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  • 7/23/2019 Switchyard SCADA Manual


  • 7/23/2019 Switchyard SCADA Manual


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    Sl.NoSl.NoSl.NoSl.No.... DescriptionDescriptionDescriptionDescription PagePagePagePage NoNoNoNo

    A.A.A.A. ScadaScadaScadaScada ArchitectureArchitectureArchitectureArchitecture 3333

    B.B.B.B. Scada System distributionScada System distributionScada System distributionScada System distribution 4444

    C.C.C.C. SCADA SSCADA SSCADA SSCADA Systemsystemsystemsystems Restart andRestart andRestart andRestart and Shutdown ProcessShutdown ProcessShutdown ProcessShutdown Process 5555

    D.D.D.D. Interface DescriptionInterface DescriptionInterface DescriptionInterface Description 6666

    E.E.E.E. Modify The DatabasModify The DatabasModify The DatabasModify The Databaseeee 7777

    E.1E.1E.1E.1 ModifyModifyModifyModify Digital SignalsDigital SignalsDigital SignalsDigital Signals 8888

    E.2E.2E.2E.2 Modify theModify theModify theModify the Analog inputsAnalog inputsAnalog inputsAnalog inputs 9999

    E.3E.3E.3E.3 Modify screenModify screenModify screenModify screen 9999

    E.3.E.3.E.3.E.3.AAAA ModifModifModifModificaicaicaication process for Digitaltion process for Digitaltion process for Digitaltion process for Digital PointsPointsPointsPoints StatusStatusStatusStatus 9999

    E.3.E.3.E.3.E.3.BBBB Modification process for Analogue Points StatusModification process for Analogue Points StatusModification process for Analogue Points StatusModification process for Analogue Points Status 11111111

    E.3.E.3.E.3.E.3.CCCC Linking the PictLinking the PictLinking the PictLinking the Pictureureureure/Page/Page/Page/Page 12121212

    E.3.E.3.E.3.E.3.DDDD Modification process for to change the text screenModification process for to change the text screenModification process for to change the text screenModification process for to change the text screen 13131313

    E.3.E.3.E.3.E.3.EEEE PPPPicture editing toolicture editing toolicture editing toolicture editing tool andandandand toolbar buttonstoolbar buttonstoolbar buttonstoolbar buttons 13131313

    E.4E.4E.4E.4 UserUserUserUser ManagementManagementManagementManagement 14141414

    E.5E.5E.5E.5 CCCCurve Configurationurve Configurationurve Configurationurve Configuration 15151515

    E.6E.6E.6E.6 Breaker/ IsolatorBreaker/ IsolatorBreaker/ IsolatorBreaker/ Isolator Interlock ModificationInterlock ModificationInterlock ModificationInterlock Modification 16161616

    E.7E.7E.7E.7 Monitoring and Measuring panel to ScadaMonitoring and Measuring panel to ScadaMonitoring and Measuring panel to ScadaMonitoring and Measuring panel to Scada


    E.7.E.7.E.7.E.7.AAAA Modify the device IPModify the device IPModify the device IPModify the device IP to communicateto communicateto communicateto communicate M&M panelM&M panelM&M panelM&M panel 18181818

    E.7.E.7.E.7.E.7.BBBB Different SCADA computer operating authority to modifyDifferent SCADA computer operating authority to modifyDifferent SCADA computer operating authority to modifyDifferent SCADA computer operating authority to modify 19191919

    E.7.E.7.E.7.E.7.CCCC RemoteRemoteRemoteRemote Digital SignalDigital SignalDigital SignalDigital Signal interrelatedinterrelatedinterrelatedinterrelated 20202020

  • 7/23/2019 Switchyard SCADA Manual


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    DIA6 OACQ61 M&C


    DIA6 OACQ63 M&CPSR661

    DIA6 OACQ62 M&C


    DIA3 OACQ31 M&C


    DIA3 OACQ33 M&CPSR661

    DIA3 OACQ32 M&C


    DIA1 OACQ11 M&C


    DIA1 OACQ13 M&CPSR661

    DIA1 OACQ12 M&C


    DIA2 OACQ21 M&C


    DIA2 OACQ23 M&C


    DIA2 OACQ22 M&C


    DIA6 OACQ51 M&C


    DIA6 OACQ53 M&C


    DIA6 OACQ52 M&C


    DIA8 OACQ81 M&C


    DIA8 OACQ82 M&C


    DIA7 OACQ71 M&C


    DIA7 OACQ73 M&C


    DIA7 OACQ72 M&C


    DIA4 OACQ41 M&C


    DIA4 OACQ42 M&C


    BUS I M&C PSR661


    BUS II M&C PSR661


    COMMON 1 M&C PSR661


    COMMON 2 M&C PSR661


    NET A Ethernet Switch A1 A2 NET B Ethernet Switch B1Fibre-opticalFibre-optical

    NET A Ethernet Switch NET B Ethernet Switch

    PS610Gconnect to DCS

    GEN1 M&C PSR661 IP:172.20/21.110.1

    GEN4 M&C PSR661 IP:172.20/21.110.4

    GEN3 M&C PSR661 IP:172.20/21.110.3

    GEN6 M&C PSR661 IP:172.20/21.110.6

    GEN2 M&C PSR661 IP:172.20/21.110.2

    GEN5 M&C PSR661 IP:172.20/21.110.5

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    A total of seven SCADA computers are configured as per above network. In that

    two servers (SAC1, SAC2) and five clients (SAC3, SAC4, SAC5, SAC6, SAC7) and

    corresponding network addresses are,,,,,, 172.20. 99.7.

    Two servers (SAC1, SAC2) are located in relay room for the database

    configuration, historical data. All contents of the database are stored in two servers at all time.

    Out Of five clients, we have two running as a workstation (SAC 3, SAC4), three as an operator

    station (SAC5, SAC6, SAC7). Operator station starts only simple online monitoring and alarm

    functions, and gets real-time data collection from the workstation. Workstations and operator

    stations can be artificially chosen.

    SAC1 and SAC2 database server operating system runs on sun Solaris X86, SAC3-SAC7's

    operating system is UBUNTU 10.04 (OS based on the Linux kernel).

    Because of some features of Linux operating systems, when the system is powered down or

    forced shutdown it may cause some system files to be corrupted, then we need to manually

    reboot them. To avoid such outages and forced shutdown, is not preferred.

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    C.C.C.C.SCADA SSCADA SSCADA SSCADA Systemsystemsystemsystems Restart andRestart andRestart andRestart and Shutdown ProcessShutdown ProcessShutdown ProcessShutdown Process

    Normal shutdown and restart Procedure for Servers (SAC1/SAC2):

    For SAC1 and SAC2 Shutdown /Restart from Console:

    Provision-1: Select Start >Reboot for restarting

    Select Start >Power off for Shutdown

    Provision-2: Right-click on desktop > tool> terminal, open a terminal. Enter the command

    reboot to reboot; enter the command power off to shutdown.

    For SAC1 and SAC2 shutdown and restart from Remote login:

    SAC1 and SAC2, we can shutdown or restart from any computer on a SCADA network.

    Open a terminal, enter the command telnet (for SAC1)(enter) login - cps

    (enter) Password - SAC888 (enter) to log on to SAC1(shows as cps@sac1>), then enter

    power off or reboot to execute shutdown or reboot commands.

    *SAC2 login the same way as SAC1, IP changes

    Normal shutdown and restart Procedure for Client:

    For SAC3 to SAC7 Shutdown /Restart from Console:

    Provision-1: Select Start >Reboot for restarting

    Select Start >Power off for Shutdown

    Provision-2: Right-click on desktop > tool> terminal, open a terminal. Enter the command

    reboot to reboot; enter the command power off to shutdown.

    For SAC3 to SAC7 shutdown and restart from Remote login:

    Open a terminal, enter the command ssh (for SAC 3)(enter) Password -

    SAC888 (enter) to log on to SAC3 (shows as cps@sac3), then enter poweroff or reboot

    to execute shutdown or reboot commands.

    *For the remaining clients also follow the corresponding IP address.

    *All SCADA computers time and date must be same

    The SCADA startup configuration details:

    SAC1, SAC2 starts, only the database server

    SAC3 to SAC7 starts processes like OMS, HDS, scheonline, alarm web server, alarm


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    SAC3, SAC4 starts process like 103 Protocol, Script server, Double digital.


    Figure 1

    1. Start menu

    2. Open the online screen

    3. Alarm Display

    4. Curve View

    5. View Project

    6. Alarm Silent

    7. View Alarms

    8. Quit from Scheonline

    9. Refresh

    10. Reload

    11. Print

    12. Snapshot of Present Screen

    13. Root Graph

    14. Graph list

    15. Terminal

    16. Volume Control setting

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    Go to start> Configuration> Configuration Manager,

    Configuration Manger Window will open then the process needs to select account as well

    as password. We usually choose Account: superuser, password: SAC.


    Open the Configure (as figure-2) and click the plus sign in front root Project Object

    WarehouseProject definition, find the corresponding object by double-clicking opens

    the Properties section to be modified. If you want to modify all the data available in the

    menu bar, select view> Editor Mode> table Editor Mode modes to modify as shown in



    Left column will see the screen shown in Figure 4, where CPU1, DO2, DI3, DI4,

    4U3I13 correspond to our several types of cards, naming rules generally. The front

    part indicates card type and the latter indicates card number. For example CPU1

    refers to the main CPU, card No.1: DO2 only output card, card No. 2; DI3 only input

    card No. 3; 4U3I13 refers to analog card, 4- voltage inputs and 3- current inputs card

    No. 13; card number can not be changed.

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    Save ButtonSave ButtonSave ButtonSave Button


    Here you can save by click on save icon for saving after completion of required


    DPS (Double position) point refers remote sensing; MV point refers measurement,

    SPC (Single Position) point for the remote control. Each column can drag around to

    control its width.

    We can click the plus sign in the left column and double-click to open the corresponding object.

    1. Modify Digital Signals:-

    DI plug following DPS point child object, modify the appropriate division

    name column, double-click a single cell can be modified; you can select and modify more than

    the same column or a cell simultaneously. Figure-6 (The point where the first three ObjOrder1,

    ObjOrder2, ObjOrder3 need attention)

    Figure -6

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    2. Modify the Analog inputs:

    Analog inputs can access by the 4U3I and 6U6I cards. Mainly we used to

    modify three parts as name, CC1, CC2. Name modifying similar methods as mentioned in

    digital signals.

    CC2 factor for voltage signal:(400x1.2x57.7)/ (4096x63.5),

    CC2 factor for Current signal:CT ratio* 1.2/4096,CC2 factor for Active and Reactive power are: (PT * CT * 1.2 * 1.732) / (4096 * 1000),

    CC2 factor for frequency signal: 32.5/4096,

    CC2 factor for power factor is: 1/4096,

    CC2 only need to fill in the frequency 32.5.

    For example CT ratio is 3000/1 then the CC2 value will be (3000*1.2)/(1*4096)=0.878906

    However, due to india secondary rated phase voltage of 63.7V, so the voltage and power CC2

    need to figure out the basis of the above method superior to 57.7/63.7. Finally save.

    3. Modify screen

    Go to start> Config> Picture Editor,

    For this process needs to choose a password account, we usually choose as

    User list: superuser, Password: SAC.

    In the menu bar, select View then Palette toolbox menu bar and Proper editor will be

    opened as shown in Figure-7


    Select Palette toolbox on the left column, Select Project definition and double-click to

    open the corresponding required Graph.

    Open a split-screen, click on the menu bar view> Pre link.

    3.A Modification process for Digital Points Status:

    Current status of all switchyard equipment like Breakers, Isolators open /close

    indications are displayed in Part-2 screen of all Dias. On the screen all the annunciation button

    can be modified. All modification can be done through the keyboard shortcuts like ctrl + c, ctrl +

    v, delete key to achieve Copy, Paste and Delete. We copy and paste an existing indicator and

    then double-click on the object name and choose the desired status of the selected equipment.

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    Click apply and OK then save from file menu (or from save Icon) as shown in Figure-8,




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    3.B Modification process for Analogue Points Status:

    Click on the following object Name column to select the appropriate point to be

    measured as shown in Figure-10. Then double-click on the object name and choose the

    desired status of the selected equipment and then finally ok to confirm as shown in Figure-11.



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    3.C Linking the Picture/Page:

    Title on the screen in red box is more functional, we now use it as the picture

    link. Double-click the box shown as in Figure 12 then popup window will open as shown in

    Figure 13, in that double click on the Graph column to select the corresponding picture which

    we want to link up as shown in Figure 14and then click on OK .




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    3.D Modification process for to change the text screen:

    All texts on the screen can be modified. Select the View in main menu bar then

    select the left Proper Editor screen before selecting text .Now select the required text then

    and enter the appropriate name, then Apply in the right side of the Base property window as

    shown in Figure-15. Sometimes the Page linker and text will be at one place so there may beblocked to Modify the text. Then you need to move occupied primitives aside and then modify

    the test as said before.


    3.E Picture editing tool and toolbar buttons

    From left to right were marked in red color in Figure-16 are right rotation,

    left rotation, the mouse to select, move, scaling, free zoom, merge, split ,move the layer, down

    the layer, alignment .


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    4. User Management :

    User management is required to control the authorization of users like Operator,

    Engineer, and Administrator. The authorization control of any user to modify or to create a new

    user then go to start> config> User Config. Only Super user can modify the user management

    system so Select User as Superuser, password SAC. Then the popup window will open the

    screen as shown in Figure 17. Here Icons marked in red are used for adding users, save,

    delete, exit. Now all users listed in the left column of the window, the right column can set a

    password and as well as the default group then save finally.

    User group list below can be set corresponding to the user's operating authority.

    User group, AOR, Session, Machine can also be set up some times, but generally

    do not need.


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    5. Curve Configuration:

    Open the Curve Editor methods by go to start> Config> Curve Config as

    Shown in Figure 18.

    For the new plot for a new dia/bay, Click Curve Global Object > select add folder

    icon on tool bar (Right Click and select add folder)>enter the name of the folder >select add

    plot icon (Right Click and select add plot)> enter the name of the plot > select add trace icon

    (Right Click and select add trace)> enter the name of the trace.

    Then in the right options bar, click ObjectLink > the pop-up dialog box > find the

    corresponding analog (MV) point > then OK.

    The remaining settings like Curve name, curve color, rank of trace, upper limit and

    lower limits as of our requirement.


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    6. Breaker/ Isolator Interlock Modification:

    For Isolator/Breaker /Earth switch interlock set/modify go to start>

    Config > WFconfig. Further Process need to select the account and password, Select user list

    as Super User and Password as SAC then the window will open as shown in Figure-19.


    For making a logic to the new object ,first click on WuFang Global Object, click the

    plus symbol in the top of the toolbar (Right click and select) then the Pop-up screen shown in

    Figure 20,


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    Enter the Name & Dispatch code as same for creating a new like DIA6, DIA3, and

    BUSI....... In that, to create interlock logic for a new item of a digital point, click on Wufang YX

    and the naming of name & Dispatcher code should be start with parent object name (Dia

    name) (Ex:In Dia1equipments should be named as Dia111G,Dia111GD).

    To create logic for Analog point, click on Wufang YC and the naming of name & Dispatcher

    code should be start with Parent object name (Dia name) as shown in Figure-21 and then click

    on OK.


    For Operate Device object we can select like isolator, Breaker...Etc. Click below in the

    generated object DPS point, the pop-up screen will open for the selection of which

    equipment we want to make a interlock as shown in Figure-22.


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    As Shown in Figure-23 the logic is separate for close rule, open rule. Example for

    logical instance: (YX2212 == 0) && (YX22121 == 1) | | (YC2212Ia> -20.0) indicates YX2212

    AND YX22121 together with OR of YC2212Ia than -20.


    7. Monitoring and Measuring panel to Scada Communication:

    A.Modify the device IP to communicate M&M panel;

    In the SCADA computer for the modification of IP address to communicate M&M

    panel, go to start> Config> Configuration Manager, Enter User List and Password then Open

    Access point ,Double click on Network A/ Network B then the following device's IP address

    column will open as pop up window as shown in Figure 24. networkA and networkB are A and

    B networks need to be modified as in the same way. For to Modify the IP address the in M&M

    panel, go to the CPU 01 Bay control unit> sys setup> Dev. IP > enter IP address. The IP

    address in M&M panel, SCADA computer network IP addresses are should be same.


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    B.Different SCADA computer operating authority to modify

    Different Scada users authentication also can control by user Management as shown

    in Figure 17, the following can be modified in Permission list column as shown in Figure25.


    C.Remote Digital Signal interrelated.

    Remote control and remote signaling to carry two-way association, shown in Figure 26


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    D. Types of Data types:

    DPS Point: Digital Signals:

    Alarm Point: Alarm;

    Evt Point: Events;

    Port Analogue: Protection analog;MV Point: Analog (Measuring points) Signals:

    SPG Point: platen;

    ING Point: Value:

    ASG Point: Value:

    STG Point: value;

    DPC Point: Remote control;

    BCR Point: Electrical measure
