sustainable solutions skip wheelie bins...


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Page 1: SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS sKIP WHeelIe BIns FRont end loadeR gRaB VeHICles tIPPeR tRUCKs Caged VeHICles general waste (compactable)

3 Waste Management Services

3 Insulation System Training

3 Build Services







Page 2: SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS sKIP WHeelIe BIns FRont end loadeR gRaB VeHICles tIPPeR tRUCKs Caged VeHICles general waste (compactable)

We offer a complete service to the interiors building industry specialising in ceilings, drywall, flooring, insulation, partitioning and fire protection. Our extensive range can be supplied from stock and delivered nationwide without delay. We offer a service that can be trusted and reliable advice from knowledgeable staff, who understand the industry and put the customers’ needs first.

CCF are fully committed to protecting the environment and we are continually looking for new ways to improve our environmental performance. We offer a wide range of waste and recycling solutions and our dedicated Waste Management team have the experience to make sure we provide the right solution.

Through our partners Sustainable Building Solutions (SBS) and PPL Training we can offer an integrated approach to a range of Build Services including Acoustic and Air Tightness testing as well as practical training courses on manufacturers’ systems such as Solid Wall Insulation and fully certified assessor courses.

CCF is one of the UK’s leading distributors of interior building products and insulation to the construction industry.




Waste ManageMent seRVICes Investing in the environment 4Waste Management 6Waste Regulations 7Waste Know How 8Hippobags™ 11Plasterboard & Ceiling tile Waste 12skip Hire 14Wheelie Bin Hire 16

InstalleR tRaInIng & BUIld seRVICes about training 18loft Insulation training 19solid Wall Insulation training 20 external Wall Insulation training (eWI) 22 Internal Wall Insulation training (IWI) 24green deal training Courses 26Build services 28BReeaM 29acoustic testing 30air tightness testing 31additional training and services




Download our full range of literature at

Page 3: SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS sKIP WHeelIe BIns FRont end loadeR gRaB VeHICles tIPPeR tRUCKs Caged VeHICles general waste (compactable)

CCF’s, environmental management system is ISO 14001 certified. Being part of the Travis Perkins plc, environmental issues are considered in all aspects of decision making at CCF.

Reducing WasteBurying waste in the ground is neither resource nor carbon efficient. It is also not affordable. We recognise that the responsible action is to both reduce volumes of waste and divert all of what’s left away from landfill. In 2012 The Travis Perkins plc sent 85% less waste to landfill than we did in 2005, the Group confirmed the target is to send zero waste to landfill by 2017. By the end of 2014, the Group expects to have achieve a 90% reduction in waste going to landfill on 2005 levels.

CCF branches segregate over 20 different waste streams, for reuse or recycling. With the assistance of our national recycling facilities network we currently recycle in excess of 80% of our waste.

Reducing Carbon FootprintAs part of the Travis Perkins plc, our carbon reduction strategy is to reduce our emissions by 48% by 2020 from 2005 levels - this includes transport and direct emissions from heating our branches as well as indirect emissions from the generation of electricity that we use.

Reducing Road JourneysVehicle tracking devices have been installed across our fleet and will CCF to demonstrate a more efficient and effective delivery service including improved fuel efficiency.





Email [email protected] Call our Waste Management team on 0844 892 2574

We recognise that in a modern and sustainable supply chain, its important to be clear about the environmental impact of bringing a product to market. CCF only buys FSC or PEFC certified timber and timber products for resale. We work with Travis Perkins plc multi-site Chain of Custody certification body in order to provide you with the confidence that when we deliver the products they have been legally sourced

the eU timber RegulationFrom March 3rd 2013 the EUTR became law within the European Union market. Meaning all timber products coming into the UK will need to be able to prove legality.

Responsible sourcingCCF can provide certified (FsC, PeFC) well managed timber upon request, meeting BReeaM requirements. We can also provide management reports to make it easy to track your certified purchases.

Where available we can provide evidence of compliance to the new BRe environmental & sustainability standard for all our products.

3 We use systems to keep track of wood products from the forest to the CCF Branch and are independently audited

3 We are verified by individual certificate numbers as each party transfers wood to the next part of the chain

other ProductsMany of the cement and clay based products that we sell, supply or provide are specified so that they come from supply chains with BES6001 the responsible sourcing standard for construction products. A register of suppliers and product types is kept by the BRE on the Green Book Live site. By way of purchasing responsibly and using due diligence certification schemes, you can have confidence that all sheet materials supplied by CCF are legally sourced.


Page 4: SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS sKIP WHeelIe BIns FRont end loadeR gRaB VeHICles tIPPeR tRUCKs Caged VeHICles general waste (compactable)

WItH a natIonWIde netWoRK oF BRanCHes, soURCIng YoUR Waste ManageMent solUtIons CoUldn’t Be easIeR


At CCF, we assess our waste contractors and your specific requirements to provide you with a tailored solution for your waste management needs. This gives you the confidence that your building waste is being handled in accordance with the regulations.

Our specially trained staff, both at your local branch and at our dedicated Waste Management Team, have industry experience to make sure we provide you with the right solution.

Contact your local branch or call the waste management team on 0844 892 2574 to find out more.





Email [email protected] Call our Waste Management team on 0844 892 2574

WHat tHIs Means to YoU The regulations cover the storage, collection, transportation and disposal of waste and require businesses to consider the waste hierarchy.

Waste to be recovered or disposed of without endangering human health or causing harm to the environment.


CCF’s customer waste services are based on the expertise gained from managing our own waste.

Waste BrokerRegistration Number



PReVent and RedUCe WasteReduce product damage and over ordering

ReUseReturn pallets for reuse, crush inert waste for reuse

ReCYCleSegregate materials for recycling e.g. cardboard

eneRgY ReCoVeRYSend non-recyclable materials

for energy recovery


remaining waste

Page 5: SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS sKIP WHeelIe BIns FRont end loadeR gRaB VeHICles tIPPeR tRUCKs Caged VeHICles general waste (compactable)


at CCF We HaVe tHe KnoW HoW on Waste ManageMent We’ve built our service around the needs of the trade, so you know you always get exactly what you want.

You can be sure of a wide range of waste and recycling solutions from Hippobags, skips and wheelie bins. Perfect for your drywall and ceilings waste, and available throughout the UK. Our expert staff can give you relevant information and guidance to help you choose the right solution.

Just one call, job done!

WHateVeR YoUR Waste ReqUIReMents, FRoM PlasteRBoaRd to PlastIC, We’ll MaKe sURe We PRoVIde a solUtIon to Meet YoUR needs. The tables below show the types of waste we can dispose of and what solution is the most suitable.

Email [email protected] Call our Waste Management team on 0844 892 2574


HoW do I get a qUote? Its simple, call

0844 892 2574or email

[email protected]

And tell us the following…

3 The service you want

3 Where you want it

3 When you need it

Our Waste Management Team will provide a quote for you.

non-Hazardous WasteHIPPoBags sKIP WHeelIe

BInsFRont end



Caged VeHICles

general waste (compactable) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

general waste (non compactable) 3 3 3 3 3

timber (pallets, offcuts, MDF, ply etc.) 3 3 3 3 3

Metals 3 3 3 3

dry mixed recycling(card, plastic, paper) 3 3 3 3

specialist WasteWHIte PlasteRBoaRd

HIPPoBags sKIP enClosed sKIPs aRMstRong CeIlIng tIle ReCYClIng

gypsum Plasterboard 3 3 3

gypsum Ceiling tiles 3 3 3 3

Mineral soft Fibre Ceiling tiles* 3




*Additional Charges Apply

Page 6: SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS sKIP WHeelIe BIns FRont end loadeR gRaB VeHICles tIPPeR tRUCKs Caged VeHICles general waste (compactable)

1110 Email [email protected] Call our Waste Management team on 0844 892 2574


90cm x 90cm x 90cmMIdIBag can be used for general building waste.


90cm x 90cm x 90cmgYPsUM MIdIBag can be used for solid gypsum waste.

8 Bag Collection (minimum)


210cm x 165cm x 100cmHIPPosKIP can be used for heavy waste such as building waste (¾ full) as well as soil and bricks.




BUY YoUR HIPPoBagBags are available from your local CCF branch, pick up in branch or ask for them to be included in your delivery.

Which bag?

Yellow = General Waste

White = Gypsum Waste

FIll YoUR HIPPoBagYou can position it up to 4m from the roadside and start filling it up straight away. All common waste types accepted in yellow bags but you can check out a complete list on

Working in a tight space? No problem, bags can be collected from behind walls and fences provided they are less than 6ft tall and we can gain access to the bag.

and Its gone...

To arrange a collection call 0844 892 2574.

All HIPPOBAGs will be collected within 5 days of the booking. You don’t even need to be on site provided access is available to the bag.

90% of the waste collected will be recycled.


It’s tHat sIMPle!





load Waste on sIte

PURCHase YoUR eMPtY Waste Bag FRoM YoUR loCal CCF BRanCH oR Call oUR Waste ManageMent teaM to aRRange a Waste ManageMent solUtIon

Call and notIFY tHe CCF Waste ManageMent teaM on 0844 892 2574 tHat tHe Waste Is ReadY FoR ColleCtIon

Waste Is WeIgHed and a RePoRt Is PRoVIded (IF ReqUIRed) sHoWIng tHe aMoUnt oF Waste ColleCted FRoM eaCH sIte**


*See pages 30-31 for T&Cs. **If a report is required please request when arranging a collection











Page 7: SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS sKIP WHeelIe BIns FRont end loadeR gRaB VeHICles tIPPeR tRUCKs Caged VeHICles general waste (compactable)

1312 Email [email protected] Call our Waste Management team on 0844 892 2574




Recycling your waste ceiling tiles is a smart, cost effective alternative to landfill. Armstrong make extensive use of recycled material, with 100% of recycled tiles being used in their manufacturing process. The recycling programme offers solutions for end of life and off-cuts and contributes to recognised schemes relating to sustainability in buildings i.e. BREEAM certification.

What can be recycled under this scheme?Any brand of pulpable wet-felt mineral fibre (incl. glass or stone mineral wool) tiles manufactured after 1st January 2000

end of life tiles - Take down the old tiles and stack them on pallets provided by your local CCF* *stacks must not exceed 2m in height

off-cuts - CCF will provide you with suitable bags to fill with your ceiling tile waste from installation. All tiles must be clean and dry and secured with stretch wrap or tape bands.

How do I know when the tiles were manufactured? Ceiling tiles will have the manufacturing date stamped on the back of the tile.

What cannot be recycled under the scheme?

• Metal ceiling tiles

• Vinyl, metal foil or fabric faced/ backed ceiling tiles

• Wood based ceiling tiles

• Ceiling tiles installed below friable asbestos or contaminated with any hazardous material

• Ceiling tiles with paint not applied by manufacturer


sUItaBle FoR end oF lIFe and oFF-CUt CeIlIng tIles ManUFaCtURed aFteR 1st JanUaRY 2000

IF YoU aRe taKIng doWn eXIstIng tIles and RePlaCIng tHeM WItH aRMstRong It CoUldn’t Be easIeR WItH tHese 4 sIMPle stePs

1FInd and ContaCt YoUR loCal CCF BRanCH WItH YoUR ReCYClIng ReqUIReMents (VIsIt WWW.CCFltd.Co.UK FoR BRanCH lIstIngs)


CCF oR aRMstRong WIll PeRFoRM a sIte VIsIt to ensURe PRodUCt Is sUItaBle FoR tHIs MetHod oF ReCYClIng and a qUotatIon WIll Be PRoVIded

3PRePaRe YoUR Waste MateRIal


CCF WIll ColleCt tHe PaCKaged MateRIal 100% oF MateRIal WIll Be ReCYCled, a CeRtIFICate VeRIFYIng YoUR qUantItY oF Waste Is aVaIlaBle UPon ReqUest

Page 8: SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS sKIP WHeelIe BIns FRont end loadeR gRaB VeHICles tIPPeR tRUCKs Caged VeHICles general waste (compactable)

1514 Email [email protected] Call our Waste Management team on 0844 892 2574

sUItaBle FoR alMost anY geneRal and non HazaRdoUs Waste ReqUIReMents


Roll on Roll off skipsSizes range from 20 yard – 40 yard, open/enclosed and compactor bins. Ideal for large industrial jobs, such as building waste, packaging waste and recyclables including cardboard, paper, wood, metal and plastics.

Wait and load serviceNo skip hire permits required. Ideal for shopfitters, property developers, builders and contractors in urban locations where disposing of waste is highly restrictive. Options available from caged vehicles up to 40 yard tipper vehicles.

If you have any questions or are not sure which skip is most suited to your needs, call our Waste Management team on 0844 892 2574.

sIze sUItaBle FoR

large skip 8 – 12 yards(approx 70 – 80 black bin bags)

For larger projects and commercial work. Not suitable for heavy waste such as soils

Builders skip 5 – 6 yards(approx 50 – 60 black bin bags)

Very economical skip,suitable for most waste including heavy waste

Medium skip 3 – 4 yards(approx 30 – 40 black bin bags)

Medium volume waste projects such as shop refits and small building projects

Mini skip 2 – 3 yards(approx 20 – 30 black bin bags)

Low volume waste projects such as refits

What size skip do I need?Our handy size guide (opposite) showing our average skip dimensions as well as their common usage should help you decide. Skips larger than 8 yards should not contain heavy materials. All skips must be loaded level with the top of the skip for safe transportation of your refuse, a charge may be incurred if the skip is overfilled or heavier than agreed.

Where can I put my skip?Generally skips are to be placed on private property and this will usually be on site. At times, however, we know this is not possible and the skip needs to be left on public roads. In this instance a PERMIT is applicable and incurs an additional fee as set by the council in your area. We will arrange permits so nothing extra is required.

What if I have restricted access?We can arrange vehicles suited to different access requirements.

What can I put in the skip?3 General Waste (compactible)3 General Waste (non compactible)3 Timber3 Metal

If the type of waste you want to dispose of isn’t in the list, call our Waste Management team on 0844 892 2574.

I have a question not answered here?Not a problem! Simply give us a call on 0844 892 2574 and our highly experienced staff will be able to assist you.




Page 9: SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS sKIP WHeelIe BIns FRont end loadeR gRaB VeHICles tIPPeR tRUCKs Caged VeHICles general waste (compactable)

1716 Email [email protected] Call our Waste Management team on 0844 892 2574

We oFFeR a Range oF BIns to sUIt YoUR needs, FRoM 2 WHeel, to laRgeR FRont end loadIng UnIts


Front end loadersFront End Loaders are lockable steel bins with easily operated lids, providing significant access advantages. These are static bins and are not easily moved without industrial lifting equipment.

Designed for significant volumes of waste, front end loaders are to collect and dispose of general waste, dry mixed recycling, paper, card and plastic and compactable industrial and commercial waste. Ranging from 4m3 to 12m3 in size.

Wheelie Bin sizestypes size dimensions

Wheelie Bin 240 240 LitresHeight: 1.10 metresWidth: 0.60 metresDepth: 0.75 metres

Wheelie Bin 360 360 LitresHeight: 1.90 metresWidth: 0.57 metresDepth: 0.94 metres

Wheelie Bin 660 660 LitresHeight: 1.34 metresWidth: 1.20 metresDepth: 0.70 metres

Wheelie Bin 1100 1100 LitresHeight: 1.37 metresWidth: 1.28 metresDepth: 0.98 metres


suitable for general waste, dry mixed recycling, paper, card and plastic, food waste, compactible building waste. not suitable for hazardous waste.

What size bin do I need?Our handy size guide (opposite) showing our average bin dimensions as well as their common usage should help you decide. We can provide a range of bins in whatever quantity to meet your needs. All bins must be loaded level in order to be collected.

How long is the hire?Wheelie bins are often required for longer projects or for events. We can arrange collection on a regular basis. Details can be discussed at point of order.

What can I put in the bin?3 General Waste (compactible)

If the type of waste you want to dispose of isn’t on the list, call our Waste Management team on 0844 892 2574.

I have a question not answered here?Not a problem! Simply give us a call on 0844 892 2574 and our highly experienced staff will be able to assist you.




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PPL Training is CCF’s training partner for all Sustainable Building and Green Deal training courses, delivering nationally recognised certificated training.

3 High quality courses leading to nationally recognised qualifications

3 Courses range from new entrant skills training to up-skilling of existing qualifications and are accredited by UKAS awarding bodies such as City & Guilds, Bpec and NICEIC including solid wall (both IWI and EWI systems)

3 Courses on renewable energy For more details please visit the CCF website or call 0845 2600 967.

Training is available through a number of Nationwide locations, please speak to your local CCF branch where we will find a suitable location for training to take place.

Speak to your local branch (see back page for branch listing) about prices and availability. It’s easy too, courses can be paid through your CCF account.


Contact your nearest branch for more information or visit

*T&Cs – All prices are correct at time of going to print.

WHY CHoose a CCF tRaInIng CoURse?

WHeRe does tHe tRaInIng taKe PlaCe?

HoW to BooK YoUR tRaInIng CoURse




LOFT INSULATION TRAINING COURSE WHo Is tHIs CoURse FoR? Anyone wishing to gain theory and practical training in the installation of domestic loft insulation, including under ECO and the Green Deal.

WHat Is CoVeRed on tHIs CoURse? • An overview of Energy considerations and Building Regulations • Demonstration of how to survey and prepare for installation• Health and Safety including temporary lighting• Different types of insulation available • Board walking and correct installation procedure

loft Insulation InstallerProduct Code: 863174Cost: £225.00 plus VAT*length: 1 dayCertification: City & Guilds

Product Feature: PAS2030 approved by NAPIT, NICEIC, STROMA and other certification bodies as proof of competency for Domestic Loft Insulation under PAS2030

to BooK tHe loFt InsUlatIon InstalleR CoURse Call YoUR loCal CCF todaY.VIsIt WWW.CCFltd.Co.UK to FInd YoUR neaRest BRanCH

Page 11: SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS sKIP WHeelIe BIns FRont end loadeR gRaB VeHICles tIPPeR tRUCKs Caged VeHICles general waste (compactable)

solId Wall InsUlatIon Solid walls typically let through twice as much heat as cavity walls, therefore insulating solid walls can considerably reduce heat loss from a building. If a building was built before 1920 the likelihood is it’s a solid wall construction. There are two options when insulating a solid wall, it can be insulated from the inside Internal Wall Insulation (IWI) or from the outside, External Wall Insulation (EWI).

Through working with our training partners and key system suppliers, CCF are proud to offer a range of practical training courses for both IWI and EWI solutions. All of which are fully BBA Certified and combined with PAS2030 accreditation.





2120 Contact your nearest branch for more information or visit





WHat Is eXteRnal Wall InsUlatIon?

WHat Is InteRnal Wall InsUlatIon?

This is installed by fixing a layer of insulation to the external wall and covering it with a special render or cladding.

The benefits of EWI are:

3 No need to access the inside of the property making it less disruptive

3 No reduction in the available living space.

3 Insulation covers the whole external wall minimising any cold bridging

3 No restriction on U value as the EWI system can be provided with insulation up to 300mm thick if required. Though typically 60-100mm

This is installed by either fitting rigid insulation boards to the wall, or by building a stud wall filled in with mineral wall.

The benefits of IWI are:

3 No Planning Permission required

3 The external appearance of the building is maintained so it can be installed in conservation areas

3 It can be installed on a room-by-room, single facade or whole house basis

3 Installation is not delayed by poor weather conditions

*Image Source - PPL Training

Page 12: SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS sKIP WHeelIe BIns FRont end loadeR gRaB VeHICles tIPPeR tRUCKs Caged VeHICles general waste (compactable)

eWI FoR gReen deal?not a PRoBleM see Page 27 FoR oUR gReen deal InstalleR Pas 2030 tRaInIng CoURse*Green Deal Installer PAS 2030 required for EWI/IWI training courses when applying for a funded scheme.


Knauf Insulation - thermoshell (eWI) Product Code: 707758Cost: £250.00 plus VAT*length: 1 day

Product Features:Available with rock mineral wool or expanded polystyrene insulants (see below). Fully BBA Certified

Rock Mineral Wool system• No height restrictions on usage• Accommodates wall imperfections• Breathable system allowing for removal of water vapour• Some acoustic benefits• High impact strength

ePs system• Greater thickness range - Thinner or thicker solutions• Higher performance • Lightweight and speedy installation

Bostik - ClimathermProduct Code: 955668Cost: £250.00 plus VAT*length: 1 day

Product Features:• Fully BBA certified for standard white and premium grade EPS• Insulation boards are adhered and mechanically fixed to walls• Selection of render finishes including brick effect• Lightweight and speedy installation

Contact your nearest branch for more information or visit





WHo aRe tHese CoURses FoR? These courses are aimed at existing EWI installers and new entrants wishing to become approved installers on a specific manufacturers system. Previous construction experience is advised and the course will suit those with experience installing EWI or formal rendering qualifications.

CoURse oUtCoMe? During the course installers willl be graded and certified (carded) at one of two levels:

level 1 - Boarding and insulation fixing only. For those that achieve Level 1 they will be able to fix the insulation to the property but not apply the finishing render.

level 2 - Surface application, boarding and insulation fixing. Those graded at Level 2 will be able to apply both render and fix the insulation.

WHat Is CoVeRed on tHese CoURses?• Demonstrate how to interpret property types/survey and prepare for installation • Explanation of the system and how to use it/what’s required• Practical training - Correct installation procedure • Understanding all the administrative procedures and documentation • Assessment*Courses may vary between manufacturers systems

Page 13: SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS sKIP WHeelIe BIns FRont end loadeR gRaB VeHICles tIPPeR tRUCKs Caged VeHICles general waste (compactable)

Knauf Insulation – thermoshell (IWI)

Isover – optima IWI system

Product Code: 349919Cost: £250.00 plus VAT*length: 1 day

Product Features:• Fully BBA Certified• Mechanically fixed with Ecostud (on OSB faced XPS batten)

minimising thermal bridging• Glass mineral wool slabs ‘knit’ together eliminating air

gaps between adjacent slabs• Thermal performance of 0.032 W/mk and fire performance

Product Code: 647418Cost: £250.00 plus VAT*length: 1 day

Product Features:• Fully BBA Certified• Complete through the wall solution - incorporating moisture management• Mechanically fixed system - independent to the wall construction, ideal for

uneven surfaces • Minimising thermal bridging• Insulation thermal performance of 0.035 W/mk, acoustic and fire


MIneRal Wool solUtIon

Celotex – IW5000Product Code: 647417Cost: £250.00 plus VAT*length: 1 day

Product Features:• Fully BBA Certified• High Performing thermal laminate (0.021 W/mk)• Can be installed as a dot & dab or mechanically fixed to timber battens/

metal stud work• Integrated IQ Emissivity foil facing

RIgId BoaRd solUtIon


WHo aRe tHese CoURses FoR? These courses are aimed at existing IWI installers and new entrants wishing to become approved installers on a specific manufacturers system. Previous construction experience is advised and the course will suit those with experience installing IWI or formal plastering qualifications.

PRe-qUalIFICatIon ReqUIRed to attend: ACOP’s Gas awareness course or qualified Gas Engineers (CCN1) (see page 32)

WHat Is CoVeRed on tHese CoURses?• Demonstrate how to survey and prepare for installation• Explanation of the system and how to use it / what’s required• Practical training - Correct installation procedure• Understanding all the administrative procedures and documentation

2524 Contact your nearest branch for more information or visit




IWI FoR gReen deal?not a PRoBleM see Page 27 FoR oUR gReen deal InstalleR Pas 2030 tRaInIng CoURse*Green Deal Installer PAS 2030 required for EWI/IWI training courses when applying for a funded scheme.

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2726 Contact your nearest branch for more information or visit

Product Code: 508472Cost: £1,295 plus VAT*length: 6 daysCertification: City & Guildsassessment Method: Written paper and 5 practical domestic energy assessmentsdescription:• 5 practical assessments undertaken during the course• Introduction to Energy Efficiency, Health and Safety

Legislation and Basics of Residential Construction• Review of domestic heating and hot water, property ageing

and EPC recommendations• Shorter version of this course available

Product Code: 816914 (additional person 234708)Cost: £395 plus VAT*length: 1 dayCertification: City & Guilds

description:• Overview of Green Deal & ECO• How to operate to PAS2030 and Green Deal Code of Practice• Includes bespoke Green Deal online QMS and 12 months

personal mentoring and support.

Product Code: 742003Cost: £680 plus VAT*description:Heating Package (Gas) - Gas Condensing Boilers, Heating Controls and Heating System InsulationProduct Code: 936072Cost: £680 plus VAT*

description:Heating Package (Oil) - Oil Condensing Boilers, Heating Controls and Heating System Insulation

NICEIC offer certification services to many trades throughout the construction industry. Market leading Green Deal certification body.

Product Code: 887442Cost: £475 plus VAT*description:Green Deal Installer MembershipProduct Code: 111169Cost: £742.50 plus VAT*

description:Green Deal Assessor & Installer membership

Toriga is a Green Deal Provider who works with CCF. Toriga will unlock consumer demand, arrange assessments, recommend the contractor to install the measures, arrange financing and manage the contract administration over the life cycle of the Green Deal Plan.

Contact NICEIC on:Telephone: 0800 6888 388 or Email: [email protected]

For more information on Green Deal please refer to our ‘Green Deal Guide’, to request one please visit or call 0800 688 8388

Product Code: 366012Cost: £925 plus VAT*length: 3 daysCertification: City & Guildsassessment Method: Written assessments, property visits, verbal role playdescription:• Background to The Green Deal and the opportunities for

assessors and installers. • Trained on conducting and checking the status of existing

EPCs and from this deciding if sufficient information for Green Deal assessment to start.

• Simulated occupancy assessments to review customers living behaviours.

Product Code: 687797Cost: £1,995 plus VAT*length: 9 days – 2 weeks in duration (must be taken in separate weekly blocks) Certification: City & Guilds

assessment Method: Written assessments, property visits, verbal role playdescription:Aimed at persons offering Green Deal advice (assessing) within a domestic dwelling and assessing the property’s suitability for a Green Deal solution.


doMestIC eneRgY assessoR (dea)

gReen deal CeRtIFICatIon

gReen deal MeMBeRsHIP

gReen deal InstalleR Pas 2030

gReen deal doMestIC adVIsoR

dea & gReen deal doMestIC adVIsoR PaCKage

*T&Cs – All prices are correct at time of going to print.




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2928 Contact your nearest branch for more information or visit

BeneFIts oF a BReeaM assessed BUIldIng




BREEAM aims to reduce the environmental impacts throughout construction and operation of a building and considers all areas of sustainability. It is not just about cutting down on carbon emissions. Not only are there environmental benefits of having a BREEAM rated building, there are also other benefits including reduced energy and running costs, higher potential income from rent, and improved staff productivity due to a more comfortable, productive working environment.


Cost: Pricing for BREEAM starts from £6,500 plus BREEAM accreditation fees of £1,190 (all prices exclude VAT*).

description:• Environmental assessment method & rating

system for buildings

• Aims to reduce the environmental impacts throughout construction & operation of a building and considers all areas of sustainability

• Some local planning authorities require a BREEAM rating on a building as a condition of planning permission.



tHRoUgH oUR PaRtneRs, We Can oFFeR an IntegRated aPPRoaCH to a Range oF BUIld seRVICes

Sustainable Building Solutions (SBS) is part of the Travis Perkins plc, and was set up to provide help, advice and expert technical assistance to the construction industry to support anyone undertaking a sustainable building project.

SBS offer a range of services which are accessible through CCF. This includes; technical advice, solution sheets and standard construction drawings, as well as a broad range of technical compliance services, such as BREEAM, Acoustic and Air Tightness Testing.

BReeaM RatingsSome local planning authorities require a BREEAM rating on a building as a condition of planning permission. Other buildings such as all new government and new healthcare buildings must have a BREEAM rating.

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3130 Contact your nearest branch for more information

aIR tIgHtness testIng

Why is air tightness testing needed? The combination of Insulation combined with reduction of air leakage significantly reduces heat losses, reducing CO

2 emissions. Consequently

Air Tightness testing is required under Building regulations Approved Document L1A. The results are used in the energy assessment (SAP) of the building which is a tool for demonstrating compliance.

What is tested?The rate at which air escapes the building. In order to pass the following needs to be achieved:

• Building regulations ADL1a: 10m3 (h/m2) at 50Pa

• Best practice: 4m3/(h/m2) at 50Pa• SAP standard: 6m3/(h/m2) at 50Pa

How many tests are needed? • To meet minimum standards, on each

development an air pressure test should be carried out on 3 units of each dwelling type or 50% of all instances of that dwelling type, whichever is less

• The specific dwelling should be selected by a Building Control Body in conjunction with the tester

• Approximately 50% of the tests should be carried out at the completion of the first 25% of that dwelling type

• On small developments of two or fewer, test all the properties or prove a satisfactory result on another dwelling of the same type constructed by the same builder within the previous year.

• A default of 15m3/(h/m2) at 50Pa can be claimed for energy assessments on developments of less than 2 properties.

How is testing done?All trickle vents and sources of designed ventilation, are sealed. A large door mounted fan is used to de-pressurise the building. The rate at which air escapes is measured and a rating is determined taking into account the size and volume of the building against a benchmark.




Product Code: 166361 (1 Test Single Visit) Cost: £249.00 plus VAT*

Product Code: 166363 1 Test Single Visit (SAP & Air Tightness Testing) Cost: £349.00 plus VAT*


aCoUstIC testIng

What is tested?Walls are tested for airborne sound, how much noise they insulate from one side of the wall to the other, i.e. Sound insulation. Floors are tested for airborne noise in a similar way to party walls. They are also tested for impact which is designed to simulate footfall.

Why is acoustic testing needed?Approved document E in England and Wales sets out the levels of acceptable noise in different buildings. Pre-completion site testing or Robust detail licensing is therefore required for party walls and floors in new build dwellings and conversions buildings to demonstrate their performance. The test requirements vary depending on the construction.

Which acoustic testing and how many tests are needed? Houses 1 in 10 houses of the total number of attached houses on a site require a set of tests. A set includes airborne wall tests.

Flats 1 in 10 flats of the total number of flats on a site require a set of tests. A set includes 2 airborne wall tests, 2 airborne floor tests and 2 impact floor tests.

Rooms for residential use (Hotels, care homes, student accommodation)

Require a set of tests for 1 in 10 of the total number of rooms on the site. This includes 1 airborne wall test, 1 airborne floor test and 1 impact floor test.

How is testing done? Airborne sound Specialist equipment is used to measure sound insulation of party walls and floors. This is done by taking a series of readings in rooms on both sides of the wall (as well as background noise levels and reverberation times) to calculate the reduction in sound levels.

Impact floor test This simulates footfall, using a tapping machine impacting the floor and measuring the noise levels below the floor. This test is performed on the structural floor before any soft covering is installed.

Ask in branch for multiple test prices.

Product Code: 748572Cost: £325 plus VAT*

(Single visit)

T&Cs - All prices are correct at time of going to print.

Page 17: SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS sKIP WHeelIe BIns FRont end loadeR gRaB VeHICles tIPPeR tRUCKs Caged VeHICles general waste (compactable)

Contact your nearest branch for more information

training:BOSTIK EWI SURVEYOR Product Code: 567530 Cost: £250 plus VAT*

LOW CARBON REFURBISHMENT AWARENESS Product Code: 508482 Cost: £225 plus VAT*

NON-DOMESTIC ENERGY ASSESSOR Product Code: 687803 Cost: £1,700 plus VAT*

GREEN DEAL NON-DOMESTIC ASSESSOR Product Code: 683491 Cost: £1,300 plus VAT*

DOMESTIC ENERGY ASSESSOR 2013-2014 CPD Product Code: 259281 Cost: £165 plus VAT*

RENEWABLE ENERGY AWARENESS Product Code: 508470 Cost: £225 plus VAT*

GAS AWARENESS FOR NON-GAS OPERATIVESProduct Code: 349916Cost: £195 plus VAT*

services: SAP ENERGY ASSESSMENT & EPC 5 DWELLINGS Product Code: 748564 for different quantities please contact your branch Cost: £439.00 plus VAT*

CODE FOR SUSTAINABLE HOMES PRE-ASSESSMENT Product Code: 166357Cost: £199.00 plus VAT*

CODE FOR SUSTAINABLE HOMES - 1 DWELLINGProduct Code: 748565 for different quantities please contact your branchCost: £995.00 plus VAT*

WASTE MATERIAL MANAGEMENT PLANProduct Code: 430520Cost: £1,600 plus VAT*

WASTE DECLARATION BY QUALIFIED PERSONProduct Code: 236451Cost: £1,200 plus VAT*

SBEM (BRUKL) contact your branch for prices







Our specialist teams have the expert know how when it comes to interior building solutionsWe’ll recommend products and applications to help you meet building regulations, and always give you competitive prices. Plus, because of our national network of branches, we can offer you the quality materials and ongoing support you need for any project, wherever you are.

• An extensive product range that can be supplied from stock and delivered nationwide

• Competitive pricing and trading terms to suit your business • Deliveries you can depend on• Service and advice that you can trust from knowledgeable

staff, who understand the industry and put your needs first

Contact your local branch todayto find your nearest branch visit or text CCF and the town you are in (e.g. CCF glasgow) to 81222*

*You will be charged at your standard network rate. You will not be charged for receiving texts from CCF.






Cant FInd tHe sYsteM YoU Want?not a PRoBleM, ContaCt YoUR loCal CCF BRanCH FoR InFoRMatIon on tHe FUll Range oF solId Wall tRaInIng CoURses We oFFeR. see BaCK Page FoR BRanCH lIstIng.

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3534 Contact your nearest branch for more information

standaRd CondItIons oF HIRe1 InteRPRetatIon1.1 In these conditions the following words have the following meanings: “Contract” means a contract which incorporates these conditions and made between you

and us for the hire of Hire Goods; “Deposit” means any advance payment required by us in relation to the Hire Goods which

is to be held by us as security; “Force Majeure” means any event outside a party’s reasonable control including but

not limited to acts of God, war, flood, fire, labour disputes, strikes, sub-contractors, lock-outs, riots, civil commotion, malicious damage, explosion, terrorism, governmental actions and any other similar events;

“Hire Goods” means any machine, article, tool and/or device, together with any accessories specified in a Contract which are hired to you;

“Hire Period” means the period commencing when you hold the Hire Goods on hire (including Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays) and ending upon the happening of any of the following events: (i) the physical return of the Hire Goods by you into our possession; or (ii) the physical repossession or collection of Hire Goods by us;

“Liability” means liability for any and all damages, claims, proceedings, actions, awards, expenses, costs and any other losses and/or liabilities;

“Rental” means our charging rate for the hire of the Hire Goods which is current from time to time during the Hire Period;

“Services” means the services and/or work (if any) to be performed by us for you in conjunction with the hire of Hire Goods including any delivery and/or collection.

“We” or “us” means any member company of the Travis Perkins plc Group, as specified in the Contract

and will include its employees, agents and/or duly authorised representatives; “You” means the person, firm, company or other organisation hiring Hire Goods, and

“your” shall be construed accordingly;2 BasIs oF ContRaCt2.1 Hire Goods are hired subject to them being available for hire at the time required by you.

We will not be liable for any loss suffered by you because the Hire Goods are unavailable for hire where this is due to circumstances beyond our control.

2.2 If you are an individual and the hire would be covered by the Consumer Credit Act 1974 the Hire Period shall not exceed 3 months, after which time the Contract shall be deemed to have automatically terminated. Accordingly the hire of any Hire Goods is not covered by the Consumer Credit Act 1974.

2.3 Nothing in this Contract shall exclude or limit any of your statutory rights to the extent they may not be excluded or limited because you are acting as a consumer. Where you are acting as a consumer any provision which is marked with an asterisk (*) may, subject to determination by the Courts or any applicable legislation, have no force or effect and if any provision is under the applicable law of the Contract unenforceable in whole or in part or shall have no force or effect the Contract shall be deemed not to include such provisions but this shall not effect the enforceability of the remainder of the Contract. For further information about your statutory rights contact your local authority Trading Standards Department or Citizens Advice Bureau.

3 PaYMent3.1 The amount of any Deposit, Rental and/or charges for any Services shall be as quoted to

you or otherwise as shown in our current price list from time to time. Where a Deposit is required, it must be paid in advance of you hiring the Hire Goods. We may also require an initial payment on account of the Rental in advance of you hiring the Hire Goods.

3.2 You shall pay to us the Rental, charges for any Services, and/or any other sums payable under the Contract at the time and in the manner agreed. Our prices are, unless otherwise stated, exclusive of any applicable VAT which you shall also be liable to pay.

3.3 Payments by you on time are an essential condition of the Contract. Payment shall not be deemed to be made until we have received either cash or cleared funds in respect of the full amount outstanding.

3.4 *If you fail to make any payment in full on the due date we may charge you interest (both before and after judgment) on the amount unpaid at the rate implied by law under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 (where applicable) or at the rate of 4% above the base rate from time to time of National Westminster Bank plc whichever is higher. This interest shall be compounded with quarterly rests.

3.5 *You shall pay all sums due to us without any set-off, deduction, counterclaim and/or any other withholding of monies.

3.6 We may set a reasonable credit limit for you. We reserve the right to terminate or suspend the Contract if allowing it to continue would result in you exceeding your credit limit or the credit limit is already exceeded.

3.7 We reserve the right to store your credit card details on our password protected customer account system and further reserve the right to use such details to collect payment for future Rentals made by you.

4 RIsK oWneRsHIP and InsURanCe4.1 Risk in the Hire Goods will pass immediately to you when they leave our physical

possession or control. 4.2 Risk in the Hire Goods will not pass back to us until they are back in our physical

possession. This shall apply even if we have agreed to cease charging the Rental.4.3 Ownership of the Hire Goods remains with us at all times. You have no right, title or

interest in the Hire Goods except that they are hired to you. 4.4 You must not deal with the ownership or any interest in the Hire Goods. This includes

but is not limited to selling, assigning, mortgaging, pledging, charging, securing, hiring, withholding, exerting any right to withhold, disposing of and/or lending. However you may re-hire the Hire Goods to a third party with our prior written consent.

4.5 We may provide reasonably priced insurance in respect of the Hire Goods at additional cost to the Rental. Alternatively we may require you to insure the Hire Goods on such reasonable terms and for such reasonable risks as we may specify. The proceeds of any such insurance shall be held by you in trust for us and be paid to us on demand. You must not compromise any claim in respect of the Hire Goods and/or any associated insurance without our written consent.

5 delIVeRY, ColleCtIon and seRVICes 5.1 It is your responsibility to collect the Hire Goods from us and return them to us at the end

of the Hire Period. If we agree to deliver or collect the Hire Goods to and/or from you, we will do so at our standard delivery cost and such delivery and/or collection will form part of the Services.

5.2 Where we provide Services the persons performing the Services are deemed to be your servants or agents and they are under your direction and control. You shall be solely responsible for any instruction, guidance and/or advice given by you to any such person and for any damage which occurs as a result of such person following your instructions, guidance and/or advice except to the extent that such person is negligent.

5.3 You will allow and/or procure sufficient access to and from the relevant site and sufficient unloading space, facilities, equipment and access to power supplies and utilities for our employees, sub-contractors and/or agents to allow them to carry out the Services. You will ensure that the site where the Services are to be performed is, where necessary, cleared and prepared before the Services are due to commence.

5.4 If any Services are delayed, postponed and/or cancelled due to you failing to comply with your obligations you will be liable to pay our additional standard charges from time to time for such delay, postponement and/or cancellation except where you are acting as a consumer and the delay is due to a Force Majeure event.

6 CaRe oF HIRe goods6.1 You shall:-6.1.1 not remove any labels from and/or interfere with the Hire Goods, their working

mechanisms or any other parts of them and take reasonable care of the Hire Goods and only use them for their proper purpose in a safe and correct manner in accordance with any operating and/or safety instructions provided or supplied to you;

6.1.2 notify us immediately after any breakdown, loss and/or damage to the Hire Goods;6.1.3 take adequate and proper measures to protect the Hire Goods from theft, damage and/or

other risks;6.1.4 notify us of any change of your address and upon our request provide details of the

location of the Hire Goods; 6.1.5 permit us at all reasonable times to inspect the Hire Goods including procuring access to

any property where the Hire Goods are situated;6.1.6 keep the Hire Goods at all times in your possession and control and not remove the Hire

Goods from the United Kingdom without our prior written consent;6.1.7 be responsible for the conduct and cost of any testing, examinations and/or checks in

relation to the Hire Goods required by any legislation, best practice and/or operating instructions except to the extent that we have agreed to provide them as part of any Services;

6.1.8 not do or omit to do any thing which will or may be deemed to invalidate any policy of insurance related to the Hire Goods which is notified to you;

6.1.9 not continue to use Hire Goods where they have been damaged and will notify us immediately if the Hire Goods are involved in an accident resulting in damage to the Hire Goods, other property and/or injury to any person;

6.1.10 where the Hire Goods require fuel, oil and/or electricity ensure that the proper type and/or voltage is used and that, where appropriate, the Hire Goods are properly installed by a qualified and competent person; and

6.1.11 ensure that any employees, agents or contractors that operate the Hire Goods are, if applicable, adequately and sufficiently qualified and trained to operate the Hire Goods in accordance with all current and applicable legislation.

6.2 The Hire Goods must be returned by you in good working order and condition (fair wear and tear excepted) and in a clean condition together with all insurance policies, licences, registration and other documents relating to the Hire Goods.

7 BReaKdoWn7.1 Allowance will be made in the Rental for any non-use of the Hire Goods due to

breakdown caused by an inherent fault and/or fair wear and tear on condition that you inform us as soon as practicable of the breakdown and we are unable to repair or replace

teRMs and CondItIons


the Hire Goods within a reasonable time. 7.2 You shall be responsible for all expenses, loss (including loss of Rental) and/or

damage suffered by us arising from any breakdown of the Hire Goods due to your negligence, misdirection and/or misuse of the Hire Goods.

7.3 We will at our cost carry out all routine maintenance and repairs to the Hire Goods during the Hire Period and all repairs which are required due to fair wear and tear and/or an inherent fault in the Hire Goods. You will be responsible for the cost of all repairs necessary to Hire Goods during the Hire Period which arise otherwise than as a result of fair wear and tear, an inherent fault and/or our negligence while carrying out routine maintenance and/or repairs.

7.4 You must not repair or attempt to repair the Hire Goods unless authorised to do so by us in writing.

8 loss oR daMage to tHe HIRe goods8.1 If the Hire Goods are returned in damaged, unclean and/or defective state except

where due to fair wear and tear and/or an inherent fault, you shall be liable to pay us for the cost of any repair and/or cleaning required to return the Hire Goods to a condition fit for re-hire and to pay the Rental, in accordance with clause 8.3, until such repairs and/or cleaning have been completed.

8.2 You will pay to us the new replacement cost of any Hire Goods, which are lost, stolen and/or damaged beyond economic repair during the Hire Period less the amount paid to us under any policy of insurance taken out in accordance with these conditions.

8.3 You shall pay the Rental up to and including the date you notify us that the Hire Goods have been lost, stolen and/or damaged beyond economic repair. From that date until we have replaced such Hire Goods you shall pay, as a genuine pre-estimate of lost rental profit, a sum as liquidated damages equal to two thirds of the Rental that would have applied for such Hire Goods for that period. We shall use our reasonable commercial endeavours to purchase replacements for such Hire Goods as quickly as possible using the monies paid under clause 8.2.

9 teRMInatIon BY notICe9.1 If the Hire Period has a fixed duration, subject to clause 10 neither we nor you may

terminate the Contract before the expiry of that fixed period unless you and we agree.

9.2 If the Hire Period does not have a fixed duration either you or we may terminate the Contract upon giving to the other party any agreed period of notice.

9.3 If no period of notice has been agreed or specified you may terminate the Hire Period by the physical return of the Hire Goods to us and we may terminate the contract by giving not less than 14 days’ notice to you.

10 deFaUlt10.1 If you:-10.1.1 fail to make any payment to us when due without just cause;10.1.2 breach the terms of the Contract and, where the breach is capable of remedy, have

not remedied the breach within 14 days of receiving notice requiring the breach to be remedied;

10.1.3 persistently breach the terms of the Contract;10.1.4 provide incomplete, materially inaccurate or misleading facts and/or information in

connection with the Contract;10.1.5 pledge, charge or create any form of security over any Hire Goods, or cease

or threaten to cease to carry on business, or propose to compound with your creditors, create a trust deed for your creditors, apply for an interim moratorium in respect of claims and/or proceedings, any distress/diligence, execution or other legal process is levied on any of your property, have a Bankruptcy Petition/Petition for Sequestration presented against you or you take or suffer any similar action in any jurisdiction;

10.1.6 being a company, cease or threaten to cease to carry on business, enter into voluntary or compulsory liquidation, have a receiver, administrator or administrative receiver or in the Republic of Ireland an examiner appointed over all or any of your assets, any attachment order/arrestment is made against you, any distress, execution or other legal process is levied on any of your property or you take or suffer any similar action in any jurisdiction;

10.1.7 appear reasonably to us due to your credit rating to be financially inadequate to meet your obligations under the Contract; and/or

10.1.8 appear reasonably to us to be about to suffer any of the above events; then we shall have the right, without prejudice to any other remedies, to exercise

any or all of the rights set out in clause 10.2 below.10.2 If any of the events set out in clause 10.1 above occurs in relation to you then:-10.2.1 except where you are acting as a consumer we may enter, without prior notice, any

of your premises (or premises of third parties with their consent) where Hire Goods may be and repossess any Hire Goods;

10.2.2 we may withhold the performance of any Services and cease any Services in progress under this and/or any other Contract with you;

10.2.3 we may immediately cancel, terminate and/or suspend without Liability to you the Contract and/or any other contract with you; and/or

10.2.4 *all monies owed by you to us shall immediately become due and payable.10.3 Any repossession of the Hire Goods shall not affect our right to recover from you

any monies due under the Contract and/or any damages in respect of any breach which occurred prior to repossession of the Hire Goods.

10.4 Upon termination of the Contract you shall immediately:10.4.1 return the Hire Goods to us or make the Hire Goods available for collection by us as

requested by us; and10.4.2 pay to us all arrears for Rentals, charges for any Services, and/or any other sums

payable under the Contract.11 lIMItatIons oF lIaBIlItY11.1 *All warranties, representations, terms, conditions and duties implied by law

relating to fitness, quality and/or adequacy are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

11.2 *If we are found to be liable in respect of any loss or damage to your property the extent of our Liability will be limited to the retail cost of replacement of the damaged property.

11.3 Any defective Hire Goods must be returned to us for inspection if requested by us before we will have any Liability for defective Hire Goods.

11.4 *We shall have no Liability to you if, without just cause, any monies due in respect of the Hire Goods and/or the Services has not been paid in full by the due date for payment.

11.5 We shall have no Liability for additional damage, loss, liability, claims, costs or expenses caused or contributed to by your continued use of defective Hire Goods and/or Services after a defect has become apparent or suspected or should reasonably have become apparent to you.

11.6 You shall give us a reasonable opportunity to remedy any matter for which we are liable before you incur any costs and/or expenses in remedying the matter. If you do not do so we shall have no Liability to you.

11.7 *We shall have no Liability to you to the extent that you are covered by any policy of insurance arranged as a result of the Contract and you shall ensure that your insurers waive any and all rights of subrogation they may have against us.

11.8 We shall have no Liability to you for any of the following losses (whether direct or indirect):-

11.8.1 *consequential losses (including loss of profits and/or damage to goodwill);11.8.2 economic and/or other similar losses;11.8.3 special damages and indirect losses; and/or11.8.4 business interruption, loss of business, contracts and/or opportunity.11.9 *Our total Liability to you under and/or arising out of any Contract shall not exceed

5 times the amount of the Rental and charges for Services (if any) under that Contract or the sum of £1,000 (or Euro equivalent) whichever is the higher. To the extent that any Liability of us to you would be met by any insurance held by us then our Liability shall be extended to the extent that such Liability is met by such insurance.

11.10 Each of the limitations and/or exclusions in this Contract shall be deemed to be repeated and apply as a separate provision for each of:

11.10.1 Liability for breach of contract; 11.10.2 *Liability in tort (including negligence); and 11.10.3 *Liability for breach of statutory and/or common law duty; except clause 11.9 above which shall apply once only in respect of all the said

types of Liability.11.11 Nothing in this Contract shall exclude or limit our Liability for fraud, death or

personal injury due to our negligence nor exclude or limit any other type of Liability which it is not permitted to exclude or limit as a matter of law.

12 geneRal 12.1 Upon termination of the Contract the provisions of clauses 3.2, 3.4, 3.5, 6 8.1, 8.2

and 8.3 shall continue in full force and effect.12.2 Each hire of an item of Hire Goods shall form a distinct Contract which shall be

separate to any other Contract relating to other Hire Goods.12.3 You shall be liable for the acts and/or omissions of your employees, agents, and/

or subcontractors as though they were your own acts and/or omissions under this Contract.

12.4 *You agree to indemnify and keep indemnified us against any and all losses, lost profits, damages, claims, costs (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis), actions and any other losses and/or liabilities suffered by us and arising from any breach of contract, any tortious/delictual act and/or omission and/or any breach of statutory duty by you.

12.5 *No waiver by us of any breach of this Contract shall be considered as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision. If any provision is held by any competent authority to be unenforceable in whole or in part the validity of the other provisions and the remainder of the affected provision shall be unaffected and shall remain in full force and effect.

12.6 We shall have no Liability to you for any delay and/or non performance of a Contract to the extent that such delay is due to any Force Majeure event. If we are affected by any such event then time for performance shall be extended for a period equal to the period that such event delayed such performance.

12.7 All third party rights are excluded and no third parties shall have any rights to enforce the Contract. This shall not apply to any finance company with whom we have an outstanding finance agreement relating to the Hire Goods. Such finance company shall, subject to our consent, have the right to enforce this Contract as if they were us. This Contract is governed by and interpreted in accordance with English law and we and you agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

13 addItIonal teRMs FoR Waste dIsPosal seRVICes These additional terms shall apply to the hire of any article of waste disposal,

including skips, bins, bags or other waste receptacles:13.1 You shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary licences and permissions for

the placing of the Hire Goods on any public land or other land not owned by you. You shall comply with all conditions of any licence and maintain such licence until the Hire Goods are removed by us (or our agent or subcontractor). In the event that we obtain a licence for you, you shall be responsible for complying with and maintaining that licence.

13.2 You shall ensure that adequate space is available for the delivery and collection of the Hire Goods. You shall not move the Hire Goods without our written permission.

13.3 You shall place adequate cones around any Hire Goods on public land and will ensure it is well lit after dark so as to avoid damage or injury to third parties so far as possible.

13.4 You shall ensure there is suitable access to the land on which the Hire Goods are to be placed and that the land is suitable to hold the Hire Goods when filled with waste and the vehicle delivering/collecting the Hire Goods. You shall ensure that all driveways and drains are adequately protected to prevent damage to them.

13.5 You must comply with all instructions and guidance given to you (or contained on the Hire Goods) as to the types of waste, maximum weight and fill level for the relevant Hire Goods. You shall not place any hazardous waste (including asbestos, gypsum, liquid waste, fridges, tyres and batteries) in any Hire Goods, unless we have agreed to take such waste in writing in advance

13.6 You shall sign the waste transfer note declaring the type of waste, which will pass ownership of the waste to us (or our agent or subcontractor, as appropriate). You shall indemnify us, our agents and subcontractors against all cost and liabilities arising from the waste not being as described or agreed.

13.7 No fires shall be lit in the Hire Goods nor shall any corrosive acid, noxious substance, liquid cement or concrete be placed in the Hire Goods.

July 2013




Page 19: SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS sKIP WHeelIe BIns FRont end loadeR gRaB VeHICles tIPPeR tRUCKs Caged VeHICles general waste (compactable)

CCF nationwide Branch network

The information contained within this publication is believed to be correct and complete at the time of print. Due to limitations in the printing process images may not be representative of their true colours. Stock may vary from branch to branch and is subject to availability. All photographs and illustrations are as a guide only and do not necessarily represent the product available. CCF reserves the right to change product details without prior notice. E&OE. March 2014. JB77422 05/14

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Midlands & South West11 Birmingham B70 9PL Tel: 0121 525 8877 Fax: 0121 500 559412 Bristol BS11 9YH Tel: 0117 982 2613 Fax: 0117 982 261913 Stoke ST5 7UB Tel: 01782 576900 Fax: 01782 56198714 Cardiff CF14 5DR Tel: 029 2076 3311 Fax: 029 2075 591015 Christchurch BH23 3PE Tel: 01202 496666 Fax: 01202 49664416 Exeter EX2 8QP Tel: 01392 362128 Fax: 01392 36212517 Portsmouth PO9 6DW Tel: 023 9241 3770 Fax: 023 9241 379018 Reading RG2 0BS Tel: 0118 949 2540 Fax: 0118 935 243919 Southampton SO30 2FY Tel: 01489 785155 Fax: 01489 78791020 Swindon SN2 1ED Tel: 01793 497580 Fax: 01793 611308

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