szkoła podstawowa w Łasku-kolumnie boże narodzenie


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Szkoła Podstawowa w Łasku-Kolumnie


Page 1: Szkoła Podstawowa w Łasku-Kolumnie Boże Narodzenie
Page 2: Szkoła Podstawowa w Łasku-Kolumnie Boże Narodzenie

Christmas, Solemnity of the Nativity - the traditional Christian feast commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a liturgical feast of solid per December 25 (according to the Gregorian calendar). Christmas is preceded by a three-week waiting period (actually, four Sundays), known as Advent. In churches, which continue to celebrate the liturgy according to the Julian calendar (the Eastern Churches, especially the Orthodox Church), Christmas Day falls out of 6 January.

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Habits …In some Christian churches Christmas begins on the Day preceding the anniversary of the birth of Jesus - Christmas Eve (evening of December 24), called in Poland with an asterisk or regionally Godami . On this tradition in Poland is a quality post (meatless, in certain regions of the country is close to post.) The highlight of a gala dinner, to which tradition dictated to sit when you are the first stars in the sky, in remembrance of the star leading the Magi to the stable.

Celebrate Christmas Eve, or traditional post on that date are not common to all Christians, Protestants did not keep such special provisions as to eat or meat. Orthodox Christians in force a strict fast that Day until Christmas Eve dinner. It should nevertheless be noted that in Poland and religious minorities also observe Christmas post due to the specific tradition of our country. Duty post was abolished in the Catholic Church in 1983 (New Code of Canon Law), in Poland, Christmas Eve post reiterated the episcopate a special document until 2003 - now post on Christmas Eve is only recommended.

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Attributes of Christmas… Most of the symbols of Christmas is rooted in pagan beliefsA Christmas tree for centuries was the variety of trinkets hang holidays. Holly served Celtom to obłaskawiania imps, and the mistletoe to the occult practices. Also, the followers of Mithra and the Roman Saturnalia, celebrating the person obdarowywały the presents.In Poland, the majority of families is celebrated as a holiday gathering of many relatives. Typical Attributes are:

Wafer Christmas carols

Christmas tree, and often the Nativity  Gifts

  Character gives, Gifts for children and adults        Carp

   Soup with dumplings.   Dumplings with mushrooms

   Gingerbread Compote of dried fruit (plums, apples, pears)

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Carols… "Christmas carols are sung in Polish and universally by all states. Carols written texts of the greatest Polish poets, and composers created music for them or elaborate them musically. Carols are also linked to the native folk art.Christmas carols were not limited only to the role of religious songs, ritual. In some historical periods have become patriotic songs, symbolized Polish. During the Nazi occupation It was forbidden to sing the national an them, "Poland has not perished." At Christmas we sang with tears in her eyes, as the Polish national anthem, the fourth stanza carol "God is born":"Raise your hand. Divine ChildBless our homeland ... "

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Other Christmas traditions…

Christmas Eve, rich in customs and prejudices have magical powers, usually find their origins in local, pre-Christian beliefs. One of them was non-sewing, weaving, reeling and spinning. They were considered acts especially popular water demons that could show up wherever the ban violated. To this Day, observed that on Christmas Eve did not argue and show each Other kindness. It survived a superstition that if Christmas morning, the first guest in the home will be a young boy, will have a happy year. In a small extent, the tradition has survived well put in one penny in the Soup, for the one who hit him Lucky the next year. Any injuries and illness During the holidays are received as a harbinger of health problems. The hunters of the Day traditionally go on the hunt, which will ensure a successful outcome of care for all year hunting patron Saint. Hubert. There is also a fallacy to try each of the twelve Christmas Eve dishes that do not run in the next year. Some leave the portfolio scales from Carp to bring happiness.

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Author: Michał Walczak