superb 14th century naginata

7/24/2019 Superb 14th Century Naginata 1/13  uperb 14th Century Naginata- Naoshi Katana w/ NBTHK Tokubetsu HozonToken, Attribute to ue- a  Superb 14th Century Naginata-Naoshi Katana Attributed to Sue-Sa (Koto Nanbokucho period (Enbun era circa 1356-6! Chiku"en! #ength o$ cutting edge% 6&'3c) Cur*ature%1'c +idth o$ base% ,&'5 +idth o$ base% ,6' hickness o$ base%5'5 ./ade construction (kengyo! % Shinogi-"ukuri) 0ori-une' Naginata-Naoshi katana' ihaba 2idth is 2ide and is /ess *o/ue on iraniku) upper ukura area is s2e//ing out in $u// /eading to an etended /ong Kissaki' he entire shape is bra*e and heroica//y ade' orging pattern (kitae hada! % Kitae hada is conspicuous 0tae hada iing 2ith partia/ $/o2ing hada 2are' he entire hirai sur$ace is co*ered in $ine i-nie (hard eta/ granu/es

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 uperb 14th Century Naginata-

Naoshi Katana w/ NBTHK

Tokubetsu HozonToken,

Attribute to ue- a


Superb 14th Century Naginata-Naoshi Katana Attributed to

Sue-Sa (Koto Nanbokucho period (Enbun era circa 1356-6! Chiku"en!

#ength o$ cutting edge% 6&'3c) Cur*ature%1'c +idth o$ base% ,&'5 +idth o$ base%

,6' hickness o$ base%5'5

./ade construction (kengyo! % Shinogi-"ukuri) 0ori-une' Naginata-Naoshi katana'ihaba 2idth is 2ide and is /ess *o/ue on iraniku) upper ukura area is s2e//ing out

in $u// /eading to an etended /ong Kissaki' he entire shape is bra*e and heroica//y


orging pattern (kitae hada! % Kitae hada is conspicuous 0tae hada iing 2ith partia/

$/o2ing hada 2are' he entire hirai sur$ace is co*ered in $ine i-nie (hard eta/ granu/es

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o*er the sur$ace! 2ith Chikei (darkish Nie /ines! acti*ity' 7tsuri-ist o$ 2hitish) ott/ed

re$/ection against b/uish stee/ g/o2s o*er the irai sur$ace'

epering pattern (haon! % aon is $air/y pro$use and $ine Nie based 2a*y 8Notare8

in genera/' Soe indication o$ ranging 9unoe and sa// 9unoe "ig"ag and theresho2s 8obiyaki8 o$ spi//ed teper g/o2ing in the idd/e o$ b/ade' :ro$use but $ine and

uni$or Nie o$ hard eta/ granu/es g/o2s the /ight *i*id/y bright a/ong ;uenched teper pattern and deep Nioi ist-/ike crysta//ine area $i//s the interior o$ teper 2here thick

/ines o$ Nie 8Sunagashi8 and bright cur*ed thread/ike areas o$ 8Kinsui8 intense/y appears

2ith great spirit'

eper o$ tip (boshi! % .oshi is etraordinary /ong' <uenching teper is $air/y pro$use

 Nie based) $ors irregu/ar "ig"ag in $/aes o$ the tip' .right cur*ed thread/ike areas o$

8Kinsui8 intense/y 2orks as 2e//'

ang(Nakago! % Nakago is =-suriage cut) substantia//y shortened to be unsigned' hree

ekugi-ana ho/es (the one o$ hee/ is a seicirc/e that ight be an origina/ peg ho/e!'

Kuriiri round hee/ shape' =suikai great/y s/anting /e$t $i/earks'

Ear/y Nanbokucho period o$ ear/y 14th century) sith Saoni!"# 2ho 2as $aed

as the ost ski//ed aker aong the 1> genius siths o$ ASA7NE$%&')

appeared in Chiku"en o$ Saikaido 2ay in Kyushu is/and' Saoni /earned techno/ogica/

inno*ation o$ genuine Soushu ethod $ro ASA7NE$% and had broken the

 pre*ious traditiona/ $orging and ;uench techni;ue in Kyushu'hose 2orks o$ Saoni schoo/ during Nanbokucho period are ca//ed 8Sue-SA8(! 

such as 7AS7?=S0)*) ?7K00@=+,) K7N00@=-,) ?=S0SAA*.)

0@=?7K0,+) 0@=?AS7,)) and SAA?=S0.*'

hese 2orks o$ Sue-SA re$/ect pure Soushu techni;ue o$ 0tae grains and rather on pro$use side Nie ;uench status 2ith great 2ar/ike spirit $or Saurais 2ho pursued the

ost supree sharp per$orance and ho/ds a signi$icant heroic shape o$ Nanbokucho

 period' ost o$ the 2ere substantia//y shortened during uroachi period due toeceeding/y /ong b/ade and there$ore beccae unsigned'

he subect heroic katana 2as =-suriage shortened $ro Naginata 2hich had been

treasured in generations by /egitiate Saurais o*er 65> years and sti// reains 2ide in

ihaba and upper ukura area is s2e//ing out in $u// /eading to an etra /arge Kissaki tip2hich is a representati*e construction o$ Nanbokucho period' A/so it sho2s the pro$ound

$eature such as 0tae grain and rich Kinsui or Sunagashi acti*ities against pro$use $ine

 Nie granu/es $ro genuine Soushu schoo/'@ecent ece//ent po/ishBCondition sca/e% ece//ent-*ery good (using a sca/e o$ int-

ece//ent-*ery good-good-$air-poor!

9o/d $oi/ed copper ground abaki co//ar) preser*ed in a Shira-Saya p/ain 2oodounting'

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A po2er$u/ Naginata (po/e ar! ade 6>> years ago) this naginata naoshi 2aki"ashi isattributed to s2ordsith orokage (=-@=-KA-9E0! o$ the .i"en =iya Schoo/

that originated in and around 13,6'

A naginata naoshi is a uni;ue b/ade that has been re-shaped $or use as a 2aki"ashi or akatana' A *isua/ ep/anation on ho2 this s2ord cae to be is out/ined be/o2 (p/ease

scro// do2n to /earn a// about this s2ord!'

 Naginata 2ere origina//y used by the Saurai c/ass o$ $euda/ apan as 2e// as by sohei 

(2arrior onks!'he =iya Schoo/ is naes $or the $act that s2ordsiths igrated $ro 0nokua =iya

in ?aashiro pro*ince (Kyoto! to .i"en in the 13>>s'

S2ordsith orokage is the son o$ =iya orikage and the grandson o$ =iyaoritsugu' orokage 2orked at the end o$ the Nabokucho period and into the =ei era

(13D4-14,! at the start o$ the uroachi period 2hich is 2hen this s2ord is tipped to

ha*e been ade'=iya Schoo/ s2ords are kno2n $or their high degree o$ sharpness and co//ecti*e/y 2ere

 part o$ the Kozori group' Kozori eans) to gather togetherF' As such) s2ordsiths o$

this Ko"ori group deonstrate an independent/y ski//ed approach to the art o$ s2ordaking'

he koshirae ($ittings! $ro the Edo :eriod (pre 1&6&! are so enoyab/e to ho/d and

adire' here is a de$inite ystica/ unryu (c/oud dragon! thee that pereates

throughout'here are a/so iportant spiritua/ re$erences to kawara (roo$ ti/es! and Shisa /ions on the

menuki (grips on the hi/t! that protect the s2ord and its o2ner'

ake note on ho2 2ide and robust the scabbard is gi*en the treendous girth o$ the b/ade

itse/$' hese $ittings 2ere c/ear/y custo ade $or this s2ord'A $ine/y cra$ted dragon t2ists and bi//o2s its 2ay around the tsuba (guard!' he fuchi-

kashira (co//ar G poe/! and kojiri (end o$ the scabbard! share a design coona/ity2hich akes the s2ord etra specia/'

2o Certi$icates o$ Authenticity $ro the NK-N:= $or both the b/ade and its koshirae

($ittings! accopany this s2ord attributing to its o*era// ;ua/ity' :/ease see iages o$ the

certi$icates be/o2'Certain/y this 2aki"ashi 2ou/d ake a p/easing addition $or the co//ector 2ho cherishes

uni;ue 2orks o$ art 2ith a story'

his s2ord has been so/d to a pri*ate co//ector'

 Photos with detailed descritio!s are "elow

(scroll the e!tire a#e to discover this $!i%$e iece o& 'aa!ese histor)

H:hotos by Eric Bossick $or 7ni;ue apan

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