standardization of interfaces between mes and...

Automation • Projektledelse • Networking SESAM seminar nr. 98 Standardization of interfaces between Standardization of interfaces between MES and machinery

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Page 1: Standardization of interfaces between MES and · Automation • Projektledelse • Networking OMAC OMAC Get a detailed

Automation • Projektledelse • Networking

SESAM seminar nr. 98

Standardization of interfaces between Standardization of interfaces between

MES and machinery

Page 2: Standardization of interfaces between MES and · Automation • Projektledelse • Networking OMAC OMAC Get a detailed

Automation • Projektledelse • Networking

SESAM seminar nr. 98


OMACPh.D. Carsten Nøkleby















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Fortrådning Fieldbus / sensor bus Remote I/O













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Automation • Projektledelse • Networking



Get a detailed insight into how

Nestlé is working with the

standardization of interfaces

between MES and mechanical

equipment - OMAC.

Nestlé will be represented by Dr. Nestlé will be represented by Dr.

Bryan Griffen, Engineering and

Automation Group Manager with

the Nestlé Product Technology

Center Orbe. Dr. Bryan Griffen is

Chairman OMAC Packaging


Join the discussion on

cooperation to promote the use

of OMAC production IT standards.

Page 4: Standardization of interfaces between MES and · Automation • Projektledelse • Networking OMAC OMAC Get a detailed

Automation • Projektledelse • Networking

Program #1

10:00 — 10:15 IntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroductionCarsten Nøkleby, SESAM-World

10:15 — 11:30 StandardisationStandardisationStandardisationStandardisation from a management perspectivefrom a management perspectivefrom a management perspectivefrom a management perspectiveDr. Bryan Griffen, Nestlé

• Why are Nestlé focusing on OMAC standardization?

• The short-term and long-term benefits for end users, such as Nestlé - Eg. Cost, competences, services,


• What demands do Nestlé require from their machine suppliers – how are Nestlé technical department

involved as well as the procurement department involvedinvolved as well as the procurement department involved

• How do you ensure that all Machine equipment purchased by Nestlé follows the OMAC requirements?

• Is there any governance in Nestlé for handling automation and standardisation of automation

equipment as well as production IT.

11:30 — 11:45 Coffee BreakCoffee BreakCoffee BreakCoffee Break

11:45 — 13:00 Technical issuesTechnical issuesTechnical issuesTechnical issuesDr. Bryan Griffen and Uwe Keiter, B&R Corporate Headquarters (OMAC Executive committee)

• What is OMAC and the related standards?

• What can we expect in near future from OMAC?

• Over all status for OMAC standardisation groups — technical documents and guidelines.

• How to use the standards/guidelines: PackML, PackConnect, etc.

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Automation • Projektledelse • Networking

Program #2

13:00 — 13:45 LunchLunchLunchLunch

13:45 — 14:30 OMAC OMAC OMAC OMAC standardisationstandardisationstandardisationstandardisation Experiences from Experiences from Experiences from Experiences from GrundfosGrundfosGrundfosGrundfos & & & &

other companiesother companiesother companiesother companiesMette Toftgaard, Grundfos and Carsen Nøkleby, SESAM-World

• · What are the benefits and challenges of using OMAC standards? Automation • Projektledelse • Networking

• · What are the benefits and challenges of using OMAC standards?

14:30—15:00 PlenumPlenumPlenumPlenumCarsten Nøkleby, SESAM-World

• Discussion about cooperation to obtain a standardized interface

15:00 End of meetingEnd of meetingEnd of meetingEnd of meeting

Automation • Projektledelse • Networking

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Automation • Projektledelse • Networking

Kommende møde DK og SE

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Pris for SESAM medlemmer:Pris for SESAM medlemmer:Pris for SESAM medlemmer:Pris for SESAM medlemmer:

Pris for deltagelse

1.500 kr. ekskl. moms (*) for medlemmer.

4.100 kr. ekskl. moms (**) for ikke medlemmer

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Automation • Projektledelse • Networking

Kommende møde DK og SE

Hvorledes kan små og mellemstore

danske producerende virksomheder

overlever med automation?

Hvad kan booste små og mellemstore

virksomheder i Danmark?


Værdien ved automatisering i små & Værdien ved automatisering i små &

mellemstore virksomheder.

Onsdag 12. september 2012

Brøndby Hallen, Automation2012

I samarbejde med MCH og Automatik 2012

Page 8: Standardization of interfaces between MES and · Automation • Projektledelse • Networking OMAC OMAC Get a detailed

Automation • Projektledelse • Networking

SESAM seminar nr. 98

Standardization of interfaces between Standardization of interfaces between

MES and machinery

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Automation • Projektledelse • Networking

Automation • Projektledelse • Networking