stephan schnierer, executive committee member schnierer, executive committee member. ... mary kalin...

Development of the Consultative Process towards an IMoSEB Development of the Consultative Process towards an IMoSEB Stephan Schnierer, Executive Committee member

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Development of the

Consultative Process

towards an IMoSEB

Development of the

Consultative Process

towards an IMoSEB

Stephan Schnierer, Executive Committee member


International Mechanism of Scientific Expertise on Biodiversityan international consultative process to explore a common interface between expertise and decision making in relation to biodiversityorigins in Paris Conference on Biodiversity, Science and Governance held in January 2005

International Mechanism of Scientific Expertise on Biodiversityan international consultative process to explore a common interface between expertise and decision making in relation to biodiversityorigins in Paris Conference on Biodiversity, Science and Governance held in January 2005

2005 : a warm-up year !

Presentation and discussion of the initiative at several events (SBSTTA 10 & 11, WGRI- CBD, DIVERSITAS OSC, …)

Photo: Franz Dejon / IISD

WGRI Montreal

SBSTTA 11 Montreal

2006 : a year of communication / emerging issues2006 : a year of communication / emerging issues

Establishment of International Steering Committee (ISC) and Executive Committee of the consultative process towards an IMoSEB (Feb. 2006)

Establishment of International Steering Committee (ISC) and Executive Committee of the consultative process towards an IMoSEB (Feb. 2006)

ISC Paris

The International Steering Committee

The International Steering Committee

Scientists: Gaston Achoudong, Mary Kalin Arroyo, Carlo Heip, Leonard Hirsch, Yvon Le Maho, Michel Loreau, Keping Ma, Georgina Mace, Harold A. Mooney, Alfred Oteng-Yeboah, Charles Perrings, Peter Raven, José Sarukhan, Robert J. Scholes, Arkady Tishkov, Jacques Weber.Governments represented: Austria, Canada, China, Costa-Rica, France, Gabon, Germany, India, Italy, Jamaica, Madagascar, Morocco, Namibia, New-Zealand, Poland, Senegal, South Korea, Spain, Thailand, UK, USA.International or Intergovernmental organizations, United Nations Specialized agencies, International Conventions, NGOs, Research Initiatives:CITES, CMS, Conservation International, DIVERSITAS, EPBRS, European Commission - DG Research, EEA, FAO, GBIF, Greenpeace, ICES – CIEM, ICSU, International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity, IPGRI, IUCN, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, Ramsar Convention, Swedish Scientific Council on Biological Diversity,Swiss Biodiversity Forum, The Nature Conservancy, UNCBD, UNCBD-SBSTTA, UNCCD, UNEP - DEWA, UNEP - WCMC, UNESCO, UNU - IAS, World Bank, WWF.

Scientists: Gaston Achoudong, Mary Kalin Arroyo, Carlo Heip, Leonard Hirsch, Yvon Le Maho, Michel Loreau, Keping Ma, Georgina Mace, Harold A. Mooney, Alfred Oteng-Yeboah, Charles Perrings, Peter Raven, José Sarukhan, Robert J. Scholes, Arkady Tishkov, Jacques Weber.Governments represented: Austria, Canada, China, Costa-Rica, France, Gabon, Germany, India, Italy, Jamaica, Madagascar, Morocco, Namibia, New-Zealand, Poland, Senegal, South Korea, Spain, Thailand, UK, USA.International or Intergovernmental organizations, United Nations Specialized agencies, International Conventions, NGOs, Research Initiatives:CITES, CMS, Conservation International, DIVERSITAS, EPBRS, European Commission - DG Research, EEA, FAO, GBIF, Greenpeace, ICES – CIEM, ICSU, International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity, IPGRI, IUCN, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, Ramsar Convention, Swedish Scientific Council on Biological Diversity,Swiss Biodiversity Forum, The Nature Conservancy, UNCBD, UNCBD-SBSTTA, UNCCD, UNEP - DEWA, UNEP - WCMC, UNESCO, UNU - IAS, World Bank, WWF.

Executive Committee to ISCExecutive Committee to ISC

Co-chairs: Michel Loreau / Alfred Oteng-YeboahMembers: Ivar Baste, Martha Chouchena-Rojas, Christine Dawson, Horst

Korn, Keping Ma, Georgina Mace, Martha Mapangou, Charles Perrings, Peter Raven, José Sarukhan, Stephan Schnierer, Robert Watson, Jacques Weber.

Co-chairs: Michel Loreau / Alfred Oteng-YeboahMembers: Ivar Baste, Martha Chouchena-Rojas, Christine Dawson, Horst

Korn, Keping Ma, Georgina Mace, Martha Mapangou, Charles Perrings, Peter Raven, José Sarukhan, Stephan Schnierer, Robert Watson, Jacques Weber.

2006 : a year of communication / emerging issues2006 : a year of communication / emerging issues

The Executive Committee was given task of developing a consultation process elements of which included;

case studies and feedbackbroad consultation

Communication on process (flyers, posters, articles, media coverage, media interviews, meetings, website, forums, …)Development of relays and contacts (BES, CI, SCB, EPBRS, Norway, Sweden, Morocco, Germany,…)

The Executive Committee was given task of developing a consultation process elements of which included;

case studies and feedbackbroad consultation

Communication on process (flyers, posters, articles, media coverage, media interviews, meetings, website, forums, …)Development of relays and contacts (BES, CI, SCB, EPBRS, Norway, Sweden, Morocco, Germany,…)

CoP 8 Curitiba

December 2006 - October 2007December 2006 - October 2007

2nd Executive Committee meeting, Dec 2006- analysed results of the first stage (case studies, feedback)- identified the needs and developed options for an IMoSEB (Maximeto elaborate)- mapped out a strategic plan for regional consultationRegional consultation

North-America (Canada, Montreal. January 2007)Africa (Cameroon, Yaoundé, March 2007)Europe (Switzerland, Geneva April 2007)Asia, (China ,Beijing, Sept-October 2007 )Latin America, (Argentina, Bariloche, Sept-October 2007)Oceania (October 2007)

Targeted consultation with key stakeholders (from ISC, NGO’s, WRI, UNEP, Conventions ES, Consumer international, private sector, …) and initiatives (MA 2, European networks, IPSUNR, …)

2nd Executive Committee meeting, Dec 2006- analysed results of the first stage (case studies, feedback)- identified the needs and developed options for an IMoSEB (Maximeto elaborate)- mapped out a strategic plan for regional consultationRegional consultation

North-America (Canada, Montreal. January 2007)Africa (Cameroon, Yaoundé, March 2007)Europe (Switzerland, Geneva April 2007)Asia, (China ,Beijing, Sept-October 2007 )Latin America, (Argentina, Bariloche, Sept-October 2007)Oceania (October 2007)

Targeted consultation with key stakeholders (from ISC, NGO’s, WRI, UNEP, Conventions ES, Consumer international, private sector, …) and initiatives (MA 2, European networks, IPSUNR, …)

2nd EC

Cautioned against a structure that would duplicate existing mechanisms and emphasized cost effectiveness

Cautioned against a structure that would duplicate existing mechanisms and emphasized cost effectiveness

Proposed a light, flexible mechanism that would use information and communication technologies to build a meta-network that would build capacity mong members and rapidly deliver information to the right people at the right time

Proposed a light, flexible mechanism that would use information and communication technologies to build a meta-network that would build capacity mong members and rapidly deliver information to the right people at the right time



Translation Translation “Expertise process”“Expertise process”Endorsed the

development of a meta-network and gave a concrete proposal

Endorsed the development of a meta-network and gave a concrete proposal

Asia proposed that a strong mechanism with international standing and recognition

IPCC like

Asia proposed that a strong mechanism with international standing and recognition

IPCC like

Latin America suggested a melding of the options

intergovernmental panel and meta-network)

Need strong local networking

Latin America suggested a melding of the options

intergovernmental panel and meta-network)

Need strong local networking

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Workshop Leipzig

BEDC, Paris Mboscuda, Bamenda

EPBRS, HelsinkiCitoyens de la Terre,ParisCitoyens de la Terre,Paris

Int. Day for Environment, LibrevilleInt. Day for Environment, LibrevilleInt. Day for Environment, Libreville

Rendez-vous, before CoP 9 May 2008Rendez-vous, before CoP 9 May 2008

Future events :

Trondheim conference on Biodiversity, Norway (Oct - Nov 2007)…

Meeting of the International Steering Committee, 15-17 Nov 2007, Montpellier, FranceFinal recommendations and proposals by the ISC

Side-event in CBD-SBSTTA 13, Roma (Feb 2008)Recommendation / decision / action (?) at CBD-CoP 9, Bonn (May 2008)

Future events :

Trondheim conference on Biodiversity, Norway (Oct - Nov 2007)…

Meeting of the International Steering Committee, 15-17 Nov 2007, Montpellier, FranceFinal recommendations and proposals by the ISC

Side-event in CBD-SBSTTA 13, Roma (Feb 2008)Recommendation / decision / action (?) at CBD-CoP 9, Bonn (May 2008)