t7 b7 john raidt work files- shooting story- executive summary aa 11 shooting 020

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  • 8/14/2019 T7 B7 John Raidt Work Files- Shooting Story- Executive Summary AA 11 Shooting 020


    FEB 07 '02 12 50PM WfiSH POST-FINflNCIPL p

    E X E C U T I V E S U MM A R YS e p t e m b e r U , 3 0 0 1 . 'O n i S e p t e m b e r 1 1 , 2001 , i c v e r e l e o n u n e r c i e l i i ; ee r i e r i n c i d e n t ^ be l i eved t o b e t e r ror is t .iTwii?80 " TIo,u*Ioc4;lon3i f l thlUiltd Statfl*. A $ nu iwrou i U S . pssong*rwoe r rL r i were in vp | v e d . i h i i h ,P ;W p iC t e (i nuny pwng r i M wel l i.n u m w o u f cp e n o m on the g r o u n d i n the ie v t r i o u * ; r uh a i i t t T h M I o w F n g U a e u m m e r y P f t h eevent* wh i ch hm-t i M > j > i i r r . 4

    ' deptne t h 4 r t i ce>v m e m b s r B In r j u w c k p i t wt r t i tabbcd . T he f l i g h t t h o nowwnfled wi th f lo f r o m c n u t i i c u J o n f f o m i h f l i f i h i C r ^ m t m b e n T h e AowfccPJ i r i i f t f t j F A A Principal 5surify I n s p a c i o r (PSI) w i n o U f l e d b y S w t n n t C l w k o fjwrtwn Ai r U n , , Corpora*! Hwdquu t i n . i h i t a n on t e t r d f l lhi anendwt conuefedAocnwAJ r !m i Ope r t t i ons C imw & n d m f r r m e d th u n pacnf r r foci t id in wi I O Biho\d tallwl Q pu i e r ^ e r ( a r. 9 B i t B . I Q im T h p i m n g e r k l J l e d w/n Danlt lu w m , ^ o t b y paisingef S lum A l S u q m j O n bul l* wu reported to h tw been firHlThe f li jh i h a d e < l i a t h e d l rw t iw o H o h n ? K e n n e d y Inte rni i ioni l Ai r r o n ( J P I C J A ts is m , th i s night c r h d d l f i c i l y I n t o o n e of t h e lowi t t t h e World T r U t C t rA r J 1 :26 .m . , t puscngef m w i i f e it * f ti o t t i i n c c l T he nt tu$ of ry > c l wte e i ii a f y e tv n d o t r / n i n t }Un tud Air i .^ t i Flight 9 3 d t pu t i d t h i i m o r n i n g , f r o m N ' t w & r k lnlorfl*HoMl AirportC E W R ) bound fo r J tn Prif id ica Int tnuuoni l Ai rpor t (SFOj The i l r e r m f t type [9 Boe^g757. c o n f o m a f te n p e n d i n g The f l i g h ? c o n i i i t t d o f i h i r t y e i f h ( pawen je rs . C w o pi lo l i nf i v e c r ew membe r* , w h i c h willed 4 5 pc rwnj on t h i j night T we seleetoe puaengaN( C h f i n i n * A d i m i ud N i c o l e M i ] lu r ) v / c rB b o t r d c d on ihii fligli l w lh no utwiwilbehevlc r noted p e r t h t i r ai r i e r p e r s o n n e l a n d icreener*. No cu g o W M on b e w d t V i i fljgta O n* w f t l i b*d d e p i c t (ULD), wu n bow^ wniiining U.S . mai l At 9;2 .m ,t h en w u i r e p n n e r b o m b t h r e a t on b o t i d t h i j f l igh t P u i e n g e r r ' we wn a were heardw (he filbia A t 1 0 : 0 5 1 m ; th e n i i n a l i S t a t e Tol ic i r ece ived 8 9-1-1 telephone call froma p # & w n g o r o n t h i l f l i g h t , w f c o r e p o r t e d t l u c e h i j a e k v r t were o n bo i r d t t H l h kn l v e i s r dreportedly m i d * t b o m b t h re t . T h * ; h r o f t K i j c k a n wn* reponcd to b ruihing u > ih ecockpi t vea A x 1 0 - 1 2 m , t h e fiight c r a s h e d n e w S o m r f i o r s e i . PA T h i I 6 e e t f o n i il y 'C - i lO m i l e * f r o m P i t t i b u F g h n*ir E f o u J ? J OU n i t e d A M l n e i F l i g h l 1 7 3 , d e p e r t e d F r o m B e o B L o g i n JTi t t r e i t loni ! Alrpon (BOS),bound f o r Loi Angele i I n t e m v l o n t l A i r p w ( L A J C ) . T h l * t t r e r e f t i y p wt e Sosinf 767The r e w e r e no wlt pwnj ;F on i h l s f l ight T b * f i g h t cowi*ted of n i n e c rewm e m b e r s e n d f e r v w v e n f l i i i s n g c r i i , ^ - h i c h t p w i d A f t y . l f c p f t o n * o n th i i f l i g M A 9 :30 4 n - , n d a r c c s i \l t w i t h F A A n i r i r j f l " . < : P - f t i r p ( w in l o A l 9AT I,* , U n i t e dA i r l i n c k r e p o r t e d t K a t w e n i ^ H t i n s n d u m * B * tubbed ind t w o crew f w i m b c ' j werek i l l e d Th i i f l ight c r & i h c d d i r e c t l y i n i s t h a c o n d W o l d T f i d c C w t a r T o w u r , . ^


  • 8/14/2019 T7 B7 John Raidt Work Files- Shooting Story- Executive Summary AA 11 Shooting 020


    FE E 07 '02 12=51PM W f lS H POST-FINRNCIflL P.3/3

    ' Ptge 2A m e r i c i n Air l inel Flight 77 , d e p a r te d W s a h i n a to i v D u U t j In iemi i i on i J Ai rpo r t (IAD),deitined f o r UAngela InUrt it rional Airport (LAX) This flight defined G ne D 2& o fth e IA D m i d - f i e l d t e r a v i . ii J u B 09 m . a n d uu attorns it 8 21 .- Th i u r c n f t lypeu/u a Boeing 7 57 Nnmb*r of Btlcatc puacnfva ii u f i k n o u n ttl t h i l tins*, ramppt r tonn t l noticed t w o Mlecie eluded bag* on t!\ rirnp On e non>ielciM piC}flg0rd id not board dut to cotif\ision of face location T h i s f l i g h t conjisred of fifly-tighipusongcr s and K i x flighi c rew m em beri , w h i c h toiiieJ tix iy-faur perton c mt h i i f l f g r n .There w /u flO cargo being t nMp r t l or i h i j ilrcr*ft There were (i to;ai of ihitty-fivcchecked big* !r li p r e j u n n c d t h i t c h i t f l i g h t embed i n t o th e Pentagon located in, . D C it ipproxim

  • 8/14/2019 T7 B7 John Raidt Work Files- Shooting Story- Executive Summary AA 11 Shooting 020


    EXECUTIVE SUMMARYSeptember 12,2001On September 11,2001, several commercial air carrier incidents, believed to be terrorist-related, occurred in various locations in the United States. As numerous U.S. passengerair carriers were involved, this has impacted many passengers aswell as numerouspersons on the ground in these various crash sites. The following is a summary of theevents, which have occurred:American Airlines Flight 11, departed today from Boston Logan International Airport(BOS), bound for Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). The aircraft type was aBoeing 767-200 with eighty-one passengers, nine flight attendants and two crew hi thecockpit, which totaled 92 persons on this flight. At approximately 9:18 a.m., it wasreported that the two crew members in the cockpit were stabbed. The flight thendescended with no communication from the flight crew members. The AmericanAirlines FAA Principal Security Inspector (PSI) was notified by Suzanne Clark ofAmerican Airlines Corporate Headquarters, that an on board flight attendant contactedAmerican Airlines Operations Center and informed that a passenger located in seat 10Bshot and killed a passenger in seat 9B at 9:20 am. The passenger killed was DanielLewin, shot by passenger Satam Al Suqami. One bullet was reported to have been fired.The flight headed in the direction of John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK). At9:25 a,m., this flight crashed directly into one of the towers at the World Trade Center.At 11:26 a.m., a passenger manifest was obtained. The status of any selectees is as yetundetermined.United Airlines Flight 93 departed this morning, from Newark International Airport(EWR) bound for SanFrancisco International Airport (SFO). The aircraft type is Boeing757, confirmation pending. The flight consisted of thirty-eight passengers, two pilots andfive crew members, which totaled45 persons onthis flight. Two selectee passengers(Christine Adams and Nicole Miller) were boarded on this flight with no unusualbehavior noted per the air carrier personnel and screeners. No cargo was on board thisflight One unit load device (ULD), was on board containing 1,510 pounds ofU.S. mail.At 9:42 a.m., there was a report of a bomb threat onboard this flight Passengers'screams were heard in the cabin. At 10:05 a.m., the Dlinois State Police received a 9-1-1telephone call from a passenger on that flight, who reported three hijackers were on boardwithfcnives and reportedly made a bomb threat. The three hijackers wcrereported toberushing to the cockpit area. At 10:12 a,m., the flight crashed near Sommerset, PA. Thislocation is approximately 70-90 miles from Pittsburgh near Route 30.United Airlines Flight 175, departed from Boston-Logan International Airport (BOS),bound for Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). This aircraft type was a Boeing 767.There were no selecteepassengers on this flight. The flight consisted of nine crewmembers and forty-seven passengers, which totaled fifty-six persons on this flight. At9:30 aon., radar contact with FAA air traffic control was lost. At 9:43 a.m., United Airlines reported that one flight attendantwasstabbed and twocrew members were --'Okilled. This flight crashed directly into the second World Trade Center Tower. - :>

    Q3 C9/11/01 5:31PM

  • 8/14/2019 T7 B7 John Raidt Work Files- Shooting Story- Executive Summary AA 11 Shooting 020


    Page 2American Airlines Flight 77, departed Washington-Dulles International Airport (IAD),destined for Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). This flight departed Gate D26 ofthe IAD mid-field terminal at 8:09 a.m., and was airborne at 8:21 am. The aircraft typewas a Boeing 757. Number of selectee passengers is unknown at this time; ramppersonnel noticed two selectee checked bags on the ramp. Onenon-selecteepassenger(Thomas Havenner) did not board due to confusion of gate location. This flight consistedof fifty-three passengers and seven flight crew members, which totaled sixty persons onthis flight. There was no cargo being transported on this aircraft 1,789 pounds of U.S.mail was on board. There were a total of thirty-five checked bags. It is presumed thatthis flight crashed into the Pentagon located in Washington, D.C. at approximately 10:06a.m.

    Additional information is continuously being gathered on each of the four incidentsdescribed above.Post-Event Activities:Boston Civil Aviation Security Field Office (CASFO): Boston Federal Security Manager(FSM) and CASFO continue to meet with air carrier station personnel to addressscreening performance. Soon after hijacking, CASIFO personnel tested the screeningequipment at the screening checkpoints at issue:

    9/11 Classified Information

    The FBI retains possession of all operational records and daily logs. An agent has beenmade available to the FBI to assist where necessary.Additionally, FAA agents have been dispatched to Portland, ME to collect information(logs, training records, checkpoint video, etc.) and test and certify screening equipment.Effort is being conducted jointly with FBI.

    9/11/01 5:31PM

  • 8/14/2019 T7 B7 John Raidt Work Files- Shooting Story- Executive Summary AA 11 Shooting 020


    EXECUTIVE SUMMARYSeptember 12,2001

    On September 11,2001, several commercial air carrier incidents, believed to be terrorist-related, occurred in various locations in the United States. As numerous U.S. passengerair carriers were involved, this has impacted many passengers aswell as numerouspersons on the ground in these various crash sites. The following is a summary of theevents, which have occurred:American Airlines Flight 11, departed today from Boston Logan International Airport(BOS), bound for Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). The aircraft type was aBoeing 767-200 with eighty-one passengers, nine flight attendants and two crew hi thecockpit, which totaled 92 persons on this flight. At approximately 9:18 a.m., it wasreported that the two crew members in the cockpit were stabbed The flight thendescended with no communication from the flight crew members. The AmericanAirlines FAAPrincipal Security Inspector (PSI) was notified by Suzanne Clark ofAmerican Airlines Corporate Headquarters, that an on board flight attendant contactedAmerican Airlines Operations Center and informed that apassenger located in seat 10Bshot and killed a passenger in seat 9B at 9:20 a.m. The passenger killed was DanielLewin, shot bypassenger Satam Al Suqami. One bullet was reported to have been firedThe flight headed hi the direction of John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK). At9:25 ajn., this flight crashed directly into one of the towers at the World Trade Center.At 11:26 a.m., apassenger manifest was obtained. The status of any selectees is as yetundetermined.United Airlines Flight 93departedthis morning, from Newark International Airport(EWR) bound for San Francisco International Airport (SFO). The aircraft type is Boeing757, confirmation pending. The flight consisted of thirty-eight passengers, two pilots andfive crew members, which totaled 45 persons on this flight. Two selectee passengers(Christine Adams and Nicole Miller) were boarded on this flight with no unusualbehavior noted per the air carrier personnel and screeners. No cargo was on board thisflight One unit load device (ULD), was on board containing 1,510 pounds of U.S. mail.At 9:42 a.m., there was a report of a bomb threat on board this flight. Passengers'screams were heard in the cabin. At 10:05 a.m., the Illinois State Police received a 9-1-1telephone call from a passenger on that flight, who reported three hijackers were onboardwith knives andreportedly made a bomb threat. The three hijackers were reported to berushing to the cockpit area. At 10:12 a.m., the flight crashed near Sommerset, PA. Thislocation is approximately 70-90 miles from Pittsburgh near Route 30.United Airlines Flight 175, departed from Boston-Logan International Airport (BOS),bound for Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). This aircraft type was a Boeing 767.There were no selectee passengers on this flight. The flight consisted of nine crew