status characteristics and social interaction joseph

Status Characteristics and Social Interaction by Joseph Berger Bernard P. Cohen Morris Zelditch, Jr. Stanford University Technical Report No. 42 May, 1971 *Research for this paper was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation (GS 1170), the Advanced Research Projects Agency, Department of Defense (DAHC15 68 C 0215), and a special research fellowship to Joseph Berger by the National Institutes of Health. We would particularly like to acknowledge the advice and assistance at various stages in this research by Bo Anderson, Tom Conner, Paul Crosbie, Hamit Fisek, Lee Freese, Joan Kiker Kruse, Ron Kruse, Bill McKeown, Jim Moore, and Marjorie Seashore.

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Status Characteristics and Social Interaction


Joseph Berger

Bernard P. Cohen

Morris Zelditch, Jr.

Stanford University

Technical Report No. 42 May, 1971

*Research for this paper was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation (GS 1170), the Advanced Research Projects Agency, Department of Defense (DAHC15 68 C 0215), and a special research fellowship to Joseph Berger by the National Institutes of Health. We would particularly like to acknowledge the advice and assistance at various stages in this research by Bo Anderson, Tom Conner, Paul Crosbie, Hamit Fisek, Lee Freese, Joan Kiker Kruse, Ron Kruse, Bill McKeown, Jim Moore, and Marjorie Seashore.


1. Background and statement of the problem.

The purpose of the present paper is to study the ways in which status

characteristics organize social interaction. The problem with which we are

concerned is one of the older problems in sociology. By 1908 Simmel was

already saying that, "The first condition of having to deal with somebody at

all is to know with whom one has to deal" (Simmel, 1908; quoted from Wolff,

1950, 307, italics in the original). While one might know with whom one had

to deal from direct knowledge of the particular individual, Simmel observed

that one might also know with whom one had to deal from a knowledge of his

status category (Simmel, 1908; in Wolff, 1959, 344-5). Twenty years after

Simmel's Soziologie, Park already took for granted a conception of interaction

in which an individual, on encountering another, classified the other in

terms of status categories such as age, sex, and race, attributed to the

other characteristics associated with his social type, and organized his con­

duct towards the other on the basis of such stereotyped assumptions (Park, 1928).

A considerable number of investigations in what is conventionally regard­

ed as the "small groups" literature deal with this problem. Some typical

findings are: Positions in the occupational hierarchy of a psychiatric

hospital determine participation rates in ward rounds— the ward administrator

participates more than the chief resident, the chief resident more than other

residents, the most passive resident more than the most aggressive nurse

(Caudill, 1958, Ch. 10). Positions in a B-26 air crew determine influence

over decisions made by the group— pilots are more able to influence decisions

than navigators,navigators more than gunners; and this is true even when the

pilot's opinion is by objective standards incorrect; true, also, even when

the task of the group has nothing much to do with the activities of B-26 air

crews (Torrance, 1954). In juries, it is found that sex and occupation

determine participation, election to foremanship, and evaluation of competence

as a juror (Strodtbeck, James, and Hawkins, 1958; Strodtbeck and Mann, 1956).

In biracial work groups it is found that whites initiate more interactions

than blacks, they talk more to other whites than to blacks, and even blacks

talk more to whites than to other blacks (Katz, Goldston, and Benjamin, 1958;

Katz and Benjamin, 1960). These findings are replicated in over a dozen

investigations between 1950 and 1965 alone; in particular see, in addition to

the above references, Croog, 1956; Heiss, 1962; Hoffman, Festinger, & Lawrence,

1954; Hurwitz, Zander & Hymovich, 1960; Leik, 1963; ilishler & Tropp, 1956;

Zander & Cohen, 1955; and Ziller & Exline, 1958.

Our objectives are first to examine what all this research adds up to;

that is, to formulate a more general description of the phenomenon as it is

regularly found in a variety of concretely different settings and circumstances.

Second, to explain the results of this research; that is, to show them as

consequences of some more general theory. For this purpose, part of the

present paper is devoted to the construction of the required theory. Third,

given this theoretical formulation, to review research designed to test,

refine, and extend it.

2. Abstract empirical generalization of the results of research on the

effect of status characteristics in decision-making groups.

While our problem is old, and the relevant research extensive, it is

difficult to say what it all adds up to. The difficulty lies in two directions:

First, there is no very precise conceptualization of the relevant variables.

All these investigations involve status differences, but none of them pro­

vide any very precise notion of what a status difference is. They all in­

volve some form of participation, prestige, or influence, but none of

them provide any very precise notion of how these things are related to each

other. Second, the concrete differences in these studies are very great, so

that it is difficult to decide just what systematic import they have. The

status differences with which they deal involve in some cases formal positions

in a hierarchy (chief of a service, resident, nurse; pilot, navigator, gunner);

in some cases personal reputations (prestige as experts on mental hygiene);

in some cases status in the community or society (occupation, age, sex, race).

The dependent variable is sometimes participation rates, sometimes influence

over decisions, sometimes perceptions of abilities, sometimes evaluations of

performance. The greatest differences of all are in the task and interaction

conditions investigated: From the estimation of the number of dots on a card

to discussion of damage awards in a jury trial; from conferences among pro­

fessionals to coalition games; from familiar tasks, intimately related to the

purposes of the group (mental hygiene specialists holding a mental hygiene

conference) to tasks utterly foreign to their purposes (air crews constructing

a story from a projective stimulus).

Nevertheless, these investigations have a number of common elements.

First, they all deal with some form of status difference. Furthermore, all

the status categories employed in these investigations, however different in

concrete detail, have at least two properties in common: (1) Differences in

status always appear to imply differential evaluations of individuals, (2)

Differences in status always provide the basis for inferring differences in

one or more other capacities or characteristics possessed by the individual.

The assumptions made about the individual on the basis of his status category

appear to be of two kinds: Specific expectations are formed about the specific

abilities relevant in the situation of interaction itself; often, also, more

general expectations are apparently formed about capacities of the sort that

might extend over many distinct kinds of situations. For example, assumptions

might be made, on the one hand, about the ability to solve a mathematical puzzle

on the other hand, about intelligence. (To fix terminology for our present

purposes, a characteristic that is differentially evaluated and implies

possession of other characteristics is a status characteristic; a status

characteristic from which one infers very general assumptions about individ­

uals is a diffuse status characteristic.)

Second, almost all of the aspects of interaction important in these

studies can be conceptualized in terms of four kinds of observable behavior:

(1) Individuals either give or do not give action opportunities to others;

that is, they either do or do not distribute chances to perform, as when one

individual asks another for his opinion. (2) Given an action opportunity,

individuals either do or do not contribute a performance output to the inter­

action of the group. (3) Given a performance output, others evaluate it

positively or negatively; given that they evaluate it positively or negatively,

they either communicate a reward action to another or they do not. Finally,

(4) as a consequence of exchanging views with respect to the task, it some­

times happens that one individual is influenced by another; that is, one

individual changes his mind as a result of discovering a difference of

opinion with another, or he does not. All four are highly intercorrelated:

Bales, for example, found that those who initiate activity most fre­

quently also receive activity most frequently and tend to be ranked highest

by group members on the criteria of who had the best ideas, who guided

the group discussion, and who demonstrated leadership (Bales, et al, 1951;

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Bales and Slater, 1955). Strodtbeck found performance outputs highly

correlated with influence (Strodtbeck, 1951). Therefore, though there are

great differences from one investigation to another in which dependent variable

is the focus of analysis, it is reasonable to regard them all as different

behavioral consequences of one underlying structure and to regard them as

related functions of that structure. (Collectively, these four kinds of inter­

action can be called the observable power and prestige order of the group.)־*־

Third, though the tasks, settings, and interaction conditions in these

studies are concretely very different, in all cases the individuals in the

group are collectively oriented to a common task. Usually the task requires

that the group make a decision; there is some belief that there is a right

and a wrong, or a good and a bad decision; and the purpose of the group is

to make the right, or good decision. In coming to the right decision it is

typically the case that it is legitimate to use another person's opinion as

the basis of one's own opinion if one believes that the other is right. Hence,

one may say that members of the group are looking for the right or good

answer, either from themselves or from others. (Our terminology will be: A

task that is defined as having a right and a wrong, or a good and a

bad answer, if the right or good answer is defined as "success" and the wrong

or bad answer as "failure", is a valued task; a task in which it is either

necessary or legitimate to use whatever opinion one believes is right, whether

the opinion of another or of oneself, is a collective task. A group oriented

to a collective, valued task is a task-oriented group.)

1In some cases the dependent variable is not one of these behaviors, but is some behavior which can be shown to be dependent on them. For example, in Zander and Cohen (1955) the dependent variable is satisfaction with the group experience, which we interpret as due to action opportunities and reward actions received by the higher status individuals.

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It is important to note some respects in which these investigations

differ. While we propose to ignore differences in concrete details, they

differ also in more abstract and general ways, and it is particularly in these

more abstract differences that one sees the power of the generalization we

hope to abstract from them. An investigation like Caudill's study of hospital

ward rounds involves a status structure embedded in the formal organization

of the hospital, and one that is immediately and obviously defined as relevant

to what takes place in ward rounds. But Torrance's study of air crews shows

that the formal status structure operates not only in respect to its estab­

lished purposes (such as solving an air crew survival puzzle), but even in

respect to a totally irrelevant task (constructing projective stories).

Furthermore, llurwitz, Zander, and Hymovitch (1960) show that informal status

structures are as powerful as formally instituted ones in determining power

and prestige orders. Thus, the effect of the status characteristic does not

depend on formal sanctions and supports, nor on the access to resources that

official position povides. Nor is it necessary that the status structure

evolve out of the interaction of members of the group, for Strodtbeck shows

the same effects though his juries are ad h o c . (Indeed, there is some evidence

to show that categories like age, sex, occupation, education, and race work

best when the group has not had a long history of interaction as a group [Leik,

1963]). Thus, in all these investigations there is a status structure, but

it is sometimes formal and sometimes informal, sometimes has prior associa­

tions with the task of the group and sometimes not.

We propose to formulate what is common to these investigations in a single

abstract empirical generalization which seems to us to summarize the principal

findings in all such studies:

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When a task-oriented group is differentiated with respect to some status characteristic, this status difference determines the observ­able power and prestige order within the group whether or not the status characteristic is related to the group task.

3. The problem of explanation and construction of a theory.

To this point, our analysis yields an abstractly formulated empirical

generalization; our purpose now is to explain it. Our problem is to derive

it from some more general theoretical formulation. To be useful, that is to

increase our understanding of this phenomenon and provide a basis for refining

and extending our knowledge of it, the theory used by this explanation should

satisfy at least the following four requirements: (1) It should stipulate

at least the sufficient conditions under xvhich a status organizing process

occurs. (2) It should specify what it is about status characteristics that

determines behavior. (3) It should specify what behaviors in fact are. deter­

mined by status characteristics. (4) It should describe the process by

which status characteristics determine behavior. Hence, our purpose now is

to construct a theoretical formulation satisfying these four requirements.

We will formulate this theory from the point of view of an actor, p,

oriented to at least two social objects, himself, p ' , and another, o. We

assume p to be in the following situation: There exists a task, T, with at

least two outcomes, Ta and T^, which are differentially evaluated: One state

is positively and one negatively evaluated. That is, one constitutes "success",

and the other "failure". The individuals for whom T is a task are task-

focused, that is, they are motivated to achieve the positively-evaluated

state and avoid the negatively-evaluated state. The task is such that individ­

uals facing the task are collectively-oriented, that is, it is both legitimate

and necessary to take behavior of others into account. It can be assumed

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that in order to accomplish T, that is in order to achieve the more positively-

valued state, one must possess some given state of the characteristic C; C,

in other words is instrumental to T. (We shall, for purposes of simplifying

analysis, treat all characteristics as dichotomies. Hence the characteristic

C, and all other characteristics, for example status characteristics, that

we treat later, have only the states C& and C^. If they are differentially

evaluated, then we may say that one is positively and one negatively evaluated.)

Who possesses the positively or negatively instrumental state of C may not be

*known to p. Call a task situation having these properties S . We assume

ftthat in S the social objects p' and o are described by states of a diffuse

status characteristic D and only by D. A characteristic is a diffuse status

characteristic for p if it has three properties: First, p believes that it

is better to possess one state of D than another; that is, the states of D

are differentially valued. Second, p associates with the states of D one or

more specific expectations for behavior. Thus, he may expect that college

professors speak a pure form of English, or that Jews are very studious. The

set of all such specific expectations associated with the state Dx we will

denote y . The states in y , like the states of D, are valued, either pos-X X

itively or negatively. Third, p associates with each state x of D a ?,eneral

expectation state, GES ; for example, that people who possess the state D_.X x

are smart, or moral. Where a specific expectation is one that is applicable

to a defined situation or class of situations, for a general expectation no

specified situation or class of situations is defined. The belief that

officers are gentlemen is an expectation of this kind. GES is an evaluated

state, and has the same value as the state D with which it is associated.’ x

Because diffuse status characteristics play so central a role in our

theory, we restate the ideas just given in terms of a formal definition:

Definition 1. (Diffuse status characteristic) A characteristic

D is a diffuse status characteristic if and only if

1. The states of D are differentially evaluated, and

2. to each state x of D there corresponds a distinct

set y of states of specific, evaluated character-X

istics associated with D , andx

3. to each state x of D there corresponds a distinct

general expectation state, GES^ , having the same

evaluation as the state D .x

*The task situation S , then, is a situation in which there is a valued

task T; there is a characteristic C instrumental to T; individuals are task-

focused and collectively-oriented; and they possess the states of one, and

only one, diffuse status characteristic D.

Status characteristics are not invariably brought into play simply by

being present in the situation: An important theoretical task, therefore, is

to characterize the class of social situations in which status characteristics

do operate to govern what takes place. That is, we must formulate conditions

under which it is in fact the case that the behavior of individuals in regard

to each other is based on the specific and general conceptions that are

associated with the status characteristic they possess. When it is true for

a given situation that the behavior of individuals is based on the status-

associated conceptions they have of one another, we speak of the status

characteristic being activated:

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Definition 2. (Activation) D is activated in S if and only if

sVp attributes in S the states GES and/or' the sets of states


Y to p' and o which are consistent with their states of D. x r

By consistent we mean that the states have the same evaluation. Thus the

positively evaluated general expectation state is consistent with the pos­

itively evaluated state of D.

We now place p in a situation satisfying the conditions we have formulated

5'; itfor S and state a condition sufficient to activate D in S . Note that the

condition is sufficient, not necessary; that is, we do not preclude the possi­

bility that other conditions might also activate D, and that these conditions

might be much more general than those we state in assumption 1.

*Assumption 1. (Activation) Given S , if D is a social basis of

*discrimination between p' and o in S, then D is activated in S .

By a social basis of discrimination we mean simply that p* and o possess

different states of D. Hone of the pejorative implications of the term belong

to our use here, nor is it even implied that p "discriminates" for or against

someone in his actions. That he does so we intend to derive from other

features of the situation; it does not follow tautologically from assumption 1.

*If a status characteristic D has been activated in situation S there

are two possible cases to consider: In the first, the state of the performance

*characteristic C that is instrumental to the task in S has been previously

associated with some state of D. In other words, the state x of C is a

member of the set y that is associated with the state x of D. For example:x

A psychiatrist and a nurse are given the task of deciding which recent changes

in the status of women generate helpful or harmful consequences from a mental

hygiene point of view (Hurwitz, Zander, and Hymovitch, 1960). In the second

- 11 -

case, the state of the performance characteristic that is instrumental to

the task has no previous association with any state of D. In other words, a

state x of C is not a member of the set of characteristics associated with

any state of x of D. For example: The ability to construct a fantasy based

on an ambigious stimulus is not an ability conventionally associated with air

force rank (Torrance, 1954).

In the first case, the activation of the status characteristic is suffi­

cient to determine the assumptions p makes about the specific abilities of

p 1 and o: P associates the state x of C with the state x of D; and has

attributed to p' and o the states of C that p associates with their respective

states of D. The definition of the situation therefore is a fairly straight­

forward matter.

In the second case, the way in which the structure of the situation comes


to be defined is less clear. For if the characteristic instrumental in S

has no prior association with the status characteristics visible in it, how

will differences in status imply anything for behavior? What is at issue is

the relevance of the status characteristic in the particular situation; where

by relevance we mean that if p believes o to possess the state x of D, then

he expects that o also possesses the state x of C. Or put in other words,

simply from a knowledge of the status characteristic they possess, p is able

to form expectations about the behavior of p 1 and o in the situation S .

The assumption we make about relevance is a strong one: But we

believe that in this situation the burden of proof is on showing that the

status characteristic is not relevant; in other words, that it becomes relevant

unless p specifically knows, as a matter of prior belief, that it is not a

basis for forming expectations about the characteristic C. It is possible,

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of course, for prior belief to establish the independence of two character­

istics: For example, p might have a well-formed expectation that athletic

ability and academic status are independent. Given this belief, p will not

be willing, nor believe himself able, to infer from the fact that p' is a

professor and o a student either that p 1 is better than o or o better than p 1

as a basketball player. Two characteristics that are socially defined as

independent are, in the language of our theory, dissociated. What we assume,

then, is that the status characteristic must be dissociated from the task

*characteristic required in S if the status characteristic is to be irrelevant

to it. Faced with a new task characteristic in a new situation, one about

which p has formed no prior beliefs, nothing bars p from seeing the status

characteristic as relevant. If nothing bars the status characteristic from

being relevant, it ;d.11 in our view become relevant; it will be used as a

social basis for defining the new situation. (This property of D may be

called its expansive property, and the process by which it defines new situa­

tions the burden of proof process).

In formulating our assumptions about this process, we take note of the

*fact that if a status characteristic is activated in situation S , its compo­

nents will consist of a state x of D, which is an evaluated state; an

evaluated set of specific characteristics y ; and a state x of GES, an

evaluated general expectation state. Given the conditions of our task

situation and the activation of D, p possesses or has had attributed to him

one set of these components, say D , y , and GES ; o possesses or has hadX X x

attributed to him a second set of these components, say D-, Y־ > and GES-.X X A

Furthermore, the two sets have different values. With respect to these

components, we assume that:

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Assumption 2 . (Burden of proof) If D is activated in S and has

not been previously dissociated from C; and if there is no other

social basis of discrimination between p 1 and o; then at least

• kone of the components of D will become relevant to C in S .

This assumption is quite general, permitting a number of different mechanisms

by which D becomes relevant to C: GES, D itself, or even one of the states

Ain y might become the basis for forming expectations in S . The important

point is that if they have not been previously associated with the character-

istic instrumental in S , but at the same time have not previously been

socially defined as independent of it, then one or more of the components of

the activated status characteristic become relevant bases for forming expecta-

-ktions in S .

*That the components of D are relevant in S means that p makes assumptions

about the performance he can expect from p' and o based on a knowledge of

one or more of these components. Another way of putting it is that p assigns

to p* and o some state of the characteristic C that is instrumental to per­

formance of T as a consequence of the assumptions about p' and o that p feels

are warranted by D. Such assumptions are here called performance expectations.

A performance expectation is a general belief or anticipation about the quality

of future performance outputs. Performance expectations are ordinarily in a

one-to-one relation to beliefs about task ability. Those high in ability will

be expected to perform well; those low in ability will be expected to perform

poorly. Such expectations are important: For previous work shows that it is

reasonable to explain the clustered inequalities that emerge in decision­

making groups in terms of underlying differences in performance-expectations

(see Berger and Snell, 1961; Berger and Conner, 1969). Therefore, explaining

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inequalities in decision-making groups can be viewed as a problem in explain­

ing how performance-expectations are formed, how they differentiate, how they

change, or how they are maintained. In the case of equal status groups, i.e.

groups not initially different in status, how they form and are maintained

can be explained in part by certain features of the social situation of p —

that a decision is required, that disagreements emerge in the group, that

resolution of these disagreements tends to create some broader and more

enduring expectations about who, in the future, can be expected to be right

or wrong about such matters. In the case of groups that are initially differ­

entiated in status, however, there exists already a basis for forming such

expectations: The status characteristic, L. P has already made some

assumptions, based on D, about what p' and o are like; from these assumptions

he makes some further inferences about what p' and o are like in this particular

situation, even if it is a new kind of situation about which no prior assump­

tions are incorporated in D.

What expectations does p form? Assumption 2 claims that p expects p 1

and o to possess some state of C. It remains to say what state of C he

expects this to be. The most reasonable assumption is that the formation of

performance-expectations in the particular situation is consistent with what­

ever knowledge p believes himself already to possess about p* and o. By

consistent we mean that all the evaluations of the components of the situation

that come to be associated in the mind of p are similar. The components of

the activated D (D itself, GES , and y ) are either positively or negativelyX X Xevaluated. The states of C that are instrumental to T we can assume are also

positively evaluated, because the outcomes to which they are instrumental are

themselves positively or negatively evaluated. We assume p to behave in such

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a way as to make the relations among all these evaluations as consistent as

he can:

Assumption 3 . (Consistency) If any of the components of an

activated D are relevant to C, p will assign states of C

to self and other in a consistent manner.

Given assignment of states of C to p 1 and o,־ we believe the behavior of

p to be determined. The kind of behavior that concerns us we have referred to

in section 2 as the observable power and prestige order. It will be recalled

that this order is composed of four kinds of behavior: (1) action opportunities

which are requests by one individual for activity from another, such as a

question, or an inquiring look, offering an opportunity to make some sort of

contribution to .the task; (2) performance outputs, which are attempts to make

a contribution to accomplishment of the task, such as providing suggestions,

offering facts; (3) reward actions, which are communicated evaluations made

of performance outputs or persons, as when one individual agrees with another,

or praises another, or disputes the idea of another; (4) influence, which is

a change of evaluation or opinion as a consequence of negative reward action

by another. (Greater detail on the interaction process involving such be­

havior is given in Berger and Conner, 1969).

We say that position A is higher than position B in the observable

power and prestige order if an actor occupying position A as compared to

position B is more likely to receive action opportunities, more likely to make

performance outputs (with or without being given action opportunities), more

likely to have his performance outputs positively evaluated, and less likely to

be influenced in the case of a disagreement with another. Further, the greater

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the distance between positions A and B, the greater the difference in the

likelihood of initiating and receiving these behaviors.

We now relate self and other performance expectation states to p's

power and prestige position in the group. We do this by assuming that the

higher the expectations an individual holds for self relative to other (the

greater his expectation advantage), the higher his power and prestige position,

Assumption 4 . (Basic Expectation Assumption) If states of C

are assigned by p to himself and o consistent with the states

of an activated D, then p's position relative to o in the

observable power and prestige order will be a direct function of

p's expectation advantage over o.

Because we are dealing with dichotomies, we can think of performance-expecta­

tion states as either high or low. Therefore, the performance-expectation

state of p relative to o is one of four possible states: High-high, high-low,

low-high, or low-low. The expectation advantage of p relative to o for these

four possible states is positive for the state high-low, zero for the states

high-high and low-low, and negative for the state low-high. Thus, if p holds

a low-high expectation state while o holds a high-low expectation state in S ,

assumption 4 claims that they interact in the following manner: P is more

likely to give o action opportunities than o will give p; p is less likely to

make performance outputs than o; p is more likely to communicate positive

reward actions to o than o is to p; and if there is a disagreement, p is more

likely to yield to the influence of o than o is to p. (For more detailed

development of reasons for making this assumption, see Berger and Conner, 1969).

From the concepts and assumptions of the theory of status characteristics

and expectations states, the following result follows:

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Basic Theorem . (Order-equivalence of Status Definitions) Given S , then

p's position relative to o in the observed power and prestige order will be

a direct function of their relative states of D, provided any of the follow-

ing is true in S :

(1) If D is the only social basis of discrimination and has not

previously been dissociated from C;

(2) if D has been activated, was not previously dissociated from C,

and is the only social basis of discrimination in S ;

(3) if D has been activated and any of the components of D are

relevant to C;

(4) if D has been activated and states of C assigned to states of D

in a consistent manner;

(5) if D is a social basis of discrimination and states of D have

been previously associated in a consistent manner with states of C.

This theorem claims, essentially, that the effect of a status characteristic

is independent of the amount of status definition that has initially taken

place in S . Line (1) is a situation that initially is only minimally de­

fined; that is, there is initially no relation between states of D, states of

C, and expectations for p's behavior. Lines (4) and (5), on the other hand,

are initially already maximally defined; that is, task-expectations are ini­

tially assigned to p* and o that are consistent with states of D (line 4) or

by cultural belief differences in task-expectation have previously been

associated with status differences (line 5). The theorem claims the equiv­

alence of these status situations: The distribution of action opportunities,

performance outputs, reward actions, and influence is in all of them ordered

in terms of relative states of D. The theorem does not claim that the magnitude

1־ ־ 8

of the differences between high and low positions in the power-prestige order

is necessarily the same in all cases; increasing amounts of status definition

may strengthen the effect. But the order of the differences between high and

low states of D is preserved. Furthermore, this effect does not• depend on

whether or not states of C were previously associated with states of D. In

line (5) the theorem covers a case in which there is a prior association of

D and C; but in lines (l)-(4) no prior association of D and C is assumed.

Again, the theorem claims these situations are equivalent: The distribution

of action opportunities, performance outputs, reward actions, and influence

will be ordered in both cases in terms of relative states of D.

That the theory explains the results of previous experiments should be

evident from lines (1) and (5) of the order-equivalence theorem. The only

objection one might make to this claim is that the conditions stipulated by

the theory are simpler than those found in previous experiments, so that it

requires a good deal of interpretation of them to match theory to experiment.

This objection is valid, and is one reason for subjecting the theory to more

direct tests in section 4, which follows. But this objection aside, the

results of these experiments follow from the concepts and assumptions of our

theory in what is otherwise a fairly straightforward manner.

Furthermore, the theory as formulated satisfies the requirements we laid

down for it at the outset: It describes in a precise manner what it means

for status to organize interaction. It identifies the aspects of behavior

that can be said to be organized by status characteristics; it identifies the

properties of a status characteristic that can be said to do the work of

organizing this behavior; it describes the kind of process that takes place;

־ 19 ־

it stipulates conditions sufficient for the status-organizing process to


4. Direct experimental tests of the theory.

While we argue that our theory enables us to explain mvch that is known

about the status organizing process as it occurs in task-oriented groups this

argument involves considerable interpretation of what is taking place in the

wide variety of situations in which this process has been investigated. These

experiments are typically more complex, involving more features than is

necessary, according to our theory, to activate the status organizing process.

This makes such experiments easily subject to several alternative explanations.

Furthermore, they do not inform us in a systematic manner about the whole

range of situations in which, according to our theory, status organizing pro­

cesses will take place. It is thus incumbent on us to obtain more direct

tests of our theory under conditions involving no more and no less than those

stipulated by our theory.

In this section we describe two such tests. Both take place in a stand­

ardized experimental situation the techniques and procedures of which are

designed to operationalize the conditions of the theory and the components

3of an observable power and prestige order.

This situation has two phases, a manipulation phase and a decision­

making phase:

2Note that the conditions given in the theory are only sufficient. No

claim is made that any of them are also necessary. In their absence a status organizing process may or may not occur. For example, the theory does not imply that there is no status organization in situations that are not task- oriented.

3In this section we describe only experiments in which status information

is manipulated. The experimental situation, however, was developed originally by Berger for the purpose of studying both the emergence and the effects of performance-expectations. See Berger, Conner and IIcKeown, 1969; or Berger and Conner, 1969.

- 20 -

In the manipulation phase, subjects are put into one or another expecta­

tion-state, either by testing their ability directly or by providing them

with status information. S״s are always of identical status. They are not

permitted to see each other during the experiment, so that control over the

status information they possess is complete. If both have the state D^, each

subject is informed that one of them is but the other has some other state

of D. For example, if both are Air Force staff sargeants, each is told that

one is a staff sargeant and the other is a captain; or that one is a staff

sargeant and the other an airman third class. Each subject assumes that the

other subject is the one who possesses the other state of D.

In the decision phase, pairs of subjects repeat n̂ identical decision­

making trials, each of which has the following structure: Each trial requires

a binary choice. The choice is made in three stages, the first of which is

an initial choice between alternatives made independently by each subject,

without knowing the choice of his partner. Subjects then communicate their

initial choices to their partner, after which they each independently make a

final choice. The next trial then begins.

Subjects are instructed to make what they feel to be the correct prelim­

inary choice and, after having taken information from the other subject into

consideration, to make what they feel is the correct final choice. It is

repeatedly emphasized that it should be of no importance whether initial

choices coincide with final choices, that using advice from others is both

legitimate and necessary, and that it is primarily important that subjects

4make a correct final choice.

4Various methods have been used to operationalize collective orientation.

For example, sometimes it has been left to the instructions to emphasize the legitimacy of taking advice, sometimes subjects have been given scores as a team, and sometimes the two have been combined. For the procedures used in team scoring, see Berger and Conner,(1969).

2־ 1-

The task consists of a sequence of almost identical stimuli, each of which

is a large rectangle made up of smaller rectangles, some black and some white.

The subject is to decide whether there is more white area or more black area

in each r e c t a n g l e . T h e stimuli are in fact so chosen that the task is

ambigious: The probability of a white-response for each stimulus is close

to .50 and the decision on any given trial is independent of the decision on

the preceding trial. However, the subject is told that in each case there is

a correct response, and success at the task is defined in terms of a set of

standards giving scores (number of correct responses) typically attained by

subjects like themselves. The ability required by the task is described by

the experimenter as "contrast sensitivity" and subjects are told it is not

related to artistic or mathematical ability. In other words, an attempt is

made to define the situation in such a way that the ability is one with respect

to which they have no prior expectations.

Communication between subjects is completely manipulated by the exper­

imenter. This is accomplished by an Interaction Control Machine (ICON)

consisting of subject-consoles, a host experimenter panel, and a master control

unit. Each subject, partitioned off so that he is unable to see any other

subject, sits in front of a subject-console on which he finds various buttons

and lights. Decisions are made by pushing the buttons; information is

communicated by observing the lights. All circuits pass through the master

control unit, so that the experimenter is capable of manipulating communication

from subject to subject.

^See Moore, 1965. Other tasks have been used (see, for example, Berger and Conner, 1969) as well as variants of this one (see, for example, Berger, Fisek, and Crosbie, 1970).

2־ ־2

The structure of the experimental trial, together with the contol exer­

cised through the use of ICOM, makes action opportunities and performance-

outputs of all subjects equal; all reward actions, that is, all communicated

evaluations, and therefore all disagreements or agreements among subjects, are

controlled by IC0I1. A precise measure of the power and prestige position of

the subject is obtained by studying the probability that one subject influences

another. If the subject changes his final choice, he is said to make an £-

response; if he does not change his final choice, he is said to make an J3- or

stay, response. The probability of an S-response measures the exercise of

influence in the situation.

A post-session interview follows the manipulation and decision-making

phases. This interview is used to eliminate subjects who are definitely

suspicious, and claim to act on their suspicions; to eliminate subjects who

have some other basis for differentiating themselves from their partner

besides the status characteristic — who, for example, manage to see the other

subject, when the other is from a visible minority group; and to eliminate

subjects who are unable to understand the instructions, or do not hear or

understand the status manipulations of the experiment.

The first status characteristics experiment carried out in the stand­

ardized experimental setting described above was Moore's (1968). Moore found

that subjects who believed that they had more education than their partner had

a higher probability of an S-response, i.e. were less readily influenced,

than those who believed they had a lower educational status. Furthermore,

and perhaps more important, Moore found no significant difference between

subjects for whom the task ability was already associated with the status

characteristic and those for whom it was not.

For this experiment, Moore used 85 junior college students. In the case

of 45 of them, Moore informed them that one of the two subjects participating

in the experiment was from the junior college from which both in fact came,

while the other was from a nearby high school. This created a high-low con­

dition; that is, both subjects believed that they had the higher state of the

status characteristic, while their partner had the lower state. In the case

of the remaining 40 subjects, Moore informed them that one of the two subjects

participating was from the junior college from which both came, but the other

was from a nearby four-year private university, Stanford. This created a low-

high condition. In addition, of the 45 high-low subjects, 22 were informed

that it had already been found that those from the junior college consistently

did better at the task they were to perform than subjects from the nearby

high school. Similarly, of the 40 low-high subjects 20 were informed that it

had already been found that those from Stanford consistently did better at

such tasks. These two instructions experimentally created an association

between the status and performance characteristics in the experimental situa­

tion. Moore found that if a performance-characteristic is previously

associated with a status characteristic, and the status characteristic

discriminates between p' and o, the probability that S yields to the influence

of his partner is a direct function of his status. If the performance-

characteristic is not previously associated with a status characteristic, but

not dissociated from it, the probability that a subject yields to the influence

of his partner is again a direct function of his status, and in fact to about

the same degree. Thus, two of the predictions derivable from the theory are

confirmed by this experiment.

2־ ־4

The burden of proof assumption is perhaps the strongest assumption of

the status characteristics theory, and it would be desirable if possible to

isolate it for direct tests, independently of the theory's remaining assump­

tions. This in fact can be accomplished if (1) activation can be induced

experimentally and (2) there is independent evidence confirming the consistency

and basic expectation assumptions. For if we were to fail to find differences

in the probability of an S-response between high-low and low-high subjects,

and had ourselves assured that activation had taken place, then our failure

could not be attributed to the activation assumption; nor, if we had independ­

ent evidence in favor of the consistency and basic expectation assumptions,

could we attribute our failure to the remaining assumptions of the theory.

Clearly it would be the burden of proof assumption that would require


The same reasoning can in fact be extended to each assumption of the

theory in turn: For example, if we experimentally induce both activation and

relevance, any failure to find differences in the probability of an S-response

between high-low and low-high subjects could be attributed only to a failure

of either the consistency or basic expectation assumptions. But in fact, a

good deal of earlier work confirms the basic expectation assumption; therefore,

the difficulty must be in the consistency assumption if any difficulty is

found at all.

This sort of reasoning led to the following experiment: One hundred and

eighty Air Force staff sergeants were informed either that one of the two

subjects participating in the experiment was a staff sergeant and the other

was an airman third class; or else one was a staff sergeant and the other a

captain. (In all cases the partner was said to be from a unit sufficiently

- 25 -

distant from the subject's own unit to eliminate direct command relations as

a factor in the experiment.) Subjects were chosen on the basis of army

general classification scores in such a way that their scores were about

average; and 58 of them were told how the army general classification score

of their partner compared with their own — their own score being higher or

lower, whichever was consistent with their relative rank. The purpose of this

treatment was to experimentally induce activation. Another 57 were told not

only their partner's score, relative to their own, but also that previous work

had shown that individuals with higher army classification scores performed

better in contrast sensitivity tests. The purpose of this treatment was to

experimentally induce relevance. The remaining 65 subjects were told nothing

except the putative rank of their partner. We made no effort to directly

induce differences in performance-expectations. Sufficient confirmation had

been provided by previous experiments to give us great confidence in the basic

expectation assumption (see particularly Berger and Conner, 1969).

If all four assumptions of the theory hold, then the probability an S-

response should be greater for subjects who believe their partner is an airman

third class than for those who believe he is a captain, regardless of the

amount of additional information S is given about himself and his partner.

In Table 1 (see following page) we see that high-low subjects consistently

have higher probabilities of an S-response than low-high subjects. Nor does

the amount of additional information given materially increase the effect of

the treatment in the case of low-high subjects — i.e. subjects who believed

their partner was a captain. Ilore complete status definition has some effect

in the case of the high-low subjects — i.e. those who believed their partner

was an airman third class. Possibly this reflects the greater doubt, expressed






.88 33.5 4.7

.74 28.2 5.0

.82 31.1 3.3

.74 27.7 5.9

.81 30.7 3.6

.75 28.7 6.8

Number of Condition*___________________Subjects

Consistency: High־low 28Consistency: Low-high 29

Burden of Proof: High-low 28 Burden of Proof: Low-High 30

Activation: High-low 31Activation: Low-high 34

*Conditions are labelled according to the assumption directly tested by the condition, and putative air force ranks of p and o -- sergeant-airman (High-low) and sergeant-captain (Low-high).

by subjects in post-session interviews, that sergeants differed very much from

younger enlisted men in ability; the further information serving, presumably,

6to remove such doubts. The basic results, nevertheless, provide confirmation

for each assumption of the theory independently of the others.

Note that the two experiments just described test four of the five

derivations summarized in the order-equivalence theorem. The Moore experiment

tests lines (1) and (5); the Air Force experiment tests lines (1), (2), and (3)

5. Refinement and extension of the theory.

Further research on the theory of status characteristics and expectation

states has been conditioned in large part by two purposes: First, to refine

the theory, in the sense of increasing its precision. Second, to extend

For additional results and further analysis, see Cohen et al, forthcoming.

2־ ־7

the theory, in the sense of increasing its generality. Both go beyond what is

conventionally called testing the theory: To test a theory is to confirm or

disconfirm some hypothesis that in a strict sense derives from it. The

experiments described in section 4 are in this sense properly called tests of

the theory. But for the most part, the research with which we are now con­

cerned does not test hypotheses that in any rigorous sense derive from the

theory. The theory, however, provides the basis for this research, in the

sense that its problems come to be posed because of the theory, and the con­

cepts and theoretical arguments employed to deal with these problems stem from

the theory. Thus, the theory guides and organizes this research and its

results show as modifications in the way the theory is formulated.

We will describe six further experiments, the six falling into three

basic groups: The first group of experiments equates, as well as differen­

tiates, the statuses of individuals. The second makes specific (as opposed to

diffuse) status characteristics that are initially irrelevant relevant to a

group's task. The third provides subjects with information about multiple

statuses, some of which is inconsistent.

(1) Equating p* and o . The theory as originally formulated was concerned

to explain the consequences of status differences on interaction. In formula­

ting its scope, situations in which all individuals in the group were alike,

as for example one finds in Bales' groups, were ruled out. No assumptions

were made about whether individuals would form expectations for equal ability

if they felt they were equal in status to others in the group; but it was

tacitly supposed that, in any case, a status characteristic that did not dis­

criminate between p' and o (such as sex in an all-male group) would not dampen

the effect of one that did (such as educational differences in an all-male

- 28 -

group). Furthermore, in formulating the burden of proof process, the effect

of the process was made to depend on the absence of any information discrim­

inating between p' and o other than D itself — for other information might be

inconsistent with D or might already have defined the situation independently

of D, both of which were beyond the scope of the theory. But in formulating

this condition, it was again assumed that information equating p' and o would

not inhibit the effect of D on the observed power and prestige order of the


These tacit assumptions about the effect of equal status are called into

question by the results of an experiment by Seashore. The original purpose of

Seashore's experiment was to study incongruent status situations. For this

purpose, Seashore had white female junior college students work on the contrast

sensitivity task with black female Stanford students. To isolate the effect

of incongruent statuses, three control conditions were employed: (1) Subjects

were informed that 0 was a white female Stanford student of the same age as

the subject; (2) 0 was a white female junior college student of the same age

as the subject; or (3) 0 was a black female junior college student of the same

age as the subject. The relevant status information was communicated by

allowing the subject to see, in filling out a form, the form previously filled

out by 0 showing 0's name, age, sex, race, and school. Subjects were equated

on all status characteristics not intended to produce differences in the

behavior of the subject in the situation; for assumption 2 could be interpreted

as claiming that the effect of the status characteristic would be inhibited

only if other status information discriminated between p' and o.

Seashore found no differences between treatments (Seashore, 1968). While

there had been a number of departures in procedure in the Seashore experiment,

- 29 -

any of which might have accounted for the difference between her results and

previous results such as those described in Section 4, Cohen, Kiker, and Kruse

reasoned that Seashore had activated statuses that equated subjects, and the

effect of equating subjects was to reduce the effect of the differentiating

status characteristic on the probability of an S-response. They therefore

replicated her experiment, using as conditions: (1) White female junior

college students who were informed that 0 was black, but who were given no

other information about 0; (2) or who were informed that 0 was black and of

the same age as the subject; (3) or who were informed that 0 v^as a Stanford

student, but were given no other information about 0; or (4) who were informed

that 0 was a Stanford student of the same age as the subject. This experiment

confirmed the hypothesis that equating subjects reduces the effect of a

differentiating characteristic on the probability of an S-response.

This result implies that for the burden of proof process to be maximally

effective, not only must there be no other characteristic inconsistent with or

prior to D, that also discriminates between p' and o; there must also be no

other characteristic that equates p' and o. It should be observed that this

does not imply, as would seem likely on first sight, that the activation

assumption is similarly restricted in scope. For Seashore experimentally

induced activation of equal status information, and it does not follow that

if subjects are left to choose for themselves from multiple sources of status

information that equal statuses will have the same effect. This remains to

be seen from further experiments.

(2) Effect of other kinds of status elements. A specific status character

istic is one ,the states of :jhich ate differentially evaluated and froui which one

believes it possible to infer some other attributes of p* and o. It differs

- 30 ־

from a diffuse status characteristic only in not implying any general expecta­

tion state. The theory as originally formulated does not deal with such

characteristics; and, indeed, tacitly treats the general expectation state as

the primary mechanism that brings about relevance of the diffuse status

characteristic in situations never previously defined for p. While there is

no evidence to disprove this assumption, there is evidence to show that under

certain circumstances specific as well as diffuse status characteristics can

be made relevant in situations to which they have no prior relevance.

Berger, et al, (1970) have shown that on can make a specific status

characteristic relevant, even if it has no prior association with the charac­

teristic instrumental to a task, if it is made the basis for allocating rewards

to p' and o. This happens even though allocation of rewards on the basis of

the irrelevant characteristic is made to look quite arbitrary. Subjects

tested on meaning insight ability were told that, in a second experiment in

which they were also participating, it was customary to give 25ç per trial to

subjects with high contrast sensitivity and 10ç a trial to subjects with low

contrast sensitivity, as rewards for their respective contributions to the

group effort. As the experimenters were very pressed for time, they could not

test subjects for contrast sensitivity; but because they wanted to keep the

results for these subjects fairly comparable to other results they had been

obtaining, they would pay the subjects on the basis of the only information

they did know, the meaning insight scores they knew subjects had been given

from a previous experiment in which it was known they had participated. Thus,

there is a characteristic, irrelevant to the task; a characteristic, C2 ,

instrumental to the task; and a reward associated with the ability that is

instrumental to the task. When the reward is given to subjects on the basis

of the irrelevant characteristic, it determines the probability of an S-response

in the experiment.

3־ 1-

A similar two-experiment design has been used by Freese to show that

given three specific characteristics, say C^, C0 , and C^, if subjects believe

that C and CL are positively correlated they make inferences about the task1 ^

characteristics from C^. On the other had, if they believe and are

inversely correlated they do not. Freese first tested subjects on their

meaning insight ability, an intuitive ability that makes it possible for some

individuals to know which of two non-English words is the same in meaning as

a comparison English word. (The ability, of course, is artificially created

by the experimenter; for details, see Berger and Conner, 1969.) They were

then informed either that one could also infer if one had high meaning insight

ability that one also had high social prediction ability or else that it was

known that individuals with high meaning insight ability had low social

prediction ability. (Social prediction ability is the ability to predict

behavior in complex social situations.) The experiment then ended, but subject!-

were asked to participate in a second experiment in which the contrast sen­

sitivity task was used. !leaning insight ability predicted the probability of

an S-response for subjects in the contrast sensitivity situation if it was

positively correlated with social prediction ability, but not if the two were

negatively correlated.

These two experiments show that, under certain circumstances, other status

elements of the situation as well as the diffuse status characteristic are

capable of defining it; and they may go some way, too, to clarifying what it

is about the diffuse status characteristic that makes it so relevant.

(3) Ilultiple-characteristic status situations. Where two or more status

characteristics are activated in a situation, the possibility arises that they

are inconsistent; it is about such situations that most theories of status

- 32 -

characteristics have been written (see, for example, Hughes, 1945 or Lenski

1956). It is typically assumed that such situations are tense and awkward,

but it is not so clear how they are resolved. Does the individual define the

situation with respect to just one characteristic, neglecting, suppressing, or

denying the significance of the other? One might suppose this from a balance

theory, in which inconsistency must in some manner be reduced. Or does the

individual combine all the information made available to him, in a sense

"averaging" it over all characteristics, forming expectations for self and

other that are somewhere in between those formed if both characteristics

are high or both low?

Two experiments by Berger, et al, show that subjects combine information

rather than balance it (Berger, Fisek, and Crosbie, 1970).

These experiments artifically construct two equally-weighted specific status

characteristics, both of which are made equally relevant to the contrast

sensitivity task. When they are made inconsistent, subjects are found to

have a probability of an S-response lower than those who are consistently

high, but higher than those who are consistently low (Berger and Fisek, 1970).

Furthermore, a subject who is high on one characteristic and low on another

has a lower probability of an S-response when his partner is high on both

characteristics than when his partner is low on one but high on the other

characteristic (and similarly for the obverse case), (Berger, Fisek, and

Crosbie, 1970). This further reinforces the finding that a combining hierarchy

is formed on the basis of inconsistent status information.

The significance of these two experiments is, of course, that they pro­

vide the basis for greatly extending the generality of the original theory;

3־ 3 -

for it now becomes possible, in fact, to extend the theory to situations

defined by any number of characteristics.

6. Summary and conclusion.

The development of our knowledge of status organizing processes

in decision-making groups can be summarized in terms of the following stages:

(1) The first stage was one in which an abstractly formulated empirical

generalization was constructed from an analysis of the dozen or so investiga­

tions reported between 1950 and 1965 of the distribution of participation,

prestige, and influence in decision-making groups that are initially different

in age, sex, occupation, education, race or similar social categories: When

task-oriented groups are differentiated with respect to some status character­

istic, the differences between individuals in status determines the observable

power and prestige order of the group, whether the status characteristic is

previously associated with the task or not.

(2) The second is one in which a theory was formulated that explains

this generalization. The theory explains it by attributing to status char­

acteristics differential evaluations, differential specific expectations, and

differential general expectations. These three properties are called into

play when two or more individuals are committed to some outcome, must take

each other into account in bringing this outcome about, and have no other or

no prior basis for inferring who is better able to achieve this outcome. They

are called into play even if no prior association exists between status

characteristics and instrumental-task characteristics, just so long as nothing

positively stands in the way of making a connection between the two. Becoming

in this way relevant to the immediate task situation, expectations for

- 34 -

performance in the particular situation are formed that are consistent with

the components of the status characteristic. Once formed, such performance-

expectations are known to determine the distribution of opportunities to

perform, the actual number of performance outputs, the likelihood that a

performance output is positively rewarded, and the exercise of influence.

(3) The third stage has involved direct experimental tests of the assump­

tions made by this explanation. The logical structure of the argument makes

it possible to test each of them independently of the other. These direct

experimental tests have provided confirmation for the basic assumptions of the

status characteristics formulation.

(4) The fourth stage has been one concerned with the refinement and

extension of the theory. Further experiments show that: (a) Under certain

circumstances, other status elements can become the basis for organizing the

distribution of power and prestige in the group. (b) Given information about

two relevant characteristics, subjects combine this information, even if it

is inconsistent; creating a hierarchy of power and prestige that places in­

consistent individuals between those consistently high and those consistently

low. (c) Information that equates the status of subjects is combined with

other information in the same manner; so that under certain circumstances, if

subjects are equal in status this reduces the effect on the power and prestige

order of status characteristics that discriminate between them.

(5) The fifth stage, now in progress, is concerned with organizing

further work on the status-expectation process: This we believe involves

reformulating the theory so as to take into account the results of experiments

which were designed to refine and extend the theory. This stage in the

- 35 -

development of our knowledge of status-organizing processes is of course by

no means the last: Given a theory that explains the experiments which were

designed to refine and extend our earlier formulation, this more general

theory in turn should become the basis for further experiments: Experiments

designed to test it, and to provide information necessary to refine its

structure and extend its scope.


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References Continued, Page Three

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