statistics for audience consumption

This graph shows that cinema admissions peaked in the 1940s but then decreased drastically in the years leading up to 1980s where admissions hit an all time low (under 200 million admissions). Since the 1980s cinema admissions have increased however statistics show that cinema admissions are not rising or decreasing. What is the overall trend in film consumption? Growth/decline?

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Post on 01-Sep-2014




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Page 1: Statistics for audience consumption

This graph shows that cinema admissions peaked in the 1940s but then decreased drastically in the years leading up to 1980s where admissions hit an all time low (under 200 million admissions). Since the 1980s cinema admissions have increased however statistics show that cinema admissions are not rising

or decreasing.

What is the overall trend in film consumption? Growth/decline?

Page 2: Statistics for audience consumption

Who watches films in the UK- Age

This graph shows the distribution of cinema goers between the years 1997-2012, this graph suggests that people aged 45+ are the most likely to go to the cinema followed by 15-24 year olds. This graph also shows

that 25-34 year olds visit the cinema the least with 35-44 year olds going just a little more frequently.

Page 3: Statistics for audience consumption

Who watches films in the UK- Age cont.

These tables show which films had an ‘above average audience’ and which age group watched them. From this document I can tell that 50% of Ted’s audience was aged between 15 and 24 whereas 50% of ‘Salmon fishing in the Yemen’ was aged 55+. This suggests that there is a specific type of film/genre that different age ranges are usually attracted to. For example young people are typically attracted to action and comedy, whereas older people would choose films based on history e.g. Anna Karenina and War Horse.

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Who watches films in the UK- Gender

This chart shows the percentage of males and females that watched the top 20 films and the top UK films in the UK and Republic of Ireland. This shows me that females usually films including romance and imagination. For example Twilight and Anna Karenina.This information additionally shows me that males tend to choose action and danger for instance Dredd and The Dark Knight Rises.Additionally I am able to see which films did not have much of a gender divide. For example Skyfall and The Iron Lady. I think that these films did not have a large gender split as Skyfall was anticipated to be good as there has been previous films. Additionally the Iron Lady was very popular with both males and females as Margret Thatcher was a very controversial character who impacted the lives of both males and females.

Page 5: Statistics for audience consumption

Who watches films in the UK- Socio-economic groups

The top table shows that there is a large percentage of C1 audience members for the film The Hunger Games. This could suggest that the content featured would not appeal to the unemployed. However there may be a large percentage of C1 viewers (31%) as

this is the socio-economic group most likely to spend money watching films e.g. through the cinema. Additionally I think Anna Karenina and The Iron Lady are mainly watched by socio-economic groups A and B as groups A and B are likely to have some

background knowledge of these events therefore making it more relatable and interesting. Ice Age 4: Continental Drift, had a audience percentage of 23% as this film would have appealed to children and young people. Children and young people would be included in socio-economic groups D and E as they would either not be employed or they

may have a small regular income from their parents.

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Who watches films in the UK- Location

21% of Taken 2’s audience were from the north west, this could suggest to me that there are certain elements within the film that make this target audience want to view this film. For example this could be relation to characters or the majority of the audience fitting into a socio-economic group at which this film is aimed at. Similarly The Iron Lady may have had a large audience from London as London was the place in which the Poll Tax riots took place, resulting in their being a large

majority of people affected living in that area who would have been interested in her story.

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Under represented group- ethnicity

In the statistics given there are a lot of groups who are under represented for example: black, Asian, Chinese and mixed. Statistics from this chart show that there is less than 10% from the mix of these groups whereas 90% of the audience is always white. This implies that white people are the most likely to either go to the cinema, buy/rent a video and buy PPV.

Additionally the disabled are severely under represented. For instance highest percentage they represent is 15.5% in video buyers. The table suggests that they do not choose to view media at the cinema due to the fact that only 9.4% of disabled people visit the cinema.

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Where/how do people watch films?

The graph above show the trends in media consumption. For example this chart shows the total gross value of each type of media consumption. For example in 2011 video retail was the highest grossing form of media consumption, with theatrical performances in

second place. However by 2012 this had changed. Theatrical performances were now the most common form of consumption with video retail in second.

The graph to the left is stating which countries have the highest revenue in millions. I can tell that film entertainment provides the most revenue for the USA, Japan and the UK. This suggests to me that the films these 3 countries provide are the most popular and appeal to the audience the most. Additionally this could imply that these are the 3 countries where media consumption is the highest and most important.

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Most popular films

The chart to the left shows the results of the top 20 films released in the UK in 2012. The 3 films with the highest box office gross in millions are: Skyfall, The Dark Knight Rises and The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. From analysing this chart I have concluded that the most popular films are action, thriller and adventure. All 3 of these films contain elements of these genres similarly so does Marvel Avengers Assemble.

Page 10: Statistics for audience consumption


As technology has been improved there has been a significant increase in the amount of films released each year. Additionally as technology has improved the quality of the footage and audio has increased resulting in the

production being more aesthetically pleasing for the viewer as well as it looking more professional. Additionally technology is has become more of a feature in people’s lives. For example it is possible to watch films on

mobile phones, laptops and television channels. I think this has made the amount of people who go to the cinema decrease as audience member’s may prefer to watch films from the comfort of their home which is now a reality.

The graph above shows that there is an increase in people watching films on the television (green) and a decrease in people renting videos (red) as it is much easier to watch a film on VoD or nVoD (purple).