stat paper

A research paper submitted in partial fulfillment for the course college statistics Submitted by: Cuerpo, David Dela Cruz, Jose Reynon, Ralph March 10, 2012 Manila, Philippines

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Page 1: Stat paper

A research paper submitted in partial fulfillment

for the course college statistics

Submitted by:

Cuerpo, David

Dela Cruz, Jose

Reynon, Ralph

March 10, 2012

Manila, Philippines

Page 2: Stat paper

Table of contents

Title Page

Chapter 1 Introduction

Background of study

Objectives of study

Significance of study

Scope and limitations

Definition of terms

Chapter 2 Related Literature

Chapter 3 Methods and Procedures

Chapter 4 Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendation


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Chapter 1: Introduction

Background of study

Every year there are students who fail in CFAD and so we want to find reasons

on why these students fail. We select the College of Fine Arts and Design to know more

about our study, we all know that CFAD is also a difficult college, the student’s need

money for their plates and a long time to do their plates.It's not easy to balance the

advantages of a college degree with the deficiencies of a liberal arts education.

As a student we want to know the total rate of students failing on one and over 9 units

of their subjects in the College of Fine Arts and Design. There are many reasons that

they are encountering today one of them is the financial problems, subject problems,

and more reasons which affect the students to fail.

It is very evident that there are quite a huge number of CFAD students ending up

“elsewhere” during their struggle for the diploma. Apparently our very own block section

2AD8 first came in CFAD with 40 members now this number is reduced to almost more

than a half, some students who left the block decided to shift courses others did not

really have a choice and the unfortunate ones had to get into the trouble of applying to

other universities or repeat a subject which means waste of time and money. As

students of the said college, the three of us felt the need and understood the importance

of conducting an in depth research on why such “misfortune” is happening.

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Objectives of the Study:

To know the number of the students who fail.

To know the reasons behind their failure.

To sum up the rate of failing students.

To help other students to avoid failure.

Significance of the Study:

Our study is important because we observe the reasons of the students on why they

are failing. This will help the students to avoid failure. This is also for the parents. This

study will also help them understand their child and can help them recover from this

kind of situation. The students’ performance should be improved for them not to fail.

Scope and Limitations:

The scope of our study is for the students only in the College of Fine Arts and Design

on UST. The study includes and focuses on students who fail every year or semester.

The study does not cover any other students on different colleges or schools that fail

on their courses. We would not ask for the dean to get the list of students who fail this

semester, we also don’t want to hurt the students on how they fail.

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Definition of terms

CFAD – Acronym for College of Fine Arts and Design

Plates- Projects which students are required to accomplish and submit before a given

deadline. This may involve painting, sculpture, photography, manual & digital rendering,


UST- Acronym for University of Santo Tomas

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Chapter 2: Related Literature

In our exploration, we found several journals and articles on our research and

discover new knowledge and ideas. In this journal shows why students’ performance is

poor. As we all know in college students have the freedom to cut classes so they get

lazy to go to their classes.

Journal of Social Issues

Volume 59, Issue 1, pages 103-119, April 2003

In many urban public high schools today, students navigate their day by selectively

cutting class leading to course failure and dropping out. Collaborative, qualitative

research conducted with urban high school students indicates that cutting results from

disengagement and alienation that student’s label “boredom.” Focus group data (N=

160 in 8 groups) indicate that class cutting has not only an individual component that

schools address, but also a systemic, conflictual component that schools do not

address. These unaddressed, intransigent conflicts can foster moral exclusion and

structural violence. These data suggest that rather than relying on standard punitive

approaches, schools can respond to class cutting more effectively by taking students'

concerns seriously, working collaboratively with students, and engaging in institutional


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Are “Failing” Schools Really Failing? Using Seasonal Comparison to Evaluate

School Effectiveness; A journal made by Douglas B. Downey and Paul T. von Hippel

from Ohio State University. This next article shows that schools do fail students which

perform poor on their academics, it said that schools who have disadvantage students

there would be an effect on school achievements.

To many, it seems obvious which schools are failing – schools whose students perform

poorly on achievement tests. But since evaluating schools on achievement mixes the

effects of school and nonschool influences, achievement-based evaluation likely

underestimates the effectiveness of schools that serve disadvantaged populations. In

this article, the authors discuss school-evaluation methods that more effectively

separate schools using 12-month (calendar-year) learning rates, 9-month (school-year)

learning rates, and a provocative new measure, “impact” – which is the difference

between the school year learning rate and the summer learning rate. Using data from

the early Childhood Longitudinal Study of 1998-99, the authors show that learning or

impact-based evaluation methods substantially change conclusions about which

schools are failing. In particular, among schools with failing achievement levels, less

than half are failing with respect to learning or impact. In addition, schools that serve

disadvantaged students are much more likely to have low achievement levels than they

are to have low levels of learning or impact. The implications of these finding s are

discusses in relation to market-based educational form.

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Loneliness Among College Students

James J. Ponzetti, Jr.***

Loneliness is a multifaceted phenomenon, often characterized by an unpleasant,

painful, anxious yearning for another person or persons (Hartog, Audy, and Cohen,

1980). Although loneliness is an emotionally distressing experience, it can be a valuable

signal that the personal relationships of an individual are inadequate in some important

way. This experience has become an increasingly common problem for millions of

people. In fact, previous research indicates that loneliness is a common problem among

college students. College males are usually lonelier than females, but they are also

more likely to suffer greater negative self-evaluations and social consequences from

admitting it. The purpose of this article is to review the empirical research concerning

loneliness among college students and, thus, sensitize family life specialists to the

importance of loneliness within this age group. College students who are lonely often

describe themselves as shy and/or depressed. Loneliness, shyness and depression are

distinct, but strongly related.

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Chapter 3

Methods and Procedure

This chapter will discuss the method of research to be used, the respondents of

the study, the sampling technique, the instrument to be used, the validation of the

instrument used, the administration of the instrument and the statistical treatment of the

data that will be gathered.

Method of Research to be used

This study will use the descriptive approach. This descriptive type of research will

utilize interview, observation and questionnaires in the study. The study will determine

whether overall well-being of the students under the CFAD program of UST has a

deficiency on the subjects which leads them to fail the course. Specifically, the study will

determine the reasons why the students fail in terms of financial problems, proffessor

problems, personal problems, family problem, poor study habits, and etc. To identify the

benefits of the said course provides on the students, depict the learning process that the

CFAD students undergo, knowing how the irregular students maintain their grades on

the said course; and the manner in which the students take this course as characterized

by their level of learning, rate of development and attitude/behavior.

The primary source of data will come from a researcher-made survey

questionnaire, which will be given to the respondents. The respondents of this study

will be randomly selected to the irregular students that studied in the course of CFAD as

well as those students who failed more than 6 units.

The secondary source of data will come from published articles from social

science journals and related studies on college failure and reasons on both students

and their parents.

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For this research design our researcher will gather data, collate different articles from

social science journals, distribute sampling questionnaires; and make a content analysis

of the collected documentary and verbal material. Afterwards, our researcher will

summarize all the information and get the percentage of the failing students in CFAD

and provide insightful recommendations to the students.

Respondents of the Study

The general population of this study will be composed of CFAD failing students

only, numbering one hundred fifty (150) respondents/participants.

Sampling techniques

In this study we will use random sampling. We will give questionnaires to

different sections in CFAD, for us to get the 50 respondents, each section the

respondents shall be equal to the others. We will be going directly to our respondents to

have the survey answered.

Instruments to be used

To determine the main reasons why they fail in the course of CFAD, and how will

this effect to the students. The researcher will prepare a survey questionnaire which will

be given to the intended respondents.

Part 1 of the survey will ask for the characteristics of the student studying in CFAD

according to age, gender, for their names it could be optional.

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Part 2 will be asked about their daily allowance in school, and also if they live in dormitories or condominiums. In this part of survey there will be lists of choices or reasons on why students fail. Also there will be rating questionnaires wherein their answers should be:


5 Very Satisfactory

4 Satisfactory

3 Average

2 Unsatisfactory

1 Very Unsatisfactory

Part 3 of the survey will be asked about their plans after knowing they are failing.

Validation of Instrument

For validation purposes, we will submit a survey questionnaire and after approval,

the survey will be given to the 50 respondents.

Administration of the Instrument

The revised instrument will then be administered to the respondents of the study,

which will be chosen through a random sampling. Then the researcher will now tally,

score and tabulate all the relevant data in the survey questionnaire.

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Statistical Treatment of Data

When the entire survey questionnaire is collected, the researcher will use statistics

to analyze all the data.

The researcher will statistically treat the data on Part 1, the profile of the student,

according to age and gender.

The statistical formulae to be used in the second part of the survey questionnaire

will be the following:

1. Percentage- to determine the magnitude of the responses to the questionnaire.


% = -------- x 100 ; n – number of responses

N N – total number of respondents

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Chapter 4

Analysis and Interpretation of Data


The use of pie chart was necessary to represent the data gathered. As you can see, the data in

the pie chart is all about the reason why students fail. 29% of the students answered they have

“Professor Problems” that’s why they fail which means they have a hard time approaching or

talking to their professors. The next reason is “Tardiness” with a percentage of 25% which

means they failed because they didn’t go to school on time or they didn’t attend their classes.

Next is 21% answered they have “Less time” which means they have problems meeting the

Financial Problems 12%

Professor Problems 29%

Tardiness 25%

Less Time 21%

Personal Problems 10%

Others 3%

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deadlines of the submissions of plates. 12% answered “Financial Problems” which means they

didn’t have the enough budgets to fund in doing their plates. 10% answered “Personal

Problems” which means they have family issues that affect their study.

What Subject did you fail to?

As you can see the graph shows that English 1 is the very highest of them all maybe because

they don’t have that time to attend their minor subjects. Others cut their minor subjects to make

their plates.












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What is your age?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid 17 1 2.0 2.0 2.0

18 15 30.0 30.0 32.0

19 13 26.0 26.0 58.0

20 13 26.0 26.0 84.0

21 8 16.0 16.0 100.0

Total 50 100.0 100.0

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In this graph, we asked 50 correspondents what their age is. As you can see, our table

shows a student with the age of 18 has the most number of students who fail. At the

age of 18 mostly the students are in 2nd year. Then the least correspondent are the 17

year old student, they are 1st year students.

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What program of CFAD are you taking?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid Advertising Arts 27 54.0 54.0 54.0

Interior Design 11 22.0 22.0 76.0

Painting 6 12.0 12.0 88.0

Industrial Design 6 12.0 12.0 100.0

Total 50 100.0 100.0

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As you can see in this table we questioned our correspondents about their program in

CFAD. We want to know what program will have the most number of correspondents.

As a result we found out that advertising arts have the most frequency. The least

number of correspondents are Painting and Industrial Design with a overall percentage

of 12% respectively.

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Where do you live?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid Condominiums 7 14.0 14.0 14.0

Dormitories 11 22.0 22.0 36.0

Apartment 5 10.0 10.0 46.0

Others 27 54.0 54.0 100.0

Total 50 100.0 100.0

In this result, we asked our correspondents where they stay or live. We asked this

because our environment is a vital role in our studies. As you can see, most of the

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student-correspondents, with a total number of 27, answered OTHERS which mean

they live with their relatives or they stay at their own home. Next is 11 student stay in

dormitories, 7 of the correspondents stay at condominiums and lastly, 5 students stay at


How much is your allowance in school?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Php 1000 8 16.0 16.0 16.0

Php 500 13 26.0 26.0 42.0

Php 250 11 22.0 22.0 64.0

Others 18 36.0 36.0 100.0

Total 50 100.0 100.0

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The result says that most of the correspondents answered Others which means they

have allowance which is not mentioned in the choices we gave them. Most of them

answered they have Php 150 allowance per day. Only a few have an allowance of Php

1000 per day.

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For how long do you spend your given allowance?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Weekly 21 42.0 42.0 42.0

Daily 29 58.0 58.0 100.0

Total 50 100.0 100.0

This data shows how they spend their money, or rather for how long they spend their

allowance. Most of them spend their given allowance daily with a overall percentage of

58% and 42% spend their allowance weekly.

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Are you an irregular student in CFAD?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Yes 44 88.0 88.0 88.0

No 6 12.0 12.0 100.0

Total 50 100.0 100.0

Most of the correspondents are irregular students with an overall percentage of 88%.

This suggests that many student fail in CFAD

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Are you planning to shift to other course?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Yes 8 16.0 16.0 16.0

No 42 84.0 84.0 100.0

Total 50 100.0 100.0

The results say that most of the students don’t have the plan shifting to other course

with a percentage of 84%.

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If Yes, what college will you shift to?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid Architecture 1 2.0 2.0 2.0

Commerce 1 2.0 2.0 4.0

Communication Arts 1 2.0 2.0 6.0

Engineering 2 4.0 4.0 10.0

N/A 2 4.0 4.0 14.0

None 42 84.0 84.0 98.0

UP Fine Arts 1 2.0 2.0 100.0

Total 50 100.0 100.0

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we recall, there are only few students who wanted to shift to other courses. But some

wanted to shift to other courses. Mostly, they want to transfer to Engineering.

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Chapter 5


We therefore conclude that there are many failing students in CFAD mostly in the program of

advertising arts. Our study has determined whether what is the reason of their failure, we found

out what they reason out is the professor problems; it is because they had a hard time

communicating with their professors. Most of the students we asked on what subjects did they

fail, they answered most was English in our own explanation they sacrifice their minor subjects

just to get good grades in their major subjects, others think that even though it is a minor subject

they can manage to pass. Our research had given us an effect, because we determine the

behavior of the students for us to be aware. Students nowadays will find any way just to

graduate their course.


We recommend this study for future researchers for them to add more research to our study.

Also for the people who would read this for the next generation, we would like to show them the

truth and for them to be ready when they will get a course in CFAD.

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