stewardship of treasure | administracion …

MISAS | MASS SCHEDULE Monday|Tuesday|Wednesday Noon | English Thursday & Friday 9:00am | English Jueves 6:00pm | Español Saturday|Sábado 4:30pm English 6:30pm Español Sunday|Domingo 7:30am English 9:45am Rosary 10:30am English 1:00pm Español 3:00pm Vietnamese 5:00pm Bilingual CONFESSION|CONFESIÓN Saturday | Sábado 3:00pm—4:15pm Thursday| Jueves 7:00pm—8:00pm OFFICE HOURS | OFICINA Monday | Lunes 9:00am—1:00pm Tuesday & Thursday Martes y Jueves 9:00am—5:00pm Wednesday | Miércoles 9:00am—1:00pm Saturday | Sabado 9:00am—3:00pm Sunday & Friday Domingo y Viernes Closed|Cerrado OUR CLERGY | CLERO Father Tim Hepburn Pastor | Párroco (770) 535-2607 or Ext#1201 [email protected] Father Carlos Cifuentes Vicar | Vicario (678) 831-8043 or Ext#1206 [email protected] Father Cong Nguyen Vicar| Cha phó (678) 831-8041 or Ext#1204 [email protected] Juan Carlos Villota-Viteri Seminarian l Seminarista [email protected] Our Deacons| Diáconos Rev. Mr. Joel Ballantyne Rev. Mr. William Bohn Rev. Mr. Pat Fagan Rev. Mr. Kenneth Lampert Rev. Mr. Gilberto Pérez XVII Sunday in Ordinary Time| XVII Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario 07/26/2020 All things work for good for those who love God. — Romans 8:28a Thiên Chúa làm cho mọi sự đều sinh lợi ích cho những ai yêu mến Người -Roma 8:28a Todo contribuye para bien de los que aman a Dios. — Romanos 8:28a

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Page 1: STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE | ADMINISTRACION … SHARE IN GOD’S KINGDOM OFFICE TEAM Today concludes a three-week series of Gos-Business


Monday|Tuesday|Wednesday Noon | English

Thursday & Friday 9:00am | English

Jueves 6:00pm | Español

Saturday|Sábado 4:30pm English 6:30pm Español

Sunday|Domingo 7:30am English

9:45am Rosary 10:30am English 1:00pm Español

3:00pm Vietnamese 5:00pm Bilingual

CONFESSION|CONFESIÓN Saturday | Sábado 3:00pm—4:15pm

Thursday| Jueves 7:00pm—8:00pm


Monday | Lunes 9:00am—1:00pm

Tuesday & Thursday Martes y Jueves 9:00am—5:00pm

Wednesday | Miércoles 9:00am—1:00pm

Saturday | Sabado 9:00am—3:00pm

Sunday & Friday Domingo y Viernes

Closed|Cerrado OUR CLERGY | CLERO Father Tim Hepburn

Pastor | Párroco (770) 535-2607 or Ext#1201

[email protected] Father Carlos Cifuentes

Vicar | Vicario (678) 831-8043 or Ext#1206

[email protected] Father Cong Nguyen

Vicar| Cha phó (678) 831-8041 or Ext#1204

[email protected] Juan Carlos Villota-Viteri Seminarian l Seminarista

[email protected] Our Deacons| Diáconos Rev. Mr. Joel Ballantyne Rev. Mr. William Bohn

Rev. Mr. Pat Fagan Rev. Mr. Kenneth Lampert

Rev. Mr. Gilberto Pérez

XVII Sunday in Ordinary Time| XVII Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario 07/26/2020

All things work for good for those who

love God. — Romans 8:28a

Thiên Chúa làm cho mọi sự đều sinh lợi ích cho những

ai yêu mến Người -Roma 8:28a

Todo contribuye para bien de los que aman

a Dios. — Romanos 8:28a

Page 2: STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE | ADMINISTRACION … SHARE IN GOD’S KINGDOM OFFICE TEAM Today concludes a three-week series of Gos-Business


Business Manager Rev. Mr. Kenneth

Lampert 770-536-1981 or

ext#1200 [email protected]

Office Manager Janet Olguin

678-831-7697 or Ext#1212

[email protected]

Assistant Manager Patty Flores

678-831-8042 or Ext#1205

[email protected]

Volunteer Coordinator Mrs. Beth Andert 678-831-8047 or

Ext#1210 [email protected]

Facilities Director Rev. Mr. Bill Lange 770-297-5276 or

Ext#1202 [email protected]

Director of Music Mrs. Patti Lewis 678-316-8297

[email protected] SCHOOL OF RELIGION


Amelia Seid 678-831-8044 or

Ext #1207 [email protected]

Assistant Director

Diana Pompa 678-831-8045 or

Ext#1208 [email protected]

Youth Ministry & Young Adults C. J. Clarke, IV

678-831-8046 or Ext#1209

[email protected]

Edge (Middle School teenagers)

Thursdays 7:00-8:30pm

in the Social Hall

LifeTeen (High School teenagers)

Sundays 2:15pm to 3:45pm in the Social Hall

Young Adults Tuesdays

7:00-8:30pm Classroom #29-30

Bible Study (College and High school

Students) Wednesday Mornings

7:00-7:45am Classroom #33


Deacon Ken Lampert [email protected]

404-664-3178 Wednesday 7:00pm

Classroom #18


Today concludes a three-week series of Gos-pel texts in which we have listened to a total of seven parables about the Kingdom. The believer is asked to

consider the request that God made of Solomon in today’s first reading: “Ask something of me and I will

give it to you” (1 Kings 3:5). Today’s parables about the treasure buried in the field and the pearl of great price should prompt us to answer, “A share in your

kingdom, O God!” Today we discover that the king-dom of God is beyond value, a priceless treasure. Un-fortunately, our culture bombards us with things that

it believes are priceless treasures—the bigger and better SUVs, anti-aging and anti-balding creams and

salves, miracle diets, and so much more. Having a share in God’s kingdom and helping to bring about that kingdom are the greatest treasures that we can

ever hope to gain.


Hoy concluye la tercera semana de una serie de

textos del Evangelio en que hemos escuchado un total de

siete parábolas sobre el Reino. Se pide al creyente que

considere el pedido que Dios hace a Salomón en la pri-

mera lectura de hoy: “pídeme lo que quieras, y yo te lo

daré” (1 Reyes 3:5). Las parábolas de hoy sobre el tesoro

enterrado en el campo y la perla de gran precio nos

debería empujar a responder: “¡Una participación en tu

Reino, oh Dios!” Hoy descubrimos que el Reino de Dios

es invalorable, un tesoro que no tiene precio. Desafor-

tunadamente, nuestra cultura nos bombardea con cosas

que considera tesoros inapreciables: vehículo utilitario

deportivo, cremas antiarrugas y contra la calvicie, dietas

milagrosas, y mucho, mucho más. Tener una partici-

pación en el Reino de Dios y contribuir a la venida del

Reino son los mayores tesoros que jamás podamos es-

perar ganar.


As good stewards of God’s money, and in appreciation of the Lord’s many gifts to us, we have gratefully given to our church-

Offertory– July 12, 2020 $12,496

Online Giving $3,797

Other Misc. Donations & Income $2,078

Special Donations for A/C repair $4,200



Weekly: OVERAGE $4,071

Please join the 83 St. Michael families who have signed up for Online Giving. Your stewardship is a blessing. Thank you for your generosity! ♥

SAINT MARTHA (first century)

July 29

Whether you find Martha Stewart admirable or annoying, she has the perfect patron saint. Luke de-

scribes Martha—saint, not Stewart—as “burdened with much serving” (Luke 10:40). About Mary, seated, listen-ing to Jesus, Martha complained, “Do you not care that

my sister has left me by myself to do the serving?” Jesus’ response, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried

about many things . . . Mary has chosen the better part” (10:41, 42), suggests to some the superiority of the

contemplative life, leaving the rest of us, supporting fami-lies, earning livings, (helping others?), as second-class

Christians. But Luke introduces Martha and Mary im-mediately after Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan,

whom Jesus recommends as a model of practical compas-sion, concluding, “Go and do likewise” (10:37). Go and

do! Sit and listen! Discipleship is never either/or but both/and. Jesus ministered in prayerful silence and hos-pitable service. Monastic calendars add Martha’s sister, Mary, and brother, Lazarus, calling all three “hosts of

the Lord,” recalling their welcome of Jesus to their home in Bethany, reminding us Whom we welcome whenever

we extend summertime hospitality!

San Ignacio de Loyola (1491-1556)

31 de julio

Este santo español desde su adolescencia se unió a las cortes y soñó con la carrera militar. Además

de galán, aprendió a manejar las armas y nunca perdió la valentía ni la rigidez de carácter. En una de

las guerras, una bala de cañón le hirió la rodilla. Luego de la operación, como no había quedado bien y

no podría vestir la bota militar, pidió que le que-braran la rodilla y la operaran bien ¡sin anestesia!

Estando en recuperación le dieron a leer los evangelios y la vida de los santos y, como él siempre había soñado

con cosas mayores, encontró en la vida de los santos algo que realmente valía la pena y renunció a su ambi-ción militar para servir a Dios. A partir de ahí inició

una experiencia de conversión que lo llevó a en-tregarse a Dios por completo y a ayudar a otras per-

sonas a que encontraran a Dios en todo. Siendo adulto se preparó en las ciencias humanas y con otros com-pañeros, entre ellos San Francisco Xavier, fundó la

Compañía de Jesús; conocidos actualmente como los Jesuitas.

Page 3: STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE | ADMINISTRACION … SHARE IN GOD’S KINGDOM OFFICE TEAM Today concludes a three-week series of Gos-Business


Altar Servers Belinda Jacob

Extraordinary Ministers

Of Holy Communion Alice Schultz

Knights of Columbus

Cj Clarke IV Grand Knight

2° & 4° Mondays 7:00pm Social Hall Lectors

JoAnn Phillips

Sacristy Margie Braff

Saint Vincent de Paul

Joanne Capies 770-534-0234 or

Ext#1203 Ushers

Jack Capies

St Joseph Bible Study for Men

Thad McCormack Thursday 8:00am

Social Hall

Pro Life Ministry Tony Maturo

Divine Mercy Chaplet Fridays 3:00pm Chapel

Adult Catechesis Fridays 10:00am

Social Hall

Rosary Ministry Russ Williams

Gift Shop Tienda de Articulos


Saturday|Sabados 5:30pm-6:00pm

Sundays |Domingos 9:30am -12:30pm 1:30pm - 3:00pm

Spanish Classes

Magda Cruz

————————— Bendición de Casas

Llame al (678) 831-7697



[email protected]

WMKP 98.9 FM

Totus Tuus Catholic Radio

Catholic Radio in Gainesville, GA 24/7. For more information

go to the website,, or

call 678 602 1773

Mass Intentions | Intensions de Misa Readings of the Week |Lecturas de la Semana


Saturday|Sábado Jul 25 4:30pm (I) Sheila Chiarella 6:30pm (+) Santiago Jaso Estrada Sunday|Domingo Jul 26 7:30am (+) Aziz Robert Raad 10:30am (I) Edith & Blaise Glove 1:00pm (+) Maribel Medina (+) Jose Trinidad Medina (+) Teresita de Jesus Guerrero y (+) Yahir Antonio Melendez 3:00pm (I) Vietnamese Community 5:00pm (I) Geraldine Arellano Monday|Lunes Jul 27 12:00noon (I) Rick & Pat Klok Tuesday|Martes Jul 28 12:00pm (+) Francisco Hernandez Wednesday|Miércoles Jul 29 12:00pm (+) Francisco Hernandez Thursday|Jueves Jul 30 9:00am (I) Norma Jean 6:00pm (+) Francisco Hernandez Friday|Viernes Jul 31 9:00am (+) Francisco Hernandez

Monday | Lunes: Jer 13:1-11; Dt 32:18-21; Mt 13:31-35

Tuesday | Martes: Jer 14:17-22; Ps 79:8, 9, 11, 13; Mt 13:36-43

Wednesday | Miércoles: Jer 15:10, 16-21; Ps 34:2-11; Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42

Thursday | Jueves: Jer 18:1-6; Ps 146:1b-6ab; Mt 13:47-53

Friday |Viernes: Jer 26:1-9; Ps 69:5, 8-10, 14; Mt 13:54-58

Saturday | Sabado: Jer 26:11-16, 24; Ps 69:15-16, 30-31, 33-34; Mt 14:1-12

Sunday |Domingo: Is 55:1-3; Ps 145:8-9, 15-18; Rom 8:35, 37-39; Mt 14:13-21

Proximas fechas para las clases pre-bautismales son: 1 de Agosto | 9am-12pm | salon 29-30

15 de Agosto | 9am-12pm | salon 29-30

5 de Spetiembre | 9am-12pm | salon 18

19 de Septiembre | 9am-12pm | salon 18

*Es importante registrar al bebe antes de asistir a las clases. Para poder registrar, favor de comunicarse con la oficina principal.*

O God, who raised up Saint Ignatius of Loyola in your Church to further the greater glory of

your name, grant that by his help we may imi-tate him in fighting the good fight on earth and

merit to receive with him a crown in heaven. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who

lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

Oh Dios, que levantaste a San Ignacio de Loyola en tu Iglesia para promover la mayor gloria de Tu nombre, concede que con su ayuda podamos

imitarlo en la lucha de la buena batalla en la tierra y merecer recibir una corona en el cielo.

Por nuestro Señor Jesucristo, tu Hijo, que vive y reina contigo en la unidad del Espíritu Santo, un

solo Dios, por los siglos de los siglos.

Page 4: STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE | ADMINISTRACION … SHARE IN GOD’S KINGDOM OFFICE TEAM Today concludes a three-week series of Gos-Business


Cristo Renueva Su Parroquia

Marcelino Ramirez Domingos 2:00pm


Renovación Carismática Isabel Cuevas

Domingo 2:00pm Jueves 7:00pm


Educacion Religiosa Para Adultos

Sr. Indalecio Salazar Domingos 7:00am

Salón 18

Lectores Norma Jean Gomez


Extraordinarios Daniel Hernandez

Monaguillos Ruby Duarte


Luis Gordillo

Niños Especiales Francisca Mondragón 1° sabado de cada mes

12:00pm Salon 18, 29-30

Ujieres Luis Lucumí

Ministerio de

Consuelo Manuel Carrillo

***Para comunicarse con los Cordinadores de los

ministerios, favor de llamara a la oficina

principal al: 678-831-7697 o



VIRTUS is the brand name that identifies best practices programs designed to help prevent wrongdoing and promote "rightdoing" within religious organizations. The VIRTUS programs empower organizations and people to better control risk and improve the lives of all those who interact with the Church.

VIRTUS Training in English

Facilitator: Deacon Pat Fagan & Beth Andert | Saturday, August 15 at 8:45 AM in the Room 18

Register at Please do this as soon as possible. All Extraordinary Eucha-ristic Ministers, Youth Ministers, Catechists, or anyone who works with the youth/or vulnera-ble adults in a ministry. Any questions or concerns, please contact Beth Andert at [email protected] or 678-831-8047

VIRTUS Entrenamiento en Español

Instructores: Laura Lomeli y Beth Andert | Sabado, 1 de Agosto a las 8:45am

Regístrese en Haga esto lo antes posible. Todos los ministros extraordi-narios, catequistas, o cualquier persona que trabaje con los jóvenes o adultos vulnerables en un ministerio. Cualquier pregunta o inquietud, comuníquese con Beth Andert en [email protected] o 678-831-8047.

Thank you | Gracias Archbishop Hartmayer Thank you Archbishop Hartmayer for visiting Saint Michael & celebrating Mass with us. God bless you!

Gracias Arzobispo Hartmayer por visitor a San Miguel y por celebrar la Misa con nosotros. Dios lo bendiga!

Page 5: STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE | ADMINISTRACION … SHARE IN GOD’S KINGDOM OFFICE TEAM Today concludes a three-week series of Gos-Business



Celebration Esp: 2° y 4° Sábado del mes a las 10:00am. Eng: 2nd & 4th Sat of the month at 9:00am.

Pre-Baptismal Class Clase Pre-bautismal

Esp: 1° y 3° Sábado del mes Eng: 2nd Sunday of the month


First Step/Primer Paso

Make an appointment with the priest by contacting

the main office.

Haga una cita con el sacerdote contactando a la

oficina principal.

First Communion & Confirmation

Primera Comunión & Confirmación

Please Contact the School of Religion

Por favor contactar a la Escuela de Religión

678-831-8044 678-831-8045

Anointing of the sick

1st weekend of the month after all masses

1° Fin de semana de cada mes después de todas la

misas OTRAS


Misa de Sanación

Segundo Jueves del mes Misa de 6:00pm

Presentaciones de Niños

Llamar a la oficina para mas información.

Quinceañeras Consultar con la oficina

678-831-7697 Coordinadora

Narcedalia Garrido 770-531-4154

Danza San Miguel

El Ministerio de Danza San Miguel hace la cordial invitación

para que donen su tiempo y talento a las personas que les

gustaria participar en la danza en honor a Nuestra Señora de


*Si usted tiene 17 años en adelante favor de comunicarse

con la coordinadora del ministerio, Maria Torres al

770-906-6153. Los ensayos son los Domingos a las 6:30pm afuera de la tienda Flor de Jalisco #2 en

Atlanta Hwy.

Page 6: STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE | ADMINISTRACION … SHARE IN GOD’S KINGDOM OFFICE TEAM Today concludes a three-week series of Gos-Business
Page 7: STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE | ADMINISTRACION … SHARE IN GOD’S KINGDOM OFFICE TEAM Today concludes a three-week series of Gos-Business

Saint Michael

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