super flirt mastery

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Ron C. (aka Nice Guy)

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Note to the readers:


I have tried to be as accurate and relevant as I can, through my

extensive research and surveys, online and offline. But still you know

how the subject of human psychology can be very tricky and when I

say all this stuff, it is always best to take them as advice and NOT any

hard-fixed rules.

Just understand and feel what I have to say. But your ultimate guide

is Real Life! So, take action and gain experience. Perhaps, you can

even teach me a thought or two.

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Welcome to the Modern

Man’s World and I’m your

host for today. Well, since

you have already

downloaded this free

blueprint report, I am sure you have the zeal to get what you want.

And that’s where we are same. We both know what we want and we

go for it.

Back to the topic, let me tell you something. Let’s break a myth here.

You will find women say that they don’t like flirts and flirting. But do

you know what they actually mean by that? What those women

mean is that they don’t like when somebody ‘play’ with them. Yes,

that’s right.

Normally, the word ‘flirting’ is actually associated with being a player.

And here’s the biggie and breakthrough idea. Women don’t like


Okay, before you go ahead and think that it might be better to be the

‘nice guy’ then, let me clarify it for you. Different women come with

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different mindsets. Some come with an insecure setup while others

are stable inside and want a stable man. When some are inhibited,

others prefer being more open (read ‘social’). So there it is.

If you are a player and your being a player works on her, she is

basically insecure and seeks your validation. If she is turned off by

you, she is assured on her own value and disqualifies you because

being a player signals lack of commitment. And lack of commitment

is a dent on your social or sexual value.

Now, I know you are completely confused and you will probably be

thinking that this person is actually preaching NOT TO FLIRT in a

Sexual Flirt Mastery eBook.

No, it’s all about flirting, not about playing. What I am asking of you is

to have an open mind and absorb as much as you can from this book.

And I promise you…

By the end of the report, you will become a much more Attractive

Man who women chase after, a head start you never thought you

could get.

Best of luck,


Modern Men’s Dating Guide – Attraction, Sex and Relationships

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Table of Contents


B. Table of Contents………………………………………………………………………..………

C. What is Flirting……………………………………………………………….……………………

D. Why You Should Flirt…………………………………………………………………………….pg.9

E. Prerequisites of Flirting……………………………………………………………………

F. How to Flirt!

G. Universal DO’s of Flirting………………………………………………………………….pg.20

H. Universal DON’Ts of Flirting…………………………………………………………….pg.24

I. Why Do Women Flirt………………………………………………………….pg.27

J. How to Understand if a Woman is Flirting…………………………pg.30

K. Is She Real or Fake……………………………………………………………

L. Final Words on Flirting………………………………………………………………………pg.34

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What is Flirting

The funny thing is that while

men are being labeled as

‘flirts’, hardly do they ever

know how to flirt with

women. Sometimes, stupid

cheesy lines are considered

to be flirting with women.

See the examples below:

‘Baby, is your father a terrorist? Sure, you are a BOMB!’

‘Are you straight out of the oven?’

‘I have no home…can I spend the night at your house?’

‘I miss my teddy bear. Would you sleep with me?’

Please, men...this is NOT called Flirting. If you think being this cheesy

means being a flirt, you could not be more wrong than this.

Yes, the very first thing that you need to know is what flirting actually


Flirting (int. verb)

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- To make playful sexual overtures at a person

- To fiddle with something.

That’s what the Oxford Dictionary says.

In essence, Flirting means conveying your sexual interest in someone.

Flirting is all about subcommunication. Note that I used the word

‘conveying’ instead of ‘showing’. And one thing must always be

remembered in ‘picking up women’ is how to effectively flirt with


Flirting signals that you are ready to mate and you find her as a

potential mate. Two important aspects of the game here: one, that

you increasing your value and you are increasing her value as well.

This is called the Mutual Value Escalation. This is SO different to the

other pickup methods where you are told to decrease the value of

women to pick them up. That’s not what love, dating and

relationships is all about. You NEVER suck value from someone but

you ADD value to someone’s life. And flirting conveys just that.

It is scientifically that almost all animals flirt to attract potential mate

when they are sexually ready. This is the rule of the biological world.

And likewise in the human world, we also engage in flirting when we

are sexually ready and remember, when you are flirting the RIGHT

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way, you are just being NATURAL. In fact, as born in the masculine

sex of the species, you are supposed to act like that.

An important note here: Some of the men out there get SO socially

conditioned that they lose the touch with their innate sexual being.

They stop flirting. In simpler words, they stop sending out mating

signals even if they are sexually ready and they come across a

potential mate. These types of men are called ‘Nice Guys’. And we all

know that these people finish last!

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Why You

Should Flirt

In the game of pickup


Unless you learn how

to create the sexual tension, there is no chance of any chemistry.

And unless there’s any chemistry, there’s absolutely nothing inside

you. You two are brother-sister at most. So, now you understand the

gravity of the situation...

I know what you are thinking right now. You are thinking what this

sexual tension is and how to create sexual tension.

Well, sexual tension is a very tricky topic. Either you get it or you

don’t. To make it easier for you, let’s say sexual tension is when there

is an unsolved sexual vibe in the air. You can say there’s an unsolved

and controlled aroused state on both side. She feels it and you feel it,

and both of you enjoy it nonetheless. Some advice you to use NLP

(credit Ross Jeffries of Speed Seduction) while some espouse the

focus of intense sexual state (credit Gunwitch and Vin Di Carlo). Yes,

there are many who think teasing or cocky-flirty creates that much-

required sexual tension. I cannot say that all of them are wrong but

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they are not totally right. And you know why? It’s because all of them

are busy championing their own method and most of them are trying

to earn money from their products and services. It’s very unfortunate

that they have changed this beautiful Art of Seduction into some


Well, back to the topic anyway, we know now that sexual tension is

that sexual charge in an interaction but without resolution of any

sort. But how do you do that? Of course, one of the best ways to

create sexual tension is through effective flirting with the woman.

Flirting infuses sexual polarity in the air, thus, leading to the

ULTIMATE factor in any game, ATTRACTION. Flirting shows her that

you are a MAN and that she can be a WOMAN. She feels THAT thing

for you. I bet that many a times when you have heard this phrase

from a woman, you have been baffled a bit – ‘I want you to make me

feel like a woman’. She didn’t mean that you should instantly hump

her. She wanted to create that sexual tension, give her that sweet

painful pleasure. Yes, flirting creates attraction. And that’s why you

should flirt.

Remember I told you, flirting essentially signals TWO things, that

you are sexually valuable and that you find her sexually valuable.

When you are showing that you are sexually valuable, you are

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basically pushing her down (because you are pulling yourself up).

When you are conveying about your sexual interest in her, you are

pulling her in (because you are pulling her up to your level). Now, this

is very subtle and this doesn’t work on her conscious mind but on her

subconscious mind where flirting is actually supposed to affect.

When you flirt, you are pulling her with your energy, your

demeanor but you are pushing her by being playfully challenging

her. Challenge is a big part of flirting with women, and when you

challenge her, you create that unsolved dissonance in the sexual

atmosphere that you have created.

This works on the mind of the woman. She feels the sexual vibe, she

seeks to solve the confusion in the air and she ends up helplessly

chasing you. Isn’t that what you want, huh?

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Prerequisites of Flirting

Ah…this is one of the hardest sections of

write! Prerequisites of flirting with

women! Now what can be the

prerequisites of flirting with women? You

just go and flirt, right? NO. If you just go

and flirt with any woman out there, you

would come across as any other chump

who tries to express their interest in a woman. If you think you can

flirt because you can express your sexual or romantic interest in a

woman BOLDLY, think again because you are wrong.

Flirting is an art of sexual communication. I am not asking you look

upon it as some sort of science but don’t disregard it as some sort of

petty technique as well. It’s more than that. And you know why? It’s

because flirting is all about HOW YOU COMMUNICATE. Yes, it does

regard what you say but it focuses on how you say it. As they say, 93

percent of any communication is nonverbal and ONLY 7 percent is


Anyway, what do you NEED to do before you can successfully flirt?

Here are the most important things listed out:

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Body language – What is body language important? Body

language transmits your sexual and social value, conveys your

level of confidence, tells her if you are trustworthy and

conveys how much of a MAN you are. Isn’t that enough? Have

you heard of the phrase before that she knows you even

before you open your mouth? This is SO true because she

knows you through your body language. Your body language is

the vibe that you send out. Make sure it is always POSITIVE.

You don’t need to show that you are more valuable than she

is. You should rather focus on conveying yourself as someone,

who can add VALUE to her life.

Grooming and Fashion – Well, many a times, men want a

woman who will like them as they are. What do they actually

mean? Do they mean that they should fall in love with them

when they are lying on the couch watching football in shorts?

Do they mean that they should swoon over them when they

find him brushing his teeth once a week and leaving his hair

unkempt just like that? Get real, guys! Remember one slogan –

Women want men who can ADD VALUE to their life. Take

proper grooming sessions and work on your fashion. Just TAKE

CARE of yourself. If you value yourself, she will value you.

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Social Lifestyle – To be honest, friends, I have seen most of the

dating gurus, apart from the likes of Cameron Teone, Stephen

Nash, Carlos Xuma, etc, are so concerned about different

dating techniques and tactics to attract and pickup women.

But they NEVER bother to improve upon the quality of the man

to change him into that MAN who women are naturally

attracted to and fall over to let them pick them up. And you

know what, that only happens when you have an attractive

social lifestyle that you follow. Your lifestyle conveys to her

that you have social value and that attracts her to you. You

see, you are not using any NLP tactics or running any negging

routine on her. You are rather building an intrinsic permanent

value in her eyes, rather than creating some transient

superficial attraction. So work on improving your life as a

whole. Do what you always wanted to do. Start today. Add

value to your life first and proceed to add value to her life after


These are the most BASIC prerequisites when it comes to flirting with

women. Ask me and I would suggest you that even before you think

of flirting, start working on these aspects first.

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How to Flirt

No, if you are thinking that I will be giving

you some ‘Top Five’ list (which will there

later on) in this one, you are wrong. In

this section, I will teach you how to flirt

with women. Now, that’s a bird-view that

I am rendering you. You always wanted to

get inside the head of women, don’t you?

That’s what I am doing in this module. Proffering you with a view on

how a woman thinks normally.

Here is a survey chat that I had just now with one of my female

friends. She is 21 and she is pretty much experienced when it comes

to the matter of boys…lol.

Me: Do you flirt with men?

She: Yes, I do…sometimes.

Me: What kind of men do you normally flirt with?

She: Intelligent, witty, the ones who are a bit out of control…not the

weak, clingy ones, those you can match up with me.

Me: What do you mean by flirting?

She: according to me flirting is a bit intimated friendship with a pinch

of romance and seduction...

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Me: Do you like the boy to initiate the flirting or do you initiate it?

And how would you normally like him to flirt with you?

She: it actually depends for the first question…it is best when it JUST

happens. Normally it will start with some intimate talking, and then

wherever it goes…as it normally happens, but NEVER too exposed!

Me: thanks mam, for your answers ;-)

Now, here’s another girl, of 21 yrs. She is my friend and she can be

regarded as a HB7 or HB8. If you don’t know what that means, HB

stands for ‘Hot Babe’. By the way, this girl claims that she is ‘different

from the other girls.

Me: Do you like to flirt with men?

She: Never…Have some friends, all of them are same…and one of

them just got special…that’s it.

Me: Do you like when somebody flirts with you? Even if he does that

in a nice graceful way…?!

She: No, it bugs me now that I’m committed but previously it was


Me: What do you mean by flirting?

She: umm…don’t know

Me: thanks for your answers, dear.

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Now, let’s discuss both the conversation. Look at them. The first girl

seems quite open about the whole romance thingy. She loves flirting

with men and is basically up for an adventure it seems. In the second

case, the girl is bit more restrained and she doesn’t seem to support

flirting, isn’t it?

Well, before I proceed, let me say something. I know these girls very

well and they are my very good friends. In each of the conversation, I

asked them to be completely honest with themselves and then

answer me. If you ask me, I would say that they did.

And let me tell you something, the second girl also loves flirting,

BECAUSE she texts me naughty messages in the middle of the night

and I reply to them.

So, what do we learn from the two conversations?

Firstly, when you are flirting, there should be some sexual charge in

the conversation. Without that charge, it’s no flirting at all. And it

normally starts with exchanged words and your flirtatious vibe, that’s

it. It cannot be too obvious or you are coming on too strong. She

wants to enjoy the whole thing and not be crept out by your

uncontrolled sleazy advances. It’s in the anticipation that the fun lies.

If you kill the anticipation, you don’t have fun. If there’s no fun, it’s

not flirting. It’s plain disturbing or annoying the girl. Flirting equals to

sexual tension. So, it should be sexual and it should have tension.

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Two of the best ways to flirting or sexual tension are:

You convince her to think in a way. And when she does, you

suddenly make her feel she is wrong. This confuses her and she

is compelled to work to SOLVE YOU. That’s called Active

Flirting. Just take this example. The first time when you meet a

woman, you use a lot of sexual innuendos, have fun and totally

convince her that you are into her. And then, when she feels

like you will make a move, you suddenly tell her that she is like

your ‘sister’ and tease her on something. It is just playing with

her mind. You got it?

But in this case, you NEVER overdo it. If you overdo it, she

might lose heart. And the trick to this kind of flirting is NOT to

try. If you seem like you are trying, you are ‘solved’ to her. And

then it’s no flirting at all.

So, be CONFUSING but in a more subtle manner.

You bait her to establish rapport with you, but then you reject

her moves. You DON’T actively break rapport but you don’t let

her build rapport as well. This is actually called Passive Flirting.

In this, let’s say, during the conversation, you tell her how you

enjoyed the ski riding in Switzerland, and when she asks about

that more, you digress to another topic. It just creates more

mystery in her mind. That impels her to act!

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Here’s a very important note though. I have many guys who

take this to extreme and they NEVER divulge any information

about themselves. Listen, breaking rapport or denying her

moves to establish rapport should be in the early phases of the

game. If you keep on doing and you NEVER express your real

side to her, you two won’t be able to connect. And unless

there’s any connection, there can be no game at all.

Secondly, not all girls are so clear about what they want. It is like that

customer who goes in a showroom but doesn’t know what he wants.

He is actually led to the right purchase by the savvy salesperson.

Well, he is normally led to the most expensive purchase!

In many cases, you will find that she doesn’t consciously comply with

flirting but when you have gained comfort and trust, she is complying

with that. Well, you see the whole flirting thing is what creates THAT

tension. Now, if she is adventurous and confident, she will be up for

it. If she is rather shy and diffident, she will most likely refuse that. If

she is a horny cougar, she will be open to that but if she is a

newlywed bride and satisfied with her husband, she won’t. It all

depends on the person and the situation. But remember, you HAVE

to flirt if you wish to initiate a sexual relationship with ANY woman.

And that’s why we are here, isn’t it?

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Universal DOs of Flirting

For the people who like to move in the fast lane and they don’t

bother my rambling so much, here’s a list of what to do when flirting

with women.

Confidence. It’s no secret. Ask any woman and she will tell that

the most important quality in any man is his confidence. If he

is confident, that means he is confident in himself as a man.

That decreases his perceived value in the eyes of the woman

and she instantly rejects him as a potential mate. And when it

comes to flirting, o man! You cannot flirt unless you are

confident, because flirting is all about challenging the woman.

If you are not confident, you are not a challenge.

Smile. I cannot stress this enough. If you don’t know how to

smile, you tell her that you are nervous and scared of her, you

are not happy with your life or you just have BAD TEETH. A

genuine smile is adding value to her day and making her life

better. A smile can be the best opener and one single bright

smile is enough to send her that POSITIVITY that nothing can.

Personal Hygiene. How many times will I have to tell the men

that they need to take care of their daily personal hygiene? If

you have big dirty nails, don’t comb your hair or have stains on

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your trousers, it all shows that you don’t care much about life

and that life doesn’t care about you. Lack of personal hygiene

(brushing your teeth, taking regular baths, cutting your nails,

etc) brings a sense of negativity into the conversation, which if

you are that hopeful to get into. It is very likely that you blow

you off even before you open your mouth.

Dress Well. Yes, your sense of style is what reveals your

personality to her. It shows that you value yourself and you

proudly carry yourself through this world. Not only that, a

glimpse of your real inside, how you think and what you are

made of, all of these come out through your dressing sense. If

you are not being able to decide what you should wear and

how you should wear, get your female friend to choose for

you. Well, if you have any gay friends, they will also suit for the

job. It’s a peculiar thing that these gay folks have a marvelous

sense of style.

Workout. Well, yes I agree that your attitude and personality is

the most important weapon that you have to attract women.

But your physique does carry some importance, at least in the

eyes of your female counterparts. Here’s why. If you have a

well-toned body, your dress fits you well and you certainly

have a youthful look and stamina, which makes you more

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attractive as a potential mate. If you work out regularly, you

tell her that you value what you are and she should respect

you as well. You don’t have to be all bulked up, since here’s the

biggie. Women don’t like big muscles. Women want you to

look manly. That’s it.

Note: You have to look approachable. Tell you what, girls have grown

balls and DO approach nowadays.

Approach Women. You flirt with women means you have to

convey your interest in women. And it is impossible unless you

MEET women. In fact, when you approach somebody, you are

in a way expressing your interest in her. That is the essence of


Note: Almost 95 percent of all the interactions will ONLY happen

when you approach her. She will most likely NOT make the move. So,

be ready to stand up and make the move.

Conversation. See, during the conversation, it’s all about

keeping the sexual vibe. I will not tell you any routines or

gimmicks because THEY DON’T WORK. The most important

thing while you talk to women is to be playful and challenge

her as you are messing with her. You don’t mean to annoy her

but you are just forcing her to come up to it. Of course, it is

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not the only thing that you do. You have to build some rapport

as well because unless you have the necessary level of rapport,

you cannot be playful.

To get some rapport, you should ask open-ended questions,

but it’s NOT as the conversation is all about her. You lose the

sexual tension if you do that. I would suggest you to JUST talk

about BOTH you and her, and have fun over the process. One

of the most important things here is to listen to her.

Remember, it takes consistent work on both rapport and

attraction (read flirting) that leads to seduction.

Observe what signals she gives out. Watch her eyes and her

facial skin tone. Do her eyes dilate? Is her face blushing? Is she

facing you? You might not want to focus TOO MUCH on this

but sure getting a cue or two from it helps you in the long way.

Note: Pay attention to her. She tells you what she feels inside and

wants you to understand her.

Remember, flirting is all about making yourself and the other person

feel good about themselves. So, keep it light and enjoy it. NEVER put

too much pressure on yourself or on the woman.

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Universal DON’Ts of Flirting

In the game of attraction, there are TWO aspects that need to be

considered. One, that CREATES attraction and two, that KILLS

attraction. Let’s see, what the specific things that you should NEVER

do when you are out to flirt with a woman, are.

Don’t Seek Approval. If you want to effectively flirt with her,

you should always come from a place of power. You cannot

kiss her ass while flirting. It only shows that you are there to

suck value from her and you are a weak chump, who doesn’t

deserve a second glance from her. Women never want

insecure or diffident men. So, don’t ever seek validation from


Don’t be Obvious. When you are being too obvious, remember

you are killing the tension and that you are being straight

vulgar. Flirting is not about being vulgar or sleazy. It’s about

getting across the vibe in a smooth sophisticated manner. So,

try to maintain some mystery instead.

Don’t be FAKE. You know what women hate the most. They

HATE fake people. They HATE wannabes. Many a times, I have

seen boys who try to act so tough and arrogant, but it

completely shows through how insecure and immature they

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are. Don’t be afraid to show your real personality. People fall

in love with your weaknesses, not with your strength. Show

your vulnerability at times.

This applies to approaching as well. Don’t use any cheesy

pickup line on her. Just be natural. That’s what shows her that

you are a real man and not any fake personality.

Don’t be Self-Doubting. Firstly, if you are self-doubting, you

show that you lack confidence. Secondly, if you are self-

doubting, you cannot have fun. You will too self-conscious to

be in the moment and enjoy the interaction. So, ultimately she

loses interest and goes away. Flirting is all about letting you go

and having fun. You cannot be stuck up somewhere and hope

to attract your mate.

Respect her Space. Don’t try to obtrude your presence on her.

That’s really odd and uncomfortable for the girl. Even when

you flirt, she needs to be comfortable and do it on her own

choice. So, give her the necessary space to feel like doing it.

Never Lie. I don’t know what other men think. But personally, I

don’t like to take anyone for a ride. I flirt with a woman ONLY

when you REALLY like them. Don’t lie to them. Playing with

someone’s emotions is a sin. Don’t do it.

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Applies even to you… Don’t lie about yourself. Why would

you? Just get to know other while having fun all the way.

That’s it. If you break her trust, she might NOT be able to trust

you again. And it’s a matter of ethics…anyway.

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(Revised Addition)

Why Do Women Flirt

Since this report seems to have got some good response from its

readers, I thought I should revise it and add one more fundamental

chapter to successful flirting with women.

In this chapter, you will find the answer to one of most complex

problems in history why women flirt!

Of course, we, men, don’t understand women, not even when a

woman seems to show us interest. One moment, she is eyeing us or

smiling at us. The next moment, she acts as though we don’t exist.

This has happened to almost ALL MEN!

And it has happened to ME too!

I thought about it for a long time, bewildered, and ultimately, I

realized what was taking place underneath.

To start with, repeat after me… Women don’t think!

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Women are highly emotional creatures and there is no logic behind

their actions. They feel through their actions, and we, men, think

through our actions. There is the difference.

Now, a woman can flirt for two main reasons, namely, for herself or

for you. To clarify what I just said, a woman will flirt with you, either

because she cares about herself or because she cares about you. The

reason is either her or you.

In the first case, she does not care about you. She only cares about

herself, what she wants. Perhaps, she flirts with you to have some

fun, to feed her stupid ego or she might have had a bet with her

friends that she will kiss you by the prom night, whatever!

Sometimes, some of them are just naturally flirtatious. They love

being the center of attention of the men around them. Phew!

In the second case, she is actually attracted to you and wants to

know you more. Her flirtatious actions are just what she feels. Here is

the difference. While in this case, the girl is concordant with her

feelings, she is discordant with what her actual motive in the

previous case.

But why would you bother? If a beautiful woman is flirting with you

and you treat it as fun all the same, then it is cool for both sides,


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But the problem lies somewhere else. It is when you get a bit serious

about her, when you want something more from her. That is when

the time comes to decide whether she is being a fake or she is being


Well, I believe we men do have emotions too and we do NOT want to

be played with either. Look, if both parties treat it as just a game,

there will be no true emotional intimacy and that is not the main

motive behind true flirting.

You don’t win or lose in the process of flirting. You just enjoy the

company of the other person, and when you are flirting, you are

projecting your affection towards her.

But the question is…

Does she really like you or not? In the next chapter, we will deal


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How to Understand If a Woman is Flirting

Before we go on to understand whether a woman is real or fake, we

must first understand whether a woman is flirting or not. That means

you should be able to recognize her signals.

Now, in many books and manuals, you will find the authors enlisting

out specific actions for you. Somewhere you will find hair flipping is a

kind of signal. Somewhere else, the pointing of toe towards you is a

sign of interest. I am not against that, and I believe, most of them are

either result data of some scientific medical survey or hypothetical

psychology study.

But I never want my report to be some nerdy, techno-medical

manual for you. We, the naturals, never think in those lines.

While those nerds (not trying to disgrace them) try to draw out

scientific algorithms, we go on infusing the art form in our very

character throughout our lives. We do not look at the technical

details. We FEEL the process.

So, how do WE know when a woman is flirting? We FEEL it. It is not

her flipping hair or pointing toe, but her look, her smile and her

touch, everything tells her what she thinks, what she feels.

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Remember one thing. You should NEVER think while in the process.

You should learn how to feel the woman. Feel her femininity, feel her

warm energy, feel her vulnerability, feel her submissiveness…feel her

love towards you.

When she talks with you, do not try to judge her each and every

word. Rather try to feel the energy that she is giving out. What do

you feel? Is she trying to desperately tell you that she has always

wanted someone like you, or do you feel a person who is taking on a

ride? Remember, the game is all about feeling!

Well in this case, I follow my own definition. Flirting is only when she

is totally true with you. Or else, she is “playing” with you. If you don’t

feel the truth, she is NOT flirting with you.

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Is She Real or Fake

Now, this is a tricky question, and the answer to it is even more


One thing I must say here… Nothing is immortal, and that is so true in

the field of dating.

One moment she can be fake, another moment she can be totally

true to you. And that is why, you cannot rest assured knowing she is

either fake or real.

I always say to my students, dating depends on the momentum. Try

to understand the momentum in the first place.

She might be flirting to feed her ego in the beginning but after a

couple of days, it can change into something serious. Or she might

have been serious at first, but over the time, something got to her

and she became more frivolous over the time. So, it ALL depends.

How do you know if she is real or fake?

The answer: FEEL IT.

Try to get into her soul and find out what her true motives are. Just

focus on her.

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The second part of the solution is NEVER let your heart rule your


You find her teasing you and then going out with someone else. Your

heart might be screaming out that she is just being friends with that

person. But is that what your head says too?

Go by the reality.

Don’t reign in your imagination, in your dreamland.

You can find out whether she is real or fake through her ACTIONS.

Notice her actions. And if her actions confuse you, TEST her. Yes, you

heard me correct. That’s what women do.

Make her prove herself to you. If she continues to prove herself to

you, then you can believe that.

So, observe her actions, and if you find something contradictory, test

her. If she passes, hang on. She MIGHT be real. If she fails, move on.

She MIGHT be fake.

Note: I used MIGHT in both cases. Remember the rule of the thumb.

Nothing is decided in flirting and attraction.

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Final Words on


You are now

internationally certified to


Go and have fun.

Flirting brightens someone’s day.

Flirting brings about fun in your life.

Flirting makes you new friends.

Flirting makes her fall in love with you.

How can you NOT flirt then?

But you see, you now have a lethal weapon in your collection. Go use


Remember what you have now is meant to beautify the lives of you

and others.

And here’s what I believe in: Women are to be cherished, to be

cared, to be loved and to be celebrated.

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So, FLIRT to surrender to the essence of womanhood, to the charm of

femininity and the whole universal nurturing force that lets us alive.


Signing off,

Ron C.

Visit my dating blog: Men’s Online Dating Guide - Attraction, Sex and


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