. litthe pro ucf tite Pt.-as- rtaitiatry autemusacry are tq be Laity. a eued' aitl! .toe pa 'no..ais;siuua ui "ssiaia1 autxc," whsethxer tin,"7 In .. uuiK9..5ia cplias:ssfsa or }lLt u is- pans3 of ?tisluielptsia caal,,tliazs. a tobavre Mexsateal Late dusty lhnuo .rum afsr, pLt lea } alo dsitf.aease . 1i'e claim that Li e Siaie, issiua tLss. ont ncr of the mamhinaist-ry, aaa.& tsay- .usg dll tate rtnviv t LI~bar necessary kt rutn It can satutascture thip vol- :.,u goutsasacd stall thaw Lq it* cits- Le-ns at a lower ariat-, and at Lie *a-tase titien reap ai Ireatter revenue. han if the wauchiarvay ware Ieamti o outside patrties 4:iR astalds ip ea aon. Take, for iulst~ngae, t 11e ;Irve coup 100 3004 oil niilhi at New 01 bai. li'e eOwp.tuiwe owning tLhewm puitl ere iucreawutg teir b gpaoae every sever a4d growing rjpl. Nut by .ailding nwjfl uIt1 er ctitg nta- cLauaery `'ier ret ir lease," bLit by * :iuuuiflg tb tl wiaL luetw elve . Aud sue Ibate would htavet a greiat ad- 4 gtage over outer tnauufaacLuresrm .u Ilhe waiter of wasee, always h.ay- aug an awple r!pppity of uiuvicl ;abur. e tglis , tat Us Ueai- .eui:ary iquatas sitO: 4wt E eL is tUotiw.4 by anL*Uaenua," hs h as as th .tl ly waiater is w Licu the pea. le eare likely kt 41,e .aritgaets oeuelitnaL." TUp soRGkHI4a V4ANE. Tbe Vouwaipjionea of A-ric u tlf4up, ita his annuial repa rt, referuing t 'xpWlriteut4 nWi l urgluw } pr. at.": TWP.4t- lir nut vl lurS vuraetf punate durtiag tie 3por proved vain 1141e #,ir aqh aor-nla( uag Oini the w'iulr the ezateratas Ua a=t- sure bie that, when projuerl7 culti- vatx4 4 t~gtu bor,..hbts} :tint p -r .tralk%. cwU u be pr-t:4;bly g I.,t ,I je.j iu pro tiuctaig augar. foue eu s.~twqe' tafqr 4agq q U te auu b juai cun- vimcaaqCIImthatli Ue, crop taf 1t will, terminate our delj.eiuduca eni l k sl g a u r tw ura f or '"O .; 4 I~t-ts'` It tso, *dt i{=g; fttf r. meats in the Sonthern States tAe [pmmise , ioer says Lte tzace•s are- Stwrted by his curreppoudents as at- t4 pidiang ltIe gow li t agg1ipm in. rl euisians and Texase, and th he demeonstration tlhat two Crops a year Sf this species of cae can .readilv bh. gr wAt antd worke l up before frost in al the eqtreme S"uthern St'tes,. warantsahe belief that the sugar.plalters of that region will ere long fi>d it atdvant-lgeous t,. peartly, if not w~holly, substi ate th., eultivati,,n of sorg innm for that of ribbon cane especi t y as from ton.*- extih to) olle-third of the S•uatiern engar lands mitve to be given 4p anuualLy to the production of seed- c mie, if intena! for the productio', of Rsager cane, wheteas the whole ?wcld ibe devuled to morghnnu. which lrouluces its own seeed ait .iela t. full crop of sugar besides; and. fur tiher, that ribbon cane from the time requlireil fr ripening is freqnent1? overtaken by frosts, wht.eas two ,urghmun crps can he grown with its the sitte year without danger pt frost. EDUCATIONAL NOTES. TIhe state superintendent of edn- natiomn is now engaged in examininu tnid adjusting the accounl of th.- .everal treassurers ,f secool fundea throughout the State, prlparatory ,o closing his bo.,ka for 1880. TIs••. uld p.,t be a diflicalt nm t- tier did these officers make tmeir re- pors its na rqirild by 4w, bit the) deo not. i.,rty out of fifty seveti 'chloot treaures apre more or lees erelict, anil from two of two of them t, Sel.oit~ have ~e.en received dqyiu ;' the cmurrealt ye.r. Tihe new Const~pqtion changed the e.mlc ble age from between six ant scenty-one to betwetenl six anti 'igimteemi. This action rendered is tew euumeratien nectitsry, kqt as tat.- aiasessors wou:d matike inotee hlC qOEt'd be avanlable b-fore 1882. the St:te Board ot Lduy:tiou di clit so madolt ead interim tie United States censun' re-tnur•, and wecre- t.ries of parish ashools boards wert. chartedl wtlth the duty of raakiig the •eqmuiited comlil.tins. Tlnis they have neghlcted in many, nsut in 1,ie jimtanuceu refuqel, to do. No parish rati re.-eive the I'enefti . f the SGtte aid for its public scho old till the ackpol ofticeri make al! the elfQrts re quired by law and comply t ith all the re quirementas ,f thi. State, Ioard of Education. Schou, tiictt,r should ntderstand that it is their duty, to entforce rlonmp: cu•lplianuce on the part of timen .,f ers. If they fail in this they are jis:tlv chsargeable with peglect oi ,iut., the pelnatlty of which is sums- mary rep•aqvai.-N- . U. Lk',•.ralt. _______ We must educate the passes as, that tjzey can take care of them- selves, or your propperty will be Staxed to buLpprt the pap•ers anu, lunish the criminals which .ouci from the ignorant claeies. We must meet this q nestion and these people eqe way or t;he ptlhr. It is cheaper to educate a man to take etre of himself and his famili ihan to pay Itaes to support ibam, or guard him as a cr minal. Ip its qpt? "4ajs is why intelligence pnys, and why ignorance costs. AMiric4q Journal of Edaucaion. It is said thpt gl e sixth of 4meri- ca's populattor, of ab,,ut 40.000,OlO cnumat tral or write; 5,000,UUp only of a tptan Iopal p tpulation p; ,.'mgost 13,000 O0, receive iqurqcg There is dauger in this mqoe of ihnorasr e, fearful to eon~eeplnte. In it no.t tine that the qup tim.r of cot.uatlsq,ry school lawq was be- inug I , itUtd ? Ignurance eosts. Iate!llgeno . ay..-Et. Tha weather •ag been clear and roid for tuo past t:,ree etr f ur dlays Ihere Uath dioultless be large re- c iits the cauntry dJripag tlhe .ua mu c " .- eis -tf mstuis thap 4**** * RICE CWLTUKE Thegapn•etion of ice, whichh has ypcpeeped so rapidly ji the last two or three years, ie destined soon to be one of the greatest industries in anmthwestern Louisiaps.. The im- tmelne country (,ow here to the ,&af ,of Mexico .ant from .iyou frche neurly to the SAhine river, is mainly prarie, .acd covered wih. marshes naitab:e for growing rice. .t is traveled front Lorth to soutl .,v navigable streams, and by two nrilroads east and weLt. Rice as a crop, isn certain; providtl there is a mIspply of wattar. In wet pears like the present, ,there is no diMculty ,aboaat that. Ev.,i ip dry •ears enough water cat always be seeured fros t.he winatr rains for the frst 1.xsliug in the sprimg. If wellm were dug iv the rice Nield*---theI would not have to b.- dtep in the :uaralhea--an, Jpgmped by wild- ,aills. the wa4er trum te .rant flooi-, mug, that is lhst by evaporation. cou',l he again a.4pplie 4 , and Agh ,.rop thereby made a certainty eve:n an a dry season. The cop neids ,,o cultivation. The land' equires fencing and ditching or hleveiUg: ahen Iplaut msd keep it properly -uppllied irith water, and u pothiug more is to be done till harvest time. It co be quickly harvested. It h~a no ene.,tien like cotton, nor spbjeirt to be rutigedt by the told like carne. No cram iin Jia section will pa:y as well with s• little lalor. All the :"apital requireti to bagin rice eql- aure, is a yearUs provisions, a •lanty. ,he fejcitg, a lmatl., hors or ,mule, plow and hayar•aw. Public lann.d ca• be used. With these a asiglha able- haliet m tin, with it misafrtg•e be- f.laiala him, e p maake bhiaself an nudelesnd. aot fanrmer the first year. ,f thie tains anre propitious. Single ;aborinlg men l ith but little capital. who intend making their ljvinlg L. tilling the soil, wsattld do well te consider this gpatter. The enltur. of ric• requires so little of the year's wt.rk, that. tme prodluction pf other arops, spch an corn, les,. ipottutoes, .te., wo..ld put be iaaterfetrd with. Besie..l, tbe prairie part of L ,atii- na •tna not hIe e celled ass a r p ge fr live ,tock. We do tant think there i san c onptry where iunai-. ruants, with unme eapital, could do aetter than here.-St. Lan ry IAcu- rrLt. Tennyson cap take a worthless 4beet of paper and, by writing a ipuez Oin it, make. it worth $5000. That's (rtuila. Mr. Vanderbi4t can write fewer w.,F.a un a similar bheet ppd make it worth $50,000,- u00. That's Papital. Anti tlh United• Staleu g ,verument can take- an ounce and a quarter of gold anu: stamp upon it gau ""ngle-bnrd" and 'Twenty Dolla.s." Tiht's Money. ht •peclhagRic can take the, material worteh $ n50 and ma4ke it into ai watch worth $100. That's Skill. The tLrc.haln can take an article worth twenty-five cents and sell it to you for $1. That's j~usiunes. A lady can purchase a comfortable nnlret for $10, Lut prefers to pay $100 for one, becaute it is more stylish. rhat'a • The ditch-dig- ger works ten hoursa day and shorwvp ogt three qr f• ur topu ol -- rth for $1. That'l Iabor.-I-ick- apynd State. ATW SiOBTS. A girl spaks o of one of her fellows as her aight-tloouang se•~ous heap. Waring a red petticoat bef.ere a lierce b:;l will live the animqal stle Ieaflet fevea, Prensuel orn beef is said to go uauh further in au imily thanr prea- ed antuwun letes. Co!n•ljhq made at egg stand. But 4ralijas. pf l.-e renuan, hap- u.,de the peaupt stand. Time p~eiett maidevn al• defers her prt"gptIypn of in ,rca&ge uspd, aouger a4tl peop have Mr. uance- ifrt'ti. le-ap year. SWell the action li. tinquired the an: uua cia-al. **Y. a," rephew the faLkioala 4'ict-. ' **:ia ,ctiwma wl wiktwieu sbth eus4 asid . - QOUNUL. PROCEEDING& Cowington, Decembt 8, 1880. The Comaun met oa the above "late. Present--E RR..adolpb, Mayor IL J. Smith, Win. Breasa, James Taylor and W. H. Davenport. Absent-F. A. Gayol and J. 0. Poole. The minutes of the October jad November meetings were read and approved. lr. Taylor offered the following: &eol~eo4, That the Committee on lApr~vemeun s be s;therised to re- ce~ve sealed proporads for repairing the bill at the toot of Columbia street, the ontract to be given to the barest bidder; tbe road to be properly polled, and covered with andl to the depth of at least four inches; the work to be paid for wih n it is acl•epted by the Com- -nittee on .Imp1lveents, the sealed hilus to bo -pened and the eontant* aw.'dej by the committee at the capiration of three days from date. Adopted. Mr. pDvenport offered the follow Resolaw, That hereafter ti Copan- cil recriie atged proposals for all work to be doge ,m the streets, the cntlrlct to le wivuE to the lowyeat iildder, and the work paid for when secpted by the Consalu*tte on La- proveluents. Adopted. On motion of Mr. Breasn, the Secretary was authorised to par- chase ca opy of the Acts of the Legisalatre, for 18 for the use of the Cotcil, On mution, the regular meeting of sht Capacil wos changed from the irat Tuesday to the first Wedgtieaday in every month. uAL.s Ar•Psricp W, G. Kentrel, to salary as Secretary, November..... $5 00 W. Q. Kentel. tp adrvetising ta,, saie, oiporatjio of C aviugtom vs. W. P. Gil- lumore ...... ......... 900 F. gqrle, to aMlary as Ceme- tery Otamldian. for third anda fourth ) of Ela year aqselhimg Nssoember 19, 1880, asp r contract.. 11 20 Tot ................... $25 g0 The Coqocil tlkgn adjourned. E. I~~~pJeortp, Mayor. W. G. &aENTvEL Secretary. MARRIED: WARREN-SMIFH. -At the residence of the briJe's father, Mr. John Smith, ,of Jckson, La., on the SAth of NOvem. ber, IfilO by Rev. James A. Godfrey, ' Mr. Wit. L Wamau, of Washington i parish, La., apd ism NAnsma E. mtns. WHY jF WAS IN THE PENI- TJ~NTIARY. An iwportant pae wai tried be- fore the Criminal Court of the Dis- tript of Colnumbis. As old colored ,uan was on the witness stand. Theb dlistrit attWrauy inter~ ated the witness: "'What s youro name ?" "John Williams, mai?" "Are yoq the John Williams who wzu; couvrctel,.of arson aud sent to toe Baltim:ure penitentiary?" "No sab." Tired of asking frvit•us quet- tions thie district attorney suddenly put a leading one. 'fHawv you ever been in the peni, teitiary r"' "Yes tab," All eyes were low turned upon the wjiIes.. The distriet attorney emnilud ",aplacently and reanmedt "How many time bhare you berg in the penitentiary " "Twice, sah." "Wwrer?" "In U/StisRoi, aPbh. " How lown were Sau is the Arau tis,-u" "Ahbot two hours sale." "'how ong lthe earoad time"r rask ed. be attory. rather cret-falen, "An bh-a;, wish. I west there to whitlewsh a el fr "a lawyer who had reobbed his client." The attorney a: down amid the h, b.. ter of the spectators,-Pge. otherdta roft tiae prtareessmm s by tber su in araU.suetic,e extg ly said' -Wr's int the table." Since thel; ay beoame . aile rawd Lorark l a• d uairinp biCmM lbu (,,. theFpbw to Chgae

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Page 1: St. Tammany farmer (Covington, La.) 1880-12-11 [p ]


#oral Journalb the fJPrial0 St. Tammuany,


J..L. SMJITH ... .,u"PA.a TuLreW. G. KE-TZEL...... Earo:

And Iusiness iMam.ager.

SCIGSCRItpTIO.V IA RAN'One Fpy, one year . .......... $2•e0Uas eopy, six uaonth ........... 1 0o.e gjpy. three muouths .......... 50

COVIN(ITON. LA.:5~M1pa v. s , Icei,.r 11, ss0o.

.Spanish mous is beginning t• I,ravwl North for Christmas decora- it a.

Counterfeit one thousand dollarUnited States Bowl.s ,re in cireu:a.

The forked radish t-ro i unu-unasaly good this yean'.--,rrt.a,Courser.

Two pylicenen were shut in N\eOrleans week. ywhile in the dise arge of their duty -worki,,g to.glory &.d depr"ciated warran~.

Wonder how many "nale inlhlt)tants" will have their seid, to pati-fy titipecial school tax f o,,e dsiar?

Coong as seumbied tahis ,.e'LTjhe Democratic upIenubePta lIW"Kue.

ed to business, and tIe Rcpunlii.cans oseeded go fitlibstef. RItsuit, nothing done.

Union par isp, Lou.niaue, is us.

of debt, 'and has moonue in thasmpry. St. Taumansuy parish-

ujit compprieous gyre nli.,,. a,..we are a long distance fromu Uh,,i..

The St. Tammuauy Faitan city a "'baukruirt bog Iole!Are we going to stand this, get.thmen?-N. O. Daily S•ates.S ipaess you ll have to "afa•p4 it,"

pr take a so0# $ea'" in the mud.

Delnqueit tuft-payers h,'ve jn .j' Iaree weekp left in which to setil.

with the tax collector. After th.pfs of .January the Sheriff at

come forward, with his writs i,;seizure and sale.

Judge E. F. RutIssll. of Tnbge:..boa, Judge Wa-'dsworth, of Frasnkfkrloq, and CoL James Linugan, oi•popular City Attorney, have at-irved in Covington, to attend Di.tipt POPl. t

In New Orleaus, after a heavrrpinfall, the tax and license panoehpl•. a meeting and cpntriaute s\dollars each to have the streets re-paired, aqd the policemen an aschool teachers work fqr .yItha, .and board themselves. W he duothe people's money appear to. an,hpow?

The etiu a ed reyenqe from t-..special school tax ip this parisiwill fall *hort, owing to the faufhaat msnv property onuers ar.;.dies, end are cuRaeq~nutly expanpt from the plysmet qf theaeiuml tax. which is 4o1y e. ctetrne "all male iphqlhitanu s oc r

twemty-one years of ne."'

t~aes det FInyef sent in hla , p;.-anal meanlge to Congr•ss Iuot Mon u-dsy. It is too Iqng-wiunedl for .ucolumns. He stours tio villify ti,South, for p;artiz'tu muoiives, sot.gratnlates the Caautry 0n3 the irionps uoRitlopk fqor the f:itrat; demanuces Mormuonism; fyrors ti,,mnprovemeut of the Mlimsi sippiiand recuummends that Gnrat b.made C aPtaj Qeneaeral ofd e tie "

i--The Feliciana -ntinel asrw: A.

p siga of inmprovement in the .'nudi-pf fmances of this hpariah, nio bettel

a~e oud 4 a lg ited PIqq that ,al ti.ewop' in the last terma of the tiNstri$ Court, after securinug theifretincatee, walked into the trean•-. naib's o e and drew tlh c4.h ..,

the 4ame. Treasurer Fisher bi,.I ne conOSerable ipacr ial oblitt

droni his term of ulee, and to biAur .and capaci•• aed, is due


7U FAUsEr. o:@p1i4ti9U to theprupoaed leaaip ,of the cottou willsin lie P.~xite&ituar at BtI~tn Rimngeto a company of Louisisans capital-fists, mcets with the approval of the: cuuntxy jweSd geaserslly. The

it Jelawwsu Ojarnun autl BrtonRutge 4dwxncWa diawgree witlh n'.

however, as will baW seen by the4 lDJ loaing:

W We suppose you wouldl Imrv.Luisiaja cspstaists go e)North to,tavrsi their mu.tmey, pur let titt

1Penitentiary looaaaas staalnd still usti:the rnet wtr :tt tau, up. JVI1) taut.put l~us1s $Q 'wrk, E~ven it tbecapitalists shola tull atle woansy. tlosej~tu4),ple aLl over this Sta;te '\oulaijliikAwilae tl islathtense y be.l."tirea.C9,tun that grows r:glht aroaapaLw a Uouge wa ulW Ihe et-avrte-t3n10 goods whi-l s coulal bCt btaugb:at a less fiuama thatn they can 1*b anlat at Lowell. The idea of up-'posing such an ass eaitrirw. is eulnolgi_o aatoasiah a fivet.yer-taol b.ctfailly, we think theJa. JRtaI W-81n A,

t ontrary jt-t bcauae he c.II ,be.We ' artss in fav. of setting tlhos.lusty b.outs sto a stim.a, nasal w.*~ nt it dtits.- Iv by usiain,{iaw.-AL~relwuse*. (,'arwat

Y"astr head is Ievel on that paainia.riessat Vlaron. Tgo r."at of ti,.

.ah..aEs World tina astll. y aasa.-aat thae- to pay thae S;ate tin jr sia.

tIsal seut~tl of list- pri'on, to teayasothisang .f thet gere, it esksultlra

IatvrrpriSe wotulal the i ts kaepiaa eI th:tart y Irat"hprty int first nas. ra -p~ir. r-Las beta-tit lo Losaisi aija in httt.ia1tt58 et-lane! is ilaaat1at al.titas latinter* Ratque Ad" we.WVe have. Io dastabi that tlis renhiaUg of the 14,tui an.S be of gre-iLuerLytt, tlstam'ase".V, to auta-sg thtaajlto paty their ann:ual renstal tifitute fur the Peaitena'iary. W.sike it as a anittor of couase, huw

-vi:, thsit tha CeJssees payy their aaip-uateilttal UUayh ow. "'ta rGfuaiw .

.vitgJua the 'di ist* lootast" #L 45 aau ,-*aaaun by :Luuisasstatas." We Ounthaffer withl the V'iqgioa tumd dJuaob-

in tlhias: We aunt toe tdusty boats.wL+ a-ty motionsbyt $eaateof Lion

.Una. TIoe blous beioung to tlhe

State, apes tiLe people .isouultI be.aendt fiteal b thtea. $$aft this beutin.aas ousy he des irel Ja urect fruW LtsState. litthe pro ucf tite Pt.-as-rtaitiatry autemusacry are tq be Laity.a eued' aitl! .toe pa 'no..ais;siuua ui"ssiaia1 autxc," whsethxer tin,"7 In.. uuiK9..5ia cplias:ssfsa or }lLt u is-

pans3 of ?tisluielptsia caal,,tliazs.a tobavre Mexsateal Late dusty lhnuo

.rum afsr, pLt lea } alo dsitf.aease .1i'e claim that Li e Siaie, issiua tLss.ont ncr of the mamhinaist-ry, aaa.& tsay-

.usg dll tate rtnviv t LI~bar necessary

kt rutn It can satutascture thip vol-:.,u goutsasacd stall thaw Lq it* cits-Le-ns at a lower ariat-, and at Lie*a-tase titien reap ai Ireatter revenue.

han if the wauchiarvay ware Ieamtio outside patrties 4:iR astalds ipea aon.

Take, for iulst~ngae, t11e ;Irve coup100 3004 oil niilhi at New 01'e eOwp.tuiwe owning tLhewm puitl

ere iucreawutg teir b gpaoae everysever a4d growing rjpl. Nut by.ailding nwjfl uIt1 er ctitg nta-

cLauaery `'ier ret ir lease," bLit by* :iuuuiflg tb tl wiaL luetw elve . Audsue Ibate would htavet a greiat ad-

4 gtage over outer tnauufaacLuresrm.u Ilhe waiter of wasee, always h.ay-aug an awple r!pppity of uiuvicl

;abur. e tglis , tat Us Ueai-.eui:ary iquatas sitO: 4wt E eL is

tUotiw.4 by anL*Uaenua," hs h as asth .tl ly waiater is w Licu the pea.le eare likely kt 41,e .aritgaets


TUp soRGkHI4a V4ANE.Tbe Vouwaipjionea of A-ricu tlf4up,

ita his annuial repa rt, referuing t'xpWlriteut4 nWi l urgluw }": TWP.4t- lir nut vl lurSvuraetf punate durtiag tie 3porproved vain 1141e #,ir aqh aor-nla( uagOini the w'iulr the ezateratas Ua a=t-sure bie that, when projuerl7 culti-vatx4 4 t~gtu bor,..hbts} :tint p -r .tralk%.cwU u be pr-t:4;bly g I.,t ,I je.j iu protiuctaig augar. foue eu s.~twqe'tafqr 4agq q U te auu b juai cun-vimcaaqCIImthatli Ue, crop taf 1twill, terminate our delj.eiuduca eni

l k sl g a u r tw ura f or '"O .; 4I~t-ts'` It tso, *dt i{=g; fttf

r. meats in the Sonthern States tAe[pmmise , ioer says Lte tzace•s are-

Stwrted by his curreppoudents as at-

t4 pidiang ltIe gow li t agg1ipm in.rl euisians and Texase, and th he

demeonstration tlhat two Crops a yearSf this species of cae can .readilvbh. gr wAt antd worke l up beforefrost in al the eqtreme S"uthernSt'tes,. warantsahe belief that thesugar.plalters of that region willere long fi>d it atdvant-lgeous t,.peartly, if not w~holly, substi ate th.,eultivati,,n of sorg innm for that ofribbon cane especi t y as from ton.*-extih to) olle-third of the S•uatiernengar lands mitve to be given 4panuualLy to the production of seed-c mie, if intena! for the productio',of Rsager cane, wheteas the whole?wcld ibe devuled to morghnnu. whichlrouluces its own seeed ait .iela t.

full crop of sugar besides; and. furtiher, that ribbon cane from the timerequlireil fr ripening is freqnent1?overtaken by frosts, wht.eas two,urghmun crps can he grown withits the sitte year without danger ptfrost.


TIhe state superintendent of edn-natiomn is now engaged in examininu

tnid adjusting the accounl of th.-.everal treassurers ,f secool fundeathroughout the State, prlparatory,o closing his bo.,ka for 1880.

TIs••. uld p.,t be a diflicalt nm t-tier did these officers make tmeir re-pors its na rqirild by 4w, bit the)

deo not. i.,rty out of fifty seveti'chloot treaures apre more or leeserelict, anil from two of two of them t,Sel.oit~ have ~e.en received dqyiu ;'the cmurrealt ye.r.

Tihe new Const~pqtion changed thee.mlc ble age from between six antscenty-one to betwetenl six anti'igimteemi. This action rendered istew euumeratien nectitsry, kqt astat.- aiasessors wou:d matike inotee

hlC qOEt'd be avanlable b-fore 1882.the St:te Board ot Lduy:tiou di clit

so madolt ead interim tie UnitedStates censun' re-tnur•, and wecre-t.ries of parish ashools boards wert.chartedl wtlth the duty of raakiigthe •eqmuiited comlil.tins. Tlnisthey have neghlcted in many, nsutin 1,ie jimtanuceu refuqel, to do.

No parish rati re.-eive the I'enefti. f the SGtte aid for its public scho oldtill the ackpol ofticeri make al! theelfQrts re quired by law and complyt ith all the re quirementas ,f thi.

State, Ioard of Education. Schou,tiictt,r should ntderstand thatit is their duty, to entforce rlonmp:cu•lplianuce on the part of timen.,f ers. If they fail in this they arejis:tlv chsargeable with peglect oi,iut., the pelnatlty of which is sums-mary rep•aqvai.-N- . U. Lk',•.ralt.


We must educate the passes as,that tjzey can take care of them-selves, or your propperty will be

Staxed to buLpprt the pap•ers anu,lunish the criminals which .oucifrom the ignorant claeies. Wemust meet this q nestion and thesepeople eqe way or t;he ptlhr.

It is cheaper to educate a man totake etre of himself and his familiihan to pay Itaes to support ibam,

or guard him as a cr minal.Ip its qpt?"4ajs is why intelligence pnys, and

why ignorance costs. AMiric4qJournal of Edaucaion.

It is said thpt gle sixth of 4meri-ca's populattor, of ab,,ut 40.000,OlO

cnumat tral or write; 5,000,UUponly of a tptan Iopal p tpulation p;,.'mgost 13,000 O0, receive iqurqcg

There is dauger in this mqoe ofihnorasr e, fearful to eon~eeplnte.

In it no.t tine that the qup tim.rof cot.uatlsq,ry school lawq was be-inug I , itUtd ?

Ignurance eosts. Iate!llgeno.ay..-Et.

Tha weather •ag been clear android for tuo past t:,ree etr f ur dlaysIhere Uath dioultless be large re-c iits the cauntry dJripag mu c " .-eis -tf mstuis thap

4**** *


Thegapn•etion of ice, whichh hasypcpeeped so rapidly ji the last twoor three years, ie destined soon tobe one of the greatest industries inanmthwestern Louisiaps.. The im-tmelne country (,ow here to the

,&af ,of Mexico .ant from .iyoufrche neurly to the SAhine river, ismainly prarie, .acd covered wih.marshes naitab:e for growing rice..t is traveled front Lorth to soutl

.,v navigable streams, and by twonrilroads east and weLt. Rice as acrop, isn certain; providtl there is amIspply of wattar. In wet pears like

the present, ,there is no diMculty,aboaat that. Ev.,i ip dry •earsenough water cat always be seeuredfros t.he winatr rains for the frst1.xsliug in the sprimg. If wellm

were dug iv the rice Nield*---theIwould not have to b.- dtep in the:uaralhea--an, Jpgmped by wild-,aills. the wa4er trum te .rant flooi-,mug, that is lhst by evaporation.cou',l he again a.4pplie4

, and Agh,.rop thereby made a certainty eve:nan a dry season. The cop neids,,o cultivation. The land' equiresfencing and ditching or hleveiUg:ahen Iplaut msd keep it properly-uppllied irith water, and u pothiugmore is to be done till harvest time.It co be quickly harvested. It h~ano ene.,tien like cotton, nor spbjeirtto be rutigedt by the told like carne.No cram iin Jia section will pa:y as

well with s• little lalor. All the:"apital requireti to bagin rice eql-aure, is a yearUs provisions, a •lanty.,he fejcitg, a lmatl., hors or ,mule,plow and hayar•aw. Public lann.d ca•

be used. With these a asiglha able-haliet m tin, with it misafrtg•e be-f.laiala him, e p maake bhiaself an

nudelesnd. aot fanrmer the first year.,f thie tains anre propitious. Single;aborinlg men l ith but little capital.who intend making their ljvinlg L.tilling the soil, wsattld do well teconsider this gpatter. The enltur.of ric• requires so little of the year'swt.rk, that. tme prodluction pf otherarops, spch an corn, les,. ipottutoes,.te., wo..ld put be iaaterfetrd with.Besie..l, tbe prairie part of L ,atii-na •tna not hIe e celled ass a r p ge

fr live ,tock. We do tant thinkthere i san c onptry where iunai-.

ruants, with unme eapital, could doaetter than here.-St. Lan ry IAcu-


Tennyson cap take a worthless4beet of paper and, by writing a

ipuez Oin it, make. it worth $5000.That's (rtuila. Mr. Vanderbi4t canwrite fewer w.,F.a un a similarbheet ppd make it worth $50,000,-

u00. That's Papital. Anti tlhUnited• Staleu g ,verument can take-an ounce and a quarter of gold anu:stamp upon it gau ""ngle-bnrd" and'Twenty Dolla.s." Tiht's Money.

ht •peclhagRic can take the, materialworteh $ n50 and ma4ke it into ai watchworth $100. That's Skill. The

tLrc.haln can take an article worthtwenty-five cents and sell it to youfor $1. That's j~usiunes. A ladycan purchase a comfortable nnlretfor $10, Lut prefers to pay $100 forone, becaute it is more stylish.rhat'a • The ditch-dig-ger works ten hoursa day andshorwvp ogt three qr f• ur topu ol-- rth for $1. That'l Iabor.-I-ick-

apynd State.


A girl spaks o of one of her fellowsas her aight-tloouang se•~ous heap.

Waring a red petticoat bef.ere alierce b:;l will live the animqal stleIeaflet fevea,

Prensuel orn beef is said to gouauh further in au imily thanr prea-

ed antuwun letes.Co!n•ljhq made at egg stand.

But 4ralijas. pf l.-e renuan, hap-u.,de the peaupt stand.

Time p~eiett maidevn al• defersher prt"gptIypn of in ,rca&ge uspd,aouger a4tl peop have Mr. uance-ifrt'ti. le-ap year.

SWell the action li. tinquired thean: uua cia-al. **Y. a," rephew thefaLkioala 4'ict-. ' **:ia ,ctiwma wlwiktwieu sbth eus4 asid . -


Cowington, Decembt 8, 1880.The Comaun met oa the above

"late.Present--E RR..adolpb, Mayor

IL J. Smith, Win. Breasa, JamesTaylor and W. H. Davenport.

Absent-F. A. Gayol and J. 0.Poole.

The minutes of the October jadNovember meetings were read Taylor offered the following:&eol~eo4, That the Committee on

lApr~vemeun s be s;therised to re-ce~ve sealed proporads for repairingthe bill at the toot of Columbiastreet, the ontract to be given tothe barest bidder; tbe road to beproperly polled, and covered withandl to the depth of at least fourinches; the work to be paid forwih n it is acl•epted by the Com--nittee on .Imp1lveents, the sealedhilus to bo -pened and the eontant*aw.'dej by the committee at thecapiration of three days from date.

Adopted.Mr. pDvenport offered the follow

Resolaw, That hereafter ti Copan-cil recriie atged proposals for allwork to be doge ,m the streets, thecntlrlct to le wivuE to the lowyeatiildder, and the work paid for when

secpted by the Consalu*tte on La-proveluents.

Adopted.On motion of Mr. Breasn, the

Secretary was authorised to par-chase ca opy of the Acts of theLegisalatre, for 18 for the use ofthe Cotcil,

On mution, the regular of sht Capacil wos changedfrom the irat Tuesday to the firstWedgtieaday in every month.

uAL.s Ar•PsricpW, G. Kentrel, to salary as

Secretary, November..... $5 00W. Q. Kentel. tp adrvetisingta,, saie, oiporatjio ofC aviugtom vs. W. P. Gil-lumore ...... ......... 900

F. gqrle, to aMlary as Ceme-tery Otamldian. for thirdanda fourth ) of Elayear aqselhimg Nssoember19, 1880, asp r contract.. 11 20

Tot ................... $25 g0The Coqocil tlkgn adjourned.

E. I~~~pJeortp, Mayor.W. G. &aENTvEL Secretary.

MARRIED:WARREN-SMIFH. -At the residence

of the briJe's father, Mr. John Smith,,of Jckson, La., on the SAth of NOvem.ber, IfilO by Rev. James A. Godfrey,' Mr. Wit. L Wamau, of Washingtoni parish, La., apd ism NAnsma E. mtns.


An iwportant pae wai tried be-fore the Criminal Court of the Dis-tript of Colnumbis. As old colored,uan was on the witness stand. Theb

dlistrit attWrauy inter~ ated thewitness:"'What s youro name ?""John Williams, mai?""Are yoq the John Williams who

wzu; couvrctel,.of arson aud sent totoe Baltim:ure penitentiary?"

"No sab."Tired of asking frvit•us quet-

tions thie district attorney suddenlyput a leading one.

'fHawv you ever been in the peni,teitiary r"'"Yes tab,"All eyes were low turned upon

the wjiIes.. The distriet attorneyemnilud ",aplacently and reanmedt

"How many time bhare you bergin the penitentiary "

"Twice, sah.""Wwrer?""In U/StisRoi, aPbh." How lown were Sau is the Arau

tis,-u""Ahbot two hours sale.""'how ong lthe earoad time"r rask

ed. be attory. rather cret-falen,"An bh-a;, wish. I west there to

whitlewsh a el fr "a lawyer whohad reobbed his client."

The attorney a: down amid theh, b.. ter of the spectators,-Pge.

otherdta roft tiae prtareessmm s bytber su in araU.suetic,e extg lysaid' -Wr's int thetable."

Since thel; ay beoame .ailerawd Lorark l a• d uairinp biCmM

lbu (,,. theFpbw to Chgae