steet art extended research task

Street Art Homework Project INSTRUCTIONS. READ ME FIRST On the next slide, there are 9 tasks. In the first week, you must complete the task in the middle box. You then have until your homework deadline to choose two more tasks which create a straight line passing through the middle box. Think carefully about the presentation. Include plenty of images to illustrate your research and don’t forget to write the titles and dates of each work you include.

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Post on 26-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Steet art extended research task

Street Art Homework Project


On the next slide, there are 9 tasks. In the first week, you must complete the task in the middle box.

You then have until your homework deadline to choose two more tasks which create a straight line passing through the middle box.

Think carefully about the presentation. Include plenty of images to illustrate your research and don’t forget to write the titles and dates of each work you include.

Page 2: Steet art extended research task

Society: Critics’ & Public Opinion

How has your artist been portrayed within the media? Have they been praise, vilified as a vandal?

Can you find any evidence regarding how the work of your artist has been received by society?

How do you think the opinions and issues surrounding graffiti have changed over recent years?

Include images to support your answers.

In-depth artist study. (Make sure you include images)

Explore their life and work in greater depth. Research these three areas:Context (the facts): when and where your artist was born and/or studied. Do any life events help us to understand the work they created?Intentions: What was your artist trying to achieve? Their aims may change over the course of their life.You should also discuss technique, materials, subject matter and how their work changed during their lifetime. Include plenty of examples of their work. Don’t forget titles and dates.

Three transcriptions*:

Draw three different pieces by your artist. Try to use a different material for each one. Make sure these are at least A4.

Each transcription must be accompanied with the artist’s name, the title and date it was created.

* A transcription is a careful copy.

Stories (Make sure you include images):

Behind the work.Pieces of work- even abstract pieces- quite often have a story behind them. Artists frequently present a narrative, chronicles of their time or respond to a personal, social or political event. Present a piece of work and explain the story behind it. There may be symbols or metaphors that need explaining.


Behind the Artist. Is there a particular life event that you feel is important to know in order to understand their work?



1.Present a timeline of your STREET ARTIST. This must include (at the very least) key dates, places and links with other artists, musicians etc. Highlight the most significant points.

2.Briefly explain why your chosen person choose to become an artist?

3.Outline the intentions of your artist. ie. What are the aims of their work?

Culture: Photography, Music & Film

Are there links that can be made between your graffiti artist, performance art, music or theatre?

Who are their creative peers? Can you see any crossover between your artist’s work and creatives that were practicing alongside your artist?

Has your artist inspired other artists, musicians, film makers etc?


Create a piece of work that takes inspiration from your artist. This must not be a copy. Use similar subject matter, technique etc.

Ideally create work on a surface that can be brought into school. This doesn’t have to be a canvas or board. It might be a surface you have found in a skip of even a piece of cardboard.

We do not condone any graffiti in public spaces or in your home.

Cultural, Social & Political Influences:

Many graffiti artists are making a political statement.

Is your artist presenting a reaction to a particular event within Art or the wider world?

What impact do you think your artist has on public opinion? What issues are they trying to raise awareness about?

Include images to support your answers

Interview an artist

Create an imagined interview with your artist. Your questions should ask them about their life but most importantly about their work. For example: What themes does your work address? Why do you use this particular media?

Structure your work so that you write the question followed by the answer given by your artist.

Include images to support your answers.

Page 3: Steet art extended research task

Who should you choose?Some artists will be easier to research than others. We recommend:

Jean Michel Basquiat Keith Haring BANKSY

Blek le Rat Shepard FaireyOBEY


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What about the women?

Kashink Maya Hayuk Olek Faith 47

Swoon Bambi Shamsia Hassani