std 9 vbq's


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Post on 02-May-2017




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Page 1: STD 9 VBQ's

Value Based Question’s


Marks: 5 Class IX Word Limit: 100 wds.


1. The Professor answered with a phrase that was to become familiar to all of us. - “No

sergeant. It’s all a matter of intelligent reading”

Showing off one’s knowledge is a vice not a virtue. Elaborate.

Value Points

•Learning is a continuous process

•Sharing of knowledge


Respecting the other is also important.

2. Technical definitions, the parts of the rifle, its use and care, he had them all by heart … He

had brains. He was sure to get a commission, before long.

Quench was indeed brilliant - well-read and knowledgeable. Do you think this gave him the right

to be disrespectful to his teachers? Give reasons for your answer.

Value Points

Admired for intellect by teachers and peers

Too overbearing, condescending, boastful

Teacher a guru – mentor, guide

Way of exhibiting knowledge and forwarding views not in keeping with the decorum

Need to respect the point of view of others


3. Mr. Bramble wanted to hide the truth about his profession because he did not

consider it a dignified one. Do you think it was the right attitude? Justify.

Value Points

All sports recognized and reputed world wide

Dignity of Professions

Self-esteem is a pre-requisite to respect from others

He did earn fame , glory , recognition and money as ‘Young Porky’

4. “But Harold, Jerry. He’d die of the disgrace of it.”

Harold is bullied and made fun of by his peers at school.

Page 2: STD 9 VBQ's

After reading the story you recollect one such incident of a student bullying your friend who

didn’t belong to a very well to do family. It greatly disturbed you. On reaching home you write a

diary entry reflecting on the incident.

Value Points

Respect for all irrespective of economic status or class

All professions respectful – dignity of labour

Being sensitive towards the other

Instilling a sense of self-esteem


5. Bishop: “Here Marie , take my comforter , it’ll keep you warm.”.

What values does the bishop display?

Value Points

Service to humanity is service to God

Upheld Christian values of selflessness, benevolence, charity,empathy,compassion

Charity begins at home

Bishop’s duty to help people of parish

6 Bishop: I think you have suffered much …. Tell me about it … You have walked far;

you are tired. Lie down and sleep on the couch there, and I will get you some covering.

In the play ‘The Bishop’s Candlesticks’, the bishop reforms the convict through his

understanding and empathetic attitude.

Keeping in mind the benevolence of the bishop write an article for your school magazine on the

topic ‘Love and forgiveness can reform all’.

Value Points

Understood suffering and grief of convict

Empathised with him

Treated him with respect and care to reaffirm his faith in God and humanity

Gave chance to introspect and reflect in order to reform

Gave him an opportunity to live with dignity