syllable structure and extrametricality: a typological and...

1 Syllable structure and extrametricality: a typological and phonetic study * Matthew Gordon, Carmen Jany*, Carlos Nash, Nobutaka Takara University of California, Santa Barbara *California State University, Riverside Contact author: Matthew Gordon [email protected] Department of Linguistics University of California, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA 93106 Abstract This paper proposes a functional basis for final consonant extrametricality, the asymmetric status of CVC syllables as stress-attracting in non-final position of a word but stress-rejecting in final position. A typological study of phonemic vowel length pattern in 10 languages with this final vs. non-final stress asymmetry and 30 languages in which CVC attracts stress in final position indicates a robust asymmetry between languages differing in their stress system’s treatment of final CVC. Languages that asymmetrically allow stress on non-final but not on final CVC all lack a phonemic vowel length contrast in final position, whereas those lacking the stress asymmetry often have contrastive length in final vowels. It is claimed that the absence of phonemic length in languages that do not stress final CVC facilitates the nearly universal pattern of phonetic final lengthening, which threatens to obscure the perception of phonemic length. The enhanced lengthening of final vowels in languages with final phonemic vowel length reduces the duration ratio of CVC relative to CV, thereby reducing CVC’s perceptual prominence and thus its propensity to attract stress in keeping with Lunden’s (2006) * The authors wish to thank Bruce Hayes, Anya Lunden, and an anonymous reviewer for their many helpful comments on earlier drafts of this paper. A great debt of gratitude is also owed to the speakers providing data for the phonetic studies. This work was funded by NSF grants BCS0343981 and BCS0553771 to the first author. Any errors and misconceptions are solely the responsibility of the authors.

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Page 1: Syllable structure and extrametricality: a typological and · CV CVC CVCC CVVC t aÉ! µµ t a p!


Syllable structure and extrametricality: a typological and phonetic study*

Matthew Gordon, Carmen Jany*, Carlos Nash, Nobutaka Takara

University of California, Santa Barbara *California State University, Riverside

Contact author: Matthew Gordon

[email protected]

Department of Linguistics University of California, Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara, CA 93106


This paper proposes a functional basis for final consonant extrametricality, the

asymmetric status of CVC syllables as stress-attracting in non-final position of a word

but stress-rejecting in final position. A typological study of phonemic vowel length

pattern in 10 languages with this final vs. non-final stress asymmetry and 30 languages in

which CVC attracts stress in final position indicates a robust asymmetry between

languages differing in their stress system’s treatment of final CVC. Languages that

asymmetrically allow stress on non-final but not on final CVC all lack a phonemic vowel

length contrast in final position, whereas those lacking the stress asymmetry often have

contrastive length in final vowels. It is claimed that the absence of phonemic length in

languages that do not stress final CVC facilitates the nearly universal pattern of phonetic

final lengthening, which threatens to obscure the perception of phonemic length. The

enhanced lengthening of final vowels in languages with final phonemic vowel length

reduces the duration ratio of CVC relative to CV, thereby reducing CVC’s perceptual

prominence and thus its propensity to attract stress in keeping with Lunden’s (2006)

* The authors wish to thank Bruce Hayes, Anya Lunden, and an anonymous reviewer for their many helpful comments on earlier drafts of this paper. A great debt of gratitude is also owed to the speakers providing data for the phonetic studies. This work was funded by NSF grants BCS0343981 and BCS0553771 to the first author. Any errors and misconceptions are solely the responsibility of the authors.

Page 2: Syllable structure and extrametricality: a typological and · CV CVC CVCC CVVC t aÉ! µµ t a p!


proportional duration theory of weight. A phonetic study of two languages differing in

the stress-attracting ability of final CVC offers support for the proposed account. Arabic,

which displays consonant extrametricality and largely lacks phonemic vowel length in

final position, has substantial final vowel lengthening, whereas Kabardian, which stresses

final CVC and contrasts vowel length in final position, lacks substantial final


Page 3: Syllable structure and extrametricality: a typological and · CV CVC CVCC CVVC t aÉ! µµ t a p!


1. Introduction

Final syllables resist stress in many languages. For example, in Pintupi (Hansen and

Hansen 1969, 1978) and Northern Sámi (Nielsen 1926), stress falls on odd-numbered

syllables but not on final syllables. One of the more interesting types of final stress

avoidance is found in several languages in which a syllable type that is stressed in non-

final position fails to attract stress word-finally. For example, In Cairene Egyptian Arabic

(Mitchell 1960, McCarthy 1979, Hayes 1995), a penultimate syllable attracts stress if it is

either closed (CVC) or contains a long vowel (CVV) (1a). A final syllable attracts stress,

however, only if it contains a long vowel or is closed by a long consonant or cluster

(CVCC) (1b). A final CVC syllable is not stressed (1c), even though CVC is stress-

attracting in the penult.

(1) Egyptian Arabic stress (examples from Funk 1985)

(a) mu"darris ‘teacher (’ (p.49), dZa"mi…la ‘beautiful (’ (p.49)

(b) mu"him… ‘important’ (p.110), xa"bi…r ‘specialist’ (p.49)

(c) "ba…rid ‘cold’ (p.49), "asxan ‘hotter’ (p.49)

Typically, the asymmetric behavior of CVC as heavy, i.e. stress-attracting, word-

internally but not word-finally is handled by treating a word-final consonant as

extrametrical (Hayes 1979, 1995). In moraic theory (Hyman 1985, Hayes 1989), this

means that CVC is monomoraic, and thus light, in final position, while non-final CVC

and final CVCC are bimoraic and heavy (Figure 1).1 Final syllables containing a long

vowel are also bimoraic and heavy, since extrametricality only affects consonants.

1 The possibility of trimoraic syllables has also been suggested in the literature, e.g. in Estonian (Hayes 1989).

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t a p


µ µ


t a



Non-final syllables

t a…


µ µ

Final syllables


t a…<p>


µ µ

t a p<t>


µ µ

t a<p>



t a



Figure 1. Moraic configurations assuming consonant extrametricality

Another species of extrametricality is found in languages in which all final

consonants, even clusters, are metrically ignored. In Klamath (Barker 1964), the heaviest

type of syllable in the stress system is CVV(C), which attracts stress over other syllable

types (2a). In words with multiple CVV(C) syllables, the rightmost one takes stress (2b).

In disyllable words without CVV(C), stress falls on the first syllable (2c). In trisyllabic or

longer words with only CV syllables, stress falls on the antepenult (2d). A CVC penult,

however, attracts stress from the antepenult (2e) demonstrating its heavy status non-

finally. Crucially, though, unlike final CVV(C), final CVC(C) does not attract stress in

polysyllabic words: n0is"q'a…k ‘little girl’ vs. "Glegatk ‘dead’, Although this type of

consonant transparency is not typically regarded as an instance of extrametricality for

theory-internal reasons (Hayes 1995), it differs minimally from the variety of

extrametricality exemplified by Arabic in terms of the syllable types that count as heavy

in final position.

(2) Klamath stress (examples from Barker 1964:35-8)

(a) gaba…"tambli ‘goes back to shore’, ga"w0i…napbabli ‘is going among again’,

sak'amsi"ne…/ ‘to be lonesome’, n0is"q'a…k ‘little girl’

(b) ga…"mo…la ‘finishes grinding’

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(c) "lol0al ‘to lie’, "Glegatk ‘dead’, "gepgi ‘come!’

(d) "tS'aw0iga ‘is crazy’

(e) sa"Gapd°Zol ‘to play cat’s cradle’, se"sadwi ‘to sell’

2. The phonetic basis for extrametricality

2.1. The intonational basis for extrametricality

As part of a broader research program examining phonetic motivations for phonological

patterns, phonologists have recently begun to explore the phonetic correlates of

extrametricality. For example, building on a hypothesis advanced by Hyman (1977),

Gordon (2001) explores the intonational basis for final stress repulsion. He argues that

tonal crowding avoidance accounts for the leftward displacement of stress from the final

syllable in certain languages. The unmarked intonational tune in most languages consists

of a final pitch trough (see Hirst and Di Cristo 1998 and Jun 2005 for surveys of

intonation systems), whereas phrasal stress is typically associated with raised pitch. In

order to avoid the articulatory and perceptual demands of realizing an excursion from

pitch peak to pitch trough on a single syllable, many languages push stress to the left of

the final syllable. Stress systems like that of Klamath (Barker 1964), in which stress falls

only on final syllables containing a long vowel and not on final CVC or CVCC, can also

be explained in intonational terms. Parallel to tone languages which restrict contour

tones to long vowels (see Zhang 2002 for typology), languages like Klamath only allow a

transition from high to low pitch on syllables with the greatest sonority, those containing

a long vowel. Gordon’s account finds support from languages, e.g. Yupik, Chickasaw,

Hill Mari, in which final stress avoidance effects are stronger in phrase-final position,

where the intonational factors driving extrametricality are most compelling, than phrase-

medially, where tonal crowding is less likely to be a factor.

Gordon’s (2001) intonation-based account of extrametricality, however, does not

readily extend to languages like Cairene Arabic in which final CVCC but not final CVC

is stress attracting, since it is not clear why CVCC should have any advantage over CVC

in supporting a pitch transition. Consonants, especially obstruents, do not offer much

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assistance in realizing pitch (see Zhang 2002), so there is no apparent explanation for

why the entire class of CVCC syllables should be privileged in attracting stress in final


2.2. The durational basis for extrametricality

Recent work by Lunden (2006) has offered an alternative account of consonant

extrametricality couched in durational rather than intonational terms. Her account offers

an explanation for the Cairene Arabic type of extrametricality in which final CVCC but

not final CVC attracts stress. She argues that the stress attracting ability of CVC in

Norwegian, a language like Cairene Arabic with final consonant extrametricality, is

predictable from phonetic duration. Results from her phonetic study of Norwegian show

that the duration ratio of final CVC to final CV is much smaller than the ratio of non-final

CVC to CV, a pattern attributed to the cross-linguistically pervasive phenomenon of final

lengthening (Wightman et al. 1992), which reduces the CVC to CV duration ratio in final

position. Lunden suggests that there is a threshold duration ratio relative to CV that a

syllable must exceed in order to attract stress in a given position. Non-final CVC and

final CVCC and CVVC exceed this threshold in keeping with their heavy status, whereas

final CVC does not in keeping with its light status. Norwegian arguably lacks final CVV

(Lunden 2006).

3. The link between syllable structure and extrametricality: a functional account

This paper explores the typological and phonetic basis for consonant extrametricality

building on Lunden’s duration-based approach. It is shown that the duration patterns

claimed to underlie consonant extrametricality are ultimately linked to functional

pressures induced by phonemic length contrasts. A comparative survey of languages with

consonant extrametricality and those in which final consonants are not extrametrical

reveals an interesting correlation between vowel length and weight of CVC. Languages

in which final CVC is light are far more likely to lack a phonemic length contrast in

word-final vowels than languages in which final CVC is heavy. It is claimed that this

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difference in vowel inventory offers a functional explanation for differences in phonetic

duration patterns between the two types of languages. Relative to languages with

contrastive length in final vowels, in languages without a contrast in vowel length, the

cross-linguistically pervasive and phonetically natural phenomenon of final lengthening

is free to exert a greater phonetic effect, since there is no threat of final lengthening

threatening the perceptibility of a phonemic contrast. The greater final lengthening effect

in languages without final phonemic length makes final CV durationally closer to CVC

than in languages with a final length contrast and less final lengthening. In addition, a

parallel relationship between phonemic length and phonetic duration holding of

consonants also potentially impacts the duration of final CVC relative to final CV. A

language with a contrast between singleton and geminate consonants in final position is

predicted to allow less final lengthening of the singleton consonants since substantial

lengthening could obscure the perception of the length contrast in consonants; this

constraint on final consonant lengthening would thus reduce the CVC to CV duration

ratio in final position. The reduction of the CVC to CV duration ratio both in languages

with a contrast in final consonant length and in languages without a contrast in final

vowel length is claimed here to be correlated with the light status of final CVC following

Lunden’s (2006) proportional duration theory of weight. The relationship between

phonemic length and phonetic lengthening in final position is depicted schematically in

table 1.

Table 1. Relationship between phonemic length and phonetic length of vowels and

consonant in final position and the weight of final CVC

Segment Phonemic Length Phonetic Length CVC:CV Ratio CVC Weight

Yes Less Greater Heavy Vowels

No More Smaller Light

Yes Less Smaller Light Consonants

No More Greater Heavy

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The typological link between phonemic vowel length and weight of final CVC

found in the present survey is supported by a phonetic experiment conducted on two

languages differing in the weight of final CVC: Arabic which treats final CVC as light

and Kabardian which treats final CVC as heavy. It is shown that the effects of final vowel

lengthening are greater and those of final consonant lengthening smaller in Arabic, which

lacks a phonemic length contrast in final vowels but possesses one in final consonants.

4. Speech perception and final length

Basic to the account of extrametricality proposed here is the notion that speech

perception plays an important role in the organization of phonological systems.

Perceptual considerations have long been invoked to account for phonological patterns.

For examples, Liljencrants and Lindblom (1972) show that vowel inventories are

constructed to maximize the perceptual distinctness of different vowels. Bladon (1986)

argues that a number of phonological patterns ranging from dissimilation to the

distribution of laryngeal segments are driven by perceptual factors.

Directly germane to the present study, speech perception has also played a

prominent role in recent literature exploring the phonetic basis for syllable weight.

Gordon (2002a) develops a model of syllable weight in which languages adopt weight

distinctions that create maximal perceptual distinction between heavy and light syllables

along the phonetic dimension of perceptual energy. Goedemans (1998) shows that the

characteristic transparency of syllable onsets in stress systems is related to listener’s

relative insensitivity to the duration of consonants in onset position.

Lunden (2006) also presents an account of consonant extrametricality grounded in

perception. Drawing on the observation that duration plays an important role in the

perception of stress cross-linguistically (Fry 1958; see Beckman 1986 and Cutler 2005

for reviews of the literature), Lunden suggests that syllables must be sufficiently long

relative to the lightest type of syllable, CV, in order to be treated as heavy in a language.

Syllables that fail to exceed a threshold of length proportional to CV in the same position

in a word will not attract stress. CVC is considered heavy in non-final syllables in so

many languages because it meets the proportional length threshold. In final syllables,

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however, CVC in many languages is not long enough relative to CV to be heavy because

of the effects of final lengthening on both syllable types. Final lengthening is a nearly

universal phonetic phenomenon targeting sounds at the right edge of prosodic domains,

where the degree of lengthening is typically correlated with the size of the constituent

boundary, i.e. greater lengthening is observed at phrasal boundaries than at word

boundaries (Wightman et al. 1992). Given the occurrence of final lengthening, the

durational ratio of CVC to CV is much greater in non-final than in final syllables, as

Lunden observes, even though the absolute duration difference between CVC and CV

may be similar in the two positions.

Lunden supports her proportional duration theory of weight with phonetic data

from Norwegian, a language that treats CVC as heavy in non-final position but as light in

final position, where two coda consonants are required to make a syllable containing a

short vowel as heavy. The Norwegian weight system is thus similar to that of Arabic

discussed earlier in section 1. Lunden shows that CVC is 80% longer on average than

CV in non-final position, but only 27% longer than CV in final position, since both

syllable types are targeted by final lengthening. CVXC, where X stands for either the

second half of a long vowel or the first consonant in a coda cluster, on the other hand is

74% longer than CV in final position since the added segmental content compensates for

the additional length associated with final position. The duration profiles of the rime in

CV, CVC, and CVCC in final and non-final position are shown schematically in figure 2.

Duration values are calculated as a percentage of the total word duration.

Figure 2. Average rime/word duration proportional increase over same-position CV

(from Lunden 2006:76)

Lunden suggests a threshold value of 60% which a syllable type must exceed CV by in

order to count as heavy in a given position, though the exact value of this threshold is not

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important. What is crucial in her account is that there is some threshold value of

proportional length that must be exceeded in order for a syllable to be regarded as heavy

in a given position.

Since Lunden’s theory appeals to the phonetic effect of final lengthening to

account for contextual variation in the weight of CVC, it assumes that final lengthening is

present in all languages that asymmetrically treat final CVC as light but non-final CVC as

heavy. Although final lengthening is a nearly universal phenomenon, the degree of final

lengthening varies considerably from language to language. For example, Delattre (1966)

finds a ratio of final-to-non-final syllable duration of 1.17:1 in Spanish but a ratio of

1.78:1 for French. In Creek, Johnson and Martin (2001) find a final:non-final vowel

duration ratio of approximately 1.35:1. Gordon and Munro (2007) find the same ratio for

Chickasaw. Lee and Seong (1996) observe a ratio of 1.8:1 in Korean. Nagano-Madsen

(1993) observes that final vowels in Inuktitut range from 1.5 to 1.79 times longer than

non-final vowels.

While many of the observed cross-linguistic differences in degree of final

lengthening are plausibly attributed to differences between studies in the type of prosodic

boundary examined, it is also true that the extent of phonetic lengthening simply varies

from language to language just as any other phonetic parameter, e.g. vowel duration,

consonant voice onset time, etc., differs between languages. The question then becomes

how much of this cross-linguistic variation is arbitrary versus how much is explained by

other properties of the language. It is well known that one characteristic of a language’s

phonology may impact other properties. For example, vowel-to-vowel coarticulation is

less extensive in languages with many contrastive vowel qualities than in languages with

fewer vowels (Manuel 1990). In the realm of stress, languages that use fundamental

frequency to signal lexical contrasts are less likely to use it as a cue to stress (cf. Everett

1998 on Pirahã, Potisuk et al. 1996 on Thai). Similarly, in languages with phonemic

vowel length, e.g. Finnish, phonetic duration is not as available as a marker of stress as in

a language where duration does not carry such a high functional load.

Phonological weight also appears to be bound by functional considerations related

to phoneme inventory. Gordon (2002a) shows that languages without a phonemic length

contrast are far more likely to draw weight distinctions based on vowel quality, e.g.

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between vowels of different height, than languages with phonemic length. The reason for

this he argues is due to durational differences between the two types of languages: in

languages without phonemic vowel length, the inherently longer vowel qualities, lower

vowels (Lehiste 1970), are free to lengthen substantially without the potential for

obscuring the perception of a length contrast. The greater lengthening of lower vowels

creates a greater length differential between vowels of different heights making this

difference more likely to be exploited by a weight system seeking to have maximally

divergent heavy and light syllables. In languages with phonemic vowel length, on the

other hand, lower vowels are constrained in the amount of subphonemic lengthening they

may undergo since too much lengthening could potentially interfere with contrastive

vowel length. The reduced lengthening effect decreases the likelihood of a stress system

exploiting a weight distinction based on vowel height. Ahn (2000) also argues that

phonemic length contrasts are relevant for predicting syllable weight patterns. She

suggests that CV syllables reject stress because the lengthening associated with stress

would potentially jeopardize the perception of phonemic vowel length.

One might also expect final lengthening to be constrained by the functional load

of duration in signalling phonemic length contrasts. Languages in which vowel length is

phonemic in final position are less free to employ final lengthening than languages in

which vowel length is not contrastive. The potentially deleterious effect of final

lengthening on the perception of phonemic length likely is one factor (among others such

as vowel devoicing and non-modal phonation) contributing to the neutralization of vowel

length contrasts in final position (see Barnes 2002 for typology). Presumably, in these

languages, the substantial reduction of duration ratios between long and short vowels

undermined the perception of phonemic length sufficiently to lead to elimination of the

distinction entirely.2

If the presence of phonemic length in final vowels plays an important role in

conditioning the extent of final lengthening, we would also expect it to affect the weight

2 Interestingly, the outcome of neutralization can be phonologized on a language-specific basis either as a short vowel, e.g. Kinyarwanda (Myers 2005), or as a long vowel, e.g. Tiberian Hebrew (Prince 1975, McCarthy 1979). On the basis of perception data from Finnish, Myers and Hansen (2007) argue that final shortening plausibly originates from the presence of a devoiced phase in final vowels, which tends to be factored out in listener’s perceptions of phonemic length.

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of final CVC. In languages with phonemic vowel length word-finally, final phonetic

lengthening effects should be smaller thereby leading to proportionally greater CVC-to-

CV duration ratios than in languages without phonemic vowel length. In languages

without phonemic vowel length in final position, final vowel lengthening is predicted to

be greater thereby reducing the CVC-to-CV duration ratio. According to the proportional

duration theory of weight, we would thus expect final CVC to be more likely to be

treated as light in languages without phonemic vowel length. This prediction can be

tested in two ways. First, one can examine the status of final phonemic vowel length in

languages that asymmetrically treat CVC as heavy non-finally but light finally.

Languages with this type of weight system should be biased against final phonemic

vowel length cross-linguistically. In contrast, languages that treat CVC as heavy both

finally and non-finally should not display the same bias against contrastive vowel length

in final position. Another way to evaluate the proportional duration theory is to look at

phonetic duration in languages that asymmetrically treat CVC as light finally but heavy

non-finally and compare their duration patterns with those found in languages that treat

CVC as heavy word-finally. We would expect to find higher final CVC-to-CV duration

ratios in languages that treat CVC as heavy word-finally.

5. The present study

The present study employs both a typological component and two individual phonetic

case studies to test the proportional duration theory of final weight. For the typological

study, a survey of phonemic vowel length in languages with both heavy final CVC and

languages with light final CVC was conducted. The individual case study phase consists

of a phonetic study of duration patterns of heavy and light syllables in two languages. In

one of these languages, Kabardian, CVC is heavy in final position, whereas in the other

language, Egyptian Arabic, CVC is light word-finally but heavy non-finally. Egyptian

Arabic thus resembles Norwegian, the language examined by Lunden (2006), in its

contextually governed weight of CVC. It differs crucially, however, in possessing fewer

confounds in the relationship between stress and syllable types. Most crucially, final

CVC does not occur on the surface in Norwegian due to the coupling of a restriction

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against unstressed final closed syllables in the native vocabulary with a ban on short

stressed vowels followed by a single short consonant. This means that it is impossible to

tease apart stress and the weight of final closed syllables, since all final closed syllables

are both stressed and end in either a geminate or a consonant cluster, i.e. end in CVCC.

Thus, there is a virtual absence of unstressed CVC on the surface, meaning that the

unstressed final CVC appearing in Lunden’s corpus of nonsense words does not conform

to typical syllable patterns of Norwegian. The upshot of this is that language-specific

limitations on Norwegian phonotactics make it impossible to directly compare the

duration of final CVC with that of final CVCC. In contrast, Egyptian Arabic, the object

of phonetic study in the present work, lacks this gap, since both CVC, which is

unstressed, and CVCC, which is stressed, occur on the surface.

6. A cross-linguistic survey of phonemic vowel length and final CVC weight

A total of 40 languages served as the object of study in the cross-linguistic survey of the

relationship between final CVC weight and final phonemic vowel and consonant length.

The survey consisted of two types of languages: those in which final CVCC and non-

final CVC are heavy but final CVC is light and those in which both final CVC and final

CVCC (if it occurs) are heavy (collapsed as CVC(C) heavy). The relevant weight criteria

were potentially observed for either primary or secondary stress. Languages in the

survey were drawn from the Stresstyp database (, which

includes data on stress from 510 languages of which only a subset possess the requisite

properties to be included in the present study. Original source materials were consulted

to determine the status of vowel and consonant length in final position. Only a single

dialect (assuming traditional, often political rather than linguistic-based, designations of

different language varieties as dialects as opposed to separate languages) was included in

the case of languages, e.g. Arabic, for which several dialects with the same weight status

of final consonants were included in StressTyp. A total of 40 languages were included in

the survey of final consonant weight; a list of the languages (in alphabetical order) and

their weight and phonemic length patterns appears in table 2. A superscripted a indicates

languages for which the relevant weight distinction is limited to secondary stress.

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Table 2. Languages with final weight distinctions and their phonemic length contrasts

Language (Dialect) Source(s) Final

heavy σ

Final V… Final C…

Amele Roberts (1987) CVC(C) No No

Arabic (Egyptian) Mitchell (1960), McCarthy



Avar Kodzasov (1999),

Alekseev (1997)

CVC(C) No No

Awadhi Saksena (1971) CVC(C) Yes No

Bagvalal Kodzasov (1999) CVC(C) Yes No

Basque (Hondarribia) Hualde (1999) CVC(C) No No

Bhojpuri Trammel (1971) CVC(C) Yes Yes

Capanahua Elias-Ulloa (2005) CVC(C) Yes No

Danish Rischel (1982), Basbøll


CVC(C) Yes No

Dutch Trommelen and Zonneveld



English Hayes (1982) CVCC No No

Estoniana Hint (1973) CVCC No Yes

German Jessen (1999) CVCC No No

Gooniyandi McGregor (1990) CVC(C) Yes No

Hindi Kelkar (1968) CVC(C) Yes No

Kara Schlie and Schlie (1993),

De Lacy (1997)

CVC(C) No No

Kilivila Senft (1986) CVC(C) No No

Koyaa Tyler (1969) CVC(C) Yes No

Kristang Baxter (1988) CVC(C) No No

Mam England (1983) CVC(C) Yes No

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Manam Lichtenberk (1983) CVC(C) No No

Mundari Cook (1966) CVC(C) No No

Ndyukaa Huttar and Huttar (1994) CVC(C) Yes No

Norwegian Lunden (2006), Rice



Provençal Roca (1999) CVC(C) No No

Rama Grinevald (n.d.) cited in


CVC(C) Yes No

Romanian Steriade (1984) CVCC No No

Romansch (Bergüner) Kamprath (1987) CVC(C) No No

Sentani Cowan (1966), Elenbaas (1992, 1998)

CVC(C) No No

Shipibo Elias-Ulloa (2005) CVC(C) Yes No

Sindhi Khubchandani (1969) CVC(C) Yes No

Spanish Harris (1983) CVCC No No

Stoney Dakota Shaw (1980, 1985) CVCC No No

Swedish Bruce (1999) CVCC No Yes

Tiberian Hebrew (Prince 1975, McCarthy

1979, Dresher 1980,

Rappaport 1984,

Churchyard 1989, 1999)

CVC(C) Yes No

Tol Fleming and Dennis

(1982), Holt (1999)

CVC(C) No No

Unami Goddard (1979, 1982) CVC(C) Yes No

Yana Sapir and Swadesh (1960) CVC(C) Yes No

Yapesea Jensen (1977) CVC(C) Yes No

Yaqui Johnson (1962), Dedrick


CVC(C) Yes No

The number of languages in which final CVCC is heavy but final CVC is light was far

smaller than the number in which both final CVC and final CVCC (if it occurs) are

Page 16: Syllable structure and extrametricality: a typological and · CV CVC CVCC CVVC t aÉ! µµ t a p!


heavy. A total of 10 languages fell into the former category (CVCC but not CVC heavy):

Egyptian Arabic, Dutch, English, Estonian, German, Norwegian, Romanian, Spanish,

Stoney Dakota, Swedish.3 It should be noted that this figure is somewhat inflated due to

the inclusion of 4 Germanic languages: 2 West Germanic and 2 North Germanic

languages. It is also interesting to observe a geographic skewing in the data: most of the

languages (8 of 10) that treat CVC as light are spoken in Europe, whereas very few (4 of

30) languages that treat as heavy are European.

All 10 languages with light final CVC lack a vowel length contrast in word-final

position, although, as discussed above, Egyptian Arabic makes a morphological contrast

between final CV and final CVV, which is confounded with a difference in stress. It may

also be mentioned that certain Arabic dialects appear to have a more robust length

contrast in final position, e.g. certain Levantine Arabic varieties (Broselow et al. 1997). It

is also interesting to note that 4 of the 10 languages distinguish between singleton and

geminate consonants in final position: Egyptian Arabic, Estonian, Norwegian, and

Swedish. In Norwegian and Swedish, the situation is complicated somewhat by the

compensatory relationship between vowel and consonant length: in final syllables, a

short vowel must be followed by a long consonant while a long vowel is obligatorily

followed by a short consonant.

There were far more languages, 30 in total, in which CVC (and CVCC) is heavy

in final syllables. Among the 30 languages, there was a bias toward possessing phonemic

long vowels in final position with 18 having long vowels in this position compared to 12

without them.4 Only one language (Bhojpuri) could be clearly identified as possessing

phonemic consonant length in final position.

As these results show, the distribution of phonemic vowel and consonant length

differs substantially between languages that treat final CVC as heavy and those that treat

3 Ancient Greek (Steriade 1988) also might be regarded as a language in which final CVCC is heavier than final CVC. The Ancient Greek prosodic system, however, is based on pitch accent rather than stress unlike the languages discussed here. Furthermore, unlike the more typical cases of extrametricality, the weight of the final syllable does not bear on the accent bearing ability of the final syllable itself but rather on the accentability of the penultimate syllable (see Sauzet 1989 and Golston 1990 for tonal analyses of Ancient Greek). 4 One of these languages, Tiberian Hebrew, is reported to have only long vowels in final position. It is unclear what predictions the present account would make for such a language since it apparently lacks the syllable type hypothesized to serve as the basis for comparative evaluation of duration.

Page 17: Syllable structure and extrametricality: a typological and · CV CVC CVCC CVVC t aÉ! µµ t a p!


it as light. In languages with heavy final CVC, there is a skewing in favor of phonemic

vowel length and against phonemic consonant length in final position, whereas in

languages with light final CVC, phonemic vowel length in final position is absent

whereas phonemic consonant length is more common (though still rarer than a lack of

phonemic consonant length). Chi-squared tests for vowel length and consonant length

were conducted in order to determine whether these distributional differences between

languages with different weight criteria are statistically robust. Results indicated a

reliable difference between the two language types along the two length parameters

(vowel and consonant length); for vowel length, p=.001, χ2=10.909; for consonant

length, p=.0024, χ2=9.219. Additional analyses were conducted excluding all but one of

the Germanic languages (one analysis including a language with light final CVC and

another analysis including a language with heavy final CVC) in order to eliminate the

possibility of a genetic bias influencing the results. The statistical results remained

significant in the additional analyses.

In summary, a cross-linguistic survey examining the relationship between final

consonant weight and final phonemic vowel and consonant length indicates that

languages differing in weight of final CVC also tend to differ in their phonemic length

contrasts in final position. As predicted, languages that treat final CVCC as heavier than

final CVC lack phonemic vowel length contrasts and have an enhanced propensity for

phonemic consonant length, though languages with light final CVC and phonemic

consonant length in final position still constitute the minority of cases. Conversely,

languages with heavy final CVC have a bias toward phonemic vowel length in final

position and against consonant length.

7. A phonetic study of final CVC weight

In order to explore the hypothesized link between phonemic and phonetic length in final

position, two languages with different final weight distinctions were targeted in a

phonetic study. In one of these languages, Egyptian Arabic, CVC is heavy non-finally

but light finally. Length is contrastive in final consonants but not final vowels. In the

Page 18: Syllable structure and extrametricality: a typological and · CV CVC CVCC CVVC t aÉ! µµ t a p!


other language, Kabardian, CVC is heavy word-finally. Length is contrastive for final

vowels but not final consonants.

7.1. Egyptian Arabic

Stress in Egyptian Arabic falls on a superheavy (CVVC, CVCC) final syllable (3a). If

the final syllable is not superheavy, stress falls on a heavy (CVV or CVC) penult (3b). If

the penult is light, stress falls on either the penult (3c) or the antepenult (3d), whichever is

separated by an even number of syllables (including zero) counting from the nearest

preceding heavy syllable or, in a word with all light syllables, by an even number of

syllables counting from the beginning of the word.

(3) Egyptian Arabic stress (examples from Funk 1985 and Mitchell 1975)

(a) mu"him… ‘important’ (F p.110), xa"bi…r ‘specialist’ (F p.49)

(b) "ba…rid ‘cold’ (F p.49), "Surba ‘soup’ (F p.49), mu"darris ‘teacher (’ (F p.49),

dZa"mi…la ‘beautiful (’ (F p.49)

(c) /adwija"tuhu ‘his drugs (nom.)’ (M p.79)

"radZul ‘man’ (F p.42), Sad°Za"ratun ‘tree (nom.)’ (M p.78)

(d) an"fusuhum ‘themselves (m)’ (F p.143), "SadZara ‘tree’ (F p.49),

Sad°Za"ratuhu ‘his tree (nom.)’ (M p.80), "nafsuki ‘yourself (f)’ (F p.143)

Vowel length in absolute word-final position is not contrastive in the native

vocabulary with one exception: a morphological contrast in verbal forms between the 3rd

person singular masculine object suffix and forms lacking this suffix: e.g. "maska ‘she is

holding’ vs. mas"ka… ‘she is holding him’ (Birkeland 1952: 36). Crucially, this length

difference is confounded with a stress difference as well, so it is unclear whether length

or stress is basic (see Birkeland for discussion). Vowel length in word-final position is

not contrastive at the lexical level, unlike vowel length in other contexts. Historically, the

loss of a productive length contrast in final position was due to a chain shift, whereby

final short vowels were lost and final long vowels were shortened (Birkeland 1952).

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7.1.1. Methodology

A list of words was compiled such that all occurring syllable types were represented in

both stressed word-final and stressed non-final syllables. Non-final target syllables

occurred in the first syllable of disyllabic words, whereas final target syllables occurred

in monosyllabic words. The selection of monosyllables for measurement of final

syllables was necessary since final stressed CV and CVC are restricted to monosyllabic

words. Non-final syllables included CV, CVC and CVV, while final syllables consisted

of CV, CVC, CVVC and CVCC. CVCC and CVVC do not occur non-finally and final

CVV is limited to verbal forms that are longer than one syllable. Final CVV, if included,

would thus not have been comparable to other final syllables in terms of overall word

length, a factor known to influence the duration of individual segments (Lehiste 1970).

Final CV and CVC were closed class lexical items, since open class monosyllabic words

in Arabic are subject to a minimal word requirement of CVVC or CVCC. As the results

discussed below indicate, although CV and CVC words are subject to considerable

lengthening, neither their vowels nor, in the case of CVC, their coda consonant reach the

duration of true phonemic long segments. This suggests that the minimality requirement

does not apply to closed class lexical items.

Measured syllables all contained the low vowel /a/, while codas consisted of a

sonorant (either /n/ or /m/) or, in the case of final CC clusters, a sonorant plus fricative

sequence. The list of examined words appears in the appendix. Target words occurred in

final position of a semantically bleached carrier phrase Kalimat __________ ‘The word

is ________’. Each word and the surrounding phrase were uttered a total of five times.

Four speakers (two female and two male) of a Lower Egyptian Arabic dialect were

recorded reading the list. Recordings were made in a sound treated booth using a DAT

recorder and a headworn Shure SM10 microphone. Data were subsequently transferred

to computer for analysis using Praat ( The onset and offset of the second

formant as discerned visually from a spectrogram were adopted as the beginning and end

points, respectively, of non-final vowels. Discontinuities in the waveform and

Page 20: Syllable structure and extrametricality: a typological and · CV CVC CVCC CVVC t aÉ! µµ t a p!


spectrogram were used to mark other segment boundaries. In the case of final vowels,

the offset of a clearly visible second formant was taken as the end point of the vowel.

The proportional duration theory of weight predicts that the duration ratio of CVC

to CV in non-final position, where CVC is heavy, will exceed the ratio of CVC to CV

word-finally, where CVC is light. A substantial final vowel lengthening effect is

predicted to account for the proportionally smaller CVC-to-CV duration ratio in final

position relative to non-final position. More generally, the duration ratio of all heavy

syllable rimes relative to CV should exceed that of all light syllables relative to CV in

both final and non-final contexts.

7.1.2. Results

Overall results for Arabic validated the examined hypotheses linking duration and

weight. The CVC-to-CV duration ratio was greater in non-final position than in final

position and the duration ratio of heavy syllables to CV in both positions was greater than

the ratio of light syllables to CV. This result was due primarily to a substantial final

lengthening effect in final CV syllables. We now consider the results for individual

speakers in detail.

Figure 3 shows the duration of the rime in all final syllables for the four speakers

in the study.

Page 21: Syllable structure and extrametricality: a typological and · CV CVC CVCC CVVC t aÉ! µµ t a p!












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M1 F1 M2F2

Figure 3. Rime duration in final syllables for four speakers of Egyptian Arabic

As expected, the heavy syllables CVVC and CVCC are both substantially longer than the

light syllables CV and CVC for all speakers. A two-factor analysis of variance with

speaker and syllable type as independent variables indicates a significant effect of both

factors on rime duration: for speaker, F (3, 63)=100.507, p<.0001; for syllable type, F (3,

63)=879.156, p<.0001. Furthermore, individual speaker differences produced an

interaction between speaker and syllable type: F(9, 63)=24.366, p<.0001.

Fisher’s posthoc tests grouping together data from all speakers indicated that all

rime types differed durationally from each other at the p<.0001 level. Statistical tests

conducted for individual speaker data indicated a largely similar pattern. For all speakers,

a one-factor ANOVA taking syllable type as the independent variable indicated a

significant effect of syllable type on duration: for speaker M1, F(3,15)=219.197,

p<.0001; for speaker F1, F(3,16)=320.064, p<.0001; for speaker F2, F(3,16)=207.102,

p<.0001; for speaker M2, F(3,16)=237.785, p<.0001. Posthoc tests showed that all four

rimes occurring in final position differed from each other at the p<.0001 level for all

speakers with two exceptions. For speaker M2, the difference between CV and CVC was

slightly less significant at p=.0002. For speaker F1, there was an insignificant difference

Page 22: Syllable structure and extrametricality: a typological and · CV CVC CVCC CVVC t aÉ! µµ t a p!


between CV and CVC. Interestingly, there was variation between speakers in the duration

of the two heavy syllables relative to one another with three speakers having a longer

CVCC than CVVC and one speaker (F1) displaying a reversal of this pattern.

Vowel duration in final syllables is plotted in figure 4.













el D


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M1 F1 M2F2



Figure 4. Vowel duration in final syllables for four speakers of Egyptian Arabic

An ANOVA was conducted over the entire data set with speaker and syllable type

as independent variables. There was a significant effect of both speaker (F (3,

63)=174.597, p<.0001) and syllable type (F (3, 63)=518.130) on duration. In addition,

there was an interaction between the factors: F (9, 63)=12.825, p<.0001. Posthoc tests

indicated a tripartite distinction in vowel duration. The phonemic long vowel in CVVC

was longest followed by the lengthened vowel in final CV, followed by the phonemic

short vowel in CVC and CVCC, which did not differ in duration from each other. All of

the pairwise duration comparisons were significant at the p<.0001 level except for the

distinction between the vowel in CVC and CVCC, which was not statistically robust.

Individual speaker ANOVAs revealed a significant effect of syllable type on vowel

duration for all four speakers: for speaker M1, F (3, 15)=204.600, p<.0001; for speaker

F1, F(3, 16)=148.583, p<.0001; for speaker F2, F (3, 16)=72.212, p<.0001; for speaker

Page 23: Syllable structure and extrametricality: a typological and · CV CVC CVCC CVVC t aÉ! µµ t a p!


M2, F (3, 16)=175.435, p<.0001. All four speakers showed the same pairwise differences

between syllable types in posthoc tests. All syllables differed from each other in vowel

duration at minimally the p<.001 level except for CVC and CVCC, which differed from

each other for none of the speakers.

Figure 5 examines the effect of context on the two syllables, CV and CVC, that

occur both finally and non-finally. CVC rimes are separated into the vocalic and

consonantal portions.





M1 F1 M2F2


e D


tion (

in m





Final C

Non-final V

Non-final C

Figure 5. Rime duration (split by vowel and final consonant) of final and non-final CV

and CVC for four speakers of Egyptian Arabic

A three-factor ANOVA was conducted with speaker, syllable type, and position

serving as independent variables and rime duration as the dependent variable. All three

factors exerted a significant effect on duration values: for speaker, F (3, 64)=137.125,

p<.0001; for syllable type F (1, 64)=927.083, p<.0001; for position, F (1, 64)=374.780,

p<.0001. In addition, all of the two way interactions were significant: speaker and

syllable type, F (3, 64)=13.283, p<.0001; speaker and position, F (3, 64)=10.257,

Page 24: Syllable structure and extrametricality: a typological and · CV CVC CVCC CVVC t aÉ! µµ t a p!


p<.0001; syllable type and position, F (1, 64)=135.081, p<.0001. There was also a three-

way interaction between all factors: F (3, 64)=21.089, p<.0001. In individual speaker

ANOVAs, all four speakers had a significant effect of position on duration: for speaker

M1, (F (1, 16)=110.781, p<.0001); for speaker F1, F (1, 16)=81.535, p<.0001; for

speaker F2, F (1, 16)=29.155, p<.0001; for speaker M2, F (1, 16)=203.741, p<.0001. This

result was attributed to a substantial lengthening effect on final syllables. In addition,

duration was influenced by syllable type for all speakers: for speaker M1, (F (1,

16)=361.496, p<.0001); for speaker F1, (F (1, 16)=100.579, p<.0001); for speaker F2, F

(1, 16)=192.517, p<.0001; for speaker M2, F (1, 16)=347.049, p<.0001. This difference

was attributed to the greater length of CVC relative to CV. Three of the four speakers (all

except speaker M2) also displayed an interaction between position and syllable type: for

speaker M1, F (1, 16)=49.485, p<.0001; for speaker F1, (F (1, 16)=124.680, p<.0001; for

speaker F2, F (1, 16)=10.079, p=.0059. An asymmetric final lengthening effect present

for CV but not CVC was responsible for this interaction. Three of the four speakers

displayed this asymmetry. For speaker M1, final CV (146 milliseconds) was nearly three

times as long as non-final CV (50 milliseconds), whereas final CVC (211 milliseconds)

was only marginally longer than non-final CVC (192 milliseconds). For speaker F1, final

CV (237 milliseconds) was nearly twice as long as non-final CV (119 milliseconds),

while final CVC (230 milliseconds) and non-final CVC (242 milliseconds) were

virtually equivalent in duration. Final CV was also nearly double the length of non-final

CV for speaker F2, 117 milliseconds vs. 68 milliseconds, while final and non-final CVC

had roughly equivalent durations: 177 milliseconds for final CVC vs. 165 milliseconds

for non-final CVC. Only speaker M2 displayed a substantial lengthening effect on both

final CV and final CVC. Final CV was nearly twice as long as non-final CV: 163

milliseconds vs. 82 milliseconds. Final CVC was roughly 35% longer than non-final

CVC: 251 milliseconds vs. 185 milliseconds.

For the CVC syllables, a two-factor ANOVA with speaker and position as

dependent variables were conducted to assess the effect of final position on the vocalic

and consonantal phases of the syllable. For the vowel portion, there was a significant

effect of speaker (F (3, 32)=66.492,p<.0001) but not position on duration values. There

was an interaction between the two factors as well: F (3, 32)=15.651, p<.0001. For codas,

Page 25: Syllable structure and extrametricality: a typological and · CV CVC CVCC CVVC t aÉ! µµ t a p!


there was an effect of both position (F (1, 32)=24.326,p<.0001) and speaker (F (3,

32)=11.409,p<.0001) on values and also an interaction between the two factors (F (3,

32)=18.519,p<.0001). Posthoc tests indicated a significant overall effect across speakers

on coda duration (p<.0001) but not vowel duration in CVC. An individual speaker

ANOVA for speaker M1 with position as the tested variable indicated a significant effect

of position on both vowel (F (1, 8)=18.643,p=.0026) and coda (F (1, 8)=17.392,p=.0031)

duration, though the durational patterns were reversed for the two phases. Non-final

vowels were slightly longer than final vowels (88 vs. 60 milliseconds) whereas final

consonants were longer than non-final consonants (151 vs. 104 milliseconds). For

speaker F1, there was an effect of position on both the vowel (F (1, 8)=11.707, p=.0091)

and the coda consonant (F (1, 8)=7.345,p=.0267) in CVC. However, for this speaker,

final vowels were marginally longer than non-final vowels (120 vs. 108 milliseconds),

while non-final codas were slightly longer than final codas (134 vs. 110 milliseconds).

Speaker F2 did not show an effect of position on either the vowel or the coda in CVC.

Speaker M2 displayed an effect of position on coda (F (1, 8)=56.762,p<.0001) but not

vowel duration in CVC. The consonant in final CVC was longer than the one in non-final

CVC: 157 vs. 97 milliseconds.

Summarizing the comparison of final vs. non-final position, the most consistent

result was the asymmetric lengthening of the rime in final CV but not final CVC for all

but one of the speakers. The lack of an overall lengthening effect on final CVC is

attributed to either a lack of lengthening of either the vowel or the consonant in final

CVC (speaker F2) or the occurrence of shortening in either the vocalic (speaker M1) or

consonantal (speaker F1) phase of final CVC, which offsets the slight lengthening of the

other portion of the rime. The one speaker who did have a longer overall rime duration

for final CVC (speaker M2) displayed a lengthening effect in the consonant but none in

the vowel. In any case, for even the two speakers who did lengthen the coda consonant

in final CVC, the degree of consonant lengthening was considerably less than that

observed for vowels in final CV.

The consistent lengthening of final CV but not final CVC for the majority of

speakers is an interesting result since cross-linguistic studies of final lengthening have

shown that final consonants are also targeted by final lengthening (Berkovits 1993, Oller

Page 26: Syllable structure and extrametricality: a typological and · CV CVC CVCC CVVC t aÉ! µµ t a p!


1979). A language-specific property of Arabic, however, likely explains this difference

between Arabic and other languages. Arabic contrasts single and geminate consonants in

final position, meaning that a substantial increase in length of the final consonant in CVC

could endanger the perceptual robustness of the consonant length contrast. Thus, just as

we have hypothesized that the degree of final vowel lengthening is constrained by the

presence of phonemic vowel length, the degree of final consonant lengthening is

plausibly also sensitive to phonemic contrasts in duration. In fact, the combination of

phonemic consonant length and the lack of phonemic vowel length plausibly conspire to

reduce the duration ratio between final CVC and final CV, thereby reducing the

likelihood of CVC being treated as heavy in final position.

We now consider in figure 6 the duration ratios between various syllable types

and CV in the equivalent position in both final and non-final contexts. Within the data

group for a single speaker, only the leftmost syllable, CVC in final position, is light,

while the remaining four syllable types, final CVCC and CVVC, and non-final CVC and

CVV, are heavy.

Page 27: Syllable structure and extrametricality: a typological and · CV CVC CVCC CVVC t aÉ! µµ t a p!




tion r


o r


tive to C








M1 F1 M2F2



Final Non-final Final Non-finalFinal Non-finalFinal Non-final

Figure 6. Duration ratio between various rimes and CV in the equivalent context for four

speakers of Egyptian Arabic

As predicted by the proportional duration theory of weight, all of the heavy

syllables are longer relative to CV in the same context than the light syllable, final CVC.

A horizontal line indicates this separation between heavy and light syllables. All of the

heavy syllables are at least twice as long as CV, while light final CVC is considerably

less than twice as long as final CV.

In summary, the proportional duration theory of weight is supported by the

duration patterns characteristic of final and non-final syllables in Egyptian Arabic. Final

CV undergoes considerable lengthening which reduces the duration ratio of other syllable

types relative to it. The lengthening of final CV creates a substantial asymmetry in the

proportional ratio of CVC relative to CV in the same context: CVC is much longer than

CV in non-final syllables but only slightly longer than CV in final syllables. The absence

of lengthening in final CVC for the majority of speakers further reduces the durational

ratio of CVC to CV in final position in accordance with the light status of final CVC. The

asymmetric lengthening of final CV but not final CVC has a functional explanation in

Page 28: Syllable structure and extrametricality: a typological and · CV CVC CVCC CVVC t aÉ! µµ t a p!


terms of contrast maintenance. Final CV is free to lengthen substantially due to the lack

of a phonemic length contrast in word-final vowels, whereas final CVC is constrained in

the extent to which it may lengthen since lengthening could threaten the perceptual

robustness of the phonemic contrast between singleton and geminate consonants in final


7.2. Kabardian

Kabardian is a Northwest Caucasian language spoken primarily in the Kabardino-Balkar

Republic of Russia and in Turkey. Stress in Kabardian (Abitov et al. 1957, Apazhev et

al. 1975, Colarusso 1992, 2006) is phonologically predictable, falling on a final heavy

syllable, equivalent to CVV, CVC (4a), and otherwise on the penult (4b) (Certain

suffixes fall outside of the stress domain but this is not relevant for the present


(4) a. så"b´n ‘soap’, tåp"Såg ‘plate’, sa…"bi… ‘baby’, na…"nu… ‘kid’

b. "pa…så ‘early’, "m´Så ‘bear’, Xå|"z´nå ‘good’, /å"da…q’å ‘rooster’

The stress attracting ability of final CVC and CVV indicates that both are heavy in final

position, in contrast to light CV. Because weight only is relevant in determining the

stressability of final syllables, weight does not come into play in non-final syllables.

Thus, the crucial data for assessing the proportional duration theory of weight involve

syllables in final position.

7.2.1. Methodology

The Kabardian data consisted of words varying in the type of syllable occurring in final

position. Focus was on CV and CVC, the two syllables occurring in both final and non-

final syllables in both Kabardian and Arabic. In addition, the examined final syllables in

Kabardian included CVV, CVCC, and CVVC. CV and CVC were also examined in

penultimate position to allow for comparison of the relative effects of final lengthening

Page 29: Syllable structure and extrametricality: a typological and · CV CVC CVCC CVVC t aÉ! µµ t a p!


on the two syllable types and to allow for comparison with the Arabic results. All target

syllables were stressed in order to control for the possibility of stress influencing

duration. Words ending in stressed CV were monosyllabic due to the nature of the stress

system. To allow for a more direct comparison of CV and CVC, final CVC was also

elicited in a monosyllabic word. The other heavy syllable types appeared in disyllabic

words, since the long low vowel does not occur in monosyllables. The corpus of

examined words appears in the appendix.

Target words were recorded from three native speakers (two female and one

male) of Kabardian from Turkey directly onto a computer at a sampling rate of 44.1kHz

using a portable handheld microphone in a quiet room. Five tokens of each word were

recorded. Duration measurements were taken using Praat ( following the

same procedure employed in the analysis of Egyptian Arabic.

7.2.2. Results

Overall results indicated a less pervasive final lengthening effect on final CV in

Kabardian compared to Egyptian Arabic. Final lengthening was only observed for one of

the three Kabardian speakers and the degree of lengthening for this speaker was smaller

than that observed in Arabic. The lack of consistent lengthening in final CV in Kabardian

is consistent with the heavy status of final CVC in Kabardian. We now consider results

for individual speakers in detail.

Figure 7 displays the duration of final rimes in Kabardian for the three speakers

providing data.

Page 30: Syllable structure and extrametricality: a typological and · CV CVC CVCC CVVC t aÉ! µµ t a p!















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M1 F1 F2 Figure 7. Rime duration in final syllables for three speakers of Kabardian

The heavy syllables CVC, CVV, CVCC, and CVVC are all substantially longer than the

light syllable CV. A two-factor analysis of variance with speaker and syllable type as

independent variables indicates a significant effect of both factors on rime duration: for

speaker, F (2, 61)=70.609, p<.001; for syllable type, F (4, 61)=590.645, p<.001.

Furthermore, there was an interaction between speaker and syllable type: F(8, 61)=6.532,


Fisher’s posthoc tests indicated that all rime types differed durationally from each

other, except for CVV and CVC. All of the statistically robust pairwise comparisons were

significant at p<.001 except for CVVC vs. CVCC (p=.022). Statistical tests conducted for

individual speaker data indicated a largely similar pattern. For all speakers, a one-factor

ANOVA taking syllable type as the independent variable indicated a significant effect of

syllable type on duration: for speaker M1, F (4, 18)=101.666, p<.001; for speaker F1, F

(4, 21)=470.592, p<.001; for speaker F2, F (4, 22)=319.474, p<.001. Posthoc tests

showed that all four rimes occurring in final position differed from each other at the

p<.001 level for all speakers with a few exceptions. For speaker M1, the difference

between CVC and CVV and the difference between CVCC and CVVC were not

significant. For speaker F1, CVC and CVV differed at p=.009, while CVCC and CVVC

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did not differ from each other. For speaker F2, CVC and CVV did not differ from each

other, while CVCC and CVVC differed from each other at p=.003.

Figure 8 depicts vowel duration in final syllables for individual speakers.












el D


tion (

in m




M1 F1 F2

Figure 8. Vowel duration in final syllables for three speakers of Kabardian

An ANOVA was conducted with speaker and syllable type as independent

variables and vowel duration as the dependent variable. There was a significant effect of

both speaker (F (2, 10)=105.321, p<.001) and syllable type (F (4, 61)=264.914, p<.001)

on duration. In addition, there was an interaction between the factors: F (8, 61)=18.447,

p<.001. Posthoc tests indicated a four-way distinction in vowel duration. The phonemic

long vowel in CVV was longest, followed in turn by the long vowel in CVVC, the short

vowels in CV and CVC, and the short vowel in CVCC. All of the pairwise duration

comparisons were significant at the p<.001 level except for the distinction between the

vowel in CV and CVC, which were virtually identical in duration (CV=144 milliseconds

vs. CVC=154 milliseconds). Individual speaker ANOVAs also revealed a significant

effect of syllable type on vowel duration for all three speakers: for speaker M1, F (4,

18)=44.091, p<.001; for speaker F1, F (4, 21)=77.251, p<.001; for speaker F2, F (4,

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22)=376.055, p<.001. According to Fisher’s posthoc tests, speaker M1 distinguished the

vowel in CVV from all other vowels at p<.01. Speaker M1’s long vowel in CVVC also

differed from other vowels, though differences other than the one between CVVC and

CVV were less significant: CVVC vs. CV (p=.022), CVVC vs. CVC (p=.064), CVVC vs.

CVCC (p=.001). This speaker did not distinguish the vowel in CV from the vowel in

CVC in terms of duration. Speaker F1 displayed a somewhat anomalous pattern in that

the vowel in CVC was substantially longer than the vowel in CV at p<.001. The vowel in

CVCC and the vowel in CV did not differ from each other. CVC was not reliably shorter

than the vowel in CVVC for this speaker. The phonemic long vowels in CVVC and CVV

also did not differ from each other. Speaker F2 distinguished vowel duration between all

five rime types, with the difference being significant at p<.001 in all comparisons except

CV vs. CVC, which was less significant: p=.011.

A crucial difference between Egyptian Arabic and Kabardian emerges in the

consideration of vowel duration. Unlike Egyptian Arabic, which displayed substantial

lengthening of the vowel in final CV relative to the vowel in final CVC, no such

consistent effect was found for Kabardian. Only one speaker (F2) displayed longer

vowels in final CV compared to final CVC, and the difference was relatively small,

especially compared to the difference in duration between phonemic long and short

vowels. Another speaker (M1) failed to distinguish the vowels durationally, and yet

another speaker (F1) actually had the opposite pattern, whereby vowels were longer in

final CVC than in final CV.

The small amount of final vowel lengthening found in Kabardian is apparent in

figure 9, which compares the vocalic and consonant portions of final and non-final CV

and CVC.

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M1 F1 F2

Final V

Final C

Non-final V

Non-final C


e D


tion (

in m



Figure 9. Rime duration (split by vowel and final consonant) in final syllables for

three speakers of Kabardian

A three-factor ANOVA was conducted with speaker, syllable type, and position

serving as independent variables and rime duration as the dependent variable. All three

factors exerted a significant effect on duration values: for speaker, F (2, 48)=91.739,

p<.001; for syllable type F (1, 48)=1102.875, p<.001; for position, F (1,48)=164.237,

p<.001. In addition, there were several interactions between variables: between syllable

type and position, F (1, 48)=31.890, p<.001, between syllable type and speaker, F (2,

48)=3.946, p=.026, and between speaker and position, F (2, 48)=23.844, p<.001. There

was also a three-way interaction between all factors: F (2, 48)=9.921, p<.001. In

individual speaker ANOVAs, all three speakers showed a significant effect of position on

duration: for speaker M1, F (1, 15)=31.365, p<.001, for speaker F1, F (1, 16)=12.468,

p=.003; for speaker F2, F (1, 17)=192.011, p<.001. This result was attributed to a

substantial lengthening effect in final syllables. In addition, duration was influenced by

syllable type for all speakers: for speaker M1, (F (1, 15)=461.829, p<.001); for speaker

F1, (F (1, 16)=315.421, p<.001); for speaker F2, F (1, 17)=391.940 p<.001. This

Page 34: Syllable structure and extrametricality: a typological and · CV CVC CVCC CVVC t aÉ! µµ t a p!


difference was attributed to the greater length of CVC relative to CV. Two of the three

speakers also displayed an interaction between position and syllable type: for speaker F1,

(F (1, 16)=18.523, p=.001; for speaker F2, F (1, 17)=35.244 p<.001. Asymmetries in the

length of final vs. non-final syllables between CV and CVC were responsible for this

interaction. For speaker F1, final CVC was longer than non-final CVC (243 milliseconds

vs. 199 milliseconds) but final and non-final CV were virtually equivalent in duration

(118 milliseconds vs. 122 milliseconds). Speaker F2 displayed a smaller final lengthening

effect in CV (186 milliseconds vs. 148 millisecond) as compared to CVC (306

milliseconds vs. 209 milliseconds) syllables. Speaker M1 had similar final lengthening

effects in both CV (127 milliseconds vs. 96 milliseconds) and CVC (237 milliseconds vs.

210 milliseconds).

For the CVC syllables, two-factor ANOVAs with speaker and position as

dependent variables were conducted to assess the effect of final position on the vocalic

and consonantal phases of the syllable. For the vowel portion, there was a significant

effect of speaker (F (2, 24)=5.921, p=.008) and position (F (1, 24)=61.542, p<.001) on

duration values. There was an interaction between the two factors as well: F (2,

24)=3.882, p=.035. For codas, there was an effect of both position (F (1,

24)=31.560,p<.001) and speaker (F (2, 24)=13.608,p<.001) on values and also an

interaction between the two factors (F (2, 24)=34.794,p<.001). There were interesting

differences between speakers in the duration patterns found in final CVC that were

confirmed in t-tests. Speaker F2 showed a substantial lengthening effect in the final

consonant in CVC relative to its non-final counterpart (t=14.179,p<.001), and a smaller

lengthening effect in the vowel (t=4.838,p=.003). On the other hand, speaker M1

displayed a significant effect of position on vowel duration (t=3.382,p=.01) but not coda

duration. Similarly, for speaker F1, there was also an effect of position on vowel duration

(t=5.366,p=.005) but not coda duration in CVC.

These lengthening patterns differ markedly from Egyptian Arabic in certain ways.

First, and most crucially, the lengthening of the vowel in final CV was substantial and

robust across speakers in Arabic but smaller and limited to a single speaker of Kabardian.

This asymmetry between the two languages is plausibly attributed to differences in

phoneme inventory between the two languages. Whereas final vowel length is phonemic

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in Kabardian, it is not in Egyptian Arabic. Other observed differences between the two

languages are less transparently linked to the distribution of phonological length.

Phonetic lengthening of final consonants in CVC is small and inconsistent across

speakers in Egyptian Arabic consistent with the contrastive nature of length in final

consonants. While the effect of final lengthening on codas in CVC is overall greater in

Kabardian, this difference is attributed primarily to a single speaker, even though length

is not contrastive in final consonants in Kabardian. A more consistent, though small,

lengthening effect is observed instead on the vowel in final CVC in Kabardian. There

thus seems to be a preference, at least for certain speakers, for realizing final lengthening

on vowels rather than consonants even when the vowel in the final syllable is shielded

from the edge of the word by a coda consonant. The variation observed in final consonant

length is consistent with cross-linguistic patterns established in section 6 linking

phonemic consonant length and the weight of final CVC. Although some languages (4 of

10 in the survey) displaying final consonant extrametricality have contrastive consonant

length in final position, the statistical majority (6 of 10) do not, a result that suggests that

phonemic consonant duration is a less robust predictor of weight of final CVC than

phonemic vowel duration.

7.3. Phonetic comparison of Egyptian Arabic and Kabardian

As a final comparison between the two languages, figure 10 shows the duration ratios

(averaged across speakers) for heavy (all syllables except final CVC in Arabic) and light

syllables (final CVC in Arabic) relative to CV in the same position in the two languages.

Page 36: Syllable structure and extrametricality: a typological and · CV CVC CVCC CVVC t aÉ! µµ t a p!





tion r


o r


tive to C


Arabic Kabardian

FinalFinal Non-final






Figure 10. Duration ratio of heavy to light rimes in final syllables in Egyptian

Arabic and Kabardian

As the figure shows, a line separating heavy and light syllables can be drawn across data

from both languages. This result is consistent with the hypothesis that there is a single

threshold ratio holding across syllable rimes that must be exceeded in order for a syllable

to be considered heavy. This threshold must fall between 1.37, the ratio of light final

CVC relative to final CV in Arabic, and 1.83, the ratio of heavy CVC relative to CV in

Kabardian. Interestingly, these data are compatible with Lunden’s (2006) hypothesized

threshold of 1.6 based on her Norwegian data. Whether the consistency between the

current study and Lunden’s research is coincidence or not must await further typological

evaluation, but it offers plausibility to the hypothesis that there may be a single universal

threshold separating heavy and light syllables.

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8. A diachronic account of consonant extrametricality

The analysis of consonant extrametricality pursued here has assumed that positional

asymmetries in the weight of CVC are conditioned by synchronic phonetic factors. It is

also a priori possible that there are diachronic explanations for the greater weight of

CVCC relative to CVC in final position in some languages. One attractive historical-

based approach links the weight asymmetry between CVCC and CVC to vowel apocope

(or loss of an entire final rime). Under this account, final CVCC is heavy because there

was once a vowel after the cluster, i.e. CVCCV, which meant that the closed syllable was

originally in penultimate rather than final position. Assuming that stress patterns became

entrenched while this vowel was still present, one could simply assume that stress

originally fell on closed penults without any provision for consonant extrametricality. By

the time the chronologically later loss of final vowels turned CVCCV to CVCC, the

placement of stress on the precluster vowel had already become fossilized. This account

finds support from the fact that at least some of the languages, e.g. Estonian, Arabic,

English, displaying consonant extrametricality lost material at the right edge of words

historically. However, Shaw (1985:9) suggests that there is no diachronic evidence for a

vowel ever appearing after final CVCC in Stoney Dakota, which also displays consonant


Turning to languages in which there is evidence of vowel loss, it is informative to

consider contexts in which deletion applied other than following a consonant cluster. The

diachronic account predicts that the synchronic stress pattern would not place stress on

final CVC that was originally followed by a vowel but came to stand in final position due

to apocope, i.e. CVCV > CVC. Detailed evaluation of this prediction for all languages

displaying consonant extrametricality falls outside the scope of the present work.

However, it is instructive to consider a probative case from Estonian that allows testing

of the merits of the diachronic approach to consonant extrametricality.

As background, let us consider the synchronic stress pattern of Estonian, which

places primary stress on the initial syllable and secondary stress on odd-numbered

syllables after the first one (Hint 1973). This basic pattern is found throughout the Finnic

language family and can thus be reconstructed for the proto-language (Laanest 1975).

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There are certain deviations from this basic alternating pattern in Estonian (shared in

modified form with its linguistic relative Finnish) that are conditioned by weight. One of

these weight effects is germane to the present discussion: final syllables are unstressed

unless they are heavy, i.e. CVCC in Estonian. All of the final CVCC syllables found

synchronically in Estonian were originally followed by a vowel at least through the

proto-Finnic period. They would thus have been predictably stressed by the alternating

stress pattern regardless of weight if they fell in an odd-numbered syllable. For example,

"rA…maÆtuks ‘book (translative sg.) can be reconstructed as *"rA…mAÆtuksi. Interestingly,

many CVC syllables that are now word-final were originally followed by a vowel as

well, e.g. "rA…mAtul ‘book (adessive sg.) historically *"rA…mAÆtullA, "kirjuttAp ‘write (3sg.

present)’ historically *"kirjutÆtApi. These syllables would also be predicted, incorrectly, to

receive stress by the alternating pattern if one were to assume that stress patterns became

entrenched before the final vowel was deleted. In order to account for the lack of stress

on final CVC that was originally non-final, one would have to assume a subsequent

process of stress deletion targeting final CVC but not final CVCC. Although such a

process could plausibly have taken place, the asymmetric loss of stress on final CVC but

not final CVCC would still require explanation.

The Estonian facts illustrate a more general limitation of a historically-driven

account of consonant extrametricality for languages in which there is a left-to-right

component in the stress assignment algorithm and in which apocope applied after single

consonants and clusters. The presence of an additional vowel following a single

consonant increases the number of syllables in a word, thereby potentially predicting

different stress patterns for words that not only end synchronically in CVCC but also

those that end in CVC, as in Estonian. Egyptian Arabic provides another relevant

example of the limitations of the historical approach. Synchronic CVCVCVC words that

originally ended in a vowel that was lost as part of a chain shift shortening final long

vowels and deleting final short vowels (Birkeland 1952) would be incorrectly expected to

have stress on the syllable that is now final but was originally penultimate, i.e.


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In summary, regardless of the role one attributes to historical factors in shaping

synchronic stress systems, the proportional duration theory of weight offers a viable

account of final weight asymmetries.

9. Conclusions

Both typological and phonetic evidence are consistent with a theory of final consonant

weight grounded in functional and phonetic considerations. The functional load of

duration dictates the magnitude of phonetic final lengthening on a language-specific

basis: segments that participate in phonemic length contrasts in final position are

constrained in the amount of final lengthening they may undergo. The degree of final

phonetic lengthening in turn predicts the phonological weight status of final CVC. If

lengthening of final vowels is substantial (as in languages without final phonemic vowel

length), the duration ratio between final CVC and final CV is less likely to be sufficiently

large for CVC to count as heavy. If, on the other hand, the lengthening of final vowels is

smaller (as in languages with final phonemic vowel length), final CVC is long enough

relative to final CV to be stress-attracting. The opposite relationship between phonemic

length, phonetic length and final CVC weight obtains in the case of consonants though

the relationship between phonemic and phonetic duration is less consistent for consonants

than for vowels. Reduced phonetic lengthening of final consonants, as in languages like

Arabic with final phonemic consonant length, reduces the odds of final CVC attracting

stress. Greater phonetic lengthening of final consonants, as in languages like Kabardian

without final phonemic consonant length, increases the likelihood of final CVC being


The model of the phonetics-phonology interface entailed by the proposed account

of final consonant extrametricality is depicted schematically in figure 11 (see Gordon

2002a,b, 2004, 2006 for further elaboration of this model).

Phonological Length Phonetic length Phonological Weight

Figure 11. A phonetic-functional model of final syllable weight

Page 40: Syllable structure and extrametricality: a typological and · CV CVC CVCC CVVC t aÉ! µµ t a p!


A basic phonological property, the distribution of length contrasts, determines the

magnitude of subphonemic duration. In turn, phonetic duration conditions another, more

complex, phonological property: syllable weight, which is less transparent than

phonemic length since it must be inferred from observation of asymmetries between

syllables in their ability to attract stress.


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Arabic corpus used in phonetic experiment

Final syllables

fa ‘then’

man ‘who’

kans ‘sweeping’

xa…m ‘raw, unripe’

Non-final syllables

"sana ‘year’

"manz≥ar ‘appearance’

"ba…rid ‘cold’

Kabardian corpus used in phonetic experiment

Final syllables

Så ‘milk’

Såm ‘milk (ergative)’

si…"nåps ‘my tear’

si…"ba…S ‘my stick’

lå"Za… ‘work (interrog)’

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Non-final syllables

"Såk∆'å ‘milk (instr)’

"Såmk∆'å ‘milk (instr)(def.)’