t.' - unger memorial libraryunger.myplainview.com/hale center/1941/1941-04-25.pdf ·...

9f the' in that. .organiz.t1on! . aemt,annually, Any 'time neW convention ' in 'Amat:il1o QaYsti:om ,date ot 8 v eroln'emorJellng T.x iP:eWeeH .. edito.ll' bond Tilay be redeemed for Jobs lately,lI'nd at , ' editor,-WN accordance ' with a table of buUr.lln.l,l' " of , the uBccllltlOn; tic»' VP'''" printed on the T1 tac 'l<' , them, tor Bruce Thorpe, and fztard,AmarlJlo radio. alation. the bond, ' bi!nse1t; , ' announcer, was named _."ice- To aprelld Investmenta, widel}"s .• Ill'e being .. and Clyde Warwick, mong all the people inAmeriea, 110 n$ aurpl us cottpn News e4itor _was. lilnit of $5.000hil8 been set on the echool aecretary. Lamb reMrted his amcunt. of these banda tiO be bought - llJlportlni tho as dh;!lctor Will a dlatlnet by any onq person in one year, the weelt held In honor 'thia, newspaper, 8lnee- ''ery bonilssre ' In deliominatlouo.f . b\l',tbrJll¥, . beon named fQf $50, $100" ,GOO and $1,000,., 11" bf , . £,1\ wlil'j) . ' ' .. ' frQlft whlcb' Ar. 1014 tor 76 w ctent , at from ' .Tilc.kaoJ\\!lUjI . liB HAle Center. Lamb UIelr maturity value and' 811 ·' -e' Barber Lcngnllre, Wife stend,ed . the ' meefllllr Fri· which IlUlture in ten ),eI1'J, 0""- trom Austill, WU Mrs. Rcllcccil Miles. list :week. Fot the smllJler Investor Who wanta Dyk!)8 watch· WORKERS'CONF:EBENCE HELD , 0 to bqy 'li Government on ' a'll Ayera, agri. Stake4 .i_ , . .; W1>rketa' .r Confer. ERMAN ea8Y payment plan;-- tlie poltoHice advisor. Alvin J.,.aw ence ot'; Uic' ,nAtlUslchUfeh , met at ;AS MUSIC TEACHER , _____ . ' .' will have a new sed . ,of . p..o$!- the public .. speaking conte!t, Hllifwl!y ,' a'uesday, ' wben every' phase OF WCAL SCHOOL. Adrian (Biib)li'ammlt, fleet-foot. Savings Stamps hlgbel"lhan tOe will amy Henkel entered the new. of Et'lllanGray resigned last week. ed trock' I!tIr of Hare Center high, $l(e:nd $6. EaclI purcl!.uer of any . . o\1ent .. placing third. Floyda •• Centel.' had 14 in- includ. end a8 school muBic instructor Pnrk College, Pnrkville, Mo" this WIOlI first PlIlOO hono.·s in the 440 Stafpshlgher 'than lOll will woll firat ,and Lockney second In ing thepaslor, the _ Rev, .,.o., C, Ed. He, haa accepted a position with .n She is the daug:hter of Mr. yard race in the regional lnterachol· be given, free of charge, an attl'l/,Co 1" COllltJot;t\Oh. Next workora' conference orchestru in Galveston, Superintend. Mrs. David Botes of Hale center. Iastic . leiIgwL meel in Canyon lut. tive pocket album In whlch til peste Third place winner in chapter con· will be with Seth Ward church cnt J. ' F;, Miller aoid; Miller atated . her senior year at ,Park' He won the right to en· his stamps untHhe hall enough to-" duc:ting was Floydadli, and Silverton Plainview, Mny 13. - tha\ no successor, will be mimed for . Elizabeth hns been president ter the Canyon contest after win. buy a $21i bond or one 01 hlghe!' was, fourth. won third In ____ Gray for the balance of this yeats Student Volunteers organizlI,. ning first in the Lubbock meet, and denomination. Thirty million of these public spe!lkins:., About , 100 young· TIME LlMI rls EX'I'ENDED school term. Gray had employ- compcis.cd of studonts interest- first in the Hale county meet. HI8 albums arc now beln&' prepared .. sters were h!!!'e fer the (lOntests. FOR REGISTERING'TRUCKS to fill the vacancy of Webb D. in missionnry service in foreign time wos 62.8 His victory at canYOnr' " The .fover design of the albums , Cotton CenterelLl'ned tl.e'·right to' The 1940 :icenscs on , farm 'or COIll- Jenkins, who moved to AmariUo fidd.. Elizllbeth has In entitles him tnenter the atate track. is in color, featuring a United States Al'oft 1 contest by winning the mci;cini 'trucl' >1 '"lI\perniIt operation bout two rriollth8 ago to work for a sociulogy work and is majoring in meet in Austin early ill May. It is : batflesbJp and an eagle beiit'ing the top four honers .. _.in tlte Plainview of the vehdes lhe state highways fann implement firm. that field. She has studied clem. believi!d Hammit fS the firat Owl Amorican fl, 811. On the back cwer competition, Stone said. through April 28. M. S. Watson" Music Program P08tp.med cntary education work. athlete, to Il'O to the state contests. is a painting of the Mlnuto Man Uale County tax collector, Bald. I With Gmy's resignation came an- ---0--- Coach Bryon and Hammit will leave 8tatue by Daniel Cheater French, ·FLOYDC:;OUNTY REA LINE Watson ex.plained that the tillle ex. n(JUJlcement thaI ' several prcgrams LOCAL ' lIAl'TlSl' PMITOR for Austin on May 1. whkh lymboU1C the American cftb· trO 'DE EXTENDED INTEl HALE temilon had been made in eilller not planned for " the mU8ic ATIENDS MEET IN DALLAS cn e"er , alerlin defense of his country Granting of $35,()O0 to the Ii'\oyd to overburden office facilities and hrul been Indefinitely pOltponed. ' . The Rev. O. C. Edwards; Hale Cen- BAPTiSTS HOPE TO REACH The ,Illacd on ill "America on 'count)" - h'lectriftclltfOn·· 'ad.. give operatol'll .. fair eblDlce afler variety show to I'8lBe te.r lrollUst PaBto}', attended tho COAL OF .75 AS A-V.A(U: . . _ .,,..,,. Ininiatratioll> was announced. last pusage of the truck load Increase band booster club's trcnBul'Y> original. Baptist Sunday School convention In I A1'TENDANCE IN APRIL Secretary MorgmItbm d- t'h1at wee)!. lor exlCl18ian of lines into which w.ent into effect about tho Iy sel f or May 9, will not be held. I Dallas last week. wh.ch drew are- I (0. C. Edwards, Pastor,) , even a boy or girl who laved 10c to Hale county. The l'xtellSictl will 8er· tinle cars were to be registered. Miller announ.ced. and neither will I gisteratlon of 10,000 aehooll Sunday school at the Baptist chur- buy a Savings Stamp would,,1t Ip the \'e the Plalnview airport. north of Wilt son received a telegrnm from the band festtval Rct for May 1, I workers. Reporting on the meeting, ch Sunday .s seeking an attendance country. ,He added that you enn Plainview, but whether or not it D. C. Greer, state highway engineer, when banol. from several ne.ghbor- , the Rev 1\11-. Edwards sa.d "OUI- of 182 to make 'he monthly avernge sateguard your own money ua ybur will reach ' many of the signers in instructing his oUke that the time jnl!' school. were to have mel here I standing speakers were C OBenr for April (Chureh Loyalty Month) own future, while .the natioD- the eostern part . of Hnle count)·, limit had been exwnded, he said. tor marching and contests. :Johnson of St. Lolli., n. G'. Lee of a full 175. You can help by being 01 defense. by buymg Unlted States who have sought REA sel'vice for _-<>-- Also 'postponed was the band ' Mllmllhls, nnd John L. HIli or Nash. ,)!'csent. Savings Bonda now." mOl'O than a year, WaB not known NEW BUILDING .'OU Mondny ni g hl of thiM week. i vllle_ Texas white Baptists now Sermon subject for tllc morning - by Harry C. 19o, assistant county I PEGGY AND SONS Band Uniforms MUBt Be i number 7110.000, and Negro baptists worship services,' at 1\ : 00 a. m., willi ATTEND LIONS MEET ugent, who has Bssisted in tryinll! BLACKSII1ITH SUO!' At a business , of . th.· , totaW 41i0,OOO. The Sunday be "Obeying Christ." and fOf the . AT WPA ROOM to get the Ilxtefi\ilGn. underway this week on loOJld booKtc", c1ult·M onday IIIght · school cIII'ollmMl is increasing rapid- eveninll' hour . 8,15 p. m .• "JU.tific".\ IN WARD SCIIOOL -'-__ 0---- n fire,pJ'<Jof sheeiron .tructure for here, T. A. Greenwood, ,- " .... s id.'nl. : Iy, and we are rai.ing $1,100.000 in tilln By Faith:' Also set lor Sunda), Twcnty-threJ! were In atten.duee RESIDENT_ NEAR HALE CENTE!l and Sons B1ncksmilh . shop, u.oged thnt nJl music students of Ih. , thiB stnte this yeaT for miMion.," night i. a baptismal Hervlee. during thl. week'. Lions club meet- 12 YEARS AGO DUltiED lot. west of Hlgginbothom.Bart· locnl S('hool. who haY<' high ",·holll i he said. "Today is the time Texl1s' A men's rally is scheduled at the lng, held nt the ward school. Lions . IN PLAINVIEW REl' EN'I'LY l ett Co lumber yard. Tho f.rm wns band uniforms n1l'8t tum them an I Baptists should awake and arl8e." chuh:h fop a :80 p. .m. Sunday, to paId the usual (i()c. fee fol' their Qld..ttmel'8 here this weok re· forced to uu.ld nl'W qUllrters follow- to the school makl' s Urt' l ---0- \\'hl<h all men nre invitcod to the WPA lunch t'OOm pro- po'1.cd the newe of the death of Mrs. In" II f,re hc.'C 1'uesdllY of I IIRtl they are cleaned and proSl'cd b"f"rt· METHODIST CHURCH Traminll' unum will meet at 7 30 jed Tuesday ncon, the money to be J. D. Bishop. " oged 711, in Waco week which destroyed the pren"8(!9 they are turned In:' he suld "Any (W A. H.",hcurk, Pastor) o'dock p. m Sunday. to buy supplies tor the ?,;l ec t., Moreh 26, She resided e.ght miles it hnd occup.c.>d no.,ut 10 yeors. wcst ml'mber of the band who may b".IIl ; '.0 . our watchword 0 !' ey Moon won the. atten ane.a west 01 Hole Cenler IZ ¥cars ago, .t>f tlw post News of fire band again next ,IT.t ... : dlmN'! Ibis D1STIUC'l' CHAIRWOMAN plue. a tie provdled b mov'lI f hero to Quannsft when here wns prlht('d ./1 no), Huhn'. I his 01' her nnm .. on a sbp of pop",r I p, flY LEGION ;(UXtLtARY 3On. Next. week, p, eo tee her Ih!ab: dlcd. 5110 was buried lIrlll<!o County N,·w. at S,lvc.ton nnd pin it to tho 80 TO MBI< 1T WITJI W(,AL GROUP be Walt 1.II,·oon al Arden Jef· tn March 27 in Plalllvluw. Suvivors l08t week, with a ctlmpliment for he or . he will lecelle MillO on, at an and all of our services Mrs E R. Anderson. Hlth district fenes Included tour I01\lI, WaIte.·, Quannah: the lInle Center blllc.ksllliths os f"I'\ RgOlI1 next school t('rm, Greenwood I Dis[t.ct ""nference meets in Mota. chairwoman of the American LegIon D For M. L., Plal1)vlow: L. It. QUDnnnh, lows: soid. dol' Mondoy at 230 o'clock p m Women's Awuliary. will meot with m "r eom!:o':c. - nnd ArthUJ', Paducah, nnd tw., Wt1liS, IIf the r.al- " 0 NG for Its mld.year '088ion. thl' Hale Center aux.hllry Thursday uf MilO Wimberly of KfCsB, Mrs. Clyde Cawthon, ace Theat .. e. In S.lverton. rccoi:ed t!G F,O' SUnday, "ogulnr' preaching aftel'1\oon next wt't'k an th .. Leglnn Myrah )ean HortOn of Amaritlo !lnd arid' Mrs. It F, !lush, publan. word Tu .... da)' noon thot 1119 lather'. F . . t services at II o'clOCk II. m. Sunday hull here. " l' ta 1 Sh f F< IWtte. Songs _ _ 1,\acks.l1lilh .hop in Hnle ('.enter 'hod Twenty,t,,·c women wel'e prest'n . d' hi . _ 0 ' . "'" arp 0 '0 . . . tho , (lund. Odoll - dro,'" )'csterday for the weekly Bewlng ••• - school al 10,00 m.; an PI'l'B1' nil "'ATTERSON TQ OPEN and plnno numbers were given by .UI.I': CENTER BOYS - t:eo if :: ,.,,,Id h" of ony .ion for Red CrOSH yellef work. <li - at R:.OO p. m .•. w,th le811'\108 PLANING Mlf/t IN the g1'OUp. D. 14 F'reneh and D. H. "WIN UONOll8 IN . f '1 ,.""ted by tho loeal chapter to Il8SI. t meetlllg lit 7.1& P:c "':,i _ - WAIL Jerrell weN' III chatge of the pro· , 1'·LAINVlEW STOCK SHOW h,,11l 10 1119 a,nl)' ' . " chlU' e Sermon 8ubject tdiI · d'le m0ming , . " , ' , - gram i".Honora ' won by Hlilo COllter boys, I "Od"' .. s futt",r, lin 01.1 tin",,, at in war !"Hef .• . an Geor II' e hO\lr w.ilt', he "When wID Pentecost R.V/. PC ... on' atmOUllCA!d this " 0 hI the !lnnlln! fat stOCk lll nll' Cen,,'r goes b)' th" "anw of i "f Mmes . Ivcy !loon ru . If - Again?" and totrtlre evening, opon hill plulng MONDAY IS LAST DAY . It, w In Plaln,vle , w lael Wel'k-end • . "I'etcgy" WaII H. .. lime c"milllt' B1oekwoll. " , ' wa. the HJm ii' , Ri,Gftrll\ent," mill. _W ,lth CQnllaer&ble , new TO LIST NAMES illcluded: . ; frolll hi . 1"'1( lilg. H(, 10MI II fo"t in Almost a," ot tltt" work. dOn< We eXlend " w"fcome to al\ ' Who Iment, In tbe T. E., Woll bulld.ng ON' PIONEER MEMORIAL Kennoth Hart, aeeond In weighty . trCl't car 1I .. whell h.· WIIS \ .\ (0" cblltlren 8 g:nn11cntB, lTOlIt. infant. desire to wor.hip with UII. asroR. t, h.., street fMn ,hi. fOl,,?er . H . r, Id livtl8 up to hi . o.'''8t to tots aged twplvo.. . location. by f.l'O. Monday I." the laat day to IlUlke cla .. ftor fed Iteen, D. J. ()Ope. )011''11 0 : ' work "Th.. !led C"OllB lit \hlB limp I. - . ---0-:--' ., PnttCl'llon said ha lalmed to salvage a eootributlon, and hand In names 'ourth in Ihrhtwvlrht str.rs; J. T. thai he call do 88 much good king for o' little of each wnmnn'. &rAinCl,AN TO APPEAR TONl' E I be , m th P cd building and Ito be CBl'\'ed In thl1 marble ilab to be StOtlt.., fif ,th In rro\l, of (ive on,Y two- tooted, til f da to 1IMIi . ,,"t . I,n thl. great wt1fk," IN .CO'tIV N CEN , TEN . ,PROGRAM tit: Btruct.ure· about. 1IIl , t In the pioneer memOJ!laI on city' Aubrey SlI!hh, f1nt in group of . "Later 'rl\esday nlgt e p' '8 10 Illarn to knit tor the ned MoIidro. the Magician wil1 glvo n : .. , its ... ctICIlt alze . ball park, Mts. Silas Maggard, one five . Iambl and .Ilnd lion aUt!alty laid °of :ne of i"ca. -oll1elal. l1li4. "Any- fC,peat ,ppearanco t9nlght. ,/Fri." ___ of . the commitlee memben, haa an· s.xth In un,le milk fed 18lIIbll, Tom, Odell '8 in Con ho construl- one wb() is able tol(nlt, 01: wtlo w1sh- day), at Cotton Center ' acltool, - 14 aWNTY FEDERATION nounced. AU penons w'ho lived in Vaualm .... iVetltb-'1n Ifl'OuP of five the wfek helpm, with I: be h '1\ CrotIa. 1 1I8lIlrcd W lOti Mrs, Georll'e.outhwest hero ' announel'8 Of' WOMEN'S CLlJua . thiB region in the ycal'llfl'()m 1600 mutton Iljmbl, ' . tlen. Walter Smocl& wi" \lre. lll.ekwell." . A. Duckner, ' i!.illt! It ·ThoHal.c· County Federation of to J..90i5 are eligible to be on ledd_.. . dill' tteI!Ond In 8111.1ea. plaee .dba T:eat l'e. 'tbulWia)' of :i.f)Othllt" be the .econd tbn! . Etat Mondro W Qflum'lI clubB will meet In Aber- the ah&..at.I\t.tll. lc1He.th. third . ON ' alt.day meeting t. planlled. ,1Irith a Mrformeliat Center. Etc nath), May 3. The proJl'&m 'Will Contribution. of ,IS ., twine, ,Inrtllt. TO CONVENTI ' r the fol. d illb 111mb It>- : tioo Sow- my.t1tyeda larpaudl ther , in .tut at 10 .. m., In th.1i B.ptllt IIOUlhl tb'!.l!efttlf1l m .. Cent , three menth, wm be oria1 planlMiL , .. G . ,'.. 'hll momtll&'1JI&; · vl.llt tilt- 2lic. At 1\09"'. tilnchGOfi beW' W'1Il. R. t.' In · Il\' Rom. """" •• 1

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9f the' PJll)iltan~ne :Ptellll;,~tu:rn in that . .organiz.t1on! • . aemt,annually, Any 'time

neW IUI~ convention ' in 'Amat:il1o QaYsti:om , date ot Wltllls~'l'HloniUed 8 veroln'emorJellng T.x iP:eWeeH .. edito.ll' bond Tilay be redeemed for

Jobs lately,lI'nd at , ' N~w. editor, -WN accordance ' with a table of buUr.lln.l,l' ~W!!. rif~<.'~i·, " of , the uBccllltlOn; tic»' VP'''" printed on the T1tac'l<', "'e!~jo:""f'.,.c-~.,...",,..;.....; them, tor Bruce Thorpe, and fztard,AmarlJlo radio. alation. the bond, '

bi!nse1t; , ' announcer, was named _."ice- To aprelld Investmenta, widel}"s .• Ill'e being .. and Clyde Warwick, mong all the people inAmeriea, 110

TUIB8dl~Y-ntJrhtl"'Q n$ aurplus cottpn News e4itor _ was. lilnit of $5.000hil8 been set on the A,,<~nu echool aecretary. Lamb reMrted his amcunt. of these banda tiO be bought -llJlportlni tho as dh;!lctor Will a dlatlnet by any onq person in one year, the

weelt held In honor 'thia, newspaper, 8lnee- ''ery bonilssre ' In deliominatlouo.f ~21'i} . ;J\II.i!I~/I'IlIlf:e"s - 80tll b\l',tbrJll¥, .beon named fQf $50, $100" ,GOO and $1,000,.,11" bf ,

. £,1\ gu~~t8 wlil'j) . ' ' <ll:l!Int~at1on .. ' frQlft whlcb' Ar. 1014 tor 76 w ctent ,at from ' .Tilc.kaoJ\\!lUjI . liB HAle Center. Lamb UIelr maturity value and' 811 ·' -e'

Barber Lcngnllre, Wife stend,ed . the ' meefllllr Fri· which IlUlture in ten ),eI1'J, 0""- • trom Austill, WU Mrs. Rcllcccil Miles. list :week. Fot the smllJler Investor Who wanta

Dyk!)8 watch· WORKERS'CONF:EBENCE HELD , 0 to bqy 'li Government Bon~l on ' a'll Ayera, agri. Stake4.i_ ~4iW' , . .;W1>rketa' .r Confer. ERMAN GRA~ , RE$I~NS ea8Y payment plan;-- tlie poltoHice

. teache~ , advisor. Alvin J.,.aw ence ot';Uic' ,nAtlUslchUfeh , met at ;AS MUSIC TEACHER , _____ . ' .' will have a new sed . ,of . p..o$!-the public .. speaking conte!t, Hllifwl!y ,'a'uesday, 'wben every' phase OF WCAL SCHOOL. Adrian (Biib)li'ammlt, fleet-foot. Savings Stamps hlgbel"lhan tOe will

amy Henkel entered the new. of churchr~lIrseusiiea Et'lllanGray resigned last week. ed trock ' I!tIr of Hare Center high, $l(e:nd $6. EaclI purcl!.uer of any . . o\1ent .. placing third. Floyda •• Centel.' had 14 in- attori.iJllnc~, includ. end a8 school muBic instructor Pnrk College, Pnrkville, Mo" this WIOlI first PlIlOO hono.·s in the 440 Sn~ Stafpshlgher 'than lOll will

woll firat ,and Lockney second In ing thepaslor, the_ Rev, .,.o., C, Ed. He, haa accepted a position with .n She is the daug:hter of Mr. yard race in the regional lnterachol· be given, free of charge, an attl'l/,Co 1" ,,"!t~i- COllltJot;t\Oh. \Va_~@. Next workora' conference orchestru in Galveston, Superintend. Mrs. David Botes of Hale center. I astic .leiIgwL meel in Canyon lut. tive pocket album In whlch til peste

Third place winner in chapter con· will be with Seth Ward church cnt J. 'F;, Miller aoid; Miller atated . her senior year at ,Park' w.cek~nd, He won the right to en· his stamps untHhe hall enough to- " duc:ting was Floydadli, and Silverton Plainview, Mny 13. - tha\ no successor, will be mimed for . Elizabeth hns been president ter the Canyon contest after win. buy a $21i bond or one 01 hlghe!' was, fourth. ~knoy won third In ____ Gray for the balance of this yeats Student Volunteers organizlI,. ning first in the Lubbock meet, and denomination. Thirty million of these public spe!lkins:., About , 100 young· TIME LlMI rls EX'I'ENDED school term. Gray had b~~n employ- compcis.cd of studonts interest- first in the Hale county meet. HI8 albums arc now beln&' prepared .. sters were h!!!'e fer the (lOntests. FOR REGISTERING'TRUCKS to fill the vacancy of Webb D. in missionnry service in foreign time wos 62.8 His victory at canYOnr' " The .fover design of the albums

, Cotton CenterelLl'ned tl.e '·right to' The 1940 :icenscs on , farm 'or COIll- Jenkins , who moved to AmariUo n· fidd.. Elizllbeth has speciali~ed In entitles him tnenter the atate track. is in color, featuring a United States ~rltei' Al'oft 1 contest by winning the mci;cini 'trucl' >1 '"lI\perniIt operation bout two rriollth8 ago to work for a sociulogy work and is majoring in meet in Austin early ill May. It is : batflesbJp and an eagle beiit'ing the top four honers .. _.in tlte Plainview of the vehdes ~:1 lhe state highways fann implement firm. that field . She has ~L'<O studied clem. believi!d Hammit fS the firat Owl Amorican fl,811. On the back cwer dl8tric~ competition, Stone said. through April 28. M. S. Watson" Music Program P08tp.med cntary education work . athlete, to Il'O to the state contests. is a painting of the Mlnuto Man ~ Uale County tax collector, Bald. I With Gmy's resignation came an- ---0--- Coach Bryon and Hammit will leave 8tatue by Daniel Cheater French,

·FLOYDC:;OUNTY REA LINE Watson ex.plained that the tillle ex. n(JUJlcement thaI ' several prcgrams LOCAL ' lIAl'TlSl' PMITOR for Austin on May 1. whkh lymboU1C the American cftb· trO 'DE EXTENDED INTEl HALE temilon had been made in eilller not planned for " the mU8ic ~ePllrtment. ATIENDS MEET IN DALLAS cn e"er ,alerlin defense of his country

Granting of $35,()O0 to the Ii'\oyd to overburden office facilities and hrul been Indefinitely pOltponed. ' . The Rev. O. C. Edwards; Hale Cen- BAPTiSTS HOPE TO REACH The ,Illacd on ill "America on 'count)" ~. - h'lectriftclltfOn·· ' ad.. give operatol'll .. fair eblDlce afler variety show to I'8lBe te.r lrollUst PaBto}', attended tho COAL OF .75 AS A-V.A(U: . . :.~ _ .,,..,,. .~-.J Ininiatratioll> was announced. last pusage of the truck load Increase band booster club's trcnBul'Y> original. Baptist Sunday School convention In I A 1'TENDANCE IN APRIL Secretary MorgmItbm d- t'h1at wee)!. lor exlCl18ian of lines into which w.ent into effect about tho Iy sel for May 9, will not be held. I Dallas last week. wh.ch drew are- I (0. C. Edwards, Pastor,) , even a boy or girl who laved 10c to Hale county. The l'xtellSictl will 8er· tinle cars were to be registered. Miller announ.ced. and neither will I gisteratlon of 10,000 Sunda~: aehooll Sunday school at the Baptist chur- buy a Savings Stamp would,,1t Ip the \'e the Plalnview airport. north of Wilt son received a telegrnm from the band festtval Rct for May 1, I workers. Reporting on the meeting, ch Sunday .s seeking an attendance country. ,He added that you enn Plainview, but whether or not it D. C. Greer, state highway engineer, when banol. from several ne.ghbor- , the Rev 1\11-. Edwards sa.d "OUI- of 182 to make 'he monthly avernge sateguard your own money ua ybur will reach ' many of the signers in instructing his oUke that the time jnl!' school. were to have mel here I standing speakers were C OBenr for April (Chureh Loyalty Month) own future, while ~,e1ping .the natioD-the eostern part . of Hnle count)·, limit had been exwnded, he said. tor marching and conc~rt contests. : Johnson of St. Lolli., n. G'. Lee of a full 175. You can help by being 01 defense. by buymg Unlted States who have sought REA sel'vice for _-<>-- Also 'postponed was the band COllc~rt ' Mllmllhls, nnd John L. HIli or Nash. ,)!'csent. Savings Bonda now." mOl'O than a year, WaB not known NEW BUILDING .'OU Mondny nighl of thiM week. i vllle_ Texas white Baptists now Sermon subject for tllc morning -by Harry C. 19o, assistant county I PEGGY AND SONS Band Uniforms MUBt Be U~turn"d i number 7110.000, and Negro baptists worship services,' at 1\ :00 a. m., willi ~3 ATTEND LIONS MEET ugent, who has Bssisted in tryinll! BLACKSII1ITH SUO!' At a business m~et iJlg , of . th.· , totaW 41i0,OOO. The ~tate'a Sunday be "Obeying Christ." and fOf the . AT WPA LUNC~ ROOM to get the Ilxtefi\ilGn. • Workwn~ underway this week on loOJld booKtc", c1ult· Monday IIIght · school cIII'ollmMl is increasing rapid- eveninll' hour . 8,15 p. m .• "JU.tific".\ IN WARD SCIIOOL

-'-__ 0---- n fire,pJ'<Jof sheet· iron .tructure for here, T. A. Greenwood, ,-" .... sid.'n l. : Iy, and we are rai.ing $1,100.000 in tilln By Faith:' Also set lor Sunda), Twcnty-threJ! were In atten.duee RESIDENT_ NEAR HALE CENTE!l p~ and Sons B1ncksmilh . shop, u.oged thnt nJl music students of Ih. , thiB stnte this yeaT for miMion.," night i. a baptismal Hervlee. during thl. week'. Lions club meet-12 YEARS AGO DUltiED ~n lot. west of Hlgginbothom.Bart· locnl S('hool. who haY<' high ",·holll i he said. "Today is the time Texl1s' A men's rally is scheduled at the lng, held nt the ward school. Lions . IN PLAINVIEW REl'EN'I'LY lett Co lumber yard. Tho f.rm wns band uniforms n1l'8t tum them an I Baptists should awake and arl8e." chuh:h fop a :80 p. .m. Sunday, to paId the usual (i()c. fee fol' their

Qld..ttmel'8 here this weok re· forced to uu.ld nl'W qUllrters follow- to the school "PlclUl~ makl' sUrt' l ---0- \\'hl<h all men nre invitcod IUhch~n to the WPA lunch t'OOm pro-po'1.cd the newe of the death of Mrs. In" II f,re hc.'C 1'uesdllY of IIIRtl they are cleaned and proSl'cd b"f"rt· METHODIST CHURCH Traminll' unum will meet at 7 30 jed Tuesday ncon, the money to be J. D. Bishop. " oged 711, in Waco week which destroyed the pren"8(!9 they are turned In:' he suld "Any (W A. H.",hcurk, Pastor) o'dock p. m Sunday. uall~ to buy supplies tor the ?,;lec


Moreh 26, She resided e.ght miles it hnd occup.c.>d no.,ut 10 yeors. wcst ml'mber of the band who may b".IIl ; '.0 . ~ our watchword 0 !' ey Moon won the. atten ane.a west 01 Hole Cenler IZ ¥cars ago, .t>f tlw post Qfll~, News of th~ fire th~ band again next year_~I\Y ,IT.t ... : fo;h=r~:L ~,r ~'~.awl dlmN'! Ibis D1STIUC'l' CHAIRWOMAN plue. a tie provdled b ~J-mov'lI f hero to Quannsft when here wns prlht('d ./1 no), Huhn'. I his 01' her nnm .. on a sbp of pop",r I p, flY LEGION ;(UXtLtARY 3On. Next. week, p , eo tee her Ih!ab: dlcd. 5110 was buried lIrlll<!o County N,·w. at S,lvc.ton nnd pin it to tho unlfor~, 80 thn~ , :!!~d'ev"~": ::~~c.>;C o~e~~,~U>~u! TO MBI<1T WITJI W(,AL GROUP wil~ be Walt 1.II,·oon al Arden Jef· tn March 27 in Plalllvluw. Suvivors l08t week, with a ctlmpliment for he or . he will l ecelle t~c MillO on, at an and all of our services Mrs E R. Anderson. Hlth district fenes Included tour I01\lI, WaIte.·, Quannah: the lInle Center blllc.ksllliths os f"I'\ RgOlI1 next school t('rm, Greenwood I Dis[t.ct ""nference meets in Mota. chairwoman of the American LegIon D For t~. 'p~~am_~hi ;ee~a Clhll~ M. L., Plal1)vlow: L. It. QUDnnnh, lows: soid. dol' Mondoy at 230 o'clock p m Women's Awuliary. will meot with C()ri~ m t~~ro:;'ll~c "r t~o eom!:o':c. -nnd ArthUJ', Paducah, nnd tw., ".Od~ Wt1liS, m~~ag~r IIf the r.al- " 0 NG for Its mld.year '088ion. thl' Hale Center aux.hllry Thursday uf '::~Ia MilO Wimberly of KfCsB, dflught~ra, Mrs. Clyde Cawthon, ace Theat .. e. In S.lverton. rccoi:ed t!G ATIE~: RS::~R08S F,O' SUnday, "ogulnr' preaching aftel'1\oon next wt't'k an th .. Leglnn Myrah )ean HortOn of Amaritlo !lnd Wac~ arid' Mrs. It F, !lush, publan. word Tu .... da)' noon thot 1119 lather'. ~~EET F . . t services at II o'clOCk II. m. Sunday hull here. " l' ta 1 Sh f F< IWtte. Songs

_ _ 1,\acks.l1lilh .hop in Hnle ('.enter 'hod Twenty,t,,·c women wel'e prest'n . d' hi . _ 0 ' ~8 . "'" arp 0 '0 . . . tho , (lund. Odoll - dro,'" )'csterday for the weekly Bewlng ~ ••• - school al 10,00 ~. m.; an PI'l'B1' nil "'ATTERSON TQ OPEN and plnno numbers were given by

.UI.I': CENTER BOYS- ~~;:~l'~o t:eo if :: ,.,,,Id h" of ony .ion for Red CrOSH yellef work. <li - at R:.OO p. m .•. w,th l!ipW~l'th le811'\108 PLANING Mlf/t IN the g1'OUp. D. 14 F'reneh and D. H. "WIN UONOll8 IN ANNl'A~.'- . f '1 ,.""ted by tho loeal chapter to Il8SI.t meetlllg lit 7.1& P:c "':,i _ - WAIL BUI~MNn. • Jerrell weN' III chatge of the pro· , 1'·LAINVlEW STOCK SHOW h,,11l 10 1119 a,nl)' ' . " chlU' e Sermon 8ubject tdiI ·d'le m0ming , . " , ' , - gram i".Honora ' won by Hlilo COllter boys, I "Od"' .. s futt",r , lin 01.1 tin",,, at in war !"Hef .• . se~ng wn~d an Geor II' e hO\lr w.ilt', he "When wID Pentecost R.V/. PC ... on' atmOUllCA!d this " 0 ~'xhibltinlr hI the !lnnlln! fat stOCk lllnll' Cen,,'r goes b)' th" "anw of i"f Mmes. Ivcy !loon ru . If - Again?" and totrtlre evening, we.~))~ ~it_ opon hill plulng MONDAY IS LAST DAY .It, w In Plaln,vle, w lael Wel'k-end •. "I'etcgy" WaIIH. th, ~ ' .. lime c"milllt' B1oekwoll. " ,, ' wa. the HJm ii', Ri,Gftrll\ent," mill. _W,lth CQnllaer&ble, new eq~lp- TO LIST NAMES illcluded: . ; frolll hi. 1"'1( lilg. H(, 10MI II fo"t in Almost a," ot tltt" work. dOn< We eXlend " w"fcome to al\ ' Who Iment, In tbe T. E., Woll bulld.ng ON' PIONEER MEMORIAL

Kennoth Hart, aeeond In weighty . trCl't car 1I .. ~ident whell h.· WIIS \ .\ (0" cblltlren 8 g:nn11cntB, lTOlIt. infant. desire to wor.hip with UII. asroR. t,h.., street fMn ,hi. fOl,,?er . H . r, Id H~ livtl8 up to hi. o.'''8t to tots aged twplvo.. . location. rccen~lydamllll't'd by f.l'O. Monday I." the laat day to IlUlke

cla .. ftor fed Iteen, D. J. ()Ope. )011''11 0 : ' work "Th .. !led C"OllB lit \hlB limp I. - .---0-:--' ., PnttCl'llon said ha lalmed to salvage a eootributlon, and hand In names 'ourth in Ihrhtwvlrht str.rs; J. T. thai he call do 88 much good king for o' little of each wnmnn'. &rAinCl,AN TO APPEAR TONl' E I be , m th P cd building and Ito be CBl'\'ed In thl1 marble ilab to be StOtlt.., fif,th In rro\l, of (ive 8teers ' la~ on,Y two-tooted, m~": til f da ~;mo to 1IMIi. ,,"t .. I,n thl. great wt1fk," IN .CO'tIVN CEN, TEN. ,PROGRAM u7~1/I'C;;"ulld tit: Btruct.ure· about. 1IIl, t In the pioneer memOJ!laI on city'

Aubrey SlI!hh, f1nt in group of . "Later 'rl\esday nlgt e Otl~ p' '8 10 Illarn to knit tor the ned MoIidro. the Magician wil1 glvo n : .. , its ... ctICIlt alze . ball park, Mts. Silas Maggard, one five mUk-~ .Iambl and fou~ .Ilnd lion ~ aUt!alty laid ~; ~~c~e:t °of :ne of th~- i"ca. -oll1elal. l1li4. "Any- fC,peat ,ppearanco t9nlght. ,/Fri." ___ of . the commitlee memben, haa an· s.xth In un,le milk fed 18lIIbll, Tom, Odell '8 in .~o Con ho construl- one wb() is able tol(nlt, 01: wtlo w1sh- day), at Cotton Center ' acltool, - 14 aWNTY FEDERATION nounced. AU penons w'ho lived in Vaualm .... iVetltb-'1n Ifl'OuP of five the wfek helpm, with I: be h '1\ CrotIa. 11I8lIlrcd W lOti Mrs, Georll'e.outhwest ~ hero ' announel'8 Of' WOMEN'S CLlJua . thiB region in the ycal'llfl'()m 1600 ~fllt mutton Iljmbl, ' . tlen. Walter Smocl& wi" \lre. lll.ekwell ." . A. Duckner, 'i!.illt! ~dsnl. It ·ThoHal.c· County Federation of to J..90i5 are eligible to be luino~ on

ledd_ .. . dill' tteI!Ond In 8111.1ea. plaee .dba T:eatl'e. 'tbulWia)' of n~.. :i.f)Othllt" be the .econd tbn! .Etat Mondro W Qflum'lI clubB will meet In Aber- the memorJ~I. ah&..at.I\t.tll. lc1He.th. third . ON ' alt.day meeting t. planlled. ,1Irith a Mrformeliat Oqt~Ol'I Center. Etc nath), May 3. The proJl'&m 'Will Contribution. of ,IS ~1' . , .~ •

twine, ,Inrtllt. TO CONVENTI ' r the fol. d illb 111mb It>- :tioo Sow- my.t1tyeda larpaudl ther , in .tut at 10 .. m., In th.1i B.ptllt IIOUlhl t:o~nce tb'!.l!efttlf1l m .. m·

,MI,SOC~'l'I(Uli l-,o"R'lo~PI,rOl~~!:;:LeaHaIOl Cent , .n~ x~o~ , {~:tR~~': ~~:rman~. , ~\lt three menth, =~~~T~th~::~n!Jl=~on wm be oria1 planlMiL , .. G . ,' ..

'hll momtll&'1JI&; ·vl.llt 4Url~""~~Il, tilt- 2lic. At 1\09"'. tilnchGOfi beW' W'1Il. R. 1'I'''' . ''",.''l!'~.', t.' • In ·Il\' Rom. """" •• """~~,,.~


Thumb8 __ D~wn

"'"e iiiiiiij .... lt'. nonl I., "Iii,," ....... eed rut ........ .

Yd. l1t¢ and 20., c G

BATISTE IuM .. erei". ....,. .. t Dr Batlate 110- .be ... uruL~ or ' '''"'"''~l ••

Homan Strip<' - -j--;MJo.--H • ..u.IILJ",.de • bUlln ... Hosiel1- lrip to Cl .... dOu and Ama,iI1o I •• t "Where Frlendl 'Meet" Eat" i

Man.'u,u"'" ~_ 111 ... -~~ .. t Davia and M ... JOH- HERE'S ROW SINCLAIR DEALERS

~!!!!!!!!!~IIf~!!!~111;1~'.:""~bu' II ....... to .... who, jibi •• Ran vialted "'n. B_u. SINCLAIII·1ae YOUIl CAR FOR I to """'''', lad bl,b .... U." White at Cotton, Con .... 'l'IIIUM.Y. j . SUMMER

P .... 14. (Ii ' ........ r N7l-. . _~'Ib anake gean quieter and to lAVe tr _ ,% to 11 II,f* ..... m., _* ~tore .. The:~ Starf BuI"".1 ' wca; on D~ I pu.t. l unnncr" Slncl~r

Oil Old Fashioned .; Laundry Methods

T,', ,ur lIIOIlY friclhi!! rur tlH~jr f int' slI l'P. n. and belt wishM., anll

ltlt'ir .n~8 i lltllnn· !!linn· till' rLn' lattl wcvk which almosl ~~J!!l~ . u~ (lu t IIf I J u:;ill('K~" Wf"I~' work iH ~ liS hurd liS we CDn. p.llttil1g 11 1'

:1 11l'~' , rir .. prl,:of buildillg. whkh will It{' heth'r e'luipped, nnd ill

11 !ldlt'r l[lr&tl"I1 , tu ", ,' I'n! ,ur rn rml'r fl 'it'llct", Wt"11 1 ... • N'IUI)' (·ntl)· 11I').l \\'~ .. k t" do yullr bl&C'lClilnIth- nnd weM. illl:( JolJ~ .

.. . 9~' 79~ " G "''';fFIl "5' r.n.IJ.1J. j.u~r\eante In 'fraluaiil .. lon ""d 0,/· Itl 5 etuul. . .1'., _ pray .\r .... n'u. Then I .. till the .. an. k..,... "1'. ' ' . . ' willi .81,,*1r ",Otot 011. It Iu'"'. i~iiiii~ii~~i!~fii~~;~:ij~:::::; , Pint 25¢.~t. 45, lo~i ...... 'yo .. monOJ. 'io h.lp 'pre. :

New Snring Slitl~i ' . LLOYD STANtON . v~ •• elden .. J .. mov. and lu"'leate :

:~!7!. ::'",~:::" \ GULF STAtlO.N . 'I =~m::::~.:'';:'-::di.:k'" .... , ..... Ill lib 1IIf1. ,1,1I0I0 .IID... BARGA·I·N.S· IN . ·AnU·rr-. nu.t end studiO .. This

$1 00 htlpo 'pro_t overhe.tin,. When I , R & G USED t» the Cbl .. I, I .,. • .peel.1

. 0 . ' . LubriC'&n.t thllt hel,a-

We CUll Sunply You I' J .c. I .And to ,lv8 ,". betto' .um· N(..~ I,!! Irrigation .' . • perfo""an .. I dean and adju. t

Quck ' KELLAR Pi .... of <G.ne I .heek ,.u,

II o ..... ~) ..... "Me 8& ....... F .. """"'lhl .... to' SAFE! Ha .. Y... Car , KEl,oLAR ,GR.QCftR 8INCLAIR;I!"<I For Summer Now

MOO~ W. bue · ... ,.""'··.114 _eta. 81*lal Qoot\llliatioa !'rice

, .. I" pt .... , ... '11II---III .. '... .11.. . ". C' .. - """" DRY.tOODS·. d .. roo In lh.... ...&' =-:-===-:-- ~N'&..ON

PAIIE'MOTOI . Look Forward To A Sum~er Of Fun And

Carefree Driving On StiJ\'dv Dcpl'nd(l!bk FlRF..sT(}N"~ TI~S &'TUBl<~

These firll l ." I1rm ~II.Y " ot ~Drill' romind UM tha i 1.)"lI\l1Il'r IHttpl far ,,~ay" rut! mlY ht' plnnnin, • bix "",,,,,lion ur you RIll, jUt'1 loaf &" und humL'-bUI in t'lthl!r "¥"C'l1~, flMn~, Ipi thl' fun or tbi" IiUIDnll'r"fI drinnre hIP marred wllh tirt! lruuhlt>. St~ a 't ~.," rur "IUrd)", 1I II" .... nlllll.ll" ... ·JltESTcJl'H: TIIU':S and ill lJurtt ,ollrae"lf " wholt'" SummN of Orhint: plr."nrl'. "

JUld t-~ i KUU Oul 'l'h(' {'mit":

JU"lt llil d·o" " ItUh .. pad nnd Pt'nril anti fil:UTt' tt-nUI FlllESTONE:o. "Ih- ~n·a lt'r " O'liral.:l' bt'("au8t" d lluund workman"hlp And "bothu ... Iulal«, I4tI("ullfirally 11P. 1t'd lind pruven. l'hu~ th .. y ,lve bittrr .nd lon ltf"r Henlet' 'clr your money! - "



7' .' . Pair "w.ea-\"e " with elastic

~Di~t Ilnd knit currs. T". ROlle

color. Medium alze fur .. omrn;~

Children', aI~ .. '. to \J!.

;\ truty I'emark.~e value!

You buy for less

At the

,Outlet Store ~dw.,. _ ("lalnvle'N

Always Shop .

Stubbs' BaiIH~i1· Co11U1:er

When ·' i.ll.·', ',J>. lain view Pr_~. P'''i>«t. poin' '" whe,t crop, ad Ita onl, ratl' to wlrn.Carmer,. ' Pfepared lor; the "a",",t

-&~¥r~~~~~~~~rl ,OIl tlle· ~.· ·.·Co· ·.;' ·u' ·nt'er Now . ,u.h with ,1J'OIOb,!, ·"e. ",uhlntry. . " FOR A FASTER, CLllANBR, WORRy.p1iEE Ii'ARVES"


-Phone 640

Men's N~ a new mapeto? El.eb~,e " our otd·,oltt.an7 make,. ~o·r .. FII,hMko·Mo, ... -r ..... 1'''$24.15. '-S'h"o' r' tS" RITCHEY'S GARAGE "A 0 DIIAL ·A.LL YIDA1I O·

11I~~~~~~~~' ~ii'~~:~~iii~~cl~VlO~'~' ~~~~~ The lull ~u.l 01 any 25c shot t I)n the tnarket-looci IIr

many liSe shorts I ft-t,.... 't G bl Pai l' 20¢ wvn · am 8 ••• 2Pllil·s .. ,~5¢' . When you insure you I' erop agiainst HAIL

3 PR' S 50 wss; Be~ure the-~liey gives--ypu-the- full· . •• C es~ protection. Don t guess on the weathe.r

With good like his \'ItU can buy it tor Len at

STUBBS 'The Farmers Corner


In U&crl Tract.or. "

~iiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~~~~i~~iiiiiiiiii~i I W~U. we're back from our trip to I Sun Anleni!), wnerl" W (l delivcn>d 011(> THB GREATEST COMBINI: of Its· Si.. Oft the M ... k.t Plan YOUI' V:v:ation And 1'11('11 ,,( th ... Utile combine. wc've been

bragging about. to Jell lve)'. Now it.'e Jeft's, turn to do some bragging nbout the dandy .orl:e·ma n machine. The de!i\'cry to San Antonio was a !ittle bit out of our Lerritory, rou might auy, lmt ..... ~ were glnd of the rhanc.e til gt!t down in Lhnt part of the .tate to lice the bea.utiful (,QUll ll"}'

n1l this Um~ of Yl'ar .. We (ound the

CO In A Guaranteed. USED CAR

\ 'nu'l1 br "urpriAf'd at Ihe Rmall fi,ure left when 10U subtract the Uberal allowanct' 'We're wllllll, to ,lYe on yuur old car. A.rrallle ,our own If'rMR We-'re and,null In mIke it II. elll, as po881hle for ,pU 10 uwn onr of 4! ~r Utii'd ""(cr9-Th~)"r~ 1111 p.nd buy. 1

Traue In Your Old Carl 1,'Of fnmllv · h •• pll,· ,c,Ued In • re·

FOJ.' new, or used, autos, see.·our gion thot might b< •• tied n •• ' 10 II garden 0' Eden . And, aftor hYing.

You let real ' vaiD .... vioA ~rforman(e when the No. 61 Harvetter. Threaber i. in. the 6eld. It. outo.aDdinK wo,. , at the c.uttcr,-bu i. matched by the efficieney of ita threlh­ins unit--dean, poaitivc te'pt.­

ration that leta the mOlt out of the crop. Let u. tell you all a.bout the economical, time­I.vinl No. 6!.

Sllle.~man in Hale Center been d.~", ,ho,o. wo ' •• n vouth 'or " • " &y ' Cttltlla I JESS WHITACRE I Jerr. d .... lptl"" or tho .. M. ,,, ... 1' Me COR M I C K • D B E R I N

(,W"""'OId rulle_. F,len I UIIUU CO You •• n~n h. ,oy. 6·'oot No. 61 t'~:ra H~:~t=e Ch!~:rl::d I " n " ann • thc~re UlG, tor we 88W one trct' ." ticocge LQlldLl"OOP recently bouKht to "lace }'Ollr !.ttI1·r ('nrly thIs year

I Ash k-ft.h Plainview Iltmt was big enough to p1'O,"idc eVtll")" tour"~w equipment and a power for sny etlull,mcnt" you, may nect1

''NIb «:=i:f~===::::2!::~:~f:'=:::=:===~ house In Hulf.! ellnteJ' with firl?wood l ir~ Cur hie F-30 Farmall from WI, I 'the dcfer1JlO "prngram it tnbk. W ~ T~& F.ed. Broodttl'1l, SuppUn I_ fOI" an O{lt.irE' wfllt(>r,"The heytl Bl.nd 1llR" it might}" ~ard for manutactul"-and .i'.tdJ.. tor Bwer, N~ ,heir greeting. io an their friend! A man al. tht> front reccivt'd a N"II of doml'lttk machinery. to" secure

QaUt," and St,."lee I FILL UP I heR. which Include.. practically !logging IttlW from hi. wife, and metfu. lind IUI.N. and also I. 'I, ~1ftth " "ChidE HatcbClr, ' • " . • _ "_ .r.' : f'\1eryWte. We, In turn, RC-nd our wrote in reply : p"ricl.!lI Me ItI("lwJ)~. but. .Kl1rely, .. (oint::

Stock of ne\". and used ) 'ho can find an)" uf Ih" tKollf'r kntJwn natlunall, famous petroleum.... ~ ("" .)mplim"llb "ack to them tor the "PlctUlc 'tlon', wt;k' me an)' m'Drc up. The IK)oncr ylJU p1iice yoUr oN"er . ,... ! produt"b at th ll'tW' IIla lloft!'>, nlltn)' 01 wllOln pro'"ide fr~~ dt"li¥(>r) I d,oliciou .. dinnnr Ih~y survtd If-tter.. Let me enjoy thi. war in the l uret y."'lI or,: of ittttli g a bet"

H ;uJiators-fOT "" car. truck It!r¥i("l' 10 fumen " 'hn bu)" whu:I'!dle for fllrmln. opc!raUOnll. I JI!U't)' while we vl_lted them" ~a('t".'· tcr price" und tractors. An)' ant' f)f ,hi' IlllItion,. Ila!!lt'd b.,low'ta"n .... r'·f! )'OU with tine I Well. t.ho ~(lnomy, euy-to.handle ~ The v.'hed& .r~ tllrning In our

. .roch.n.. friendly sttrvirr -Lud Ihon n tr. bib nf attention which lind IPcOOy I/Iervk"o th'l little No 411 Lalit week w" mentioned that Wil· !!h op. It you need. eome t'epain or c.,,;SWI 8m~ .. rt"'.1 . _. od

taual.l. ' ler innt' ftJlJI'Urln ... pll'lllfufi'" . .,. .... y .. m air J-'l1lt_ ~ wIDe JOUI" n ·mbln~ g1\·e. t. clltclring on arOllnd hit<l'. dairy bere had aceu:."", a m - part.. now I. the 9clt timt to get '..- .'nthlhteld, l'hNIi. YUlI" hau,'r), Illld rlAdl .... t.::. or, Drp,lde the"l.,nl hert't, and wo've hcul two ordenl plac- ern . .McCormlclc~DcerinK" mnki'n~ them. l..ater this sprill. rou may

road map.. t>d tor them in the last few da,y." mnchinc \00 II"VO time, IUld prc8l"!rve ha"e to sulfer ill delay lK'caUI.e jURt "

Bu, _ Your Pe lrol"" .. "'roducl s .'rum_ The Embry br'Olllifn.' of -I19T Abe,.. ~leanlineu of the mUk. ~Ion HI,. lite alWI-Y', we are reaU ....... mped. Alui'rl-, .'ayne Wltnlgale ·r,.. .. to Slatian and Dick FulfJ:r of Hale Cen- Kine bousht one ·of theM mllehtnflll "",!,ork AI the! ~rvest teuon .p-R. t. Bur,l!U ""'-'Ittgle ItbJlllpe Station. ordered ttll, " nw:blne to 'hle woek, Il1Cl ardoN ,bave bc.oen " We want to serv@ you, II) Cliff Burr .... Whoieu.it Conoea Slltlon, their blll wtu~.i erop tht. plated witb UI for three more, The now and. let u .... let "you

" nm ","Ue'. Standard St.lion. malo fntl.l~ ·ot thia machine, " be- departmen.t whlle ..... both Cha, Mat r'. eon._o St. lion. bell", \!i. mOlt" uultl". meth. more tlm~ to live IOU topI in Rlkh.1'i (:o_co 8tation. mUkln., klmWil, fll t.hat It t. Il!rvlte. UIt,. 8I1nt .... Golt Station. "' ..... mO!lY loIt~ H ..... ••· T.n", Stalloft. ".., •• T ...... Stltlm!.

Stoll .. ,

.;.., .... . '


Sl" ... 'We, All Lik .• Plenty of HOT ~ER


. .. . I Henkel, Berley M!le . Weltner nnd j.tiOll wllte: Among Hale rcsi,knls at.

DlIJ'IIe~. ~y~ K~lIng. .. . 'Ieonine Sc.rogglnR. . . Hollie C1nn Bro\\'lId. Sarah Sc!rog- !tending the I{~ J(.,", IJrol(fHJn Irt wean. Marpret Lural. 'Dot 'P"eJl.: .A navy .heer drn~ lrlltUl\ed '111 J gins.. Matgar.(·t Luco.. Jo Margaret Amarillo Frlda.y night wet" \ defP.SSI • .sarah &l'ogailll, Jo M, )link net cOIlIrtructlOI\ hy C"rrin~ : WeddIngton. Hnoller, ltuasell Woody lind " ,V'~ Weddington, DINlelJe WindaOl'. Het~n & .gins was the moat !)oPleRI I RerT".hmllnl pntes of grope JUiCe!. l.amb t.VImocIIANlTABIOM a CIoII" lIpccal ocC8slon cORtume, . !emonuele, tm)' sBndwlches lind mints MI'!! . H. L. . tit" apent \h'nda, ..~ {lurllcal IoIId DJapde . Otbera above uverage U1 ('Ollstruc- \\~lb u sprig of hlncs weI'(> served nnd '1'Iwsdo)' i .. Lcicltnc),

Dr r-e~' ''' CREAP INSl' RA"CE-- 10 aoout SU mothers and gl'lll'ldmotbw -Dr:',: B. 8tllti 1 -. t. never good rer Ally lenlth or ,,.. nR gUl'lOt8nud about 60 glrla, . FLO W .E R 5 1:' .. ~Ir! fL tllle. In buylnr .Durlal I"oliriu. you ....... -.. •••••••••••• ••• Dial 2052 Dr,.I. T:SIIltdIIuoD IIbould look to thefu~urtl, Rat-t'>! DR. G, W. WAGNER MRS, VIC LAMB Dr, .. I. B'utc'laJaa. ahould be. adequate and manllilemcnt., AnnounceR his lIuocl.t1on with the -RepnlfIontlng-Dr.~ :~ coDMrvatl'l'e. Our Reserve of over 1'lalilVlew ~Itarlull " Ulnlc, A rch Keys Dr II ..n-.....;. tllO.OOO,OO proveR thet Wto have both. S I II D' . FI h .: ·Aitl'uI"';;g:. If',or further information. call 500. pee. y I l!IIeAllea of Children and ower S op . a-aI....... Lubbock Infllnt_ Feeding Phono 200 , '1 "ID'iI.' Dr. J •• , Latt&aa_ ••••• I. II .......... Two Doora EMt nUWI' Ilnt.\ t: I:i r:.u RIX FUNERAL HOME

, ~ - I '::*3::' . . x ... , a La ... .." Dr,fIJlltlD.WI ...

I Dr.w.!. '&:!v 'I' ..... IRRft' . J • .. na.TOI' .

SOLD IN HALI': C}f:~TI~R AT -­!light Pl'it:e' Gf/),

'-and-W e~'te"n Food /tn'l

-' .' · ~ .~ .... ~~:::--:::-~~::--~--.-,- ,~!!~~~~~~ij~~fi~iiiJi~:~ . .A,lo-.W. UlJ()ft.A70It, HALL FLOWER SHOP r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __ .::JICIrtCH.~. !!. !. ~:!,.~NUIItNO~~~._ PLAiNviEW leientlfle"', mailled, ....... .-ur&kl,

' .... 'Olir-llE:8 FOB. ALL OCCASIONS I Tboro.,h '",1nI1II ... d ,..,. .,_,.., • . W. G. S .. ~ A R S em_modem tlQulpm .. ~ dldiDdl. . .pl ..

Dl • .wOOl or 2592 . tor p&rtlrular people, .Pramiit . Dell .. " Strvtce. Th • . Bu, &). -Serv~1t RcIl1l, ",. "\III'

519 SkalP Bldl: Plabt....,.; Tuu -

Ask For- ' ' i·iiii~iiii~~~~~~ii~ii~:i~ SALLY ANN BREAD I Delivered fresh diiily to Hale Center Groceries.

Cream Produ~rs-­eBLL YOUR CULLS Qlf .:roua PRODUCER8

PlaIDS CooperatiYe. INCOIlP9IlATED