successful and sustainable program development renee kuharski, ph.d. ~ colorado mountain college...

Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation March 2012, Philadelphia, PA

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Page 1: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

Successful and Sustainable Program Development

Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain CollegeChi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications

League for InnovationMarch 2012, Philadelphia, PA

Page 2: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

Session Outcomes

– Learn how Colorado Mountain College revitalized their New Program process.

– Hear how Colorado Mountain College partnered and strategized with Interact Communications for their front-end program development.

– Think about how your college can benefit from faster and more reliable program planning for program design and launch

Page 3: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

The Need

Page 4: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

Colorado Mountain College

– Serves 9 counties & 12,000 square miles in the Colorado Rockies

– 7 campuses that include 3 residential campuses, 11 learning centers, plus online learning

– 23,000 students (unduplicated headcount)

– An Awakening that Innovation was Key

Put Simply….

Page 5: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

Colorado Mountain College

The future of our college depends on how quickly and effectively we identify community needs and develop or update programs to meet those needs.

Page 6: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

The Issue(s)

Page 7: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

Beginning of Downturn (2007)

– Solicited Program Ideas Internally

– Difficult to Evaluate

– Forms but not Clarity of Process in how to answer

– Difficult to clearly gauge market needs

– Process could be politicized between campuses and programs

Page 8: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

Real Needs Impact– New Bachelor’s Degrees Could Be Slow to Launch

– Morale Issues Follow Program Concepting

– Political Ramifications of Saying No to Local Industries

– Not Responding Quickly Enough to Community Needs

– Responding Too Quickly to Non-Vetted Internal Ideas

Page 9: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

How It Started

Page 10: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

A Mix of Brainstormed Programs– AAS - Film and Digital Design

– AAS & Certificate - Video Game Developer

– Certificate - Forestry Technician

– AAS & Certificate – Medical Assistant

– Restaurant Management

– New Media

Page 11: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation


– Faculty/staff completed forms

– Program ideas

– Lobbying for favorites

Page 12: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

Did NOT Have

– A Process to Generate and Verify Real Market Trends

– Staff to Do the Needed Leg-Work

– A Fair Way to compare Markets between Programs

– A Fair Way to Compare Markets between Campuses

– Enough Hours in the Day

Page 13: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

Approached Interact Communications

– Full-Service Marketing and Research Firm

– Two-Year College Exclusive Focus

– All Staff have two-year experience

– A Research-Based Process to Program Decision Making

Page 14: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

Interact’s Phased-In Review Process

Page 15: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

Phase One – Environmental Scan– TRENDS

• Review and Cost Reference 5 National Job and Trend Databases across ALL RELATED JOB TYPES• Review and Cost Reference State and Professional Trend Databases• Review Job and Salary Potential

– COMPETITION• Review All Public and Private Colleges for Program Competition• Cross-Reference District population with Program Availability and Create Travel/Online Matrix

– EMPLOYER • Identify all potential Employer Types for Possible Phase 2

Page 16: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

Phase OnePhase One –

Environmental Scan

Page 17: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

Phase 2 – B&I Scan

– Review of All Job Categories and Create Employer List– Integrate Local Advisory and Employer List– Develop Custom Survey of Needs/Study Area/Job Availability and Salary Ranges– Develop Sampling Strategy (Or Reach the Entire Population)– Phone Survey of Employers– Report with Go or No-Go Recommendation

• Ideas for Market Expansion• Salary and Training Trends• Training Focus Areas

Page 18: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

Phase 2 – B&I Scan

Page 19: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

Phase 3 – Potential Student Survey– Core Population Location– Hidden Underemployed Population– Working Population for Skill Upgrade– Develop Custom Survey (Phone/Web) around:

• Marketing Language• Training Needs• Delivery of Message• Time to Decision

– Report that Recommends:• Marketing Lead Time• Outreach Hot Spots• Messaging Factors

Page 20: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

Phase 3 – Potential Student Survey

Page 21: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

First Time Through with CMC

Page 22: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

How It Strengthened CMC

Page 23: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

CMC Used the Research for:– Decision making ~ based on the unbiased recommendations provided in the study to move a program forward

or not

– Program sustainability ~ trendy vs. long term job focused

– Long term strategic perspective ~ Incorporated a formal and strategic look at local, state and national data

– CRITICAL: This helped drive internal changes to our Review Approach

Page 24: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

CMC Clarified

their Internal Processes

Page 25: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

Advantages of Process– Strengthened external involvement on the front end

– Impacts on the college as a whole looked at upfront i.e., costs for human (faculty & staff) and physical resources (new and/or remodeled facilities, equipment, etc. , risk management (safety)

– Reduce the Number of Phase One Research Projects

– Program concept more thoroughly defined

– Going to a Phase One is a College-Wide Process

Page 26: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

Impact on Organization– There are Real-Time Checks to the System

– Provides leadership and direction in the development of new programs

– Assists in generating and refining new program ideas

– Maintains a transparent, active and results-oriented attitude

– Does not slow new program development but demands reliability

Page 27: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

Phase 2- (Employer Study)

Defines the Program Clearly

Page 28: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

Phase 3- (Student Potential)

Prepares the Program for Launch

Page 29: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

The Ah-Ha’s

Page 30: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

Internal Ah-ha’s– Increased awareness of programs being developed by the college in

the community, region, etc.

– B & I scan helped shape programs or add areas not previously considered.

– Provided the program with new and passionate additional advisory committee members

– Ah-ha moments – A campus team could be engaged and passionate about their program – but not correct

• Data vs. Emotion• Clarity vs. Trendy• The B & I Scan highlights employment and economy

Page 31: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

External Ah-ha’s– Credibility with Business Community that

there is Data-Driven Decision Making

– Realistic Responsiveness

– Reduce Campus Conflict due to Data-Focus

– Focus on Lasting Programs – Not Trendy Ones

Page 32: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

No, for a number of reasons…

Responsiveness in terms of other “things” on plate Allocation of staff time

Lack of enough staff to be able to dedicate time Consistency of reports for each program

Clear reporting ~ quantitative data provided with the Qualitative Narrative

A Complete Absence of Program/Campus Bias

Could this have been done Internally?

Page 33: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

Leadership Perspective– College leadership has Real Data

• Approved the Two-phase CMC new program process as well as the requirement for a feasibility study

– Accreditation is Streamlined: • HLC (North Central Accreditation) & DOE (Gainful

Employment), CCCS all require that the college can answer the question ~ “how do you know this will provide students with employment or transfer opportunities”

– The impact on program and college resources for planning is clear and upfront

– Begins the process of the program’s five-year plan

Page 34: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

Stronger New Programs Medical Assistant New Media Restaurant/Culinary Management Renewal Energy

Why are they Stronger for the Process? College was able to make choices using data-driven decision making Community engaged ~ partnerships strengthened Provided college with “outside the box” ideas for future expansion Tied to College strategic plan

Page 35: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

Pre-Development is our Stage 0

• Interact’s Phase 1 – A Low Cost Vetting and Proof of Clarity

• Interact’s Phase 2 – Focus on Local Needs – Integrate Wider Findings– Details on Program Courses– Real Learning Outcomes Needed– A Stronger Assessment– Pathways

• Interacts Phase 3 – When There is a Program Need – But it is not widely known in Community– Faster start up


Page 36: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation


We leverage our Internal and External

Resources to Clarify and

Streamline the Process

Page 37: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

The Results

– 11 Total Programs Vetted over 5 years

– Resulting in 5 Total New Program and 1 SWOT analysis

– 1 study currently underway

CMC learned how to better leverage our resources internally and externally, use the data and not just our passion

Page 38: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation


V IS IO N} B ecom ing a

First Choice C olle ge

M ISSIO N} To C reate a

Better Future... for our students, em ployees & com munities

V A LU E S } Tru th Trust R es p ec t R esponsiveness (T2R2)


Transform ational Experiences Transform ational Growth

F or O ur


F or O ur


F or O ur



F or O ur


Exceptional C apacity for O ur

PROGRAMS with input fro m our com munity partners

1 m axim ize s tudent engagem e nt

2 pro m o te & assess m ean ingfu l lea rn ing

3 leve rage curricu la r & co-curricu la r experientia l opportun ities in un ique m ounta in loca tions

4 c lose ach ieve m e nt gaps for underse rved popula tions

5 increase stude nt success & de g ree a tta inm ent

Va lue em ployees v ia :

1 re le vant profess iona l deve lo pm ent

2 inc reased em p loyee recognition

3 inc reased c larity o f ro les

U se loca l com m un ity cap ita l for:

1 adjunct rec ru itm ent, guest lec tu res, m e ntors & m ean- ingfu l com m ittee se rv ice

2 serv ice lea rn ing , s tudent inte rnsh ips & career p la ce - m ent

3 e co no m ic de ve lo pm ent, cutting -edge pro gram m ing & innovation

4 stra teg ica lly re le va nt partnersh ip s w ith o the r co llege s & un ive rs ities

1 inc rease qua lity enro llm ents for A A , A S , se lect C TE & BA program s th roug h a fo rm idab le ca m pu s-spe c ific recru itm e nt plan that resu lts in an ag g reg a te incre as e

2 identify existing best p rac tic es for re tention & implement them co llege w ide to ensu re a seam less educa tiona l expe rience to goa l a tta inm ent

1 ne w & existing F lag sh ip P rog ram s resou rces e.g . instructional design, facu lty re- sou rces, tu toring fo r s tudents, etc.

2 exceptiona l on line learning- m ove to nationa l m o de l in 3 ye a rs

3 capacity fo r hon - o rs p rogram s i.e. w ith F ou ndation scho la rsh ip s

4 im p ro ve d, m ore innovative rem ed ia l p rogram s

A Strong Part of our Strategic Planning Process

Page 39: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

Continuing Relationship

– Low Cost

– High Quality

– Fast and Responsive

– Reviewing the data upfront, before the college invests resources, provides long term cost savings…

Page 40: Successful and Sustainable Program Development Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. ~ Colorado Mountain College Chi-Chung Keung ~ Interact Communications League for Innovation

Successful and Sustainable Program Development

League for Innovation ~ March 2012 /interactcom /


[email protected] ~ Chi-Chung KeungInteract Communications

[email protected] ~ Renee Kuharski, Ph.D. Colorado Mountain College