student information system (sis) adjustment encoding user: students july 22, 2014

STUDENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (SIS) Adjustment Encoding User: Students July 22, 2014

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Adjustment Encoding

User: Students

July 22, 2014

Step 1: Open your browser and type (Required browser: Mozilla Firefox)

Step 2: A log-in page will appear. Use your CSBInfonet account to log-on.

Step 3: After successful login, click ADJUSTMENT from the menu (right side of the screen).

Step 4: Read the Online Adjustment Policy, then click Proceed button.

Step 5: A screen will appear for you to encode sections

Step 5.1: How to select a section

1) Click Select Section button of the desired course to display its available schedules.

Note: You are not allowed to select a section for courses you added during Online Adjustment which have been disapproved by your academic adviser.

Step 5.1: How to select a section

2) Select your desired section, then click Save button.

Step 5.1: How to select a section

3) The system saves the schedule you selected and displays message “Section has been saved.” The saved section will be displayed beside the Course Code.

Step 5.2: How to delete a course

• Click the Delete Section button.

• A confirmation box saying “Are you sure you want to delete this section?” will appear, click OK button.

• A system message “Section has been deleted.” will be displayed. The deleted section will be removed from the Section column.

Note: You are not allowed to remove section of the courses you encoded during Pre-enrollment Period.

For those students who did not undergo Online Adjustment, take note of your Student Adjustment No. that will be displayed on your screen after you made your first transaction during Adjustment Encoding.



You may encode sections as long as your Preenrolled Units will not exceed the Maximum Allowable Preenrolled Units.

Maximum Allowable Preenrolled Units:• Non-CDP non-graduating = 21 units (maximum of 18 academic units)• Non-CDP graduating = 24 units• CDP non-graduating = 17 units• CDP graduating = 21 units


• You can still modify your record as long as within the Adjustment Encoding Period.

• Once the system has generated you a Student Adjustment No., your EAF will automatically be voided. You will need to go to your respective Records-in-Charge to get your new EAF during EAF Releasing Period.

Step 6: Please read the remarks of your Academic Adviser.

Step 7: You may view your approved for-dropping course(s).

Step 8: You can view your temporary assessment by clicking [View Assessment] link at the bottom of the screen.

Step 8.1: Sample Assessment

Step 9: When you are finished, click Log-Out

(upper right of the screen) for security purposes.