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Student Example Analysis

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Student Example Analysis

Student Example Analysis

Analyzing the Films

Behind the Net CurtainsUse of Red Herring - thinking that the elderly woman would be the killer when actually she was the victim.

The audience never find out who the killer is, a low angle shot is used of his legs for a second or so, and that is the only glimpse we see of the killer.

Close up shots were used of the woman's face, particularly when she is cleaning her teeth to show detail and gruesomeness.

Enhancing the sound of the meat, when the elderly woman is squishing it between her hands.

Over the shoulder shot used when the woman is sitting in her arm chair and drinking something, puts the audience in the camera’s position.

Concealed Image of the woman’s face until the end - we do not see much of the elderly woman's face until the very end of the film.

Jump Cuts were used between the woman chopping up one type of food, to chopping another type.

The basis of the film seems very normal (the elderly woman is acting normally) but there are hints that suggest that she is up to something (eating an animal organ is unusual).

DeadlineThe timer in the corner makes the audience feel like they are on a time limit aswell and have to meet the deadline, they will be hurrying the character who has to meet this deadline.

We never find out what happens to the kids and why they have been captured, why they are going to be killed, which adds mystery.

Tracking shot is used when following the dad of the kids, it makes the audience feel as if they are in a chase and following the characters every move.

We don’t see the killers face which gives a mysterious atmosphere as it allows the audience to ask themselves who the killer is and why will they not find out.

There is limited dialogue so this confuses the audience and keeps them on edge and not knowing what is going on.

Low key lighting is used to create an eery atmosphere and keep a dark and strange mood.

Only one character is really used, we do see the children and the killer but only the man is used during the course of the ‘deadline’, which creates sympathy for the man as it makes him seem more alone.

The Witness

Video tape style camera is used, makes it feel quite isolated (there is no film crew around and the character is by themselves).

Shot/reverse shots are used when the two people are talking, fast moving and confusing.

Low key lighting has been used and a lot of colour has been drained from the camera to make the setting seem dark and eery and suspicious.

Point of view shot is used when the person looks at the criminals, puts the audience in the characters shoes.

High angle shot is used on the victim to make them feel small and powerless and put the criminal in authority. The high angle shot shows the power of the criminal and shows this to the audience.

The criminals costumes is mainly a mask, this is what the audience will notice first about them and create a mysterious and unusual atmosphere.

The ending is confusing and uses the sound effect of a heartbeat to build suspense and make the auidence as nervous as the character.

OutspokenReversing the film and starting from the beginning makes the audience feel as if they have missed something and leaves them confused.

Over the shoulder shot is used to show the ‘victim’ over the criminals shoulder.

The credits are displayed on crumbled bits of paper, this is effective as it has the set of the film in the background but the audience do not yet know that the background pictures are related to the film.

There are indicators of drug use during the first seen which makes the characters seem dodgy and suspicious and already gives them a mysterious judgement made by the audience.

The main character gets a call and mentions ‘Warehouse 12’, which is somewhere he has to go, this adds confusion as the audience have no idea what ‘Warehouse 12’ is and will never find out.

A femme fatal is used, she shoots the main character at the start of the film and we see her laying asleep next to the main character later on which suggests that she has led the main character to his downfall, femme fatals are a key thriller convention.

The Therapist The use of the slow motion walking at the start shows the audience that the

character is going somewhere, although we don’t know where, it is implied that they are being led to their death or somewhere else that is unpleasant. The fact that we only see their feet confuses the audience as we do not know who he/she is (e.g. killer or victim?).

Finally when we see their face we can see that they look quite innocent and as the camera cuts we see a figure in the background which suggests to the auidence that the innocent man is about to die.

Flashbacks are used as these are a key thriller convention, however the people in the flashback are different to who is in the present, which is never fully explained, but it suggests that the figure in the background has hurt or killed this mans family which has led him to be the next target of the killer.

We never see the killers face which keeps a concealed image and allows the audience to make their own judgement as to what they look like but it adds mystery and tension.

Binary opposites are used (the man/the figure in the background), it is obvious to see that the figure is up to no good and the man is running away which suggests he is the victim.

Another binary opposite is used between the flashbacks and the present day (low key lighting and bright lighting), which conveys the atmosphere of each time they are in.

Too Good• The use of children's playground and toys suggests that nothing is going to

happen and acts as a red herring as the audience won’t expect anything.

• There is a lot of low key lighting used and the colour is very dark, to make it seem very mysterious.

• Close up’s are used of objects such as door handles and keys, and photos, to show detail and precision and keep the audiences attention completely focused on that one thing.

• We never see the killers/criminals face so it adds mystery and suspense and the audience will want to find out who he/she is.

• The voiceover gives the opening of the film from the perspective of that one person, the audience will assume it is the killer, but they do not know. And this is the only insight they will get into the killers life, as the don’t see what he looks like.

• Non - diegetic sound is used over the top of the voiceover as well as diegetic to show natural things such as washing hands, or running etc.

• Some of the settings and locations are completely normal, such as a row of houses, but others are weird and suspicious such as the old worn down house.