stretching for pc users

Arm Across Chest For shoulders, upper arms and upper back - improve posture while you work on computer . Place your right arm across your chest, and your left hand just above your elbow Pull your arm across chest and hold for 10 seconds Relax, then repeat on the other arm Shoulder Fan Stretches the chest, correcting hunches posture, and activates upper back muscles which become slack without activity Place your hands behind your head with elbows out to the side Pull your shoulder blades together and push your chest out. Hold for 10 seconds. Then repeat Forward Back Stretch For back muscles to prevent poor sitting posture Place your feet shoulder width apart Slowly bend forward, bringing your hands towards the floor Keep hands close to chair, and relax your head Backwards Lean Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and hands on lower back Looking straight ahead, slowly lean back, keeping legs straight Shoulder Circles Stretches chest muscles and strengthen upper back muscles. Stand up Slowly roll your shoulders backwards in large circles 10 times, looking straight ahead Neck Tilt For upper shoulder and neck muscles - to allow easier head movements and to improve blood circulation. Sitting straight in your chair, tilt head towards one shoulder as far as you can without straining Repeat on the other side Keep your shoulders relaxed Double Chin This stretch repositions the discs and vertebrae of the neck. Usually computer users push out their chin as they strain to see the monitor. Sit up straight, looking straight ahead Slowly draw chin backwards into neck, hold for 5 seconds then repeat 3-5 times Bend Head Forwards Stretch the upper back and neck which are common areas of tension. Bend head forward and gently push down until you feel a comfortable stretch Relax and repeat several times STRETCHES - try to perform couple of these regularly several times per day. Remember to BREATHE and RELAX

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Post on 29-Feb-2016




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simple stretching exercises


Page 1: Stretching for PC users

Arm Across ChestFor shoulders, upper arms and upper back - improve posture while you work on computer.

Place your right arm across your chest, and your left ☺hand just above your elbow

Pull your arm across chest and hold for 10 seconds ☺Relax, then repeat on the other arm ☺

Shoulder FanStretches the chest, correcting hunches posture, and activates upper back muscles which become slack without activity

Place your hands behind your head with elbows out ☺to the side

Pull your shoulder blades together and push your chest ☺out. Hold for 10 seconds. Then repeat

Forward Back StretchFor back muscles to prevent poor sitting posture

Place your feet shoulder width apart ☺Slowly bend forward, bringing your hands towards the ☺

floorKeep hands close to chair, and relax your head ☺

Backwards Lean

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and hands ☺on lower back

Looking straight ahead, slowly lean back, keeping ☺legs straight

Shoulder CirclesStretches chest muscles and strengthen upper back muscles.

Stand up ☺Slowly roll your shoulders backwards in large circles ☺

10 times, looking straight ahead

Neck TiltFor upper shoulder and neck muscles - to allow easier head movements and to improve blood circulation.

Sitting straight in your chair, tilt head towards one ☺shoulder as far as you can without straining

Repeat on the other side ☺Keep your shoulders relaxed ☺

Double ChinThis stretch repositions the discs and vertebrae of the neck. Usually computer users push out their chin as they strain to see the monitor.

Sit up straight, looking straight ahead ☺Slowly draw chin backwards into neck, hold for 5 ☺

secondsthen repeat 3-5 times ☺

Bend Head Forwards

Stretch the upper back and neck which are common areas of tension.

Bend head forward and gently push down until you ☺feel a comfortable stretch

Relax and repeat several times ☺

STRETCHES - try to perform couple of these regularly several times per day. Remember to BREATHE and RELAX

Page 2: Stretching for PC users

The FencerProlonged sitting leads to hip muscle shortening. Changing your posture to standing benefits your legs and back.

Stand up ☺Step forward with your right leg ☺Place your hands on your hips ☺Slowly bend your right knee, pushing your hips ☺

forward and keeping left leg straight. Hold for 10 seconds Perform 3 times for each side ☺

Knee HugStretch out hamstring muscles to alleviate tension.

Sit straight in your chair ☺Interlace fingers over right knee ☺Pull your knee towards your chest, and hold for ten ☺

secondsRepeat twice for each leg ☺

Hip StretchFor lower back muscles

Place one leg over opposite thigh, hands on ankle and ☺knee

Slowly lean forward until you feel a comfortable ☺stretch

Hold for 10 seconds. Then repeat on other leg ☺

Calf StretchThis will help to move the blood out of the lower limbs and helps to keep the calf muscles flexible.

Raise a leg so that it is straight ☺Point your toes towards you ☺Hold for few seconds ☺Point away, hold for few seconds ☺

Eye BlackoutComputer users blink less when they work on their computer focusing on the screen. This lubricate the eye and help relieve dry eyes.

Close your eyes, and cover with your hands ☺Keep eyes closed for 20 seconds ☺Repeat again ☺

Scan HorizonFocusing on the screen puts load on your eye muscles. Wandering over distant objects relaxes the eye muscles and relieves eye fatigue.

Spend 15 seconds looking at an object more then 10 ☺feet away

Maybe out a window or down the hallway ☺

Finger Stretch and ClenchLoosens the tight hand muscles.

Spread the fingers of both hands as far apart as ☺possible

Make a tight fist and squeeze ☺Repeat several times ☺

Flying FingersLoosen the tight hand muscles which occur when you type for prolonged periods of time.

Let your arms hang by the side of your chair ☺Wiggle your fingers for 15 seconds ☺

Jana Novotna, MFHT, MICHT - 07731 949 368, [email protected]; /