synopsis ideas 2

Synopsis ideas

Upload: david-odumosu

Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Synopsis ideas 2

Synopsis ideas

Page 2: Synopsis ideas 2

David Odumosu’s ideaA society where you have to work off the crime you have committed. 40 years of unpaid work for a murder. Hero is on trial for a murder of a girl who is still alive. But who is hiding the girl?

A society where people who have committed a crime have to "work it off," If you commit murder, you get sentenced to forty years of "unpaid labour". Your hero, one of these police officers, is on trial for the murder of a child -- but he saw her walk by only seconds into the film, very much alive, and is chasing after her, frantically trying to get proof that she is still alive. But who is keeping this girl hidden, and why? Set in a prison like environment

The scene starts off with a voice over of the opening saying something along the lines of "A society where people who have committed a crime have to work it off…………"

Then shows a shot of people looking tired doing manual labour (Such as digging mug with dirt on their faces and clothes) Then just show close ups of workers faces.

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David Aluko’s ideaA boy's girlfriend gets kidnapped for ransom as he appears to be rich, as he hunts down the whereabouts of his girlfriend with the aim to settle the score. He starts to question his sanity and what is really the reason why his girlfriend got kidnapped.

The opening 2 minutes of this thriller would be based on an interrogation of a man that the boy suspects. The interrogation gets quite threatening and violent, as the boy grows more impatient. He finally finds a way to gather information about the whereabouts of his girlfriend, however it happens to be a trap to lure him in. Despite him knowing that it is a trap, he is still planning to go to try and save the innocent girl. His friend, who is helping him, warms him that it wouldn't be advisable to go, saying it may lead to his. The boy decides to ignore his warning, leaving him behind with the suspected man. As he is going, he receives a phone call from unknown number telling him to stop, that he has his girlfriend.

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Laura Arnold’s ideaA teenage orphan boy doesn't know what happens to his parents and is determined to find out. He has multiple flashbacks of moments in his younger life which helps him solve what really happened to his parents and finally finds out the truth.

The first two minutes of the thriller will begin with a boy grabbing his coat then knocking over a picture frame of his parents and notices a key which he found when he was younger which he forgot he had. He picks up the key and the photo. All of a sudden there is a flash back of him as a young boy in a similar position but holding a toy instead of a photo. The boy walks out of his room as he notices his Mum slamming a door locking it with a key. Then putting the key in her pocket but then falls out without her realising. In this shot you cannot see the mums face, just the lower half of her body and this element of mystery. The young boy grabs the key without her noticing and hides it in his room. It then flashes back to him as a teenager and he goes to find the room, which the key opens. The room is full of pictures of his dead dad and full of clues of how he died. He searches all around the room for clues and finally puts it together and finds the answer. His mum killed his dad but that’s not the only person she killed. She was a psycho serial killer who finally then committed suicide herself, leaving the poor young boy as an orphan.

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Megan Clements’ ideaA kidnap has taken place, two teenagers have been held hostage and tide to a chair, their head is covered by a black mask until there capture removed the black bag from there head, revealing a tall figure dressed in all black clothing.

The opening scene would start off with a blank black screen, the sound would start with suffering and chairs been dragged across the floor and drills being checked. The camera would cut to show two teenagers being tide to a chair by the man; the camera would start off with a mid shot and then zoom into the knots of the rope being tightened. Then the black bags covering their face would be removed, and then the camera would focus in on the teenager’s terrified facial expressions to capture the sweat that is dripping from one of the teenagers face. The camera would cut from glass smashed on the floor, blood stains on the floor, needles and knifes, and this creates a torture kind of scene. Everything would be laid out neatly with an operation bed placed next to the equipment.

The scene would end with the man hovering his fingers over a tool and then walking slowly towards one of the teenagers, a behind the shoulder shot would be used to show them trying to wriggle out and scream. The man would grab their head and at this point a point of view shout would be used to create the illusion of the tool being stabbed into the teenagers eye for example. There would be a lamp pulled over her to represent a hospital kind of operation. Maybe with the use of face blood some could squirt out over the mans mask and then the scene cuts to a dark screen, with a screaming sound being added. This whole scene would be set in a basement or some kind of damp and dark place.

In between this scene, we could include a side scene where the friends of the two teenagers are running around town looking for them to add more to the effect of when the man is slowly hovering over the tools. It could a contrasting effect of the slow paced against the fast paced action.

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Final idea• We have decided to combine our four ideas together, as we couldn’t decide which idea was

better than the other.

• Two teenagers (a couple perhaps) get kidnapped for a way of making money. Their friends are going to search for clues of where they went to try and get them back in time before anything bad happens.

• The scene starts off with a blank, black screen, where you can hear heavy breathing and sounds of suffering or struggle. The camera cuts, and starts to show that they are in a dark, small with many torturing equipment around the room. It then shows the two teenagers, strapped down to chairs, struggling to escape. The camera cuts away to a bunch of teenagers desperately searching for these two teenagers. They come across an item that belonged to one of the teenagers. A flashback happens, showing what happened at that point. It then cuts back to the torture scene and a man dressed in all black about to pick up a tool. The camera closes up on the mans hand as he hovers over the tools and the teenagers start panicking and making noise which helps the teenagers find the whereabouts of the two teenagers, they rush to get there but they don’t make it. (This part doesn’t have to be included in).