swl h 9wa f+44(0)1344868867 30 july 2004...

iii_/_! _ i, ' _' i_ " m ..... _emier Custodial Group Limited ¢_'_ Amember of the Serco Group of Companies Berkshire Court Mr. Duncan Henderson Western Road Solicitor to the Inquiry Bracknell The Zahid Mubarek Inquiry Berkshire RG121RE P.O. Box 38560 United Kingdom LONDON T+44 (0)1344 386 300 SWl H 9WA F+44(0)1344 868867 30 July 2004 PREIVI|ER CUSTODIAL GROUP LTO Dear c'3 _ Zahid Mubarek Inquiry Thank you for your letter dated 1lth June2004, and the invitation for usto make any written representation concerning the issues identified in paragraph three of the list of issues. We have pleasure in enclosing our submission, which we hope will be of interest, and trust this will assist the Inquiry Team. This is naturally an issue where we would want to offer as much assistance as possible,and to that end, should you require any further assistance or clarification, can I direct you to Nick Chapman, Assistant Director (Operations) (details below), who will be pleasedto assist you further. Contact Number: Head Office: 01344 386300 Mobile: 07887 824437 Email address: [email protected] Once again, thank you for allowing us the opportunity to express our views. Yours sincerely, John Jeffery Managing Director Enc. -6469- I ; A company registered in England and Wales No. 3849249. ; Reg stered Office: Serco House, 16Bartley Wood Business Park, Bartley Way, Hook, Hampshire RG27 9UY, United Kingdom

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iii_/_! _ i, ' _' i _" m

..... _emier Custodial Group Limited¢_'_ A member of the Serco Group of Companies

Berkshire CourtMr. Duncan Henderson Western Road

Solicitor to the Inquiry BracknellThe Zahid Mubarek Inquiry BerkshireRG121REP.O. Box 38560 UnitedKingdom

LONDON T +44 (0)1344 386 300

SWl H 9WA F+44(0)1344868867

30 July 2004


Dear c'3 _

Zahid Mubarek Inquiry

Thank you for your letter dated 1lth June 2004, and the invitation for us tomake any written representation concerning the issues identified in paragraphthree of the list of issues.

We have pleasure in enclosing our submission, which we hope will be ofinterest, and trust thiswill assist the Inquiry Team.

This is naturally an issue where we would want to offer as much assistance aspossible, and to that end, should you require any further assistance orclarification, can I direct you to Nick Chapman, Assistant Director (Operations)(details below), who will be pleased to assist you further.

Contact Number: Head Office: 01344 386300Mobile: 07887 824437

Email address: [email protected]

Once again, thank you for allowing us the opportunity to express our views.

Yours sincerely,

John JefferyManaging Director



; A company registered in England and Wales No. 3849249.

; Reg stered Office: Serco House, 16 Bartley Wood Business Park, Bartley Way, Hook, Hampshire RG27 9UY, United Kingdom

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Zahid Mubarek Inquiry

3. (a) What steps should be taken to increase the likelihood ofidentifying prisoners whose behaviour or attitudes give cause forconcern that they may be a threat to others (or those who may beparticularly vulnerable to attack by other prisoners)? The Inquiryexpects to consider

(i) Arrangements for assessment or interview of prisonersupon arrival in the prison system or at a particularinstitution, or during an induction period

A. We have always been keen to ensure that any prisoners arriving at ourestablishments - whether they be new to a prison environment, orhave been transferred - are warmly welcomed and made to feel atease. With that in mind we have sought to 'soften' reception areas.Coupled with extensive information about 'what happens next' ; webelieve this all contributes to an environment where prisoners can feelat ease, thereby engaging with any assessment or interview whichneeds to take place.

First Night Risk Assessments are used throughout our contracts andform the basis of the assessment of risk - using the form XF001 - theCell Sharing Risk Assessment Form, XF002 and the Cell Sharing RiskAssessment Review Form. Training is given through the Initial TrainingCourse, which our Prison Custody Officers are required to pass beforethey take up post. Our self audit and managerial review processescheck the quality of these forms on a regular basis. Annex 1

Our First Night procedures at HMPYOI Ashfield reflect the risks andneeds associated with a totally juvenile population. As a result staffcomplete the Youth Justice Board's TlV and VR forms, which arecompleted on a dedicated Induction Unit. An additional Care Officer ison duty at night in order to complete the one-to-one interviews withnew receptions or transfers in, thus ensuring that the First Night RiskAssessments are completed as quickly as possible. Annexes 2 and 3refer. These forms are completed in addition to the XF001.

All our contracts run an Induction Process, which varies in length anddetail. Typically during this period further assessments or interviewswill be conducted, as necessary.


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(ii) Arrangements whereby officers of the [Prison Service] areresponsible for familiarizing themselves with particularprisoners and observing their progress

A. Our establishments operate a Personal Officer system, whereby ayoung person or prisoner are allocated a Personal Officer and a relief.

These Officers are responsible for ensuring that they have regularcontact with those for whom they are responsible, focusing on:

• Ensuring that any immediate concerns or worries are promptly dealtwith, and where possible by the Personal Officer themselves.Where this is not possible, they are responsible for ensuring seeingthe matter through to a conclusion.

• Sentence Planning - ensuring that they attend reviews andsentence planning meetings- where possible

• Day to day interaction and engagement with their young person orprisoner, raising any concerns or issues with colleagues asappropriate. Contracts require daily entries to be made in the wingrecord to support this.

After the initial assessment process, and typically during the Inductionperiod, the Personal Officer will be assigned. Any concerns or issueshighlighted at the initial assessment stage may be verbally handedover and highlighted on the young person's or prisoners wing record(F2052A). Typically, these Officers may introduce themselves duringthe Induction period - with the advantage that this allows the Officer to'get to know' the prisoner or young person before they move off anInduction wing or unit. Such interaction can inform the decision in termsof where the prisoner or young person may be best housed.

(iii) Arrangements for the availability and obtaining of medicalevidence, especially in relation to mental health;

A. The First Night Risk Assessment process (in particular section 2 and 3of the XF001) require an assessment to be made of their medical state

and mental health. All prisoners and young people are seen by a nursewhere a mental health assessment is carried out, with all transfers andnew receptions being seen by a General Practitioner within 24 hours.

Any concerns which are highlighted during this time are followed up ina variety of ways:

• Faxes can be sent to previous establishments to establish previousmental health history or treatment

• GP checks can be made to confirm treatments

• Establishments can liaise with outside agencies where there is anexisting CPN and psychiatric input.

• Referral to the Mental Health In-reach Team


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Annex 4 is an example of a Directors Rule currently used at HMPDoncaster - which serves to illustrate how we generally approachmental health issues.

As mentioned previously, HMPYOI Ashfield, due to the high risk whichtheir juveniles pose, adopt a slightly different approach. Youth JusticeBoard guidelines state that the ASSET form, PCR and any otherreports should be sent by the YOT, with the young person, when theyleave court. This ensures that any subsequent risk assessment iscarried out with as much available information as possible. A dedicatedhotline, to the YJB is available for Ashfield staff to call if, on reception,they find that a young person has arrived with an incomplete file, orinsufficient information in order to complete the risk assessment.

(iv) Arrangements for the monitoring of letters and telephonecalls by prisoners;

A. We have systems available which allow us to monitor telephone callsand mail on a random or targeted basis.

Targeted monitoring may take place as a direct result of concerns, orinformation which may have come to light during the Receptionassessment process, or indeed through our security intelligencesystems. Targeted monitoring may also take place in order to complywith the requirements of Prison Service Order 4400 on Child Protectionand the Harassment Act.

(v) Arrangements for reporting and following-up incidents orother matters that give cause for concern.

A. All incidents are generally reported onto a central computer database,and it is from this that the Contract Compliance Managers can monitortrends, including the behaviour of individuals or a group of youngpeople or prisoners. In addition Incident Review meetings are held ( atsome contracts daily, others weekly) where Managers from all areas ofthe establishment attend. It would not be uncommon for Race

Relations Officers, Anti Bullying Co-ordinators, Psychologists, HighRisk Assessment Team Co-rodinators to also attend - ensuring a'joined approach' in managing some of our more challenging prisonersor young people. Minutes are taken and action points noted, followedup and recorded.

3.(b) What steps should be taken to ensure that information relevant toassessing or minimizing risks of attack posed by or to particularprisoners is adequately recorded, that such information issufficiently accessible to those within the Prison Service who mayneed to take it into account, and that it is taken into account whenrelevant?


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A, We recognise the need to ensure that all involved in looking after ourprisoners or young people are aware of the risks associated with them.Our own systems have sought to pull together the results of the CellSharing Risk Assessment forms, together with any security informationor intelligence.

As an example of this approach, we have annexed our 'Safe in AshfieldStrategy' (Annex 5). The approach allows any member of staff to raiseconcerns or issues and this is can then be filtered through the variousfunctions, via the Psychologist Department, and may result in a Safe InAshfield Case Conference where a true multi-disciplinary approach canbe agreed in relation to particular young people or particular issues.

We feel there is a need for any concerns or indicators on prisoners oryoung people to be made clearly available to our staff. A nationalprisoner database, similar to the national databases used by the police,would allow establishments to access updated files, on line - ensuringthat any subsequent decisions on managing prisoners or young peopleare made on relevant and accurate information.

The XF002 form could be amended to include the need to consult

recent security information - thus reducing the need for establishmentsto create their own processes to facilitate this.

3.(c) What steps should be taken to reduce the likelihood, or tominimize the likely consequences, of attacks by one prisonerupon another? The Inquiry expects to consider:

(i) Arrangements for the allocation and sharing of cells

A. We believe that the Cell Sharing Risk Assessment (XF001) couldprovide the tool to yet further reduce the likelihood of an attack by oneprisoner or young person on another. We recognise the need for a truemulti-disciplinary, and indeed multi-agency approach. By ensuring thatsecurity information is channeled into the initial decision makingprocess, as well as any subsequent reviews, we can be assured thatwe are taking into account, in a formal way, information which iscurrently not required to be considered necessarily by the process. Inaddition we believe that the Youth Justice Board's approach atAshfield, where a considerable amount of additional information arriveswith a new reception from court to allow a more accurate assessmentof risk to be made, could, if adopted across the estate, facilitate moredetailed risk assessments thereby allowing more informed decisions asto cell allocation and cell sharing.


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(ii) Arrangements for the protection of prisoners

A. Good relationships between staff and prisoners/young people, regularinteraction, all underpinned by basic Personal Officer principles - allcontribute to the process of knowing the prisoner or young person, andthe risks associated with them. Prisoners and young people should feelfree to access own-protection arrangements, feel free to be able to talkto staff knowing that they will be supported and any perpetrator(s) (ifthere are any) are dealt with in a constructive and sensible way.

Induction and wing notices should outline clearly the channels ofsupport which are available, as well as the establishment's policy oncertain issues, for example, zero tolerance to bullying.

Annex 6 is an example of a Directors Rule used at HMPYOI Ashfieldwhich sets out its policy on 'Vulnerable Trainees'.

(iii) Arrangements for responding to violent incidents when theyoccur

A. The response to a violent incident will vary depending on a variety offactors, for example, whether you are dealing with young people ormale adults. That said, we believe that the first approach must be stopthe incident - and we would further hope, that through ourinterpersonal skills training that we give to our staff, that may beachieved through talking to those involved. Should that proveunsuccessful then approved techniques such as PCC or C & R may beappropriate to the situation in hand. In any event, the key we believeshould be on de-escalation techniques, so as to take the 'steam' out ofany given situation. This can be achieved by segregation for a shortperiod of time, coupled with counseling, or talking through the incidentwith someone the prisoner or young person knows well - typically thePersonal Officer. As has already been mentioned, the regular IncidentReview Meetings ensure that the details of these incidents can bemonitored, trends analysed and acted upon.

Ultimately there are of course Contingency Plans which we would referto in the case of more serious incidents.

(iv) Arrangements for prisoners to raise concerns about theirpersonal safety or the safety of others

A. The personal safety of prisoners and young people, as well as ourstaff, is of paramount importance to us. We have developed our ownprisoner consultation committees, which meet at least weekly - theseproviding a forum for prisoners to collectively raise concerns or issuesdirectly to the Senior Management of the establishment. These aretermed PIAC meetings (PIAC standing for Prisoner Information Activity


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Committee). The minutes resulting from these meetings are madefreely available to prisoners and young people. Annex 7 is a DirectorsRule from Ashfield, which outlines how the system operates.

Prisoners or young people also have the opportunity to sit on the Anti-Bullying Committee and can influence the general direction of policy.The high profile of our Anti-Bullying Officers also ensures that the AntiBullying policy is well policed and well accessed.

The opportunity to raise requests or complaints via the new PSO2510process allows prisoners and young people more opportunity to raise acomplaint or issue, knowing that only the Request & Complaint Clerkcan access them in the first instance. This degree of assurance hasfiltered through, and provides prisoners and young people with theconfidence that their particular issues will be investigated; will be takenseriously; and will be responded to.

The role of the Independent Monitoring Board, in the work that they do,is also an avenue open to prisoners should they be concerned and feelthey cannot raise their concerns with staff directly.

Ultimately, we still believe that good relationships - treating prisonersand young people with respect and decency- all foster an environmentwhere people feel confident and happy to air any concerns, knowingthat we will act on them.

(v) Arrangements for reducing the availability of weapons toprisoners

A. Basic security measures, taught as part of the Initial Training Course,ensure that our staff remain vigilant and perform the level of checksand scrutiny, which are required by the Security Manual. Searchingstrategies also vary from establishment to establishment, but again aregeared towards the security risks generally posed; specifically themovement and work undertaken by the establishment's population.

Regular tool checks, cell searches and good searching techniques allensure that the availability of weapons are reduced.

Searching strategies will cover physical, procedural and dynamicsecurity aspects covering the whole establishment - one of its keystrategies will be to reduce the availability of weapons, or materialswhich could be used to form a weapon.

3.(d) What arrangements should be made for the holding within theprison system generally, and/or within young offenderinstitutions, of those prisoners who may be particularly likely topose a threat (including cases where that threat arises by reasonof profound hostility towards persons of a particular racial originor towards other groups within society)?


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What arrangements should be made to address the behaviour andattitudes of such persons, and/or to restrict their access topersons who, or materials which, may encourage acts of violenceon their part?

A. The management of prisoners in this category should largely be basedon complete, and well informed risk assessments. High risk prisonersor young people may well be needed to be managed on Rule 45 inSegregation Units, and comprehensive action plans developed inconjunction with IMB and Controllers in terms of seeking ways ofaddressing any behaviour of concern. This may involve and requireone to one cognitive behavioural therapy, other individual interventionsor group interventions.

All this needs to be carefully co-ordinated and controlled - with regularreviews taking place on the precise level of risk the prisoner or youngperson poses.

3.(e) Are there any special measures which should be taken to reducethe risks of attacks of a racially motivated nature?

A. We believe that the right approach is the promotion of a generaloperational philosophy that does not tolerate racist behaviour orattacks generally.

Race Relations/Diversity Officers can play a pivotal role in the collationand analyzing of the ethnic mix of the establishment, as well as detailsof who is involved and where racial incidents take place. Such statisticscan serve to warn operational managers of a potentially volatile mix ofprisoners or young people. Coupled with pre-emptive action, suchmeasures can ensure that the number of racially motivated attacks arereduced.

3.(f) What arrangements should be in place to ensure that proceduresput in place for the purpose of preventing attacks by oneprisoners on another are effectively implemented?The Inquiry expects to consider:

(i) Arrangements for the training of Prison Service Personnel,including training in issues of race relations so far as relevantto the terms of reference of the inquiry

A. The importance of Diversity training cannot be stressed enough. Weprovide Diversity training which meets the core requirements as set outin Prison Service Order 2800. However, HMP Doncaster, as anexample, have used the PSO as the basis to their own DiversityTraining package as devised and delivered by Dr. Nav Khera - thetraining is delivered under a contract between the establishment andDr. Khera.


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All our staff also receive refresher training in Diversity once a year.

Any weaknesses or gaps in the knowledge of our staff, as may behighlighted in the day to day running of our establishments, are quicklyidentified, and steps taken to remedy the situation.

As an example of our general approach to Diversity, Annex 8 is aDirectors Rule for HMP Dovegate. This detailed Directors Rule outlinesa Job Description for the Race Relations Liaison Officer as well as theprocess for making a racial complaint. As part of Dovegate'scommitment to promoting racial awareness, the establishment iscurrently engaged in the production a video which will serve to explainvarious religions, their beliefs and practices, both inside and outsidethe establishment, including advice to managers of how to deal withreligious requests. It is hoped that this best practice will be sharedthroughout our other contracts in the not too distant future.

(ii) Arrangements for the supervision, monitoring andmanagement of those staff with direct responsibility forimplementing the relevant procedures

A. Managers meet with their staff at least daily, and tour all areas undertheir responsibility - their remit being to support, advise and monitortheir staff, and the implementation of procedures and policies. OurManagers record in Unit Observation Books the fact that they havevisited as part of an audit trail.

In addition, and as part of a rolling programme, some of our contractshave a self audit programme - where all the of the key performancebaselines pertaining to Diversity are audited and their compliancenoted. Any non-compliances are transferred to an action plan and theperformance against those baselines carefully monitored by theContract Compliance Manager.

(iii) Arrangements for the external inspection of theimplementation of relevant procedures, and for thesubsequent follow-up of any relevant recommendations

A. Our establishments are subject to regular scrutiny by the Controller orContract Monitor - ensuring that we meet our contractual obligations.In addition our prisons, in the same way as the public sector, aresubjected to Standards and Security audits and HMCIP inspections.Ashfield is also subject to Youth Justice Board inspections/audits, withour Secure Training Centre at Hassockfield being subject to SocialServices Inspectorate visits. Any deficiencies resulting from theseaudits are transferred to an action plan where remedial action can bedetailed. This is carefully monitored, with regular updates provided tothe Authority.


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It is also not uncommon for a member of the Independent MonitoringBoard to also sit on the Diversity Management Team Meetings.

Where there have been a failure of procedures or some concerns,these may form the basis of an internal investigation. The individualcontract Investigations Officer may or Senior Corporate Investigator, atthe request of the Director, complete an investigation - this may detailsome recommendations. The Director will ensure these are

implemented within a set timescale. Such a process ensures that weoperate directly as per our contractual obligations and as per our ownDirectors Rules.

(iv) Arrangements for the recording and investigation of suchattacks when they occur, and for addressing any defects inthe system which such investigations may disclose

A. All incidents are recorded on an appropriate Racial Incident Form andassigned a unique reference number. An initial simple investigation bythe Race Relations Liaison Officer, is then reviewed by the Director. Asexplained under (li), such incidents may be formally investigated by thecontract's Investigations Officer- this resulting in a formal reportcontaining recommendations which the Director will ensure areimplemented within a set timescale.


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Zahid Mubarek Inquiry

Copies of any statistics which you maintain showing the incidence ofattacks by one prisoner upon another in any of the institutions youmanage now, or have managed in the past.

Please confirm whether these have been subject to:• Internal

• External investigations

A. There are enquires/internal investigations into all acts of violence. Anyserious assaults are reported to the police for investigation, which iscarried out in liaison with the Investigations Officer from the contractwhere the incident took place.

At HMP Ashfield there have been 111 assaults between June 2003and June 2004. Of these four have been dealt with externally. Ofthese four, one resulted in extra time being added to the offendingyoung person's sentence, two were not proceeded with and one caseis still ongoing.

HMP Doncaster- In 2003, the police were involved in two incidentswhich were taken forward by the Crown Prosecution Service. Therewere other police enquiries but during investigation these weredeclared as no further action.

Statistics for HMP Dovegate and HMP Lowdham Grange will followunder separate cover.

With our Secure Training Centre at Hassockfield - there were 226trainee on trainee attacks between April 2003 and May 2004.Of these 42 were subject to Child Protection Investigations.


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Copies of any statistics which you maintain showing the• ethnic origin of prisoners in institutions managed by you• ethnic origin staff you employ to work in these institutions.

A. Our prisons collect ethnic monitoring data in line with PSO 2800requirements, and as a result there is a considerable amount of data.Should you wish us to submit this separately, then we would bepleased to do.

At Ashfield - 17% of the trainees are from ethnic minority groups.In terms of staffing - 10 staff are from ethnic minority groups -representing 2.8% of the workforce.

HMP Doncaster- 18.1% of the prisoners are from ethnic minoritygroups.In terms of staffing - 1.8% of the staff are from ethnic minority groups.

HMP Lowdham Grange - 29.2% of the prisoners are from ethnicminority groups4% of staff are from ethnic minority groups

Statistics for HMP Dovegate will follow under separate cover.

At STC Hassockfield there were 24 young people between April 03and May 2004 which were from ethnic minority groups.There are currently no staff employed from ethnic minority groups.


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Annex 1


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1.1 An XF001 (see Annex A) risk assessment form must be completed on everyprisoner regardless of whether shared accommodation is likely. This will enableus to make informed decisions about the management of potentially violent,racist or homophobic prisoners. Such information will help keep staff andprisoners safe. Detailed guidance is provided for staff in the HMP Cell-SharingRisk Assessment guidance booklet (see Annex C).

1.2 Lowdham Grange will therefore risk assess for the purposes of cell sharing, allprisoners arriving at the establishment. The cell sharing assessment form will bethe basis for decision making when a prisoner's location is being decided. Thedocument will remain a live document and will be revisited whenever a prisoner'slocation is being considered.


Volume 2 Section 3 Rule 3.12.1 Page 1 AL 38 - 10.03.03Prisoner Living Areas - Cell SharingRisk Assessment


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2.1 Form XF001 will be completed on the first night, before allocation to a cell. If,exceptionally, because of the very late arrival of a prisoner it is no feasible tocomplete the cell sharing assessment, it must be completed the next morningh.

2.2 If the cell sharing assessment form cannot be completed on the night of arrival,the Reception staff MUST notify the Duty Manager that the risk assessment hasnot been completed in order that additional vigilance can be paid to the prisoneron his first night.

2.3 The risk assessment form will accompany a prisoner who is transferringestablishments and will be completed / updated by the sending prison and willform a part of the transfer documentation.

2.4 A high-risk prisoner does not necessarily have to be placed in a single cell.

2.5 The cell sharing risk assessment should not be offered as a means for racistprisoners to demand single cell accommodation. Any prisoner who appears tothreaten any group of prisoners must be informed that racist or harassingbehaviour is in breach of prison rules, and will be treated as a seriousdisciplinary offence.

2.6 The identification of a racist prisoner will be followed by monitoring ofsubsequent behaviour and may lead to disciplinary action being taken againstthat individual.

2.7 Regular reviews of risk rating will take place for any prisoner who is rated as'high risk' by either reception or healthcare staff. Review of prisoners with ratingsother than high risk need only take place when a prisoner is transferred, has hiscell location changed or there is a change in his circumstances.

2.8 Prisoners rated as medium risk may be reviewed at a later date when additionalinformation may become available.


3.1 Section 1 and 2 must be completed by the receiving officer. In order to assistwith completion, the officer will check and read the prisoner's accompanyingdocuments before making an assessment of risk. It is essential to make full useof all available documentation and tick the boxes in section one showing whichdocuments have been consulted.

3.2 Section 3 will be answered by the healthcare team using information gatheredfrom the data received in respect of the prisoner. In relation to concerns aboutself harm, the 'yes' box should be ticked if there are indications of raised risk ofself-harm, even if the prisoner is not considered to be at immediate risk ofsuicide. The concerns should then be recorded - 'history of depression'.

3.3 Section 4 will be completed if either Section 2 or 3 is rated as 'high' by staff. Theform will be referred to the Duty Manager or Duty Director by the receiving officer

Volume 2 Section 3 Rule 3.12.1 Page 2 AL 38 - 10.03.03Prisoner Living Areas - Cell SharingRisk Assessment


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immediately. Duty Managers may be consulted where the risk is 'medium'although this will be most appropriate where there are signs of risk but there isnot sufficient information to be sure.

The Duty Manager / Director will review all available information and completeand sign Section 4C with their decision. Prisoners who remain rated as 'high'must be notified by the receiving officer to the Assistant Director Housing; Headsof Housing; Housing Unit Managers by 'e' mail in order that they may beregularly reviewed by housing managers with healthcare staff and the receivingofficer.

3.4 Form XF002 (Annex B)incorporates Sections 5-7. This document will becompleted if the prisoner had an initial risk rating of 'high', when the prisoner istransferred to another establishment or if there is a significant event in theprisoner's history such as assault or evidence of bullying.

3.5 When completed, the receiving officer will ensure that the top copy of the DF001is placed on the prisoner's wing file (F2052A) and the bottom copy is sent toSentence Planning for inclusion on the main prisoner's record (F2050). FormXF002 will also be copied by the officer reviewing the prisoner to the F2052Aand F2050 following each review.


4.1 Even when a large amount of information is available, it is not possible to predictwith 100% accuracy how prisoners will respond and behave. After considering allthe information available, staff are asked to use their own judgement to make arating of the level of risk. Risk changes over time although some risk factors staythe same (i.e. a history of past violence) but others will change. Staff are notbeing asked to make a 'once and for all' assessment and the risk assessmentwill be reviewed at a later date should circumstances change:

• HIGH Clear indication of high level of risk that the prisoner might assault hiscellmate.

• MEDIUM No immediate risk, but situation will need to be reviewed regularly(this rating may also be used where staff feel that there are some signs ofrisk but there isn't enough information available to be sure).

• LOW No current evidence / indication of risk. Suitable for multi-cell location.


5.1 Prisoners who are identified as 'high' risk will not generally be required to shareaccommodation although they will continue to be reviewed at regular intervalsand should their circumstances change, a further assessment and review willtake place.

Volume 2 Section 3 Rule 3.12.1 Page 3 AL 38 - 10.03.03Prisoner Living Areas - Cell SharingRisk Assessment


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5.2 Allocation to a single cell is not the only way of dealing with prisoners who poserisk of harm to others. Other options include a shared cell but with a prisonerwho is not from the group targetted by the potentially violent prisoner; sharing acell but with additional observation; and monitoring the communications of theprisoner to identify whether threats to their cell mates or others are evident.

5.3 On completion of the reception process, the prisoner will usually be located on'H' wing for induction. His risk assessment form will be consulted and anappropriate cell identified for him. If required to share a cell, care will be taken toensure that a non-smoking prisoner is not placed with a smoker and wherepossible, prisoners who are of a similar age or share interests may be placedtogether. On completion of induction, the prisoner's risk assessment will againbe considered in order to facilitate his transfer to another wing.

Review date: 10th March 2004

Approved:Peter WrightDirectorHMP Lowdham Grange

An nexes:

A XF001 Cell Sharing risk assessment (note this is a A3, no carbon required2 page document)

B XF002 Risk Assessment - sections 5-7 review document - (note this is aA4, no carbon required 2 page document)

C HMP Cell Sharing risk assessment guide for locating officer and DutyDirector



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A nnex 2


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All new Receptions will undergo an assessment to identify any riskfactors relating to single/double accommodation.


2.1 All new Receptions will have a New Number Form completed(see annex A).

2.2 Part B is to be completed by medical staff during initial receptionscreening.

Parts A and C is to be completed by reception staff.

Part D is to be completed by Oscar 1 if required.

The completed Form is to be retained within the Young PersonsF2050.

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Section 1 :Current Offence =

i Serious violence against the person (e.g murder, attempted murder, manslaughter, GBH, kidnapping/false Y Nimprisonment)

ii Sexual violence against a male (e.g rape, indecent assault) Y Niii Other violence against the person (e.g ABH, wounding with intents) Y Niv Any Schedule 1 offence Y N

Suggestion of racist behaviour (including racially motivated offence) Y N

Charged under the Harassment Act Y N

Police warning about violent behaviour .... Y N

• +

Section 2:Previous convic__onsfor violent offence listed above in section 1



Signed: Name: Date:


Are there any factors identified in the Mental Health Screen to warrant double cell? Y N

Are there any factors identified in the Mental Health Screen to warrant single cell? Y N

If Yes to either, please specify reasons:



Signed: Name Rank Date

Please turn over

Director's Rule HEA013 - Firs,,night Risk Page 3 of 4 I0.01_0l -- 6 4 8 9 --Assessment

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l Are recommendations at PART A and PART B in conflict? (e.g single v double) Y NDoes the Rece._ion Manager recommendation _ Y N

V T_;_.__.__ _!__. ,_ ]__i_iIFi_'i'_;_i_O!_O!!__ _;_'_%_ii!_,_O_a_c_;_'_ _i_:__'i '_"'_' _:'_"':



Signed Name Rank Date


Given the information above what is your decision


Please give reasons for this:

Signed Name Rank Date


Director's Rule HEA013 - First night Risk Page4 of 4 10.01.01 - 6 4 9 0 -Assessment

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Annex 3


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1.1 All trainees received at HMP & YOI Ashfield will be treated with courtesy, theirhealth needs identified, monies and property will be correctly documented.


2.1 The Reception Procedure will be divided into 2 areas:-


2.2 The Administration process of admitting a trainee at HMP & YOI Ashfield will be aslaid down in annex A

2.3 The Assessment procedure is also shown in Annex A and section 4 and will involvethe following:

• Initial interview by reception staff• Initial screening by healthcare staff• TI: V & VR (first night care officer)

2.4.1 The First Night Care Officer must ensure that the ASSET form (vulnerabilityassessment completed by the Youth Offending Team), the Post Court Report and/orPre Sentence Report accompany the trainee to the induction wing, as these arerequired to complete the TI: V & VR Initial Custodial Reception Assessment.

2.4.2 Where a report is missing or incomplete, particularly ASSET or PCR, these must besought from the Youth Offending Team (YOT) or Court, where possible. If it is toolate, then Sentence Planning staff will obtain the missing paperwork the followingday. In both cases the YJB should be notified within one hour of admission and amessage left on the dedicated answer machine.

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2.4.3 Where the above forms are missing or incomplete it is to be assumed that thetrainee is vulnerable and he should be managed as such until the arrival of theforms.

2.4.4 The TI:V & VR must be completed within two hours of reception by a First NightCare Officer on the induction wing. The aim of the TI: V & VR is to focus onvulnerability and risk. Any concerns must be dealt with at this time, for instance,should the trainee be accommodated in Healthcare? Is counseling to deal with self-harm issues needed?

2.4.5 If a TI:V & VR can not be completed during the first night then a 30 minute watchshould be opened and events recorded.


3.1 Upon reception once x-rayed a trainee's belongings will be accurately recorded on atrainee's Property Record.

3.2 Monies

3.2.1 Only British currency will be accepted as legal tender and will be entered on thetrainee's Cash Form. All other currency will be classed as valuable property and berecorded accordingly. Other items of property considered to be of a valuable naturei.e. Current passport, driving licence, motor vehicle documents, birth certificate,keys, credit or bank cards, cheques / cheque book, jewellery etc. will be entered in"RED". These items to be held overnight in the Reception Safe and transferred thenext morning by the Reception Unit Manager to the Cashiers Safe and the PropertyCard endorsed accordingly.

3.3 Valuables

3.3.1 Every morning valuables are received bagged and tagged from Reception alongwith all the property cards and a list of valuables.

The valuables (tag no. name and number of inmate) are entered onto a record cardand stored in the Cashiers Office. The property cards are signed and the recordcards are signed by a Trainee Accounts Clerk and a Reception / Property Clerk.

The valuables are retrieved for discharge to court purposes / discharge / transfersand to hand property out on visits. Each time valuables are retrieved / returned theymust be signed for.

3.4 Authorized Issue of Personal Property

3.4.1 Trainees on reception or at other times on application may retain items of propertyas in accordance with Director's Rule. All items retained by the trainee will besearched and x-rayed and recorded on In Possession property Card, pink andgreen as required and a disclaimer absolving Premier Prison Services from liabilityfor any loss or damage to same will be signed by the trainee.

3.4.2 Other items may be allowed to be sent in by post or received through domesticvisits. Items from education can also be placed in stored property. These must bein accordance with the Director's Rule Volumetric Control and the relevantprocedures adopted.

3.4.3 All items of property will only be issued after a full security check, which mustinclude all items being x-rayed.

3.5 Change Of Location / Transfer / Discharge

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3.5.t When changing his location a trainee will normally be responsible for his personalproperty. When this, by circumstances, is not appropriate, the cell will be securedand the contents packed, listed and tagged in the presence of two Officers. Adeclaration as to the contents will then be signed by both Officers.

3.6 Security

3.6.1 Items such as guns, ammunition or alcohol will not be accepted as property. Theywill immediately be given back to the escorting staff (Police, Group 4) for disposal.

3.6.2 Trainees will be photographed to allow for the production of identity cards.

3.7 Transfers / Discharge Of A Trainee

3.7.1 On transfer or discharge a trainee's IP property and stored property will be checkedin his presence against his Trainee's Record and both trainee and Reception Officerwill sign to show that all property is correct.


4.1 All trainees received into HMP & YOI Ashfield will be interviewed to identify anyimmediate risks and needs. Information assisting assessment may come fromvarious sources i.e. Telephone information from Probation Services, SocialWorkers, Solicitors, Police Risks Notices, Form POL 11618 PER or theprofessionalism of the member of the Reception staff. Any such revelations willassist in forming a profle of the trainee.


5.1 Personal and family particulars will be gathered and entered onto the F2050 by aReception PCO and any indication that the trainee has further appearances at court,unpaid fines, or if he has previously served a period of legal custody, whether as aremand or serving trainee.

5.2 If the trainee interviewed states he has a "bail" problem or query this should bebrought to the attention of the Reception Unit Manager who will contact the BailOffice.


6.1 All trainees being received at HMP & YOI Ashfeld for the first time on a particularcharge, will be seen immediately by a qualified Nurse and within 24 hours by aMedical Practitioner. This shall include any return trainees having received asentence of 2 years or above that day.

6.2 All trainees who left HMP & YOI Ashfield on the day of reception will be offered theopportunity to see a Nurse.

6.3 Trainees considered to be of a high suicide risk or self harmers will be processed inaccordance with Director's Rule.


7.1 In cases where a court requests Psychiatric Reports be available to them, suchdirections will be immediately conveyed to the Clinical Manager by the ReceptionUnit Manager.

7.2 All trainees will be located according to their age, category andneeds.

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7.3 Where a member of staff is of the opinion that a trainee requiresprotection for whatever circumstances, Oscar 1 must be informed and will in turndiscuss the options with the Duty Director.

7.4 All trainees received into the prison will be provided with a hot meal.


8.1 Areas Of Responsibility

8.1.1 ICA

To prepare lists of trainees for transfer and to submit the same to the DisciplineOffice, RDA, Escort Section and Health Care Centre by Thursday of the precedingweek. Once lists have been compiled NO alterations will be allowed, unlessthrough the I.C.A Department. If changes are made I.C.A will immediatelycommunicate the same to the other named areas. An entry is to be made in theDischarge Diary of LIDS system.

8.2 Discipline Office

• To collate all relevant documentation and forward the same to the RDA theday prior to the transfer.

• To collate documentation; F2050, Warrant, National Insurance documents,Licence, Voucher 1, to be available to the RDA on the evening prior todischarge.

8.3 Health Care Centre

On the day prior to the transfer, all trainees will be medically examined as to theirfitness for transfer and a document issued accordingly. The relevant IMRs will behanded to the RDA staff by 1700 hours on the day before transfer.

8.4 Finance Department

To collate on the day of transfer the trainee's account and forward it to the receivingestablishment.

8.5 Escort Section

The Officer i/c Escort Transport Section will ensure the adequate provision of staff,vehicles and timing of escort.


9.1 Areas of Responsibility

9.1.1 Health Care Centre

All trainees including bails and fines payments, must be seen by the Health CareCentre before discharge.

If a trainee is receiving a course of medication, this should be communicated to hisGP. All stored medicines held on behalf of the trainee are to be restored to him.

9.1.2 RDA Unit Manager or Operations Manager

To check and identify the trainee is to be released.

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Hand all relevant discharge documents to the trainee.

Check and restored all property as per trainee's Property Record.

Ensure all documents which require signature are endorsed accordingly i.e.License, Property Cards, Form F2050, Firearms Act where necessary.

9.1.3 Finance

To prepare the closure of the trainee's account together with any bus fares and / ordischarge grant.


10.1 Responsibility

10.1.1 All discharges must be identified by a rank no lower than Unit Manager grade (seeAnnex B).

10.1.2 Other agencies who take trainees with our consent will be expected to adhere to theconditions of the release, which includes the use of handcuffs. These escorts willbe checked and will be expected to achieve an acceptable level of security, or wewill not permit them to leave. They will be discharged by a rank no lower that that ofOperations Manager.

10.1.3 When a trainee is discharged as a "production", either to be Police, courts or anyother agency, he must return to the prison on the day of discharge, unless otherdocumented arrangements have been made.

10.1.4 The Reception Unit Manager will ensure that at approximately 1800 hours each daya check of "production" trainees is carried out. If any trainee has not been returnedenquiries must be made and the Duty Director informed.


ANNEX A: Reception Process Flow ChartANNEX B: Welcome Pack

ANNEX C: Discharge IdentificationAll the above procedures are included and are compliant with the approved ReceptionProcedures Manual, which is located in the Reception Unit Managers office.

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Annex A


Records Check The _ Process i1 Property Check• Enter LIDSInfo _ i Check warrant /• Prepare Property identifica{ionOf Trainee • Record Property

CardSprepareF2050 _.,_ _ ° Record Valuables• Record Money &• Enter PDS Info i i !1 Check Prope_ place in Safe• Issue Information rl • CheckDocQments i ? • Unauthorised items

/[ s_arched i

passed to securityCard

• Complete Locationand Reception Card

• 2050 & Warrant tobe retained in

Reception for pickup by Securityfollowing AM

. IIl_l

Document Check _ I_• Contents of yellow Vulnerability Checkenvelope

• PER • Interview & medical check by Nurse• ASSET Form • Cell Share Risk Assessment• Post Court Report • Intermediate Interview by PCO with• Pre Sentence Report Trainee

• Allocation to Housing (Night CareOfficer Escort)


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Annex B




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Annex C


From the F2050

a) Check the photograph

b) Ask for his full name, address and date of birth

c) Check any tattoos or distinguishing marks

d) Ask questions about any other details which may beknown only to the trainee and are in the F2050, forexample:

• Which Court were you sentenced at?

• Your parents / girlfriend's address and telephonenumber?

• Where did you serve your last prison sentence?


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Annex 4


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RULE NO : 9.9 ISSUE DA TE : 19.07.99 PAGE1 OF4




1.1 To provide appropriate Health Care services and screening for prisoners on Reception,Transfer and Discharge.


2.1 Reception

2.1.1 The Health Care Centre will ensure the availability of one Registered Nurse to bepresent in the Reception Area during the reception period to attend to prisoners healthcare needs.

2.1.2 The Registered Nurse will undertake a preliminary health screening of prisoners onfirst reception.

2.1.3 The Registered Nurse will have undergone training in Health Care Receptionprocedures.

2.1.4 The initial screening interview will take place in a room which adequately allows forprivacy and maintenance of medical confidentiality. The environment will be such asto facilitate the passage of information between the prisoner and the Registered Nurse.Sufficient time will be allowed to ensure completion of all parts of the initial screeningprocedure.


Director'sRule 9.9 HCC Reception - Transfer & Discharge Page 1of 4 08/13/99

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3.1.2 Where an overnight stay is expected, the Registered Nurse will ensure that the healthcare needs of the prisoner will be adequately met whilst in Police Custody. Whereprescribed medication is being taken by the prisoner and particularly where thismedication is psycho-tropic, arrangements will be made to ensure the continuedprescription, subject to a reassessment by a Medical Officer.

3.1.3 Upon return to the establishment, if requested, the prisoner will be seen by theRegistered Nurse in Reception.

3.1.4 If the prisoner did not spend the preceding night within the establishment, a fullReception Screen will once again take place upon return. Particular attention will be

given to the prisoner's mental health and psychological effects of the policeproduction.

3.1.5 All Director's Rules relating to New Reception prisoners will be effective for theseprisoners.

3.2 Transfer to another establishment

3.2.1 When a prisoner is to be transferred to another establishment the Registered Nurse willliaise with the Reception Manager or designee, to ensure that all prisoners on thetransfer list are declared fit for transfer.

3.2.2 The ICA Department will ensure that the Registered Nurse is aware of any additions tothe transfer list and that these prisoners are seen by the Registered Nurse.

3.2.3 The Registered Nurse will sign in the prisoner's Core Record noting that he is fit fortransfer.

3.2.4 On the day of transfer the Registered Nurse will ensure that medication prescribed isbeing administered and that all documentation required to achieve continuity of care iscomplete and is available to be sent.

• 3.2.5 Where a prisoner is identified as being at risk of self harm or suicide, the nursing staffwill contact the HCC staff at the receiving estabIisli_ent to ensure that thisinformation is passed on prior to transfer, and that the receiving establishment is_ippropriately resourced to meet the needs of the prisoner.

3.2.6 Prisoners requiring special care or supervision will be accompanied by a RegisteredNurse, where medically recommended.


4.1 A prisoner's medical fitness to attend court will be determined by the Registered Nurse andthe responsible Medical Officer.

4.2 The Registered Nurse will sign in the prisoner's Core Record noting that they are fit toattend court.

4.3 When a prisoner is unfit to attend Court, the Health Care Centre will notify the Court at theearliest opportunity.


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it is importan_ that you provide as much detailed information as you can on this form. This will enable us toprioritise the referral and provide us with a baseline for mental health assessment. Pl,_se tick appropriateboxes 1


,re they exp_lriencing:

[---1 Delusions _ Psychosis

_-_ Auditory Hallucinations _ Pressure of speech

_-_ Mania _ Flight of ideas

_--_ Clinical bepl-ession (Severe) _-_ Dual Diagnosis

Pleaseodd any further' comments or details:

Are any mentc_lheaJth services knownto be involved?

Please Name:


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Objective; to ensure that all Prisoners entering Doncaster Prisoncomplete a comprehensive medical screening. This screen shouldeffectively identify all physical and mental health requirements.Outcomes should be recorded of all screens.


• A fully qualified nurse, who has completed training in undertakingreception screening, will be available in the reception area throughoutthe reception period.

• The nurse will screen prisoners without delay and prioritise patients onclinical need. The medical room in reception will be used to performthe screening.

• The nurse will complete reception form R1 for all prisoners entering thePrison. Particular care will be afforded to the Mental Health history andthe Drug history. Objective findings will be recorded. Blood pressureand urinalysis for glucose and protein will be completed for everypatient. All questions on the form will be asked and the answersrecorded by encircling the response. If a prisoner declines to answerthis will be recorded. If a question is not applicable it will be markedn/a.

• Information received from outside sources will be made immediatelyavailable to the Nurse. If information is received after the screening iscomplete the prisoner will be re-assessed.

• Where further assessment or examination is needed the prisoner willbe taken immediately to the Health Care Centre for this to becompleted.


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• Ifa prisonerrequiresan indepthmentalhealthassessmentthiswillinallcasesbe completedintheHealthCareCentre.

• Where no MedicalOfficerisinreceptionatthetimeoftheinitialscreeningthenursewillcontacttheDutyMedicalOfficerbytelephoneforadvicewherea Clinicalneedforimmediatetreatmentisidentified.

• AllprisonersnotseenbytheMedicalOfficerinreceptionwillbe seenbytheMedicalOfficerwithin24 hoursofarrivalatthePrison.Anyinmateidentifiedasattendingcourton subsequentdayswillbeseenatthefirstopportunityon hisreturnbytheDoctor.The detailsofsuchprisonerswillbe passedtothereceptionteam totargetthemimmediatelyon returnfromcourtifa Doctorisinreceptionatthetimetheyreturn.

• The MedicalOfficerwillbe responsibleforcompletingand recordingalloutcomesofthereceptionscreen.Thesewillon alloccasionsincludelabourgrading,fitnessforgym,fitnessforfoodhandlingandarecommendationon accommodationallocation.Allover35yearoldswillinadditiontoGym fitnesshavean"over35 fitnessforexercise"formcompletedandcopiedtothegym?

• The Healthcarestaffwillmake everyefforttoconfirminformationgivenby prisonerswithoutsideagencies.Particularattentionwillbegiventoconfirmingprescribeddrugs,outsidehospitalappointmentsandtreatments.PrisonerswithmentalhealthproblemsinvolvingCPNorConsultantPsychiatristfollowupwillbe identifiedandtheresponsiblecommunitymentalhealthteam contacted.

• Consentforreleaseofmedicalinformationand recordswillbe taken

fromtheinmateinreceptionforsuchinformationtobe givenbyNHSproviders.

° The MedicalOfficerwillwriteallnecessaryprescriptionsforthepatientand ensurethatallindicatedtreatmentsaremaintainedforthepatientwithoutdelay.

• Prisonersrequiringadditionaltestsorfollowup testsi.e.repeatBP'sorurinalysiswillbeidentifiedinthereceptiondiary.The shiftCo-ordinatoron dub/will be responsible for completing the work identified in theprevious 24hrs of reception.

• A LID's databasecheck will be made for every new reception toidentify previous prison admissions and records.The outcome will bedocumented

• Where old IMR's are traceable a request will be made for them to besent to HMP& YOI Doncaster.

• When received IMR's will be checked by a nurse and amalgamatedwith the new documentation. This check will be documented in theIMR.


-..... -65os-

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1. To identify through receptionand other assessmenttoolsallcasesofmental illnessoccurringin the populationat HMP& YOI Doncaster.

2. To administer the best qualitytreatment and careto patients to astandard that equalsthe bestpractice in the NHSwithin the limitationsof the Mental Health Act 1983 and, in accordance,with the NationalServiceFrameworkfor MentalHealth.

3. To strive for rapidassessmentand transfer of patientsidentified inneeclof urgent acute psychiatriccare to appropriatesecurefacilities.

4. To promote mental health promotionthrough the continuousprovisionof a multi-disciplinary team to service the Mental Health Care Needsofthe patients at HMP& YOI Doncaster.

5. To ensure that all new NICE,National Service Framework andBenchmarking Directives and Guidelines are incorporated into policiesand practice immediately on an ongoing basis.

• Process

1. Receptionscreeningofallprisonerswillbecompletedon thedayofarrival.Allinmateswillseea MedicalOfficerwithin24 hrs.The

receptionscreeningdocumentformR1 willbecompletedforallprisoners.(Annex1) Any prisoneridentifiedassufferingwith,or,hasa historyofmentalillnesswillbereferredimmediatelytotheHealthCareCentreforan indepthMentalHealthAssessment(formAnnex


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'A3.Two healthcareprofessionalswillcompletethis.One willhaveanRMN orequivalentqualification.The assessmentwillproducean initialcareplan(formAnnex'B_)fortheimmediatecareofthepatientuntilafurtherassessmentismade bytheMedicalOfficerorthePsychiatrist.Allattemptswillbe made toaccesspreviousmedicalrecords,whichwillbepassedon toclinicalstaff.Ifpreviousclinicalnotescannotbeaccessed,thentherationaleforthisshouldberecordedandtherelevantactionplan,tofindinformation,indicated.The locationofthepatientwithinthePrisonwillbe decidedon thebasisofhisassessment.Indicators of self-harm or suicide risk will be addressedvia Director rule 18.1.

2. Psychiatric services will be provided to the Prison at all times. TheAssistant Director Healthcare has contractual responsibility for thisservice and ensures that the service adequately meets the populationsneeds as identified by Health Care NeedsAssessment. An on siteservice will be provided regularly for non-urgent casesand a telephoneadvice and emergency service will also be provided by the Serviceprovider. The service provider will operate within the Prison multi-disciplinary team and liasewith NHSacute facilities where a referralhas been made requesting transfer under part III of the Mental HealthAct 1983.

Psychiatric reports for courts will be provided by the forensic specialistwhere applicable. The requests will be processedby the medicalsecretary at HMP& YOI Doncaster. The system will be monitored bythe specialist providing the service and the clinical manager. A ClinicalAudit of the procedures will be completed annually as part of theHealth Care Needs assessment.

3. The nursing skill mix will be maintained wherever possibleto ensure anindependent provision of RMNor equivalently qualified nursing staff atall times. The clinical manager will ensure this skill mix is maintained.

The RMNwill be assigned to each mentally disordered patient and will-carry out a detailed RiskAssessment (Form Annex 'A_. A care plan willbe initiated (form ANNEXB). It will be multi-disciplinary and willinclude community agencies wherever possible. Regular review will becarried out (maximum 28 days). It will be the responsibility of theRMNto ensure PCO'sare aware of any special needsor risks posed toothers by the prisoner having a mental illness.

4. The National Service Framework for Mental Health has identified sevenStandards for promoting mental health and treating mental illness.The psychiatric team within Healthcare will meet these Standards asfollows: -


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Standard 1: Mental Health Promotiona) Reception nurse for Mental Health assigned to Receptionto

screen new receptionsfor mental health problems.b) Use of in-cell televisionto inform and educateprisonerson

issuesof mental healthand servicesavailablein the HealthcareCentre.

c) Increase awarenessof mental healthissuesamongst prisonstaff to reduce discrimination against and social isolation ofprisoners with mental health problems.

Standards 2 & 3" Primary Care and Access to Servicesa) Accessto primary care will be ensured by effective assessment

by a mental health professional.b) Specialistreferrals will be completed, as required.c) Accessto serviceswill be ensured by prompt assessmentand

referrals and by increased information being available e.g.Samaritans.

Standards 4 8. 5: Effective Services for People with SevereMental Illnessa) Eachprisoner will have a named nurse and will be reviewed

regularly.b) Eachprisoner will have a copy of his care plan which is to

include actions to be taken in a crisis (Annex B).c) Eachprisoner will have accessto services 24 hrs a day, 365

days a year.d) Eachprisoner should have accessto an appropriate hospital bed

and the referral out will be co-ordinated with Healthcare staff,psychiatrist and CPAteam, if need indicated.

e) Eachprisoner with a severe mental illness will have a dischargecare plan as per the CPA,Mental Health In ReachTeam.

Standard 6: Carers and Family Membersa) Family can accessHealthcareand discussany concerns re:

mental health with nursing staff.b) Family members will be offered support and accessto other

agencies i.e. via telephone help lines.

Standard 7: Preventing Suicidea) Healthcare staff to promote mental health for all within the

prisonenvironment.b) Healthcarestaff will deliver highquality primary mental health

care.c) Ensurethorough risk assessmentsare carried out and At Risk

prisoners identified.d) Ensurethat staff are competent to assessthe risk of suicide.


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e) Regular multi-disciplinary HRATmeetings to be held Monday toFridayweekdays only with emergency HRATif required atweekends.

5. To ensure that all new NICE, National ServiceFramework andBenchmarking Directives and Guidelinesare incorporated into policiesand practice immediately on an on-going basis.

Monthly multi-disciplinary meetings will be held to review patient careand ensure the continuous delivery of care, which is based on bestpractice.

Multi-Agency meetings will be held quarterly to build and maintain linkswith community and voluntary agenciesand to promote the exchangeof information and ideas.

6. Assessmentsof prisoners with mental health problems need toconsider any history of substance misuse. Approximately 50% ofpeople seeking help with substance misuse also have mental healthproblems and 30% of people with mental health problems will havecurrent substance misuse problems (National Service Framework -Mental Health). Therefore, a multi-disciplinary approach will be usedwhen treating prisoners with a dual diagnosisto ensure holistic care isdelivered. Individuals with a diagnosis of co-morbidity are also atincreased risk of suicide and, therefore, staff are to be made aware ofthis and take appropriate actions to minimise the risk.

At discharge from the Prisonthe Assistant Director Healthcare andMental Health In ReachTeam will undertake to ensure that therelevant clinical information is passedto the community services andthat adequate arrangements have been made by other agencies toensure the continued care of the patient as per CPA. A dischargesummary will be produced for the responsiblespecialist and the GP. Athree to five day supply of take home medication will be madeavailable for the patient on discharge. The Assistant DirectorHealthcare and the Forensicconsultant will endeavour to ensure thatthe arrangements are adequate to ensure the continuation of care.

Healthcare staff will ensure that all relevant CPAdocumentation iscompleted prior to discharge.


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16-SLJL-2BB3 13:_3 FROM HHP LOWDHAM GRAt40E TO 9@1382328_54 P. _/86

: , • . . • .

Prisoners Name r /. _ , -'_ ...... .., ,, ,,,- . ..... ,, . ,, __,,,. , 2?To be used as a summary of the comprehensive assessment and management plan, or as a brief up-datewhen' a detailed versionis not required

r !Involvement of ServiceUserand/or other staffin assessment

II _1__ .J ..Ill ...... .ill . II1 " " II I 11112 .... ti.,, :=1

.Prim_ Risks Identified

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_Ttrbe di_e_edwith .......................................................................................................

Information needed


-- ., , , L -- ,, I '/"_


/L, 1 ....... ' 'f _' .... '. " I ' '"

.. • , ,r , • • a

Time Reviewl_te, .. Completed.By , ,, . ........ Date '.-_/ ..... i5 1 0 -

• ' II _ I III ii il III i .__J iii

Clinical ri_k management tool 1380e "l Comnilecl by ih ")g,.hme_'r_

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Attitude negative / neutral / positiveAppearance unkempt / normalMood depressed / neutral / happy /elated / anxiousSpeech retarded / normal / pressuredOrientation full / partial / disorientated / withdrawn

Does the prisoner exhibit any abnormal behaviour? YES/NOIs the prisoner under the influence of alcohol or drugs? YES/NOHas the interviewer raised any concerns about the prisoner's mental health? YES/NOWas the offence against a relative or partner YES/NOHas concern been expressed by any outside agency? YES/NOCheck prison records for self-harm / Suicide YES/NO


Height .......................................................... Other relevant findings: .................................

Weight ......................................................................................................................................

BP ....,...................................,..................................... ,.........,.........................,..................

:Urine .....................................................................................................................................DRUGSHISTORYHave you ever used drugs? YES/NO Smoking YES/NO ........ per dayHave you ever injected YES/NO Shared / Never sharedVaccinated against Hep B? YES/NO Date completed ....................................Tetanus YES/NO Alcohol YES/NO Unitsper week ............Polio YES/NO CARATSreferral YES/NOMeningitis C vac (Under the age of 25) ..............................

Recent Drugs used (including Alcohol)

Drug Amount Last Used IV / Othera)b)c)CONCLUSIONRECEPTION

F2052SH Opened YES / NO Any self harm or suicide Ideation YES / NO(Raise an F2052SH if prisoner talksabout feeling suicidal or if self-harm is otherwise indicated)Medication Prescribed YES / NO Any signs of clinical depression YES / NO

Detox Offered YES / NO Any signs of other mental illness YES / NO

Other Health Care referral YES / NO other into including Rx ..........................................

Location (normal/comm cell/HCC/ ..................................................................................seg/flat access

Labour grading I / II / III ..................................................................................

Fit Gym YES / NO ..................................................................................

Fit Kitchen YES/NO

Nurse: ................................................ Doctor: ............................................................

Signature: ................................................ Signature: ............................................................

Date: ................................................ Date: ............................................................

FORM RI -6511

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Annex 5


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SafeinAshfield strategy1. POLICY

1.1 This policy and strategy document seeks to combine Ashfield's policies onAnti-Bullying, Suicide and Self Harm Procedures, Child ProtectionProcedures and any issues of vulnerability which are raised by staff on anyparticular trainee or young offender.

1.2 The strategy recognises the need to provide support to young peoplegenerally who do not cope well in custody, in a multi-disciplinary way.


2.1 Nominated Leads

The following individuals have been identified as having responsibility for thefollowing strategies

Assistant Director with overall responsibilityDeputy DirectorLead on Overarching Strategy Senior PsychologistLead on Suicide Awareness & Self Harm Senior PsychologistLead on Anti-Bullying AABCLead on Child Protection Senior Psychologist

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2.2 Nominated Leads - Sending A Notice of Vulnerability

2.2.1 If, in the opinion of the Lead of one of following strategies: ChildProtection, Suicide & Self Harm or Anti- Bullying - they consider there maybe broader vulnerability issues, then an Annex I will be completed and:

• One kept on the Lead's file• One copy sent to each of the other nominated Leads e.g. if the

concern has been raised by the Child Protection Co-ordinator, thencopies must be sent to the AABC, and the Suicide & Self Harm Lead.

• One copy sent to the nominated lead on the Overarching Strategy

2.2.2 The Annex 1 will be chronologically numbered, together with the year theAnnex was raised e.g. 1/2003

2.2.3 The other nominated leads will be required to identify on the Annex 1whether they consider that there are any vulnerability issues which needto be raised, and return them to Psychology within 24 hours.

2.3 Nominated Leads - Receiving A Notice of Vulnerability

2.3.1 On receipt of an Annex 1, the nominated leads must complete therelevant sections and return it to the Psychology department within 24hours.

2.4 Assessment of Annex ls by Psychology Department

2.4.1 The Psychology department will track and maintain a record of Annex l'sreceived.

2.4.2 Once all relevant Annex l's have been received the PsychologyDepartment will determine whether at least one other nominated lead hassome concerns with reference a trainee's/young offender's vulnerability.

2.4.3 If another lead has identified a vulnerability issue then a Safe in Ashfield(SIAC) Case Conference must be called within 24 hours - so that theissues can be discussed.

2.4.4 If no other vulnerability issues have been identified by the other Leadsthen no further action will be taken.

2.5 Vulnerability Concerns Raised by Staff

2.5.1 A member of staff may raise their concerns about the vulnerability of atrainee or young offender at any time.

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2.5.2 Staff should complete an Annex 2 and send this to Psychology.

2.5.3 The Annex 2 will be considered together with any information available atthe time and a decision taken by the lead on the Overarching Strategy asto whether the other Leads need to be notified.

2.5.4 If necessary the other Leads will be notified using Annex 1.

3. Safe In Ashfield Case Conferences

3.1 To be chaired by the Senior Psychologist (or designated stand-in)

3.2 Membership will include:

• Senior Psychologist (Chair)• Unit Manager• Personal Officer• Healthcare

• Security• Sentence Planning (Caseworker• AABC• Education• Race Relations Liaison Officer

3.3 Attendance is mandatory.

3.4 If a member cannot attend, for whatever reason, then a nominated andsuitably briefed representative may attend on their behalf.

3.5 Minutes will be taken and decisions taken on how best to manage a trainee'sor young offender's needs.

3.6 If the decision taken by the SlA Case Conference Team is that there is noneed for a multi-disciplinary approach, then this will be minuted and a copy ofthe minutes placed in either the F2052SH, the Stage 1 or 2 Bully Books,VCP, or Child Protection Log (as appropriate).

3.7 If the decision is for a multi-disciplinary approach then Annex 3 should beused and all the relevant support plans pulled together in a single file (theseonly being available from Psychology). A copy of the minutes of the meetingmust be attached.


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4.1 All Leads must maintain their files of Annex 1 in chronological order.

4.2 At least 10% of all notifications will be spot audited each month by the Audit& Compliance Unit.

4.3 All non-compliance's will be reported to the Assistant Director responsible forthe strategy.

Approved .............................................V. O'DeaDirectorHMP & YOI Ashfield

Annex 1 - Notice of Vulnerability (for Leads only)

Annex 2 - Notice of Vulnerability (for any member of staff)

Annex 3 - Safe in Ashfield Strategy Folder

Annex 4 - Flowchart Detailing Interaction between Policies

Annex 5 - Flowchart Detailing the Process to be followed for a SIACC(Safe in Ashfield Case Conference)

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Annex 6


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VOLUME: TWO ISSUE DATE • 17.03.03 PAGE: 1 of 12RULE NO • RES035




To provide a secure and safe environment within HMP & YOI Ashfieldfor those Trainees requiring specifc attention.


2.1 The following Rules are provided for use when dealing with vulnerableTrainees:

YOI Rule 46 (1) / Prison Rule 45 (1)

(1) "Where it appears desirable, for the maintenance of good order ordiscipline or in his own interests, that a trainee should not associate

with other trainees, either generally or for particular purposes, theController, may arrange for the trainee's removal from associationaccordingly."

YOI Rule 46 (2) / Prison Rule 45 (2)

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"A trainee shall not be removed under this Rule for a period of morethan three days without the authority of a member of the Board ofVisitors, or of the Secretary of State. An authority given under thisparagraph shall be for a period not exceeding one month, but may berenewed from month to month except that, in the case of a personaged less than 21 years who is detained in prison such an authorityshall be for a period not exceeding 14 days, but may be renewed fromtime to time for a like period."

YOI Rule 46 (3) / Prison Rule 45 (3)

"The Controller, may arrange at his/her discretion for such a trainee asaforesaid to resume association with other trainees, and shall do so ifin any case the Medical Officer so advises on medical grounds."

No trainee will be located in the Re-orientation Unit without theauthority of the Controller.

Prison Rule 98 A (2)

"Where a Director exercises the powers set out in Section 85 (3) (g) ofthe 1991 Act (Removal from Association, Temporary Confinement andRestraints) in cases of urgency, he/she shall notify the Controllerimmediately."

Under Prison Rule 45/YOI Rule 46, it will be necessary to separatesome vulnerable people for their own protection.

A standardised system for assessment and review of vulnerabletrainee status will be used.

The use of separation should be kept to an absolute minimum andevery support should be offered to those young people who might havea need.

2.2 On initial arrival into custody, every trainee will undergo an immediaterisk/needs assessment in accordance with Director's Rule. The sameprinciples will apply where there is a significant change to the trainee'sstatus, e.g. conviction, further charges.

2.3 A trainee may request vulnerable trainee status OR the member ofstaff interviewing him may consider it necessary due to:

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• The trainee may have been segregated in police custody• A Court recommends vulnerable trainee status

• Information is received from the trainee's legal representative, theCase prosecutor or any other relevant party, e.g.Youth OffendingTeam, indicating that the trainee will be under threat in normallocation.

• The trainee has given evidence against others.• The trainee is an informant.

• Is veryyoung/immature.• Is charged and convicted of offences against children or the

elderly.• Strange psychological characteristics.• Has previously been subject to Rule 45/46.• A real physical threat from other Trainees

2.4 When there is a request, or perceived need for vulnerable traineestatus, the Duty Head of Operations will be contacted, attend andinterview the trainee.

2.5 The Operation Manager, in consultation with others, will decide on themanagement strategy proposal for the Trainee, this may include:-

• Temporary placement in the Healthcare Centre, pending furtherassessments - (this will require the agreement of the SeniorHealthcare Worker on duty).

• Placement on a living unit in shared or single accommodation.When it is shared, the cell-mate should be vetted for suitability andthe living unit staff fully briefed and a note of the assessmentplaced in the Unit Log and 2050.

• Location in the Re-orientation Unit after consultation with theController

2.6 Every effort should be made to minimise the use of Rule 45/46 andstaff must seek to support young people at all times to avoid its use.

2.7 A vulnerable trainee (or potentially vulnerable) must not be left withother young people unless under the direct supervision of staff. Avulnerable person must be escorted by a member of staff at all times.

2.8 Where it is felt that there is no alternative but to apply Rule 45/46, theDuty Operations Manager will ensure that Annex A is completed andthis form (1299H), together with Annex B, is given to the AssistantDirector Residential, or in his absence the Duty Director, for signing.The form will then be passed to the Controller for authorisation.

2.9 The Controller will consider the request and either approve the requestor give reason for non-approval. A copy of the form will be filed withthe 2052 and an entry made on the 2050.

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2.10 Where the Controller is not available, the Director may authorise theuse of Rule 45/46 but this will be an exceptional case and theController will be contacted by phone/pager and verbal authoritysought. No trainee will be located in the Re-orientation Unit withoutthe approval of the Duty Director.

2.11 Where a trainee requires segregation beyond 3 days, the authorisationmust be approved by the Board Of Visitors. The BOV will authorise thefurther detention on Annex B.

2.12 The trainee will receive a copy of Annex C which outlines the reasonfor segregation.

2.13 Whilst normally a trainee will request segregation under Rule 45/46, itis open to the Controller to segregate the trainee for his own protectionagainst the individual's wishes.

2.14 Where a trainee is approved, but declines segregation, he should beasked to complete Annex D. If he declines to do so, the DutyOperations Manager should sign the form to that effect, and a copyplaced in 2050 and entry made.

2.15 Where the Board of Visitors refuses to sign a continuation of Rule45/46 the Director should contact the Area Manager for further advice.


3.1 A trainee located in the Re-orientation Unit, can make a written requestto return to normal location. He must complete form Annexes E andF. Returning to normal location can be immediate or based on astructured plan, which will involve integrating the trainee in stages. Aplan will be drawn up by an Operations Manager and agreed with thetrainee.

3.2 A formal care management review change will take place after thetrainee has been located in the Re-orientation Unit for 3 days. Thiswill cover the regime and management strategy for the trainee andconsider all options to return the trainee to normal location or considertransfer to another establishment. A formal record of this review willbe kept and filed in the 2050 and a copy provided to the Controller.

3.3 The Re-orientation Unit will retain a YOI Rule 46/Prison Rule 45Register and submit a copy to the Compliance Officer by no later thanthree days after the end of the month. (Annex G)

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Name: ............................................................................................

Prison Number: ................................................................................

Current Location: ..............................................................................

(d.o.b.) ...........................................................................................

Unconvicted/Convicted/Sentenced...... oo ....... =..°..° .... ,o.,°, .... °o°°°.o .... °° .... ° ......

I understand that Vulnerable Trainee status may limit my choices during thisand future periods in custody.

I wish to apply for Vulnerable Trainee Status because:-

I understand that I will be located in the Re-orientation Unit. I understandthat if my behaviour in any way threatens the safety of others, or their senseof security, I may be moved to another Wing. I understand that I may applyto return to normal location at any stage.

Trainee's Signature: .................................................................

Date: ..............................................................................................

YES / NO Signature: .............................................................

Name: ..................................................................

Date: .........................................

Head of Operations supportingStatement, giving reasons for decision:

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1. NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT: ...................................................


PDP No: CRO No: Prison No:

Surname: Forenames DOB:

Status (tick box) Unconvicted [] Awaiting Sentence [] Sentenced []

If sentenced give EDRJARD/CRD ...................................................................


3. Segregation Details

Date of Segregation ..............................................

Reason (tick box)

In interest of good order & discipline [] In Inmates' own interest (own protection) []

Director's detailed description of circumstances:

Controller's * Authorisation Signature .............................................. Date .................

Director's Signature .................................................................... Date .................

4. Continued authorisation by BOV member

I saw this inmate on ....................... (date)*. I authorise this inmate's continued segregationuntil ........................ (not later than 14 days, from the Expiry of Director's authorisation)

...................................................... (signed) Member of Board of Visitors

...................................................... date

Any further comments may be given overleaf

• If authorisation was given by telephone, the date, time and name of the individualgiving authorisation should be given below.

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You have been segregated under Prison Rule 45 / YOI 46 for themaintenance of good order and discipline/in your own interests by theHome Office Controller for the following reasons:-

Date: Signature:


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Name: ..............................................................................................

Prison No: .........................................................................................

Current Location: ................................................................................

D.O.B ...............................................................................................

Unconvicted [] Convicted [] Sentenced []

I have been advised of the provision of Prison Rule 45 / YOI 46, as it isfelt that I might be at risk from other young people. I have decided thatI do not want to apply for separation under these rules.

Signed: ...............................................................

Witnessed by: ...................................................... (Member of Staff)

Date: ..................................................................

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Trainee name: .................................................................................

Trainee number: ..............................................................................

Location: ..........................................................................................


Signature ........................................................................................

Date ................................................................................................

Operation Manager:

Signature ............................................

Name ..................................................

Date ...................................................

Assistant Director- Recommended/not recommended

Signature .............................................

Name ..................................................

Date ...................................................

Controller- Removed/not removed from Rule 45/46

Signature ...........................................

Name ..................................................

Date ...................................................

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Trainee Name :Prison Number :Location

I wish to return to normal location. I have been involved in making thisaction plan and agree to follow it.

Action Plan:

1. Attend structured activities on the Unit to prepare for mixing withtrainees on normal location.

Activity a b cTime/dayStart date

2. Attend structured activities off the Unit to mix with trainees onnormal location.

Activity a b cTime/DayStart date

3. Move within prison without PCO escort

Start Date:

4. Return to normal residential location

Start Date:

I understand that during the process, whilst staff will endeavour tosafeguard me, the level of supervision will be that of trainees within themainstream population.

I accept this level of supervision.

Signature .......................................

Date ..............................................

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Date JuvenileDate/First Trainee Signed by or Trainee Review Due Reviewed Removed

Segregated No.& Name BOV Location Reason Date- By Date/Time


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Annex 7


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VOLUME: TWO ISSUE DATE : 13.04.04 PAGE : 1 of 2RULE NO: RES014


SUBJECT : Trainee and Staff Consultative Committee (TASCC)


1.1 The Trainee and Staff Consultative Committee has been established to provide aforum for management and trainees at HMP & YOI Ashfield to discuss thedevelopment of activities, to disseminate information and to improve communicationson issues of common interest.


2.1 The membership of the Trainee and Staff Consultative Committee (TASCC) will be :

• The Director, or designated representative, and other Managersas deemed appropriate to reply to agenda items.

• The on Duty Operations Manager• A staff TASCC Co-ordinator (normally a Unit manager) appointed by the


• A TASCC Chairman as elected by the TASCC representativesand approved by the Director

• One (1) trainee representative from each housing unit.

2.2 The TASCC will meet each Thursday Afternoon in the Amenities Building.

2.3 The TASCC Co-ordinator will meet with the trainee members of the committee eachWednesday to establish the agenda items to be submitted to the Personal Assistantto the Director by 1600 hours that day.

2.4 The agenda items will be submitted by the Personal Assistant to the relevantdepartment managers for response preparation. Each Manager requiring to respondto the agenda items will be required to be present at the scheduled TASCC meeting.

2.5 Minutes of the meeting will be kept by the Programmes Administration Assistant andcopies will be placed in each trainee housing unit, a copy kept on file in the Director'sOffice and a copy submitted to the Director of Operations at HMP & YOI Ashfield.

2.6 The TASCC will address general issues concerning the trainee activities,programmes, trainee services and operational issues affecting their living standards.

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Personal trainee issues will not be addressed by this committee and should be routedthrough the established trainee grievance procedure.

3.0 The Standing Agenda

3.1 Each meeting will run to the following agenda:

• Minutes of previous meeting• Health and Safety• Personal Officer

• Anti-Bullying• Rewards and Sanctions• Race Relations

• Catering• Trainees Agenda (covering concerns from all wings)• Anyother business


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Annex 8


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RULE NO: PROG028 ISSUE NO: 3 PAGES : 10DATE : 09.01.04




Dovegate is committed to creating a prison that is lawful, safe andreasonable. This means that it upholds the importance of diversity andthe need to eradicate unfair discrimination on the basis of colour, race,nationality, ethnic or national origins, religion, gender, sexualorientation, age or disability.

2 It is the director's responsibility for ensuring that the terms of the PrisonService's race relations policy statement are reflected in practice andthat no improper discrimination occurs within Dovegate.

3 The Prison Service race relations policy statement is at annex A.

Diversity group

4 The diversity group will comprise:

- the director (chair)

- RRLO - main prison

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- A member of the multi faith team

- member of the Independent Monitoring Board ( as anobserver)

- a representative from the probation team.

- a person nominated by East Staffordshire Racial EqualityCouncil.

- a representative of the catering department.

- a representative from the education department.

- Functional managers.

- Prisoner representation

5 Wing based prisoner race relation representatives will be elected onthe wings by the prisoners.

6 The terms of reference of the diversity .qroup are:

to promote racial equality & eliminate discrimination

to promote diversity in Dovegate.

to provide an effective management system to record andanalyse performance including ethnic monitoring, racialincidents, staff training

- to report on work achieved and audit performance

- to support the work of the RRLOs.

- to provide quarterly/annual returns


7 All staff appointed to work at HMP Dovegate will be given diversitytraining.

8 The diversity group will maintain links with East Staffordshire RacialEquality Council, and other relevant outside organisations.

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Racial incidents

9 A racist incident is defined as "any incident which is perceived to beracist by the victim or any other person". Complaints can be made bya complainant (a prisoner), a witness (prisoner, member of staff orvisitor), or a member of staff receiving the complaint.

10 Prisoners

Complaints about racial incidents can be made by prisoners in anumber of ways:

orally to any member of staff.

through the complaints system.

on a racist incident reporting form (see annex C) which willbe made available on wings, visits areas, Segregation unitand Healthcare.

directly to the Commission for Racial Equality

Prisoners will be informed about the process during Induction andinformation will be displayed on relevant noticeboards.

All racist incidents, including minor incidents which have been resolvedinformally must be reported to the RRLO.

11 Informal grievance reports by prisoners. In the first instance, aprisoner should speak to their unit manager in an attempt to solve theproblem. The prisoner can also seek the assistance from the wingbased prisoner representatives.

12 Details of any issue should be logged in prisoners wing file by the wingofficer or unit manager and a racist incident reporting form annex Ccompleted. The wing officer or unit manager wilt return the tear off slipat section 2 of the form to the person reporting the incident. The formmust be sent to the RRLO who will decide if further action is required.

13 If the prisoner prefers, he can request a racial incident reporting formfrom prisoner representatives on the wings. These forms are freelyavailable on the wings and in each designated area. If necessary,prisoners can obtain help from a prisoner representative, and post thecompleted form into the white RRLO box situated next to the unitmanagers office. It can be sent in a sealed envelope if required.

14 StaffInformal and formal reporting by staff. Staff should report any incidentwhich may have a racist element. This can be done by:


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- security incident reports (SIRs).

- completion of a racist incident reporting form annex C. Theseforms are readily available from managers in eachdepartment.

15 VisitorsInformation will be available for visitors in visitor centre, visits area andat the gate. Racist Incident Reporting Forms (RIRF) will be madeavailable and visitors will be informed about the process using thenotice at Annex D


The RRLO will keep a comprehensive log of all information on reportsreceived. The log should be examined regularly and signed by theDirector. The log should also be made available to the Area Manageron his visits,

17 Reports filed under the grievance procedure will be actioned.

Racist incident reporting forms received directly by the RRLO will usethe same system of acknowledgement, interim reply, grievancewithdrawal, reply request, reminder and draft reply. These will beactioned by the RRLO.

18 The RRLO will track the progress and outcome of any investigation andsupply a monthly report to the director. This report will be presentedand discussed at the diversity group.

19 Racist incidents will be investigated by the RRLO in consultation withthe Director and where necessary they will be investigated by theInvestigations Officer.

20 Reli.qious observance

The religion of all prisoners will be entered on the LIDS and localcomputer system on reception.

21 A member of the multi faith team will interview all new receptions andadvise them of the provisions made for observance of their particularreligion.

22 All religious articles allowed in possession will be subject to securityconstraints (also see director's rule RES 004). Any disputes will bereferred to the director.

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23 Diets and caterinq

See director's rule on prisoner meals for details on the provision ofspecialised diets on religious grounds. Individual issues will bediscussed with the catering manager as required.

24 Canteen/shop

Products which cater for the needs of minority ethnic prisoners will beavailable for purchase. The stocks will be discussed in PIAC.

25 Libraries/information

The library will provide an extensive range of appropriate and wellbalanced books devoted to foreign language and ethnic minorityinterests.

The library will provide ethnic minority newspapers.

Where possible information leaflets in minority languages will beprovided.

Approved .........................................Kevin RogersDirectorHMP Dovegate


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Dovegate prison aims to be lawful, safe and reasonable.It upholds diversity. It acts against discrimination on thebasis of colour, race, nationality, ethnic or national origins,religion, gender, sexual orientation, age or disability.

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HM Prison Dovegate


Position Title Race Relations Liaison Officer

Department Programmes

Reporting Relationship Director


To act as a source of information to both prisoners and staff and be prepared, wherenecessary, to discuss complaints of a racially sensitive nature with prisoners.

To be prepared to act to resolve misunderstandings between prisoners and staff andmust be prepared to report any racist incidents or issues to the Race RelationsManagement Team (RRMT) and/or the Director.

Principal duties and Accountabilities

• To act as a central source of information on relevant legislation, instructions,PSO 2800 and to keep as fully informed as possible about the ethnic minoritygroups from whom individuals in custody may be drawn.

• To make him/herself known and available to staff and prisoners as a sourceof information and advice so that they may understand and implement thepolicies

• Advise and work with the Race Relations Management Team (RRMT) toachieve its objectives

• To assist in providing local training in race relations

• To being actual or potential problems to the attention of the Director, theRRMT or the appropriate member of staff; and to provide advice on resolvingor preventing them.

• Develop contact between establishments and outside minority ethnic groupand other organisations in order to further mutual understanding andknowledge

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• To ensure systems exist and are implemented for recording and reportingcomplaints and racist incidents and action taken.

• To investigate racist allegations and advise the director of the outcome

• To maintain a log of all racist incidents

• To chair or, in your absence, appoint a chair of the prisoners diversity group(forum)

• Provide reports as required to relevant staff/agencies

Special Instructions:

Hours: 8 hours min per week (PSO 2800)


This position reports to: Director

Reviewed by:



,, Desirable Race Relations Training

Completion of Investigations course

• Minimum


Working within a secure environment.


Awareness of prison/directors rules and relevant PSO.

Skills and Abilities

Must be Management Level, capable of dealing with sensitive issues, goodorganisational skills.

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Annex C Racist Incident Reporting Form

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Annex D


Premier Prison Services and H.M. Prison Service takes all allegations ofracist behaviour seriously. The Director General of the Prison Service hasoutlined his own personal commitment to eradicating racism within the PrisonService.

To this end, a Racist Incident Reporting Form is available across the whole ofthe Prison Estate. This form can be completed by anyone who is a victim or awitness to an incident within the prison. This can be a prisoner, any memberof staff, any official or family visitor or anyone else.

If you have been the victim of or witness to racist behaviour, you cancomplete the Racist Incident Reporting Form or you can make your complaintverbally to a member of staff and ask them to complete the form on yourbehalf. Copies of the form are available in all Visitors Centres or alternativelycan be obtained by simply requesting a copy from any member of staff.

Each prison establishment has a designated Race Relations Liaison Officer(RRLO). If you are using the form to make a complaint concerning racistbehaviour, or if you are asking a member of staff to submit a form on yourbehalf, in either case, the form should be directed to the establishmentsRRLO. The form has a tear off slip which must be given to the personreporting the incident. You are strongly encouraged to supply contactaddress details so that the tear off slip can be sent to you acknowledging thatyour complaint has been received and is being investigated further. There isno obligation for you to provide these details, but it will be more difficult tokeep you informed of the outcome of your complaint without them. Anydetails you do provide will be kept in the strictest confidence.

H M Prison Service

Diversity & Equality groupJune 2002

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