st. thomas of villanova · ann johnson norbert krogstad steve lundell gay sladky rev. marcin zasada...

St. Thomas of Villanova A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL

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Page 1: St. Thomas of Villanova · Ann Johnson Norbert Krogstad Steve Lundell Gay Sladky Rev. Marcin Zasada Bullen deadlines: Arcles for the bulle n are due on Fridays—9 days before publicaon

St. Thomas of Villanova A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL

Page 2: St. Thomas of Villanova · Ann Johnson Norbert Krogstad Steve Lundell Gay Sladky Rev. Marcin Zasada Bullen deadlines: Arcles for the bulle n are due on Fridays—9 days before publicaon


Parish Information MASS SCHEDULE

Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:15am

1:30pm (Polish) Weekday 6:30am Communion Service

on Tue, Thu, Fri. (Church open at 6:30am on Mon & Wed.) 8:00am Mass (Including Sat.)

RECONCILIATION Saturdays 8:30am—9:30am


NEW PARISHIONERS: All are welcome! Stop by the Parish Office to register and learn more about our Parish. BAPTISM: Parents are required to a end a Bap sm Prepara on class preferably before the baby is born to avoid babysi ng concerns. Bap sms are celebrated on most Sundays following the 11:15am Mass. Call the Parish Office for more informa on. Upcoming Bap sm Prep Class: CANCELED TEMPORARILY MARRIAGE: Arrangements for the celebra on of marriage should be made at least six (6) months prior to your planned wedding date. Call Deacon Tom Dunne for more informa on. BECOMING A CATHOLIC: Our RCIA (Rite of Chris an Ini a on of Adults) Process is for adults who were never bap zed in any faith, who were bap zed in another Chris an faith but wish to become Catholic or who were bap zed Catholics but never received the Sacraments of Confirma on and Eucharist. Contact the Parish Office for more info. Bro-chures available in the Gathering Area kiosk. COMMUNION FOR HOMEBOUND: Ministers of Care are available to bring Communion to the homebound. Contact Deacon Tom Dunne for informa on. PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Call the Parish Office to add your name to the sick list. Due to pa ent privacy (HIPAA Law,) only the ailing person, or in case of their incapacita on, the person delegated for the medical care, can add their name to the sick list. PRAYERS FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL: Call the Parish Office to add a name of some-one serving in the military, so our faith com-munity can pray for their safety and service.

PARISH OFFICE 1201 E Anderson Drive, Pala ne, IL 60074

Phone: 847-358-6999; Fax: 847-934-4919;


Rev. Kris Janczak, Pastor [email protected] Rev. Marcin Zasada, Associate Pastor [email protected] Deacon John Breit, Business Manager [email protected] Deacon Tom Dunne, Minister of Care [email protected] Jeff Walczynski, High School Youth Dir. [email protected] Jeanne Slatkay, Music Director [email protected] Suzie Walczynski, Bulle n Editor/Outreach [email protected] Sheila O’Shea, Admin. Assistant [email protected] Ann Duffey, Admin. Assistant [email protected]


1141 E Anderson Drive, Pala ne, IL 60074 Phone: 847-358-2110; FAX: 847-776-1435;

Mary Brinkman, Principal [email protected] Stephanie Hardy, Assistant Principal [email protected] Alex Kmiotek, Admin. Assistant [email protected]


1141 E Anderson Drive, Pala ne, IL 60074 Phone: 847-358-2386;

Owen Walsh, Religious Ed Director [email protected] Lisa Lechowicz, Religious Ed Asst. Director [email protected]


Priests Rev. Kris Janczak, Pastor

Rev. Marcin Zasada, Assoc. Pastor Msgr. John Canary, Weekend Assoc. Rev. Tom Rzepiela, Pastor Emeritus

Rev. Ray Yadron, Pastor Emeritus

Permanent Deacons Deacon John Breit

Deacon Mark Duffey Deacon Tom Dunne

Deacon Bill Karstenson Deacon Len Marturano

Deacon Rich Willer

Pastoral Council Pam Maloney, Co-Chairperson Barb Howell, Co-Chairperson

Deacon John Breit Lexine Cramm Ann Johnson

Norbert Krogstad Steve Lundell

Gay Sladky Rev. Marcin Zasada

Bulle n deadlines: Ar cles for the bulle n are due on Fridays—9 days before publica on date.

If you need a hearing device, please ask an usher.

Page 3: St. Thomas of Villanova · Ann Johnson Norbert Krogstad Steve Lundell Gay Sladky Rev. Marcin Zasada Bullen deadlines: Arcles for the bulle n are due on Fridays—9 days before publicaon


From Our Pastor Dear Friends, This Sunday we celebrate the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord into heaven. In Acts, two men dressed in white tell the apostles to stop gazing into the sky and know that Jesus will return. Who were these two men? Angels, perhaps. Maybe they were the same two men that the disciples of the Lord saw with Jesus on the mountain of the Transfigura on, Moses and Elijah. We really don't know exactly who the two men were, but we do know this, their presence shows that the message of the Ascension is important, very important. And what is that message? The message was that the disciples will be

empowered with the Holy Spirit so they can be witnesses of the Lord to the ends of the earth. The number of disciples would not be limited to the eleven who remained faithful to Christ. All who believe in Him would be called to proclaim the Gospel of Christ to the world. That includes all of us. We need to get into the ac on. Chris ans have to be people of ac on. We were not given the Holy Spirit for our own wellbeing. We were given the Spirit to use the Power of God to bring others to Christ. We are given the Spirit to do ba le for the Kingdom. There is a war going on. It is the war against evil. We need to be engaged. We need to do ba le every day. We need to fight the darkness that terrorizes the world. We need to be people of the light, the Light of Christ. There are many people who are so caught up with the lies of the world that they lost their recogni on of what evil is doing to them. Many people are so caught up in the sex culture, the drug culture, the alcohol culture that they don't recognize how evil is destroying them. They need us to point them to a be er way of life. Some people are caught up in the basic paganism of the world of evil. Pagans glory in the material. They sacrifice their dignity to their possessions. They seek meaning for life in their stuff. We Chris ans have received the mandate to bring Christ to the pagans, to live and preach the Gospel of True Love, sacrificial Love, the Love of Jesus Christ. To do this we have to be people who live for God, not for our own possessions. The world needs our witness to the Lord. "Stop looking up at the sky," the two witnesses call out to us. Jesus has ascended into heaven so we can receive the Spirit. Now, we need to fight for the Kingdom of God. We need to fight against the darkness. We need to kick open the door that binds others in slavery. We need to proclaim Jesus Christ with our lives. Reopening church update: If everything goes according to the plan, our church will be open for reconcilia on, bap sms, weddings and funerals beginning this weekend. Soon a er that, it will be open for private prayer and adora on. Regular weekend and weekday Masses will follow some me later. We’ll keep you posted. Stay healthy! Fr. Kris

Image by Fr. Kris Janczak

Page 4: St. Thomas of Villanova · Ann Johnson Norbert Krogstad Steve Lundell Gay Sladky Rev. Marcin Zasada Bullen deadlines: Arcles for the bulle n are due on Fridays—9 days before publicaon


Reopening Plan

Le er from Cardinal Cupich May 13, 2020 Dear Friends in Christ, These fi y days of Easter, leading to Pentecost, are marked by unprecedented suffering, as humanity has fallen vic m to a perilous contagion. In addi on to the threats to our physical wellbeing, we are suffering spiritually as the Covid-19 pandemic has required restric ons of our worship and ac ve par cipa on in the sacramental life of the Church. Surely, there have been moments in history when governments and rulers have persecuted Chris ans and banned their public worship. This is not one of them. Rather, the present restric ons come in response to an extreme medical emergency as local, state and federal authori es – specifically public health officials – legi mately fulfil their responsibili es to safeguard human life and the common good. They have based their reasonable guidance on careful considera on of empirical data and the best available disease-mi ga on prac ces as they seek to contain the pandemic’s rampage through our communi es. While everyone must exercise good ci zenship in observing these restric ons, I call on the Catholic faithful, as advocates for jus ce and charity, to comply with these regula ons. From the first pages of Scripture we learn that we indeed are “our brother’s keeper,” a truth that must inspire us as we are called to sacrifice. We should also be mo vated to cooperate with public safety norms, given our reverence for life and human dignity. This is, at its heart, a moment to proclaim the breadth and depth of what it means to be pro-life, par cularly as this virus preys on the most vulnerable in our midst. The good news is that a plan for a gradual reopening of our churches has now taken shape, as I note below. However, since our movements will be restricted as that plan unfolds in different phases, your pastors and bishops will con nue for the present me to offer Mass in private each day and to livestream and broadcast Masses from our parishes and the archdiocese. I am par cularly grateful to ABC-TV, Univision and Polvision in Chicago for giving us air me every Sunday. These celebra ons surely are not the same as gathering in our churches for Mass, but I know from hearing from many parishioners that they provide a great deal of solace and support in this me of uncertainty. We must be honest. We expect this situa on to con nue for some weeks, and any plan for reopening our churches for public worship must include every precau on to ensure public gatherings do not create a second wave of contagion, thus squandering the gains made through our sacrifice in these days. With those reali es in mind, I am heartened to announce that we have reached an agreement with the Office of the Governor on a mul -phase Plan for re-opening our churches for the celebra on of the sacraments, private prayer, adora on and Mass. As I share the Plan with you, both by way of an Execu ve Summary and the full Plan in the following pages, I want to assure you of my prayers for you and your family’s personal, material and spiritual wellbeing. I also express my apprecia on to the many people on the archdiocesan staff and in the Office of the Governor for the many hours they have given to designing and fine tuning this agreement. Again, I call on all Catholics to seize this moment to exercise faith-filled ci zenship in a way that reflects our deep regard for life, our calling as disciples of Jesus and our love of country. Sincerely yours in Christ,

Cardinal Blase J. Cupich

Page 5: St. Thomas of Villanova · Ann Johnson Norbert Krogstad Steve Lundell Gay Sladky Rev. Marcin Zasada Bullen deadlines: Arcles for the bulle n are due on Fridays—9 days before publicaon


Reopening Plan

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This document is an Execu ve Summary of the mul -phased protocols and procedures, known as the Plan, for reopen-ing churches and resuming public par cipa on in the sacramental life of the Church for the Catholic dioceses in Illinois. The full Plan is provided at the end of this Execu ve Summary. The Plan has been developed by the bishops of the Chicago Province in consulta on with and the approval of state and local public health officials and civil authori es. Four guiding principles undergird the mul -phased Plan: 1. Everything possible should be done to provide people the solace of the church’s sacramental life in a mely and

reasonable way.

2. The current situa on in Illinois remains dangerous and fragile. While much has been achieved, there remains the poten al that the gains could be lost by a second more virulent wave.

3. Trust needs to be established that the top priority in any Plan is the safety and wellbeing of people. We cannot take for granted that people will return just because churches are reopened.

4. Calling people to exercise faithful ci zenship will be key. Each Catholic will need to take personal responsibility for the common good as well as their own safety.

With these principles in mind, a Plan to prudently and gradually resume the full scope of public sacramental celebra ons, liturgies and faith prac ces, has been designed. The Plan envisions a set of required measures and phases. There will be an ongoing review of the Plan so that adjustments are made in accord with new data. The basics of the Plan are as follows: 1. A robust communica ons effort to inform parishes and parishioners of the Plan and any updates to it.

2. Each parish needs to recruit non-vulnerable volunteers at the parish level to assist the pastor in implemen ng the Plan.

3. The selected volunteers are to complete training by way of a webinar. The training will begin the week of May 18.

4. A required cer fica on of readiness to reopen will be required of each parish at each phase. Each parish is to complete an implementa on template confirming comple on of all ac on steps and demonstra ng that there are a sufficient number of trained volunteers to execute it.

5. Phase I allows for parishes to reopen for Bap sm, Reconcilia on, Weddings and Funerals with a limit of 10 a endees.

6. Phase IA allows for parishes to reopen for private prayer and adora on with a limit of 10 a endees. Given the training schedule noted above, it is an cipated that all parishes, if they choose to do so, could be opened by May 23 for Phase I and by May 30 for Phase IA.

7. Phase II allows for reopening for weekday and weekend Masses for larger groups depending on the guidelines from the state and the capacity of the church building.

8. Through ongoing discussions with pastors, health care professionals and civil authori es, there will be a review of the Plan at each stage with an eye to making adjustments in accord with new data.

Page 6: St. Thomas of Villanova · Ann Johnson Norbert Krogstad Steve Lundell Gay Sladky Rev. Marcin Zasada Bullen deadlines: Arcles for the bulle n are due on Fridays—9 days before publicaon


Reopening Plan

Thank you to….

PHASE I: Limited Sacramental Celebra ons and Private Prayer

Parish Ac ons and Responsibili es

• The pastor will need the assistance of the parish community, as he will be required to create a parish leadership team consis ng of 6 people, including himself, to co-manage opera ons and to supervise cleaning, set-up and gree ng.

• The parish business manager or some-one designated by the pastor will serve as the compliance manager for the parish and assist with the submission of necessary compliance forms.

• The en re team of leaders is required to a end training and submit an implementa on template for reopening, which needs to be reviewed and cer fied by the archdiocese or respec ve diocese.

• The parish will need to maintain an on-going procurement program for safety and cleaning supplies.

• Based on go-forward approval, each parish will have the preroga ve to offer Bap sms, Weddings, Funerals, and Reconcilia on in the church within the current limit of 10 a endees excluding ministers and on-site staff (“Phase I”).

• With addi onal prepara on, each parish may op onally offer Eucharis c Adora on and private prayer mes (“Phase IA”). In choosing to do so, parish leadership teams must comply with all published bishops’ guidelines outlining precau ons preparing for, during and a er the rite(s).

NOTE: During Phase I, parishes will not be allowed to offer either daily or Sunday Mass, even with 10 or fewer a endees. The resump on of public Mass, regardless of the number of a endees, is a more complex process, which requires the input of lessons that will be learned from Phase I. To that end, parishes and archdiocese or diocese will collaborate to gather data to improve the protocols and processes of the Plan before we move to worship services in Phase II.

Archdiocesan/ Diocesan Ac ons and Responsibili es The archdiocese or diocese, depending on capacity, will provide the following services to support the parishes and pastors: • Provide parishes informa on on

securing supplies or a list of preferred vendors for supplies throughout the phases of the Plan.

• Conduct required training webinars for clergy, parish leaders and volunteers, to assist the pastor in managing the Plan in each phase. The Archdiocese of Chicago will develop a standard webinar based on these guidelines and make it available to the other dioceses in the Chicago Province.

• Create and distribute to parishes a video message from the local bishop to explain the Plan for reopening churches.

• Evaluate and cer fy parish proposals for opening during the phases. Create a dedicated email box that will be monitored by staff to answer ques ons or otherwise support parishes that feel they cannot open safely without addi onal help.

• Gather and evaluate data from parishes on their Phase I and IA experience to adapt Phase II protocols for larger numbers, which will include public Mass.

• Work with government officials to explore possible increases in crowd size taking into considera on the capacity of church buildings.

_________________________________ PHASE II: Resump on of Public Masses Parish Ac ons and Responsibili es In Phase II parishes may apply for cer fica on to offer daily and Sunday Mass. Parishes will also con nue to celebrate Bap sms, Weddings, Funerals and Adora on. Given the more complex nature of celebra ons of the Mass, entering Phase II will require parishes to: • Expand the number of parish team

members if civil authori es permit an increase in the crowd size for Phase II.

• Maintain an on-going procurement

program for safety and cleaning supplies.

• Con nue recruitment and training of new, non-vulnerable volunteers as needed.

• Develop logis cal procedures in accord with the guidelines of the Plan to manage more frequent and larger services that cover ac ons before, during and a er the rites.

• Implement a safe and secure a endance reserva on/ cke ng system to maintain order and facilitate possible contact tracing of infec on.

• Submit a detailed proposal for implemen ng Phase II.

Archdiocesan Ac ons and Responsibili es To support the parishes in the prepara on and implementa on of Phase II, the Archdiocese or diocese will: • Establish and update requirements for

all services and rites according to the standards of government officials, health care experts and church authori es.

• Review and cer fy all parish proposals for reopening with celebra on of Mass.

• Provide addi onal required webinars and training, as needed.

• Create and distribute to parishes a video message from the local bishop to explain procedures for a endance at Mass in Phase II.

• Conduct random assessments over me to ensure con nued compliance

with published requirements. • Gather feedback from parishioners

across the Archdiocese or diocese on how well the safety protocols are working and how comfortable they are with church precau ons for their safety.

• Con nually monitor feedback on execu on and resources to assist in problem solving through ongoing communica on with parish leadership, state and local authori es and public health officials.

Page 7: St. Thomas of Villanova · Ann Johnson Norbert Krogstad Steve Lundell Gay Sladky Rev. Marcin Zasada Bullen deadlines: Arcles for the bulle n are due on Fridays—9 days before publicaon



YTD Totals YTD Budget $ 984,400.00

Over / (Under) ($ 48,316.37)

YTD Actual $ 936,083.63


Collec on On-Line Giving

Weekly Total

Over / Under Budget: $21,400.00

May 3 $ 20,111.00 $ 3,461.00 $ 23,572.00 $ 2,172.00

May 10 $ 12,600.35 $ 8,231.00 $ 20,831.35 ($ 568.65)

May 17 $ 14,804.53 $ 4,206.00 $ 19,010.53 ( $2,389.47)

May 24

May 31

ON-LINE GIVING GiveCentral online giving is a convenient way for St. Thomas of Villanova to receive your Sunday Sacrificial Giving (SSG) support, as well as other giving opportuni es. It is a secure online system with payment op ons from direct debit (ACH) to all major credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. You can donate to these funds:

• Sunday Giving • Sharing / Ministry of Care • “To Teach Who Christ Is”

How to sign up:

1. Go to 2. Click “FIND YOUR CHARITY” 3. Type St. Thomas of Villanova in

the search box and click on our picture when it appears.

4. Choose a fund to which you would like to donate, entering the frequency, date range and dollar amount, then click “ADD TO MY GIFT BASKET.”

5. You may click “CHECKOUT” at any me, or add more dona ons, if you wish.

6. Click “CONTINUE,” then “COMPLETE PROFILE” to register.

7. Complete the registra on form, then click “REGISTER AND CONFIRM GIFT.”

8. You’re registered! You will receive a confirma on email from GiveCentral.



PLEASE CONTINUE YOUR SUPPORT FOR OUR CHURCH! Our weekend collec ons are vital to provide the income which pays our Parish Family’s opera onal expenses and the salaries of our STV staff. We definitely need and appreciate your sacrificial offerings, especially during this

me that we cannot come together for weekend Mass. Here are three ways to s ll contribute your weekend offerings:

1. Sign up online using GiveCentral. Informa on and direc ons on how-to sign up are provided on this page.

2. Use the Archdiocese of Chicago Universal Offertory Program online. Visit our website: and click on the GIVING PAGE to find this link. If you do choose to donate through this universal program, please be sure to select "St. Thomas of Villanova" to credit your gi .

3. Mail your sacrificial offering envelope directly to our Parish Office: St. Thomas of Villanova Parish Family 1201 E Anderson Dr Pala ne, IL 60074


LOCAL FOOD PANTRY DONATIONS ♦ Pala ne Opportunity Center/Community Resource Center Food Pantry:

Accep ng food dona ons from 10am—Noon every Thursday at 1585 N. Rand Road in Pala ne (on the side doors facing Walmart - south side of building). All staples are needed. 847-776-9500

♦ Pala ne Food Pantry: Immediate needs - Coffee, Condiments, Snacks, Breakfast items, Peanut Bu er, Jelly and size 5 and 6 diapers. Drop-off at 721 S. Quen n Rd, Pala ne. Call ahead for hours: 847-358-6700.

Page 8: St. Thomas of Villanova · Ann Johnson Norbert Krogstad Steve Lundell Gay Sladky Rev. Marcin Zasada Bullen deadlines: Arcles for the bulle n are due on Fridays—9 days before publicaon


Parish News

PARISH CALENDAR All ac vi es have been canceled or postponed

un l further no ce.


Please visit our website: WWW.STOV.ORG for more up-to-date

informa on and spiritual resources during our closure.


Like us on Facebook!

Saint Thomas of Villanova Parish- STOV


Thank you to our Bulle n Adver sers!

We so appreciate your support which allows us to provide this important channel of communica on to our

Parish Family.

To our Parish Family: Please look on the last pages of our bulle n for our adver sers and support them with your patronage, which they surely

need in these difficult mes.

FROM OUR SEMINARIAN This weekend we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord. Imagine the loss and frustra on of the Apostles. Here Jesus suffered, died, was buried, and rose again and appeared to them. And now, 40 days later, he leaves them again, although this me for good. But we know Jesus isn’t gone for good, for next week we celebrate Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit. The visible and physical reality of Jesus ceases on earth at the Ascension, but the invisible, spiritual reality is carried on through the Spirit, through the Apostles, through the Church. And that is what this COVID-19 pandemic has done for us today; it has caused distress and frustra on, and the pandemic has also made our visible reali es, invisible, but even more real. As a Sacramental Church, we believe that the Sacraments are visible signs that point to an invisible reality. And so, in light of the pandemic, our former visible reali es are now invisible, it doesn’t mean they cease to exist. Even though we cannot hug those we love, we know the love is there. Even though we cannot physically be close to others, we know their presence is felt. Even though we cannot gather to celebrate gradua ons or ordina ons or First Communions, the pride and joy of the community is felt and seen in various ways. Even though we cannot see Jesus in his physical flesh as his disciples did, we know he is risen and living because the tomb is empty. We may find ourselves wearing face masks, standing 6 feet apart in lines at the stores, refraining from contact with others, unable to congregate in groups, all due to the invisible virus. But that doesn’t mean we stop loving others, the bond that unites us both visibly and invisibly. All these things considered, the angels who asked the Apostles who were with Jesus as he ascended, look at us now and say, “why are you standing there looking at the sky?” (Acts 1:11). Why are we ac ng like life has ended and joy has le us in hopeless despair? The visible has become invisible and our faith, our life of sacramental encounters of using visible signs to signify invisible re-ali es, should be our hope! Next week we will celebrate Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and Mary who are locked in the upper room. Will our sorrow of the visible becoming invisible keep us locked in our homes, or, when the public health officials give the all clear, will we run out and share the blessings we have found in the invisible graces from this me? In invisible friendship, Seminarian Andy Matijevic

Page 9: St. Thomas of Villanova · Ann Johnson Norbert Krogstad Steve Lundell Gay Sladky Rev. Marcin Zasada Bullen deadlines: Arcles for the bulle n are due on Fridays—9 days before publicaon


Parish News

STV FLOCKNOTES Have YOU signed up for STV Flocknote emails? Sign-up at:

Want to stay informed on the latest news from your St. Thomas of Villanova Parish Family? Sign up for Flocknotes, and you'll receive emails with our most up-to-date informa on regarding the reopening of our Parish, plus other helpful updates on various ac vi es at STV and our community. It's your way to stay connected and know what is happening during this constantly chang-ing me. Please sign up today! For ques ons or more info about Flocknote, email [email protected].

1. Go to 2. Sign the pledge to prayerfully support

moms in need 3. Click on the "Prayers" tab and choose

one of the prayers: ♦ Novena to St. Gianna Molla ♦ Prayer for pregnant mothers ♦ Litany of Mary, Mother of Life

Look for more ways to get involved soon! For more info contact Mary Ann: [email protected]


CANCELED When I came to St. Thomas almost a year ago in July, the first major event and fundraiser that I had the pleasure to par cipate in was the St. Thomas of Villanova Annual Golf Ou ng. I am not a big golfer, but I had a great deal of fun just being with many of you and enjoying this wonderful event. So, this year I was very much looking forward to our Annual Golf Ou ng, just like I was looking forward to so many other parish events. But due to the current situa on, we need to cancel the Golf Ou ng for this year. It seems like we might be slowly coming back to our normal ways of life, but it will be impossible to properly organize our Golf Ou ng this year. I wish I could know what tomorrow would bring, but we are s ll living in uncertainty and thus it is difficult to make plans. I am saddened by the fact that the Golf Ou ng will be canceled this year and I apologize to those who just like me were looking forward to playing golf with our fellow parishioners. I hope that nothing else will disturb our parish events during the coming year. Fr. Kris

Page 10: St. Thomas of Villanova · Ann Johnson Norbert Krogstad Steve Lundell Gay Sladky Rev. Marcin Zasada Bullen deadlines: Arcles for the bulle n are due on Fridays—9 days before publicaon


STV School News

Call today for a zoom tour! 847-358-2110

From the Principal’s Desk Since gradua on for this year's Eighth Graders will be very different than any other year, we want to "spotlight" each student in the bulle n over the next few weeks. You can help us celebrate this special me in their lives Please keep our 8th graders in your prayers as they prepare to head out on their next adventure, high school. We’re cheering you on and will always be proud to call you our students! For the rest of the School, this will be our last week of e-learning before summer break. We are looking forward to finishing this school year with the same enthusiasm that we started. Go Vikings! And… our school building may be closed, but you can s ll register online on at or email us at marke [email protected] for a zoom appointment or call and leave us a message 847-358-2110. We look forward to hearing from you. God bless, Mary Brinkman

Page 11: St. Thomas of Villanova · Ann Johnson Norbert Krogstad Steve Lundell Gay Sladky Rev. Marcin Zasada Bullen deadlines: Arcles for the bulle n are due on Fridays—9 days before publicaon


United in Prayer

SPIRITUAL COMMUNION Televised or live-streamed, online Mass viewing is an opportunity for you to remain connected to the Sacrifice of the Mass during this difficult me. Here are some resources for you: ♦—Find

many forms to listen and watch relevant Catholic prayer including Sunday Mass from Holy Name Cathedral. Radio, TV, YouTube and more are all available from this Archdiocesan link.

♦ Mercy Home—h ps://, which is televised across Chicagoland and available online.

♦ EWTN – is the Global Catholic Network sta on. Along with daily Mass, the site provides many other resources for daily prayer and reflec on.

♦ Relevant Radio – Daily Mass at noon broadcasted live on WKBM (930AM) & WNTD (950 AM), on the Relevant Radio® app, at, and on the Father Rocky Facebook page. (Rebroadcast each evening at 7:30pm. )

♦ Marytown – Libertyville - Chapel Live Stream with Mass on Sunday at 9:00am and Mon-Sat at 12:00 PM -

♦ Word On Fire—Offering daily Mass at

Prayer for Spiritual Communion My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.



A CALL TO PRAYER Providing a Light in the Darkness Prayer can help to strengthen our bonds with one another and with God, regardless of our faith iden es. By turning to prayer, we call forth a light in the darkness. Who we are: Volunteers from across the Archdiocese of Chicago who feel called to accompany anyone feeling the need to pray during this me of uncertainty and isola on. What we offer: A phone line staffed from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily, as well as 24-hour voicemail and e-mail connec ons. Our prayer partners are here to pray with you — opening our hearts to God, asking for his blessings and peace.

♦ Call us at 312.741.3388 ♦ By email: [email protected] ♦ Polski: [email protected] For more info:

ONLINE GRIEF GROUPS Providing support to those who are grieving In the absence of our usual in-person parish life, our online grief groups are places to share stories and feelings with others who have also experienced loss. Who we are: Each online grief group consists of a small group of adults (18 years of age or older) who have lost a family member or a friend. Our online grief group facilitators are not counselors and do not give advice, but they will be present to listen and to guide each grief group in prayer and discussion. What we offer: If you have experienced loss and are interested in joining a support group, please fill out the online signup form at:

Page 12: St. Thomas of Villanova · Ann Johnson Norbert Krogstad Steve Lundell Gay Sladky Rev. Marcin Zasada Bullen deadlines: Arcles for the bulle n are due on Fridays—9 days before publicaon


Our Weekly Prayers



Monday, May 25– Memorial Day 9:30am In memory of all military personnel who died while serving our country Tuesday, May 26 8:00am All who are sick Wednesday, May 27 8:00am All medical personnel Thursday, May 28 8:00am All military personnel Friday, May 29 8:00am Wally Kowalski Inten on for Jacobo & Le cia Dela Paz Saturday, May 30 5:00pm Tom Yadron, Sr. Tom Yadron, Jr. Sunday, May 31 9:30am Bob Maruska Sylvia Gronski 11:15am Emilie Drewanz Marie Kay Vince DeGiulio 1:30pm Mass—POLISH



Mon: Acts 19:1-8; Ps 68:2-3ab, 4-5acd, 6- 7ab; Jn 16:29-33 Tue: Acts 20:17-27; Ps 68:10-11, 20-21; Jn 17:1-11a Wed: Acts 20:28-38; Ps 68:29-30, 33- 36ab; Jn 17:11b-19 Thu: Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11; Jn 17:20-26 Fri: Acts 25:13b-21; Ps 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20ab; Jn 21:15-19 Sat: Acts 28:16-20, 30-31; Ps 11:4, 5, 7; Jn 21:20-25 Sun: Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104:1,24,29-34; 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13; Jn 20:19-23


MaryAnn Acton Barbara Amato Lisa Antonelli Baby Aubrey

Richard Barnes Alex Bingham Carmen Cline Jason Dean

Mary Depies Jeanne Formanski

Parker Forseth Steve Fortunski

Bill Gerl Phil Gerould

Tommy Glaser Grace Gorska

Judy Gott

Edward Grygowski David Hicks

Barbara Kerlin Mary King

Roswitha Kist Mary Alice Kobler

Susan Kordell Frank Koss

James LaCapra Louis LaCapra Gene Lazich

Mary Margaret Lazich Robert C. Lee

John Lenz Harold Lewis Alan Loden

Ron Magnuson

Alexa Rae Mang Elayne Maruska

Baby Benjamin Mauro Jason Mayschak

Brunilda Melendez Joanne Moser

Paul Moser Jeff Moskala Lana Murley

Baby David Paprocki Amie Parisi

Larry Peterson Emily Piscitelli

Jean Pope Brad Rohrssen Rosalyn Rubino

Dick Samojla

Jane Samojla Shirley Serena Virgilio So o

Kris na Sromek Richard Steelman Joseph Suchowski

JoAnn Swanson Robert Szo

Sharon Tadsen Jack Treanor

Alfreda Wasilewska Luke Wilberding

Susan Wilberding Deacon Rich Willer

Fr. Ray Yadron Charmaine Zuchel

Erin Zwadoo


U.S. Air Force • MSGT Dan Fialek • MSGT Ma hew Grelck • Lt Col Ross A. Mol • SrA Joshua Olszak • MAJ Ma hew Walz

U.S. Army • Lt. Col Bernade e O'Shea

Bland • SSGT Brian J. Dankowski • SPC Jack Davis • SSG Christopher M. Fedrick • MAJ Jon Meier

• CWO2 Timothy O’Cain • CPT James Ruetsche, Ranger

U.S. Coast Guard • CPO Nick Gaines • LT Kevin O’Brien

U.S. Marine Corps • LCpl Nicholas G. Dean • WO2 Thomas Grygowski • SGT Cameron Miller • SGT Kyle Rich • CAPT Jake Schlenbecker

U.S. Navy • LT Jeremy Adams • LCDR Kevin Brandwein • CMDR John-Paul Falardeau • CAPT Jason Haen • PO3 Caleb Harrington • PO2 David Holley • PO1 Konrad Otachel • AP James Steininger And all those serving in the Middle East.

IN SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY Lord, bless the men and women of our military as they answer the call to serve our na on and defend our freedom. Protect and heal them-- body, soul, mind and spirit--especially those in harm's way. Most of all let them know your love; that you are with them, and that you will never forsake or abandon them. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen.

ROSE OF LIFE Temporarily On Hold Un l Our Church Reopens

Pray for all Seminarians as they con nue their priestly forma on, especially: Casey Flack, Andy Ma jevic and AJ Sales


Terry Be - Wife of Tony Be


Page 13: St. Thomas of Villanova · Ann Johnson Norbert Krogstad Steve Lundell Gay Sladky Rev. Marcin Zasada Bullen deadlines: Arcles for the bulle n are due on Fridays—9 days before publicaon


Informacje po polsku

Czym jest Zmartwychwstanie Jezusa? Benedykt XVI daje świetny wykład Bez Zmartwychwstania: wiara będzie martwa: ‘Jeżeli Chrystus nie

zmartwychwstał, daremne jest nasze nauczanie, próżna jest także wasza wiara. Okazuje się bowiem, że byliśmy fałszywymi świadkami Boga, skoro umarli nie zmart-wychwstaną, przeciwko Bogu świadczyliśmy, że z mart-wych wskrzesił Chrystusa’ (1 Kor 15, 14n). W tych słowach święty Paweł dobitnie ukazuje znaczenie Zmart-wychwstania Jezusa Chrystusa dla całości chrześcijańskie-go orędzia: stanowi ono jego podstawę. Prawdziwość świadectwa, że Chrystus powstał z martwych, decyduje o istnieniu lub nieistnieniu wiary chrześcijańskiej.

Jeśli się usunie tę prawdę z tradycji chrześcijańskiej, z pewnością można zawsze zestawić całą serię godnych uwagi idei dotyczących Boga i człowieka, jego istoty i powinności – stworzyć swoistą religijną koncepcję świata – jednak wiara chrześcijańska będzie wtedy martwa. Jezus nadal pozostanie religijną osobistością, która poniosła porażkę; będzie ona wielka nawet w swej porażce i może nas zmuszać do refleksji.

Będzie miał jednak wymiar wyłącznie ludzki, a miarą Jego autorytetu będzie przekonująca siła Jego orędzia. Nie stanowi już żadnego kryterium; jest nim wówczas tylko nasza osobista ocena, zgodnie z którą z Jego spuścizny wybieramy to tylko, co wydaje się nam pożyteczne. To zaś znaczy, że jesteśmy zdani na siebie samych. Ostatnią instancją jest nasz własny osąd.

Coś rzeczywiście nowego, coś, co zmienia świat i sy-tuację człowieka, stało się wtedy tylko, jeśli Jezus rzec-zywiście zmartwychwstał. Wtedy dopiero staje się On kryterium, któremu możemy zaufać. Wtedy bowiem Bóg naprawdę się objawił.

Dlatego w naszych dociekaniach dotyczących postaci Jezusa Zmartwychwstanie stanowi punkt decydujący. Od Zmartwychwstania zależy to, czy Jezus tylko był, czy też również jest. W ‘tak’ lub ‘nie’, jako odpowiedzi na to pytanie, chodzi nie o jedno wydarzenie obok wielu innych, lecz o postać Jezusa jako taką.

Co się tam wydarzyło? Musimy ze szczególną uwagą wsłuchać się w świ-

adectwo Nowego Testamentu o Zmartwychwstaniu. Trzeba jednak stwierdzić od razu, że z historycznego punktu widzenia świadectwo to okazuje się bardzo złożone i nasu-wa wiele problemów.

Co się tam wydarzyło? Widać wyraźnie, że świadkom, którzy spotkali się ze Zmartwychwstałym, nie było łatwo o tym mówić. Stali wobec rzeczywistości dla nich samych zupełnie nowej, wykraczającej poza horyzont ich doświ-adczeń. Rzeczywistość tego, co się wydarzyło, była dla nich porażająca i zmuszała do dawania świadectwa, równ-ocześnie jednak była czymś zupełnie nowym. Święty Marek opowiada, że schodząc z góry Przemienienia, uczniowie rozprawiali o tym, co powiedział Jezus – że Syn Człowieczy ‘powstanie z martwych’. Pytali jeden drugiego, co znaczy ‘powstać z martwych’ (Mk 9, 9n). Rzeczywiście: Co to właściwie jest? Uczniowie nie wiedzieli i musieli się tego dowiedzieć dopiero przez spotkanie z rzeczywistością.

Kto do relacji o Zmartwychwstaniu podchodzi z prze-konaniem, że wie, czym jest powstanie z martwych, ten

relacje te może zrozumieć tylko fałszywie i musi je następnie odłożyć na bok jako pozbawione sensu. (…) gdybyśmy w Zmartwychwstaniu Jezusa mieli do czynienia tylko z cudem reanimacji zwłok, wcale by nas ono w grun-cie rzeczy nie interesowało. Nie miałoby większego znaczenia niż reanimacja klinicznie martwych dokonywana dzięki umiejętnościom lekarzy. W świecie jako takim i w naszej egzystencji nic by się nie zmieniło.

Cud przywrócenia życia oznaczałby, że Zmartwychwsta-nie Jezusa było tym samym co wskrzeszenie młodzieńca z Naim, córki Jaira lub Łazarza. Po krótszej lub dłuższej przerwie wracali oni do swego dotychczasowego życia, żeby później któregoś dnia umrzeć definitywnie.

Było to coś absolutnie nieoczekiwanego dla uczniów Świadectwa nowotestamentalne nie pozostawiają

najmniejszej wątpliwości co do tego, że w ‘Zmartwychwstaniu Syna Człowieczego’ wydarzyło się coś zupełnie nowego. Zmartwychwstanie Jezusa było przejści-em do całkowicie nowego rodzaju życia, do życia niepod-legającego już prawu śmierci i stawania się, lecz znaj-dującego się poza jego granicą, życia, które zainicjowało nowy wymiar człowieczeństwa. (…) W Zmartwychwstaniu Jezusa zostały zrealizowane nowe możliwości bycia człowiekiem, które mają znaczenie dla wszystkich i otwiera-ją przed ludźmi przyszłość, nowy rodzaj przyszłości.

Dlatego Paweł zupełnie słusznie nierozerwalnie połączył zmartwychwstanie chrześcijan ze Zmartwychwstaniem Jezusa: ‘Jeśli umarli nie zmartwychwstają, to i Chrystus nie zmartwychwstał. (…) Tymczasem jednak Chrystus zmart-wychwstał, jako pierwociny tych, co pomarli’ (1 Kor 15, 16.20). Paweł mówi nam: Zmartwychwstanie Chrystusa albo jest wydarzeniem powszechnym, albo go w ogóle nie ma. I tylko wtedy, gdy rozumiemy je jako wydarzenie powszechne, jako otwarcie nowego wymiaru ludzkiej egzystencji, znajdujemy się na drodze poprawnej interpre-tacji nowotestamentalnego świadectwa o Zmartwychwsta-niu.

(…) Jezus nie powrócił do normalnego ludzkiego życia na tym świecie, tak jak to się stało z Łazarzem i innymi zmarłymi wskrzeszonymi przez Jezusa. Przeszedł do nowego, odmiennego życia – do Bożych szerokości, i stamtąd przychodzi, by ukazać się swoim.

Było to coś absolutnie nieoczekiwanego również dla uczniów.

Coś, z czym powoli sami dopiero musieli się uporać. Wprawdzie wierzącym Żydom znana była kategoria zmart-wychwstania na końcu czasów. To nowe życie wiązało się z początkiem nowego świata i z tej perspektywy było też czymś jak najbardziej zrozumiałym: Jeśli istnieje nowy świat, to jest w nim także nowy sposób życia. Jednak zmartwychwstanie jako przejście w stan definitywny, od-mienny, pojawiające się pośród starego, nadal istniejącego świata, nie było przewidziane i dlatego także nie było z początku zrozumiałe. Stąd zapowiedź Zmartwychwstania pozostała zrazu niezrozumiała dla uczniów.

Nieopisany paradoks: On był zupełnie inny Proces stawania się wierzącym ma podobny przebieg

jak kształtowanie się postawy wobec Krzyża. O Mesjaszu ukrzyżowanym nikt nie myślał. Ale teraz był to fakt i w jego kontekście trzeba było odczytać Pismo na nowy sposób. (…) Teraz trzeba było szukać w Piśmie obydwu, Krzyża i Zmartwychwstania, wyjaśniać je na nowy sposób i tą drogą dochodzić do wiary w Jezusa jako Syna Bożego.

To zakłada z kolei, że Zmartwychwstanie było dla ucz-niów czymś tak samo realnym jak Krzyż. Zakłada, że rzec-

zywistość ich po prostu przerastała, że po początkowych wahaniach i zdumieniu nie mogli się jej dłużej opierać: to rzeczywiście On! On żyje, On do nas mówił i pozwolił nam siebie dotykać, mimo iż nie należy już do świata rzec-zywistości, których można normalnie dotykać.

Był to nieopisany paradoks: On był zupełnie inny – nie reanimowane zwłoki, lecz Ktoś, kogo Bóg uczynił Żyjącym na nowy sposób i na zawsze. I jako taki – nienależący już do naszego świata – jednocześnie był rzeczywiście obecny, w całej swej tożsamości. Było to doświadczenie jedyne w swoim rodzaju, przekraczające horyzonty zwykłych doświ-adczeń, a jednak dla uczniów – niezaprzeczalne. To tłu-maczy specyficzny charakter świadectw Zmartwychwstania: mówią one o czymś paradoksalnym, o czymś, co wykracza poza granice doświadczenia, a mimo to jest obecne, w pełni realne.

Czy jednak coś takiego mogło się rzeczywiście wydarzyć? Czy my, zwłaszcza jako ludzie nowocześni, możemy dać wiarę takim świadectwom? Myśl ‘oświecona’ mówi: nie. Gerdowi Lüdemannowi, na przykład, oczywiste wydaje się, że w następstwie „zmiany naukowego obrazu świata (…) tradycyjne idee zmartwychwstania Jezusa należy uważać za przestarzałe” (…). Cóż to takiego jednak ‘naukowy obraz świata’? Jak daleko sięga jego normatywny charakter? (…)

Oczywiście, nie może zachodzić sprzeczność z tym, co jest jasnym twierdzeniem naukowym. W świadectwach Zmartwychwstania jest mowa o czymś, co nie mieści się w granicach naszego doświadczenia. Jest mowa o czymś nowym, o czymś do tej chwili jedynym – jest mowa o ukazującym się nowym wymiarze rzeczywistości. Nie kwestionuje się istniejącej rzeczywistości. Zostało nam raczej powiedziane: istnieje jeden wymiar więcej, niż znaliśmy do tej pory. Czy jest to sprzeczne z nauką? Czy rzeczywiście może istnieć to tylko, co istniało od początku? Czy nie może zaistnieć nieoczekiwane, niewyobrażalne, jakaś rzecz nowa? Jeśli jest Bóg, czy nie może on stworzyć również nowego wymiaru człowieczeństwa czy całej nawet rzeczywistości? Czy stworzenie nie czeka w gruncie rzeczy na tę ostatnią i najwyższą ‘mutację’? Na zjednoczenie skończonego z Nieskończonym, na zjednoczenie człowieka z Bogiem, na pokonanie śmierci?

Chrystus naprawdę zmartwychwstał W całej historii istot żywych początki nowego są małe,

niewidzialne niemal – można ich nie zauważać. Sam Pan powiedział, że ‘królestwo niebieskie’ jest na tym świecie podobne do ziarna gorczycy, najmniejszego spośród wszystkich nasion (Mt 13, 31n). Kryje jednak w sobie nie-skończone potencjalności Boga. Z perspektywy historii świata Zmartwychwstanie Jezusa jest czymś niepozornym, jest najmniejszym nasieniem historii.

To odwrócenie proporcji stanowi część tajemnicy Boga. To, co jest wielkie, potężne, jest w gruncie rzeczy czymś małym. A małe ziarno jest naprawdę wielkie. Tak więc Zmartwychwstanie stało się obecne w świecie tylko przez tajemnicze ukazywanie się wybranym. Mimo to jednak było rzeczywistym nowym początkiem – tym, czego wszystko w ciszy oczekiwało. A dla nielicznych świadków – dlatego właśnie, że dla nich samych było to niepojęte – było ono wydarzeniem tak zdumiewającym i realnym, narzucającym się im z tak wielką mocą, że rozpraszało wszelkie ich wąt-pliwości, toteż z nową odwagą stanęli przed światem, ażeby świadczyć: Chrystus naprawdę zmartwychwstał.

Fragment książki Benedykta XVI ‘Jezus z Nazaretu. Od wjazdu do Jerozolimy do Zmartwychwstania’.

UROCZYSTOŚĆ WNIEBOWSTĄPIENIA PAŃSKIEGO – Miłość to obecność i bliskość Jezus po czterdziestu dniach od zmartwychwstania wstępuje do nieba, powraca do Ojca. Przekazuje dzieło ewangelizacji dwunastu apostołom. Dzieli się z nimi duchową władzą. Posyła ich na cały świat. I spoglądając na dzieje Kościoła, możemy być zadziwieni, jak bardzo się rozprzestrzenia. Dziś chrześcijaństwo jest na całym świecie, a zaczęło się od grupki Dwunastu wspieranych mocą Ducha Świętego i obecnością Jezusa. Jezus jest z nami także dziś, jest ‘przez wszystkie dni aż do skończen-ia świata’, wspiera nasze świadectwo. Zawsze możemy na Niego liczyć, bo miłość to obecność, to trwanie blisko.

Page 14: St. Thomas of Villanova · Ann Johnson Norbert Krogstad Steve Lundell Gay Sladky Rev. Marcin Zasada Bullen deadlines: Arcles for the bulle n are due on Fridays—9 days before publicaon

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