sustainable urban mobility planning and resilience...

Peer review exercise in San Giuseppe Vesuviano (IT) 29 th July 2015 Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning and resilience: problem statement Cosimo Chiffi, TRT/CIVITAS WIKI

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Peer review exercise in San Giuseppe Vesuviano (IT)

29th July 2015

Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning and

resilience: problem statement



The Volcano: Vesuvio

The most famous eruption of AD 79

Recent severe eruptions occurred in 1660, 1682, 1694, 1698, 1707, 1737, 1760, 1767, 1779, 1794,

1822, 1834, 1839, 1850, 1855, 1861, 1868, 1872, 1906, 1926, 1929, and 1944

PRE in San Giuseppe Vesuviano (IT) - 29th July 2015


Cities, towns and road links in the Vesuvian Area

PRE in San Giuseppe Vesuviano (IT) - 29th July 2015


The Vesuvian Area: a densely populated area

2.140.000 inhabitants in

the Greater Neapolitan

Area (without city of


2.670 inh/km2

PRE in San Giuseppe Vesuviano (IT) - 29th July 2015


National Emergency Plan for the Vesuvian Area

• The Red Zone

directly involved in

case of eruption

and the Yellow

Zone under the

potential influence

of Vesuvio


PRE in San Giuseppe Vesuviano (IT) - 29th July 2015


Hydrogeological risk for the Vesuvian Area

• Other Risks maps of the Vesuvian Area:

1. Landslide 2. Hydraulic

PRE in San Giuseppe Vesuviano (IT) - 29th July 2015


2013 Regional Mobility Plan

For this area there are no provisions made to reorganise the mobility

PRE in San Giuseppe Vesuviano (IT) - 29th July 2015


Who is working on the idea of resilient SUMP?

San Giuseppe Vesuviano, Striano e


• 53.000 inhabitants

•High quality agricolture products

•Tertiary industry productions

•Vesuvio National Park

2020 Objectives

•CO2 emissions reduction beyond 20% (between 26% and 29%)

•Increased energy savings and efficiency

•Increased renewable energy production

•Increase sustainable mobility beyond 20%

•Add adaptation measures in the Seap

PRE in San Giuseppe Vesuviano (IT) - 29th July 2015


Seap plan for Paes Vesuviano

Tertiary industry:

•Phasing out use of oil and electricity for heating

•PV, wind and cogeneration to produce electricity

•Shift to LED technologies for lighting

•Improve energy management

•Introduce highjly efficient system to preserve food

with cold chain and also for cool air


• Improve efficiency of any system: heating

incl. Biomass, household appliances and

lighting, vehicles and buildings

• Exploit PV and solar termal

• Provide incentives to:

a. Create green area and green roof

b. To install rainwater recovery systems

Public buildings:

•Improve efficiency of heating system, vehicles and


•Shift to LED technology for public lighting

•Buy only certified green energy


•Resilient Sump

PRE in San Giuseppe Vesuviano (IT) - 29th July 2015


Who is joining us to make an area resilient SUMP?

Ottaviano, Palma Campania,

Poggiomarino, San Gennaro Vesuviano

e Somma Vesuviana

•About 108.000 inhabitants

•High quality agricolture products

•Tertiary industry productions

•Vesuvio National Park

Resilient Sump Vesuviano

•8 cities and towns

•161.000 inhabitants

•136, 86 km2 (incl. Vesuvio Nat. Park area)

•1276,37 inh/ km2

PRE in San Giuseppe Vesuviano (IT) - 29th July 2015


What is city resilience?

The concept includes different areas of intervention

• Disaster defences and preparedness for facing extreme events

• Social cohesion and local economy

• Global challenges: climate change, environmental sustainability

• Adaptive and proactive capacity of local institutions

PRE in San Giuseppe Vesuviano (IT) - 29th July 2015


How to include Resilience in Sustainable Urban

Mobility Planning?

The EU SUMP concept incorporates resilience?

Partly Yes!

• It deals with sustainability, social inclusion, participatory approach,

horizontal and vertical integration, assessment and monitoring of the Plan

But Resilience can further characterise the SUMP

• An adaptive SUMP increase flexibility

• Depending on the focus, it can be used as a guiding criteria for prioritising

mobility policies and thus targeting resources

• It can foster integration with other strategies and staff (e.g. emergency plan)

• It can be used for preserving and/or reclaiming natural and infrastructural


PRE in San Giuseppe Vesuviano (IT) - 29th July 2015


How to include Resilience in Sustainable Urban

Mobility Planning?

How we need to be flexible/adaptive?

• Some cities might have dedicated infrastructures, staff, vehicles as well as

supplementary resources to face emergencies and problems

• Some other might not have this secured and supplementary units and


• This means that the ordinary mobility system has to be enough flexible to

switch to the “emergency mode”, Plan B or to be easily rebuilt/replaced or

managed in a “lowcost mode” in case of lack of resources for a temporary

or permanent crisis

• Do not forget that citizens themselves have to be adaptive for properly

responding not only to crisis but also to unexpected or temporary changes

• Being flexible and prepared/aware of the need to use different means of

transport and mobility solutions is a value

PRE in San Giuseppe Vesuviano (IT) - 29th July 2015


Examples of temporary or unexpected changes in the

mobility system

PRE in San Giuseppe Vesuviano (IT) - 29th July 2015


The mobility system as a tool for urban resilience:

emergency situations

• Traffic control systems

• Real-time information on road panels

and public transport

• Use of public transport for evacuation


• Use of PT and cycle lanes for emergency


• Use of city logistics schemes and

facilities for coordinating operations

PRE in San Giuseppe Vesuviano (IT) - 29th July 2015


Resilience in the SUMP starting phase

Extend the commitment to

Resilience from the beginning

Include international initiatives

Include risk assessment

Consider unexpected events

Conduct “stress tests” of the

different scenarios and always

prepare to be flexible

Build the resilience team

PRE in San Giuseppe Vesuviano (IT) - 29th July 2015

Cosimo Chiffi

[email protected]

Thanks for your attention!