stoian roxana

STOIAN ROXANA-GABRIELA CEPA GRUPA 4101 HOMEWORK It is well known that culinary meals well prepared and, at the same time, well served have a special role for the success of intimate tables or even official dress. Table must be necessarily completed with appropriate serving of drinks, serviring involving in the first place an appropriate choice, in accordance with the selection menu.Serve assumes the addition of value to valentelor liquor quality offered. This requires that workers in restaurants to be familiar with and to comply with a series of rules and general requirements for serving drinks.We believe mandatory awareness of workers provides salons serving drinks in dining room and bar in the following rules: - Glasses to be very clean and chosen differently (shape and capacity), on the basis of the characteristics and the types of drinks served ; it is a good idea to choose glasses colorless, without decor, in order to reveal coloring of drinks served; - temperature at which are consumed drinks are different, so what steps should be taken to ensure optimal temperature, specific to each grade, as well as the basic requirement for serving of beverages; - drinks are always from the right-hand side regardless whether bring prepared in glass beakers from the presidency or to the beaker on the table customer; - drinks simple (verrnuturi, spirits, wines) is senlesc always accompanied by a glass of mineral water or soda water and ice, separately; The cookies are taken from the bakery puted on serving plates round or oval, with lace. Very carefully, always, to be removed ches in which are fitted some cakes, because it is not at all advisable that customer into the bowl to be put cake in ches. 1

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HOMEWORKIt is well known that culinary meals well prepared and, at the same time, well served have a special

role for the success of intimate tables or even official dress. Table must be necessarily completed with appropriate serving of drinks, serviring involving in the first place an appropriate choice, in accordance with the selection menu.Serve assumes the addition of value to valentelor liquor quality offered. This requires that workers in restaurants to be familiar with and to comply with a series of rules and general requirements for serving drinks.We believe mandatory awareness of workers provides salons serving drinks in dining room and bar in the following rules:

- Glasses to be very clean and chosen differently (shape and capacity), on the basis of the characteristics and the types of drinks served ; it is a good idea to choose glasses colorless, without decor, in order to reveal coloring of drinks served;

- temperature at which are consumed drinks are different, so what steps should be taken to ensure optimal temperature, specific to each grade, as well as the basic requirement for serving of beverages;

- drinks are always from the right-hand side regardless whether bring prepared in glass beakers from the presidency or to the beaker on the table customer;

- drinks simple (verrnuturi, spirits, wines) is senlesc always accompanied by a glass of mineral water or soda water and ice, separately;

The cookies are taken from the bakery puted on serving plates round or oval, with lace. Very carefully, always, to be removed ches in which are fitted some cakes, because it is not at all advisable that customer into the bowl to be put cake in ches.

To serve sweets there are used plates-dessert, and dark wool suits-desert (knife, fork or spoon), depending on their consistency. One will have recourse to the system serving directly, either on a plate . In a situation in which the desert consists special parts, their apportionment of food will be made to gheridcn; in this case, it may be carried out as regards arranging and presentation - a true "show".

Fruit will provide to its customers in a grade varied, a fact that requires that their processing of the police is to be made on or in baskets for fruits and the waiter will verify that the fruit should always be clean and of good quality.

The customer will then be served on a plate dessert and with silverware for fruit; the knife and fork. When there is no canteen on fruit, will provide knife and fork for the open desert.

To serve fruits, waiter carried out the service indirectly, the customer chosing for itself only one grade of fruit on which he wants ; you can leave it on the table, and in convenient position for all customers, and latter to serve themselves.


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To fruits with queue (cherries, plums, grapes) is recommended bringing a bowl with cold water and ice, so customers can wash the fruits, if they wish. In this case, offeringa bowl for washing the fingers, on a support with tea colored towel is mandatory.

Not breaking the general serving rules, shows only the work, because it is well-known that many preparations have a specific service, which may differ from a unit to another, depending on the tradition.

Beer will be taken over to the police station in bottles or glasses. Transport bottles shall be carried out in one hand and the glasses shall be brought onto the baking sheet covered with tea towel. Depending on customer preference, beer can be poured with or without foam. To pour out his beer without the glass in his hand, and then gently toama, on the inner edge of the latter. For foaming, the cup will leave on the table, the contents turnandu into thin stream, in the middle of her glass.

Brandy typically sambrat, at room temperature, it is also about his glacé or flambeau is regarded as a mistake. Brandy is served into the flasks for brandy, whose capacity is between 300 - 500 ml.

LIQUEURS are served with digestive drinks spare ribs, usually 25 ml, cold,sambrate or chilled with ice. As a general rule, liqueurs are served in buckets; those very fine may be served in bubbles similar to those of brandy, but lower capacity.

The coffee is always hot, usually in small cups with support.

Cooling bottles of white wine shall be made with ice, ice-bucket or by maintaining a limited amount of time in a storage facility. We do not recommend keeping wines for a long time in cold stores at lower temperatures than the roofbeams, because they lose quality.

For red wines shall be decanting, because while in storage they deposited sediments more or less, because taniului on containing it.

For decanting the bottles is opened carefully , so that deposits may not be agitated; then carefully pour into a mug until the wine flows begins to intrude.

Glasses have a special role for the implementation of quality of the wine; therefore it is recommended to avoid glasses with models or decorations, to have leg and convenient form, in order to allow assessing color, flavor and of the flower. The glass for red wine is always greater than that for white wine, because white wines are served chilled and will not last longer than 8 to 10 minutes in the beaker without heating.

To serve champagne, it is recommended to thin glasses with a support in the shape of a "tullip" (flute) in the place of traditional cups, because they emphasize better "the pearling"of the content.

The serving is done by right, preceded by presentation of the bottle to the customer who ordered. It pours a little wine to him and, after having accepted the wine, begins the serving the others companions in the well known order (the last served is the one who has done the tasting), The waiter will take care to avoid supporting the neck of the bottle on the glass witch he will always fill up to 3/4 of its capacity. to avoid staining the tablecloth with wine droplets formed from the neck of glass, it is recommended that, after pouring in the beaker, before serving the customer following, to wipe the bottle with the ancar in white wines and napkin caught in ancar, to red wines.


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Before finishing pouring the wine into a glass, to the bottle prints a slight rotational movement to the right, in order to avoid the formation of drops witch may stain the table. As a general rule, filling her glass shall be made only when the customer has drained, a sign that he wants to be served.

Serving wine with ice cubes constitutes a mistake.

Champagne will be taken over to the police station adequately cooled,the transport occurs in your hand or ice-bucket of champagne with ice. On the neck of the glass will be a tea towel ,then bottle will be opened carefully, noise-free, serving it in flute or scoops well cooled.

Transport of spirit drinks in the lounge shall be carried out at different levels, the spareribs in the glasses - on the tray, and, in the case of those in bottles - in your hand, special or frapiere "baskets" as well.

For the taking over of the police spare ribs drinks will follow the next stages:

- They will control if the glasses are clean and not broken, if the barman has complied with command;

"there will be raised with the right hand glasses on the bar and they sat down on a platter covered with tea towel, which is located on his left hand, making sure that they are balance to ensure stability;

- will go with drinks in the drawing room, moving always on the right-hand side of aisle until customer's table, where they will serve after rules known;waiter will result with the left hand as a rule two bottles as follows: take first bottle with right hand and secure it in your hands left hand, catching her with your little finger, and large ring-shaped; he looked up and then the second glass, on which a fixed between middle and ring; if Bottles are decapsulate, the edge of glass must not touch your hand ospãtarului.

Opening Technical bottles will vary depending on the nature of drinks contained. Universal bottle's openers are used, the cutter to cut the plug and key Loose pods.

The open must be made at gheridon, in order to avoid some minor accidents which can occur.

To bottles of white wine, on gheridon, in ice-bucket or on the console cut by means of the leaf to say corkscrew cap onto the middle neck of the bottle, walking away with his right hand at the top and to be out of place in his pocket, then place in the middle of spiral plug without penetrating; extract carefully the plug on the neck of glass; using the ancar to wipe the mouth of glass, and serve customers.

For sparkling wine bottles the open shall be carried out in a number of different ways; one of them is:

- placing of glass of champagne gheridon and removing steel around the plug;

- the coverage of glass with ancãrul plug and clamp the heel of your hand and fingers of the left hand over ancar;

- loosening cosuletului with his right hand, without he picked up the bottle from gheridon;

- catching from the bottle with his right hand to the top and removing intent of the stopper with his left hand, leaving easy pressure from escaping glass;

- serving with known rules.


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Serving wines shall be carried out in the big restaurants by professionally trained personnel, called "sommelier". It will have to take into account the order in which they are to be served wines: the slight will be served before those things; at first will be served dry wines, then the sweet; at first will be served white wines, then the tomatoes, old wines follows on from the new ones.

Wines temperature has an important manner, as put in their qualities. Red wines are consumed at room temperature (15 - 18oC), while white wines are always cold. As a VIN is harder, older, more sweet, more or liqueur sparkling. with both will cool more.

Sambrarea wine involves progressive increase of temperature by holding content bottles for 2 to 3 hours at room temperature or sewerages of glass in a tea towel soaked in boiling water and squeezed dry, if the time does not Allows you hold.

Turkish coffee is served sweetened, the other with the sugar separately, and with a small spoon for coffee (mocca). It can provide evaporated milk, whipping cream in the "bit", and on some specialties -whip cream and grated chocolate.

Sugar can be prepacked or in bulk, in the latter case by offering perilously with pliers, for sugar cubes, and 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar.

Mazagranul serve over the tops, and in the absence of such probe into the glasses.

Serve drip coffee can be made to the service. picking up the clean filter at the police station, the coffee required, boiling water in a teapot and separately, the accompanying products (sugar, condensed milk, risks). In this case, the preparation coffee is made directly by the Customer or Customer's waiter to earth or to gheridon.

To serve Medium-thick recommends that customers will be digestive drinks - brandy liqueurs. for men and women.

Tea is served differently, depending on the site is being prepared wave - to happen or to earth customer. Preparing to cafetarie (police station) shall be carried out .in the case of use tea in bulk. The serving consists in ensuring inventory items customer: cup hot tea with stand and teaspoon; ensure the accompanying products - sugar, lemon or orange, evaporated milk. Take on the teapot support with tea towel, goes to earth ,customer where, through customer's right-hand, place it on the table cup for the tea with stand, accompanying the products and pour ceaiulin cup.

Customer to add the accompanying products,to taste.Preparing to earth customer should be carried out when using tea prepackage to pods. The service is carried out as in previous case, with the difference that instead of tea ready take a teapot with hot water, which is poured in the cup at the table customer, taking care to ensure that in advance to put himself in the cup the tea bag.

In both cases, teh serving shall be made on the right-hand side of the consumer, by tilting the only kettle, and the holder while maintaining as _


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drinks in the mixture are used in the glasses specific to each type of drink, and place them on the table by customer's right.

In the case of certain cold drinks may offer straw from the support.

Hot drinks are not given well.

In the case of the drinks have in terms of their content fruit or other components (e.g. ice), they are able to give teaspoon size appropriate glass. The serving shall be carried out in its saucer-holder, napkin or decorative paper washer.

From the sale of drinks in restaurants, as well as through the network of stalls, "kiosks" and kiosks, outside said recommendations, it will be taken into account and some indications of health bodies

- after each use, glasses will be spãlate

- before loosening of booze will control the content they in light, in the case in which foreign bodies, sediments tulburealã or when bottles are not fully closed- drink would not be put in consumption ;

- rãcirea of beverages can be done in cold stores, in special facilities (streamers correctly sealed passing through cold water with ice) or by immersion in cold water with ice, in which bottles will stay in a vertical position, even if they are blocked, his neck They must not exceed the level of the water with 8-10 cm;

- is prohibited keeping any drink- alcoholic drinks or non-alcoholic drinks in bottles or jars discovered ;

Sauces are transferred to the police station in the side cups, proportioning (the sauce) and original bottles (tomato sauce, English and others). Always sauceboats original and tubes shall be taken on a support covered with a tea towel or tissue .The serving shall be carried out on the system directly or indirectly while ensuring that hearty sauces should not cover more than a quarter of meat ; to whole fish, the sauce will cover only your belly, the rest of the sauce being on next.

Vegetables are transferred from polling stations in legums plates, shall be transported in the lounge on bracket, with tea towel or tissue; used the service directly and indirectly.

Salads shall be taken to the police station prepared in salad plates, for one or more portions.

Salads prepared in salatiere of a portion shall be placed on a tray covered with a napkin together with the media.

the service shall be made by customer left, correct location of the windowing the salad plate with medium in question being after his plate of bread, toward the inside table, as close as possible to his plate with the preparation.

If the salad is a special service, the plate that rests on the support by customer's right.

The salad plates contain several portions, shall be taken by the police to support with tea towel or senvetel, and customer service will be carried out through service to gheridon or directly, in which case it uses his plate dessert or special salatierele for a portion . .


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It is essential on the table will be salt and pepper, and at the customer's request will provide the service of oil and vinegar (the oil little bottle) who goes on a support consisting of a plate of the desert with paper towel or tissue.

Cheese requires a careful manner when constitute a separate service, because customers who require such products are fairly refine.

The take-over at the police station will be done on round tables or trolleys that enable presentation of a grade varied .

Waiter comes to earth and customer on the left, shows the plateau after asking what grade has chosen and it is used with the tacamului of service; cutting portions of cheese is faoe using knife. The cheeses which have a characteristic odour will use other knives for sampling.

It is recommended that serving cheeses to offer customers toasted bread or toast and butter. The tousted Bread prejudice to ground in senvet, on a dinner plate, waiter making the service directly or leaving on the table his plate in a convenient place for all customers.

Immediately after getting rid inventory items in which they were served cheese, the waiter will raise on the table his plate of bread, menage (salt, pepper and will gather crumbs.

Arranging table for the customer requires the deep naturally righthanded (hot), a large spoon, and, if appropriate, a knife and fork to cut large bucãtilor of meat. If the service is done at the cup, will use cup for soups, the plate-holder and 1 tablespoon of the desert.

The performance of the service directly, waiter comes on the left-hand side of the consumer, with warmed tureen or soup dishes (with medium in question) on his left hand; introduce lusul in warmed tureen or soup dishes, and then went up as far as the support with the plate warmed tureen or soup dishes customer and begin to serve with his right hand, starting with piece of meat, taking care to mix the contents to ensure that the portions senrite have the same components _ after filling, lusul it sank slightly in the fluid, in order to avoid the formation picãturilor what can fall into the system while it is gone to customer's plate.

Serving the soups at the cup is done by right-hand customer; -cups will have a support with paper towel or tissue.

Particularly important is that serving ciorbelor never forget the accompanying products - green pepper, sour cream, various spices which must be given before customer to begin to consume of these preparations.

Preparations of over stood up to the police station in fishery dishes hot or cold, depending on the nature of preparations; their transport in the lounge shall be made in accordance with the rules which are known.

In the units more modest, where the serving shall be carried out at his plate, these preparations shall be picked up and transported in dinner plate.

Criteria-en-place involves dinner plate high, cold or warm, and dark wool suits.The fish bone will give you the bone plate and the bowl with stand and colored towels to wash hands.


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To serve of preparations of fish, the waiter will practice, as the case may be, the service gheridon, at directly and less at indirectly or at his plate.

In the case of preparations of fish which is served with lemon,sauce, it is recommended that serve them once with the preparation.

The entree and preparations to retrieve the base of the police, if they do not have or have a sauce loosely sauce onto serving plates, oval or round and, in the case of those with dips sampled directly, shall be made, when appropriate, in timbale stand or in flat serving dish.

Criteria-en-peace customer implies the use naturally righthanded stretched out, the big, hot or cold, a fork and knife, great serving (salt, pepper).By way of exception, some cold cuts, small gate can also be served in desert plates, for the carrying out

of service, depending on the category of the system unit and the serving generalized, practiced the service directly to gheridon or at his plate. Should not be omitted sauces what is teaming up with these preparations.

Cold to retrieve snacks Titanic plates mounted oval or round on the plates stretched or trolleys. The customer is served at dinner plate, large or medium-sized depending on snacks components. Dark wool suits for the customer will be composed of a fork and knife, for refreshment, or failing that, of a fork and knife for desert (tacam of the correct size naturally righthanded). May be served the snacks system through direct, indirect, to gheridon,at his plate, and by sideboard cold (Swedish).

Hot snacks shall be used in the same way with cold snacks, taking care to ensure that plates and dishes into which fitted and consumes can be hot.

Consomméuri-creams-soups. Shall be taken by the police special cups spareribs,placed on trays covered with tea towel, once with plates support with napkin, arranged in pile, on a platter. Tablespoon consomme or the desert goes on the tray or sitting on the table in advance if we are 0served a large number of customers. Waiter brings tray on the back of his hand and left forearm, approached by right-hand customer first and looked up with his right hand first plate of the batch, which has a cup on top, on which a support plate resting on the front of the consumer taking care that tablespoon on a plate to be in a convenient position. Croutons or other products of accompanying shall be put up for cup in the kitchen, except straw cheese, sit next to the cup, from the plate-holder.

Our soups that he took over from the police station in bowls size corresponding to the number of portions to be served, the metal support, or dinner plate.

Always, between and support put a senvet or paper towel or tissue. Our borsch or soups which include boneless meat cut into small pieces from the kitchen without the need intenventia customer, can be retrieved from the presidency special cups. In such cases, it shall proceed in the same way as in the case cremelor or consumméurilor.

Customer's leadership.


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- Senses intention of the customer to rose to his feet;

- help pull their seats;

- lead customer to exit;

'Say hello, addressed to wishes, etc;

- re-criteria-en-place tables next question for the services and it ordons the inventory in order to unit;