synod blasts canada' po'licy ,on...

ED \ ----------------------. - 9.45 a.m.-Burtons of Banner· Street. 5.30 p.m.-Frontier Town.. / 10.00 p.m.-Theajre of Thrills 11.15 p.m.-This is the Story. TIlE DAILY NEWS . I .... .. PRESENTS "NEW WORLD" 'SYMPHONY \ . available .at .. ST. JOHN'S , NEWFOUNDLAND, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1955 (Price 5 cents) Charles Hutton & Sons· "ANTI-PROTESTAN T. . . . : Synod Blasts Canada' $" Po'licy ,On I'mmigrati'on";. . RUSSIAN FARMERS MIFFED No LAC D. E. Craig, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earle of the Islands, LAC ;\arrlini of Stephcm'ille Crossing, Nfld., stand beside the tall of a Sabre Jet to dls- the CNE Ail' Display 'with pilot Officer CS.G deNancredo and 'E. P. Dillon. son of MI'. and Mrs. P. J'. DI!lon, 125 Hamllton Avenue, St. Nflcl. The foul' based at Chatham with the RCAF's jet Operational T:aining will jOllrney to Trcnton, Ontario, week pa.rt .in bIg Display on Sept. Dth and 10th. Altogether o\'er fifty Jets WIll partlclpate mcludmg RAF Canbcl'1'a jet bombers. .--------------------------------------- ARBITRATION Facing Execution, Wilbert Coffin Has Last Free'dom Bid Attempts Soothe Given To Britons V i's ito r s Ask Govenllnen! P,'ovide Financial Aid Govt. Feelings· OT.TA W A - CP - Can- ada's top diplomat will play h9st to the leader of the Sov- iet agricultural. delegation today in what appears to be 'a Canadian government move to soothe the ruffled feelings of the farm experts. External Affairs Minister Pcar· son returned to his oUiee Tuesday followIng a two· week visit in western Canada and immediately agreed to hold a private lunch-:!on for delegation leader Vladimir Matskevlch, acting Soviet agricul- ture 'minister. Red ada. The 12 Russian farm authorities arc 1n Ottawa inspecting the 1,100· acre Central Experimental Farm as a conclusion to a 4,OOO·mile tour of farmlands in four provinces. KEPT CLEAR OF TORONTO During the first 11 of the uled 16-day tour, th·oy were met by anti· Red demonstrations in three Canadian cities. They de- cided to by - pass Toronto al- together because of (car of further demonstrations and because of a newspaper report that the city would officially ignore their visit. Thc affairs department issued a statement Monday calling the outbursts but an official said the statement could not be called an official apology because the incidcnts were not sufficienLlY serious to warrant one. EDMONTON-CP _. Canada's immigration policy rounding its issuancc. A reprcsent. was described Tuesday at the synod of the Angli.; ative of thc Russian naws agency can Church of Canada as "anti-Protestant anti-British Tass, called a Canad!an Press and 'pro-Roman Catholic" reportcr late Monday mght to get I '. aIL dctails. . The 10. a . In· Ottawa, the visit of the Rus- diSCUSSion of Immlgral10n POI!Cy,rl-----------I1 slans has excited no great inter· by delegate CH°!. T •. A. Kldd f l1'T or ld .. . est. were no demonstrations of Kingston, Ont. .e said two 0 W 4 and no crowds of curious specta- cvery thrce .who come to tors Canada arc not British. '--- TWO DEPART EARLY Col. Kidd saId about 250,000 per· The Russians' inspccted the el(. sons Britain annually and of .News Brie.fs pcrimental farm in small groups thesc only 50,000 came to Cana.da_ J' to make a more dctalled study. The balance goes to South Mr. Matskevich made the trip New Zcaland He POSTPONE CHURCH BILL to farm but beforc lunch said ?rged an aSSIS.tance poltey to he had an appointment anel left, Britons to come to 'UUE!V.OS AIR:S, bill accompanied by Eugene Litochko, thiS country. . authomlng .Peron to Pravda's correspondent in the The adopted a postpone,unlll lIud·l1156 the touchy. United States. The two men did the ¥oyernment questioll of separating the state not return. to prOVIde financial aud the Romal! Catholic ChurcJ& The arc scheduled to more t adequdatetoPlarlnmg for in Argentina became law T'tesday: hold. a press conference here granbs, an f . .a OW t a f grcatler About 90 per cent of tile Argen: Friday to. givc nBu!D. hcr,V o tIm I md.lgran s rom tiues are Catlwlcis. . on Canadian farming. They hkely ntis es nics. will leave for the Sovi2t Union I\IORE NEEDED ARABS BACK UNION CO.l(:' Dispute Ended Breaks JaU, Is Later' Recap"zu'ed' QUEBEC-CP-Wilbert Coffin, convicted facing c)'"ecution this month, made a sm:cessiul break for shortlived freedom early today after up five jail guards and terrorizing fellow prisoners with a make- Saturday. . The l'csol.Jtion said' the synod is . CAIRO (neuters) - The Arab ________ .,--_________________ ...: .... -------- "firm!)' of the opinion that a League wilt back the unification of generous policy of immi· Cyprus with if the problem gration is both wise and ncces- of the British colonial island is sary." raised in the United Nations. an At the luncheon will be S. J, Chagnon, assistant deputy min- ister of agriculture who was in o[ the Russians' Canaqian tour, and the ambassadors of the two countries: Dmitri Chuvahin of Russia and 'john Watkins of Can· The Russians ap\J'2arcd to be intensely interested in the state· ment and the circumstances sur· OT'L\\VA - r.:? - Man- belie\'c gun fashioned from soap. ,;cll1cn t .:ml employees of The Gaspe . I , T 1 lor II·a". back I'n Ills cell at Quebec apples whieh he tool<, along wllh 1::11 Overseas c e- , \' h b [ d' I jail all hour nnd a ·half later, fol- a guarl s lunc - ox 0 san \VIC les lommllnication Corporation when he flcd. Speed Limits Not Effective - Spencer - 'Local Navy Man , Drowned The federal was Arab League spokesman said Wed- urged to strengthen the appeal to nesday. The statement followed a prospective settlers "instituting meeting with the L2ague of a dele· more adequate planning" for their gation of Greek Cypriots residing at ports of entry and in Greece. thc!r absorpti.on FIND NML IN HEAD their absorption In mdustry. TOULON f AP A Canon W. W. Judd, retiring general secretary o[ the church's French surgeoll /Corked for three PORT ALBERNI B. C.-- council for social services. intro· !Iours Sunday to remove Ll three· lowing a meeting with his lawyer Cornn did not lw:e agreed to refer a dis- who advised him to return or lose , t all chAnces of reprlel' e . give a renson for the .escqpe after "ute O\'Cl' \;"l.",e Increases 0 " I tu n d d lat n began er" t III the day Coffin left here Ie re r e an ,.r ,. r:l ,l'bilralm' for a final and bv car under police cscort for Ihng. Less h than two l hours later, t'... '.' .' . I' B d il 'h however e was as 111'c':n;: t,eClSlOl1. 1II0ntrea s or eaux Ja II erc e CoWn' reached Montreal's Bor. T:1ii 1'0':1' the chicl [eat:lrc lIt a Is scheduled to be Sept. 'deaux jail Tuesday night without (':le:'"1 Inuo\' prOWlsnl1 23 for the murder In 19,3 of Rich· . cldeni ,::,'''ICII Tursdny h)' the crown anI Lindsey, a 17·year.o\(1 In ,':.., ..!..----- ('I .. nell nnd Ihe Cann· can bear hunter. 'S d IT 'C ' Nllcl. Public W 'A:linisteJ' .At ·Highways ConfeJ'ellce CP-Herbert Churchill, 23 ST. ANDREW'S, N. B.-CP - Speed limits don't of Trinity Bay, Nfld.,,' cool;: accomplish much, ·says ·the man in charge of Newfound- aboard HMCS Oriole; was land's ·highways. ·drowned Sunday in the Nah- "It has been my experience," and mining engineer may well . . b t' '1 saId lIon. E. S. Spcncer of SI. 'have one of the toUghist jobs of mmt river a ou mne ml es ducin;: the motion, said "a great illch·nail frol1l the !Iead of C;:veiY1lE! immigrants are 1I0t adequa· Plottt, 20, who ICas injured in en tely looked by employment explos{on in a fireworks stOTC. Tlte agencies." . . nail probably cl:tered t1lrouqh tile The also left eye socket wit/toui injtii·illg· that "speCifIc measures of asm· tance" be extended to Idp meet the eye and Icas lodged between 0 \' C r 5 as. Tcleeommu· ESCAPE pec 'P arson Unioll (CIO.CCL).,\c- Thc. break, describerl by Depuly I' .1 ... of the proposal endcd tllC Attorney·General C. E. Cantin as D- h . III a strillc by 150 employees "a smooth pIece of work", began ISC ar!!C ,::Wdlllcd for 8 p. lll. Wednesday. II'hcn Coffin complained of a stom· u, illlih partic; to ne,ptiatc ncli nehJ.' ' At A t·· , labJr con\ract terminating A guard was sent to the prison r!en la 30, 19:'0.' 'l'hny also accepted pharmacy for medication and \J - , iedml sugr,cstion thnt the nIght when he returned Coffin forced . !o report. from Ar- (ir:ucnlial be increased to i5 him into his cell at gunpoint wherc genlla, the work or discharging fl,1n1 50 'cents a shift. . I hc, had already herdcd another thc "nelV Gulf Ferry "William Car- [nMr Iwn<; of the 11ro11osal the prison son, has been, greatly speeded up I';ill decidc whether em· Brandishing the black· paintcd since the temporary docking faclli- plJ)'ces l'e:ell'e a fire·per· soap gun, CoUin iorccd threc·more tics were completed last week. cent ,alar), il:crease from guarcls Into the cell. of Gera.rd Some 50 additional dock work· 1111. 1. 19j1. to 30. 1056, .or con[ined nearby III a speCIal ers have been engaged by the Can· the UJost. be. flv{! for murdcr con- adlan National Railways to take p:1' (cnl from Oct. 1. 1904, tu Oct. VlelS. . I. IOj:,. wilh· a furt'her three per. Abel, sentenced to .death for the carc of the extra passIng c)nt cHcclil'e unti! Sept. 30, murder of a rival rOl' the aUectlon through that port since the Ferry (ormer proposal was of a young Sbawinlgan Falls, Que., began operatIng there threc weeks 1I1:.dc by the com pan)" and the girl, was ordered to tic up tile ago. by the IInion .Aug. 25, the Ihl'oc guards .with strips of bed· It Is understood that the opera- r1 .• on a nell' con· dIng. tlon is mcetlng with approval by I','"ct 0[1. In making Ilis Mr. Cantin salel· Coffin did not st. John's businessmen who al'e .' d,ri;ion the nrhitrah1!' will decitIe oHer to release Abel and described now receil'ing shipments of fruit up-,n an increase within the limits the you I h as being "terror- of company antI union pro. stricken." etc from the nIalnland several After leaving the grey stone days carller than they dId when The arbitra1\lr will be jolntl)' prison Cof[jn· hailed a taxI and shipments were routed through !c:cclcti by the two parties. In the to be driven to the Qucbee Port Aux Basques. This situation cr,nl the)' lal! to agree on a hridge, about seven miles west. will eventuallY end, however, as nominee bl' nexi Tuesday. the m;'fS LAWYER'S ADDRESS the Ferry wlll operate from Syd- arhitratJr il'i11 he IIPpointed b)' 'fhe driver, Gaston Lkbreeque, ncy to Port Aux Basques as soon L:lhor Gregg. told police later he was Ilrst sus· as ort I Illtl t th 11 Thc tll'O parties nlsu agrccd that because o[ Cuffin's prison p. ac es a e \, est issues in dispule will garb. At the bridge, he said, Cof- Coast terminal been b nrgotintcd on the untIerstand. lin himself and ordered sultahle for the WIlliam Carson that llck of sottlement will him to hand over the to the to dock there. con,\iI'Jte It har to the signing cnr. , -"------ 01 an "Then he asked .mc 'whether I C I R A strike 1I'0uld Inl'ol\·l).d Imcll' ccrtuln In .. atc les oat II'Jr\;CI'J in· branches in Quebec, and when b mcntioned his lall'yel' ' Columbia Raymond Maher. I ·to· my I .d C ·d·f· h< anli It \\,oulti have o[fice on the radio and got his ad· .lOa .:0. IS tied up the cOI'pol'atiJn'! .' ...... " . . .. .' Ol'erEca, trnnsmlssion. awakened at his W!ltll PlastIC Coat apartment housc by, the n . ". , :Irivcl'. said "II was a ·Inst despel" . Hugcne' Philpot of Bell Island try by Coffin to shoW that is .mlnus ,his redplaslic cont but Is not guilty of murder." After. h ,. d th Ii" h thU;lng wIth Mr. Maher for a few as prove a suc R coat. as minutes Co;[(n agreed to' retltrn more uses than keeping the ram of Jahn's, "that when the limit on a its kind in the country. from here. good road is set at 50, people Th·o island province has more RCMP said the able-bodied travol' 70. When' it is 30, they ·go than 6,000 miles of roads, but less s d 'own'ed l'n 50.". than 150 miles are paved. With a seaman wa r Newfoundland's p II bIle works population of 400,000, it had a about foul' feet of water minister and a former president "tremendous job" ahead in high- while swimming with an· of the Canndlan Good Roads Asso· way construction, lIIr. Spenccr th b f th ciation, Mr. Spencer is in St. said. 0 er mem er 0 e crew Andrews [or a conference of the More than $40,000,000 had been of the RCN training vessel. Eastern Canada Association of spent since 1949 on new construc- Oriole is a schooner-rig- Highway O[ficials. lion, and I11aintenance. d'}' ·h· Drivers should be controlled by ThIs year more than $14,000,000 ge Sal mg Sip. . highwar conditions, Mr. Spencer was allocnted for highway work, AB. ChurchilJ. is survlved said in an interview Tuesday: including 52 milliqns for bridges. by his wife in. Victoria "A driver should ImolV what de· !\Iotor vehicle population of New· . gree of cautioll to exercise, He foundlnnd, where the first auto . should be oaducated for the situa· road was built in 1925, will go past l\'ledl"cal MollO tion ,hc is going to meet." 30,000 this year, well In excess of if· - .... TOUGH JOB the 25,000 regisl.-:!red In 19j4. I\Ir. . As boss of NeWfoundland's high- Spencer said it had more than Monday ways, the 62.)'ear:old constrllction trebled within the last decade. : The annual meeting of the New· Lake Ontario Swim Starts 4 A.M. Today foundland Branch of the Canadian Medical Association will be held in st. John's. next week, beginning on Monday, September 12 and end· ing on Wednesday, September 14. The Convention, which will be addressed by a number o[ promin- Stvimmm's Coml)€te In CNE cnt Mainland medical men,' will be presided over by Doclor R. J. passage and settlement costs of1 the braill aud the boue. Sile llUd settlers 'from the Unit!d ){ingdom. complained of constant headaches. Polio Rises In New England RICKEY ON TRlP NORTH BAY. Ont. (CFl-Branch president and general man· ager of Pittsburgh Piratcs of the National Baseball League left here Tuesday night for Moosonee on BOSTON (APl-Sixh·.four ncw James Bay lI'ilh two United States cases of polio were reported Tues· T.h2 unir:izntified day in Massachusetts-cp.ntre of a Ists arc belIeved on an cxpedlll.on New England.wide outbreak. seeking. crystalline gypsum along The Massachusetts total for the the Moose ril'e: and Mr. Rickey year .now is 2,338, compared to thcm on a <bol- 345 a year ago. Iday trip. The total for the si:( New Eng- WOULD DEI.AY UN \'OTE" land states moun\ed to 3,lBG cases . (G77 last year) with. Connecticut SYDNEY. Rellters - Australian running second to lIlassachusetts affairs minister Richaflt with 351 cases to date compared Casey said Tuesday tlte Australian to 163 . people would lOot be ready 10 see MOl'e than 100 public schools the government of Formosa pa:!s have postponed their fall opening into Communist Ilands. CMey, tv/IO two IVeells, although the state health department has not favored \Cas leaving on a diplomatic jOI{r. the measure as a polio prev·antive. llel! rOllnd the wDrld. told lepoit. Ninety.cight pcrsons hal'e died ers Ite believed the vDte on Chi· of polio this year in Ncw England; nese representation In the United 75 of them in Massachusctts. Natfrms slloltld agai'! be post· poned at this montll's session of the general assembly. Tuna Not BitiBg STAR liAS EYE TROUBLE WEDGEPORT. N.S. (CPl-A pall NEW YORK (AP)-Paul Munt, TORONTO (ePl-The Canadian National ExhibItion Tuesday night announced its cross-Lake.Ontario marathon swim will start at 01 a,m. ADT today. CNE president William A. Har· rls announced here that waather condiLlons werc Improving rapidly this evening and the swimmers would definItely leave Niagara·on- the.Lake today. He said a announce. Simms, President of the New· ment was being made to the 3j f?undland Bra'nch. lie w111 be entrants who have been waiting Slsted by Doclor LeGrow, VICC since Monday at the port on the President of the Branch. mouth of the Niagara river. WINDS TO ABATE or gloom hung over this tiny fishing star o[ the Broadway stage hit, I'illage on southern tip of Nova "Inherit the Wind," has left- the Seotia'Tuesday as the world's top play because of an ey·c ailment THE HAGUE (Reuters) _ Prin- big·fish anglers, here for the 12th Producer Herman Shumlin said a cess Wilhelmina, Holland's queen :international tun a tournament, specialist will make a diagnosis for 50 years before abdicating In heard the fish lVcre not biting. Thursday to determine hOI' seriDIIs favor of her daughter Quean Juli- As In 1954. seven· tcams repra- the ailment is. The Ne\v York PO!' ana, has influenza, her private sec- senting 12 countries will bc in the said it "may be necessary for hiD) retary announced Friday. She was running for the Alton B. Sharp to undergo the removal of ODe Stiff winds were blowing across the lakll at the time of the an· nouncement but Mr. Harris said forecasts indicated they would abate sufficiently to start thc swim 75 last Wcdnesday. .. last two years. ·:ie." However, ho said therc WIS some possibility of delaying the start beyond 3 a, m. if the weather did not Improve as rapidly as [oreeast. Mr. Harris made the menl at 8 p. m. ADT early in the morning. A.ID EDUCATlON I Ruwe Praises Grand Falls Exhibition ; 19 jail, the lawyer said.' ., "Its' owner .. , . Slncc Jmtice Douglas Ab·., S.cstcrday . .,lllr •. Philpot decided :History's Biggest Scholarship Plan bolt 01 thc Supreme CC'Jrt turned spend a tew hours trawling for WEATHER Back from a visit to Grand Falls down Coffin's motion for to codfish ,o{£, .Bell.lsland, but he ' •. . .. whcre he look part in the openl!}!! last week, Coffin chances was ·handicapped through lack of SUllny. Little change In . tern·. CHICAGO - AP - A own funds and contributions from poration will, spend $9,000,000, a year for 10 years on four·year $30,000 to provide five four·year scholarships. . memonlcs o[ the Grand Falls of a have dwindled. : bait. pcrature. High today 65. .. industry will 'provide about 350 saId the effort o{ the' TWO POSSIBILITIES : . • .Not wishing return without WEDNESDAY,: September 7tb. . mulh-mllhon dollar scholar- scholarships, worth approximately scholarships for talented students 1.------------- and payments to the colleges they (irand Falls GardenIng AssocI:.' There arc stili two of any fish he d Id d t b It hI Sunrisc ••••.•• .-.5:26 a.m, ship program to finance the $2,000,000. tl action. A lIew mot!on for appeal ec e 0 asS t 6'U 11 d t' f th· t Details of thll program wcre on was "one of thc· greatest ex. can be .to a ·hooks wlth:p,leces from his plastic unse ...... p.m. ,co egee 0 e n: OS told at a press confrrence by oUi· hlbll!ons 1 have even seen." lie· Or the fedcr r'" can I.'""nt coat. To 1115 amazement the cod. TIDE talented hIgh school semors cers of the newly-founded BIG FIR;\IS CONTRIBUTE was Impressed with the completo a commutation o[ The fish dlspalyed a' .decided Interest High •• " .•. 10:30 a.m. 10.: 59 p.m. in the United States was Merit Scholal'5hip Corporation of An additional .$8,000,000 is avail· dIsplay of wildlife exhIbits, 'the next step in Corrtn' 5 legal rIght has 1/1 the ·rc'd and by the time .••••• a.m. 5:29 p.m. . . IT'd S _ Ev.anston., DI. able as matching fUnds for .con· cxhlblts and the dis. ·not yet been that he bad It' I. announcec ues ay. pOll tributions by private industry. I h i e as remit n ' . . "d' th b' IIUGE TALENT IlUNT A th $2500000 f dm' p ay of trees by th·e Newfoundland Coffin was broug t to tr a\ ap· Ing of hls coat, he had a boat e'mpeI'atures' s.ors sal It was e 19gest no er " or a In- }'orest' Protection Association. proximately.a year oftcr the load of !Ish ..' undertaldng of its kind in . "It is a talent search on a istralive expenses was given by young Lindsey's bear-chcwed body .' . ' large scale," said Laird Bell, a the Ford Foundation ,and the Car· CONFIRMS REPORT along with those 01 his father, . LuekHy thc valuc of the fish TORONTO (CF)-Minimum and history. Chicago ·Iawyer who is· chairman negie Corporation of New York.' Rowe conllrmed yesterday's Eugene, 47. and Albert Claar lI'ere w.hen marketed far execeded thc maximum tcmperatures: . A $20,500,000 corporation; ft· of .the. corporation's board of di- T. V. Houser chairman of tI1c of Mr. Pickersglll, MInIster found 'in Gaspe bushland. 'AU were cost of ,the. coat and In addition, '1IIin. Max. nflnced largely by the Ford rectors. '. board· of Sears, Roebuck and o mmlgration. thnt a IUrvey [rom Hollidaysburg, Pa. 'Mr, Phllputt has proved that there Dawson .......... ;. 39 1 59 .Foundation, has been founded to "About one.half of the superior Company, said tha Sears Founda- would bc mad of the timer re- Since his conviction, Collin nceil be no' further bait. shortage Vancouver .......... 53 78' the prog ra m. .. · If . expected students in our hIgh schools do not lion would give $150,000 the first to attend. INSIDE. 2-Gr.nd Far.s News. ' 3-Busy TIm. In S;ourt. 4, 5-Bell IsI.nd N,W5. , 6-"Bell hl.nd New Era" _EdItorIal. 7-The Liglon Corner. 8-Wonien', News and ;" " on'the proposed.'NatiOnal been held In Qu.cbee jail where as long as plastlc.coasts of the Edmonton .......... 44 74 contributiol!s fropl privatc ,go to college,' This seems to be a year for 100 scholarships' to stu· nf Newman's Sound •. He add- he !las as a ,"model right colour are available \.R-:!glna .............. 34 68· try· materl3l1ze, . the corporabon national waste. Several founda- dents interested in .business, lie cd that a complete survey of all prisoner." A 'feW hours ·be[ore his ." Toronto . ............ 52 81 expects' to award 1,000 to 5,000 tions have been' studying the prob· said Sears intends to add another timber on CrOWD, lands In . thi_ escape he presented jail governor B I will d I' Montreal ..... ; ...... 53 76 scholarships a year· within five lem.' The Ford Foundation fInally 100 scholarships each year for the Chit Chat. 9_SP.ort •. lO-Movle Reviawi. .ll-Comlcs. 12-Stock ::' . will be carried out duro Gene with a pplnting hll es' I .. tt ess I 'b Cfum .\ Hamax ............. 58 . 75 years.· 'crystallzed Its Ideas into Otis cor· ,second, third fourth years of he had dono while In prison. In ng you ct em coo cIore Sydney .......... ,.. 57 72 \. ·In the first year, begipning In' poration." ' .' the program. the next few weeks. return, Letourneau ,aVe him tW? cu1Unil 1I'Ito squa!cs. .• :,. St. Jobn's.; ..... ..... 54 61 fall 1956, .the corprration's .·01 Ita ,capital, Bell said the cor- Time Inc., has made a.g rant ·of ,. .' .. 'J

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Page 1: Synod Blasts Canada' Po'licy ,On I'mmigrati'on; delegation leader Vladimir ... more adequate planning" for their




----------------------. -9.45 a.m.-Burtons of Banner·

Street. 5.30 p.m.-Frontier Town.. /

10.00 p.m.-Theajre of Thrills 11.15 p.m.-This is the Story.

TIlE DAILY NEWS . I .... ..


\ . available .at

I---------------~-----------------------------------------------------------·-.. ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1955 (Price 5 cents) Charles Hutton & Sons·

"ANTI-PROTESTAN T. . . ~. . : ~:.

Synod Blasts Canada' $" Po'licy ,On I'mmigrati'on";.

. .~!


LAC D. E. Craig, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earle of the ~agdalen: Islands, an~ LAC ~. ;\arrlini of Stephcm'ille Crossing, Nfld., stand beside the tall of a Sabre Jet to dls­rllS~: the CNE Ail' Display 'with pilot Fl~ing Officer CS.G deNancredo and L~~ 'E. P. Dillon. son of MI'. and Mrs. P. J'. DI!lon, 125 Hamllton Avenue, St. ~ohns, Nflcl. The foul' based at Chatham with the RCAF's jet Operational T:aining Un~t will jOllrney to Trcnton, Ontario, ~ne week befor~ pa.rt .in ~: bIg ~NE ~Ir Display on Sept. Dth and 10th. Altogether o\'er fifty Jets WIll partlclpate mcludmg RAF Canbcl'1'a jet bombers. .---------------------------------------

ARBITRATION Facing Execution, Wilbert Coffin Has Last Free'dom Bid

Attempts Soothe Given To Britons Vi's ito r s Ask Govenllnen! P,'ovide Financial Aid

Govt. Feelings·

OT.TA W A - CP - Can­ada's top diplomat will play h9st to the leader of the Sov­iet agricultural. delegation today in what appears to be 'a Canadian government move to soothe the ruffled feelings of the farm experts.

External Affairs Minister Pcar· son returned to his oUiee Tuesday followIng a two· week visit in western Canada and immediately agreed to hold a private lunch-:!on for delegation leader Vladimir Matskevlch, acting Soviet agricul­ture 'minister.

Red ada.

The 12 Russian farm authorities arc 1n Ottawa inspecting the 1,100· acre Central Experimental Farm as a conclusion to a 4,OOO·mile tour of farmlands in four provinces. KEPT CLEAR OF TORONTO

During the first 11 of the sehe~­uled 16-day tour, th·oy were met by anti· Red demonstrations in three Canadian cities. They de­cided to by - pass Toronto al­together because of (car of further demonstrations and because of a newspaper report that the city would officially ignore their visit.

Thc ext~rnal affairs department issued a statement Monday calling the outbursts "deplorabl~," but an official said the statement could not be called an official apology because the incidcnts were not sufficienLlY serious to warrant one.

EDMONTON-CP _. Canada's immigration policy rounding its issuancc. A reprcsent. was described Tuesday at the ge~eral synod of the Angli.; ative of thc Russian naws agency can Church of Canada as "anti-Protestant anti-British Tass, called a Canad!an Press and 'pro-Roman Catholic" reportcr late Monday mght to get I '. aIL dctails. . The .stateme~t ~aoc 10. a . In· Ottawa, the visit of the Rus- diSCUSSion of Immlgral10n POI!Cy,rl-----------I1 slans has excited no great inter· by I~y delegate CH°!. T •. A. Klddf l1'Torld .. . est. Thel'~ were no demonstrations of Kingston, Ont. . e said two 0 W 4 and no crowds of curious specta- cvery thrce person~ .who come to tors Canada arc not British. '---TWO DEPART EARLY Col. Kidd saId about 250,000 per·

The Russians' inspccted the el(. sons lea\'~ Britain annually and of .News Brie.fs pcrimental farm in small groups thesc only 50,000 came to Cana.da_ J' to make a more dctalled study. The balance goes to South ~fnca,

Mr. Matskevich made the trip New Zcaland ~nd Austral~a. He POSTPONE CHURCH BILL to th.~ farm but beforc lunch said ?rged an aSSIS.tance poltey to he had an appointment anel left, IO~UcC. mo~e. Britons to come to 'UUE!V.OS AIR:S, AP-~4 bill accompanied by Eugene Litochko, thiS country. . authomlng ~res~dellt .Peron to Pravda's correspondent in the The ~ynod adopted a r~.;olul1on postpone,unlll lIud·l1156 the touchy. United States. The two men did request~ng the fe~eral ¥oyernment questioll of separating the state not return. to prOVIde financial a.sslstanc~ an~. aud the Romal! Catholic ChurcJ&

The delegat~5 arc scheduled to moret

adequdatetoPlarlnmg for Im~I-1 in Argentina became law T'tesday: hold. a press conference here granbs, anf . .a OWt af grcatler About 90 per cent of tile Argen: Friday to. givc th~ir impres~ions nBu!D. hcr,Vo tIm I md.lgran s rom I~ tiues are Catlwlcis. . on Canadian farming. They hkely ntis es nics. will leave for the Sovi2t Union I\IORE NEEDED ARABS BACK UNION

CO.l(:' Dispute Ended

Breaks JaU, Is Later' Recap"zu'ed' QUEBEC-CP-Wilbert Coffin, convicted murdert~'

facing c)'"ecution this month, made a sm:cessiul break for shortlived freedom early today after locldn~ up five jail guards and terrorizing fellow prisoners with a make-

Saturday. . The l'csol.Jtion said' the synod is . CAIRO (neuters) - The Arab ________ .,--_________________ ...:....-------- "firm!)' of the opinion that a League wilt back the unification of

~ontinued generous policy of immi· Cyprus with Gre~c~ if the problem gration is both wise and ncces- of the British colonial island is sary." • raised in the United Nations. an

At the luncheon will be S. J, Chagnon, assistant deputy min­ister of agriculture who was in charg~ o[ the Russians' Canaqian tour, and the ambassadors of the two countries: Dmitri Chuvahin of Russia and 'john Watkins of Can·

The Russians ap\J'2arcd to be intensely interested in the state· ment and the circumstances sur·

OT'L\\VA - r.:? - Man- belie\'c gun fashioned from soap. ,;cll1cn t .:ml employees of The 44'~'car,old Gaspe prosp~c· .

I, T 1 lor II·a". back I'n Ills cell at Quebec apples whieh he tool<, along wllh

L' 1::11 Overseas c e- , \' h b [ d' I jail all hour nnd a ·half later, fol- a guarl s lunc - ox 0 san \VIC les lommllnication Corporation when he flcd.

Speed Limits Not Effective -Spencer -

'Local Navy Man , Drowned

The federal governm~nt was Arab League spokesman said Wed­urged to strengthen the appeal to nesday. The statement followed a prospective settlers b~' "instituting meeting with the L2ague of a dele· more adequate planning" for their gation of Greek Cypriots residing r~ception at ports of entry and in Greece. thc!r absorpti.on i~ i~dustrl'. FIND NML IN HEAD their absorption In mdustry. TOULON f AP A

Canon W. W. Judd, retiring ,ranc~-general secretary o[ the church's French surgeoll /Corked for three

PORT ALBERNI B. C.-- council for social services. intro· !Iours Sunday to remove Ll three·

lowing a meeting with his lawyer Letourn~aU ~Id Cornn did not lw:e agreed to refer a dis- who advised him to return or lose , t all chAnces of reprlel'e. give a renson for the .escqpe after "ute O\'Cl' \;"l.",e Increases 0 " I tu n d d latn began er" t Lat~l' III the day Coffin left here Ie re r e an ,.r ,. r:l ,l'bilralm' for a final and bv car under police cscort for Ihng. Less hthan twol hours later, t'... '.' .' . I' B d • il 'h however e was as ·~ep. 111'c':n;: t,eClSlOl1. 1II0ntrea s or eaux Ja II erc e CoWn' reached Montreal's Bor.

T:1ii 1'0':1' the chicl [eat:lrc lIt a Is scheduled to be Im~ge~ Sept. 'deaux jail Tuesday night without (':le:'"1 Inuo\' d~partmenl prOWlsnl1 23 for the murder In 19,3 of Rich· . cldeni ,::,'''ICII Tursdny h)' the crown anI Lindsey, a 17·year.o\(1 Am~ri· In ,':.., • ..!..-----('I .. nell l'orpnr~tioll nnd Ihe Cann· can bear hunter. 'S d IT 'C '

Nllcl. Public W O1'l~s 'A:linisteJ' .At ·Highways ConfeJ'ellce

CP-Herbert Churchill, 23 ST. ANDREW'S, N. B.-CP - Speed limits don't of Trinity Bay, Nfld.,,' cool;:

accomplish much, ·says ·the man in charge of Newfound- aboard HMCS Oriole; was land's ·highways. ·drowned Sunday in the Nah-

"It has been my experience," and mining engineer may well . • . b t' '1 saId lIon. E. S. Spcncer of SI. 'have one of the toUghist jobs of mmt river a ou mne ml es

ducin;: the motion, said "a great illch·nail frol1l the !Iead of C;:veiY1lE! man~' immigrants are 1I0t adequa· Plottt, 20, who ICas injured in en tely looked aft~r by employment explos{on in a fireworks stOTC. Tlte agencies." . . nail probably cl:tered t1lrouqh tile

The resol~!lon also recommend~d left eye socket wit/toui injtii·illg· that "speCifIc measures of asm· tance" be extended to Idp meet the eye and Icas lodged between

li~n 0 \' C r 5 ~ as. Tcleeommu· S~100TII· ESCAPE pec 'P arson r,i:.tion~ Unioll (CIO.CCL).,\c- Thc. break, describerl by Depuly I' .1 ... f~l't~l1l'c of the proposal endcd tllC Attorney·General C. E. Cantin as D- h . mr~t III a strillc by 150 employees "a smooth pIece of work", began ISC ar!!C ,::Wdlllcd for 8 p. lll. Wednesday. II'hcn Coffin complained of a stom· u,

illlih partic; agr~e:1 to ne,ptiatc ncli nehJ.' ' At A t·· , n~1I' labJr con\ract terminating A guard was sent to the prison r!en la f~pt. 30, 19:'0.' 'l'hny also accepted pharmacy for medication and \J -, iedml sugr,cstion thnt the nIght when he returned Coffin forced . A~CDrdlng !o ~ report. from Ar-(ir:ucnlial be increased to i5 him into his cell at gunpoint wherc genlla, the work or discharging fl,1n1 50 'cents a shift. . I hc, had already herdcd another thc "nelV Gulf Ferry "William Car-

[nMr Iwn<; of the 11ro11osal the prison employ~c. son, has been, greatly speeded up ar\'it~ator I';ill decidc whether em· Brandishing the black· paintcd since the temporary docking faclli-plJ)'ces ~ho\lI(1 l'e:ell'e a fire·per· soap gun, CoUin iorccd threc·more tics were completed last week. cent ,alar), il:crease erreclh'~ from guarcls Into the cell. of Gera.rd Some 50 additional dock work· 1111. 1. 19j1. to S~pt. 30. 1056, .or Abe~, con[ined nearby III a speCIal ers have been engaged by the Can· \'.l1~thcr the UJost. shoU~1 be. flv{! s~chon reser\'~d for murdcr con- adlan National Railways to take p:1' (cnl from Oct. 1. 1904, tu Oct. VlelS. . I. IOj:,. wilh· a furt'her three per. Abel, sentenced to .death for the carc of the extra ~rclght passIng c)nt cHcclil'e unti! Sept. 30, 1~5G. murder of a rival rOl' the aUectlon through that port since the Ferry Th~ (ormer wn~e proposal was of a young Sbawinlgan Falls, Que., began operatIng there threc weeks

1I1:.dc by the com pan)" and the girl, was ordered to tic up tile ago. b~tet by the IInion .Aug. 25, the Ihl'oc guards .with strips of bed· It Is understood that the opera-r1 .• :~ ne~nlintions on a nell' con· dIng. tlon is mcetlng with approval by I','"ct hrok~ 0[1. In making Ilis Mr. Cantin salel· Coffin did not st. John's businessmen who al'e

.' d,ri;ion the nrhitrah1!' will decitIe oHer to release Abel and described now receil'ing shipments of fruit up-,n an increase within the limits the you I h as being "terror­of Ih~ company antI union pro. stricken." etc from the nIalnland several p~ials. After leaving the grey stone days carller than they dId when

The arbitra1\lr will be jolntl)' prison Cof[jn· hailed a taxI and shipments were routed through !c:cclcti by the two parties. In the asi;~d to be driven to the Qucbee Port Aux Basques. This situation cr,nl the)' lal! to agree on a hridge, about seven miles west. will eventuallY end, however, as nominee bl' nexi Tuesday. the m;'fS LAWYER'S ADDRESS the Ferry wlll operate from Syd-arhitratJr il'i11 he IIPpointed b)' 'fhe driver, Gaston Lkbreeque, ncy to Port Aux Basques as soon L:lhor ~linist,r Gregg. told police later he was Ilrst sus· as ort I Illtl t th 11

Thc tll'O parties nlsu agrccd that pi~ious because o[ Cuffin's prison p. ac es a e \, est n)JHc~aomie issues in dispule will garb. At the bridge, he said, Cof- Coast terminal ~;ve been mad~ b nrgotintcd on the untIerstand. lin id~nll[ied himself and ordered sultahle for the WIlliam Carson h~ that llck of sottlement will him to hand over the ke~'s to the to dock there. n~t con,\iI'Jte It har to the signing cnr. , -"------01 an a~reem~nt. "Then he asked .mc 'whether I C I R

A strike 1I'0uld h~I'e Inl'ol\·l).d Imcll' ccrtuln p~ople In Qucl!~e .. atc les oat II'Jr\;CI'J in· branches in Quebec, and when b mcntioned his lall'yel' ' • ~:cl':f;(!nrllal1d, Briti~h Columbia Raymond Maher. I sPDk~ ·to· my I . d C ·d·f· h< anli :~o\'a S~otia. It \\,oulti have o[fice on the radio and got his ad· .lOa .:0. IS b.:;~I)' tied up the cOI'pol'atiJn'! dr~ss."·· .' ...... • " . . .. .' Ol'erEca, trnnsmlssion. ~II·. ~Iahcr, awakened at his W!ltll PlastIC Coat apartment housc by, the n . ". , :Irivcl'. said "II was a ·Inst despel" . Hugcne' Philpot of Bell Island

~te try by Coffin to shoW that h~ is .mlnus ,his redplaslic cont but Is not guilty of murder." After. h ,. d th t· Ii" h thU;lng wIth Mr. Maher for a few as prove a suc R coat. as minutes Co;[(n agreed to' retltrn more uses than keeping the ram of

Jahn's, "that when the limit on a its kind in the country. from here. good road is set at 50, people Th·o island province has more RCMP said the able-bodied travol' 70. When' it is 30, they ·go than 6,000 miles of roads, but less • s d 'own'ed l'n 50.". than 150 miles are paved. With a seaman wa r

Newfoundland's p II bIle works population of 400,000, it had a about foul' feet of water minister and a former president "tremendous job" ahead in high- while swimming with an· of the Canndlan Good Roads Asso· way construction, lIIr. Spenccr th b f th ciation, Mr. Spencer is in St. said. 0 er mem er 0 e crew Andrews [or a conference of the More than $40,000,000 had been of the RCN training vessel. Eastern Canada Association of spent since 1949 on new construc- Oriole is a schooner-rig-Highway O[ficials. lion, ~bui1ding and I11aintenance. d'}' ·h·

Drivers should be controlled by ThIs year more than $14,000,000 ge Sal mg Sip. . highwar conditions, Mr. Spencer was allocnted for highway work, AB. ChurchilJ. is survlved said in an interview Tuesday: including 52 milliqns for bridges. by his wife in. Victoria

"A driver should ImolV what de· !\Iotor vehicle population of New· • . gree of cautioll to exercise, He foundlnnd, where the first auto . should be oaducated for the situa· road was built in 1925, will go past l\'ledl"cal MollO tion ,hc is going to meet." 30,000 this year, well In excess of if· - .... TOUGH JOB the 25,000 regisl.-:!red In 19j4. I\Ir. .

As boss of NeWfoundland's high- Spencer said it had more than ~ieet Monday ways, the 62.)'ear:old constrllction trebled within the last decade. :

The annual meeting of the New·

Lake Ontario Swim Starts 4 A.M. Today

foundland Branch of the Canadian Medical Association will be held in st. John's. next week, beginning on Monday, September 12 and end· ing on Wednesday, September 14.

The Convention, which will be addressed by a number o[ promin-

Stvimmm's Coml)€te In CNE ~JaJ'athon cnt Mainland medical men,' will be presided over by Doclor R. J.

passage and settlement costs of1 the braill aud the boue. Sile llUd settlers 'from the Unit!d ){ingdom. complained of constant headaches.

Polio Rises In New England


Rick-~j', president and general man· ager of Pittsburgh Piratcs of the National Baseball League left here Tuesday night for Moosonee on

BOSTON (APl-Sixh·.four ncw James Bay lI'ilh two United States cases of polio were reported Tues· ~hemists. T.h2 unir:izntified cl~e_m. day in Massachusetts-cp.ntre of a Ists arc belIeved on an cxpedlll.on New England.wide outbreak. seeking. crystalline gypsum along

The Massachusetts total for the the Moose ril'e: and Mr. Rickey year .now is 2,338, compared to ~as ac~ompanYlDg thcm on a <bol-345 a year ago. Iday trip.

The total for the si:( New Eng- WOULD DEI.AY UN \'OTE" land states moun\ed to 3,lBG cases . (G77 last year) with. Connecticut SYDNEY. Rellters - Australian running second to lIlassachusetts el.~ernal affairs minister Richaflt with 351 cases to date compared Casey said Tuesday tlte Australian to 163 la~t y~ar. . people would lOot be ready 10 see

MOl'e than 100 public schools the government of Formosa pa:!s have postponed their fall opening into Communist Ilands. CMey, tv/IO two IVeells, although the state health department has not favored \Cas leaving on a diplomatic jOI{r. the measure as a polio prev·antive. llel! rOllnd the wDrld. told lepoit.

Ninety.cight pcrsons hal'e died ers Ite believed the vDte on Chi· of polio this year in Ncw England; nese representation In the United 75 of them in Massachusctts. Natfrms slloltld agai'! be post·

poned at this montll's session of the general assembly. Tuna Not BitiBg STAR liAS EYE TROUBLE

WEDGEPORT. N.S. (CPl-A pall NEW YORK (AP)-Paul Munt, TORONTO (ePl-The Canadian National ExhibItion Tuesday night announced its cross-Lake.Ontario marathon swim will start at 01 a,m. ADT today.

CNE president William A. Har· rls announced here that waather condiLlons werc Improving rapidly this evening and the swimmers would definItely leave Niagara·on­the.Lake today.

He said a simultan~ous announce. Simms, President of the New· ment was being made to the 3j f?undland Bra'nch. lie w111 be ~s. entrants who have been waiting Slsted by Doclor LeGrow, VICC since Monday at the port on the President of the Branch. mouth of the Niagara river. WINDS TO ABATE

or gloom hung over this tiny fishing star o[ the Broadway stage hit, I'illage on th~' southern tip of Nova "Inherit the Wind," has left- the Seotia'Tuesday as the world's top play because of an ey·c ailment

THE HAGUE (Reuters) _ Prin- big·fish anglers, here for the 12th Producer Herman Shumlin said a cess Wilhelmina, Holland's queen :international tun a tournament, specialist will make a diagnosis for 50 years before abdicating In heard the fish lVcre not biting. Thursday to determine hOI' seriDIIs favor of her daughter Quean Juli- As In 1954. seven· tcams repra- the ailment is. The Ne\v York PO!' ana, has influenza, her private sec- senting 12 countries will bc in the said it "may be necessary for hiD) retary announced Friday. She was running for the Alton B. Sharp to undergo the removal of ODe

Stiff winds were blowing across the lakll at the time of the an· nouncement but Mr. Harris said forecasts indicated they would abate sufficiently to start thc swim 75 last Wcdnesday. .. last two years. ·:ie."

However, ho said therc WIS some possibility of delaying the start beyond 3 a, m. if the weather did not Improve as rapidly as [oreeast.

Mr. Harris made the menl at 8 p. m. ADT

early in the morning.


Grand Falls Exhibition ;

19 jail, the lawyer said.' ., "Its' owner .. , . Slncc ~Ir. Jmtice Douglas Ab·., S.cstcrday . .,lllr •. Philpot decided

:History's Biggest Scholarship Plan bolt 01 thc Supreme CC'Jrt turned ~O' spend a tew hours trawling for WEATHER

Back from a visit to Grand Falls down Coffin's motion for I~ave to codfish ,o{£, .Bell.lsland, but he ' •. . .. whcre he look part in the openl!}!! ap.:~al last week, Coffin chances was ·handicapped through lack of SUllny. Little change In . tern·. CHICAGO - AP - A own funds and contributions from

poration will, spend $9,000,000, a year for 10 years on four·year

$30,000 to provide five four·year scholarships. .

memonlcs o[ the Grand Falls of a rcprl~ve have dwindled. : bait. pcrature. High today 65. • .. industry will 'provide about 350 ~;:'hibltion. saId the effort o{ the' TWO POSSIBILITIES : . • .Not wishing t~ return without WEDNESDAY,: September 7tb. . mulh-mllhon dollar scholar- scholarships, worth approximately scholarships for talented students 1.------------­and payments to the colleges they

(irand Falls GardenIng AssocI:.' There arc stili two ~ourscs of any fish he d Id d t b It hI Sunrisc ••••.•• .-.5:26 a.m, ship program to finance the $2,000,000. tl action. A lIew mot!on for appeal ec e 0 asS t 6'U 11 d t' f th· t Details of thll program wcre on was "one of thc· greatest ex. can be prcs~lIled .to a ftill.b~nGh, ·hooks wlth:p,leces from his plastic unse ...... ~", p.m. ,co egee ~c~.lOn 0 e n:OS

told at a press confrrence by oUi· hlbll!ons 1 have even seen." lie· Or the fedcr • r'" .~t can I.'""nt coat. To 1115 amazement the cod. TIDE talented hIgh school semors cers of the newly-founded Nat~onal BIG FIR;\IS CONTRIBUTE was Impressed with the completo a commutation o[ senten~e. The fish dlspalyed a' .decided Interest High •• " .•. 10:30 a.m. 10.:59 p.m. in the United States was Merit Scholal'5hip Corporation of An additional .$8,000,000 is avail· dIsplay of wildlife exhIbits, 'the next step in Corrtn' 5 legal rIght has 1/1 the ·rc'd ~alt, and by the time Lo~ .••••• ,~:35 a.m. 5:29 p.m. . . IT'd S _ Ev.anston., DI. able as matching fUnds for .con·

cxhlblts and the dis. ·not yet been decld~d. that he bad It' I. announcec ues ay. pOll tributions by private industry.

I h i e as remit n T· ' . . "d' th b' IIUGE TALENT IlUNT A th $2500000 f dm'

p ay of trees by th·e Newfoundland Coffin was broug t to tr a\ ap· Ing I1ie~e of hls coat, he had a boat e'mpeI'atures' s.ors sal It was e 19gest no er " or a In-}'orest' Protection Association. proximately.a year oftcr the load of !Ish ..' undertaldng of its kind in . "It is a talent search on a istralive expenses was given by young Lindsey's bear-chcwed body .' . ' large scale," said Laird Bell, a the Ford Foundation ,and the Car· CONFIRMS REPORT along with those 01 his father, . LuekHy thc valuc of the fish TORONTO (CF)-Minimum and history. Chicago ·Iawyer who is· chairman negie Corporation of New York.' ~Ir. Rowe conllrmed yesterday's Eugene, 47. and Albert Claar lI'ere w.hen marketed far execeded thc maximum tcmperatures: . A $20,500,000 corporation; ft· of .the. corporation's board of di- T. V. Houser chairman of tI1c r~p~rt of Mr. Pickersglll, MInIster found 'in Gaspe bushland. 'AU were cost of ,the. coat and In addition, '1IIin. Max. nflnced largely by the Ford rectors. '. board· of Sears, Roebuck and

o mmlgration. thnt a IUrvey [rom Hollidaysburg, Pa. 'Mr, Phllputt has proved that there Dawson .......... ;. 391 59 .Foundation, has been founded to "About one.half of the superior Company, said tha Sears Founda-would bc mad of the timer re- Since his conviction, Collin ~ad nceil be no' further bait. shortage Vancouver .......... 53 78' handl~ the program. .. ·If . expected students in our hIgh schools do not lion would give $150,000 the first

choos~ to attend. INSIDE. 2-Gr.nd Far.s News. ' 3-Busy TIm. In S;ourt. 4, 5-Bell IsI.nd N,W5. , 6-"Bell hl.nd New Era"

_EdItorIal. 7-The Liglon Corner. 8-Wonien', News and



on'the proposed.'NatiOnal been held In Qu.cbee jail where as long as plastlc.coasts of the Edmonton .......... 44 74 contributiol!s fropl privatc ind~s- ,go to college,' This seems to be a year for 100 scholarships' to stu· nf Newman's Sound •. He add- he !las b~en d~Scrlbcd as a ,"model right colour are available \.R-:!glna .............. 34 68· try· materl3l1ze, . the corporabon national waste. Several founda- dents interested in .business, lie

cd that a complete survey of all prisoner." A 'feW hours ·be[ore his ." Toronto . ............ 52 81 expects' to award 1,000 to 5,000 tions have been' studying the prob· said Sears intends to add another timber on CrOWD, lands In . thi_ escape he presented jail governor B I will d I' Montreal ..... ;...... 53 76 scholarships a year· within five lem.' The Ford Foundation fInally 100 scholarships each year for the

Chit Chat. 9_SP.ort •.

lO-Movle Reviawi. .ll-Comlcs. 12-Stock M.~"'ts.

::' .

will be carried out duro Gene Letourn~au with a pplnting hll ro~t es' I .. tt ess I 'bCfum.\ Hamax ............. 58 . 75 years.· 'crystallzed Its Ideas into Otis cor· ,second, third an~ fourth years of he had dono while In prison. In ng you ct em coo cIore Sydney .......... ,.. 57 72 \. ·In the first year, begipning In' poration." ' .' • the program.

the next few weeks. return, Letourneau ,aVe him tW? cu1Unil 1I'Ito squa!cs. .• :,. St. Jobn's.;..... ..... 54 61 ~e fall o~, 1956, .the corprration's .·01 Ita ,capital, Bell said the cor- Time Inc., has made a.grant

·of ,.

.' ..

r· 'J

Page 2: Synod Blasts Canada' Po'licy ,On I'mmigrati'on; delegation leader Vladimir ... more adequate planning" for their

, 'I; , \ , !

• I", , · ' 1

I · ! •

· ';

2;· THE DAllY NEWS,.WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 7, 1955 "

New S. A. Citadel, Grand Falls ,

;Next Sunday. at Peter',: Arm 'A V' liz the ;corner:ltone of the new Sal- ISUa er vation Army Citadel' wlll be laid ' at Peter's Arm South. The Blsh· op's Falls Citadel Band wlll be in attendance. The District 'Of· ficer Major D. Gouldln, will of· ficlale, assisted by Capt. C. Thompson of Botwood Corps as wel 'as Envoy R. V(. A bbolt, the Corps Officers of Peter's Arm.

Our attention has been 'drawn Grand Falls News Per~nals'

, ,

~rr. and Mrs. Erlc Manuel of Hickman's wharf IIi Botwood on Grand Falls . left Gander Tuesday Sunday past, died 'in Botll'O()~ afternoon ior the Canadian main- Hospital Monday. Mr. ,Roberts was land where they will spend two found in the boat in a pool "cl weeks of a combined, business and blood and was rushed to the Bot. pieasure' visit. At Montreal they wood Hoslptal where It was learn. will join a special 'Sun Life As- ed he had been stricken with surance' train for Banff, Alberta, stomach hemorrhage,

10 the very interesting and infor· ___ .:..--"-' ________ ...;, __________ '!""'------""'!"-:-:------:---::--::-maUve-booth-to be presented by the A.N.D. Company, and, this NO' W od N Off' C to E d booth Is being supervised by' Mr. 0 vertime 0 ews 'ICer onven IOn in s Adrian Legerre, Control Superin·

Salvation!.sts and friends in the ilea are invited to attend this evry important ceremony. An oUerIn, will be taken ,In aid of the new, Citadel .'. "




'llachinea wbich cut :he work of 2,500 men to 250 present a serious problem of economics. "Automation" is the most dis· cussed subject in industry today and ~Iatthew Halton European correspondent for the CBC wri:es on this subject from London where special studies of this problem are being made. See Halton's article In this week's Star Weekly.

The most talked about tele\islon 'show right now Is "!he $84,000 Question" which has produced nrdlnary people unusually well informed on such sub,lects as Shakespeare, The Bible and Opera. 'Ihis week's Star Weekly tells the • st°Z'd this' week'~ star Wee~!y has the first of a series of ~peclal articles on Fall Fashion Trends eovering new creations from all the world's slyle cena-es.

S600 is the prize offered for solution of this week's Star Week·

'I)' Cash Word$ Punle. Try to ,olve It. You eRn be the winner.





This' week's




tendent. , Tha booth will consist of "a vis. We were advised Wednesday

uallzer" presenting 32 transparent Ihat employees of Eastern Wood· lllustrations-of the newsprint in· workers Ltd., engaged on ,the dustry-setUng forth In a compre· erection of' the new public build· henslve manner the complete pro· d F II h be cess of newsprint from the forests ing In, Gran a s, ave en of Newfoundland to the shipping forbidden to work any overtime at Botwood and the eventual use on the job, and must adhere of the newsprint by the customers strictly to the 44 hour work week, in newspapers. Interviewed, Mr. Clarke, the Sup-

The visualizer "in portray erintendent of the project, stated loning operations, transportation that the only employees exempt· of wood; the preparation system, ed from Ihlsfederal tregulaUon are the processing Into groundwood sulphite and sulphite puly. , pumpmen who may work time an~

In addition to this visualizer, a half In order to remove excess there will also be six large murals water from the site of the eree­showing late sce~s In the Grand tlon, and work foremen are also Falls area, Including the papermUi permitted to work overtime, Mrs. and townsite. The !!1m work for Taylor a representative from the this visualizer was done by Mr. Feder~l Dept of Labor visited Fred Raggles of Ruggles Studios • , st John's and the visualizer It. Grand Falls on Tuesday and dis-seit, was 'designed by Mr, Ewart cussed Ihis matter with Mr. Young, of Guardian Publis~rs, In Clarke of Eastern Woodworkrs the interesting booth there will also Ltd, There has been very little be copies of world newspapers overtime wo~k thus far in the printed on Grand Falls newsprint. construction of the public build·

Woods News ing here at Grand Falls, and what was worked was In tlJilII of emer­gency. Mr. Clarke stated that the 44 hour work week will have, tn

TERRA NOVA be adhered to on the construe· After completing the loading of tlon of the public building i~

52,500 cords of pulpwood at Gam· Grand Falls. bo, the, Lorain Crane and other The concrete foolings of the loading equipment together with building have been poured and the operators and other men mev· the pouring of the walls is ex· ed along to Terra Nova to load the peeled to begin In the very near balance of this season's wood future which amounts to 19,000 cords. • With favourable weather conditions -------this eordage should be loaded and In Grand Falls by the end of Szp· tember.

Tom Kelly's and Israel East·

Drunk DriVing , .

man's camps wl11 open for cutting In Grand Falls court Friday on Triton Brook on August 30th morning a motor mechanic was and 31st. Men seeking work can convicted for drunk driving and be accommodated as several other

The ~anag;;;;;;;t of the Anslo- Transferred Newfoundland Developmcnt' Com- " pany, Limited, announces that the Constable Eric KClirsey, Grand Groundwood Department won Ihe Falls Detachment' RCMP, has now award for the 1st period, April culmInated 13 years of police ser· 1st 10 July 2nd in the Department· vice in Grand Falls, and lett here &1 HousekeepIng and Cleaning on Wednesday's express for St. Contest. A presentation of a John's, ' cheque to each employee of the On Wednesday afternooo the group involved, i.e., that made by felow workers of Constable Kear· Mr. E. L. Neal, Mill Manager on sey presented him with an aUrae­Wednesday, August 31st, ,at a tlve travelling bag in a brief and special meeting of Department touching ceremony In Grand Falls employees held in the Conf~rence polele station. Corporal Anstey Room at the end of each shift. made the presentation and ex· Mr. Neal congratulated the De- pressed the heartfelt wishes, o[ partment on Its excellent work thc' detachment for tile futurc during the conltest and express· Sllccess and rappine~s of Const. ed the hope that by furth~r team Kearsey and his family. work and spirit of' co.opc~:ltion Const. Kearsey made sullable together with the effort of the reply In accepting the attractive Individual we wi I be able to make gift and detachment. On Satur· the mill safe and clean for all day night the Elks Lodge of employees' so that greater e[fj· Grand Falls also paid farewell to ciency and production can be ac· Mr. Kearsey at a socia and pre· compUshed, ' senlation of a smoking 'set.

RECLAIMED LANDS The Netherlands has' re-

claimed from sea, lake and marsh about 30 per cent of its total land area. More than hal[ 115 people live below sea level, protected by 1800 mlles of dikes and 2000 pumping units,

Turkey Dinner " The junim· members fI[ the

Gr~nd Falls Club, enjoyed an ex· cellent turkey dinner Tuesday night, and the senior members will have a similar dinner Wed· nesday night. Mr. Thos. Howse, chairman of the club, was pres·

, -"There Is eevry good re&son to

expect that God himself should conquer the world and rule the earth by his kingdom." Twenty two delegates from Grand Falls heard Donald A. Adams, Watch· tower Representative, make this startllng statement during a final session of the three day assembly of Jehovah's Witnesses at the Orange Hall, Corner Brook, Aug. 26·2B.

The convention, one of R ser· ies of eleven, in· the United States, Canada, and Europe, was attended by 475 persons from Newfoundland.

where Mr. Manuel wilt attend the Alec Gill, M, veteran railroad. annual convention of, Sun Life er with the A.N.D. Co. In BotWood representatives from all over the for many years died there CI Dominion. This Llle Insurance Monday. He Is survived. by wife, company has chartered a special 4 sons, 2 daughters, 3 sisters and train to convey its top repre- step mother. sentatives from Eastern Canada Mrs. Norma Pratt and her 18 to Ihis conve/ltion at Banff. All months old daughter Corrinnle salesmen In order to qualify for Susan will be leaving MiIlertOll'll this convention, were obliged to Junction' this weekend for Har. seH a high quota of insurance mon Field from where she wm during the past two years, and, fly to her new home In Texas, Mr. Manuel the Sun LIfe Repre. Her husband Tech. Sgt" Pratt har sentaUve In Central Newfound. just returned from a three month, land, was one of the salesmen to tour of England, and Mrs. Prat! qualify. spent several montha with hel

parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Mania Snow of Millertown Junction,

- Purpose of the assembly was Two grade elevent students of for Bible Instruction, and to em· Notre Dome Academy, Miss Rita phasize the nearness of thv Bible h' t h d I 'I· E C dE· C rls op er an M S5 .. arle n· ana a nJoys war of Armageddon. This battle, nls, left for St. John's on Tues-the'speaker declared,' woulc1 wipe day night's express, where Miss S L b out thsi world's system of' things Christopher will study art and unny a or and inslall God's kingdom over teaching for the next two years at obedient men. Newfoundland Mem~rial. Unlver· Day wreek-End

Mr. George Stover, presiding sity. And, Miss EnnlS Will cnter " ministcr of the Botwood ,!ongre- 'St. Clare's Mercy Hospital to Canadians chose a mul~ltude 01 galion, attended assemblies at study nursing. Both young ladles ways to mark the last long week· Paris, Germany, and the Hague have had a very successful year end of the summer-Labor Dal'­beside the one at Corner Brook. at Notre Dame Academy, and with fairs and fingering trip! to

Continue Search For Oil

Miss Christopher in particular, summer cottages the most eorn· having addecl a King George V mono

by Mr. Fred Patey of Gander, and caused this vehicle to be ditched and damaged.

ent and welcomed the Juniors Though the John Fox interests ami advised them that the dinner abandoned their search for com· would mark the official terminn· merclal quantities of oil, on the tion of committee supervision of North West Coast, It was report· the Town Club, and he requesled ed last night that another com· all members to kindly continue pany have not given up hope of their patronage mid good wi! to discov€ll'ing oil in the West Coast Mr. Gordon Carter, who a~sumcs area.

Jubilee Scholarship to her other Sunn)', warm weather was ge~. honours. She is the daughter of eral throughout the country ar.~ lIIr. and Mrs. John Christopher or higll\vays were crowded as pepolt Haig Road, and Miss Ennis is the left homes for holidays or returllo daughter of Mr. and lIIrs. James ed from prolonged vacations. Ennis, of Botwood Road, Grand Ontario's holiday week·end \l'ar Falls. highlighted by several attempts to

swim Lake Ontario. Early Saturc1ay three pcrso"

Presently visiting Grand Falls attempler the swim and Saturday are Mr. and Mrs, Patrick Flood ni"h' another three set out. TIle of Hamilton, Ontario. Mr. Flood is CN-E swim was postponed for 2' a native of Holyrood, c.n., and is hOllr when rising winds made the

full responsibility for the future L ttl t t th t the now retired. lake dan"erous. camps require sub-contraCtOO's. was seRtenced to serve 15 days A new camp has been biult on Imprisonment, and In addition to

Triton Brook, for Lloyd Hawkins which he had his drl\'er's licence and it will open for cutting In the cancelled for onb year and his near future. permit to buy Ilquor cancelled'ln·

01 the six candidates who wrote definitely. This conviction was the Grade II examinations in June the result of an accident nellr Bot· five were successful. Likewise, two wood on the afternoon of ,\ugust

Corpora Jack Clarke of Bot­wood conducted the prosccution, while Mr. S, H. Inder, LL,B" ap­peared for the defendant. During the trial, Mr. Inder informed the court that he wished to ~hange the plea of his client from 'not guilty' to drunk, drh'lng to that of 'guilty' to operating a vehicle whilst in an impaired condition.

Magistrate Abbott in reviewing Ihe evidence said It was quite ap· parent that the defendant was drun at the time of this accident and it could well be that some· one could have been killed.

' , I n es repor.s s a e a op~rahon of Ihe .prcm ses, as of Clayborn company have express. SeJt. 1st. The dmner was very ed the belief that oil can be found competently prepared and se!ved in the Sandy Lake area and they by Mr. and ~rrs, Carter, aSSIsted have ordered a drilling rig to be by Mr. Tho~as How~e, a~d all sent to the area immediately. It ~poke ,'e.ry highly of Its ou.sland· is understood that they are pre. 109 qllahty. Some 4? senior mem- pared to spenn up to $30,000 In bers of ~he club Will be present drilling operations to be carried

.Pioneer citizen of Grand Falls In the" province of Quebec 11\'~ ~VlII recall that Mr. FI?od. worked special events brought thousand! III the Grand Falls Mill III 1911, of people into the two largest cit. and h~ has ~een residing on the ies. Montreal's Oratory of st. CanadIan mamland for the past Joseph, pa!ron saint of labor, \l'al

44 years, !IIr. and Mrs. Flood are visited by Paul.Emile Cardinal the guests of Mr. Flood's brother, Leger and thousands of pilgrim! Mr. Joseph Flood of Circular Rd" f special prayers. out of '~e were successful In ,

Grade X There were no success- 20th, when the defendants car fu1 candidates in Grade IX. , side swiped a vehicle' operated at the dmner. out during the I,ext few weeks. and we understand it's their first o;n Quebec, a provincial e:tpo!l,

meeting in about 44 years, tion opeeed Saturday and Iltrlet' cd thousands to the city.

Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Manuel left In tile 1tlaritimes baseball game!


A number of companies bave explored the West Coast for 011 during the past half century and at times it looked as If a major devclopment, would tuke place. But for a variety of reasons their operations were concluded after short periods. Few of them, how­ever, have come to the conclusion tbat 011 Is not there ••• a fact which is IBid to be influencIng

Grand Falls on Monday for 1II0nl. and sporting events ~e:,~ blf real where they will join a spe- crowd·drawers, Two exhlbl.l?n;­cial Sun Life Insurance train for Cape Breton Farmer's ASSOCiation Bantf Alberta where Mr, Man. Fair at Nort~. Sydney, and ths uel will attend' the annual conven- Pictou ExhibltJon-()pened_

SEE AN D CO M PAR E .G~EUltra- Vision








Dollar for Dollar G.E. offers you ~ore -other . sets may. contain one or ,even hoo of thae,vitally important feat,uTe,. G.E. ULTRA-VISION give, you all fouT ,

" and at 'no extm cost. -'

, '



SIIlrfeyH_ Slat of

! CallGdl ... General!lodrk • "SHOWME" TV PfOVIam ...




A. E. HI,(KMAN CO. LTD. ,,' Appllan'ce' Department

• .' i '. ., , t • ~ ~ • .: -.' : , . / .. ).' , I

continued search by otber

tion of top notch salesmen of the Insurance Co.

Mr. Cyril Roberts, aged '72 years, of Botwood, who' collapsed in a boat that was tied up at

SPEECH SITE Patrick Henry made his fam·

ous "Liberty or death" on March 23, 1'7'75; in St. John', Episcopal' Church. a com para· lively small structure still !tand· ing on top of Richmond Hill in

'Richmond, Virginia.


China had a favourable trade balance of $26,100,000 for the first sel'en monlhs of 1955, the financ! ministry said Wednesday. The ministry said exports were Si4 .. 500,000 and imports ~4B,400.000.






:e: ,CLEAN








Limited DIAL 4183

TUESDAY A dlilc1ren's Li which stipulc a e ... ndle in t

late arriving, brithday cak(


Pri Ho

The opel held yesterd: School were picture of hi. many :'c:trs , the present .. veiled a SpC

lake care of 1

of the Scheo Board lO[ Gu he donated f; loll is n::;arj~

n~\'. L, ,\, D to the United Home opened I hymn, sCl'iptur~ Dr. H, :II. DllI',

AHcl' the tic',' S. !\[cCul'ci:· t:: nounccd the rc XI public pxanl' centagc of pr." for thi~ rear '" lengcd the pup, next year, Th, cellcd the buy" mCll1bel'~ d Ih Tulle m;c\ :I[iss lhe Electoral 0'

John·s West. " marks winning I

era!'s merlal. ~ with 513.

, I\IR.RON, , :, op'etliilg Cl

:, ,C; P." 1\\'1'(

"lillie! 'l'll' wI

Page 3: Synod Blasts Canada' Po'licy ,On I'mmigrati'on; delegation leader Vladimir ... more adequate planning" for their




\ Weekend Offenders" 'i

Keep Court Busy . " '. ,

.:' . ,-,

.. 1kP,;VF::{i5;)Y;LL,'('i/)~':inle 1UESDAY AFTERNOON the chiidren of the Birthday Candl.e Club of the Gosli~g Men;-0!'ial Lib.rary in the Children's Library for a closing party for the summer readmg, Abou: 115 children, Jome~ thIs readm,g club, which stipulated that they must r~ad a~ least fjve books for the summehr In ordber to havebthkelrt namheslentedred as a c~ndle in the .Birthday Candle Club, Yesterday afte:.- noo~ some of t e n;em ers were. ac 0 sc 00 an were. llte al'\'i\'ing, but when the Dllily News arrived to take a plCture about thlCty of the chIldren were around the

hrithday cal;~, which was donated by Mammy's.-,(Daily News Photo),

Late C. P. Ayre:

Helicopters Begin Citizen Sl~eps I~ Evacuation' Crew Of ICar,Acqult~e~Of Stranded Freighter ~~~~~i"man~':!~!~~,

Court on Tuesday morning with driving a car at 5.30 The NEAC Command Rescue effort directed toward a.m. on the morning of Septeinber 4th without due care

evicting the personnel {rom the icebound and propellorless and attention, and also driving without. a license. The "Jopeter" swung into high gear yesterday. constable giving evidence, said that he noticed the car

A giant Mats C·l24 aireralt with d . . two H.19 helicopters aboard flew quarters departed (rom Thule at and tried to stop it as he considered the man was J'lvm~ from Sondrestrom air base to 2.30 a.m, st. John's time this recklesslv with thr~ in the front scat and one in the back;. Mestervig, Greenland. At ~iester· morning for Mestervig, where he The def~nda',~t said that he did,-' vig the helicopters are being re· will personally supervise rescur not know that the constable was' witnesses was talking to the de, assembled and will advance North operations. trying to stop him and he did not: fendant that salllc night. ' , to the position of the Jopeter by En route to ?Iesten'ig Colonel know how fast he was going as 1 A servictm2n arrested for stages. Weather conditions' at Stark will survey the position of the speedometer was broken in: dl'Ullk and disl·=derl.y cunduct ,Rt Mestervig are favourabie. The the Jopeter and -the surrounding the car. The /I1an was fined S5 I Winsor's snack bar during tli! weather at Nord, where other res- waters to determine the best route for driving without a license a,nd: wcelt·cnd. pleaded guilty to the cue aircraft are ready remains for the helicopters to fly. $50 or 7 days for reckless drivhig. ! chargc. lie was fined $15 or, 7 poor with 100 ioot ceiling and y, If the now ice clear waters of' A motorist of Portugal Cove days. : mile visibility. Dove Bay remain open a S,A.·16 Road arrested 011 August 28tJl.for i Eight men arrcsted f9 r drul!k,

The commander of th~ 6th. air albatross witl land and pick up the being in chargp. of his car while' C11llCSS during the three day holi· I

rescue group, Colonel Smylie C. personnel of the Jopeter once undec the Influcncc of alcohol' day paid fincs of S2,OO cach and Stark

t who planned the !light to they have been transferred to Capc was acquitted In tile court yes\er· ! four men II'core lined S10 each or

Thule from his Pepperrell Head· Bismark by belicopters. ,day morninE: wilen his counsel, 130 days for th~ same offence ..

PrJ-nc' e O'f Wales College N R 1 ~~: '~~~;t)~:~a~in~1~~!II~tc~1:u~!~ieo~d:C~I~~1~~~~,~o~~~~;~~~~~~ , , ,~ , 0 " e" ease On was intoxicated when the police I fined 55.00 Serf1r,ant Hannon, who awakencd him 111 l1is car at 4 a.m. I made the arrest said that he saw the car was in no condition for I the man stoppi:ip. women on t.he

H" . 'La'te Bene' fa' ctor N leo Meetl·ng ~~~Vi;;e:Saitp;;~~o~r~~:nr!~~mn:~;,~~re~lt~\"~n~nWI~~~ h~a~-k~c~~~ O

~1 0 U rs ' a ' the junction of the Portugal Cove I abusive. 3nd ('3ugllt the police' II Road and Elizaheth Avenue, and I man's canc. The meeting of the Board t call a meeting of the \was at the lime caught upon a: A U,S. ai~ma:' was fined ~!() for

o , , man hole cover. :rhe defence heing rirunk an,) rlisorderly at H:r

Was Donor Ayre Ati11etic Grounds

which had been done to the I C \t PI t building durin.;: the summer and emen an asked the pupilb to take l'arc of S NEe their school. Any boy, he said, ues ... who docs not take care of his school has no bUliness at P['ince A report from Comer oC Wales College. Brook states that the

The opening scssion of Pl'~nce of Wales Collcge was Mr. Burt then announced the North Star Company held \'cstcl'day mcrning when three special gifts to the ~~~~e~ion;, ~,f pt.ii~y~!~t~~~ :~1I!~~ Limited, ope~ators of Schu~l wcre unveilcd. Mr. Ronald H. Ayre' unveiled a is in Its 95th year. he said, and Ne\~foulldlnnd s Cement picture of his father, the late Hon. C. P. Ayre, who for at Its bcginning III 1860 to 1874 it Plant, have sued the mall\' \'c:lrs was a benefactor of the School and donated was known as the Wesleyian Col· Nfld. Engiileering and

t',ne 1')l'~SeI1t A,.'rc Athletic Grounds', :Mr. Walter Butt un- lege, from 18i4 to 1886 it was Construction for dam-called the MI:lhodist Academy, • ~15 \'dlccl a special trophy case donated to the School to from 1886 to 1025 the JlIethodisl ages amountmg to 'i' ,-

take carc of the athlctic and othcr trophies won by teams College, and aller the fire of that 000. of thc School, and Dr, Hurry Roberts, Chail11lan of the year the present name o[ Hollo· It is understood that Beard or Go\'el'11ol's, unveiled a new honour call, which way School and Prince of Wales' the action arises out of

bl IJ II h t h College, an incident in 1953 he c1cnate'd for thc Assem Yia as t e prcsen onour At the beginning three depart- he the C Ilstruetio~ lUll is nearly filled, ments were announced, and the W n 0

n~\'. L. t\, O. curtis, chaplain I ' school has been ~o.educaUonal Company, in the course to tlle United Church College 13 girls won honours, and 4 from the begInning, He read an of ditching for a water HOllie opened the session with n lother girls had sufficient mnrks advertisement from the papers . and sewerage pipe line, hymn, sCl'iptur~ rcading ,and Hev. but not the subjects to gain hon· of ;1859' annOUllelnfl: the ~ourses I severed an electric- cable Dr. H. M. Daw~ led In prayer,. ours. glvell at the &dtool. ThIS an· 1 d' t tl C t

Aftel' the t1c'Iotional peli~d lIlr, Adam Barnes headed the boys' nouneement oCfcred I;atln, Greek, I ea 1l1~ 0, I~ e!nen S. ~lcC\lrdy tiw Ft:incipal an· class willI a mark of 507 and Fr'cnch, Spanish and Gc.·mnn as I ,Plant. ThiS 15 said ~o IIUUIlCCc\ the re~ults oC the Grade Stewart Watsoll came second with we)) a~ sciences, hl'story, philoso. \ have cut off electrIC, Xl public rxaminotions. The per· a few marks behind, phy and PUI:'C and mixed mathe· power to the Plant and CClltD;(C of (ln~5es for the hchool Dr. lIn'~ry RIJberts tllen intro· maJles, and caUtccism was taught I tn have suspended pro· for this yeoI' il'~~ 81 and he cllal· duccc\ the new members of the Oil Saturday morning, hc added. d r f I Icngcd the (lupll~ to make It 90% staff, :IIrs.· Parsons, JlIt·s, Roth· The enrollment st.rted with 90, ue Ion or se~era next vcar. ' The girls' classes cx· ney, i\lrs. Feather. i\llgS Thomas, pupils. ThIs ~'\!ar nearly 1400 houl's. H is also smd to rclleci Ihc bo~'s' J:e said, lIlld two Mr. Bell, and announced that pupils arc enroilc4, he said. have delayed loading of I1lclllbcr~ of Ih:! class, Jlliss Betty the Commerci~i class wouid reo Thc property ,represents value a ship berthed at the Tulk mid :'IlIss ~ctty Russell WUll open on Septembcr 15th and I\lr. ,of well over a mUI!Qn do))a,rs and Cement Plant's Humber· \he Elcctoral .cholnrships for SI. Wright would !.Don arrll'e in St, there is an endowment fund of 'tl' , Johll's West. !\lIss Tulk with 5~2 ,fohn's to tcae',1 t11is work. 'over $100,000. , mou 1 pler~. marks wlnningllie GO\'Cl'l1or Gen· iiiI'. H. (;. Burt then spoke to .Mr. Burt, ineluckd the names The case \VIII be heard eral's medal, and illiss Hussell the assembly.' He called attention of Ayl'c, Pitts,' JIIacpherson, before Mr. Justice Win-with 513. to the renovations and eieaning (Contlnuc~ on p.1ge 12) ter during the visit of

the Supreme Court on Circuit to Corner Brook on !\'Ion day , Sept. 12th"

of Director of Nalco which Board before the H~use of I brought two witnes,cs tu ~wear I Stndh.:m on S~ptr:l11bcr 6th, (>I:~l" opened yesterday morning Assembly met to ratify the' that at midnight the man \\'a': able 1I1'r,a!l, 11';10 W;'l~ on riL;~' r! concluded last night, but no agreement with Javelin. cold sober and as the accielt-:;I.' the Sl11diul:l ~t tI'c limt'. ~nh! t;:~, official announcement on It was expected that Mr. happened at hcforc one of thr.: (Continued on pa~~ !2)

the conference was released. John C, Doyle, Chairman of I r-;'" ,,;-,;.' ...;...;.'.;,,' .;..;;.-~-..:... The meeting was forecast Canadian Javelin Limited i,

sometime ago by Premier would be in attendance, but Smallwood who stated at the it is understood that he was 'time of the announcement unable to attend because of that the Government would pressing business elsewhere. To uri n N ~ n t't~, support a $16,000,000 bond Only Mainlander to attend b U i 4tI ij ~ i5 ~ issue in favour 'of Canadian the conference was Mr. Geo. ' I Javelin Limited. At that Mackintosh of Harriman His Grace, Archbishop I Davis Covc, B"r E;I':er. ami. time Mr. Smallwood said Ripley Limited. Premier Skinner, who left here last Southern Ha,·;;'::;,:r. He \'.,m

that it would be necessary Smallwood presided, week for a Confirmation tour be accompan~ed !oy R'::\'erentl

C.I.D. Probe Robbery Case

--- of the Parishes in Placentia Fathers Collins and Kent. Revd. Burnett ' Bay, yesterday visited Ship's Report5 from Placentia

Harbour where he admini-: Bay bst n;!~ht stated th<Jt

The Criminal Investigation De· partment of the St. John's Police arc still investigating a reported case oC robbery with violence which is said to have taken place in the city on Saturday night.

As far as can be learned an out port man was picked up on a city strcet on Saturday night, suf, fering from multiple cuts and bruises and was conveyed to the General Hospital where he is now receivIng treatment.

His story to the police is that he was attacked by an unknown person and robbed of a sum of money estimated to be between $400 and $500.

That is the extent of the in· formation available to the pollce who are carrying on their investi· gation wlthuut further clues and without a description of the alleg· ed hold·up' man,

Returns To stered the Sacrament of' His Gral~p. is ht~!nf! gi\'::ri a Confirmation to a large I warm w(':::orne at e\'ery

British Columbia number of children. His 1 Flace he ,·;sit·.:. At c~ch Grace is accolUnanied b'! ~he: n\;::t'(' r(':'irl~l'!tg bad e:'rr:tcri

The Revcrend A? Burnett, Reverend Doctor O·Keefe. i :lL'7P :1!'('!~<:E. f)~,;(" and bunt-who has been preaclllng at the I : :,. -< V'e"" f!. '\'11 r" om '~cI1O(11 Kirk during thc absence of the To-day His Grace \"'i~l' '''''. '1' - , I.~ "d': : ' h" R d A 'I Old '11 I . . : ;111(1 (' '11""1" I.'l"t 'lJ1g~ m t5 everen . ",. S, WI return conduct Confirmation at' .• ~. ' .. , to his parish in British Columbia ,honour. next week. \ . .-----.. --... ---- ---

Mr. Burnett came here several! weeks ago when 11r. Olds ieft [or I a preaching tour of bases in the I North East Air Command of the I United Statcs Army, Air[oree. He! lVas accompanied by his wi[e. i

While here Mr. and Mrs. Burnett i had the pleasure of visiting their son, Doctor Burnett who is on, the medical staff of thc Hospital for lIIental and Nervous diseases.



Appointed School lax' . Authority TIll! Exet:lIti\'e Council of Ft':lIlk N,' Milley, U.C.

the Provincial Govel'llmcnt Bom'd of Educution rOt' ClIl'-j has unnounced the names ling, , of persons who have been Arthur Hiscock, Salvation appointed to constitute the Army Board of Education for Corner Brook School 'fax Cornet' Brook.

, Authority whie:h has been C. C, Loughlin, Amalgam-set tiP under the proviSIons ated School Board for Cor­of lhe Loci!l School Tax Act ller Brook.

l\1Jt~RON~LD ,I. A YRE i~'!ih(1'\\'n unveil ing, the pllO'tOgl'lIf'h' ~f , his' fallter £1\ til!' ()pt!~~ng ('et'fmioilies of Pl'iill'e cif Walrs College' ~·estel;dtly ."imOl:tilrig, The' late C, 1. Ayl'c WUS II gl'cut bcnl'fnl'lul' of th~ C()I1~"(! mId iL WUS:hll who 'donated the Jancit'n which ihe Colleie stands,-(Daily Ne\v~" Photo). ' ,

',I • .' : . '.:., .\ : '

of 19511. They, are:- H, S. Alcock, Amalga.rn-Re\.d, Raymond Man:he, ated Regional High School

Roman Catholic Board of Board' for Corner Brook, Education for 'Corner Brook. Fraser W. Robbins, The

Patrick Moore, Roman Townsite of Corner Brook. Catholic Board of Education George Warren, C,orner fOI' Petries, Bt'ook West Town Council,

Patrick ,I. PCllIlCY. 'Roman Allison Bugdcn. Corner Catholic Bom:d of Educa~ion Bronk East Town Council, rO!' Humbcrll1out'h. Watson Glover, Curlint]

Archibald Lawrcnce, C. of Town Council. Eo Board' of Education 101' Donald Thistle, Steady Humber. Brook Community. Council.

.John T, Parsons, C. of E. And that Mr. C. C. Lough-, Boarr1 of Edllcat'inn for Bay lin and 'Revd. R. Marche be of Y:;lands, ' and are hereby appointed , ,lIon'v lVlmlllr.1. IT.C: Bo:ml Chairman' and Vice Chair: ,nf Ec1~lcalion for' Cornel' I' imll1 l'especliveh' ·of the said ;Brook East. ,School Tax Authurity. -

, '.




Batwing sleeves, sma!1 round collar In blue, grey or fawn, 'Fit 7-14 .. 97c

CARD!GANS Fit 12-14 YEatS, bulton.up stylE, het1''Y f1sec'l whits cotton .. ''' ................................ 'I !25 WOOL PULLOVERS

Fit 7-14 years. Assorted plains. batwing ~Io::vcs

" '.


Page 4: Synod Blasts Canada' Po'licy ,On I'mmigrati'on; delegation leader Vladimir ... more adequate planning" for their


. , ene.ra.

·Items The Bell' Island- ,lVews . Sport

Activities I

~----:------------~~--------~~~--------------------~~~~~~~~~--------------------------------------------------------A SEMI:WEEKL:Y.:.....:..F=-EA.:..:.TU:.:.R.:..:.E ____ -----~--------:- ,WABANA,. NEWFOUNDLAND

\ 1 cup blueberries

APRON ALLEY Dash' of cinnamon, nutmeg and

mace Sift together flour. sugar, salt

:mel baking, powder. TIeat eggs till very light: add milk, Add milk mixture slowly to dry Ingredients; beat with dover beater till smooth; add melted shortening. Fold In blueberries and spices. Hnvr gIld. !lIe pan hot and lightly greased. Drop by tablespoonfuls and turn once during bnking. Sene with butter lind honey, or corn syrup Makes 16 griddle cakes. .

\ I , , ! While we were waiting to, get ! sufficient heat in our oven Ie. bake i a blueberry pie, let's ha"11 a chat i about goodies made with blue· : berries. However" before we for· i get about It, we'd like 10 tell you : about a pastry recipe that we con· 1 sider very good. Here It Is: . ! . PASTRY

2 cups flour t egg

~4 I5p. salt . 0/, cup shortening-1 tbsp. lemon juice. 2 tbsp. cold water .

, Sift flour and salt Into howl, : cut In shortening until mixture : is about the texture of coarse

. i : meal. Graduaih' add Ihe ell!;. well " 1 beaten and. combined with the I J. ,i. : : lemon juice and cold WatN·. Stir

, : only ehough Ie hold paslry tDo : gether. ThIs may be used at once.

'. :~.:: but will be Improved if chilled j-;!: for one hour. The purpose of lhe

:. i I:! .. lemon juice Is to break down the I, L : gluten In the flour, so thaI the i ( :i: . pasll"1 wm ~tretch, rather than .:':-:' break, when It Is being· rolled . ,. out, or al It rlbes in the oven.

And now for our pic: BLUEBERRY J'IE

(above recipe or ~'our Oll'll favourite)

4 cups blueberries 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon cornslarch. ,

Mix cornstnrch and sugar to· r,ether. Combine with blue~erries. Divide pastry for top and bottom crusts, Roll out the bottom cru~l on slightly floured board nnd let the pastry extend ~2 Inch ovct the edge of the pie plale all around • Fill crust with berries. Brush edge of pastry witi! cold water. Add top crust. Fold bottom crust over the tap crust an'd press edges together wilh a fork. to prevent juice escaping. Baltc in a hot m;en 425 degrees F. for 15 minutes, reduce hcat to 350 de· grees F. and bake for 20 minutes more.

Many people will agree with nothing beats I good old·fa~hlon· ed steamed blueberry pudding:


l~ cup butler. 1 cup blueberries 1 cup brown sugar 2 tsp. baking powdcr 2 eggs, well beaten

% cup milk . 2 cups all·purpose flour

Cream butter and sugar well, jluebcrry GI'iddle Cakes arc ndd eggs and blend well. Sift

really something. to perk up dry Ingredients and add alter­morning appetites:

BLUEBERRY GRIDDLE.C,IKES natel~' with milk. Add blucber· ries. Pour into .greased mold,

2 cups sifted all·purpose flour eOI'cr tightly and steam about 1 3 tablespoons white sugar hour.

Ih teaspoon sal! 3 teaspoons baking powder 2 eggs 1 cup milk

1ll<;1(E ARE TWO YOUNG SWIlUMERS who learned to swim at the Bell Island pool this year and passed an elementary test of 45 feet. They are the Cole Twin Mary

and Annie. Mr. Robert l\forc, Price Water·

house systems mnn anrlved here shorlenlng from Montreal Monday afternoon. -_.--_... .--------------.---.------:---:--:--:-:~

i .... : .. ;:' .•.• , ,,'" ".,;" ~ l'~ ""T':'''"!''''~'';'~~ ~','!~': i~'~~I"::' 1I .• ,"Il ~':' 'I" rr I'; -.," ':.' rt"i!."I' .,. ".".-, ... ~'~, "'I ':'" "~:::,:·~!.~':::':::r:,prli::r.ll:.::I."'r,::~,:·~~·'~"i" '~:'.r;:·:!;:,:"i :::.! ': :. ;:.;''i: .,~:.~:,! ·;:n~·::~. ~;~;·:,::il.·'.: .1~1;·~'~:n ,rr~:·. r.::':i::'.'. n ,;);! :;:: ~ 'I~:: •. ~; :~~. rr.1~~·;;~· '::.. ;,' ".,. :'. ··IT" I ". ; ': ~::: :::'~'. I '~·'·::·~·I I I' I.::·· .'.".;.! I', ~. T'~·~' . ~f-""'" , ...... , .... " .... ' .... , .... "" ................ " ,., .. ~ .... ' :" .... ".' . I, ., "'a

4 tablespoons melled ... trr for 9" double crust pie

Swimming l.

Pool News Labour Day brought to a clo~c

the activities at the pool. How. ever it was a very busy day as 10 young swimmers were examined in various branches of Red Cross swimming and water safety Tholl! who were successful are-Senior: Thomas Norman and Robert Rowe. Robert has bcen visiting Bell Is. land from Grand F~lls where he was a lIfeguDl'd this summer. In· termediate: Bovs, Gerald Hamil· ton, Peter Fowler, Clarence Sulli· van, Kevin Power, Jerry Duggan; Girls, Ruby G05se, Louise Harvel' Irene Earl. All these young Inte~: mediates who at the beginning of the se3son knew very little about swimming, worked hard 10 pa!! the junior test, then trained for the balance of the year ;0 win the pin and cre~t of the interm~d. latc swimmer.

THIS GROUP OF GmLS are all qualified Red Cross swimming and water safety instructors who trained under George Dyce, the Bell Island swimming instructor, and assisted him throughout the year, in teaching beginners. They are left to right: Sheila King, Nancy Kennedy, Rose

Marie Babb, Maxine Kitchen and Joan Duggan .

Another swimmer who I:as ob­tained the coveted badge of swim· ming and water safety instructor is Ambrose Hickey. Ambrose WIS

a great help to the instructor throughout the season, In that ht took charge of the pool for late 'evening and Sunday swimminr periods.

Due to an error in mailing In· structions the Red Cross 31"3rds arrived lale for presentation day.

t.1 ~ .- ~ ~ :,:\ • r:i ~ A k C· · in R s ItlZens Many Happy


The instructor now has Ihe!e I awards and tbey may be oblained I from him during the next two ~r ,th~ee dars at the pool. , ,

ri j ~ To Pay Taxes : : i ; :; t· ' C'l ;1 ; it ,I The Wabana Town nunCI

::, : ii ~ wishes to warn delipquent tax pay·


Many happ~;ns of lhe duy,Looking Backward " l' : ~~ t~ ers tbat unless arrangements for

I" : !:~ ; settlement o! their accounts Is not .11110"', i ; : ~ l~ made in the near future, other

to Mr. W. J. Somerton, who cele. i:

brated bis birthday today Wed·; SEPTEMBER 1921 nesday, September 6. Capt. Leo C. Murphy II"~~ Ar·

.. ;i I ~. :1 measures will havc to be taken to

':'~(':"'; ~~,,~. ~ co~~~t ~~~~'up to and including

Congratulations and best wishes: pointed a .Tus~ice of ~he l'e3C~ . to Miss Yvonne Rees 11"00 cele.: The followmg offIcers \\"rTf

brated hcr birthday ~n Sept. 3: i cle~tcd for Conception Council

fj the year 1954 arc overdue since : ;i ~ last January, and it Is felt that

Michael Stares will be J years I Klllg~IS of Columbus .• old on September 9. Greetings I G.K.-Bro. J. M. Greene. from mommy daddy and sister i D.G.K.-Bro. D. r. Jackm~n .

• M.;,.' •... , ._, • t. iii su£flclent time in which to arrange , i ,;i t.' settlement has been taken.

• h;"'{',~~ i;" I . '" • A:j!'!im.. .' ! i The Council hopes that by the

Janet.' ! Chancellor.!...Bro. R. R. Co;tiga", ____ . i Fin. Secty.-Bro. L. J. Lawton. will have been reduced to a mini-\ Recorder-Bro. P. T. Murphy .

~'l : ~ ,,' or "",mb" 1>,,", , •• ~". "~L \n I~ . __________ ----1

mum. Advocate-Bro. P. F. POlI'cr.

: .:!;;: I t·1 '.' .:' " , S .• 0;

:~ ~

la I.

• "I ~. !~ .' :·;···.1' Ii; V . ., S

,. ~.' lli , ~ g : !{. '.!. l i g , . . :-; . ;,.; ;1 ~ :fi ~ :1·: ~.jl I t. • t~ I !"' • ~ .~ ~ ,e. D ;1 S l* 'j l~ ~

0:} ~ i~ ~ , i WITH 'EVERY ~ ~ TAILORED-TO-MEASURE SUIT ~ il ,rom$ 7S I :,,1 2.PIECE I , I s",11«v11 !tov,1 "'''' ,w, .. ,..... 5"",,, Choke 01 La",' F~I Till' I I to·measure luit during Boml's 30th Auni· -inclndil!g Charcoal Grey; ; ; Blue Coal 11

"mary Sale ••• and ~et an exIra pair oj ••• lIIedmm Grey ••• Royal Blue • • • ,j Irousers Jor onlX 30 cents! Yonr snit will be Navy ••• Chucoal Brtlwn , ; ; Bark, ; • l}

· .. · · 1 :.

bret decades o[ During the.t tl) Canadians, Bond" IcrvlI:e hnve collie to lIIcn ohvery It;e ualitiel which appreciate ~:e ~ona its ?ut. bllve ~on tation: .klll~ Itandlng r~pu luperbJabrlCS

crajUl11on1h1p., ·.!O.dare .,yling handsome, up _~ "lillie. For • , • d rn1l5let ••

• , • on unSll 'it is certaiuly liD Ihctll! rcuons, .. • ,~onaer that;.:. • .


smartly tailored to your individual meRlnre and otben!. $!. by Bonll's expert craftsmen in one of L_~L he 5 • R

BomI'a styles-and guorantrcd DUll at t se avlngs l1 10 lBi~'6 ,'ou ab~rll8 satilhcljo~. So don't hg. $3'.75 - ExIra Trousers 30¢ - You Save $13.70 ~ ml81 tWa trememlous opportumty to save. Reg. $49.75 - Exlll TroUslrs 30~ • You Save $17.20 R Visit your nenreet Bond atore NOWI .' Reg. $59.75 • Extrl TrDMtrS 30t • You Save $21.20 'j Vour Chalet of thesi Beautiful Fabrics SafMadla. n G""""'f"J or Mon.y RtI.unJeJ. t MELLOTONE FLANNELS-Fiucst Aus- -..-.00 n' iralian Merino Wool ~ SUPRA SHEEN-New. rich, ~aliu.8moolh ~l'. finish ••• tineat all.wool yarns ~l FInERENE-'l'hr. all.wool fabric wilh tl "Iivtl,'" looli . !i ./ ~1 rUJS hundrtds of othtr impnrled and .. domestic fabriu-Gabardincs, pic'n'llics, G ~~e~ ~



i I i . . I

.. pl.7,12 I t' .' ... ' . '. ,.'.' .......... ... ' . ~ 1'. -:;:"' •. ,.:;, ';;"";';.;";;':.l~:l~U.;' .. : ~ •. I'" . ,4"+8 ; ',Ii i ~"(ar,'~:~:L;:.h:.a::J(ii",c..;":ira::i;('; r}l;u,idl];'I~U ~:':C:ci) ~;~,;,,!~,~Ji ,"-,,[!::i;:::;iJ.~,&Ii:ljt;,.1. .. ;::i.l:Ji111i~lJI,~IiiI&~lJ.iltl;.iI:"'gJ~·L:liLt!iill·~~"a.:i;I~.:'l~::J,jM.:'.:i;i,:~,-~~J:;,:::.:i.,J."'"I.;.~


uROYAL-M" Weighs about the same as a pocket lighter, and is hardly 'arger ... as powerful as 50me hearing aids at least Iwi'. its size ... , smaller than many hearing aids selling at twice its price!

Zenith's latest and greatest engineering triumph-the tiny but mighty "Royal-M!" A world of· hearing aidconven­ience, wearing comfort and performance. Instantly adjust­able fingertip tone and volume controls. And just imagine-it operates for 10~ a week on olle tiny battery!


Jr, in your opinion, any hearing aid out­performs a Zenith in any way, simply re· tum-the Zenith within 10 days and your money will be refunded promptly.

Come in and see the "Royal-M" , .. wear and compare, on Zenith's money-back Guarantee. Try it at home, at work, any­where. Discover for yourself its wonderful clarity .•. convenience. So comfortable you scarcely know you're ~earing it!


$100 lone conduc­tion GC(euory at moder.t. edra cost.

1J!!'1!-- By the Mgk'l"I of World·F.amous Zenjlh TV ond ~odjo S.I, .


Terms Arranged



WA TERSTREET 'PHONE 80021 sep7115,2S .

o. STEERSL'rb.'


Mrs. Gordun } ity East, and dau "ccent visitors t~ while here wcr~ and IIlrs. LeN 1\1aln Strcet. J

Il"1r. and 1If~·-1 St John's spent the Island as gu Bennctt, lila in

lI1iss Cathcdn turned home r.

. very enjoyable bour Grace.

IIIr. William Scotia Pier Shi left for Sault SI Saturday where allnual I'acation New York befm Island.

IIIr. llan'ey Snack Bar, Tu recent businc John'l,

I\\r. and iI\r. and daughtec here from Tor brief holiday "j Robert D. Pe~

son Is a sister

lllisses Elea lIIary Ncary lJ

department J Ore Ltd., spen° friends and rc

l\Iiss Wlnlfr J ohn'5 was a the Island as Normore. :11 is, of Re\·d. C. D, Cyprians.

lIlr. William ,'isitor to st.

l\Ir. and 1'111 Ing of St. Joh end with frier

IIIr. and :I! mOI'e, illr. \\'a Miss Boula! wekend mOl mainland.

lIIiss Jean: of Lawton's wcek.end "isi Harbour Gra[

Mrs. :lfac Jean of St. .le cnd here as Mrs. Leonarc

lIIr nohel double holid~ Grace.

l\Iiss Ida \I' In St. JOlliff here I'isiting E. Normore.

Illiss Glori. onto last wc side In futur

lIlr. and ~

and family the wee keno took their r

1\\r. A. E. and Sons' II busincss lr week.

. flir. and ~J were wekem mainland.

Mr. and Dildo. Trinit cnd On thc Moore's par

Page 5: Synod Blasts Canada' Po'licy ,On I'mmigrati'on; delegation leader Vladimir ... more adequate planning" for their


;The Bell /S/lllld 'TJ T ' . llelVS


The News ~lrs. Gordon Andrews oC Trln· IFl'Cd, Snow. Mrs. 1II00re was nc·

il)' lc:nst, and daughler' Joan were companied by her brother M»:. lTl'elll \'15Itol'5 til the Island and Clyde Snow and his gil'l friend while hCl'e were gucsts of Mr. Miss Woodman. and ;\11'5. Lel1nard E. Butler, ~Inln SII·cel. IIII'. George Carbage relurned

to the Island Sunday aftcrnoon. ~h', and 1111's. Hobert Ward of

5t John's spent the weeltend on till' 1,land as gucsts oC !Ill'. J. 11. 11C:lnctt. illaln 8trcct.

~tlss CathNinc O'Nelll hns rc· turncd home after spending a wry enjoyable holiday at Hal" bJur Grace.

IIII'. and IIlr!. Bromwell Bud· gcll spent the weekend with their car on the local mainland.

1\11'. Gerald Power was a week· end vlsltctr 'to 'the local mainland wl~h his car.

1111'S. John C. Tucker returned to St:-- Phllllps Monday after spending two week's here visiting her daughter 1\1rs. Fred SnoW.

)lr, William J. Dwyer of the Scotia Plel' Shipping Department I~ft for Sault Stc. lIIarle. Ontario. ~aturday where he wlll. spend his annunl \·acaHon. lIe will also visIt 1\11'5. SlIas Peddle left for Galt. :\,'11' York before !l'eturning to t11e \ OntEtrlo yesterda:' where sbe will Iflall<i. . spcnd an cxtended holiday with

_ her son Fred' who has ben re· ~Ir. lIarl'cy Flight DC Flight's I siding there for sevcral years.

Snack Bar, Town Squarc was a rec~nt b"sine5~ \'Isltol' to St. .Tohn·.,

~\r. and 1I11·s. Alcx Robertson lind daughtn' Be\,crlcy arrl\'ed herc £l'om 'I'or[lnlo Monday on a brief holldR)' \'isit to JIIr. and "II'S. Hubert D. pC:Ji>cr. Mrs. Robcrt· ~"Il is a sister o[ Mrs Pepper ...

ScllOlar~hip Winner

:llisscs Elcanr.... Thistle 'and ~\ary ~eary of the Stengrap11ic '\ . , Mpartment Dominion Wabana Ore Ltel .• spcnl the wcckend with 'I frlcnds and relatives at Gander.

'Jiss Wlnif;;-i"laynCS of St. 1

iWedding . \ i Anniver~arjes I 1 Rcvel. V. K.and Mrs. Blak~: were 5 years ·married on Sunday \ They were united in holy wed· lock at Trinity Chapel in '1'oronto Sept. 3rd, 1949. The ceremony. was performed by Revd. C. L.:

. Moore. Revd, Bla~e was Cu~ate at I St. Cyprian's Church, Bell Island, for a number of ycars and left here In May. 1953, to take over Ihe rectorship of the Anglican Church In Bedford, Ontarl'l. I Mr. and Mrs. Reid Proudfoot

I celebrated their \vedding anniver,

I sary Sept. 5th.

Mr. and Mrs .. Richard. H. Goss~ i celebrated thelf weddmg anm·

versary Monday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Gosse were married al St. Bonl· face Church Sept. 5th, 1917, by

.the Rev. John Slead. I 'Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stares cele

braled the 51st anniversary o[ theIr wedding, Sept. 6th. They \\;cre the first couple married at St. Boniface Church. Rcv. W. C. Booth officiated at the ceremony.

Mr. and Mn. J. J. Carew, lor· mer Bell Islanders. but now reo siding in Halifax. N.S., celebrated their wedding anniversary on Sun·' day. Mr. and. 'Mrs. Carew were marrIed at st. Michael's Church, Sept. 4th, 1911. The late Very Rev. Dean McGrath, P,P .• perform· ed the ceremony.

Congratulations to all.

NOTICE TO THE BELL ISLAND PUBLIC . The Transportation of Fune". : als from all C;ity Hospitals can! be easily arranged by contact· ,1"hll'S was a wcekcnd visitor to! ~ ........ ~

the Island as gucst of !IIrs. W. E. ' ':" :-\ormorc. ~liss Hayncs is a sistcr " of \lc.\'d. C. D, Haynes, Curate SI'II : .. l')'IH'lal1s. __ i

~II .. William Kcnt was a rcccnt I ~:

WINNERS of Traek e\'ents at the Labor Day Sports on Bell Island Monday are:­

Cyril Hann (left), winner in the 10·13 years of age group, and Frank Squires,

winner in the 14·16 years of age group. Cyril Hann was a Daily News carrier D." boy ior a number of years .


'Phone. 200 Day or Night

I'i,ilor to SL. John's. l

:Ill', and 1\Irs JIIalcolm Bower· in~ DC SI. John'. spcnt the week· end with friends on the Island.



The many friends of JIIiss June labor Day Sports \---------------------------1 Hiscock. daughter of MI' and Fine weather Dnd a well arrang· Mr3. George W, Hiscock, Lanec cd programdlc brought a' largc COI'e, arc very pleased to hear numbcr of Jell Island peoplc to that she has been award(:d one the Sports 'ield on Labour Da~·. o[ the Grade Ten Electoral Schol· whcn the annual Union Sports Day arshlps for Harbour Main, Bell was held. The sports commlttec of Island Dlstrlct. Local 4121' sponsored the .pro·

)11'. and lIIrs. William Black· mOl'e, lIIr. Walt~r Blackmore and ~liss Beulah Rose spent the wekend motoring on the local nlalnland.

)\lss Jean S\lurrell oC tbe staff nl Lawton's Drug Store was a wcek.cnd \'Isitor to IIcr home In Harbour Grace.

June Is a pupil of the C, of E, grammc and were assisted by School at, Lance Cove and her membcrs of, the local Lfons. Club scholastic record through thc In running aU events and side· grades has been consistently high shows. and we predict for her iurther The wcathcr pro\'cd very suit·

~lrs.Mac Bay and daughtcr succcss In the grades thal (olloIY able for the jUl'cnlle sports Rnd I

,Tcan of St. Johu's spent thc week. in I~cr ~chool. .'. , 'man)" track and f,leld' c\'~nts were i rnd hcre as ~UC5t of 1111'.' and \\.e extend OUI smCC1C congrat· I ahle to be hvld. fhe mam aUrnc-~Irs. Leonard E. Buller. I ulullons 10 the successful stuuenL ; !lou o[ the rlay, a~ In other yeal·s.

__ . \/15 II'cll as to her parents and \ was Ihe tug·of,war contcst between ~Ir Robert Davis spent the teachers. . Nos, 3. 4 and 6 mines and surface

(\nuble holiday at hIs holile In Ur. teams. No. 4 won with thrce Grace. Scllolarsllip stl'(1ighl pulls. The namcs of the

1I1iss Ida Wlnler who Is working III SI. John's spcnd the wcekend hcre \'isitlllg bel' motber JIll's. W. I':. ;\Ol'more.

• winners of medals and trophies £qr Lhe da)' wlll appear In Satur-

Winner day's edition of the Bell Island News.

• I ","";>".';.' Third Annual Banquet~ J.Jora126Ll

"liss Gloria IIlycrs left for Tor· nnlO last wcek whre she will re· ' ~idc In future

Mr. snd JIll's. GCll'don Bcnnett and lamlly ehUl'ch Road spenl the weekcnd at Holyrood. 'I'hey . look lheir cal'.

:\Ir, A. ~:, F.:tlcl'ly of Fe\lcl'Iy r.nrl Sons' Halifax was here on r bUsiness trip during tile pa~ \\'cck.

lIir. and "h·s. J. Dickson TalllOl were wekend \'Isltors to the local maInland.

~\r. and Mrs, Rex JIloore of Dildo, TrInity Eay spent the weck end on thc Island visIting JIll's. :-Ioore's parents, JIll'. and Mrs.


O[ficc' Employees International Union, Local 264, will hold Its third annual banquet in the C.L.B. Armoury on Saturday. Sept. 17.

the aHair wlll commence at 6,15 '. p.l11. with a supper being sen'eu,

foJiowing which a suitable program for thc evening will be IlCld. Mem· i ~ers o[ the Union. thclr wivcs and I several special guests in the com· munity will be attending this func·

! lion.


Miss Patrlcla Galway, daughter o[ ~Ir. and Mrs. David Galway of West MInes, Bell Island; who has been awarded one of the electoral ScholarshIps for the Bcll island· HarlJour Main District In the Grade Elevc'n cxaminatU'ns In that area.

The 'successful candldale Is a pupil of the Immaculate Coneep, tlon Academy. She posses,cs the' qualltics of good ,Icadershlp, and promises to bc a cr.edlt to any' school she atlends in thc future pursuit of her studies. \'10: oller Patricia, her parents pnd teaehcrs our sincel'c congratulations

Jamaica's central mountains have a rcd 5011 which Is rlell In bauxite orc from which' aluml· , Dum Is made.

Personal Mrs. Nabob Arnold was hcre I

from Corner Brook last week to attcnd the funeral of her daughter, the'lale Mrs. Philip Vokey. She was accompanied by her son, Mr. Cecil Arnolrl, and son·in·law, Mr. John Woodman. .

Mr. and Mrs. Willis Regulal' and their son Don, of Harbour Gracc, were week·end visitors to the Is· land. While here thc~ wcre gucsts of ,Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Sellars, : Davidson Avenue.

. 1000Lt\CE IIELICOPTlm YEOVIL,. England (Reuters l-A

inrg·~ hclicopter, the Wcstminster designed to carry 40 passcngers 0; 32 strctcher cases, is being rlcl·cl· oped for the British armed forccs the Westland Aircraft . Comp.ani: I announced Friday.

Volumc of flow of the Mlssis· Ippl at. Its. m~uth averages about 1/14th as n1\l~h as· that of ,the Amazon river.







IF • • • you own your

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Page 6: Synod Blasts Canada' Po'licy ,On I'mmigrati'on; delegation leader Vladimir ... more adequate planning" for their


, 'I I " , I 'I

, i.l 1 , "1" . 'j " " . ,

, :1t'\ " ,",'

o • ~ \' : ., . , Ii:

, , , ,

, !

: '.

, , I, i: I

{The'Daily News -I This trade 'has already begun and there Great F~ture

is not likely t,o be much relaxation for anyone in any fox:m of trade and commerce In Public

I all over the island until the stores close

Outportman" Bayman'

• Thl DAlLY NEWS lJ • IIIOlIIinI papei

. ; estabUahed III iSH, 1110 publllhed at the : HI". Bulldlq. 1S6035. Duckwoi1h Street,

st. JobD'., Nlwfoundland. b7 RoblnlilD , I CompiDJ. Lbnitecl.

! rEDO Of THE CANADIAN PRBSS Thl CaDadllll Prea. lJ exclUllnlJ en­

titled lu the UII for republication of all

down for the Christmas holidays. Letter W r.i.ti De: y' cannot understand the fact. It gains special impetus from the fact \.i h b' I th b By .JOHN BUSH T at man om n e ay. .

that the. northern half of. the island must PARIS (Reuters)-There is i Should become void of selfish still put in stocks for the long five or six great futur~ for youlh in the ancl·. pride, .. months of the winter ice blockade. As ent profession of public letter·writ· That he was bred Ihls way. Another

11 th d ' b 'It d' t Ib lng, says the only survivIng repre· more a -wea er roa s are Ul , IS r u- I*lntative in Paris of the once·flour Some lit the best tills Uilil pro·

I DeWS dl.patc~. 1D tiI1. paper credited to , It or to Tbl Auoeiated PrfU GI' Reuteri

lJd also, the local news published thereJn, All Prea Iervlee and feature article. In

; thl. paper are cllpyright and their repro­, dueUoD II ~rohlWtecL

tion may be more evenly spread out over' Ishlng gulld of letter.wrlters, Mad· duced the year. But the fall trade is still the arne Georgette Faes. First saw the dawn lif day

great fount or c.ommercial activity and this Madame Faes. a young·looking .. In hamlet cove or island small active great'grandmother who has • ., year's may well be the biggest volume been a publicleUer.wr!t(!r for 37 From some place In the bay .

t d d years. practises her profession In . ye recol' e • a low.cellinged. apart· Couragl!Ous captains, sallars tOil,

Brand-Authurized II aecond cla.. mall POJt

OffIce Department, OUa"'.

• Member Audit Bureau of ClrculaUOD.

Grand Falls Fair ment above a bar ncar the Gare Teachers and cler~yme~1 de l'Es!' Doctors and lai\'yers, enalneeri

Outside. a board proclaims in And super fishl'rmen. ' Gothic p r I n t: "Public latter· . writer," and a posler shows a Lives there i bayman soul sil

. 1 1 woman In mcdieval dr hd • , Another successful fair and agrlcu tura ing to a scribe In n street. An· dead.

exhibition has been opened in Grand Falls other poster says: "If you are In Of this name IS not proud,

••• come and see the public }atter· Good mpn he would beclolld.

New DAiLY 8VBsCRIPTION RATES: to marlt the continued progressiveness of dl[!icultles with any kind of letter Shame 011 him \I he does exist.

canada •.....••.••...• ,S 8.00 per annum this garden town. wrltcr." United Kin&dom 1IIi1 all When the people of the paper town on TAILORED HAND I'm proud to be an out port man

ForelJln CaIInlzle.t •••. $12,00 per IIInUIII the Exploits undertake II special project Madame Facs docs a prolilable A bayman I'll remaln-I~===========~===:" of this kind, they enter into it with unin- ~~~~~s~~: hh~:S c~~~~~t:Jleth~fl!~d The!!'e Is no cause to ch,hlt the Collection

hibited enthusiasm. Everyone goes all Implements of her trade, goose· names, .

out to make tile· fair interesting to the pub- quills and scaling wax. by foun· Nor treat th~m with disdain.

taln.pen and typewriter •. and she -s, 5. lic and an inspiration to gardeners. makes It:!r appointments by telt!· ,


Era In this respect, the people of Grand ,phone. But she can still turn out 1:1 b d n" Falls are far ahead of the capital and the Pn orantely \vrillen parchment do- ,IUS an . les

, One of the most heartening things to be much-discussed annual fair which S1. ~~~~~~:odilcrc~r~~tal1on to reirlng At W'll el W{)'fa heard for a long time was MI'. Lionel John's is expected to initiate next year All personal letters are handwrlt· "e ~" '" F01'S\.the's 5tatement at the opening of . 11 1 d d ten. Madame Faes can produce lei. ° I

J will have to be very we P anne an ters In the firm handwriUng Df a Rr'ln~s Boat It

Bell Island's New

Bell rsland's conveyor system that security directed to compete with the standards young man Dr the feeble scrawl or ~ ( of employment seemed assured for a very already established in the capital of cen- an old man. as circumstances reo ST. HELlER, Jersey-AI' - " 10n rt time to come. . d quire.. yacht steered by a frantic woman

b tral N ewfoundlan • She says that the tradlbonal pub· '1 did n t know how to stop the That happy fact has been brought about IIc·wrlter's task of writing love let· " 10 O. . ',. t'

in lar"est mcasure b\! the enterprise and ____ ;::::::::::::::::... .. ' ... ---1 ter~ hns rnll(!n of( and changed motor brough. its dead skipper 0 b J.' with the times. this English cllanncl port llonday.

initiative of the Dosco management in "Most people cnn write now. and The corle journey ended with a making large forward soles of ore and Stren .... b For' To-da" young people nre 100 shy to have crash against the harbor wall. equipping the mines to produce it with &o. 'I their feelings expressed (or Ulem. At th~ Ileim was ~!rs. G. W.T. maximum efficiency. 1Iy £ARi. 1 •• DOUGLASS But I wri1.0 many letters for mar· Wood~, shouting to persons Iii ried m~n who do not want their otper little craft:

The new conveyor belt system from mine handwriting to be recognized. I "The boat is Oll~ lif control, I to loadinrt pier and the concentrator which KEEP DOWN THE SPEED also compose flowery courting let· 't tit"

b j b I th' ters for maturer clients." cnn S op . will grade the ore by mechanical means Breaking In a new car is a tedlou. o. n e Clients also sometimes ask her It ct"2Shc~ into the wall. and are a far cry from the Bell Island of the book that the dealer gives you, It says go slowl)' kl compose matrimonial advulise· sailors who ran to ttle rescue found

f It the first 500 hundred miles and .1I0t 100 fast the ments. or to answer them. One of Mrs. Woods' husband, H. lying past. So too, is the new sense 0 secur Y second 500 miles. Then you take the new buggy her matrimonial advertisements in dead at r.or feet. which the worlters have acquired, out on the hlgbway. and pretty soon you find you a newspaper brought 62 replies to They had started from St. Malo. : Bell Island's pre-war story was ,not a are just going along with the traffic, which menn~ her client, a man, who noW 1s France, with Woods a~ the con· happy one. There were brief periods of that you arc going faster than the book .allows. ~~)f~iT;~l~~~oijTS. troIs. He collapsed and Mrs. full employment and long periods of un- How true to life and its varied problems! Many Madame Fa~s has no standard Woods. although knowing nothing

Th h d t b of us are hurting ourselves not because we' arc evil. formuln for her letters. "I try to about the machinery., ma?3ged to.

c.ertainty, e miners a 0 ecome con· dissolute pnople-althouS· h we' a·ll have plenty of k th ht t thl f

• get to know thc personality of my 'eep e l'ac on course 0 S

ditioned to making the most 0 . a prosper- evil In us. But we arc running ,Into ulcers and client and to eXpress It in the syle harbor for about 12 miles. ous moment, ne\'er knowing at what time high blood pressure. getting Involved In automobile of the letter," she explains. "It Is A physician said WDods appar· the mines would go on part-time or close and flopping around with nervoUs break· a Nal social study. In addition. I enlly died a few mOlneilts af!ei' he down altogether. downs because on ~he highway of life we just na~ur. have often to act as adviser and collapsed. Cause of death was not

d t ff t ' d' 1932 to ally fall Inlo the speed of our contemporancs. friend in the composition of I~, immediately learned. Aespera e e . ~l' was ~a e tnt t. whether that. speed is Indicated or contraindicated ters."

persuade the Bntlsh Go"ernmen 0 use in our vwn particular case. A great part of the public FO d W T l'tS l'nflUE!nce on British steel companies to '''e· all have our ~peeds arid indivIdual p. eculiari· scribe's work nowadays consists of i In s a,r. 0 " writing official letters tD tax au· • , bUY Wabana ore but this had little effect ties. Let us heed them. Dc"\ ruin the human thorities. legal authorities and S . . U . Iii . and not until wartime demand gave birth mechanism wi:h unwise drll':' . . other officials on behalf of hous'~· crape p Il oney to b d'd a sllstained measure of How Inspiring to see oncc I:., a. whIle that lOde· holders and small slorekecper~ lost ' . .' , a 1. . ' .' Th pendent stalwart who lives his life regardless of in the tangle oC modern red tape, WICUITA FALLS, Tex,-A,l'-

prosperIty begm III the Hon Isle. e what others may be doing! Blessed are the truly Madame Faes has a mount~in A 62·relir·old man Is it! jail here initiative and salesmanship of the present emancipated-they will avoid itomach ulcers, of referenC':! books'to help her wllh awaiting a talk wllh a secret ser· compnny have now brought the assurance, npoplexy, heart disease. and plen~y oi hell botb this kind of corre~pondence: . . vice man about some 1944 p~nnies Other t ask S !Dclude \1 rltmg that were chan«ed into apparentlv. tif long-term security. . here and hereafter. speeches for weddings and school ,~ ; The physical aspects of mining itself -:0:- speech days., and drawing up ap' rare 1914 coins wor.h $3,50 or

I peals to the prcsid'~nt of the repu~· more.. . '

have also changed. The great stockpi es He for amnesties for people 10 Oscar Nelson told offIcers b~ ~re no more, the cable cars on which small What Others Are Saying prison. , first started doctoring the }lenni!s , d h d ttl d rid Madame Faes has no fixed fees about it year ago. He Insisted that boys elig te 0 s ea . a angerous e for the letters she writes. An ordi· he had diSposed of oniy a handful. to the pier have long since disappeared and nary short I~tter costs 150 !ran,cs Paul D. Sulllvan, a local coin the trucks that succeeded them have now LET IT BE SEENI (about 42 cents). Letters w~Lch 10· shop operator. lold police he

g'iven way to more modern means of (St. Thomas Tlmes·Journal) volve research and .legal mquiry brought two of the c6J1~ers marked

If the red licence Is Intended to bring a drinking cos more. dependlOg on the ..' transport amount of work involved. 1914. Ffe sen. the COlDS to a col; . ' h b ... driver to his senses it should be put where It can The Faes letter.writing house lector 10 Calif0l'!da, "i1o "Tote

: Now the ore leaves t e ,su ~arme nunes be mn by any' other person. It could be sluck on was found~d by Marius Faes In back that they had been altered tinder the waters of Concept10n Bay on a his windshield In the same way that licence cards 1827, in a booth against the walls by filing or cutting the exIra points al'eatconveyor belt which carries it to the were done during the war when metal plates were of St, Lazare prison. Madame Faes from the first figure four. c,oncentrator and the loading piers, The not Issued b~cause of the. need for war materi~rs. went Into the business in 1918. S~e The accused man told a reporter: handpicking of rock from the ore has also The driver "ho drinks will not be slopped If .he moved 10 her present quarlers ID "I jus! sort of scraped off thi'

, d CI . 1 . . n h s been lell·tnle card Is hidden away where nobody knows 1938, when the prison was demol· points on line of thosil coins ... ~('ase. lemlca engmeen g a About it except himself Ished. 1 thought It was a pretty gODd Harnessed for this job. ~:o:- job".

; In the midst 01 uncertainty, it has always MONEY FOR THE STUt Ueen difficult to develop an abiding inter- (Calgary Albertan) Japan To Build Cl· ClOd ci!.l in social and civic progress on Bell The law was that when a member sat In tile , alms I er Island. But with the new era in mining legislature illegally any cili7.en could take acHon Lon2:est Tunnel . r I . 'hould come a new 'and intense against him and collect for hlmse\£ a penalty. of u Record ?perA 10 ~s 5 • _ $200 per day 01 such Illegal sitting. A Calgary HAKODATE. Japan (Reuters)- I

mtel'est 111 the Improvement of housmg, lawyer recently succesSfully invoked that law .Japan's naUonal railway corpora- VICTORVILLE. Calif. - AP­sanitation, road, and other services of an against Messrs. Landeryou and Lee of Lethbridge UDn Is making plans to build one of An inl~rnatlonally glider record essential character. The full enjoyment of and 1'abor respectively. The legillature now has ~erl~ngest undersea tunnels in the ,,,as claimed'Monday by i ealifor· t~e new prosperity cannot be experienced mlde a change. The nature of the penalty remains ~he' tunnel wil! be 23 miles long. nlan who completed a rilund trip \yithout a marked improvement in general the same. Any. citizen. may still take action .. But It will provide safer and faster of 305 miles. , •.

11 . . d't' nd this has long been his own cash reward is half of thfJ tolal penalty communIcations be~en the main Lyle Maxey. 38, soared from EI !vmg con 1 ~ons a . to a maximum of $500. The bilanee goes to th~ Island of Honshu and the northern· Mirage Field near here to Ind&· Qverdue. publl~ treasury. most island of Hoidtaldo, and wi11 pendence. Calif .• and back Sund'~.

, : But it is something the people mt1st want '~:o:- carry' passengers and cargo be· This beats the old record. of 2*0 enou"h to work for is not reasonable TO DEVELOP POWER neath the Tsugaru strait where, In miles for a flight to a predeterm· to' b:licve that a company which has (Halifax Chronicle·Herald) ~~;~m~:;;i~~4dU~~gf~rrlyJ~~~ Ined goal and return held by :8111

. e .tself progressive on the bus- Placed In juxtaposition, two Item. in the news· and lank with most of Its 1.200 Coverdale of Tenness~e. rrov n 1 .so d pqper nlRke lignlflcant reading. They concern ~he passen~rs trapped on the 'lower Ideal soralng conditions. with iness side of Its operations will be foun development of industrial power (1) from hydro and decks. strong updrlif~s. prev!liled f~r the any less so in its, attitude towards social (l!) from the alom. The fint comes Ollt of New The ferry link between Aomori fllghts. Two Canadian records development. . BrunswIck and records the start of . the huge and Hakodate ports Is sUll the were among those cli\hne~ In addl.

B h d h d d I t main method of communication ~e· tion to the interruitlonal mark. ; It may be hoped. therefore that the new eec woo y ro eve opment on he St. John t~veen the \slands~ The tunn,el WIll Frank Brame of Toronto made ~ra in pr~duction ~viJ1 mark 'the beginnin<1 river. This lIevelopmeni, ~o cost 50,OOO,0Dl!, is to take 10.years to build and will cost the fli..!.'." hlat will be· submitt;'rl

, . . ,., come Illto operation In five years lime. The other an estimated 50,000.000,000 yen . !JI • '. <, of plans for the gradual amel1oratJon of com;s from Geneva in the Zorm oj i aliltemrn! by (about $140,000,(00). a5 th~. bset ~Ibtude marks by", living conditions so that in tUne ,the muni- Great lIrilaln's atomic energy chIef who has said The rllilway corPoration c1ai!Ds CanadIan:, He went I~ 16,4li~fe't cipill and other social amenities of Bell In a Icct~re that "Mclear development wi!1 be so that the development in Hokkaldo solo Saturday, and WIth ~ passen·

Id lh t th I I 't " '£ 1970· 'u of mimy natural resources sUIl un· ger went up 10 17,100 Sunda~. Island will be equal to· the high standards rap ,a ,e a om c power I a.lon 0 WI touched will justlly the cost. Official publications list the pre-of the great industry on wh~ch s6 much of mpke t.he p~~sent plants a5 out of date' as a vious solo .mark a! 15,360 leet. bul

h - f· th hi"· ,. Model·1Ford. '. ' ' , ., k t.e prospel'lty 0 e woe provmce as . have no prevIous Canadian mar

11 W b d d --:0:- ISLAND EVACUATED . for two person •.

we liS a ana epen s, CRACKDOWN ON SPEEDERS WASHINGTON (AP)-A floating Brame said hi mi;ht have gone .. , , New York Times) Ice Island near the North Pole, blgiier hael his cran c(lIltailied

Speed Is the Numbl!r 0111 klUer on the na!lon'i dubbed T·3 by the U.S. air force. oxygen equipment.

Th B . Fa'il hl'h' d th dl ' WI5 reoccupied last Aprll but the , , e usy I ways, an e best way to seoUl'Ill lpeedlng four men stationed on it were flown -.:... --.,.-,.., --. , .' Ii to crack down on speeder.. Evldently the Itate out Thursday. This was d1scl~~d ADVANCE PAR:", L~AVE~ .

, N bod . . h of New Jersey Jiltends to do just thil. Its a~torney at a pol~r symposium held liere O'ITAWA (dp) - An ldvan~~ • 0 y seems ~o knc;>w. v.: at the total general has brdered state police to charge speed. Friday night by the Aretlc InsUtute pa~ty o~ 65 ,men from the2n1j

value,of personal mcomes IS m Newfound- law vlola~ers WIth reckless driving, 'whleb carries of North America. A.P. Crary of Canadian InfInity Brlglde w!l~ land although ~ some partially-informed heavier penaitiei thaD dotl a Ipeedlng ,charlie. He thll air force research directorate. leave Montreal by air to~ay f~r gu'.' i, SS, es h, ave' I:..een made fr' om ti .... !!; to· tl.o..:.e. illiS ii,r,M,ts lcJC.' al and .. e,ou .. n.t,' .p. o.Ilt:, 8. to, .f.,ol,low .. ,_,Ull. Cambridge, Mass.. said hI! reo GermanYI; arm, h,~dquart' II ... UII Ii turned to the Island for the fourth ers announced 'rl?~t .. T!ie 5.~

'1;"he ~est estiinate'is thilt eilrnh'lgs are now I~ ie.lon, .IYI the, attorney lIenera!. wa. prompted time last ,April. Four other men man brigade wilt,~ L~' G/!rma~y ,. t.' $250 '11' 'd t" I by' a "rece.nt outbreak of ~.peedlng In excess of 80 I d hi h 'Id· b~,L "e'· b, Ihlp during OcloDer. Novem' Cl0S~ 0;.. ,_' ~1 ,tOIl' a :year, a~, cer a,m y. miles ail hour" and up to· an unbelievable 120 miles ::~~ga~:hilld mWhe~ She i left of'; \,3~ ~n~ ~~c,el!l~r ,til, blalit a. t'YO

.t~ere are mo:e people ~ployed at higher an bour. Sueh driven, he contlnuei, "belong on a Iii June . .Ybr tour of overseas dilly. They wages than ever before in the island's psyclilatrlst'i. couch and not on the highways";' wUl replace tb~ at Ciiltdlan, Ili· ~ist,oi'y.,' . '". ' . , ~h.Y iho~ld hi~& I their drivers' I~ce~ces r~~oked. _ ,TASTY ITEM ' " tlntry Brig~de iiciiU~rvll1i there. : This large volume of earlling 'power- ~~d,ifIoc;al ~~'lstrat~1 wUl n,ot reveke .them" ,t.he,Tllliiatots, know:! In pm c~n; fi:INi LAd

11 ' th' t .' '0 l' 1 't~' '. ' . s.ale molor "ehlcle commlssitmer will. NeW Jerstv. tllrI~~ h ,"IIJ~e, apples." wefl .Iii. . NUdle·pohit; or ~ilInll'ce "as . rge a IS! y oca ~f1 . rla-:-g~.ts Its most~.lwayst~rwl\rd looklnl,.in &1'&"i1. mitteri. h's tr~/lucea in Eitilind in' U\~ mil iirSt bibclittd' willi V~liic~ be.

h~gh1y conce~trated dlstnbuhon 111 the fall. I&aln, done the rl,bt thing at th. right tbiie. cenurty. fore Ii~ t1Sth c~iltury.


Fashion Jewellery



Main Floor

Dry Goods




Thousand; cif exquisite pie~"ls, in CI

gfllaxy of b'auti*ul colours and de­

signs . , .. Come in to-day and lock

th.m ov.r I


sr. JOHN'S . -:"·-,..,,,,.v,,i J AI!) •

Of Int ,To

War .Vej


\'igorous ~erved as:I Which ha~ sine present day R,I

Through the lod of peace. In the R.A.F '.

!n 19:!2, 1927. in R nd agai: Thophy was lained by th hy Britain.

Vast crowds 10 400 m:p.ll. Ihe aircraft was born the of all Nazi

Page 7: Synod Blasts Canada' Po'licy ,On I'mmigrati'on; delegation leader Vladimir ... more adequate planning" for their



No M()ney For Exam Results New Unemployment ~··l

~--------------------~I ,SEE .TERRA l

Of Interest .To

War .Veterans

Marriage-So ST. EDWARD'. HIGH SCHOOL, PRUENTATION CONVENT, ' I ' A t Eff 't Kidnap Girls, I'LACENTIA nsuralice cec 5

. LAHORE, Paldstan~Reutm- ('mADE XI-Raymond Griffiths, .' . h Police attribute a larle number j,rariaret Follett, Bride Power, Far-Re'ach-Ing , C anges, ilf abductions here:-there were Betty Battoil, Fredenck Whelan, 120 mea ot kidnapped ili'ls be· Fi'anelil Miller, Cyril Connors, Ed· _ the tween 13 and 16 years old of las~ W. ard MUrphy, Joan McKnight, When Canada's new Uncmploy· benefit under the new Act. Re­year-mainlY to the traditionally Mary Pittman, Lillian Lambe, ment Insurance Act becomes ef· fords showed that very few people high coat of marriage for lower- Pliul Culleton, Donald Greene. feetlve on October 2, 1955, it will were using their maximum period

L'. C middlecla.i yollth. They uy gitls GRADE X _ Robert Griffiths: mark the first major revision of of benefit wlille a good many were

eglon orn' e· r" in eonnivl!ig it abduetion by their Joan Davis, Desmond Mulroney, the original legislation. The Act stili unemployed when their bene­lovers because ttley do not want Franels McHulh, Eugene Warren, was first passed In 1940 and was fit period ran out, By reducing the to walt long enough to raise the Iv,. Wilrren. put In operation July 1, 1941. maximum from 51 to 36 weeks and ,", 'L eM. moner needed to aiUafy their ptr. GitADE IX-Antl1ony Connors, The 'new legislation 'm a k e s raising the minimum from six to

______ UJ ., • ents' wi!sheh in accordance With John Collins, ,Joseph Delaney, ~hanges respecting contributions, 15 weeks, protection has hcen I custom ' d 'I All G rates and duration of benefit, shifted so that, IIi, total, It is more

GREG O'GRADY AND In November, 1988, two Vickers R- . £. Leonar Fo lett, an i'eene, THE ROYAL AIR FORCW "Wellesley" lPeclal monopiines, lvera Sui ermg Edward Harris, William Hilliard, ~~~!fY~~~ a::n::;ta~~~ln:a;~~~~ comprehensive . .. \I'e have often written, when manned by men of the R.A.F.' Raymond Kavanagh, Gordon Lan- The requirements for drawing ,.. , . which arc allowable without loss .

he Ex.servlcemen get together, created a new world record-the From C non, Gregory Lye, Edward Nose· of benefit. beneht under the new Act have, in I Ii' a great deal In com- longest distance non.stop lver ancer worthy, Arthur O'Keefe, Donald The new Act relates contribu· ~ome respects, been made easier. Iht~ a~~eout Ilf their experiences flown In a itrilght Une, from Is- MOSCOW (Ap) _ Dle,e Rivera O'Keefe, Thomas O'Keefe. M~x- Uons (see table) to weekly carn. To qualify, at least 30 weekly con· IilO , Interesting matter -whlcb malia, Suez Canal, to Darwin, said Thursday nlllht Soviet doc- w~lI ,O'Relll!, Walter Tucker, Ings and drops the former daily tribuUons must have beim paid In IIIY

I• do credit to the literature AUltralla-7,182 milts. tors had confirmed he Is auffeiing Margaret Carroll, Ro!e Marie .basls. This will make it easier to the 104 weeks before the date of

JO~h' Nation-eomes to light. A month before, piloting a lea. from eancer of the skin. Collins, Dorothy Flyn!l, Geraldine record contributions' and dcter. clnlm and eight of these must be cl k 0 aga we enjoyed plane, two other officers, of the The B9.y~ar·old Mexican paInter !lreen., Anita Hickey, ,Bernice In the last 52 wecks. This entitles

A wee or s A. h d fI' f' D said he had come to Moscow lor Miller Anabelle O'Keefe, Marina mine periods of employment wherc the c1almimt to the' minimum of Ihe cOlllpany of George Andrews, R. F, a own rom ,unee, radioactIve cobalt treatment ind Tobl 'M 10 WhIttle' a person is on sllOrt·time or.where 15 weeks. A {urther week of bene· Ra)'al Canadian Navy, {V.R... Scotland, to the, mouth Of

ll the possIbly iurgefY because theSi! G:ADEar V~I"':' Flnb~r palfrey', a Ilollday falls in the middle of the lit 15 earned for each additional

fllsht,l.lcutenant J. Gregory Orange River, near Port No oth, treatment! are lIot .vallilb~ In E C' 1" M T hi J ' week. O'Grad, and a Naval RaUnl, South Africa, a dlstince of 11,993 Mexico. Ii: ugene h an~ n~~ ~itt 0 n, I~an The scale of conlributions has two weeks of contributions, up to "Tilt Best from the Weat." In the miles, letting up another record be8tvhansog 'K' e' ef°er on JoanmanO"lIEell%la. belm made even, so that a the maximum of 36 weeks of bene-""rs

e oC An hour or 10, Greg for .eaplane filll'bt. EI I c' M B Sht' worker's contrtbullons as a per· fit that can be allowed In one

ronred the map, with references The late FUght.Lieutenint M. TUrqU~::~~~ p~~:S above all Ie; ~ou~::o~~ck a~rllla~~ce, ROS~: centage of earnings will be ap· benefit period. to his travels overseas; IndIa, J. Adam cllmed to 113,937 feet in other stonel by ,the ancient Milry Phlp~ard, Theresa' Walsh, proximately one per cent In each To re·quallfy (having had a BurmA, China, Malyaya, Gava, anoth~r plan!'!, brealdlll the Pueblo Ind!:.:!. of Mexico. Eileen Bambrick Eileen Barr earnings class, with a like amount previous claim) there must again ~umalr. New Guinea and Aus- world I altitude record. . ' " , y, contributed by his employer. Form· be at least 30 weekly contributions ;railiR u~folded before our men. These men won peacetime vic· LO~R:~~n~~lizab1th IEm~r)ey.. erly, the percentage varied In dlf· in the last 104 weeks, but eight of 1.\ \'Islon. He might bave ment- torles for the Empire, kept the however, re!tralned feeling as Blll C' 11 E I nn ~ k ~uce, ferent earnings groups from slight- them must be in the lnst 52 weeks 'oned the tornado, and how he Initials RAF on the front pages to where they could be looked M' { 'Garro , F rn ~ M ~ earn, Iy less than one per cent to more or since the beginning of the last ;wam against the waves, but he of the world's newspapers. Men after. yes reene, ~anc s ,u rooney, than three per cent. claim, whichever perIod is shorter. didn'l' F.C.B. 'qpletly referred like these trained the thousands 'They contend that if • Ward ~tse MLfY K Cfl~tn\f~C~ ~Olll~~, Three new earnings classes have Any contributloll week that Is to an' txperlence on a raft, al of YOUng eagles who later fought or some seeton of the Generil Ammy M ~ In g 'A It r N·arro , been added at the top end, so that more than 52 weeks old and that ~ne of the few survivors from a back' the pride of the LUftwaffe, HDlrpltal, in connection with the pn~aO'K o~ ase~. n ~ ~r~tn, higher benefit rates will he pos· came before the beginnln, of the I;rpeadoed warship. strewing charred maehlnes and DVA, could be reserved far the R a za eel e, tt ;~ml~n MHo hns, sible for those in higher salary last claim cannot again be ~ounted.

Perhaps. we were, for the time battered over the orchards of regular treatment, when requlr- °Gl:~DE r~I' ~ a ~ ug. ranges. This was necessary because The new Act eliminates the non· being, partial to the AU- Rorce, Kent, and the meadows of East ed, they would be quite e,onlent S • .os W I h -M Bilry "oodney, of the steady upward movement of compensable day, modifies the rule

I I A II Th bj • UlAn" • s e, ar yn > OU en . I 'I I there were persDna reason.. n ng a. ey 0 ect to the preaeht sys- F d T bl H ld II T' wage rates since t le ast c lange regarding subsidla.ry earllings, and we have ttttempted to study The growth of the of the R.A.F. tem of transportation Indlser!- hrc~i ~t n'J n~~~ Ca re:I~' ;n:: was made. " !~:lfl introduces a scale of allowable lome of 1st history. slnc. World War 11 began was mlnate1y eaeh da)' to another in. g, u ,rr,. n In regard to benefit rales (see earnings (sce table) related to the

On April 1st, thirty seven years almost beyond belief. But instead stituttlon, calling for and drop- ~~f :oW~~tl" Br~nd c~nntn~, table), it was felt that they should ordniary earnings of the claimant· Igo the Royal Air Farce was of losing efficiency, It gained It, pitig civilian passengers, whose R I r~ M I e. n '1 arro, be got hack in line with the gen· in the period preceding his claim. I:

bor~. Two gallant force. wert by skilful training, planning and difficulties are most certainly not 0 an orr ssPy. eral wage structure. The steady A claimant gets fuJI benefit pay· . merged then; the Royal Flying steadfast morale. , attrobutable to war service, and increase in wages in rccent years ments of his earnings from casual, II

Corps (In which Roy GKrandy, Yea, In that terrible connlct of they are sensitive to certain can· E R I has meant that benefits as a pcr· part-time, or short· time employ·, SIan Green, Gerald Harvey anll 1930.1945, night and da ythe squad- tacts which have resulted as a xam esu ts cenwge or wages have been con· ployment while on claim arc not I Lorrie Baine served) formed May rons of the R.A.F., flew with not unnatural re.actlon to the mix stantly decreasing. :rhe new rates more than the allowable amount I 13.1912, arid the,Royal Naval AIr dealy intent over Germany and ed passengers. recUfy this, -, established In his ca5e. If that Force, established July 1, 1914. enemy.occupled Europe, tbe roar As Bome of OIJlr American frio PRESENTATION CONVENT, I A, somewhat different emphasis amount is exceeded, his benefit is 1

So. {rom Its \'ery Inception, the of their engines Btriklnl terror ends might out it, "They have RENEWS . has been given to duration of! simply reduced by the amount of I

R.A,F •• was a force with a tho- into, Nail·heart:J but, bringing a !iomethlng there," and we hope roughbred pedigree. Little wal it message of hope to millions of to present, In the course of the The foliowlni: are the names or : Employers anl\ realised that within twenty five others. ncxt week or so, a few extraels the ~uceessful candidates in the 1 Employees Weekly Benefit Weekly ,'ears Brltaln's newest fighting Over the heavinl green wastes from letters received from hon- June examinations 1955: • Range of Contl'ibution Rales. Allowable ~rm would eov~r Itself with more of the Atlantic, ind' the North Durably discharged Naval ratings GRADE XI (COltlltIERC1AL) Earnings (rach) Single DCl1eudent Eafllings dory than perhaps any other bat- Sea across the echoing fiords of and (iunners, which sho wilD ad. Pass: Mary Edstrom, Maureen Less than 59,00 (I) .08 $ 6 $ 8 $ 2 tle,Corceln the history of the scandinavia and tbe lunllt Medl· miTable realization of the can- McCarth~', Dorothy Harte, J. Me· $ [) and under $15 '.Ill 6 8 2 world. terrane an; to the far iwiy coral dltlons which now exist, as weJl carthy. 15 and under 21 .21 9 12 3

First Le;rder of these wlnled tolL; and jungle covered liIl~nds of as a genuine hope that remedial GRADE XI (ACADEMIC) 21 and under 27 .30 11 15 4 )'INloTS was Hugh Trenchard, the Indian and Pacific Oceans, measures will be adopted where. Honours: Sheila Murphy. ,aPss: 27 and under 33 .3fi 13]8 5

I, t E Bcrnadette Bennett. 33 and nndcr 3n .42 15 21 6

then ft Malor·General, i V scoun sped the fiylnl men of tbe m· by more sympathetic underStand-d d th d

' .. t' I • GRADE X 39 and under 45 .48 17 24 7 In \942. who had comman e e piTe, darlilg for fre om. no on ~ ing can be assured these Vete· military wing of hte R.F.C. ,the grim unceasing hazards of rans. Evelyn Kane,' Genevle\'e Keal· 45 and under 51 .52 19 26 9

For some t1m~ the War omc,: modem war bul .tcinil-inid tem. '. TO VISIT SAN ing, J. McCnrthr. Ur.;ula Dlnn. 51 and under 57 .56 23 28 11 rleused to treal aviation ac~vl- pest, Ice ind mow. Legionaries Peter Miskell, E. ' GRADE IX ' 57 and ol'cr .60 23, 30 13 tiel serously, but Trenchard and Glory was theirs in plenty, but Piercey and D. McGory w1ll reo G. O'Dea, Bertha McCarthy, P. (1) When earnings arc less than $9.00, the contribution (for bene· hll staff battied hard and long never had it been more hardly present the Sick and Visiting Roche. ' flt purposes) is counled as ~~ week. tRains! stubborn official secptlc· earned. For the tradltloni of the Committee of the St. John's F O'D GRDADEK VII.II . H S' 'I G ' 92 Ilhc excess over the allowable Ilm and finally won the day, R.A.F., young men &,om New- Branch of the Canadian Legion • ea,. ea mg, D. Pitt· onours: ,lei a carlO ; I scale.

When the 1918 Alrmlslcet was filundland and ill over the Em· during the weck.end, when they man, Fldelma O'Toole. Evelyn Kanl! 87.. The above constitutes the main



\. '

dgned, the R.A.F. was 28,000 of- plre w11lhigly lIave their lives. will see the ex.servlcemen who GR.I\DE VI! , Pass with Merit: Lney Reddy changes In Canada's unemPloY-1 lim!, ~e4.000 airmen strong. But Yes, we have a slight partUity are presently patients at the Sana- Anna Harte, L. Hearn, G .. Keat. 77, Bertha McCarthy 71. Pass: I ment Insurance Act. Insured work· b)' the end of the following year towards the Royal Air Fo~e-for torlum. lng, .K. Roche, J. Swain, Sheila Agnes Conw~y 71. ers who have special problems EVERY CAR RECONDITIONED

a." t

rna!> discharges had reduced the Flight Sergeant Myles A. Murphy, ' THE YPRES SALIENT Gearin, Agnes Conway. Fabyall Fm! Steps I ,hould consult their local UlC oI· I (orce to some 2,000 officers, and R.A.F. (Bell Island, C.B.,) was September, 11116, saw the New· Dlnn, Wlnlfr~de Reddy, F. Kane. Honours: Mil!'), I{ane 95, Philo. fice for full particulars. \1

lel\'cr than 30,000 men. missing ai tlle re1!ull of illr ope- foundland Regiment In the Ypres E. Dunne, F. O'Dea. n. Reddy,! mena Keating 23. FilII enec :;carin! Fortunately, there remained a rations on the night of 28 to 29th, SilUent. Belgium, notwlthstand· Sadie Pi;tman, Justine Lawlor, i 92, ~lary Brnzil 8i, Willie Hynes i . 1

"igorou5 brilliant nucleus which July, 1944 . , Ing Its shattered beauties, Its shell. Pauline Kane. , . 87. : The Wandorobo U'Ibcsmen arc, ml'ed 85 a foundation upon BDR. F. J. CROTTY torn buildings, teemed bathed In THEOR\' OF' MUSIC ! 1:'055. ~'ilh ~ICI'iI: MoJlieBl'3zil. A ~~madic people in Britis,h Ea~t 'I

1I'11lch has sluce been bum, the At the 'l1rack Meet held !'ecent· a hallowed 1Ight. It was truly 811 Preparatorll DivisiOlt Baibaia Derrig"n. ' Afllca. ' ,resent day R.C.F. : yly at Camp Utoplt, New Bruns· historIc place. .. ,---,------ ._-,.,- -" .-

Through the all too short per· wick, Bombardier Frank J. Crotty For a while lVe were at L8 and lOll oC peare, the few men left secured !lrst place in three fA In Ilutments, with dug·ouls In the n.A.F .• made Its name fam· events. I1'lght behind; rald·shelters really. nUl by brealdng record after re- 1.-The Javelin Throw. Tom Pittman. D.C.M., "The Flgl~l. tonI. 2.-The Hop, step and Jump. Ing Newfoundlander," Jack Frost

In 1022, 1927, 1929 and 1931 ARa- 3.-The Broad Jump. (of Frost's Restaurant) were thc In and again het Schneider Frank. will be remembered in bulwarks of my Lewis Gun team; l'hoplll' was won and finally reo the spctrts events at st. Patrick's. Pierre Coxworthy, Luke FaUon, lainr.n hy three wln~ In sucesslon where he was a student. He is Gus Martret. George Gulliver, Il!l'e hI' Britain. the son of Mr. and Mrs. John still illlve to recall our stap in • ,'ast croWds walched those 300 Crotty, Gro\'es Rllad. He and his that area.

In 400 m:p.h. flights, and out of wife (the former Min Josephine Poperlng he was only a felY IIlc alrel'aft wlllch won the tace Fagan) are now residing at Penn· kilometres awap: "Pop" with "La I\'a~ born the 5pltflre, the terror field Ridge, N.B. Pllupi!e," The Broken Doll Cafc, or all Nozi ralde!.'s. WAR ~EUROSIS and !llarle·Loulse, who set expres·

Recent Informal talks with sev· lion, "You are the '@reat, big, eral Veterans of World WIlIf 11, grand Ne~foundlanders" still as well as the number of letters rings pleasantly In our ears. . revelced from othel'1i, have result· Then the visit of Qr. Paterson ed 'in a summary of their candid and Hugh Anderson; Toin NOlie· opinion regarding WIlIJ: Neurosis. worthy driving our visitors to

These interviews and corres· Yt:tres in the mEsS·cart, and Grant pondence do not show any real paterso naild your columnist "complaint," If one can put It trot ling , along bn hOl'1ie·back, as that way. It would allpeat thnt a inounctd escort. the. ex.servleemen who have reo It doesn't seem so ,'ey long ago cclved treatml1nt, and those who after all, lind WI! often meet some may be under tile treatment noW, of the men who Were wIth Us in bave verar kindlY feeUngs towards ,;C" 8111\ "D" Company lit the

the Doctors cohcerned. They have I1ornworks, The White ChateaiJ or the lIicnln Roadl


Tourist Flight leaves 2.55 p.m. 1st Class Flight leav~s 5.40 p.m. All tim., qticted are local time.


Gelleral Arenh' tar tCA Of

"I'holll TVA' 7121. '

'~. riAN$-CANAOA All UNEJ,

"Ami whcn the Regiment. at length, . '

Was b:oUllht ,gain to fighting strtngth,

Full, rest,ed and wIth iteadlid nervCll, ' 'Ve moved to where Ypres Salient curcs •••. Its bulging coniour. towards the foe-

A sector where the ~bb and' floW Of d~sperati acUon. cbrUned hte

iround' .' Inio deep mire for miles, a~~und, Where shel1 hoic~ served for froilt \ defenCe And itroni polilts led from ilb~]'

, low trtnch;, ,', Anel COI1C1'ete pili box blocked ,at-

tack ' Altd lIeld aSsauitlngl~ilons back."

-Major R .a. Tillt, M.C. h1 liThe Trail of the CatlbDu."

00' ~Ott p~ ~Bb~ ~&? , ••. OIL ltic£ ~GUltS~ 9Jl~ ?


Price Reductions On Our Entire. Stoc:k Terra No'va Motors

Used Car Desperation

Is A Dollar Saving

Situation You' Can't Afford To Miss

Come In ~ Talk Terms

or Trade and see Why How Is The' Very Best Time to Buy! Open Evening~

, .



Page 8: Synod Blasts Canada' Po'licy ,On I'mmigrati'on; delegation leader Vladimir ... more adequate planning" for their

. 1 i'· .. ' : "

'.~~:.:.,: I . J :... • I "

.~ - : " ! '. .. I - ~: . ,,'. . ,I, "

• ~j~ .••• ~~: 1,1'.'::.:; >:; . : t .• • . ~ .•

8: i. ,THE .D~~lY;,NEW.S;.wED.NESDAY;·SEPT"7, 1955

. .ABliY.SD BOMS' .' , .' Nonksto.wn Road, . left here by . Min Katbleen;' Burke," Brien TCA .on Sunday (or Montreal, StreeLwbO is assistant Cub' lead· where shc will entcr the Sep. er for'St' Patrkk's Cub, Pack; ar; tember class of lhe. Royal Victoria rived by' TCA un~rlday. She at- Hospital School of Nursing_ .

.. '. " .

. , .

.. . .. ..

l 1 :

tended the Wotld Scout Jamboree '. at Nlaiara on the Lake and·found LEAVING TODAY . ~lxlni wlthanil exciJ(nglng view' Mr. and ·Mrs. Arthur F. Wood with Scouts from all parts of the leave here today by TCA for' a world • ve'ryeducatlonal atid holiday In 'New, York, New Bed­pleasantexperlent;e.· .. She also i ford; ·Mass., and Rhode, Island. .Is\ted her: Ilster,4 MIss 'Patricia T~ey'\!lan to visit t\leir parents, ·.Burke·at Toronto arid her brother Mrs. F. H_ Wood of Montreal and Michael. It .Monveal during' her Mr. 'and Mrs. P. J. Nolan of North

Fashibns ·by Y outhfu,1' Designers 'I" ;, . . ,; " .. .

ylslt'to the Mainland. . :.' Sydney.' , '-'LEn StlNDAY . . . Mr. and M~;' Campbell l\lac-pherson lett here by TCA on Sun· liay 'on a visit to the Mainland 'and the United States.,They were 'accompanIed by t'belr son, Cluny, '1Vho Is a student· at Bishop's Col· lege, Lennoxvllle, and Is return­'l1li to bls 1Itudles next week. , .' . , . ,WEDDING TODAY

LEAVING FOR SCHOOl. Douglas Wood, son of Mr. and

Mrs. F. 1. Wood, Portugal Cove Road, leaves here today for !IIont­real where he wl11 spend a short holiday before leaving (or Lennox­vllle, Quebec, where be 11'111 e~ter Bishop's College as I Grade X student.

NURSE IN TRAINING 1IIIss Evelyn Cox, daughter of

Mr. and Mrs. A. Cox, LeMarchant Road, left here by TCA on Sunday for Montreal, where she will enter thc Septcmber class of the Royal ViCtoria Hospital School of Nurs· Ing. .-

The wedding takes place this evening at the Salvation Army Citadel of Captain Pearl Pond, who for the past five years has been a' member of the staff of the Grace Hospltal,tL Captllin H. Snelgrove, of the Salvation Army. Major C. Hickman will perform the wedding ceremony. The reeep. ,'ISlTED ONTARIO 'lIon w1l1 be held In the. Nurses" Jamcs Callahan, 86 Circular Dining room of the Grace Hospl- ,Road, arrived home last week from ial, Captain SlIelgrove will at. Ottawa after spending R holiday at tend Memorial Unlverslay· as a Wampos Island, Ontario, with his 'sccond yetiI' Education student brother Charles, who joined the 'Ihls 3'ear and Captatn pond plans Order of the Oblate of Mary 1m· \0 do private duty nursing.· maculate two years agor

-ON HOLIDAY , Miss Mabel Young Df the stair of Mutual Assurance Company 'Ieft here last Thursday to spend her annual vacHtion In, Montreal -and Toronto.


HOLIDAY TRIP Miss Grace Escott and Miss

Diane Sparkes who were on a trip to Corner Brook by S.S. Northern Ranger arrived back In the city by the express Sunday.



\\'Ith I,lack f01( mnff for dressy occasion. There's' tcxture con­tl'~st ill beige l:orduroy jacket (rigfi!) Ihat lias ribbell knit trim of n~c1dine; pocket ami slecI'es. It's worn with black cordu­ro)' s:'irt. COl'lluroy is a ycn'r arotlllll fahric· nOll', and Is 1I'0rn

daytime Into cvening.

l :AIr. John R. DII'on; director of Fortune Bay Products of Fortune .Is at present visiting the city on :buslness, and I~ reglslered at the ~Newfoundland Hotet

Mr. Timothy Morkpli arrived in Montreal on Saturday. He spent the past summer In St. John's , BY GAILE DUGAS '. I AI no other time woul:1 Ehe want women. Isabcl Dobson. (or in.!lincs are Ilcl' ~llOicc. She likcs working with the Departmcnt of " to go about incti(;ercnt tJ her up' i 5tan~c. docs duthes that arc C5' corduroy for iah·tl"immed, a(tcr· Welfare and has noll' rcturned to NEW YORK - (NEA) - In tllei jJ~~I'anw, bli),ing on!)' the c!clhes! scnti:1Uy casual.· She likcs to! noon <INsses. and (or late·day en·

The IIlllny us~s of conluroy In a maternity wBl'Ilt:obe Cor fall arc delllonstrated here. Washal!1e, of. ('O\lr~~, ~ll{1 In I:CIV le~;t:tres and colon. Pr:ro'clI corrlnroy in hbrlequin p~ttcrn (]~ft) Is used with, blacl. corduroy p:r.ts.· .mouse has Ilnllan bc;tch s!lirt neck­line, Suit (ccnter) In bcl;:e corduroy· Is trhlllilcd in blnck. \\'orn

ovel'.age Ifcr<lrobe .the leane~t ~(!m that ~I'culd gel her b),. I lI'ork with corduroy, jersey and' sembles that eonibine heal'y rib-Montreal to continue his studies at pOSSIble Is srt asld~ Cor maternIty I' die II c arc the per- bcd tobacco corduroy with satin.

-LEFT F9R MONTREAL • TIl I !11 Maureen Fitzgerald,

McGill Unlvcrslty.· Mr. ~Iorkpll clothes. A woman Ccels that she'll J!appilr. [ashien IHls 1I':lr1;cd out. fl\cet~ fal)l~i~~IS lor \~~ casual look· 1 Nina anothcr intc"prcler of the

'''ill returll to his hOlne on the \I'CBI' tllC"1 0~1" "fCII' montll' a cOll1m'JII1ISe bclwecn budrpl and Ie. ' ,.' I" k' 'b b' d , . ., "'." . . 0, n d i I"· A I ',"11 TIllS scason she has done a sCI" young 00'. IS a su ur aUltc an Gold Coast nex't ycar after he. has then e~st t!:':m 35Id? She d rath· ,,00 .. o~."" .n:1 lIn~ t'd (:n~ ic, of d),ed-1J,malcll separales inl the mother of two chillll'cn. She coi]lpletcd his 1V0rk In Social Cr put h~1' I'· 11110 t~c I~o.rc, ~~~~' c[o I~~ In:~of::~~;~' for o~ ~:.~;. oflbca t cnlors th~t c~lI1bine widc· <Ics~gns for l~en- rs,dc\'~agelop~ng ,.


Gifts & Greetings for You - through

~E~COME WAGOr. from Your Friendl, Buline •• Nei~bor.

Ind Civic and .... , Waif.,.. l_derI

Studies and will take a position permanent addillons lo her II Uld'l D ... PI \\'ale cor"uro,' \1'1111 J"rso\' I desl~ns lor teen,ancrs ile\'cloplll" I . t robe w~:a·. ut now. It g:::s 11ll() ate- '. u.. ..... "~ . .., I n' • e

wlth,hls home governmcnt. • . da\' <I"cr,e' slne"s c\'"nin" dre'- . . .. . st.les III gOOd taste thal "lie the Such rcasoninn '"ellls rHlI ai, '. ';t" 'd' • ' .... , i' 0 ., SJplus(!cate:l JUnior fashIOns l·Jen·aners a chancc 10 acquire a . . ." "'. ~ i se, Sill s a':tlme r l'esscs coats (. d' A Kl . , 0 • •

LEFT. Jl10NDAY Mrs. J. B, McEI'OY, Patrick St.,

Icft by TCA on Monda)' on a Visit to OttlIV8, Toronto, Boston and Halifax.

FROl\1 GANDER Mr. and 1\Irs. John 1I1urphy and

their two sons, Sean and P~ul, .are at present visiting the city from Gander and ore the guests of Mr. Murphy's mother, ~{rs. Frank Mur· phy, WIlliam Street. . VIStTED CORNER BROOK

I\IIs5 Ann Cornick, daughter oC 1\11'. and I\Irs. Cyrll Cornick, Stoneyholl5c S:l'cet, arrived baek III the city on i\londay aIter spent!· Ing a holiday with f,rlends at Cor· ncr Brook.

a ""lance but II Isn't entlrel" sOUnt1.1 .:' II'r I' t 't I 'tl come 10m cSI~r.-Jr nne em, sense of Ime and color Ihat \1'111 J anll \'ou I u 111" ernt Y co 1"8 . f' h If What th'~ is saying, I· ,. " Who wears a. SIZe Ive erse. carry into later yea!'s. This year

In a sense; is that she Tea\1)' dce~, The designel's who Hl'e paC'~set- She works WIth a . personal a~· she uses· textured corduroy for not'care milch how'she looks 101'1' te1'5 hi youlhful fashbns in cor.! proach: "Would I hl:e to II'car It jumpers and for ,dressy separates a periOd of at Icast 51:': months. d u l' oy are themsell'es )'oung I myself?" Simple, uncluttered that are worked lik2 velvet.

FRmI TORONTO ~·il·. John, C.' Winsor of Toronto 1

Is at present visiting the city alld ; 15 staying with hl~ mother. ~Ir. \ Winsor worked with Cannda Pack· ers.ln SI. John's for ~everal yea!'s 1

before being transferred to Tor·'

Between' Us We men

onto. \ fl)' RUTH iI1ILLETT - ... FAREWELL PARTY . '~O.Tlllm.I,:%A\\,S "nOFI.T .'

IIIlss Florence Case oC 97 SpJ"ing- I \\lm:. 11!E'!' CtlN DO F,\ \ ons dale Sireet was hostcss at a sur· i A youn~ wife writes: "In the

Children's Puzzle ScllOol· Time Hit FAR;\IER JOliN .--

q !J - .J 1 .~

:l. •• ;;0

1\' 1-, .19 ~I

1'0' '1' I" ~

10' .I~.

Ii /0.

, i, 13 ;'\

prise farewell party last Thurs- [jl'e years lhat we have been mar­day evelling for Miss Lorraine ried 1 h:tl'e tione cvel')'lhing I Roberts, Topsail noad, \\'ho left could· (or my mother,in-Iall'. Never here 011 Sunday for Winnipeg, once have I asked her to <10 an," Manitoba, where she will cnter the thing Cor me in relurn. Yet she

WEDDING TO~IORROW United College. A most enjoyable doesn't se'~m 10 be at a\] Cond oC The wedding of Miss Ph),lIls evening was spent .and all wished me. I tho>~ght if I tried Iwrd

Elizabeth Neal, daughter of Mr. Lorrnlne a most successful year. enough I could make her like me, and Mrs. David Neal, 84 Le. but it hasn't wOI'ked out that way." a. ..... .)1 relid~lnA" P I h I k d

\.U" 'II, fCCtJ!IGfC '!I ... ... Marchant Road, to Mr. Harold HOLIDAY IN U_S. er laps you ave over 00'0 an

ArriVit. of N.wcllw.... ... Butler, son of Mr, and Mrs. J. L. i'l11 A D I Important faelor in both love and •• ... l' ss nne a ton enplaned Cricndship, th,~ nccessit~' for let-a., Butler, 144 Casey Street, takes Saturday for n vacation which she ting the other person do things for

place tomorrow at 7.30 p.m. at St. 11'111 spend vl~ltlng ·relatlves in you. MRS. CATHERINE FOSTER Andrew's. Presbyterian Church. Brooklyn and J Jmnlca Plnlns, Nell' It i5 rarel), enough to do lhings

;~ .SU· p.rv,·s,;ng Hood,..s The reception IVI1I be held at the IYOrk and Cnmtiell New Jersey: for others. We havc to givc olhcrs ~, Old Colony Club. . __ ' the opportunity to di things for m.

~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;;;; _____ ':';';~~~~~;;;;;;;_;"~;;-;;-;;;_;;:'I FRO~I CORNER BROOK . Th~s is. especially true in thc l'~.




'. lIIr W· \'; C 'tt f C IlatJonshlP between a young person . '. . OSSI ~ orner and an older one.

Brook Is at present VIsiting the If the giving is all one·sidcd, all city on buslne95 and Is rcglstered on the part of the )'oun:: person, at the Newfoundland Hotcl. Ih:! older onc feels put on the shelf.

It isn't much fun for'the older per­son to alll'ays be on the receiving end. FEILDIAN LADIES Dependence IIlallcs Th'cm Feel Needed

. - ~ .

I_"A __ S __ T_RO_-_G_U_ID_EI_I __ .-.!By:....Cs~1 . For Friday, September 9

Present- For You dnd Yours .. , You' may not feel first-rate when you arise, but aspects improve as day pro­gresses. Be honest in alt deal­ings willi others. An ill-gained dollar never did anyone any good. If .asked tp perform an' unfamiliar lask, be certain to obtain spccific instructions be­fore tackling it. Successful com­pletion is denoted, however. Saturday's aspccts e~cellent_

Future • , _ Unless the output Past _ - • Dr. Charles Eliot be­of cocoa turns out to be smaller came president of Harvard Uni­than expected, prices wilt proh- versity 86 years ago today, a ably decline. Fewer subslitutes post he held for 40 years. He and extendm will therefore be gaincd additional fame as edilor used, aspects indicate. of the Harvard Classics_

The Day Under Your Sign ARIES (Born March 2110 Ap,il201 LIBRA (Sepl.'23 10 Ocl. l2) Don't Ci\"c in to temptation to air ),1):1f You ;rc,incIir:~d to be over'Cfni,t:ll. url,.. own rrobltms to tbe: world &1. tar;t. in tnornlng. Try 10 lee Clthl!ti $Ide ,{ "'ou'll regrd )1)ur outburst.. the qaution. TAURUS (Apri)'21 t. May 20.1 SCC?~Pl(~ 1t"~I •. 21 to Noy_ 221



Holy CraBS shu I out II last nlghl in a seni

that was dclaye~ because of the "b;,

Only 1':hen Fr a SI. Bon'~ pla)t. Don't dB anytiung you wouldn t want If .R~'mr "", tr"Jctl.ons, put c:ver)"thlnr .~

published on the front pa,,= 01 the fleW,," Vo.'l'lun;t !O there 15 no chance for CIS. raper in headlines I uudeutanding, Exercbe C.lution. GEMINI (M.y 21 I. Jun. 211 SAGtTTAlllUS. (N~y. 21 t. D.c. 211 YOII may td "if to a slow 6tlft, 'flut Home ~nd family ""II! taJ-e up :rn~I:h of .1[tion .,,"m ,Vttd up l:uu in .13Y. Out- rout tll':e and attention pOW. Gin ~f

al the game .Il'icia.te did the match

~me s.hould be ,cod. )"our time un&rudgingly.

CANCER !Jun. 22 to July 22) CAPRICORN ID •• - 22 10 Jan. 19) PC'opl~ tend 10 annoy you bl1htir lack Keep fJ1!-0tionally ulm if \1nr'e;l~ll.\t of comprchensiou and slow tbmi:inr, Slow m:l1tcr ftsn uf 1Q b!tun1 )'Ot!.. Th:r.~1 down to tbeir r,rudl • will worle. out i )'OU gin 1hem a chant:.

LEO !July 23 10 Aug. 221 AQUARIUS [J~n. 20 10 .F.~. 18) . Yoil m3:/ !lave I buncit about a Silu31ion Your Iympllhctle nature lnvlt.n ton,fl. whici, hn bem botbrrinl{ l'Qu. Why Dot d~ncu" Be worthy of them. Kttp hltb aet and see 'Whal happm" ''With tho,e .ha tru~t )'OU-

V1RGOIAug. 2110 Sept. 221 PISCES IF~b. 19 I. March 20) Sdd:.inlt rour nose in ether', Lu!inul You may find thO!' 2rour.d '-OU ~'\"re~.,; never 113)'s-pz.rti,ularl, not at this time. in::: ilnd 'Iloting. Bleak pro50pect, ifn', III nc tlisucet. h'. up 10 you to change the rict'J'l'C.

CO 1955, Firld E:l.terpriH:s, Ina.

B~caU!e of the late consent cd to pla~' but cI'en at thi<

darkness (nrcerl a wilh 8 minutes rp

final period. only one senior gaIT be played. thai bel

and Ih~ Feilni: If'ads Ihe teagll while Ihe reihl'

9. A win or a tie honours to the' LI

Cottonfo·r Back-to-School Co,'mbines Comfort,· Style •. """.

Ry Whltnry . John Me

CHAPTEr: fasllion~ in cotton combine aulumn look \,itn SI'OItTS~1;\:-i cool comfort 011 llOt days. 'Iw-picce ensemble In herrin~bo~" YOllr dictionary w cation tweell (left) tlain cn~e jacket (trimmed with washable _"Orl",,, coHolI suede) wHh skirt lhat lias im'erled pleats. BroarlclQlh jumplr (right) is worn with dlCcked WOI·r.1I !!il1~hall1 blmisl. lIoll! designs are b)' It"te Grecllwa)'.-By GAILE DUGAS. :\f.A Women's Editor. --- -_._-- .. _-_.- .. _-------_ .. _ ... --_ .. _-

Sizes to 50 lVIanners Make Friends

~n otherwise ~\\"

:1 onl), doesn', h:l' mscH, but he Sp01

around him. H,!'s the fellow

1£ it is necessary to make aI" ... ,··, ,"-, the only bat, distance call from someone goes home if he phone, ask operator [or time way and play II'

charg~s. Pay your hostess play. once, instead of asking to 1I~'s the buill' wh advised of cost of the can. •

Bad telephone manners bigger and stroll antee an "IVJt _ of -order' picks on t hi on many friendships.· arountl to ~h(" ROYAL


The opening mceting. of the Felldlan Ladles Association wJII meet In the Felldlan Ladles room of Bishop Feild College tomorrow afternoon at 3.15. All memhers arc asked to try and attend the meettng.

VISITED FOGO . Mr .. and l\Ir~. John Bignell, 27

Motint Royal Avenue, returned to the city by the exp:ess on Mon­day after spending a holiday with relatives at Fogo.

So if' you want your molher-in­law to feel closer to you than she noW d<r.s after all your klndncss, give her a chance to do some things Cor ·you.

Ask her advice, occasionally. When yOll have more to do than you think you can get done, call on her for help. Notice what things she d~~s eSl1ee.ially well or pride In being able to do nnd ask her 'to teoch you her methods.

John has been a verr su~cess' (ul farmer, Here he IS WIth R

load of his prile ved~tables. If you would like to sec what he has in the wheelbarrow, join all ~Ie numbered dots together, startmg with dot number one nnd cndng wi til dot number twenty-one. Try your crayons on this picture.


armament depot· at Longueuil. Que. will be opened· Sept. 2 by R'~ar Admiral J. G. Knowlton, chief of nal'al technical services, thc navy announced Wednesday. The depot, formerly located at SI. Hubert, Qu-c., will repair and store naval armaments and fit them in ships in the SI. Lawrence river arca.

Here's the long-lorseo line -just lik~ moUler wears! Send hcr back to school in this newest, 5m~r test fashion - B lower waist (cinch by a blet in back), atop her fav­orite whirly skirt! Especially pre­tty in plaid' 'n' plain - thrilty too. made oC gay remnants!

Pattern 4502: Child's Sizes 2. 4, 6, 8, 10. Sizc 6 tal,es 141 yards 35.ineh plaid, 1 yard plain contrast

This pattern easy to use, simple to sew, is tested for fit. Has com­plete illustrated instructions.

LOSES illS ,-38. 40, 12, 44, 46, 48, :iO. Sil!, lIe's the boy wI

,/ tak~~ 1 yard 35-ineh fabric. 'roper when thing, This pattcrn cas)' to lise. " .. ·, ........ L.

to sew. is tcsted for fit. Ill; He kicks and plete illustrated instructions.

Send TIIIRTY-I~IVE CE:-iTS cents} In coins (stamps cannol accepted) for this pattern. plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDnlESlt

", ; .. ' i

, :.

"'. ,"

: ., .. , ,

( . '~'? ",:-.,'

.45 R.P. M· '.. RECORDS' BY ,




Go right on doing all you can Cor, your mother·in-Iaw but add

.-~------something 10 the rclarionship, a little' dependcnc~ on YOllr part and a willingness. to talle as wcll as give. ,

Ortcn Ole grealeB\ gift. you can givc oldcr 'persons is the Unowl­edgc' thaI lhey are nceded.

Send THIRTY·FIVE CENTS (35 cents) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this paltern. Print plainly SIZE,' NM~E, ADDRESS. STYLE NunmEU.

Send order to ANN!': ADAMS. care oC S'I' •. JOIIN'S DtlJLY NEWS Patterll Delli, fiO IIRQNT STREET \VEST, 'IOR.ONTO, ONT,

Sizes up to' 50 can benefit from this. wonderful bra-it gives a fcct fit, comfortable firm ."rmn,-" III the larger figure! Easy ing too-make it in regutar long length; See how !I.H "ri.,rl

STYLE NmIBER. S~nd order to ANNE

earc oC ST. JOHN'S Pattern Dept, 110 FRONT WEST, TORONTO, ONT.



...Alllllem'9mln.~ ifiJ

I your lashions will look-:-with ncw foundatbn beneath!

Pattern 4619; Women's Sizes 3u, IIDw BelDI rulul



Page 9: Synod Blasts Canada' Po'licy ,On I'mmigrati'on; delegation leader Vladimir ... more adequate planning" for their

rusaders Blank Guards


IN lJARKNESS "~lr ern,,\ ~;'llt out the ('lIard~ I' elu~i\'e ball as it diSAppeared Into

la.'1 Ili~ht in a senlol' ~occer, the gloom.






Set Date For World . Series'

NEW YORK (AP) - The 19551 at the season's end Sept. 25, A world series will start Wednesday, coin will be tossed to fix the lite' Sept. 28, in the American League oi the playoff if two dubs lie.­city, unless a playoff Is needed to If more than two clubs are tied settle the junior circuit's four· the coin,tossing would determille team race. opponents as well. Games one BDd

At I m~ting of representatives two of the world series win be of the contending teams in the of· held in the AmerIcan League flees oC baseball commissioner champions' park, three, four aDd Ford Frick, plans for the series five in Ebbets· field, assumlllj were decided as well as dates and Brooklyn wins in the National tick~t prices. League, six and s~ven, If Dece.

Five American Leagoe c1ubs- sary, in the American League city. Cleveland, Chicago, New York, If Brooklyn plays Chicago Whltl Boston and Detroit-and Brooklyn Sox, Friday, Sept. 3D, will be II and MIlwaukee· from Ihe National off day for travel. If the Dodgerl League were repres~nted at the go against New York Yank ... , meeting. Since at least [ollr clubs Cleveland Indians or Boston Red lire still in the running for the Sox, the s'<!ries wUl run rllbt American League flag, the start through with no off days. of too world series could not deC· Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 26 iDitely be sct. and 27, are al'ailable for play·

th~t lI'as rlclaycd 45 min· I At ahout th~ ten minut~ mark hrc~u,r (lr the .b~encc DC a Illoly CrO~5 widened their lead to

onl~' ,':hen Frank Bren·12.O when AI[ "Farmer" Breen let ~ SI. Ron'~ phl~fr :I.Ild a loo~e with II sizzling drh·e (rom

_ .... "'"Ir ilt the game agreed 10 I outside the 18 yard line III at hit did the malch gel under i an un~llspectinu Guard~ fullback

and bounce!l Into the goal.

Seven athlete~ hal'e entered Ihe Royal Storc~ ten mile walking race scheduled for Ihis afternoon on the Top~all Highway. They are: champion Ferd Hayward, Dick McNil'en, Frank :ltartin, Walt Martin, Max Soper, BIII Steele and Jim Jacksoll. The race starts at 4.30.



If a pla),of[ is required the series olfs. If rain puts off a. playoft, the will start Thursday, Sept. 29. Play. start of the series will be delayed of! arrangements will be made b{ a day. ' the American League at a m2et· World series tickets will eost the ing \() be held in Chicago Sept. 13, same as last y-:!ar; box seal!! $10, COIN FLIP DECIDES resorved scats $7; standing room

Present rules provide for a one· in the grandstand $4, and bleachers game p1ayo[f, if two clubs are tied $2.

Frrall'f 01 the lale starl both Alter 17 mlmtlcs of play referee , . f01l'('nlrd to pl"~' 25 minute Hrennan called the game because

hnt errn at this ~hortened : of the ob\'iou~ risk ~f Inj,lTY to dal'kuc,s forcrl\ a halt 10 the! the pla)'ers to conllnue in the lIill1 8 minutes remailllng In I darkness.

linal period. LINEUPS ~nl\' onc ~cnior llRIllC r"maln~ HOLY CROSS-Goal. Sam Pretty re' played. thnt hetwcen Holy Inll~,Jim Wal5h, Jack Walsh;

and Ih~ Frl!ciian," Hol~' halve~. Frank .loy, AI( Breen, :"" Irad~ thr league lI'ith 11, Harry Ennis: forward~, BlII Kav, , .' \\ hilr lilc F~ih!ians (011011': ana~h, .Toc Gullh'cr, Bill Woods.

,:h p ,\ win or a tie lI'ould gi\'e I' Frank O'I~ede, Cec .Toy. 11\I110ur' to the' Crn,alier~. A, r.UAnOS - Goal, Rex Smith:

riclul'Y wnu!cl tie thcllI' lulls. Ron Soper, Bill Goobie; Hull' Cro~\,. nere~~ltahng a i hall'Cs, Don Ash, Erwin l\lose·

, f~r t he championship. ,bAcher, Abbie Gcorge; forwards, .\1 Ihe h~latrel start the (iuarcl~ : Chat'lie Snook. Re~ Ash, Hobie

:ld ~n rdge ;n play anel their i Pike, • George Taylor, ~hnfricd . I nr ",[ Don Ash, Erll'in ~lo~e· I Schnrlller.

and Ahble (icon:e hdd the I Rc!eree-Jo"l'an,k Rrl'~nan. , in 011 the Holy Cros,\ go~l STA:'IIDlNGS

I Sam rrett~' did some s:reut . Carlhou Rounll nrlin~ to prc\'cnt a ;;core. I (Ofliciall

HoiI' l'ro>~ took a I,D lead near· G II' I. D r A Pis. n;iilway mark of the period relldian~ . 3 3 0 0 7 3 6

Bill \\'ood~ scored Irnnl rlosr. Holy Cross 3 3 0 0 B 3 6 Cre .111)". pla~'ing !lIs fir,,! ItAme st. Pat's .• 4 I 2 1 !I 6 3 the ~rr,;on lor'the Cri:mom, Guards .•• 4 1 3 0 4 8 2

\\'ood; the hall rrom the' SI. Bon'~ .. 4 0 3 1 8 11 1 '.\in;: and nlll~' tapped It into i Championship IIonnd,

/ fllTnl'r of the ~03!. I G \I' 1, n F' A Pis. Thr Gllal'ds lAmr buck stron" Illoly Cro~~ 7 5 1 I 15 8 11 , the rncl 01 the half. bnt \\,er; : reilclians • 7 4 2 1 13 9 9 lhlp to !rOl'I', Jim Walsh anrl 51. Pa\'$ .. 8 3 3 2 13 15 8

\\'al;oh were outstanding lor' SI. Bon'~ •• 8 2 5 1 16 HI 5 t'rll,nd~rs as repeatcdl',' thry Guards 8 2 5 1 9 15 II

the O\lat'lls rushc~ with! J. V. RARBITTS, Iinr (ull backlns:. I Secretary.

Other name~ are expeded 10 be entered this morning for the an· nual event. ,JunIor champion Bill Steele Is contr.mplating the ,jump to senior classics and Jim .Jackson, perennial runner·up walker en· lered lasl night. The Molloy brot· hers, Bern and Derm,. hal'e not l'et entered and, It Is believed, will not compete.

Today's race wlll mark the reo lurn to competlLlon of Max Soper, walking under the colours of Ihe Fcildlans. Soper and Bern Molloy were considered Ihe top threats to ~'erd Hayward's championship. Jim Jackson will also walk for Feild.

Record for the course Is Ferd Hayward's 1951 time of 1 hour III minutes. 6 seconds, Hayward paced Ihe seven man ficid last year to Will in 1.22,59.

Athletes wltI be medicalh' fum· Ined between' 3 o'clock '2nd 4 o'clock today ut the surgery o[ Dr. A. C. Talt. honorary medica; oWcer o( the AAU. They will then leave for the East End Fire Hall where AAU officiab will trans· port them 10 the ~tartlng point ncar the O;tagon Pond at 4.00.

Commercial ,II half,time holh teams cllangprl : TONWHT'S GAME

and startcd play Immedi.: Curtis anel St. Bon:s m~el 10' I night at 6,45 In a Section "B" con· Bowling League

Pia)' rir~~nrratecl into R $topl')' of "~Io~" In the second haH

c~rknm en\'ploped th~ field. PrnnYII'cl1 Ro~d slreet Jiil1it.~

orr of lielp tn neither the play· nllr the fan. In lucati,1g the

tcst. Referee will be "Gabby" Bul· IeI'.

. l'mETISG THURSM Y The }o'ootbaU League executil'e

and team delegates w1ll hold an Important meeting on Thursday night following the game.

How You Can Play


'i.OO-Bowrlng Brothers V!. N£ld. Light and Power. J. B. Mitchell vs. Daily News.

8.15-Bennell Brewery Co. vs. Impl!rtal 011. Harve~' and Co. yr. Simon

\ ,Levitz and Sons. ; D.M-Purlt, Factories vs. Steers



Boxing Next W~ek At The Stadium

AUU To Record l\'lid~et Results


At Stephenville

Rochester Bla$ted For pitching Choices

Men's Civil Service . Bowling I.cague

The next boxing matches at the Stadium will be held on Friday of next week, promoter Tom Dunne saId last night. Originally it 1\'3S hoped to have a series or bouts thi~ week but some' ot the top flchters are unavaiialtle until next week.

Six houts will be held next week. Among the hopefuls which will perform here in the near future are a lightweight from Cor· ner Brook named Rumbol:1t and a Grand Falls hea\'ywcight named Clarke.

President Eric G. Pomeri))' IIId secretary William R. Callninl ef the Newfoundland branch of the AAU of Canada returned to the city yesterday from a weekend visit to Stephenville where they officiated at a Lion3 Club track meet, on Monday •

The AA U will recognize midget records for the first time as a result of the Stephenville meet where the midgets, under 15, and senior events were beld. The mid· gets impressed the local AAU men ami their recorOs will go down in the books as official.

MONTREAL (CP) - F ran k Chronicle, who quoted Shaugh· Shaughnessy, pr~5ident of the In· nessy as saying that in his opinion tcrnational Baseball Leaguc. said Walker's USe or second·Hne pitch· Tuesday he sent word Sunday 10 ing talent "hurt baseball." Walker munager Dixie Walkcr o[ Roches· used Bob Kelly in th!! first game tel' Red Wings that it was Walker's and Ed Ludwig in the second. "duly to pitch his best men" "He should have used first·line against Montr2al RO)'als in the pitchers b~cau5e Ihe pcnnant lVas Labor Day wind"" to the league at slake," said Shaughness)'. schcrlule.. Askcd if he planned anything

The Royals toole both games of rurther in the matter, Shaughncssy a doubleheader, winning Ihe pen- said: "No, U's up to a manager nant by hair a game ol'er Toronto \() decide on his pitcher," Maple Leafs. \ ,.' l' S d t The l~ague president conlil'me!l 1 . ~ mnmg or osmg u~ ay ~ean comments attribuled to him b)' I l1tt1e to Roc~est~r. slRce It 01-George Beahon, sports writer fori ready hud c,hnched fourth place the Rochester D em 0 c I' a L andland a berth In the playoffs. _.-.-- St. Pierre Tops Pay Players

'Sports Editor, Daily NCY.'$, IVI·SIOtl·nO' Teams Dcar Sll',-Once again the time I t/'

I~ nearing for the cry to go out 0 Ur kEd "This Is llOcl,e~' nigbt in Ncw· ver l1 ee . 11 . foundland', at least thaI is the

Last night the abol'e league got under way ,the first of the bow· ling Icagues this.season. Tho.! presl· dent, Mr. John V. Rabbitl!!, with the other' officcrs \'ice prt!sldent Will English, secretary Charlie Rennie and trensurer otto Wheeler also In attendance.

The teams ~erc welcomed and asked to co.operate in attendance anrl punctuality so that those on latr. hours would not be anv later than necessary. The scori~g sys· tern this year goes hack to the original. one but with 15 out for each foul at end of frame. The capt:tlns of the. team,~ on th~ tarly $ession rolled a ball each to de, clare the 1955:56 season opcn and the scores were as folloll's:­DOCKS No. 1-3

A midget hiSJ. jump of 4 ft. I ins. impressed the AAU men most. The meet was held on a new track

Tabori Sets ~1ark In 1500 Metres

OSLO (AP) _ Hungar)"s Laslo at Stephenville where Interest -Tabori nosed out Denmark's Gun. track and Held has ri!ached new nar Nielsen in a sensational 1,500· heights. Ste[JllenvilIe h'ack offic· metre race in ,which both clipped ials will be included IIm'jl,g the a full second olr the listed world board of gOI·ernors of the AAU'! record oC 3:41.8. E3ch was timed I local committee, said President in 3:40,8, Pomero)'.

At first it was ruled a dead h~at but the judges then announced the Hungarian as the winner. .

John Landy's 3:41.8 is the reCOil' C d Th k nized world mark for the metric I rusa ers an milz but Tabori's countryman, . Sandor Iharos • .ran a ~:,,?,8 1,500· South Coasters metres July 28 III Helsmk1. .. .

W. Holloway .14B 197 254 599 V. Williams •• 186 G. Burley ••. 237 227 253 717 T P tt 193 . e en ....

163 200 549 184 155 532 654 79~ 2183

F or Hospitality Holy Cross footballers, St.

E. Noel ...•.. 190 257 226 673 737 C. Clarke .... 215 158 1:;0 523 iABOUR-l . 790 839 8R3 2512 T Blanchard 214 196 RhILWA Y ACCOUN['S-O G' Rodgers .. 116 162 A. Sotcklcy ,.173 166 21U 557 E: Rennie ... 115 153 G. Flynn ..... 106 199 166 561 R. WlIIiams .. 140 241 W. EngIlsh .. 194 221 173 588 585 'i52

224 1334 152 430 126 394 243 624 745 2082

John's representatives in the Newfoundland football playa':!s, arrived back in the city o;,er titc weekend loud in their praises c[ the hospitality accorded them by south coast people.

R. Nugent •.. 159 219 304 682 722 005 861 2388

Manager John Kennedy of the

MENTAL HOSPITAL-2 Crusad~rs offered the thanks and appreciation of his team to the


way thc atmo~phcr~ ~mcl1s, be- GRAI"D BANK (Speciall-Cor cause t hc St. J~'hn's Sonlor \Jocke,Y I ner Brook and Holy Cmss [DOt, Leagu~ exccul1.I'e are up to thCIT ball teams visited the French is· old . trlck~ again. and hn \'0 gone land of St. Pierre over the Labour ?ehand locked doo~s to hold me~t. Day weekend and both teams met Ings. One oC their main tOPICS d fe t t the hand of the home will be to !cheme a way t~ kcep t:a:~. Bon's visited on Sunday

Harrll and Hiscock \'5. E. F. open teams . out 01 the loague, and also were beaten. Barn... and that Is exac.t1Y what I mean., The classy Frenchmen brat

Ltd, NATIONAL DEFENCE-3 J. Shea ." .. 140 112170 11~304 44220 following people: Mr. and Mrs. A. Pomeroy .1 R2 " ~{. Martin •.. 199 255 220 674 ' IP5 22' 634 Paul, Mr. and' Mrs. J. Beck, Mr.

foy \\,hltnr~' ~lArlln And John McCallum BASEBALL

i!i f SECTION Jl They can r1rcs~ It up as lancy as I Corner Brook 4·2 and edged the . 7.00-Can. Nathmal Telcgraplls vs. they I!k~ by calling It a r,evlsed Crusaders 3·2. The St. Bon's were

Avalon Telephone. constltullon, but I \\'ould ~Ike to blaJiked 5,0 hy the St. Pierre Ayre', Supermarket 'l'S. tell them noll', that I wasn t born.1 cleven. Local teams have now reo

i Cousins LId. yesterday, nol' the day befo;e, nor'! turned to the city aftel' heing .-______________________ /; 8.15-Parker and Monrol YS. Hick. in the day when they pla)'ell ro~er, rovally entertamed.

t:I!APTlm 33 I around and carries a chip on his man Motorl. and I am not asking lor anyth~ng Ol'er the holiday .Ihe ASSP, SI'(IItTS~t\~SlllP ! shoulder. Ayre and Sons V8. Browning unreasonable, 1 am only asking which controls all sporting Bctivi·

"nil I' IlIclionAI'Y will tell you a He'l the player who puts win. Harvey. for (all' play lor t,hose hockey tics on the isl;;.nd, celebrated its n is "one II'ho In sports ping ahove lair play. He i~ 11. 9.30-Bavarian Brewery '1'5. Royal players who 1I'0uld h~e to play on I liftieth anniversary with elJborate

J. Walsh ••.. 215 .. d 'I R B k th I F. Rose ...... 194 !39 21f> 549, 5 188 10" -3r. an .t rs. . ec, e personne W. hart ..... 16 0 ;, • I r th St ff H t St L .r. Martin •.. ,165 180 148 493 702 620 710 20~2 10 e a ouse a . al\' P. Brcwer ••• 204 206 159 569 TREASURY No 2-1 ~ ! rence, Mr. Thro. Etchegary ant!

762 780 7432285 G. O'1>Iara .. ,i42 149 21~ 504 members of the 'St. Lall'rence GENERAL HOSPITAL-O J, Edgar , ... 143 179 I;g 501 A,A., Rev. Fr. Connoll)" and sin· H Buckingham 135 212 218 565 B. O'Neill ...• 179 131 21B 528 cere thanks to :lir. and' Mrs, How'l

R A d 1'7 159 161 467 103 52~ ard Farrell, Monsieur Henri Gaut·

• n rews .. .. T. Walsh .... 157 2Hti. . L. Baker .... 198 185 133 516 621 562 8~6 2059 hier or the ASSP and the people Dr. Murphy .. 191 140 182 513 oC St. Pierre generally,

• 671 696 694 2061 !/.ir Alld ~cncl'Ou~; a ~nod I05cr W8~'5 looking for some way to Gara,e. open te~ms. , I fcstivitic~. George Foote of Grand i ~ ~I'nccllli wlnncr." brenk rules and get away with T. aad M. Winter vs. C. A. 1 would like 10 ask the St. Bank and John n. Dixon of For· 1'011 knuw the poor sport. There It. Hllbl~y Ltd, John's Srnlor Hockey Le~gue tune were made honorary memo G.P.0.-2 ,:hl be nne in your ~I'Oup, or In He's the 5elfi~h person who executive tn come out In the o?en lIers of the ASSP. Foote has been

F. Crocker ... 222 W. Kennedy .. 137

TREASURY No. 1-2 G, O'Reilly ..• 105 163 E. Crummey .167 212 T. Fortune ... 203 126 P. Neary .... 175 190

Probable Pitchers Ame,rlcan League

._---- \ ~;r. ~rollp. IIc's the sour mIle wants more than his share or the PI 'I d I h T and draw up the so called reVised . 1 t G d 11 a e P lOa 0 '. associated Will spor s at ran

an olhrrwise ~\\'ect tunc.' Ite Ice cream, or anything else that constitution and let the public Bank for many years as player and D. Whittle ... 185

215 187 194 323 919

224 661 202.526 2116 675 191 704 913 2566

650 691 LABOnATORY-l

136 404 15<1 537 180 509 164 329 638 1979

Make ds

l IInl,' ,Incsn't ha\'1! murh fun' pleases him. b omething to sa" about what ave s " releree nnd Dixon is activelv con·

,1l;cl!, hut he spoils the [lin .or i He'~ the fcllolV who Is so wrap. Join Hocke,,,!; Loop is going on. 'fhe way I sec lt now nected with the commer~i~1 life '!r ,rlluno him, I ped up In hlmsclf thnt he can't thcy are going ~chind locked d~ors of the areR.

D. Meadus ... 190 'i34

ENGINEERS-l W. Rowe .... 126 C. Ro!e ..... 127 A. Johnston • 83

89 182 307 182 1117 496 133 104 380

1Ic'~ the lelloll' II'hu, If he I notire whal olhers are doIng. He PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Phlla· to draw up their new constitution, -------IM,'.,n, lhc only bat, picks it up 1 can't talk about anybody but him. delphia Tuesday was granted II then they will present It to the

. ~on home If he can't ha\'e hlS\ sell. . . franchise III the Eastern Hockey same persons who helped draw It New' Coach For B. Crocker •.. 186 F. Grant ., •. 137 J. Fahey .... 306 G. Kllight ••. 189

190 140 192 166 688

266 542 1119 476 196 694 178 533 830 2345

O. Wheeler • ;166 155 502 559

213 534 7~6 1807

Chicago at Washington (N)­Harshman (9,7) \'5 Ramos (H)

Cleveland <It Baltimore (N)­Wynn (15·9) vs Brown (1·3)

Kansas City at Nell'·· York­Portocarrero (5·7) \·s Ford (16·11)

Detroit at Boston-Maas' (5-6) Vf Sullivan (12126)

.. ' w,y Ant! phl~. where he II'ants , AN ALIBI EXPERT LeT ague Loforklthet 19S5.56idse~s~·th up, and these are the only per· pla\ He. III pla h' I om c lar, pres en. u. l! • bit .' I 0 eyer w 0 I~ a \\'a)'S EUL, announced admission of the Bons who Will e g I'en. a vo e on'S B 'C 1]

!Ie." the bully who, because hc I clalmin" that the ump'l re~. are I I h d It t d t on s 0 enoe h

b Philadelphia team aIter a meeting t. n ot er 1I'0r s, I~ cu an. j v.

, I~~cr ant! stron"er than his,~ wron". And he can onl~ 0ee hIs did i I II t 0 [ !-. ~ " , • here with five prominent Phlla. I' e ';c ore II'Y slar. ne o. " picks on them and pushes! side of a dlspule. • delphia businessmen, sponsors of their :'~~':t ro'", as I predicted Mlck~y Woodfo~d of Holyrood,

I arliliOiI 111 shuw he's boss. i He's the "alibi expert" who al. the learn. last ),I'lil'. ;" 1.1 clt'aw up a revised a phYSical. edueat~on graduate. of 1-_. __ ---:--:

1 ,I.OSt:S illS 1'(im't:R ways has some excuse for his er. -_.... eonstitution ,0 as to put as many st. FrancIs. Xavier Unl·/erslty,

II~ ~ the hoy who loses his: ror, or strIkeout. He looks for He's the Jealou~ boy who iB .1· barriers In the way of an open too.k up dullcs yesterday ~s at1~. when things r1on't go Just: someone else to blame for what. ways belittling, Instead ol pralsln" team thnt wlluld dlscouragr. them leltc director of St. Bonal'c:.ture s

, lit kicks and throws things: happens. a fine performance by someone t th ,t t t, k "I College. ... ____ .... _______ ' else. 0 e ex en so us 0 rna e I. H 'II I Ih II' t _. __ .__ . I e WI conc I e co egla e He's the boy wio 3ulks when Tllliculous Cor t lem to enler R' I tb!l d h k t d

the crowd' wants to do something team. 1 know that i~ exaclly what : 0,011 al an h °lch el'l eami 'I ukn


PLEASING TASTE make friends with



., . 1 d WI 8 so coac e a u mn 10C ev he doesn't want to do I they are trymg to put an now d thO 't 'I' I \', d' . . . I h t t d squa IS Win er. "IC wy 00'

Some people seem to be born Is the time or t em 0 ryan I d' [ biB h d 't or I~ a armer mem er 0 UC,

with the gift of good sportsman' eny I. ans hocleey teams and 3thletic shIp. They knolY just what to say, 1 intend ,to let no stone un· official with Buthans playgrounds. and do,' to make thIngs pleasant turned unlll I know wh:r the Th I 5t B' . k

d 'I e sen or •. OP S ilOC ·ey

for those around them 'fhey are locke doors. Relllember "r. t th' 'Il h th always thinking of the 'feellngs of Executive when the present con· ea~ IS fYre,ar t Wtl. e 1 mfttn\l~ e . I 't ,erl'ICCS 0 n's s rlOg c wingeI' the other fellow. slltution was drawn 1I~ t wasil Noel Sparrow who lelt ),f.sterday

THE WILL TO WIN ~ehlnd locked doors, lt I~'as out for Corner Brook. Sparrow has Sportsmanship Is not lack. of m public. If ~'our memory IS shorl been a talented haseballer as well

,tbe will to win. Nobody enJo)'s mine Is not. Remember It !s not and starred in playoff games to losing. But when 1'0u win be the .atomlc bomb )'ou arc JISC:l5S· sure you have done so fairly. And lng, it is only a hockey consti· ilmollnt of the gate receipt~ as an when you lose, as everyone, does tullon • individuaL Alter all, the way I at times, accept the deled In a 1 want to make plans lor an see it, the only person who reo good. way. Don't spoil the other open teom this year but I cunnol celves no. financial benefits from fellow's fUR by getting allgry and matt them when the very plans the studium is the vcry intlividual tel\lnll him hewn lucky. . Ih~t I IlIteqd to make may be torn who creates such finances. Rpmein·

Just he talr, ind be friendly, to pieces by the Ilew constitution. beriUs time ror us·to get away and you w!ll be known al a good Come on Mr. 51. John's SenIor from tho day 01 the rover and thr sport. Hockey League, (behind locked jingle or moncy In the Jllayers

. THE END, :Ivors Lxeeutlve) just one small pocket is just as welcome as the


U.I.C.-2 T. Murphy " .167 R. Greene ...• 136 D. Jardine ... 178 T. tIIord .... 200

681 F1NANCE-l T, McGrath .180 .T. Bearn5 ... 169 n. Redmond .. 17:1 .T. Ralph ••. ,204


MACHINISTS-2 C. Wilson ... 173 J. O'Dea .. , .. 202 P. Hynes ..... 191 C. Richardson 205

771 CAR SHOPS-l J. ~{organ ••• 104 M. Ryall ..... 239 G. Kelloway .211 E. Pittman •. 248


249 227 243 IB9 908

196 167 178 231 774

171 215 178 144 708

162 128

. 163 244 697

253 674 tn1 554 170 591 190 579 809 2398

tfl2 570 H6 482 i 221 :171 2aO' 665 789 2291

220 564 232 649 204 573 222 571 876 2357

216 562 160 527 ,15('.1 '524 152 6« 678 2257

C,N.n. DISTRICT STORES-3 B. Ronayne .. 185 2011 187 577 P. Muckey ... 189 166 lii3 508 H. Ke'nnedy .. !:33 166 100' 589 J. Peddle .... )74 206 217 597

7th 743 74'1 2271 CANADA POST OFFICE-O'


(~'rom the book "How You peep, b~cau~e .. l( i bave a· peep, jingle' of that bell at the Sladlu'm Can Play l,lttle Leillue BasB- 1 wanl to make ,sure: ·thal the nt Ihi! end or, R hockey game, .baU" "by Whitney Martin and pla),ers rebp some (If Ihe bene· Thankln" you once again, Mr. J n h n McCallum,' ,copyright fIts M Ihdlvldual~, and any player I Sportfi Editor, (or space in your 111M. by Preritice Hall,. hlc.) that pta. y~ on an open team that Il\'id~IY r~acI ~!1orts. paRco '. ,5. S, A,-2 IllliLrihuted by Tbe Regieter l·hnl'e., any thin;: to do ,Ivith, I In. Yours sinci'rety, . . .T.Marshdl •. 157' 119 193 4$ and'Tribune Sydniclite. lend to,see that he gets a lair ".1:,_': ,_. HERB WELLS. E. ·Hul., , .. %01188244' 6aa

.. -


. A ,Iu,dy Ilu,her O.f.rd. av_rfald mocca.i", DURA LITE ,ole, rubbo, ho.1. Silt. I r. 51'1.





. r

Page 10: Synod Blasts Canada' Po'licy ,On I'mmigrati'on; delegation leader Vladimir ... more adequate planning" for their

, ,


:." 'I: , \

! .; t : , , .' ..

.! : ! '

. I


.1 ,~ I ," ,I ';~J

-'.:: '7it.! " >V 1; ... ' :1 I

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c ·10 ,

. . '., ,

lof stcel on Iron-ann t1;e four'l movcment brought him fact- : RI· g' «est Alor Wh '[J'd W'J.h· W "\' shadows mcltcd away from the close to Wyatt. . ! b· ~""S*,\. 0 ",,1 es 1" 'U'a;~" flatcars. It has been many tlmcs·re.1 p n· I E .# .. ~\ ~~ J. Hc leaped ovcr the handrail, marked how ~lngular.allke was The "Thea' t'r' e' 'age,: ISP ay :.ver

-,-__ ~q.> - .t. ,/."" 7btU \hllUng the dcp01 platform on the Wyatt to his dead younger 7' . 'I« ~ ~- -T crouching run. A 'figure loomed hl'othcr. It mmt have bcen that, -At C N E


, " In 'the darkne~s. It was only a \eouPlcd with the had, smoky light ' •• J •

XX ... , ' 'I PreparIng til swing dowlI to'lhalftC'ced pcon. scultllng around oC the hcadlamp, fClr therc Is no i IN tho.:':: day.: thc)' dIdn't know the depot plat(orm, Wyatt took I the corncr of the sLation.' \ othcr ex plana lion for the strange i This year 'or Ih~ first time ~ what a dining CCli:" was. On' thc a last look around. Suddenly, ht" It was later dlscovercd thl~ Ilast word that Frank Slilwell I the history of Ihe Ca!1adian

S. Po's run west out of Benson saw something. "peon" was thc fourth member \SPoke. ' ' PIT I tiollal Exhibition, jct bomber! vour last chance to eat short oC The dull bounce of lamplight oC the rustler hunch that was In "l\lofl: .•. '" CORNWALL STAR. CA OL Ithe

Royal Air Force will join "dayllght was fucson, whcre the off of worn ml'tal. Smokc·blued. Tuc50 nto get Wyntt and his, Hi5 only answer was the twl~t· AF jets In Ihe annual air : train hcld up (or ,a Cull hour I slender, scabllard·worn metal. ! wounded hrother. 'He was drcSll' i Ing hea\'c of Wyatt's shoulders, To.mOr"OlO TO~JnorJ'OtV N 010 Playing ,aton~ CNE waterfronl, :;epll!~11 ~. while passen~erfi and crew stock.' Gun ba:' 'els! 111'0, thrcc - no,l I cd a~ an Indl:," laborer though lforelng the sholgun's muzzle ,bel' 9t: I and 10th. , ed 'uP on vittles: four of them! ,he was a while man. down and Inlo his belly, Just BOB HOPE IN "THE \ Canberras of the RAF's Xo,

" W)'atl and Joe E\'ans ,slood The old shotllun starled Cor his 1 But if Wyalt had missed the Ullder .tlw heal' I. The CI~st bal'rel "HEIDI" WITH SEVEN LITTLE FO.YS" . t, oBrOmthhecrBSrl~lul'5alldr\~,?e'stnOI'nVdl'~~'" ~ guard outsIde the depot hash shouldcr nutomntlc as Ihe JUIl1P )\mlnnOw, he IRnded Ihe lunk,Clr. tore IllS chest Away, dnvlng h,lm , . ., PERATION MANHUNTH

- • . ,. . He jumped hlll1 halfway down two steps back and hal!\\ay ELSBETH SIGMUND O~e of the \llO;~~ t1C'lgl'l~tfUI anll ; relurn at Canada early in

P I th I rI tl r B I tl I k I I d towal' 0,' 5 C 1lI n cng IlC, ,aroun. 11' ' d' I II ' ,cm e, .

_ house .whlle Vll'g ale. of chcekllesh 10, a slap In the ~ d N 9' I fCI g I d I tllC tlnle It took him 'rhe hero of "Operation Man·, 101l1l'lDg scrren ulOgrap lW, e\'cr 1 t brand J'oln a 70 resent y, e eng ner.!' an Ie acc. ut n lC [m' , II! In _ h' I I 1'\ I d f th \ I r II I lfway Wyatt gave him When ,Johanna' Spyrl sat ~er5ei{ I hunt," opening tomorrow al the \ rna e IS nolV p aYlDg 31 Ie ,fask Forcp I cadcel by Grou


: r.... lk d tl II I f It tl I [II ,ar!'nn 1111 111'a1'( Ie lcn 0 C 0 a lR, ' ' I' t 'j'l \'''tl n I ,. _ ",eman 11'8 e across Ie SI\' C largo ell le;1 pe 0 Ie ~ . I t' t II I I If li d harr I He was dead down some seventy years ;,go on Star Theatre through Uniferi Ar.\ aramoun l~atrC...I.l, 0 I! talll.l • C. Slepilcnscs OBE, 'siding Rnd crawled up Illto the platfOl'm's I!uarrl rail. The hal", Iraln,. S 10U


0 ~ I \m

ll °d :~ '11'Cf seco,nl ' lac~' horfY b~Ullccd what must have heen a w~ndrous lisls release, is • real, nol a lic-I Jj'Jpe starred a~ 1·3UOCl'llh.n Ed'l nC,\F Trenlon, Onta1'io .

.' cab, Two short lools of Ihe I'cls /llal1l;cd o[f the ,rust cd mclal. IIc II as no , c(' \c I n 1 m IC orr. ISS, , r F "TI 5 L'tll F ' .. , ' , "whlstle broke Ir.c growing quiet. ringing tile niGht 'with thc sound If\'llllcl,1 thCthCUll ncrosCs lilhe tIg.alck~'I()fC the gl'avcl 01 hel wadbcd. night, to write a lillie slory for tional figure, althollgh the slory I ~ ,!: oy, Ie .• el'en I '! OJ'S I Ol'er filly oC the a,ircrart in __ -_____ .. _______ ._.L- U II 0 C l~al11 II Ie en nc s • • • the amusemenl of her frail YOllng of his life reaus like the wilde~t I' an enlCl1alllment,packed fllm:\ la~k force will be jel~ and

_________________ . ____ .__ rl son, she little realized lh~t she of imaginative f1ighl~. "Operation that ~as ev~rythin.g.._and every· whole Coree will be at T ••• _ ....

hcndlamp. "O.:e morc slcp all I N'O 101l'n likcs tll have, an. tl I I t [ t It I tl b k

i" I y II I was crealing a classic Cor all )lanhunt" b the aulhenlic slory 11ng I las. IS ern Ie. Iby September 6th to ell~a'e you gc n Ill, ae. IC C e[ ,ollier's gnng.kllllngs clU'rled' out {k I ...

*-STAR * ------~----------~~----------------


SEE !!O, "".ft"", ",_110001 'P'/ ..,.10 .. a"rIItlo I

SEr how -or 0""" ' ........... d-Ih...p

IMllwe .... 1

Special Added Attraction


at him, and grounded the shol'll

f t' f 'Is Union Depot. time. That story, "Heidi," has of Igor Gouzenko, Target Number I you thl11' .you kn.olV Bo I \PI.enmimll'Y hriefings Dnd , b tt hi II Ith th n ron 0 I . since joined the select grllup of One of Soviet secret agenls. Hope-and who 111 Ihe Wide world lices heCore the big show.

gun s u on SIP w C '!'ucson was not Tombstone. It did I warning. The fugltlvc stoppcd: nam~d It murdcr and demanded such immortal children's stories Gouzenko, the former code clerk oesn'l-yoli lave a 11'0,1 erCu Canperras, CFICO Callut\,1 dead, whIrled defiantly, stood at Ilnstint apprchenslon o[ the guilty as "Black Beauty," "Snow who helped smash the Soviet alom surprise in ~tore for you. For, F86 Sabres Vampires and

b d gllnklng In the glare White," and thc Hans Christian espionage ring, has been in deep· tne firsl time in Iris flashing ca· \ Silver btar~ will make lip the

a yan ' t 'fhi llo'~ever was on 1 of thc ally. light. It was Frank ltPhacr Yn'10rningS, ~!ler th~ killing. Andcrson stories. And nolY prlJo est hiding for the past nine \ r~er the gl'e~t com~dian has un· element of the Coree; "' StIlwcll. Long before that time, Wyatt was ducer Lazar Wechslcr has added years, and 15 faced with the pros· I;t'rlak~n a blOgraplllcal ro;e, and North Stars, Packets, nOI:\'&,I'.

I further glory to "Heidi" by Irans. pecl of being forced 10 hide tor the I he result is a scinlaillatillg per· and Chipmunks the remainder.

When he was four feet from (ar gone from Pima Counly. ferring it to the scrcen in a film rest of hl~ liCe. He lives under Cormance that spans every area Besides the RAF Wyatt, stlll squInting 10 scc who Jake Shaglrcll', night operator vcrsion that captures every ounce' the permanent orricial prolection of entertainment from drama 10 RCAF jet and It was, he lungcd for the bar· Cor Westcl'l1 Union and longtime of ils charm ~nd dl'light.' This of (he Royal Canadian llounled 1 comedy to to~ching romance. Whe· planes fil'Om Chatham, !'>.B., rcls, catching .hem by the muzzle I Safety CommlUee vigilante, open· new I'ersion, slarring Elsbelh Sig. Police. I thcr perCormmg a song and daoce I Hubert and Dorval, P.Q,. cnds, Jumping his whole slrength led Ihe holel room door. mund in the title roleo! "Heidi," The first thing Gou7.enko (and !'Ouline • 13 Eddie Fay, engaging I Toronlo. London Bnd ,\""." .• Into forcing them upwards. The "Thought you'd ought 10 sce It opens tomorrow at the Cornwall hi~ wife. al\~ fa~ilY,. did when he I i~ I poignant jOl'e .scene .Wllh his: Onl., will combine' to n1ak~



Theatre. began hl~ life m luellog, was to I,ssome co.slar, ~"lly VII~le, or! 1955 Show the biggest Inri Aclually filmed in Ihe Swi~s adopt • new name and a com· I drawing tears from his audience! mOl'ing Air Display t\'er to

Alps where ~~rs. S~yri sels. her I pletely new Identity. II look GOU.\ with his. deplh of emotoinal. un· : presented at thc Ci\P;. story of the little ~Irl who lived zenko three monlh! 10 learn the, nerstandlllg, Ihe "ew Hope I~ I, in the mountains with her grand. fanlastically detailed hackground i g.-eater Hope than e\'er before. I falher, "lIeida" recounts lile das· of his new Identity. It had Itl bel E I (Ih ('I 'C N' REI sic adl'entures of the egiht.year. memorized, drilled into him time i ~ 11.1'('1

1\')' asTPht'c °t e [I mF.,I~ putlre:, .1.. n 3f!!CS

Id It I II f h· • • I I . I I lie g I . e 5 orv 0 'l~, Ie u

o. e s 0 er fmndshlp wllh aCier lime, end ess y, unlll Ie was I 'mm I I d '11: hi' rr I Peter the goatherd, of Ihe arrival lelter.perfecl and automatic m his '1,110 ror~. V~Ugell'l lain .11' to d\'owedl: e e\'l'Slo FI'eld f

.' emam Sill e anI Ins ea en· • ' o her Aunt Dete, who to~k her response8. Even a tmy slip could dill t f 11 . h : to the big city of FrankCort for have pro red fatal. \ ~ ~IP Ie .grea cs t ;erb;n : o~: --Ihe first time, ,nd how she event. Only a few lop government Offi.\ ,.lIlsllnel,s, hiS a dPe~ ~c then 0: 1I1OKTREAL, Aug-ually lert the mountain~ 10 remain cials know Gouzenko'! name and uCdYd aug s an sllhgn~; e ,~oln~; lof the Canadian national

I . I nn anc~s In ell' no,.a die I' ' t' .

as compan on to a crippled girl ,cover slory. Although he now f Ih' III t' J 'I~I II ays mo IOn pIcture program Al h

.. . , .. . allra 0 I' 0 . 11111' 1'311. eVI e I C't t' 't' . I . tough "Hellli" IS a story make~ hiS hvlng as a wTlter, GOII· \ t' t t d f' ' ,() I s ae IVI le~ In Ill! field

well. loved by children, It has' a 7.cnko is careful to gire his neigh. 3thl'e'lllmt e· cP~ e athvorrtec_s YUI1 can i tlevision was indcated by \\'. 'd . . ' rr 0 or ano er Illy years'. \\' .' I d' .

WI e appeal for grownups as bours the Impres~lOn Ihat he I~ I 'I b tl C t d 'I IIg II, Irectol' of pubhc II Th d

• I I d' • I '1 Ie ca., 0 I ea urc and ~tar·'·· . h we. e a Justment of Ihe little otherw se emp oye • Ills pubhs 1· . b d I V· ,lOllS, 1\1 annolllltlDg t e . I h ., ring arc super . an tIe Ista· I f R b Sir W 0 rebels at aulhority, tbe 1'1' conlacls him tmough the V'.' 'I' I .' I' . mcnt 0 0 crt '-\YJ'e as longing for her mountain home Royal Canadian Mounted Police. I I·dlon, I ~chlDlcodorl ,p~ocluctlOn "isUl' o( film And te\cl'j,ion

d h t I· ' TI . h' h h k' en s a aVIs an UXUriOUS lecl· I' C tl . h an cr even ua reuDlon with her Ie room 111 W IC e wor's IS..t " vices or Ie system, wll

grandfather, all form a rich emD- kepi locked at all time~, wh~ther ID~,WI h ,gre~.~ IICO?e, aDd Imp~cI.! quarters at ~Iontreal. tional pattern ,that gil'es "Heidi" or not he is in it. He mOl'es I leUsellenbl1 t e Fbo~share as 'lie.! "With' all its .... _";;, .. ,,._.

f . " I' an ova e a unc as \'011'11 1 tl I • d •.

un orgcltablc dramatic power qUlle frequently, nnd once he I' Th h' Il'0Ug lOUI Call a. lhe (.~.R. ,: SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTiON ,Ieal'es an area, nel'er rei urns to Her meet. ey're roug (\' a substantial source of lIew!."

"White Mane." Thrill by Ihrilll ih He has Dlo\'pd four timl!! since I ~r~ 1100, a~~ Hop,; has q'\I~. a said, "and of the Cunction, of it pOllnds into ),our heart. Mlghl. 1 1946. , I ~Ug I.~ro\·o '1Dg IIm~ brea 'Inl: : department is to cO'llperal~ . fl' . I t ~em 111 as parI of hiS acl And I . d' le~t 0 lorse S101'lC5. I "Operation ],Ianhunl" was pro':'t t' . . I Ilhe Canadmn Broa ca~tlllg I dueled hy Fred Feldkamp .. nd di. I rl~~ e R: ac It Is-and \\ as, n t!l~ : pOl'ation And prh'ale ~talio\1l ' i. ' I rect~d by ,Jack Alexander. The: 0 day. The most Camous famll) ; making reports or C\'ent, : ! fIrst, Marshal," 5hrugged .Iakc, i large cast 15 headed hy Harry: act on Ilre b~3rds. There are no, promptly and effectively I~ ! and handed him the telegram. ! Townes, Irja Jensen, Jacqllf.s Au· I cn,d of chuck,cs h:'lUght on by; I'iewers. At the same time., I .1. C. BEHAN buchon, ,Will Kuhll'a and Ovila! IhlS group 'of boohgans, bolh on :Iook ror a greater Use of our




":::158 ROBINSON CRUSOE"-8.20

IIIA'IlNEE ! P.l'tl,




:\lATISEE 2 r,~I.


TO"IBSTO:-.tE, COCHISE Lpgare. I stage and orr. lOll telel'ision programs." COUNTY: .' SPECrAL ADDED ATTRACTION \' Ange'a Clarke as Miss Vilale's i I\lr. Wright pninted out th~1 GOT WARRANT FOR J\fUR. "Mis.\ Robinson Crusoe" sister, who began as Ihe dancer's' railways has 13 films In

",.OO-Breakfast ' " 7.lO-News.








"Special Added . At~raction " Grand

Prize Cannes 1953

Arnm AIbtrt LIm,,' Pllllntid by WOllin! L Snyder· Released Ihru ~nlted Mill! !&'&;wrnr~%gw;;crt~~·irntW:;ttr~V*r$~~~,~'<?prfif!1








EVENING-ADULTS .............. 75c ClJILDREN .............. 35c

i\IATINEE6-ADULTS ............. 500 CIIILDREN ............. ,25c





NOW 'PLAYING --------------------_.-----

It's . the" whole world dancin~ to the music in

your heart!

.... Dad~ 19n9Ngs

C.IOI by DI LUll ~

tel.""''' , .............. _~ PHOEBE 1114 HEM! (PItCH ..... ,~ " UIOd ~bl

,If'" , ' •.



EVENING SHOWS: 6.45"';'9,00



lUATINEES-ADULTS ........ ; ... 50D CHILDREN .............. ISo




~ER HERE. ARREST ANY "Mis~ Robinson Crusoe." de· pianist and remained throu~h thc lion, dealing with .Jasper, .' 7.30-News.

TIllIE. DON'T LET HIM GET .~cribed as • charming variation of years as the buf[cr betwe~n tbe Newfoundland and the other ,. 7;55-Ncws.

B.OO-Breakfast a.30-Hit of the a.35-Ncll's. B.40-Name the 9.00-A Date W 9.15-~lusic. 9.30-A Date 9.45-:-Burtons

BY YOU NOW.-C. lhe Defoe £lassie, "Robinson Cru· lovably irresponsible Fay and his. ritories it scn'cs, including • • • soe," also opens tomorrow at lhe frail wife, and George Tohias, a Maritimes. Prints in some 30

THE Pima County Sherif! had Slar Theatre. The Twentie~h Cen· bluff and likable aelor's agent, raries in Canada, thc been out of lown when Wyatt tury·Fox relea~e, filmed In the give Ihoroughly·able &Up· Stales and overseas Me downed Frank Stllwell. DurIng new Pathecolor process, leaves porting pcrformance,. I schools and colleges, Itll)rtslmrn. his absence, nobody came lor. "Mistress Robin," stranded on a _------.----- Ii clubs, sen'ice clubs, film ward to Identify the outlaw's Iropical isle where she beIl'iends 1 cd a tre r d I I ,rils and other groups. By kIller. But when he'd returned I "Girl Friday" and is laler join lanel' T't' aml.~llet' s~egc adc~1 311', of TV, tbrough botl! nctwork . I. Ie so I" 5 ot'y III re len:. . the following noon, a cltizen who ed by • ~hlp·wrecl;ed sailor. ImmediatelY rafses it wav abovt! i lnllellpelldcnt 5tatrolls .. the~' knew Wyatt well enough 10 call Aman.da Blake, George Narl~r and! the level o[ IllUslcal PI;lt~; tlll/~an:lda to Ihe .attenuon of him even In the pilch.dal·k had Rosahnd ~ayes are ~~arred ,lD tbe ; ingratiating charal'l~rization b~,'h()n5 In the U:llled State~ stcpp~d up 10 put the finger 011 drama which was hlmpd .argely Ilhe stars adds anolher attractil'(': 1I10nlh. One oC Ibe mo~t "poor Jo'rank's ·murdc'rer." Jjp on localion In CaliCornia, illuman dimension: the new sllng~. is "This [s Canada." a pklur~

I had named Wyatt Earp, lea\'ing ; by teh 8u'I'Cfire Johnn)' :'o1t'rl·PI'.: the Canadian people. and a . Ihe Pima sheriff no choice but ,sharpy highlight scene after scene' is the NewCounnlnd /11m.

I, to Isme a wanant Cor the lat· PARAMOUNT 'Ihe dance" really l'~me ali\·e. the' Big 1~lalld." Iter's arest. The sender of the, isets, l'ostumes and lil:hting in' Apart Cl'OIl1 the C.\.fl ..


Iclegram annour.cing that war.1 'bcautiful rolor bv De Luxe arc I A~'l'e is widely known a~ ~ rant 10 Bchan mIght sign himself fIeld 0 ver : bright, witty and' gay. and make! and art critic and edilor Ht il

I A shower' curtain hook inserted i the nHl~t of fuil.stage Cinema·' lI1emher f the Canadian Art~

in thc' hole in a broom handle : Scope arfert~. : cil and B member oC the make~ il easy to hang. FRED ASTAIRE, I Among the !treat pl'oductlon'on dp.coration of the railw~l'" "c" till Old t\ick C!'oze his nosc LESLIE CARON, IN I numbcrs I~ Astaire's own Ilew, hotel in 1I10nLJ'caI. -he was stili Ike Clanton. "DADDY LONG LEGS" I dance cre~tion, the sluefoot. It's I

'fhe Pima sheriff had dropped \3 half·drag, 11alf·shuCfle. stow hut around to the Tucson telegraph Enchanting i~ the word tor it, insinuating. lind joy 10 bchllld.' N S' 1 office and suggcsled 10 the op· the lovely, lavish ncw Cinema· I Great fun, 100 are in bolh the I e\V Igna erator that any messages going Scope musical production at' danccs stagcd hy the \'eteran As-: throughto ,Johnny Behan be also "Da~dy .Long Legs" which is now laire and David Robel, and those i Instruction Car shown to the icputy U. S. J\lar· playmg at the Paramount The· specially done for Miss Caron by I shal In Tombstone, as a matter tre. Fred Astaire has never been lhe French Ballct'master, Roland, T Uafl·tl·me~" of routine law enforcement co. better, and he had alwaYE been Petit. Mereer's catchy songs, In· our ill 0lI

operation. He hadn't' said to the best there Is; Leslie Caron eluding "Somelhing Golta Give" show it to Wyatt first. He knew fulfills every radiant promise of "Welcom'e Eggh£ad," C·A·T speels MONCTON N B A -~ who was night operator In Tomb· her meteoric rise to stardom; the Cat," "Dancing through LiCe" and, C d' ~.; ~ ... ;' R ~fVo'a~! <if stone. . story has charm, the humor has the title sons "Sluefoot" number I aln? I~n '/ lana . 31 U 'on ;~

All that remained was for a warmth, the' Bongs have lilt, lhe are cntchy and luneful. Alex Anall lOtS I rRue 10111 COal' IS f110t ' 'Ignl II d t b

, '. an c eg on. ne 0 1\'0 S

man to treca who ha go to e dances a kick In short, everything North's ballet musIc IS also help· ltd b th C'\R I Pima County Sheriff since riding works and the musical screen Is ful and (or good measure. one cars d

comp e 7f y et - I ;:

d W 11 . d' I provl e a unl arm 5VS em 0 •

shotgun ~or Wyatt an e s seen at Its very best In this happy dance susslon fmds Astaire olng i I II '11" , Far"" back In '81. When he'd event. . ' a tllJ'n on the drum~. ! slruct on WI ch. WI S~I. '

done that he knew where his Oldtimers may think Ihey know I As eRst dividt'nds, 10k to Terry' present.'Job !I'alnmg, frIend 11'85, and who he was. "Daddy' Long. Legs". The new i !\[oore, and 'fhelma Rilter, who; car Is ~IItC~ With. Ihe newest

He was in Tucson and his name version does retain thememor· 'come through with delightful per·' tures ID SIgnalling. The was Bob Paul. ' ahle story line of a middle.aged formanccs. Pert Terry, as Ll'slie's' ment includes t11ree ~cal~

Wyatt'- mind twisted and turn· I 'benefactor who "adopts" a lonely college croom·mate and Astalr's Ilraeks operated by. life-sIze ed with el'ery pHil of his big hand I orphan gIrl, but only wilh thl'! niece, Is full of pep, and caustic tl'Ols. sta~lClard classing. on 1" fitrRw.Ylliow mustache. : provision she ne\'er know~ his I Thelma Ritter Is the alwa~'S re·, morlcrn IIIstruct!onal al?s and When hand an'! mind had made \ identity. This, there can be no! doublable wisc·cracking scretary I' rary of rcference mterlsl. their last Lurn l.nd final tWist'lmisunderstanding his motives. Butlto Astraie. Frp.t1 Clarke docs ani • -------h~ kncw wbat he had to do. when the patron is a man like I able comedy bit as Aslrai's domo.:

This was Ihe walll'snl Behan ,Astalre, and tile girl a capt!val·, Charlolle Auslon adds a ncali . EXPERT TRAVELLER had becn waltingfor. ingly petileFrench girl like Les- touch as another room·mate. Kelly: "lsl'Y llenriell;! Kingsley.

There would be no beating this lie' Caron, yoU can look for deve· Brown Is fine as a young collegp: lish ellhnologist who died in one. lopments. ,beau, Kathryn Glvncy and Larry i won fame for her researche!

(To be continued) - Twentieth Century.Fox produc. Keating fill other parts admil', I west AfJ'ican £olk·lor ••

, lO.OO-News. lO.05-A Date

7 OIL 'l',.ft 7.15,-Doc!or 7.30-Sons of B.OO-Canada a: B.30-PenthouSt

" 9.00-The SCal'I 9.30-Time Out 9.4S-N eli's.

lO.OO-Liberace. lO.30-0ne Nigh 10.4S-News. 11.OJ)-Sportscas

_ 1I.lS-Club Tim ·12.~News.

12.01-Club Tim ·12.:lO-News. I

12.3S-Club Tim 1.00-Nell'S In

. Close Do'


,7.DO-Wake U~ 7.IO-News. 7.lS-Slrength 7.30-News.

, 7.aS-Bob Lewi 'US-News. 7.50-Bob Lewi B.OD-News. B.OS-Bob Lew 8.aO-News.

, . B.3S-Bob Lell - D~OO-:N ew So

, D.05-Juke 80: .. D.30-Final 1'1

9.4S-Women's 10.OD-News. 10,OJ-Parade 0 10.4~oan Bla 10.5(}..;.;Parade c H.OO-News. 11.01-BIII Rlnl 11.1~TeDnesSi 1I.4S-J\ly othl 12.~News. 12.01~Bob Le~ 12.30-News. 12.35-Bob Le, , 1.00-Newil.

I.OI-Frank P US-News. l.3~Beblnd. ' l.35-Sports I 1.4IJ-;.Bargain l.45-;BowriDg 1.5o-;:.MaDtiivi

" ....

Page 11: Synod Blasts Canada' Po'licy ,On I'mmigrati'on; delegation leader Vladimir ... more adequate planning" for their

-·This Page



Is Presented. the '.


Compliments Of·

Great Eastern Oil Company Limited

- caN WEDNESDAY, September 'I :~----

73O-CBC News. 7:35-Top of the Mornlnl· a OO-CBC News and Weather. S'I5-~luslcal Clock. e ·O()-~!ornlng Devotion .. 9:15-PrOgram Preview. e.~O-Organ St~·Ungs. 9 30-~lelody Scrapbook.

IO:OG-Know Your New[oundland. IO.IG-lilt of the Day. lit IO.I5-lm power. IO.25-CBC News. 1O.:lG-Triple Treasure.

. 10 ~5-BDC Variety. 11:15-Light and Lyrical. 11..5-p,'lradc of Stars. 12.00-Announcers Choice. 12.15-Dlnner Bell Breakdown. 12.3G-Farm Broadcast. 12 .• 5-Aunt Lucy. l.OO-~lid Day Serenade. 1.5-Laura Limited. 1:3G-CIlC News and Weather. H5-lloyle Bulletin. ~.OO-\\' ords with Music. ~.30-l'ops on Approval. ~.';5-0pcn Road Show. 3.30-Tr;Jns.Canada Matinee. '.30-CUC News. 4~5-TimeIY Tunes. 4,45-Childrcn's !;tor)·. 5.t5-)luslc of the Wesl. S.30-Flsheries Broadcast. . 5 .• 5_Klndergarten of the Air. G.OO_Intermezzo• 6.~5-l'rogram Preview. 6.30-Supper Guest. 6.4S-)lusical Program. i.OO-CIlC News dnd Weather. j .I5-curtain Calls. 7.~o-Tops Today. 7.'5-Doyle Bulletin.

2.1l).-Road of Lile. 2.30-Matlnee •. 3.00-News. I 1 3.01-Housewlves Club' (pr It •• 4.00-News. 4.05-Spot the Star, 4.11).-Rancb Party, 5.00-Nell's. 5.0l-Record Shop. 6.00-News. 6.0l).-RecDrd Shop. 6.25-News. 6.30-Hospltallty Time. 6.45-Johnny Napoleon. 7.00-News. .7.01-Courlshlp and Mamaa' 7.1I).-Program Report. . 7.30-News. 7.4l).-Dark Stranger • 8.00-NewB. , 8.Gl-Spotllght qn the Stars. B.30-Eddle Cantor. 9.00-News. 9.0l-Album of Fa\·ourltes. U5-John Steele. 9.45-Dosco News.

10.01-Strictly Private. 10.45-Barry Wood ShoW. n.oa-.National News. l1.15-Sports Parade. 11.30-1 was a Communist for FBI. 12.00-News. 12.0l-Houseparty. 12.30-NelVs. 12.35-House Parly. 12.54-News. 1.00-Queen and Sign Off.



Real Estate Boom Reported In

. ON DOCK Montreal' ~ M.V. Velvet Lady, which wa~

towed to this port by the ocean MONTREAL-CP - Real estate going tUg Foundation Vera, Is un. salcs and home construction in the der general repairs. grea'ter Montreal. area are boom·

AT DOCK Ing and early Indications poln! to

Whaler Flnback wblch recently a record year. came off dock will be gOIng on The MOlltr~al Real Estate Board again when the dock Is avuilable. reportcd land sales value of $187·,

A. E. HICIl'llAN CO., LTD. 478,8B7 for the first half of thiS M.V. Pay Off Is moored up lor year, an Increase of more than

the season. $28,000,000 over the correspond· HORWOOD LllMBER CO. LTD. Ing period last year. Archie McKende, Croke, mas. In the first seven month~ of this

ter, discharging cargo of lumber. year, .11,739 housing unl.s were After discharged will shift to completed, an Increase of more Bowring Bros., Ltd., to take than 2,200 In the corresponding freight for St. Brendan's, und the monUls of 1954. usual northern porll. A spokesman for Central Mort·

M.V. .rennie Ellubeth, Eason, gage and Housing Corporation said master, Is discharging a part cargo Quebec and. Ontario are "leading of lumber and after discharged the way In residential bullding in will shoft to Bowlrng Bros. Ltd., Canana". to take freight for the usual. Monlreal accounted for over 80 northern ports on Thursday. per cent of the annual home con·

CANADA PACKERS "TD. strucHon In Quebec. M.V. Shirley Goodyear I, and From January to June of this

Shirley Goodyear 2 are both tak. year there were 6,491 MontreHl Ing freight for Badger',. Quay, real estatc sales, valued at $112,· Greenspond,' Wesleyvm., New· 834,346 compared with $97,698,· town, as far north as LUJII!den. 431 in the corresponding six·month

AT ,CROSBIE & CO. LTD. period in 1954. M. and S. Johnson, Rogel'" mas· There were 5,061 sales in subur·

tef, Is taking fl'elght for ttle usual ban municipalities during this per· Trinity Bay ports. lod, with R value of $74,642,~41,

M.V. USAF which receRtl!, came against 4,m2 sales with a \'alue off dock is being painted and be· of $60,914566, last year.

THE NFLD. GItEAT LAKIS fore sailing for northern port; STEAMSHIPS LTD. wlll have a new registered name. A breakdown 'on the Januar~'

M.V. Perth loading at Hamilton M.V. Veteran E:-;plorer and to July statistics by central mort· Sepl. 8, Toronto Sept. 9, Montreal WeSfern Explorer are moored up ga~e and housing corporation sho'.vs

10 Wednesday Sepl. 12, lor St. John's. Indefinitely. 4.4.27 single fa",lIy dwellings, 1,· M.V. Lunan loading at Hamil· R,M.C. DOCKYARD 784 duplex units, 12 row houses

8.15-A Newfoundland Story. S.3D-Rawhlde. 8.45-lntroduction

Xight. 9.00-Short Stor)·. 9.30-)luslcal Program.

,'aUID!., IO.oo-Pristlners Progress. 1I.30-CUC Natlonai Neil'S. ---


, ?,oo-llreakfast CiU;;:--­drc~ubl UO-News.

7.30-News. , 7,5i>-~cws.

B.OO-llrcakfast Club. 8.30-1!1t of the Day. B.35-News. B.4O-Xame the Newfoundlander, 9.00-A Date Wllh Denys. 9.l5-)luslc. . 9.3D-A Dale with Dcnys. DA5-Burlons' of . Banner' Street.

lO.Oil-News. 10.05-,\ Date With Den)'I. JO,55-i':cws. ll.UtJ-Club Time. 1l.55-N cwa. l~.OO-Club Time. 12.15-llank of Happiness.

. l~.aO-Ncws. 12.:15-)luslcal Menu. l.aO-Xews. 1.45-Tuncs For Toda~·. 2.00-Belly Grable·Harry Jamel. 2.55-i':e\\·s. a.OO-Dollar. on Parade. 4.00-Ncws. 4.05-;..r-.l!wfoundland Parade. '.35-Bank of Happiness. 4.55-;..News. S.OO-Club Time. S.aO-Supper Serenade. ti.OO-News and Weather. 6.05-;..Supper Serenadt. 6.~5-Lost and Found. 6.40-Rldlnl! Alon!! With a Son I lOO-The Barrelman, i.1S-Doclor Paul. i.30-S0n5 of the PIoneers. B.OO-Canada at Work. 8.30-I'cnthouse Party. 9.00-The Scarlet Pimpernel. n.30-Tlme Out for Melody. 9.45-Xews.

IO.OO-LiberaclI. lO.30-0nc Night Stand. 10.'5-News. 1I.00-Sporlscast.

. ll.15-;..Club Time. .

. 12.00-New5. 12.01-Club Time. 12.~O-News. 1235-;..Club Time. l.OO-News In a Minute Illd

Close Down.

ton Sept. 15, Toronto Sept. 16, Flretug 3, Seabeacon, Marlnus, and 5,516 apartment units, were Montreal Sept. 19, for St. John's. Invesigator 2nd, and the Qvo long erected.

MV Dundee loading at Hamilton liners Bamerang and Bamerlas!.· The number of homes ·on wbleh Sept. 29, Toronlo Sept. 30, Mont· STEERS LTD. cons:ruction' has hegun since the real Oct. 3, for St. John's. C. and A. BroWI, Blackwood, beginning of the year total 13,316,

FURNESS WARREN LINI master, II taking freight [or As· against 12,146 last year. Nova Scotia leaving Liverpool pirln Cove, Carmanvllle, Change

August 27, due St. John'. Sept. z. Ialds., TwllllnlntB, Herring Neck, Canada's continued high birth Leaving for Halifax and BOlton Morton's Hr., Bridgeport, Cottel'. rate' and Immigration have been Sept. 3, due Halifax sept;· 11" and Island, .as far north as King's given as reasons [or the sustained Boston Sept. 8. Leaving Boaton Point. . housing boom. sept. 9 and Halifax Sept. 13, due H. and M. Hunter, Walsh, mas-St. John's Sept. 1~. SalUng agalD ter, from Plate Cove Is dlschnrg· same day for Liverpool. I

Newfoundland leaving Liverpool ng a cargo of salt bulk fish at RCAF T U Sept. 14, due St. John'. Sept .. 20: the east end premises, Baird's. 0 se Leaving [or Halifax and Boston Cove, and after discharged wilJ N J F" I Sept. 21, due Halifax Sept. 23 and take freliht for Red Cliff, Bona· ew et 1 (1 Iter Boston Sept. 26. Leaving Boston vista and Catalina. I:' Sept. 27 and Halifax .Oct. 1, due T. HALLETT'S LTD. OTTAWA-CP - A new,; 1m· SI. John's Oct. 3. Salllni for Liver. Audrey Bartlett,· Saunders mas· proved vcrsion of the CF·I00 all· pool October 4. tcr, is discharging. cargo of lum· wealher jet fighter will definitely • FURNESS RED CItOSS ber, and after discharged. will be put Into service by the RCAF

Fort Hamilton leaving New York take freight for G1overlowll, at a later date, air lorce ofIicials Aug. 30, fIalifax sept. 3, due St. Greenspond, Wesleyville, Bona· said Monday.. . John's Sept. 5, sailing again Sept. vista, Joe Batts Arm, Herring Existence of the CF·l00 !II. k 7 (Halifax). Neck, Chanle Islands and Twll· TV C with d f .. ;1r

Fort Avalon leaving New York lingate. . , spee . 0 more t Ian BOWRING BROS. LTD. 600 miles anhou~ at an operation· Sept. 8, St. John, N.B., Sept. III, National Convention B Id . al ceiling of abou: 55,000 feet, was Halifax Sept. 19, due St. John's ' r ge disclosed earlier in the Ilay at Sept. 21, sailing again Sept. 23 man, master, Is ·taklng freight for the Farnborough E gi d • (e'lrner Brook and New York). Bon~Ylsta, st. Brendan's, Hnre Bay show." ,n .an, mr

Fort Hamilton leaving Halifax and Dover. . Sept. 27, due St. John's Sept. 29, Sliver Jubilee, Par$ons, master, It was producer by A. V. Roc salling again Oct. I, for Halifax. 15 taking freight for Carmanvllle. Canada Ltd. at its plant In Tor·

Fort Hamilton leaving HaUfax Gander Bay, Seldom, Twlllingate, onto's suburban Malton. Oct. 5, due st. John's Oct. 7, Pilley's Island and Springdale. • . sailing again Oct. 10 (Halifax and Clara Hallett, Feltham, ~aster, ottawa officials decl,lned to dis· New York). Is laking freight for Bonavlsta Bay close any of the plane s operation·

Fort Avalon leaving New York ports. . al quamles, but It represents con· Oct. 6, St. John, N.B., Oct. 8, Roy Alger R., Cross, master, Is :~~/~pro~~~eni~ ca~d1 develop-Halifax Oct. 11, due st. John's taking freight for the usual roug 0 e • 00. Oct. 13, sailing again Oct. 15 for northernporls. of Science· that the car of lomor· Corner Brook and New York. AYRE & SONS row probably wlll be guided along

NFLD. CAN, STEAMSHIPS Marjorie Inkpen, Blackwood, a beam built Into road surfaces by Belle Isle II leaving Halifax master, wlll be. taking freight on electronically operated controls .

Sept. 7, due st. John's Sept. 7, Thursday for St; Anthony, St. The driver, he explained, will salllng again Sept. 10.' Leonards and Goose Cove. simply Increase or decrease the

Bedford II leaving Halifax Sept. Robert Knlckle, Blacl{wood, spced of the machine by pressing 10, due st. John's Sept. 12, salllng master, la taking f(eight £or La buttons and watching road slg· allaln Sept. 13. Sele, Bay Verte, Coachman's Cove, nills.. ' ---- Belle Isle II leaving Halifax and Pacquet. ----------'--Sept. 16, due St. John's .~pt. 1B, G. F. Albert. Shllrt, master, Is OUR BOARDING HOUSE CJON

_ WEDNESDAY, September .,

?7.00-Wake Up .'iidLive. . 10-Ncll'!.

7.15-;..Strenglh for the Day. ?30-News. . 7.a5-;..Bob LewIJ Show. 7.4S-News. 7.50-Bob LewIJ ShDw. B.OO-News.

e8.05-;..Bob Lewis Show. .30-News.

. e.aS-Bob Lewis Show, g.OO-News.

99.035-Juke Box Review • . . O-Flnal Year. 19.45-Women's Mew .. O.OO-Newl.

lO.Dl-:-Parade of Hits. 1~.45-J oan Blanchard Show. Il·SOO-parade of Hits. .

. O-News. 11.01-BIII Ring Show H.I5-Tennessee Ernie. H.BO-Imprlsoned Heart. 1l.45-My Other Love. 12.00-News. 12.Dl-Bob Lewis. . 12.30-News. . l2.35-Bob Lewis Show. l.OO-Ne;yR. l.OI-Frank Parker ShoW. l.1S-News. . 1.30-':'Behlnd. the Scenes. 1.35-Sports Parade. l.4O-Barealn Hour. . 1.4&-,Bowrlng's T.V. 1.50-Mantiivani M~odle.. . ..

salling allaln Sept. 20. taking freight for Carmnnville, I Bedford II leavlni Halifax Sept. Lady Cove, llodge', Cove, South· I

19, due st. John's Sept. 21, .. lUng port, Thorofare. and Deer Hr . again Sept. 22. Lillian Richard, Hounsell. mas· :

CLARKE STIAMrHIP CO. ter, Is takng freight for White Sheldrake leaving M 0 n t r • al Ba)·.

Sept .2,. dlie.St. John', Sept. 7, B~NE JOHNSTON & CO, LTD. lal1lrg a.IID Sept. 9. Rlt. and Blanche, Plcott, mas- .

Novaport leaving Montreal Sept. ter, is taking freight for Hare· 10, due St. John'. If. sallinl Bay, Dover, Trinity, B.B., .'alr Is· .galn Sept. 18, (Bay Roberts). land, Indian 'Bay and Greenspond. . Sheldrake leaving. Montrell Sept M. and G. Rogers, Roger.~, mas-21, due .St. John's Sept. 23, sail· 'ter, is takini freight for Port Ing again Sept. 27. . Union, Bonavlsta, Fair IslaQd, In·

Novaport leaving Montreal dian Bay, Hare Bay, Greenspond. ~ept. SO, due St. John'l oct. II, Val!eyfleld, Wesley\ille as far .alling again Oct. 7. north a. LulNden •

Sheldrake leaving Montreal Oct. -.-. ..:,,-----8, due St. John's OcL 12, salling N Who . ·1 I again Oct. 14. • . 0 ee n . Novaport leaving Vontreal Oel. .' 19, due St. John', bet. 24:, .. llliIg Future Car· s again Oct. 26. '..

CONSTANTlNE:CANADIAN . BRISTOL, Eng.-AP·- A .me· . SERVICES' chnnlcal engineer predicted .Mon~ : ."

M.V. Avonwood due· SL John'. day, ntlht tile automobile . of· the : Sept. B. . .• future. may be a' press. button af· .

. . M. V •. Teeawood 1 ... lnl HamillOIl ,air with no steering wheel. . Sept. 9, Toronto Sept; 12, Montreal .T. N.· MeHattie talc! the British .

Sept. 15. Due St..John's Sept. 20. AnoclaHon ·for· the Advancement . '


\ i \ i , ,

IF ~l:JU'~ GOING TO GllID~' -n·10Ge: 141614 HAl<D ONE5, "l'M DIGGING A



THE DAllY.NEWS, WEDNESDAY, SEPi. 7, 1955 11·

By I.EO~ SCHlESINGf~ .' ~ ............ ~ .•.. ;:::..::: .. ::::::::::::::;-.-.--.-.---.. -------: ----.

Page 12: Synod Blasts Canada' Po'licy ,On I'mmigrati'on; delegation leader Vladimir ... more adequate planning" for their


. ,Week-End Offenders

. .

Call General Strike' ~:~~alsOil' , . ... . J (Contlnu'ed from pa~e 3)

Ti . . b' ., d "M' . ",' tlnnOUllCeU he. asked the man to go and pul

. . " A fellowshIp In the humanities, i' I't d th t I h d I t II ti ket i . ·~O' U' . e . O~OCCO··'·'· . him out of the ,'tadium. 'l'heman· valued at S1250.00 a year, has ns 5 e. a Ie a os 1 s C

• Minister Antoine Plnay. ' It was reported was to advise been established by Imperial Oil anTdl wanted to buy a~o~hcr. th \

N· R~BAl:' Ml orfo) cco M AP

d- The two French officials were moderation In f~ture' broadcasts. Limited. It will be open to' grad~ 1ree men WCle arres e on C I

ahona 1St ea .ets on ay preceding two delegations of MOl Leaders of another Moroccan na· uates of Canadian unlversitlcs for same evening, September 6th on I

urged a general strike next· occans due In Madlgnscar later tlonallst group, the Democratic In· post·graduate studies at any recog· Lake Avenue lor shouting and" week in Casablanca' the this week to ask Ben Youssef's dep'~ndence· jarty (PDl), went to nlzed university chosen by 'a win·. using obscene. language. Const·

Iii . I ' . J advice on tha three·polnt program Lausanne, Switzerland, to' confer ncr, and will cover such suhjects, able Hogan saI(l that he ~ad

restless commercIa capIta which the French and Moroccans with their exlled secretary, Mo· ancient and modern languages, thrown them out of the StadIUm of the protectorate, putting drafted at the recen.t Alx·les·Balns hammed Hassan Wazzanl, and get History and Philosophy. It will be six times. Onll was fined $5,0.0. new pressilre on the French conference. hlsAlnhstructlons' d I t' 1 Ind' tenable for a period of up to or 10. days and the othCll" two were '.'. f" M SEPT. 12 DATE SET t ree·man e ega Ion 0 e· fined $25 or 14 days In thClr race or a oroccall. The date plcl.ed· for the general pend(!nt nationalists was 'en route three years. . ;;ctUemcnt. strik.~ here Is Sept. 12, Premier to Madagascar to confer with Ben This fellowship Is the fifth to A motorist charged with Impair·

See tl1em on display at


EXPERT PIANO TUNING SERVICE Far from 'Morocco, In a moun. Edgar Faure's seU.lmposed dead. Youssef. It Included SI Bekkal, be offered annualy by the com· cd driving had his case set down I tain rcsort of distant Madagascar, line for starting home rule In the former pasha 'of Sefrou and a per· pany. Each Is worth $1,250..0.0. per for September 13th. France took. an Important 1itrlde protectorate. Moroccan nationalists sonal friend of Ben Youssef, who year. The 'other four have been A woman arl'ested for shoplift· toward such a settlemcnt \vhcn think they have a promise that by Is to become a member 01 the awarded annually since the In· Ing at the stor,~ of Simon Levitz '-_____________________ 1


Furness, Withy & Company Ltd.


where the ci1arm ilf nelVnes! is restored. Dial 6985. 14 llamilton Street.

. NOTICE Notice is hereby given Ih&,

JOAN LOUISE CONNOLLY 01 the Town of l:it George's in the Province of Npwfoundland. 1I1ar ried Woman, will apply to the PMliament of Canada at the pre· sent session th2reof, or at the next or following or ensuing session thereof, for a Bill of Divorce from her husband, WILLIAM CO:-;. NOLLY of tllC Town of SI. George's In the Province' of Nell'. foundland. I\leehanic, on the ground of adultCll"Y.

Dated .at the City of'S!. John', in the Province of Newfoundland this 23rd day of August, A.D., 1955.

O. W. K. D~E, SDlicito~ far Applicant

ag24,31.octl,7 ('cn. GeorgcS' Catroux paid an of. then Sultaln Mohammed Ben Mou· r;!ge1cy Aco~ncll when" a;~ If ~hn cepHon of the Imperial Fellowship Ltd. pleaded guilty. The woman ficial cal! on Morocco's· lay Arara will be off th~ throne ~~~o~~anr~h~o~:.emo e rom . e Plan in 1946. T?ey are for post· was fined $25 or 14 days. T~e tlonallst form~r Sultan, Moham· and a "cooncil of Ihe throne" reg· Th" French ministry for Tllnls. graduate study ID the social and oredlt man8.l!cr of the shop saId med B(!n Youssef.' . ency sci up in his' place. The " '1/' It was the first time that an French attitude has been that this Ian and Moroccan affairs said physical sciences and encourages In his evidence that one of the Imllortant Frenchman had met date Is a target but not a deadline. delegations representing the Istiq· research In technical and admlnis- clerl.shad notified him that the II'lth Beii YoUssef since the day Ot!ler d~velopments in the Mor· lal and POl will leave Thursday tratlve aspects of Industry. The woman was acting suspiciously two year~ ago when Frcn~h olli. ocean crl,sls:·. b~ plane for Madagascar to ~eet new fellowship broadens the scope and when she was asked what s.he


Liverpool' St. John's Boslon BalUn SI John', I 10, 10 Htx. "10 io la

SL John'~ Boslon Hanfn St. Jobn's Lh'erpool

Statutory Notice

"Newfoundland" S t 1 .". .,. . ep . eet's ,In Rabat deposed him ami In ParIS, Marseille, I.yons, and With B'2n Youssef. Both the Ishql~1 of Imperial's program. had he opened lier coat to reveal

,," ova "cotia" . Sept. 3 Sept. 9, Sppt. 13 Sept. 15 Newfoundland" Sept. 14 Sept. 21 Sept 27 Oct 1 Oct 1

sent him Into exi\-~. CatrouX's re. other cities of metropulitan France and the PDI 'have said they Wll\ I I I 011 I d h 5479 . I' . d t d not finally "gree on the three·point tl mt Pber ~. a StO annafulnlce a hlazer, w,ort l . I' It I d . , "No\'a Scotia" Sept. 28 Oct. 5 Oct: 11 Oct: 15 Oct: 18

Ported mission Is to obtain Hcn po lCe carrie ou a aWn Sweep" I "Innlng nex ye"r e ow A I t rl ng I d Al French program unless Ben Yous· a., Co " , • mo OflS C IUrge! w I VI.

Youssef's approval for a new lind bronght In Iiousan s o[ ger· h h Id I th I I I .. rench policy o[ co-operation with lans and othcr North Afrl~an5 for see appt'oves their position. S IP 0 ers w 10 pursue c r while drunk pleadc!' not gUI ty

Persons contemplating pasfalle to Europe should make bcioltines well in advance.

the moderate nationalists instead questioning. The announced pur. A 25·m:1D terrorist cell which In· studies through the summer and had his case set down for of their suppression. pose o[ thJse raids was to capture eluded moan accused of bombing months will receive supplementary September 10th.

Air Passages arranged by B.O,A.C. - K,L.~1. _ Sc.nainnvlan Air­lines - Pan Amerir:m "'rways - T.W.A. and eonnc-cting Air ..

AC'rION IN Tll\IE? persons connected with violence In a dO~l'IIlown, Cas~blanca. cafe on awards of $750.00 each. This sup· Another motorist charged with Whetlier the form'~r sultan's slip. Norlh Africa, particularly th~se July 14 and settmg off vicious plemen~ary award will raise the drunk driving had his case sct

port would be forthcoming in time who may have been finanCing demonstrations was rounded up by annual value of each fellowship to down for September 14tll.

lines. Consult us regarding your travel problems.

FURNESS TRAVEL OFFICE t~ hall a ncW outburst of national· rebel bands there. thpe oFll.rCelleshaldM~~~:y~f the captives $2,000.00. A man eharg'~d with unlawfully istie fervor In. the protectorate SEVERAL p,ARLEYS e Winners of the fo r f 110 ncxt week Is the question facing A four.mnn delegation of the Na. admitted plnnting a bomb which., u e w· entering a home on Deanery anxious French officials hCN! and tionallst Istlqlai ind~pendence ~l1cd six Europeans and wounded ships offered this year were Kurt Avenue had his case dismissed In Paris party of ?lloroceo went to Rome 31 more In the cafe. That incld2nt Jonassohn of Montreal, John E. when he told the court that he


Catrou'x a former governor.gen. to confer with SI Allai el Fassl, brought thousands of maddened Hogg of Toronto, WilHam J. King went to the house to visit his eral of Algeria and one of Francc's an exiled leader I\'ho has recently' European res Ide n t s sur.glng of London, Ontario, and' George mother wllo was living there, and most respected authorities on made violent antl.French speeches through the .streits for reprlsals B. Mellon of Edmonton. They when he found nobody home went North African problems,' was ac. on t»e Syrian radio. EI Fassi, who against. natIOnal st MO{'ne;ni' were selected by a committee ap· In by a back window and some· companied by Henri Yrissoll, chief IiI'JS in S)'ria, came half~vay to scventeeln pe{~ons \\'~rc len pointed by the national confer· bod seel~g him rep~ted it La admlnistrati\"a .. aide to Forci!:n meet the Isliqlal delegates who the ensU ng r 0 s. ence of Canadian utliversitics and y.

I I I the pollee.

I mper a . -------

Citizens Invited Mexican Doll At Organize Candle p W C' Cricket Results Attend Opening lCanadian National Reading Club. •• • Honours

f L "I E hib" 0 During the past summer Mrs. Late Co P. Ayre o e!IS attire . i x. IlIon c. R. Plnn and Mrs. C. H. Tobin, (Continued from page a).

'-' who work in the Children's sec· .The Department of PrOl'lnclal A page of Mexlc&n history tion of the Gosling Memorial Lib. Mal'shall and several others as

LONDON (Reuters)-Cricket re·I' suits in Britain Tuesda)':

England team 329 and 255 for s eve n declared, Commonwealth t~a m 272 and 256. England team \\'on bv 56 runs.

Gentiemen 331 and 159 for six declared Players 276 and 217 fOI' eight. Pl'ayers won by two wickets.

South 431 and 335 for nine de· clared, Nurth 435 forn inc declared and 222. South \~'on by 109 runs.

A[[airs yesterday Issued formal in· reached thc Women's Dll'islon of rary have organized a Birthday great benefactol's of the school. 'I'itallons to prominent citizens to the Canadian National Exhibition Candle Readlllg club among the One of the greatest benefactocs attend the opening' of the special recently. It was a doll, exquisitely children who visit and borrow was the late C. P. Ayrc, l\I.B.E. session of the Newfoundland Pro· dressed ·In the traditional and books fro mUle Library, and yes· Since 1871 thrt Ayr~ Family has vlnclal Assembly which Is to take colourful Mexican National Cos- terday afternoon they gave a party been Interesed In the school and place on . Monday, September 12, tume of red, while and green. as a closing session for the sum· members have Eerved on the at 3 00 P m I I mer re o, din' gs. board. Hon. J. P; Ayrc was the

. ,. The doll, a gift of Miss Mur e " The special session, which Is ex· Fleger, the Canadian Manager of The library 'was decorated with first to serve, and Mr. Burt asked NEED A HOME?

peeted to conclude within a week,. Robert F. Warriner Incorporated, a large paper cake with paper Mr. Lewis· Ay:e, a great grand· will consider the proposed loan of represents "China Poblana" _ a candles on the top. Each candle son of Hon. C. R. Ayrc to stand

Drop in and look oyer OUt line

S16,QQO,QQO to Canadian Javelin Chinese slave who became a 'na. bore the name of one member' of up. Limited to' assist them to construct tlonal figure of Old Mexico. the club who had qualified as a The late Hon. C. P. Ayre was a 42.mlle rallway at Lake Wahush. There's a fairy tale ring to China reader:' About 115 children were elected to the board In 1890 and

MOBILE HOMES Available on low down pay ment with terms from $15.6C weekly.

2% miles out Torbay Road.

~!eanlVhlle, a Committee of the Poblana's story. She was a Chinese In the c~~ and In ordcr to have served In several capacities unlll House is reported to be meeting Princess sold Into slavery In the their name on a candle they had 1!l34. From 1922 to 1929 he was to discuss the question of 3e5~ion· da)'s when Spanish Grandees dom. to read 5 books for the summer. chairman. During his lifetime he II pay. It Is thought that. m~mbers Inated Mexico. On her long voyage About 100. candles were on the top donated the present Ayre Athie· o( the House will n~t receive the from the Orient, China Poblana of the paper cake. Besides the tic grounds anti promoted many For further information and full amount of .sesslonal. pay fo: I kept herself busy sewing sequins camlles a further incentive was othClr projects. Mr. Burt then literature conlact ~Ihe dbrie( term bcsinmng 'next In beauUIuldcsigns on her skirt, given Lhc'children to read for they nsked ·MI'. RonllldAyl'c to unveil . TOR BAY TRAILER SALES • on ay. and when the Senoritas of the were offcred certiflcatcs, all nice· . the picture of his father. ;:-;;-;;.-;;;.-;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'-;;-;;;-;";;-;;;;;';";;--;;;;;.


During the colder days ahead, you can drive in comfort with a


Stocks now on hand for current and past model trucks. ~


Have one installed in your Truck to-day at

The Hickman Motors Ltd. Your Chevrolet-Oldsmobile-Cadillac Dealer

• IPHONE 5047 5cpl7,9,10


In Ihe. matter of the Will and Eslale of George Chesley Neal, lale of St. John's, in the Proy. Ince of Newfaundland Merch. ant, deceased.

AI\ persons c1l1iming to be credl


. tal'S of or who ha\'e any claiml 01' demands upon or aHeclin!: tile estate of George Chesley :\e31. late of st. John's, Merchant, de· ceased, arc required to forward particulars of the same in wrilin' dulY" attested to The Easte.·~ Trust Company, 275 Water Strer:, Sl. .Tohn's. thl) Executor of the Will of the said deceased. on or before the 25th day of Septemher A.D. 1955 after which date tlle said Executor will proceed to di'­tribute the Estate of the said de. ceased hal'ing regard only to Ihe claims of which the said ExecUle>r shall then have had notice.

Dated at st. John's thi5 2Ub day of August A.D. 1955.


So';icilor's for Executor. i 283 Duckworth Street, t SI. John's. XC\"lfoundlancl. I aug24.31sep7.14


1952 CHEVROLET Sedan Powcorglide transmission. ~rw cal' eondition-$550 down. 18 monlh on balance.


1953 WILL YS Sedan heater and defroster. h~~ tn be seen and drivelL •• $1100.00


1949 PLYMOUTH Coach Heater and defrosted. A buy you can't afford In miss •.........•••••. $650.00

, -0-

: 1953 STUDEBAKER Sedan Heater and d eftrost cr. Th:~ unit has heen fulll'econditioll' cd-$SI S.OO down with ]a months on balance.



Spanish Society hi Zllexico saw her Iy printed and signed If they read !IIlss D. Ayn'. Commander A. delicate handiwork, they adopted 10 books for the season, and, if Ayre and Mr. Wilfred Ayre were her costume for themselves. Be. they were sufleiently Interested to also on tlle platform for the sea'· \


I TAIPEI, Formosa (APl-A three.hour opera:~lon Monday com· . pletcd the legal transformation of a Nationalist Chinese soldier into a woman. It was the third operation, performed on H'lieh Chlen.Hsun, 37. An army medical chcel:up two years ago showed he had both male and female charac·

fore long, the Spanish Grandee read they qualified for a gold star vlcc. 'who had bought her, asked !or her on their certificates. Yesterday Dr. H. Roberts then unveiled hand In marriage. And China afternoon about 80 children won the honour roil. and Mr. Walter Poblana entered the society of certlflcates and nearly all of the Butt pulled the flag from the Puebla. certificates bore gold stars. front of the new trophy case,

When It was learned that she was a Princess In her own right, China Poblana was given the opo

nI the small reading room of which was donated by the four the library a surprise awaited the members of the pomperty commit· ehlldren for on two tables sct out tee, Mr. Walter Butt, chairman, for a party rested a large square Mr. E. F. Petev6. Mr. Fred Homer




2097 Dial 2654 terestics. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. partunlty to return home. But she

was so In love~ with her husband, that she decided to stay In Mexico. To this day, China Poblana's se­quined skirt can be seen In the Puebla Museum of Santa Monica. And visitors to the Canadian Na· tional Exhibition wlJ\ be able to see this exquisite doll replica of China Poblana in' the Coliseum of the Women's World.

cake with candles and all the trim· and Mr. H. N. Burt. k d d h

ag22,molls,wed5 fris,tf mings, Indly onate for t e party Dr. Roberts announced that !=:=--===:=::======'


.~ .. ·lr

Red Cross Line

by MaJ?my's Ltd., and a,n added within a few days the fwst sod -_ ... treat for th.e afternoon was a dona· for the arUflcnl Ice arena, which tlon of about 120. dlxle-cups of Icc will serve the nEeds of the college eream donated by Brookfield Lt.d. and all the United Church schools

HOUSE WIRING $4.00 per outlet plus $70.00 for 60 Amp, 220 Volt Servic'E!.


$70.00 plus 60c a 'foot for Range Cable. scp3,6,7

1951 CHEVROLET V2 Ton Pickup .............. SIOO,OO

1952 STUDEBAKER 1 Ton Stake .•....••......•. 5125.00

1953 STUDEBKAER 1 Ton Express ......•••..••. $475,00

1950 VANGUARD Sedan I .................... $250.00 . 1949 HILLMAN Sedan I I ...................... $150.00 ! 1954 HILLMAN Sedan

i 1950· ·STUEiEBAKER· C~:::·oo • ••••••••••••••••••••• $600,00

Adelaide Motors LImited

New Gower and Adel~id. Str~h DIAL 3015

The children enjoyed the after· In SI. John's, will be turned and noon, and greatly appreciated their the Old Collegians hoped that the delicious lunch. They have ICBm· arena would be ready for opera· ed to' lave books and have given tlon by the end of November. much pleasure to the tlVO kind Dr. R. Gushue, an old collegian, librarians who spare no eHort to once chairman of the Boa'rd, and help the chlldrcn find books noW president of lIIemorlal Unl· which are good and Interesting. vcrs It 'I wished the pupils a sue·



FROM NEW YORK: Fort Hamllton •••. Aug. 30 .

'tFort Avalon : •••• Sept. 8 'tFor~ Avalon ...... Oct. 6

. FROM ST. JOHN. N.B.I *tFort Avalon., •••• Sept. 111· 'tFolt Avalon ....... oct. 8

FROM' HALIFAXI 'tFo~ Avalon •• , •• Aug. 23

Fort Hamilton '" • Sept. . 3 'tFort Avalon ...... Sept.19

Fort Hamilton .... Sept. 27 Fort.Hamlllon ..... Oct. II

''(Fort Avalon ...... ;Oct.ll


ST, JOHN'S TO CORNEN BROOK, 'fFor.· Avalon ...... Aug. 27' "'(Fort Avalon' ••••• Sept. 23 'tFort Avalon ...... Oct. 15

TO HAt.IFAX TO HIY. YORK: "tFort Avalon ••••• Aug, 27. "Wort Avalon .... Sept. 23

'Fort Hamilton ... Sept. 7 Fort Hamilton .... Oct. 1 ,Fort Hamilton .... Oct. 10 :Fort 'Haml1!on' .... Oct. '10

.ifort· Avalon • .... Oct. 111

·V~ ... I.' Miwf~'uriil. 'Ind Outperh II. Indue.

-mint offl,..· .., . . ~ ·.CaIl8 Corner BrOOk after' : . ilL Jnhn'l. : . "A~'Cc[l~· .. ;:r~rrll~raUo~ • carllO,

.: GENERAL: A~ENTI HlrvI, .. Dlll.2151

.: W. G. Moor.. Dlel 5190

, :,; FURNESS. 'Wfmy' . .. ' .". Ie ea'· LTD •.

" Hlw.York·: .. ": ·:~·'~ont".1 . 'HIUflll ": It. John. N.I,

'. "."1" " . , .

\ ',' "



COAST SERVICE Train leaving St: John's Ii ·p.m.

Thursday, September 8th will

Legion Scholarships Are Announced·

cessful year and the assembly came to a close with the singing of one stanza each of the Ode to Newfoundland, 0 Canada and the National Anthem.

Construction Of Windsor Public make connection at Port aux The st: John's Branch or the

Basques with 8.S. Baccalleu on Canadian' Legion last night an· the South Coast Service. nounced the names of the win· CONNECTION GREEN BAY ners of·the Legion Scholarships BOld" D] d

SERVICE AND ST. JOHN'S. for the current year. ill lng eaye, . '. LEWISPORTE S1:RVICE . They are William R. Brown and It was reported 135t night that

THURSDAY Miss Joan Tlzzard. work on construcllon of the new '1'rain leaving St. ,John's 8:45 Mr. Brown Is a pupil of Bishop Federal Public hulldlng at Wind·

p.m. 'fhursday,. September 8th Field College', while .MIss Tlzzard d b will mnke connection at Lewis. sor has been delaye Y one porte with S,S. Glencoe on the Is a graduate of Curtis Academy. month due to damage to a main St. John's.Lewlsporte Service and Bolh successful students will pur. sewer pipe caused when the work M.V. Cod1roy on the Green Bay sue their studies elsewhere. of excavating tho building site Service. These scholarships are awardcd was being carried out.

CONNECTION LEWISPORTE· annually to children of Veterans An order has bcen placed on CORNER BROOK SERVlCE- or World Wars one and two. th~ Mainland for nelY pipe to re·

FRIDAY place the damaged ~ewer and as Train icavlng St. John's 5 p.m. this had' been received, construe·

Friday, September 9tl1 wl\1 make'E 10 h G' I' tion work will be rcsumed. ' connection at Corner Brook with ng IS oa Ie The ~ new' building, which' is be-S.S. Springdale on the LewiS. I'n' g constructcd by Eastern Wood· porte·Corner Brook Seu'Vlee. S· P d . . ets rece ent workers Limited, will be two S.S,'NORTHERN RANGER SAIL· storeys high and will house the of·

tNG FROM ST •. JOHN'S In Brl'tl'sh Hoc'ke'v' . [Ices of the Canadian National

1953 CHEVROL'ET.. .• • .1650.00 1953 VAUXHALL ...... 885.00 1953 VANGUARD ...... 1300.00 1947 PONTIAC .... ,. .. 500.00 1952 ·METEOR •••••••• 1300.00 1953 CONSUL.. •• •• ..1100.00 1950 VANGUARD ... , .. 550.00 1952 HILLMAN.. .• •••• 800.00 1951 OLDSMOBILE .; •• 1100.00 1950 PONTIAC ........ 600.00 1953 FORD ........... 1550.00 1953 METEOR ........ 1600.00 1953 S'FUDEBAKER •••• 1400.00 1953 METEOR ••••••••• 1450.00 1'152 BUICK •• ; ....... 1800.00

. ", THURSDAY. ,'. . .' Telegraphs, Customs, RCMP and , S.S. Northern Ran~er on the LONDON fCP) -' Harringay Unemployment InsuranceCommls- Mu' nn Moto' rs Ltd.

St. John·s·Corner Brook Service. . '. 'will sail from Dock Coastal Wharl I ~acers of the EngliSh Hockey slon. . noen Thursday, September 8th. League bave shIned up an English, It Is expected .to be rea.dY for,

.. . . . , . . .man-Gordon English-as regular occupation by the end of thls year. B'ENNETl AVE. rREIGHT ACCEPTANCI' goallrocpcr.

f'rclght for the South Labrador . .The signing of the 22.year.old car I Service pcr S.s::I{yle wlll'be ·Ie· trimmer sels a precedent. Cana· ccpted at the nock Coa~talShed ,dians have lD\'arlably held down today, Sept. 7th 9 a.m. tD Ii p.m. the' custodian spot in the past.

. ,

English played' five games last year for Harrll\iayon the club's

'. marcli . 10 too league champion· ~hlp. One was an 11·0 shutout· and the team, nllly lost one game duro In; his stay.. . '

CLOTHES make tha man if CHAFE

makes the clothes

WM. L. CHAFE, Tailor New address: 4 HOLDSWORTH ST.

Sir, i S W -j -0 -t -n 0 f f 0 0 t ~ 0 u' r ~ roo IBm ? J, It FUJ.FIT 13 R .horel, K Shoe "lIh ema lull ,..:dth where the toes nced to spread. Yet. Uk" all K Plus FltUn. shoes. It nt.s Uk. a glove round the anlde·lIne. A Fulfit K Shoe is tho f!'alt·made answer to the problem DC the mon with tho wlder

. foot. Here. 1. a Fulfit Q,[ord K 6hoe In '!lk, -blgh'/mlde box or willow cnlr.SKIDDAW..o~""il

PRICES $IS~9S - $16.50

lepl7 ,10,22 ' ..

l i

I ,

Expe Appl


A Nationa early tw Executive

Grade XII needed.

Apply in

t:.r. ••. !D!. P. ~ All ap



Male. G


for duty w'



s r FOR



Registered general ho $200 and ~

and aeccm new motel rotating sh



COVEYf or telel

8ept7,9 '7

OF Must hI keeping opport&l writing ence·to


Page 13: Synod Blasts Canada' Po'licy ,On I'mmigrati'on; delegation leader Vladimir ... more adequate planning" for their

, '. .. \.


__ ---...:::::..-.::=======7:;:====:====~====~=::====~-;,...-------:=======::~'-'-=-':-:~:-::~:--:C;'H::O~I~R;;-' -- " : .. = WANTED. . BASILlCA:~:::[.,.",

Expereleoced. Sales' man AT~:~:G The first Choir Practice after the summer WiylI . y :I"':':}.;'.\:i.:·.':.

be held in the Choir Room this THURSDA, : :,:

Apply. staling salary expected toRO~~ ~~:~,::~~D~~:ETS C:~E~~~:D Seplember 8th. al 8.00 p.m. New members ,,:::,,:;':ll: AUCTION

. . are cordially invited. - t-... ~. :,(;: . . .... , " ""

BOX 36 c/o Daily News.. sep6,7 .:.,: ";":: ,

"'Junior Executive'Needed I.:;' _ ,t SP.ECIAL PARADE ======= ~~=======; (:.!/

Tod:~.~ed~~~ !o-Night at 7.15 o'clock (I Stadium:::;n',i:i!


A National Company requires Young Man In early twenties for training for important Executive position.

Grade XU education essential. Experience not ne9ded. •.

Apply in writing to to,;!.. P.O. BOX 2062, ST. JOHN'S. ~~ 10.' ;=- All applications treat.d confidentially.' ~


FRONT' OFFICE' RELIEF CLERK Mal •• Grade XI. Salary $185.00 p.r month.

, ~. Apply ~t!.

-70 Head Choice

Butt~.hers' Cattle



, At Topsail ~~-(Immediately west Nagle's Garage)


Monday, Sept 12th. at S p.m. ',' ~.;,.

MANAGER NEWFOUNDLAND HOTEL -!l1r Freehold land and one stOn!Y ~================= bulldlns. Land measures 70 ft. x e: 70 ft. Building consists of 5

rooms and shop. Ideal business mand. Immediate possession. Very low resen'e. WANTED

Snow Removal Equipment,' Operators & Repairers

Joseph Fitzgibbon Auctlon"r. . .••

sep7,10 .

DIAL 2006

(Under the distinguished patronage of His Grace .' the Archbishop) ,

Catholic Youth Club

RE-:OPENING D,ANCE Friday, Sept. 9th

Membership Cards may be obtained from the Manager at the Club Rooms, Wednesday and Thursday nights, from 8 to 10 p.m.



~ Several capabl" energetic Salesladies between 20 and 40 years of age pre­ferred. Good opportunity offering high-est wages. Apply to _::~':'·_l." ..... ~_.


Because of the installation of the heating system in the Armoury, the Parade called for THURSDAY, 8th Septem­ber 1955, has been postponed until Thursday~ 15th Septem­ber 1955 at 7.45 p.m.

A full attendance is re­quested.

R. J. M. NOEL, Caplain and Ac1iufanf

Crystal PaJace Leo Michaels' Orchestra.'

Cover SOc '

Food Served.

For reservations call Toll Operator

Wanted, WANTED-TO RENT b:' New·

foundland family a self con· talned apartmen: or house of 5 or 6 rooms in good locality. 'Phone 7370·F.

Dance ",i:' .•.. ..'-'1' ',,' , .

"': t .

. Enjoy DANCING on the Largest Dance floOf in St. John's .:: ..


COOL - ROOMY - COMFORTABLE ~.~ Featuring the


Thursday, Sep.t~ 8th: . Adrriission 7S( 9 to ] a.m.

MATINEE, Monday, September 12th, 3.30. EVENING CONCERT, SEPTEMBER 12th, S.lS.

Pitts Memorial Hall

" "

.. -r '.

. .. 4· "!

-' ;-

. ,

\ . t

I .

for duty with the USAF, Goose Air Base, labradorr ~

* 25 EQUIPMENT OPERATORS ...... at $1.65 per hour


ThelonDon, New York & Paris I Association of Fashion Ltd.

WANTED-A lady teacher to assist in Kindergarten fand primary grades, either full or part time, from now until Christmas. Please reply stat· ing qualifications etc., to box 50. Dally News.

Tickets on sale at Chas. Hutton & Sons. SPONSORED BY KIWANIS CLUB OF S'l. JOHN'S

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ;.! i

ip 25 EQUIPMENT REPAIRERS ........ at $1.78 per hour

Positions are temporary from the , st of Ot.tOber, . 1955, through 30th April 1956.

-.. It.!. 48 hour work week. . •

- Interested applicants are requesWl to apply tn person:


DIAL 80327


Western Memorial Hospital ,if;'. " CORNER BROOK . 0 _.... Apply to


·'WANTED. Registered Nurses and Maternity Nurses for Modem eO-bed general hospital situated 40 miles south of Montreal. Salary S200 and 5155 respecllvely with additional increases. ~oarli and accommodation available at .mlnl,mum cost In completely IICW nurses' residence. 8-hour duty, 44-hour week, rotating shifts. Many attractive benetlt5 provided. Apply



LWanted Immediately TWO . FEMALE : CLERKS


Apply in person to ,

COVEYDUCK'S, MAYOR' AVENUE, ·af'.r 6 p.m., or 'e'.phone for appointmfint, 5763 or 5764

"ept7,9 "'. . ,..' '7-

WANTED' 4 ':.' , ~

OFFICE . M,ANAGER Must havi a thorough knowledge' of Book­k"ping .and Gifterai OHice' routine. Excellent' opportunity for ·the right person. Apply. i,n Writing .tatingap, qu~lifications and Ixplrl- -. Inee to . . .. :.. .... .

. I .

lOX No. 3rthl Daily News IIcp7,S'

\ ;"

' .. .I.

Taxi BICKE1:'S TAXI leaving Ter­

renceville Wednesdays, St. John'. on Thursdays. Conned' Ing with mall boat. Contact Mr. Hlcker at Terrencevill. or dial 421()'1' at 81. John'l.



SHOP-Fast efflclent sani· tll1'1' .enice. All modern equipment. five barbers. The least possible walUns, 24 New Gower Street. opp. Adelaide. Moton Ltd. my4,lm


Service. Manufacture, Laun­dry Repair Work gull'l,1lteed. One day service. Free quota­tions., Kearney! L1rillted, Manufacturer .. fM Water St..


ANCE Department offering dependable ln9U1'ance-Aut~ mobile, Fire, Burglary, Plate Glass. Tourist Baggage.

· TramsportaUon, Travel Accl· . dent, Llabillty. Phone 20~

ROIERT. DAWE & SON, PI ... and' Automoblle Insurance. · Be IIfej be sure, Insure, Tele­phone 2882, P.O. Box 115

. Royal Bank Chambers, 51. John'.. .

CtntlCt STAN' FOWLER, bo 1I0uf bulldln" for Fire AutD­mobile and Plate'Glass Insur­ance. Claims promptly setu. ed.. Thone Mal-P.O. BM 63.

INSURANCE~Bowrlnll "lrot~. . er Limited lmurance Depart·

ment-Flre. Automoblle, Mar­inI'! and all Casualty Unes. Trlephone 3131..

CONTACT A. E. HICKMAN Co. Ltd. Insurance Agents.· 'P.hones 4132·3-4·5-6 P.O.B.

· 984. for your insurance re­quirements.

DEPENDABLE FIRE INSUR· ANCE-Don't risk your valu­ablel to' "S8V1" a few dollars. Ollr falN'ate, reliable policy

. 'Hives immediate protection. . Phone 61121 or wrlle J. J. Lacey, P.O •. Box 506. repl,U . ,




Must have S:tE~~s~~~:~!~; ~~~~~:ion. GJbd lalary to the right .person.

Apply in person to '.






.. FOR SALE The St John's Uon's Club .

have the following For Sale:


--- '. -10}4 ft. long, 4 ft. high.

l All injierfect condition.

F;j. fu'rther particulars apply to


FOR SALE . ( . ,

3p ton complele 15chloHerhouse" Fishmeal and Oil equipment plant for bpth,Dry and Oily fish. Excellent condition, only used'short period. Plant can be removed. and assembled' by seller. Will make .aHractive . pro-' position for. Immediate sale., .. , .

.' .

Reply BOX 12 c/o Daily News sep3,3I,eod· .


For Sale FOR SALE-1 radio in perfect

condition 510,00. Apply 14,2 Water Street or phone 2397·A.

FOR SALE-1-19~8 Hillman Sedan, bod)" motor and tyrcs in good condition, Selling for a bargain for 5180. For more information 'Phone 591()'F.


START A QUICK.CASH SPARE OR FULL TmE CLOTHING BUSINESS. Sell made·ta-measure clo:hes from maker to wearer-we show you how to do it. Everybody wcars clothes. Get a new Fail and Winter linc, over 200 woollen .pattcrns. and get your own clothes free! Write Dept. 429, Goodwear Clothes. P.O. Box

. 652, Montreal. Que. aug24,31sep7,14.21,28

Musical Instruments GIBSON GUITARS - Horner ' .• Button Stop Accordeons and

Harmonlca's, Richmond Sax~ phones, Boosey Clarinets,­Charles Hutton &: Sons. P.O.

Coal COAL. $1.00 p=tr bag; Splits SOc per bag: Junhos 50c per bag. Day and night de!il·ery. Prompt ser· vice. POWER'S COAL, East End, Dial 2619L. ad7.1m


(no sectional or spot repairs). Mud.grlp designs. Ext r a I . Special I Tubes $2.00 ea. Tires rebuilt on premises by Used Tire Sales, 86 Hamilton St. (opposite Purity Factones Ltd.) agS,1m

Miscellaneous CASH PAID FOR: Comics.

magazines, pocket bOOks, men's clothes and footwear. .John D. Snow. 9 New Gower Street. augll,lm

AL.L WOOL MATTR'l:SSES are picked. re-eover~d: 5P.rlngs day· lieds rewIredj lOner spring mattresses recondition· e<i. Write', Phone 3891. wire H. J •. Keats. 16 Mount Royal Avenue. feb3,eod.t!.

FOUR grease rlmps, two wash rack to serve you .. Greasins, 011 change and washing while-u-walt. Cars called for and

· deUvered fb, Ulese and ger.~J'o · al • repairs-Terra . Nova. · Motors Ltd., rear Newfound·

land HoteL



Notice To Dealers Beginning September .1oth and

continuing until further riotice our

St. John's Plant will be closed all

day on Saturdays.

Brookfield ICE 'CREAM LTD.


City Manager -or-

Administrator required for the newl'y chartered City of Corner Brook, Newfoundland. Applications should bl made in writing to Mayor-elect A. BUGDEN, c/o Council Office, Corner Brook, on or before 30th September, 1955. Applicants should state salary required and also indicate the date upon which they will be available to fill thi' position. sep2,3,6,7,8,9



(Original mileage 19,000)


Fully equipped with Radio, Heater, Defroster, . Snpw TireS and other extras. Terms arranged.


. . .

FOr details:cirid demonstration 'PHONE 2741 F

,:-: ..

"'1 '

: ~: \

· • I , • . ,

.. ,


Page 14: Synod Blasts Canada' Po'licy ,On I'mmigrati'on; delegation leader Vladimir ... more adequate planning" for their


11' 'THE,DAllY'NEWS; WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 7; 1955 ,',J:

; .... I . , . . , · . • • · .' · , ' · · . , · ; · · ' j. , ; .-, . , i

, ; #


1 ' .• ~



Men;. material~/.,. ~ and'mon~y

When a business lands an order or a contract, It is likely to go to a chartered bank t~ arrange some of the finanCing. It may need bank credit to meet . . ,. payrolls, to buy materials' or to cover other costs that arise before it is paid.

That's why businesses both large and small can take on many jobs they would be unable to . handle if they h~d to depend entirely on their ~wu

. financial resources •• ; And why, every day and in every part of Canada, the chaltered ban!-s are lending money to producers, manufacturers, processors and oth~r comme~cial customers.

Commer~alloans are only one of many banking· services available at a branch of a chartered bank. You will find it is a convenient banking service· centre where you can attend to

all your banking needs.

Dnly II (harleml bflllk offirs II filII . rallge of banki/lg servictS, itlcludbrg:

. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS K~~p your money lafe; pay you st~ady ·intemt; encour· age the habit of thtift. .


For many worthwhile l'urpom, ad.Hng ,to progress, efficiency and the comfort of farm life.


Prot~'t you ag.insr t~ft or loss of cash. They arc readily n~goti.ble anywhere.

PERSONAL LOANS To fin~ncel'ourpersonaI needs;

.' repayment in regular insral· ~en~ from your earnings.


E.nter Sir Robert· AnIJela Thirkell ............ 2.25

, A Summer Night . Alan Moorehead ........ 2.00

. MadairieDe Pompadour .. Nanq Mitford ............ 2.75

Officers and Gentlemen Evelyn Waugh ... : ........ 2.50,

The Toff and the peep Blu~ Sea

John Creasey ... : .. :: ...... 1.50 Leaven of MaJice

Rob.ertson Davies .......... 3.50 Simon Peter .


The Fisherman,:·!1 Kurt' F;iebeger ..... ::; ..... 3.25

. Kathleen Ferrier Neville Cardus .. \ ......... 2.25

Si.r Anthony Eden Lewis Broad .... " ........... 3.50

The Bedside Dickens .J. W. ,Garrod.... .... 3.00

From Cabbages to Kings Lisa Sheridan ......... "".3.75

The Book of the Sea A. C. Speclorsky ........ 12.95
















'PHONES 5143 - 5144 QU~EN STREEl

Former Butcher Cl 0' n'.1 Steps Stabilize

France Takes No ~ier~y In Atomic'War er ... yma S NT 1 Ai . l.i 01't 1 l'lca 1"1 th S I SYDNEY, Australia eCP) -

if ara on I. pea {er By HAROLD S~EVE . Atomic war would call for a "com· PARIS. (Reutcrs)-France Wet!· plctely ruthle's" allutude

By PJIlL ADLER nesday took vital steps aimed at alties to ma'·~ 'sure of the ~~r~'~>u, Canadian Press Staff Wrlter soothing and stabilizing her vast I o[ those \\'h~ could a ai b IvaI

EDMONTON (CP) -A butcher' North Alricnn territories, where IIs~f111 citizens says ~1arG e~01~:~ who bzcamc a clergyman when hc Arab Nationalists arc demandingi D Re[shau"~' •. e. • came to Canada fr~m Scot~and is an incr;)ased role in government. 'In one of 'the most ilOrrifrin' the dean of. Canadian .Ieglslature 1. She handed documents of self- statements yet made in AU'Il:'/ speakers. His long·servlce record rule to her protectorate o[ Tunisia, on atomic warfare he adl'oc - t • ;Ia stands second in the Common· which only last year. was racked virt,lal "scrap.heapin"" of a~, ~ wealth. by anti·French terronsm. badl' in ·ur d " an,

.... :-----------------------------11300 Dyno 1200 l.oUch

3000 Lenet 6200 Lc.lndln

105 100 101 83 al BI 12\, I~ 12

Rev. Peter Dawson, 63.year·old 2. She dispatched a nel\' resident. rest lsurvlne

cases tq help Ihe Uni~zd Church minister, h~s been g'~neral to Morocco, aneller pro· Re[shaug~' director·general ! Speaker of the· ~Ibert~ legislature tectorate who s e leaders werc, the Australi;n army medical' 0.

for 18 years and a member for 20 p:omised a nell' go~ernment !ast icc, was addressing the AtlSt~~~~: years. :,cek after bloody rIOts and fight sian Medical Congress in Srunc\' 'Stock

GI:)()) DUl·.n Cop t~1; Yo Mabrt 3:;5 E •• I Sull Market Report

. IUIUJ E Met. I'IP ... ,nr. ..ptSr 2600 Bult ill 81i B I 15!llIJ £1 Ponrey .,~. TORONTO CLOIINO nOCKS :.11)0 Bullktr H 171> 11 17 8300 EI Sol .: .. ' IIr The Ca •• dl.n Pr... 232.1 Cal and Ed 16'. 151; 161. 111100 Eurok. IiI .. Blotk , ........... Bllk Loll' Clo.. 11300 Callinan 30 ~8 30 1300 EureK. II' •. .11'.3 Vr 12 II 12 SSI Cal.on E3l 620 G3l 1111 f'.lcon ,lJ':ll llibormonl 100 95 100 . 13110'7 Camp Chlb 111m HI, 2300 I'.ra~.y· "'7,1511110m 11 mi 17" 20516 Can·Met 255 21'6 2.1~ 4ro .f·.rgo

.... :bu 1I1,0m. "1 79\'& U 400 Camp RI 760 155 71;0 5100 t' Kirk : r,.113 11m Leduc 93 B6 90 1000 C 011 Ld Wt, 130 130 130 950 red .Pte :' •. tOO Am Nopb 12~ 1211 1::9 ~OO C Ad 011 53 50 12 700 Francoeur

1111 An.coll 340 32.1 33$ 1195 C IIU 0 6(0 620 6~0 9;2.1 rFob :: ~ An.hor 9 9 9 16&0 C A.lorla 13 U 43 0100 Callwin .. ,\I'l7' An, Cd. 595 MIl 590 2.10 C Br Emp hi iii 61 1121)1) G .. t;.I,1 :111:.0 lin, lIouyn 152 145 150 360 C cotllerl.. 11\. lI1i III'> ~1'0 Ceeo ~r.JIl Apex 19 161> 17" 600 C Detalla fi1 67 67 510~ G.n.,.a \-0,..','100 IIrela 90 90. 90 44870 C D.v Pet. !)25 ~OO 22.1 311 mont 1'k ".\500 A~a 62 60 61 500 C lI.m.ld 223 !)20 220 400 L Cinch 11~0II Aleot 5~ 50 51 2'100 C Mal.rt m~ '46 46 290D Glen. Ur 1000 AUIn lIlII 2m 20 ~ .26450 Cdn 0 .nd G 100 P7 79 ~DOO Go.h L

. 173U Aumleh. 3% 26 26 211110 Cdn (I and G 100 97'1 81lO· nO'l Aumlq 12" 121. n" ~B C PI Pele 290 23Z ~R5 1903 Golder 400 Aun.r \ 22.1 22.1 2'~ ~ C Pro. !IOO 500 ~oo 100:1 Cold F.ogi.

U.oo Avllli 10 10 10 200 Can •• Nal 131 III m 3800 G. t· Uran , 111 0000 BBII.laml. ';: '101210 971!" ,=11 1~ cCa .. DII".ro !'12 :!19,! 9271~ 377~00 C(1001Iddor~.1

I I.Y . . • .~. ~ ., n"" " 1000 B •• ff . III 179 181 'COO Cent Led . m 215 222 4200 Grah BOII"l 3150 B.nII.... 311. 30" 3111 300 Cen! Pat 100 100 100 3l1602 Grondinc. . 3:!01111.",al ,89 99 99 10000 Cenl Pore 151. U' 15 2B09 Gr.ndue 21&0 B.n.... 119 110 115 2UOO ChamberlaIn 48 45 46 7~ Gr Plain,

lIDO B'l1mln 265 ~ 26S 600 Charl.r 0 19.1 186 186 lGil4U Or Sweet' 12&lO BII. Moll 61! 61 65 752.1 Chem ne. 495 480 410 51300 Guleh ISOO BIlk. 33 30 33 T~oo Chell. Irk 8 R 8 16100 Gull I. 5000 Blta 1 15 15 t200 Ch •• tcn'lIle 50 45 50 l.tO rounn.r 1700 Blth )In, 230 221:!30 ,6lI30 Chlb K.y .... ,· 73 6712 72 5lOll Gwlllim

253 Beauca,. 275 215 275 6000 Chlb EKpl 119 m 115 ~OOO 1\ Rock ~IM Bolcher . 88 76 t.II 8450 Chimo 150 14~ 150 7060 lI.r Min SS69 BI"OOO II 3G 56 11000 Cit Lar • 91i 9 9 mo II Rock 3000 Blbl. 10" 101. 101i 1306 Cobalt S9 91 91 705.1 II .. Min :121 BrI.roll 2i.I 2M 290 3000 leoch WI rs B5 B5 2000 lI .. aRn

IU5D Black aay 167 m 167 20ilQ Coin L 1 3 13 13 !)lOO U •• dway . 1600 Blue Ilk 2l~ 205 ~14 lIIoo Cold'irm 95 P2 !4 ~OOO H.nth ::rrOO JIObjo 52 49 50 ~1!IlO Colomae 1 7 1 5000 II •• A ; Ir~ Bonvl. 14 13 13!i 600 Conla." 320 315 31S lIOn III Cml

nlO Do .... 4 !O 45 45 . 3000 Clnalrum t;O 51 60 1503 lII"hll'll ~;OO Doymar I!. I\~' I" ~090 conro 42 4n 41 :61~ 1I0Ilto;.r lot Bralorlle 345 31S 315 5600 C B.II.k.n. 31 27 ~I 3103 110m.

7454 Brllund 171 110 175 1160 C Aenenb.e 21 2n 21 114m 110m Yk 2100 lIritalll 211:1 270 312 1000 Con C C,d 15 I~ 13 1150 110)'1.

16915 Broul 116 11S IS. 52t~ C Denl.on lOll IO" 1010 214 lIud nRY 1000 lIrunhunl ~ 9 9 ~O C Ill.. .37.\ 36.\ 310 700 Uulky 1000 BruDnnl. 12lt 121< 121t 1190 CEllI Cr 62 62 62 2000 Il!' Chnrl 1100 Bl'UBltoll :16 24 26 1Zl0 C FenImore 16\ 163 165 1000 Ind Lk 400 Brunswick 14 13 13 1000 C Ha1ll"on 36 33 33 4300 InlPlratlon

1100 Butkl.. 52 52 52 4110 (".on lIo~")' 403 435 475 1163 Int Nickol 10000 Bull.d 9 9 9 2000 Con M Mac 290:ZSO 290 0·119 In!. Ran .. lek 20000 Bull Cft 19]5\; 15\; 1100 C M •• her . a 66 66 51311 Iron l1,y 500 Con N.iU' ~2 42 ~2 21150 J.eohu.



. 'I$" . Apply ..


~ j Dial 2091 ; •

11150 Con !'Ileho tii 42 42 til'~O ,I,cul.1 ij300 C Norlhland '79 70 73 800 Ja.per

41165 C n.d Pop 93 15 97 500 In)·. 662l C Sannorm 23 22: %J 2000 Jeanette

17145 C Sud . 475 413 46.1 7600 J.ttlco. 500 C We.t Pel. 515 510 ~IO G6700 Joburke ~OO C W •• I ,PI!' SIS 510 500 29300Jon.mlth

3500 CoP Man 21 2.1 29 2100 Jupiter 3900 Coul.. 1:!9 12.1 I2g 47\ Yerr Add 500 Couraor 22 2'l!)2 500 K Lak,

1500 Crolnor '. . 2lli ~m 23li 125W Ke)'b,),<on lOOOCrowpat Ja 311 38 1391l~ Kirk I.ake

23213 CII •• O ,22 ZD 22 5CO K Lake 10fi9~ Dara,gon 49 40 '44 2500 Keybuycon

1000 11 1I0rn 95 93 95 . moo KI'I.tI .. 4000 Deldona 1ft mi 1m 3B50 Xroy 0 . 2000 D.bltI. I.' 83 ft,\ 329 Labrador 800s D.I 110 115 165 172 4011 L Cinch

29110 Della 23 20 23 17135 L l1ul 10300 Dev Led 110 170 179 fOOO I. Lin.

110 Dome J3\'4 J3~. 15\. 12750), OIlU 500 Dam. Expl &00 595 595 1000 La Lu.

~ii~iiii~~;;; _..:.-~:!O 19 19 135 Lamaque • 5100 Donalda 43 42 42 4500 LanUe

'88 DO 81 . 230 :10 211 110 700 700 115 112 113 12 9 11 8\~ S R

lR:! 1G8 Vi8 10 56'" 50 201>:9 291.

205 :IIi% 201 21i3 ~60 ::50

20 19 20 590 550 S50 7~, 7~. 'i!.

451 440 430 4G 44 46 lJ!I 9:! 92 19\; 171i 19!~ nil 13 13

650 610 650 2~ . 211 220 to 70 10 69 Ii1 67 Il 42 4t

IBli 10 1B 10 10 10 51 45 30

390 310 38. 10 91> 1U 31 30 35 26\; 21 26

ROO 170 780 ~m 231~ 23li

363 350 350 162 139 ISO

IB 16 16 13 11'( 111. l&~. H1~ 14li 16 16 16 72 70 70 16 16 16 'I:! 10 7n 2\ :'1'" 2t

112 101 110 9\~ M. 91,~

16 Ii 6 18 I~ 18 1.\ 14 II 23 !!2lit 2:1 ln~: lO'~ lnHr 11 15 11

;GO 750 760 ml tiS;t 69 8~1 SI5 1'23

8~~ 8 B fill m 81.

H3 139 14l AI Bm B3 D~ 160 175 :·13 220 ~~5

60 51 33 fiO 51 flO

113 170 175· 40 40 40 45 13 45 9\!> 9 9

32 29 29 47 43 4310

2,j5 230 210 171i 17\, 40 40 1m 1m 40 391> 40 40 4n 12\. 12\, 12\, 19 16 18~i

1'1' 1:\11 1~1) m. ml m •

2~1I 211 '220 224 215 '213

IB U, 1m J7 31 37

2a9 211 280 3!1O 390 390

,B m m





, .

BII' C. PLYWOOD ~, %, }i, %,.*,4 x 8; G1S and·G2S

Trimedge· Metal Moulding \ .


, . ..

A •. II. MURRAY .1 CO. ttd.' . , .' 8,UILD,INCi SUPPLiES DEPARTMENT' . -..

. ' .

1. -, ,4.

. 5900 I. Pete 2000 L L Lac 5000 Lome!:a

81!NJ . ~oon l.ouvlct 1I6Dn 1.)'Ildhursl 2~7,~ Jlar2E:flJa

53500 ~I .. don.ld ::)('I60n !'laciteno

2300 ;\tnc)eod Jj5D Madsen 6()Of1 MORnet 1)0 ~Iorcu.

28:10 ~Iolartle 7100 )Inricold 7~GO M.rltlln.

10300 Mn rlln 18100 ~Ioyb",n

_ 260 Meln/He 6.10~ Mc)larm •• 2600 Mcw.tle" 2210 Mcntor ,N

8BlOO Merrllt 10M Merrill P 4610 Mlde.n 61e, ~111I City 7100 Mlnd.m.r

COS ~lInln~ Corp G510 ~loGl\t ~I 1600 Monet.

10300 Mulll M 31150 :\"om. Creek

3DOO Nat Pele, 5000 N L.blne moo Nelv Alger 10100 New Alhon. 41930 N Did 2)021 N NrI.tol 3500 N D Donl

1:\550 New Cal 2000 N Continental 1750 1'1 Deihl 200 lt1 DIcken

51\00 N Fortune B I;; N Cohll'ue 1500 N lIorrlc.n

:':013~~ ~ lfIRhrhlcc 1000 New Jlosco 111001'1 Jason ~jOO ~ I\:elorc

m75 N La"u.rr. 76350 N.wtllnd 6000 N ~l>rlon

100[)(l N 1II1111maque 1000 NcwtllJrth

153p] New 1'1." 11500 N Roul'n 13000 N ll)'an 14

477 N Superior 4030 New ·r.ku 52)0 N Thur~ 3000 N YeU. 6lI0~ Nick R ~400 NII,I"ln,

GOO Nl!to 1420 Nor.nda N ClOO NorRolt1 500 SorlnrUe 3~1l Normetal

21100 Norpox 400 NC OUs

8121 Nuruhlma 5000b .. k.

600 Obrien 5500 Ocnm.

31000 0 Sci 450 0 Itare ~I .

19000k,lt. 1000 OlearY IBOO~ Omnllron. Ul3S Opeml.ka 5000 Orenada 3;;00 05i!ko

12000 P En,t I R25 P Pete

2000 Jli\mour ~'7oo P lV.,t 7500 Parb .. 9503 P."mnq 2230 Pard ••

4Ul3 Pathllnder 1000 1500 Perschrt 1200 Peruv 0

30300 p.trol Imo Pick C

3m Pitch 0 135 Placer

3:00 Pond.r 100 Pop Oil. BfIII Prairie 0 310 Pre.lon

]405 Pronto U E90 Pronl. wI. 200 Pi'll! Air .

lIDO Purdy M 151000 Que Chlb

2900 Que Cop 69 Que Lith

1200 Qu. Man 3loo Q llet.tlur~

113:10 Que Nickel 4110 Quet .. ton 970 Quemon!

5500 Rndlorc 2172.1 nayrnck

400 neeves • 52800 RClcrt

9ZOO Re"lPnr 4740 R Patmer 4950 BIOO nocho :!don Rockwln I

432 noyame 93400 Rupununl 2001 nynnor 1700 Son Ant 1500 Snnd n 572.1 Sapphire 1000 Secur·n

2.00 Secur Fret 4000 Shawk.y

. 600 Sh.ep C 963.' Sherrltl

20 . DO SUnnco 7600 SU ~Ilr

· 220 SIIICD! 30eD Spooner

, 1:000 Slarr.1I 1600 s ... loy 61110 snack 5000 Slur,.,on 2000 Sud Cont 2125 Sullivan 1500 surf In -3300 Sylvanlt. 3000 Tandem 2.10 Teok II

11150 Thomlund , · 1&\0 Towagmae · 1000' Trani Elnp.

2850 Trani Res 4000 T~nd .

• IB'lO Triad ' 1135 U : MlnIn, .

2J(IJ U Albest 705 V.Monllub

1100 Vpp Call GOOO Van noi ImVinlures

19100 Vltour .' 2400 Vlolama.

1515 Walto Am 14300 Wee<1on 17Il00 Welt 101.1

.14\1 41 42 330 290 29t 150 143 IIj

7 6\0 7 ZI3 213 210

35 3' 34 211 213 219

THE BOOKSElLERS 'Phone 319J • 4425 .

He was chosen Speaker of .the mg 11 days ago. He said the ass"ssment . d [r" 13th le~islaturc in August, his fifth 3. She held a ",war' council" on pasal o[ casualtie~ would ~1~\,C \~ l'a.electlOn to Ule post. holV to crack rlo\\n further on re· be carefully camoufla~ed f I AUSTRALIAN IS FIRST bels in Algeria. . bl'n b. rom I Ie ~OII 109 199

110 10] 105 16 16 760 710 rhi 61 6!:

155 155 m ~o ~4B 2SIl

ll).~O Well A~h 4105 W L .... 7700 Wlllroy

. lea Witrlch 7110 Willsey

305 290 61 59 12 II ~\~ ~

GO G7 203 201 ~o 233

1 70

299 60 11

!llr. Dawson's record stands sec. BEGIN SELF.ltULE Pl I. to prevent a disastrous d·

d h S· R b t D I h'· I [ect on morale.

on w t at of II' 0 er . n an IstOl'lC ccrcmony lere, Casualties II'h h d b Nicholls, Who has been Speaker of Premier Edgar Faure and Tunis· w a lethal do~e aof ee; ~~PO!~d the House of Assembly in South ian Prime Minister Tahar Ben \\'h~ had more than 45

ra 13 10\ o~

Australia for 23 years. Ammar handed each other doeu· the b;d re bur cen ~ 121, 11 12V" 9" 59 12 12 1~ ~10 :10 :!10 .3t 30::2 2Jl 225 ~5 11 Hli 11

161 135 161 85 1131i 81

IODO Wlncl, •• I.r 3G~OO WIndward 120J Wr lIorg

000 1'al. 060~ Y.,lo

3318DJ 1'nn Con 2181" Vk n •• r

70 2 36 32 ~JD 219

203 ::0:;

64 J3

230 13

The veteran politician, a Social ments which formally giv,z Tunisia to be seYntat aeme.!!.~d IIOUltd bhlall'

C d't t'·· I' h . d h I 0 'b·

ncv es a 1'1· rc I par y ongma, as mlsse lome IU e. ments with les-e a· If'·· only one daily siUing o[ th'! leg- Undzr the records, Tunisians tics and virtu all ~ l' me !ca. arlh· ishiture since he was elected in will progressively take over the in' ~ no speCIalIst care. 1935. That was last year when he ternal administration during the. As a portion of the medical pro officiated at a funeral. next 10 years. France retains con· sonnel and facilities available

~O" ~>() 20 Jj 34 31

SOO.Yul\eno 7000 Zen mac

cl:nn 13 13 43 41 41

540 53D 510 110 91 100 m ~Il 221 B6S 860 B60 70 72 72 30 29 :9\, 5 61 61

2.; :!t;4 2Hi 320 2.'0 300 101 101 102 ~:lS ~O. 225 210. 275 210 195 IS] 19.1 155 146 153

21 2.1 27

200 ButolD ::mO Ga!lpe 200 Pato 500 1'uk Can

nAl'iKS 260 :'Iontreal . 350 Com 135 Imp 13 no)"al

JJ JR 3R 10 610 610 59 59 59 50 47 sm ..

60 ,4:;;,

491i 50 41 47 501,4 50~"

o 0

In addition, he commutes eaeh trot of Tunisia's def~nce and for· would also b2 destroyed it w,r week~nd w his charge at Carman· eign relations, and shares in super· desirable that the rest sh~uld con· gay, 320 mile, south of Edmon· vising the protectoratc<s monetar>' centrate on th 0 s e casllalti(\! ton, while the House is· in session and customs policy. classed as likely to survive wi:h and has missed only three Sunday Ben Ammar said his gOI'ern- treatment.

~'2!i Tor·Dnm INDUSTRIALS -

'i95 C Brcw 32 1m D ~I'G 21\1 'Iotal :sales 5.S0.000 shares.

31;; 31', services. That was due to bad ment now has completed its mis· ~3 2J1. weather. sionof cimpleting sc][·rule, and

The· son of a blacksmith. Mr. thare[ore 'will offer its resignation Dawson was born at Slateford, to the Bey o[ Tunis, Sidi Lamine, Al.rshiI'2, ScoUand. Unlike three of ne::t week. He added that his min· his four brothers who followed the I i&ters now want' to discuss with trade of their father, he took to French leaders a proposed Sli,' meat butchering. 000,000 loan for d;..c\oping the

4S~' 45~8

Refshauge said casualty "as5c51' ment officzrs" should be train cd noW to divide casualties into \lIm groups: Those certain to die whether treated or not those like" to survive with treatment an;' thos~ certain w survive whcthcI treated or not.

IN! 102 102 31) 27 29~.

155 130 ISS 230 2tO :!~o 116 In9 112

44 II 44 101 102 101 220 220 220

JOI'> 30 30 . 21 z: 21

33 ::2 :t 8l 69 &2 28 28 2l! C~. 8~i 8:;..

34 31 33 1511 15 15~~ li7 511 63~, 91, 9 9\1

19 18 la~~ 17 16 11

C\i Ii 6 l4\, 1m IN 14~~ 12 12\~

250 215 2~0 53 5l 53 39\, 3m :Jtm

___ __ b.1 l"E\V YORK (AI') New Yorklllflnal !ltbel:s

Beth Steel .. ,... .•.• •..•• .., •• ,ln~. HO!"J( \Vnmflr ... .... •••• •••• • .,.- 45~i Cho. and Ohio ................. 53\~ Con!l Edl"an.... .... .... ., .0.: :a~\ EI Aulo I. .. .... .. ... ; ....... 4j\1 General ElectrIc.... .,.. • '0' ..... 0 5~1.~ Gem'ra.t Motars ..• , " " .... .... ..130~i Good3'enr .. I •• " • ... .... .... .. f.:! Gt ~or ny.... . E,. .. " .... • .. 4t~i Kennecott ... I ...... 0 ........... 1!!.53 ,j. 0~lnt1omef)· Ward ................ 8m NoV Central..,. ..•• ,.,. .... • ... 47\-i ]lOlita ConI • .....0 ..... 0···· ·U~;4 Slandud 011 N,J,... ,... .... • ... 13m Ulil Mrrcnft.... .. o. .... ., •• 8~1. Vanadium.... .. o. .0.. •• 0' .... •• 4~~. \\'e!llt Un Tel .. ".. • .. 0 .... •••• .. 24~~ Westinghouse.... .. .. .. "'G~~

i\IARRlED R 8 8

115 106 100 HED:lIOND·olllJARA-lIlarried at ~13~ 2l~ 2t\ st. Patrick's Cburch on August

w. 60 61' 24th, by Rt. Rev. Monsignor 30 29 ~'lI ~Iurphy" Joan . l\Iarie O'Mara,

11~1' 7~1> 1l~\' daughter of lIlr. and ~Irs. Peter 55 53 51 O'~lara, to 0110 Jerrett Redmond, 500 495 495 son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Red·

~t~' ~\!l 7~" J?ond. both 0[' st. John's. 8l 81 as ---------m 9\. 9~, DEATHS

191> 9 91. -----~. '. .--:---­tnS 100 IOJ DALTON-Passed away Tues-I!~ II;~ );~ 'Ielay n~ol r~l[ng aAlt I!er sonl's res.lde~ce m 4 4\', OPSOI, II rs, Ice Da ton m ner

BOO 775 793 58th year •. Funeral will take place 17 11 17 'th R . 'I t 9 51 481~ 48li WI equ,Icm II ass a .30 Thur~.

17 15 1 7 day morning from her son's resl· 12\, . 12\, 121i dence Topsail: 59 51 57 O'BRIEN-Passed away Tues· 13UO ~ ~~ day, . September 6th. Irene O'Brien.

II ~Ii 9" daughter of :he late Michael and I~~ II~ 1I~ ;\Iary O'Brinn. Leaving to mourn tiro .8~ ~j one. sister. Harriet (Mrs. Wm. St. 13~\ I~ 1Z' CrOIx). Funeral to take place sf ~~o ;; Thursday morning from her sis· 128 12 12, ter:s. residence 165 Waterforel 27 25 2.; Bnrh!C Road. 3l1!r 343m FRANCIS-Pa;r,ed peacefully

IA; I~~ Il~ away on September 6th. after a 335 325 325 long illness, Mary Gertrude 723 700 700 F . I' R N d 73 '. tl 930 9"5 910 I anc s, .,., age yellh'S. Ie liD. 500 505 daughter. of the Inte Captain 31n 310 310 Alonzo Bernard and Mary Jose­I~~ ]~~. Il~ phi1le Francis. Funeral Thursday 390 380 3!lO at 10.15 n.m. by motor hearse from w. 14 Wi her late residence 7 Prince o[ 150 145 145 ·\\T I "t tl ' 4,n m 430 a es .-. reet to Ie n,c. BaslIlca, 211" 230 .244 where ReqUIem l\Iass will be cele­;i ~~1~ ~ri' brnted at 10.30 H.m. R.I.P. (Brook-

193 lis·' 183 1YII papers please copy). . ~09 196 ~05 seu7.S(te)) . IH! 180 182LEDREW-Passed away at ;~ fol';l Change Islands on August 24th,

201 200 203 Jacob LeDrew in his 82nd year Id:,. ~?14 .Ii~\~ He had been li~'lng in Toronto for 1i -'0 70 - the past few years and was home .1, I~ .... 15 to Change Islands on a visit and I~ I~" I~" dled shclrtlyafterwards. leaving

\50 150' 150 to mourn their sad loss a wife, and 16 16 16 one dau~hter in Toronto and a m ~fo ~i~ son in New York. 11150 n brother

290 280 2!1O and.a sister. nnd a host of rela· 'I~~ 13~ 13: tlons lind friend~. The fune'ra1

•. &35 940 953 to~k place at Change Islands. 21 !)2 :1.3

. 100 99 100 ·W ~I 51 19 lR 19 ~ 18.]8 .101'. 10': 10 141. H Wi 2.\ ... ·24 21 19 19 19

'TOO 690 690 . 10 ·10 10' 16.l 159 159 13 11" Illi

~5· 291 . 292 q . 204 m. 195

II 13 18 ·I~· I8l 183

. 3D 7 • 20. 20 '%0

680 655 Ie '.28 2 2

IB . nlO c805 '5,40 ~l

•.•• 115' '·11)3 114' . BI~ m I

3!tlt 38\4 38' 10 28 23 290· m 21',

'. . .IT. . 16 I[ so te .48 lZ 10 11


and PORCELAIN " ~ . t "

.. ORNAMENTS .. , ..

.From J2c:up -/' . . . ..

.. '

When 19, he emigrated to Can· country's economy. ada and [or a while worked in an DE LA TOUR ARRIVES Orillin, Ont. automobile plant. In Uaanwhite, Gen. Pierre Boyer 1915 he "':mt w Edmonton where de la Tour, Tunisian residenL-gen· two of his brothers worked as eral, arrived in Rabat to take blacksmiths. The trip changed the over as new resident·general in pallern o[ his life. Morocco and set in motion the GRADUATE IN THEOLOGY formation of a new government

place between Fallre and Jacsuc! Souslelk!, governor-general o[ ,\1· geria, who made a quick trip 10 Ihe capital Wednesday. It was ~. lieved the y discussed further measures for tightening security.

He became interested in mis· within two weeks.' He succeeds sionary work and took arts and Gilbert Grandval, who was pulled ,....-----------. theology courses becoming on~ of out o[ office to appease conse.rv· the first to graduate from St. Ste· ative French ministers dissatisfied phen's Theological College at Ed· with his concilliatory tone with


monton. That was in 1927. Arab Nationalists. Jllr. Dawson's first call was to At least 2,000 Arabs and French· NORTH SYDNEY

SCREENED COAL the rural community of Sedgewick men died in the ;lloroccan and AI· where he remainad for 2~2 years gerian uprisings on the weekend before moving to champion in of Aug. 20. Since then, observers sou the l' n Alberta where he on the scenes say that mop·llp preached [or 25 years. He accepted opzrations by French forces have a call to Carmangay last y'Car. , wiped out from 3,000 to 5,000

The speaker's' debut in polilics Arabs. •

available in Bulk or Packages

2097 DIAL 2654 was made witha party new to DISCUSS ALGERIA Canada. The monetary·reform So· The secret talks here on how t. 2? dr' tf

A ag _.mons,we s, flS, .

cial Credit party, led by its I· SUlIP~p~re~s~s~A;lg;e~ri~a~n~r~e~b~e~l~s~tO~O~k~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;' berta founder-evangelist William ~ == Aberhart-was gaining popularity when Mr. Dawson agr;)ed to stand [or nomination in the 1935 general election.

Social Credit's sweep of the polls included the constituency of Little Bow where the minister was run· ning • APPOINTED IN 1931 . The sO\1thernAlberta minister

took over. the Speaker's chair in 1931 after N. E. Tanner, the first Speaker "nuer Abarhart, was ap· pointed to the cabinet.

Mr. Dawson figures his training as a minister had something to do with his election as Speaker be· cause his knowledg·a o[ parlia· mentary rules Was ju~t about nil at that lime.

But the former butcher who, in his Speaker's robes, has the ap· pearance of a jurist. noW admits he is "pretty w~ll saturated" with the rules of the House.

IIIr. Dawson belleves his work as an MLA has helped him in his ministerial work. People· ar . on their good behavior whan they ap· proach him hi hls position as min· ister. "But I see them more as they arc as a member o[ the legis· lature," he cxplaitt{!d. . Marrled.w a former Calgary

girl he had met while preaching us a student misslonarl', the Speaker. has two sons-both honor graduates In electrical 'Cngineer­ing from the University of Alberta. F.arland McMurray Is 1V0rking nt Owen Sound, Ont., and David Gil· mour is doing post.graduate work in ~ugby, England.

CANBERRA, Australia (Reu· ters)..,...Australia is planning to build a second permanen: base on territories she claims in the Antarctic. External . Affairs Min Ister Casey said Wednesday th, b:lse will be in the Vestfold hill~, region, Princess Elizabeth land,

\ aliout 250 mlles eas~ of the pres·

. el\t Australian base at lIIawson. . ,....



Pints, Quarts, Gallon5

UNIT' STARCH, 4S/Y2 T.T.B. STARCH, 100 lb. Barrels SILVER. GLOSS STARCH, 40/ls


. DETTOL ANTISEPTIC 4 0%., S 0%., 16 oz. gallons



. P.O. Box 785 Agents. Dial 2444 .sep6,7


9.15 a.m.-No I Lisa •

. 9.45 a.m.-The Bann

: 12.15 p.m.-Ban' \ HOPI 12.30 p.m.-Purj,


L.S . De Be Fear S

Canadi NEW YOR

men's Associ .. Wednesday h might spread into Canada.

"This is SF dent William Monday, we·\

Bradley sa Quebec, 1Vlor would meet ~

in the work

Contacte Mr. Leo Em'l tcctive UniOl President Br

The loc~1 with the 1.1... templated. eys", he said is llOllourcd"

He coul included SI New York l<

The strikc wa months o[ hlrm, 1LA said it wa, crate" Ihe Nell' watcrfront conlf: pier pollcin:: al! ~O.STRIKE CO~

Caught in til lI'alkout lI'ere I )lanl:!s, with Whl a nei·strike cont 'rhey stand to I lars for e\·er~· d up.

The. employer York Shipping j

would SUC (01' /

Ihe' work stop Yiolation" o[ it~ lLA.

A numbcI· o[ f in port b:' tUI Ihe big British got awa~ withe

The walkout Dleeling o[ ~la prelude to a P 25,000 ILA Ion .the waterfront tcrfront com Di

tried to invade was h~ld on at DIRECTOR ,\

Samuci Lane of the corom. apologized to ' trusion and cr. and "a stupid

HOII'el·er, th. meeting and

Not Gnil Killing 1

STnA'r~'OUl lIIadelaine M Lislowcl, cha: ler following I

May 29, wa" day by a SUi


HO OF -A comm out on 'I shrouded progress oj

ter missior gers and ( verted Nc Jopeter jal ice .off ,Gr

Earlier in · Air Coinma~ · conditions 11

mission WOI late in the . .' The ship ~ loeked in a

· ·bleak store · . .