structures and functions of eukaryotic cells. recall: the kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and...


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Page 1: STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF EUKARYOTIC CELLS. Recall: The kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and animalia are all composed of eukaryotic cells Similarities:



Page 2: STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF EUKARYOTIC CELLS. Recall: The kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and animalia are all composed of eukaryotic cells Similarities:


Recall: The kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and animalia are all composed of eukaryotic cells


- Membrane bound nucleus with DNA

- Cell membrane composed of a phospholipid bilayer

- Cytoplasm filled interior (everything outside the nucleus but within the cell membrane – cytosol, organelles, molecules, ions)

Page 3: STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF EUKARYOTIC CELLS. Recall: The kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and animalia are all composed of eukaryotic cells Similarities:


Page 4: STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF EUKARYOTIC CELLS. Recall: The kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and animalia are all composed of eukaryotic cells Similarities:


Page 5: STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF EUKARYOTIC CELLS. Recall: The kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and animalia are all composed of eukaryotic cells Similarities:


CHROMATIN: uncondensed DNA mixed with proteins

CHROMOSOME: condensed DNA molecule with an equal mass of protein

- Quantity varies between species (Ex: Humans have 46)

- Only visible during cell division

Page 6: STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF EUKARYOTIC CELLS. Recall: The kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and animalia are all composed of eukaryotic cells Similarities:


Page 7: STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF EUKARYOTIC CELLS. Recall: The kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and animalia are all composed of eukaryotic cells Similarities:

NUCLEUSNUCLEOPLASM: thick fluid filling the nucleus

NUCLEAR MATRIX: network of protein fibres providing internal structure and support

Page 8: STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF EUKARYOTIC CELLS. Recall: The kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and animalia are all composed of eukaryotic cells Similarities:

NUCLEUSNUCLEOLUS: non-membrane bound, denser region in the nucleus filled with RNA and proteins

NUCLEAR ENVELOPE: double membrane composed of a phospholipid bilayer which surrounds the nucleus

LUMEN: space between the bilayer

NUCLEAR PORE COMPLEXES: groups of proteins that form openings in the nuclear envelope; allow small particles and ions to travel freely

Page 9: STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF EUKARYOTIC CELLS. Recall: The kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and animalia are all composed of eukaryotic cells Similarities:


Page 10: STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF EUKARYOTIC CELLS. Recall: The kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and animalia are all composed of eukaryotic cells Similarities:


Complex membrane-bound tubules and sacs attached to the nuclear envelope

SMOOTH ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM (SER): endoplasmic reticulum without ribosomes

- Site of synthesis for lipids and lipid containing molecules

- Site specific functions (Ex: liver SER detoxifies drugs and alcohol, gonad SER produces testesterone and estrogen)

ROUGH ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM (RER): ER surface studded with ribosomes

- Site of protein synthesis

Page 11: STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF EUKARYOTIC CELLS. Recall: The kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and animalia are all composed of eukaryotic cells Similarities:


Page 12: STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF EUKARYOTIC CELLS. Recall: The kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and animalia are all composed of eukaryotic cells Similarities:


Page 13: STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF EUKARYOTIC CELLS. Recall: The kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and animalia are all composed of eukaryotic cells Similarities:

RIBOSOMESStructure composed of RNA and proteins

Structure is different in eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells

Responsible for protein synthesis

a) Ribosomes attached to RER: proteins for cell membrane and cell export

b) Free floating ribosomes: proteins carrying out functions in the cytosol

Page 14: STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF EUKARYOTIC CELLS. Recall: The kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and animalia are all composed of eukaryotic cells Similarities:


Page 15: STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF EUKARYOTIC CELLS. Recall: The kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and animalia are all composed of eukaryotic cells Similarities:


Page 16: STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF EUKARYOTIC CELLS. Recall: The kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and animalia are all composed of eukaryotic cells Similarities:

GOLGI APPARATUSStack of curved membrane sacs

Packages, processes, sorts and distributes proteins, lipids and other substances within a cell

Produce lysosomes (animal cells only)

Page 17: STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF EUKARYOTIC CELLS. Recall: The kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and animalia are all composed of eukaryotic cells Similarities:

LYSOSOMESMembrane-enclosed sacs containing over 40 digestive enzymes (pH ~5)

- Catalyze hydrolysis reactions, break down macromolecules for parts to be reused in cell

- Break down old or no longer needed parts in cell

- Break down bacteria and other foreign particles

Page 18: STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF EUKARYOTIC CELLS. Recall: The kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and animalia are all composed of eukaryotic cells Similarities:

PEROXISOMESMembrane enclosed sacs containing enzymes that catalyze redox redox reactions

- Break down biological molecules and toxic molecules

- Found in large numbers in the liver to oxidize and break down alcohol

- Commonly produce hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and so contain catalase to break it down into water and oxygen gas

- Can sometimes synthesize molecules (Ex: liver peroxisomes produce cholesterol and bile)

Page 19: STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF EUKARYOTIC CELLS. Recall: The kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and animalia are all composed of eukaryotic cells Similarities:


Page 20: STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF EUKARYOTIC CELLS. Recall: The kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and animalia are all composed of eukaryotic cells Similarities:


VESICLE: membrane bound sacs used for the transport and storage of substances in the cell

- Formed by pinching off from cell membranes and organelle membranes

- Can fuse with cell membranes and organelle membranes to release their contents

• Animal Cell: Many small vesicles

• Plant cell: Single large central vesicle (Vacuole)

Page 21: STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF EUKARYOTIC CELLS. Recall: The kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and animalia are all composed of eukaryotic cells Similarities:


Page 22: STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF EUKARYOTIC CELLS. Recall: The kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and animalia are all composed of eukaryotic cells Similarities:

VACUOLEFound in plant cells

Stores water, ions, sugars, amino acids, and macromolecules

Contains enzymes that break down macromolecules and wastes

Determines turgor pressure in plants

Page 23: STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF EUKARYOTIC CELLS. Recall: The kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and animalia are all composed of eukaryotic cells Similarities:


Consists of:

- Nuclear envelope

- Endoplasmic Reticulum

- Golgi Apparatus

- Vesicles

Function: synthesizing, product-processing and transportation section of cell; compartmentalizes cell

Page 24: STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF EUKARYOTIC CELLS. Recall: The kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and animalia are all composed of eukaryotic cells Similarities:


Page 25: STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF EUKARYOTIC CELLS. Recall: The kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and animalia are all composed of eukaryotic cells Similarities:


- Ribosomes on RER synthesizes polypeptides which are released into the lumen of RER

- Polypeptides travel through SER where they are stored and processed

- When ready for transport, pieces of SER pinch off into vesicles containing the protein

- Vesicles transport from SER to cis face of golgi apparatus

- Vesicle contents are released into the golgi apparatus where some proteins are stored and others are further modified

- Pieces of golgi apparatus pinch off from the trans face of the golgi apparatus and travel to the cell membrane or other destinations in the cell

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- Also used in transport of lipids and lipid containing molecules from SER

Page 27: STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF EUKARYOTIC CELLS. Recall: The kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and animalia are all composed of eukaryotic cells Similarities:

CHLOROPLASTSOrganelles containing the photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll, which absorbs light energy (plant cells only)

- Double membrane, own DNA

STROMA: thick liquid in the inner membrane

THYLAKOIDS: flattened disks containing chlorophyll

GRANUM: stack of thylakoids

Page 28: STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF EUKARYOTIC CELLS. Recall: The kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and animalia are all composed of eukaryotic cells Similarities:

MITOCHONDRIABreak down high-energy organic molecules to convert stored energy into usable energy

- Double membrane, own DNA

CRISTAE: folds of inner membrane

MATRIX: fluid filled space in inner membrane

Page 29: STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF EUKARYOTIC CELLS. Recall: The kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and animalia are all composed of eukaryotic cells Similarities:

CELL WALLRigid layer surrounding plant, fungi, and many types of protists

- Provides protection and support

- Composed of polysaccharides and/or glycoproteins

Page 30: STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF EUKARYOTIC CELLS. Recall: The kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and animalia are all composed of eukaryotic cells Similarities:

CYTOSKELETONInternal network of protein fibres that extend through the cytoplasm

- Provides structure and anchors cell membrane and organelles in place

- Act as tracks for vesicles and other organelles to move along

- For some cells, provides appendages that enable the cell to propel itself

Page 31: STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF EUKARYOTIC CELLS. Recall: The kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and animalia are all composed of eukaryotic cells Similarities:


Page 32: STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF EUKARYOTIC CELLS. Recall: The kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and animalia are all composed of eukaryotic cells Similarities:

CILIA AND FLAGELLAAppendages on the outside of of some eukaryotic cells

Composed of an internal shaft made of microtubules covered with an outer membrane that is a continuation of the cell membrane

Used for movement

FLAGELLA: One or two longer appendages

CILIA: many shorter appendages

Page 33: STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF EUKARYOTIC CELLS. Recall: The kingdoms fungi, protista, plantae and animalia are all composed of eukaryotic cells Similarities: