t ec h f r ee f r i d a y - 1 5 t h o c t o b er , 2 0 2 1

Tech Free Friday - 15th October, 2021 Choose as many of these activities as you like and give your eyes a rest from the screen while you keep learning. MAKE A HANDPRINT TREE Instructions 1. Draw/trace around your arm and hand on a piece of paper. 2. Paint, colour, or collage your arm to resemble the trunk of a tree. Remember not all trees have brown trunks. 3. Add the foliage or leaves to your trunk. The tree could only have leaves, but is it Autumn, Summer or Spring? Maybe your tree has flowers too? Or fruit? You could draw your foliage, paint using dots or collage it is completely up to you! HOMEMADE CARDS It’s always fun to receive a card from someone, the thought that goes into the picture design on the front to the thoughtful words they write on the inside. Maybe it would be nice to make a card for someone you know! You might know someone having a birthday soon, Christmas is coming up, or maybe you are just missing someone you haven’t seen for a while. Why not show them you are thinking of them by sending a card! Take the time to design your card and spend some time planning out what you want to say, really show your family or friend how you are feeling! ROLL ON EXERCISE You will need two dice for this game. Or if you have one simply roll it twice. The first dice relates to the exercise: 1. Push up 2. sit up 3. star jumps 4. squats 5. burpees 6. running to front gate and back The second dice relates to the number of times you must repeat each exercise. For example if you rolled a 4 and a 2 your exercise would be squats and you would need to do 2 of them.

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Tech Free Friday - 15th October, 2021

Choose as many of these activities as you like and give your eyes a rest from the screen while you keep learning.



1. Draw/trace around your arm and hand

on a piece of paper.

2. Paint, colour, or collage your arm to

resemble the trunk of a tree.

Remember not all trees have brown


3. Add the foliage or leaves to your

trunk. The tree could only have leaves,

but is it Autumn, Summer or Spring?

Maybe your tree has flowers too? Or

fruit? You could draw your foliage,

paint using dots or collage it is

completely up to you!


It’s always fun to receive a card from

someone, the thought that goes into the

picture design on the front to the thoughtful

words they write on the inside. Maybe it

would be nice to make a card for someone you

know! You might know someone having a

birthday soon, Christmas is coming up, or

maybe you are just missing someone you

haven’t seen for a while. Why not show them

you are thinking of them by sending a card!

Take the time to design your card and spend

some time planning out what you want to say,

really show your family or friend how you are



You will need two dice for this game. Or if

you have one simply roll it twice.

The first dice relates to the exercise:

1. Push up

2. sit up

3. star jumps

4. squats

5. burpees

6. running to front gate and back

The second dice relates to the number of

times you must repeat each exercise.

For example if you rolled a 4 and a 2 your

exercise would be squats and you would need

to do 2 of them.


Think about books you have read

and movies you have watched, have

you ever been disappointed by the

ending? Today is your opportunity

to change that! Rewrite the ending

and change the story to how you

wanted it to end!

For example:

The Day the Crayons Quit

Duncan gives away his crayons and

buys some new pencils instead.

Toy Story

Woody and Buzz don’t make it onto

the removalist truck and have to

start a new life without Andy.



● A bowl

● ½ cup of milk

● Dish soap

● Cotton swab

● Food Coloring, more than one color

● Pepper (optional)


1. Pour the milk into the bowl. Be careful not

to move the bowl, you want the milk as still

as possible.

2. Put one drop of each color in different

places in the milk.

3. Put just a tiny amount of soap on the end

of the cotton swab, then touch it to one of

the colors.

4. Let the experiment begin!

5. To clean up, just pour the milk down the

drain. Do not drink it!



You will need:

● Basic LEGO bricks

● Balloons

● Tape measure or ruler

Using Lego blocks, build a few

different types of vehicles. Attach

a balloon to each vehicle. Blow up

the balloon and let your LEGO

vehicle go! How far does each of

your balloon vehicles travel? Grab a

measuring tape and measure the

distance each vehicle travelled.

Record your results.


Halloween is coming up soon! If you like to

dress up on Halloween, you might like to

design your costume today. You can draw

what you want it to look like and then see

what you can find or make at home. See

if you can beat this costume:


Write a story starring witches,

ghosts, or your favourite spooky

characters. Make sure to plan your

story first so you know what will

happen in the beginning, middle and

end. When you finish writing, you

might like to record your story in a

spooky voice so you can play it to

your family on Halloween.


Use the instructions on the next few pages to

make a paper fortune teller

Here are some ideas for fortunes to write in

the centre of your fortune teller:

● Good fortune will be yours.

● Do a good deed today and you will be


● Someone will call you today.

● You will go to a party soon.

● Be careful on Tuesday.

● You will have very good luck today.

● One day you will be rich and famous.

● You will eat avocado toast tomorrow.

● Next week you will start dancing and

never be able to stop.


STEP 1: Crease a square piece of paper diagonally from each corner. Fold the top right

corner to touch the bottom left corner. Crease the fold with your finger and then unfold

it so your sheet is flat again. Then take the top left corner and fold it over to the

bottom right corner.

STEP 2: Fold the paper in half from each side. Bring the top edge of the paper to the bottom edge and crease the

fold. Unfold the paper so it’s flat again and rotate it by 90 degrees. Fold the new top edge of the paper to the bottom

to crease it and then flatten it out again. Your paper will have four lines intersecting in the middle.

STEP 3: Bring the corners to the center of the paper. Start with one of

the bottom corners and fold it to the middle of the paper where the

creases intersect. Press down on the fold with a fingernail so it stays in


Turn your paper 90 degrees and fold the other bottom corner toward the

center. Keep rotating and folding your paper until you’ve made a smaller

square containing four triangles.

Flip the paper over and fold each corner to the center again.

STEP 4: Put numbers in ascending order on the triangles. Start with the No. 1

in the smaller top left triangle on the fortune teller. Write the numbers in

ascending order clockwise around the triangles until you get to eight.

Then pick four colors to write on the front side of the fortune teller.

STEP 5: Write the fortunes underneath the flaps. Open up the triangles labeled 1 and 2,

and write a short fortune underneath each number. Write small so it fits in the space.

Repeat the process under the flap for each number so you have eight different

fortunes in all. Close the flaps once you’ve written all the fortunes.

STEP 6: Slide your fingers underneath the squares to operate the fortune

teller. Ask a friend to choose a color and spell it out.

Then pick a number and count it out. As you do so, move your fingers with

each letter and number called out.

Last, have them pick another number to reveal their fortune. Lift the flap for the number they picked. Read your

friend’s fortune out loud.