student testimonials

Hear what our students and graduates have to say about Mayapur Institute! No one can tell you more about what it’s like to study at Mayapur Institute than the students who experience the bliss of learning. Read what they have to say, in their own words, and you’ll see how unique experience it is to study at Sridham Mayapur. Student Testimonials It has been 12 years, I wanted to come to Mayapur and take up Bhakti Sastri course at MI. We were able to do it this time, taking off from our busy preaching and management services. I was thinking of doing this course online, but we gained immensely by doing this course staying here in Sri Mayapur Dham for 4 months. The association of many senior devotees and Sanyasis is very enlivening and nourishing. We get to ask questions, hear from them. We got deeper insights into the scriptures and we now realised many mistakes that we used to do in our preaching. Such systematic education is very essential. Rupesvar Gaur Das, Temple President, Kathmandu, Nepal The Bhakti Sastri course is that best thing that happened to me in my spiritual life. Coming to Mayapur and studying in the association of devotees really transformed me. When teachers are more experienced, students are also more enthusiastic to study. It is the most powerful experience of my life. I am very grateful to the teachers and fellow students. Bhakta Joshua Adam Hallows Bhakti Sastri Student, South Korea

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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Hear what our students and graduates have to say about Mayapur Institute! No one can tell you more about what it’s like to study at Mayapur Institute than the students who experience the bliss of learning. Read what they have to say, in their own words, and you’ll see how unique experience it is to study at Sridham Mayapur.

Student Testimonials

It has been 12 years, I wanted to come to Mayapur and take up Bhakti Sastri course at MI. We were able to do it this time, taking off from our busy preaching and management services. I was thinking of doing this course online, but we gained immensely by doing this course staying here in Sri Mayapur Dham for 4 months. The association of many senior devotees and Sanyasis is very enlivening and nourishing. We get to ask questions, hear from them. We got deeper insights into the scriptures and we now realised many mistakes that we used to do in our preaching. Such systematic education is very essential.

Rupesvar Gaur Das, Temple President, Kathmandu, Nepal

”The Bhakti Sastri course is that best thing that happened to me in my spiritual life. Coming to Mayapur and studying in the association of devotees really transformed me. When teachers are more experienced, students are also more enthusiastic to study. It is the most powerful experience of my life. I am very grateful to the teachers and fellow students.

” Bhakta Joshua Adam HallowsBhakti Sastri Student, South Korea

Student Testimonials

To me MI (Mayapur Institute) stands for (M)ost (I)ntimate, because the

satisfaction I felt while studying Prabhupada's books was not ordinary but

profound and soul-touching. And like a most intimate relationship, I have

not forgotten those MI times, which still provide me with much insight for

my daily life.Visvambara Caitanya Das, Bhakti Sastri Graduate, Radhadesh, Belgium

Ravigopal Das,Bhakti Vaibhava Student

Earlier I did correspondence Bhakti sastri course from VIHE. There is a gulf of

difference in live courses and online or correspondence courses. This time

when I did Bhakti Vaibhava Course from MI, I could experience it. We get to

speak to different experienced teachers, co-students, and share our

understandings. It is very enlivening. I was thinking that I know many things,

but as I went through the course, I realized I did not know anything.

Student TestimonialsIt was wonderful experience studying Bhakti Shastri at Mayapur

Institute. I am curious to go through other courses also. It was sensational to

associate with Sannyasis and other senior and learned scholars, who are all

deeply realized in Krishna Consciousness. It was very helpful to understand

Krishna Consciousness philosophy. Although I read these books earlier also,

this time it was eye-opening. I could go more deep to understand mood and

mission of Srila Prabhupada with the help of relevant slides, Srila PrabhupadaKrishna Kripa Sindhu Das,Bhakti Sastri Student

Harinama Das,Bhakti Sastri Student, USA

The course was one of the best things I have done in ISKCON since I joined 6

years ago. The association of my classmates and the instructions of senior

devotees were amazing. I will continue to study and come back for Bhakti

Vaibhav Module 1.

anecdotes, Drama, discussions etc. preaching and personal application. Different realizations from

group of devotees from all over the world was very helpful.

Student Testimonials

Bh. Prem Saral,Bhakti Sastri Student, Australia

I gained a lifetime of knowledge if not lifetimes. But what I have gained is

the need more to study and read more regularly. I enjoyed the association

of the devotees and teachers. The temple program has been so beautiful

and amazing to experience. The insights and how to get stronger in my

sadhana and get closer to taking diksha. So grateful for this chance to be

here and see Mayapur and become more humble or develop tolerance

and devotion. Thank you.

With MI Courses, I developed deeper understanding of scriptures, enhanced

my interest to study, It was a great opportunity to associate with wonderful

devotees from all over the world. MI gave me a platform to meet devotees

who are spiritually advanced; by associating with them I got many wonderful

advises on my spiritual life.

Bh. Antic Ivan,Bhakti Sastri Student, Croatia

Student Testimonials

Prem Prakash Das,Bhakti Sastri Student, Mumbai

The Courses at MI are the best thing that helped me to reflect on my life as to

where I stand in my spiritual life and the clarity to overcome the impediments

in the progress of my spiritual life.


Mayapur Institute helped me to - strengthen my sadhana, increase

my faith in devotees, learn a lot from Teacher’s Own ISKCON


Vishvambhara dasa,Bhakti Sastri Student, China


It was fantastic studying at MI. Getting the association of senior devotees is an

added advantage and I would like to apply these principles practically and

encourage other devotees to take up courses at MI in the future.Sravana Mangala Das,Bhakti Sastri Student, Hyderabad


Student Testimonials

The Mayapur Institute has given me the nectar of devotion and it is my duty

to distribute among aspiring devotees and send them Mayapur Institute for

further spiritual advancement. The course has helped me in self realization

and in my Vanaprastha life.

Bh. Sri Venkata Ramanuja Rao R, Bhakti Sastri Student, Pune

Brihat Mridanga Das,Bhakti Sastri Student, Cape Town

I got deeper insights into Srila Prabhupada’s books and feeling very purified.

Feeling very equipped with tools to teach and preach more effectively.

Looking forward to share everything I have learnt with devotees and friends

back home. I will definitely come for Bhakti Vaibhava as soon as is possible for


Student Testimonials

Hari Vilasa Das,Bhakti Sastri Student, South Africa

Experience of regular sastric study created samskaras (imprints) that will

greatly benefit me in the future. I see this as the beginning of my

systematic study of Srila Prabhupada’s books. I gained the habit of regular

study which is really priceless. Daily association of senior devotees for four

months is very very special.

Studying at Mayapur Institute was a very much special experience

and got to learn many things in precise sastric way. Even though I have gone

through Bhagavad Gita and other books before coming to the course, but

studying the same books here in the association of devotees was very special. I

would like to thank the authorities from the bottom of my heart for this

initiative. I am indebted to them.

Satyahita Das,Bhakti Sastri Student, Hyderabad

Student Testimonials

Bhakti Sastri was really an eye opening for me to understand Bhagavad

Gita and other books from different perspectives. Although I have studied

these books before, I really appreciate studying them in MI, because of

the association of senior devotees and their realizations and learning

through their experiences and practices and to learn what is Srila

Prabhupada’s mood and how present that mood to myself and continue

to share that mood. Srila Prabhupada envisioned 7 aims while setting up

Kasturika DD,Bhakti Sastri Student, Australia

ISKCON, most of the aims are about education. ISKCON is an educational Institute rather than just a

religious organization. For me this course was very touching, because I never saw Bhagavad Gita in

the way it is. I had my own misconceptions and understandings, but when I came here, the

association of devotees, teachers, good morning program, living in the dham really helped me to

step over my fears and obstacles and I am happy and I really want to go and share and preach. –

Kasturika DD, Bhakti Sastri Student, Australia

Student Testimonials


I was able to deepen my understanding of Philosophy of Krishna

Consciousness, mood and mission of ISKCON; also, the course helped me to

understand how to share this transcendental knowledge with others in a

systematic way. Now I realize what a valuable treasure Srila Prabhupada left

for all of us.

One of the great experience I had during my Bhakti Sastri course is

association of so many wonderful devotees

Bhaktin Barbara Gasser, Bhakti Sastri Student (Ladies)

Surabhi DD,Bhakti Sastri Student (Ladies),


Gurumukha DD, Bhakti Sastri Student (Ladies)

The Course helped me to deepen my understanding of Bhagavad Gita and

Nectar of Instruction specially. I am very much influenced by the strong faith

and mood of compassion from Srila Prabhupada’s soldiers, these wonderful
