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Page 1: Table of Contents - Lincoln's Inn
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Table of Contents

ABUSE OF PROCESS ....................................... 10

ACCESS TO JUSTICE ....................................... 10

ACCESSORIES ................................................. 10

ADJUDICATION .............................................. 10

ADMINISTRATIVE COURT .............................. 10

ADMINISTRATIVE LAW .................................. 10

ADMINISTRATORS ......................................... 11

ADMIRALTY COURT ....................................... 11

ADOPTION ..................................................... 11

ADVERSE POSSESSION .................................. 11

ADVERTISING ................................................ 12

ADVOCACY .................................................... 12

AFFIRMATIONS .............................................. 13

AGENCY ......................................................... 13

AGRICULTURAL HOLDINGS ........................... 13

AGRICULTURE ............................................... 14

AIR LAW......................................................... 14


ANCILLARY ORDERS ....................................... 14

ANTI-DUMPING ............................................. 14

ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR ............................. 15

APPEALS ........................................................ 15

ARBITRATION ................................................ 15

ARMED FORCES ............................................. 16

ARTISTIC WORKS ........................................... 16

ASSET RECOVERY .......................................... 16

ASSIGNMENT ................................................ 17

ASYLUM ......................................................... 17

BAILMENT ..................................................... 17

BANKING ....................................................... 17

BILLS OF EXCHANGE ...................................... 19

BILLS OF LADING ........................................... 19

BOUNDARIES ................................................. 19

BRANDS ......................................................... 19

BREACH OF CONTRACT ................................. 20

BRIBERY ......................................................... 20


BUILDING REGULATIONS .............................. 20

BUILDING SOCIETIES ..................................... 20

BUSINESS TENANCIES ................................... 20

CAPACITY ...................................................... 20

CAPITAL GAINS TAX ...................................... 21

CAPITAL TAXATION ....................................... 22

CARRIAGE BY AIR .......................................... 22

CARRIAGE OF GOODS ................................... 22

CHANCEL REPAIR LIABILITY ........................... 23

CHARGEABLE SECURITY ................................ 23

CHARGING ORDERS ...................................... 23

CHARITIES ..................................................... 23

CHARTERPARTIES .......................................... 24

CHATTELS ...................................................... 24

CHILD ABDUCTION ........................................ 24

CHILD ABUSE ................................................. 24

CHILD PROTECTION ....................................... 24

CHILD SUPPORT ............................................ 24

CHILDREN ...................................................... 25

CHILDREN'S RIGHTS ...................................... 26

CHILDREN'S WELFARE ................................... 26

CHOICE OF FORUM ....................................... 26

CHURCHES ..................................................... 26

CIVIL PARTNERSHIP ....................................... 26

CIVIL PROCEDURE ......................................... 27

CLASS ACTIONS ............................................. 29

CLUBS ............................................................ 29

COHABITATION ............................................. 29


COMMERCIAL LAW ....................................... 30

COMMONHOLD ............................................ 32

COMMONS .................................................... 32

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COMMUNITY CARE ....................................... 32

COMPANIES................................................... 32

COMPETITION LAW ....................................... 34

COMPROMISE ............................................... 35

COMPULSORY PURCHASE ............................. 35

COMPUTER CRIME ........................................ 35

CONDITIONS OF SALE .................................... 36

CONFERENCES ............................................... 36

CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ..................... 36

CONFISCATION ORDERS ................................ 37

CONFLICT OF INTEREST ................................. 37

CONFLICT OF LAWS ....................................... 37

CONSTITUTIONAL LAW ................................. 42

CONSTRUCTION LAW .................................... 42

CONSTRUCTIVE TRUSTS ................................ 43

CONSUMER CREDIT ....................................... 43

CONSUMER LAW ........................................... 43

CONSUMER PROTECTION ............................. 44

CONTAMINATED LAND ................................. 44

CONTEMPT OF COURT .................................. 44

CONTRACTS ................................................... 44

CONVERSION ................................................. 47

CONVEYANCING ............................................ 47

COOPERATIVES .............................................. 48

COPYRIGHT .................................................... 48

CORONERS .................................................... 49

CORPORATE CRIME ....................................... 49

CORPORATE INSOLVENCY ............................. 49

CORPORATE LIABILITY ................................... 50

CORPORATE MANSLAUGHTER ...................... 50

CORPORATION TAX ....................................... 50

CORRUPTION ................................................. 51

COSTS ............................................................ 51

COUNCIL TAX................................................. 52

COURT OF APPEAL ........................................ 52

COURT OF PROTECTION ................................ 52

COVENANTS .................................................. 52

CREDIT ........................................................... 53

CREDIT UNIONS ............................................. 53

CRIMINAL EVIDENCE ..................................... 53


CRIMINAL LAW .............................................. 54

CRIMINAL PROCEDURE ................................. 56

CROSS-EXAMINATION ................................... 59

CROWN COURTS ........................................... 59

DAMAGES ..................................................... 59

DATA PROTECTION ....................................... 60

DEBT FINANCE .............................................. 61

DEBT RECOVERY ............................................ 61

DEBT SECURITY ............................................. 61

DEEDS ............................................................ 61

DEFAMATION ................................................ 61

DEFECTIVE PREMISES .................................... 62

DEMURRAGE ................................................. 62

DEPENDENT STATES ...................................... 62

DEPORTATION ............................................... 62

DERIVATIVES ................................................. 63

DESIGNS ........................................................ 63

DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY .................................. 63

DILAPIDATIONS ............................................. 63

DIPLOMACY ................................................... 63

DIRECTORS .................................................... 63

DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION ........................ 64

DISCLOSURE .................................................. 64

DISCOVERY .................................................... 65

DISCRIMINATION .......................................... 65

DIVORCE ........................................................ 66

DOCUMENTARY CREDITS .............................. 66

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE .................................... 66

DOMICILE ...................................................... 67

DOUBLE TAXATION ....................................... 67

DRAFTING ..................................................... 67

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DRINK DRIVING OFFENCES ............................ 68

DRUG OFFENCES ........................................... 68

DURESS .......................................................... 68

EASEMENTS ................................................... 69

ECCLESIASTICAL LAW .................................... 69

ECONOMIC LOSS ........................................... 69

EDUCATION ................................................... 69

ELDERLY ......................................................... 69

ELECTIONS ..................................................... 70

ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES ............................. 70


EMPLOYEE SHARE SCHEMES ......................... 70

EMPLOYERS LIABILITY ................................... 70

EMPLOYMENT ............................................... 70

EMPLOYMENT TRIBUNALS ............................ 73

ENFORCEMENT ............................................. 73

ENFRANCHISEMENT ...................................... 74

ENGLISH LEGAL SYSTEM ................................ 74

ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ............................ 74

ENVIRONMENTAL LAW ................................. 74

EQUAL TREATMENT ...................................... 75

EQUITABLE REMEDIES ................................... 75

EQUITY .......................................................... 76

ESTOPPEL ...................................................... 76

EU LAW.......................................................... 77


...................................................................... 81


EUROPEAN COURT OF JUSTICE ..................... 82

EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT .............................. 82

EVIDENCE ...................................................... 83

EXCLUSION CLAUSES ..................................... 84


EXTRADITION ................................................ 84

FACTORING ................................................... 85

FALSE IMPRISONMENT ................................. 85

FAMILY LAW .................................................. 85

FAMILY PROCEEDINGS .................................. 86

FAMILY PROVISION ....................................... 87

FATAL ACCIDENTS ......................................... 87

FIDUCIARIES .................................................. 87

FIDUCIARY DUTY ........................................... 88


FINANCIAL CRIME ......................................... 88

FINANCIAL PROVISION .................................. 88

FINANCIAL SERVICES ..................................... 89

FIREARMS ...................................................... 90

FORCE MAJEURE ........................................... 90

FOREIGN JUDGMENTS .................................. 90

FOREIGN RELATIONS ..................................... 90

FORENSIC EVIDENCE ..................................... 90

FORENSIC MEDICINE ..................................... 90

FORMS AND PRECEDENTS ............................ 91

FORUM SHOPPING ........................................ 91

FRAUD ........................................................... 91

FREE MOVEMENT OF PERSONS .................... 92

FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION............................ 92

FREEDOM OF INFORMATION........................ 92

FREEDOM OF RELIGION ................................ 93

FREEZING INJUNCTIONS ............................... 93

FRUSTRATION ............................................... 93

GAMBLING .................................................... 94

GAME LAWS .................................................. 94

GENERAL AVERAGE ....................................... 94

GIFTS ............................................................. 94

GOOD FAITH .................................................. 94

GROUP ACTIONS ........................................... 94

GUARANTEES ................................................ 94

GYPSIES ......................................................... 95

HABEAS CORPUS ........................................... 95

HARASSMENT ............................................... 95

HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK .................... 95

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HIGHER EDUCATION ..................................... 96

HIGHWAYS .................................................... 96

HISTORIC BUILDINGS ..................................... 96

HOMELESSNESS ............................................ 96

HOUSING ASSOCIATIONS .............................. 97

HOUSING BENEFIT......................................... 97

HOUSING LAW .............................................. 97

HUMAN RIGHTS ............................................ 97

HUMAN TRAFFICKING ................................... 99

IDENTIFICATION ............................................ 99

ILLEGALITY (CONTRACT LAW) ....................... 99

IMMIGRATION .............................................. 99

IMMUNITIES ................................................ 100

INCOME TAX................................................ 100

INDEMNITIES ............................................... 101


INDUSTRIAL ACTION ................................... 101

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ..................... 101

INHERITANCE TAX ....................................... 103

INJUNCTIONS .............................................. 103

INQUESTS .................................................... 104

INSIDER DEALING ........................................ 104

INSOLVENCY ................................................ 104

INSURANCE ................................................. 107

INSURANCE CLAIMS .................................... 108

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ........................... 108

INTERLOCUTORY INJUNCTIONS .................. 109

INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION ................... 109



.................................................................... 111


INTERNATIONAL FINANCE........................... 111

INTERNATIONAL LAW ................................. 112

INTERNATIONAL TAXATION ........................ 113

INTERNATIONAL TRADE .............................. 114

INTERNET .................................................... 115

INVESTIGATIONS ......................................... 115

INVESTMENTS ............................................. 115

ISLAMIC LAW .............................................. 116

JOINT VENTURES ......................................... 116

JUDGMENTS AND ORDERS ......................... 116

JUDICIAL REVIEW ........................................ 116

JURISDICTION .............................................. 117

JUVENILE OFFENDERS ................................. 118

LAND OPTIONS ............................................ 118

LAND REGISTRATION .................................. 118

LANDLORD AND TENANT ............................ 119

LAW DICTIONARIES ..................................... 120

LAYTIME ...................................................... 121

LEARNING DISABLED PERSONS ................... 121


LEASES ......................................................... 121

LEGAL ADVICE ............................................. 121

LEGAL AID ................................................... 122

LEGAL RESEARCH ........................................ 122

LEGAL SERVICES .......................................... 123

LEGISLATION ............................................... 123

LICENCES ..................................................... 123

LIENS ........................................................... 123

LIFE INSURANCE .......................................... 124

LIMITATIONS ............................................... 124


LIQUIDATION .............................................. 124

LISTED BUILDINGS ....................................... 124

LITIGATION .................................................. 125

LITIGATION FUNDING ................................. 125

LLOYD’S OF LONDON .................................. 126

LOANS ......................................................... 126

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ................................. 126

LOCAL LAND CHARGES ................................ 127

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ARBITRATION .............................................. 127

MAGISTRATES COURTS ............................... 127

MALADMINISTRATION ................................ 128

MANORS...................................................... 128

MARINE INSURANCE ................................... 128

MARKETS AND FAIRS .................................. 128


MATERNITY RIGHTS .................................... 128

MATRIMONIAL PROPERTY .......................... 129

MEDIA ......................................................... 129

MEDIATION ................................................. 130

MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE ................................ 130

MEDICAL PROFESSION ................................ 131

MEDICAL TREATMENT ................................ 131

MEDICINE .................................................... 131

MEETINGS ................................................... 131

MENTAL HEALTH ......................................... 132

MENTAL HEALTH TRIBUNALS ...................... 132

MERGERS .................................................... 133

MIGRATION ................................................. 133

MINORITY SHAREHOLDERS ......................... 133

MISCONDUCT .............................................. 133

MISREPRESENTATION ................................. 134

MISSELLING ................................................. 134

MISTAKE ...................................................... 134

MONEY LAUNDERING ................................. 134

MOOTS ........................................................ 135

MORAL RIGHTS ........................................... 135

MORTGAGES ............................................... 135

MOTOR INSURANCE .................................... 136

MOTOR VEHICLES ....................................... 136

MULTI-PARTY ACTIONS ............................... 136

MUTUAL ASSISTANCE ................................. 136

NATIONAL INSURANCE ............................... 136

NATIONALITY............................................... 137

NEGLIGENCE ............................................... 137

NEGOTIATION ............................................. 138

NEIGHBOUR DISPUTES ................................ 138

NORWICH PHARMACAL ORDERS ................ 138

NOTARIES .................................................... 138

NUISANCE ................................................... 138

OATHS ......................................................... 139

OBLIGATIONS .............................................. 139

OFFSHORE TRUSTS ...................................... 139

OPINION WRITING ...................................... 140

OPINIONS .................................................... 140

PARENTAL LEAVE ........................................ 140

PARENTAL POWERS AND DUTIES ............... 140

PARISH LAW ................................................ 140

PARKS AND OPEN SPACES .......................... 140

PARLIAMENT ............................................... 141

PAROLE ....................................................... 141

PARTNERSHIP .............................................. 141

PARTY WALLS .............................................. 141

PASSING OFF ............................................... 142

PATENTS ...................................................... 142

PAYMENTS .................................................. 142

PENALTY CLAUSES ....................................... 142

PENSIONS .................................................... 143

PERFORMING RIGHTS ................................. 143

PERSONAL INJURIES .................................... 143

PERSONAL INSOLVENCY .............................. 145

PERSONAL PROPERTY ................................. 145

PLANNING ................................................... 145

PLEADINGS .................................................. 147

POLICE ......................................................... 147

POLICE INTERVIEWS .................................... 148

POSSESSION OF LAND ................................. 148

POWERS ...................................................... 148

POWERS OF ATTORNEY .............................. 148

PRISONS ...................................................... 149

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PRIVACY ....................................................... 149

PRIVATE FOUNDATIONS ............................. 150

PRIVATE LAW .............................................. 150

PRIVILEGE .................................................... 150

PRIVY COUNCIL ........................................... 151

PROBATE ..................................................... 151

PROCUREMENT ........................................... 152

PRODUCT LIABILITY ..................................... 152

PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT ........................... 152


PROFESSIONAL NEGLIGENCE ...................... 153

PROFITS A PRENDRE .................................... 154

PROJECT FINANCE ....................................... 154

PROPERTY RIGHTS ....................................... 154

PUBLIC AUTHORITIES .................................. 155

PUBLIC INQUIRIES ....................................... 155

PUBLIC ORDER ............................................. 155

PUBLIC PROCUREMENT .............................. 155

PUBLISHING ................................................. 155

PUPILLAGE ................................................... 155

RATES .......................................................... 156

REAL PROPERTY........................................... 156

RECEIVERS ................................................... 157

RECTIFICATION ............................................ 158

REDUNDANCY ............................................. 158

REFUGEES .................................................... 158

REINSURANCE ............................................. 158

REMEDIES .................................................... 159

RENT REVIEWS ............................................ 159

RES JUDICATA .............................................. 159

RESCISSION ................................................. 159

RESIDENCE .................................................. 160

RESIDENTIAL TENANCIES ............................ 160

RESTITUTION ............................................... 160

RESTRAINT OF TRADE ................................. 161

RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS ........................... 161

RESULTING TRUSTS ..................................... 162

RIGHT TO LIGHT .......................................... 162

RIGHTS OF WAY .......................................... 162

ROAD TRAFFIC OFFENCES ........................... 163

SALE OF BUSINESS ...................................... 163

SALE OF GOODS .......................................... 163

SALVAGE ..................................................... 164

SCHEMES OF ARRANGEMENT ..................... 164

SEARCH AND SEIZURE ................................. 164

SEARCH ORDERS ......................................... 164

SECURITIES .................................................. 164

SECURITISATION ......................................... 165

SECURITY OF TENURE ................................. 165

SELF INCRIMINATION .................................. 165

SENTENCING ............................................... 165

SERVICE CHARGES ....................................... 166

SERVICE OF PROCESS .................................. 166

SET-OFF ....................................................... 166

SETTLED LAND ............................................. 167

SEXUAL OFFENCES ...................................... 167

SHAM TRANSACTIONS ................................ 167

SHARES AND SHAREHOLDERS ..................... 167

SHIPPING LAW ............................................ 168

SMALL CLAIMS ............................................ 169

SOCIAL SECURITY ........................................ 169

SOCIAL SERVICES ......................................... 170

SOFTWARE .................................................. 170

SOLICITORS ................................................. 170

SPONSORSHIP ............................................. 171

SPORT .......................................................... 171

STAMP DUTIES ............................................ 172

STATE AIDS .................................................. 172

STATE IMMUNITY ........................................ 172

STATUTORY INTERPRETATION .................... 172

STATUTORY NUISANCE ............................... 173

STOCK EXCHANGE ....................................... 173

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STUDENTS ................................................... 173

SUCCESSION ................................................ 173

SUMMARY JUDGMENTS ............................. 173

SURVEILLANCE ............................................ 173

TAKE-OVERS ................................................ 174

TAX HAVENS ................................................ 174

TAX PLANNING ............................................ 174

TAXATION .................................................... 175

TAXIS ........................................................... 177


.................................................................... 177

TELECOMMUNICATIONS ............................. 177


TERRORISM ................................................. 177

THEFT ACT OFFENCES ................................. 177

TIME CHARTERPARTY .................................. 177

TORTS .......................................................... 178

TORTURE ..................................................... 179

TRACING ...................................................... 179

TRADE MARKS ............................................. 179

TRADE UNIONS............................................ 180

TRADING STANDARDS ................................. 180

TRANSFER OF UNDERTAKINGS ................... 180

TRAVEL LAW ................................................ 180

TREATIES ..................................................... 180

TRIBUNALS .................................................. 181

TRUST PROTECTORS .................................... 181

TRUSTS ........................................................ 181

UNCITRAL .................................................... 184

UNDUE INFLUENCE ..................................... 184

UNFAIR CONTRACT TERMS ......................... 184

UNFAIR DISMISSAL ...................................... 185


UTILITIES...................................................... 185

VALUATION ................................................. 185

VARIATION .................................................. 186

VAT .............................................................. 186

VEXATIOUS LITIGANTS ................................ 186

VICARIOUS LIABILITY ................................... 186

VOYAGE CHARTERPARTY ............................ 186

VULNERABLE PERSONS ............................... 186

WAGES ........................................................ 187

WAIVER ....................................................... 187

WARDSHIP .................................................. 187

WARRANTIES .............................................. 187

WATER LAW ................................................ 187

WATER SUPPLY ........................................... 187

WHISTLEBLOWING ...................................... 188

WILDLIFE ..................................................... 188

WILLS........................................................... 188

WITNESSES .................................................. 189

WORKING TIME ........................................... 190

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WELLS, Colin Abuse of process 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 xli, 312 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WEL YOUNG, David Abuse of process in criminal proceedings 4th ed. / David Young, Mark Summers, David Corker Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2014 lxiv, 554 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - YOU


COOPER, Penny Access to justice for vulnerable people / edited by Penny Cooper and Linda Hunting London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2018 xxvi, 261 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COO


DAVIES, Paul S. Accessory liability Oxford : Hart, 2015 xxxiii, 294 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DAV DIETRICH, Joachim Accessories in private law / Joachim Dietrich and Pauline Ridge Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2015 l, 433 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – DIE


COULSON, Sir Peter Coulson on construction adjudication 4th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 xxxv, 633 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – COU


SUPPERSTONE, Sir Michael Administrative Court practice / edited by Michael Supperstone and Lynne Knapman 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008 xxlv, 366 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SUP


BRADLEY, A. W. Constitutional and administrative law 17th ed. / A.W. Bradley, K.D. Ewing, C.J.S. Knight Harlow : Pearson, 2018 lxiv, 766 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BRA CANE, Peter Administrative law 5th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 xxxix, 452 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CAN CRAIG, Paul Administrative law 8th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 cxxxii, 974 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CRA CRAIG, Paul EU administrative law 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 xcv, 836 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW

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FELDMAN, David English public law / edited by David Feldman 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009 cxlvii, 1289 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FEL PHILLIPS, O. Hood O. Hood Phillips and Jackson : constitutional and administrative law 8th ed. / by O. Hood Phillips, Paul Jackson and Patricia Leopold London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2001 Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PHI WADE, Sir William Administrative law / by Sir William Wade and Christopher Forsyth 11th ed. / by Christopher Forsyth Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 xc, 867 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WAD


KERR, William Williamson Kerr and Hunter on receivers and administrators 21st ed. / edited by Thomas Robinson, Peter Walton London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 cvii, 614 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KER LIGHTMAN, Sir Gavin Lightman and Moss on the law of administrators and receivers of companies 6th ed. / Sir Gavin Lightman ... [et al.] London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 cxlvi, 981 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LIG PICARDA, Hubert The law relating to receivers, managers and administrators 4th ed. Haywards Heath : Tottel, 2006 cii, 814 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PIC

TROWER, William Corporate administrations and rescue procedures / William Trower ... [et al.] 3rd ed. London : Bloomsbury Professional, 2017 lxix, 561 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – TRO


MEESON, Nigel Admiralty jurisdiction and practice 5th ed. / by Nigel Meeson, John A. Kimbell London : Informa, 2018 cv, 659p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MEE


CABEZA, Ruth International adoption / Ruth Cabeza, Ayeesha Bhutta, Jason Braier Bristol : Family Law, 2012 xxx, 601 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CAB JOHNSON, Simon Child protection proceedings : care and adoption orders / Simon Johnson, Joanne Porter London : Family Law, 2017 xliv, 793 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – JOH


JOURDAN, Stephen Adverse possession 2nd ed. / Stephen Jourdan, Oliver Radley-Gardner 2011 + 2017 supplement Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2011 lxv, 824 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – JOU

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MYNORS, Charles The control of outdoor advertising and graffiti Crayford, Kent : Shaw & Sons, 2009 xlvii, 478 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – MYN


BEDINGFIELD, David Advocacy in family proceedings : theory and practice 2nd ed. Bristol : Family Law, 2013 xlii, 788 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – BED BOON, Andy Advocacy 2nd ed. London : Cavendish, 1999 Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – BOO CITY LAW SCHOOL Advocacy 20th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2020 xvii, 400 p. Shelf Reference: 81 CROWTHER, Eric Advocacy for the advocate 2nd ed. London : Longman, 1991 xii, 178 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – CRO DU CANN, Richard The art of the advocate Rev. ed. Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1993 239 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – DUC ELLIOTT, Clare On your feet : a practical guide to civil advocacy / Clare Elliott ... [et al.] London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ELL

EVANS, Keith Advocacy in court : a beginner's guide 2nd ed. London : Blackstone, 1995 xv, 206 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EVA EVANS, Keith The golden rules of advocacy London : Blackstone, 1993 127 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – EVA FOSTER, Charles Civil advocacy : a practical guide / Charles Foster ... [et al.] 2nd ed. London : Cavendish, 2001 Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – FOS GOODMAN, Andrew Effective written advocacy : a guide for practitioners 2nd ed. London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2012 xxi, 361 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – GOO HYAM, Michael Advocacy skills 4th ed. London : Blackstone, 1999 199 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – HYA LYONS, Peter Advocacy : a practical guide London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2019 xii, 268 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – LYO POPE, David Mooting and advocacy skills 2nd ed. / David Pope, Dan Hill London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2011 viii, 188 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – POP

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ROSS, David Advocacy 2nd ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2007 xi, 180 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – ROS SELBY, Hugh Winning advocacy : preparation, questions, argument / Hugh Selby and Graeme Blank 2nd ed. Melbourne : Oxford University Press, 2004 xiv, 170 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – SEL SHERR, Avrom Advocacy London : Blackstone, 1993 Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – SHE


ANDERSON, Mark Execution of documents / Mark Anderson and Victor Warner 3rd ed. London : Law Society, 2015 xliv, 428 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - AND


BOWSTEAD, William Bowstead and Reynolds on agency 21st ed. / by Peter Watts and F.M.B. Reynolds 2018 + 2019 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 clx, 812 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BOW BUSCH, Danny Agency law in commercial practice / edited by Danny Busc, Laura Macgregor, Peter Watts Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 xxxiv, 282 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUS

GOYDER, Joanna EU distribution law 5th ed. Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2011 xxix, 343 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW MUNDAY, Roderick Agency : law and principles 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 xlvi, 412 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MUN RANDOLPH, Fergus The European law of commercial agency / Fergus Randolph and Jonathan Davey 3rd ed. Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2010 xxi, 337 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW


DAVIS, Nigel Agricultural tenancies 3rd ed. / Nigel Davis London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2018 xxvi, 266 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SYD SCAMMELL, W. S. Scammell, Densham and Williams law of agricultural holdings 10th ed. / Peter R. Williams ; with Michael N. Cardwell, Vivienne Williams 2015 + 2018 supplement London : LexisNexis Butterworths, 2015 Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SCA WATT, James Muir Agricultural holdings 15th ed. / by [general editor] Timothy Fancourt ; [editors] Caroline Shea ... [et al.] London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 lxiv, 1107p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – WAT

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DAVIS, Nigel Agricultural precedents handbook 3rd ed. / Nigel Davis, Julie Robinson, Angela Sydenham Bristol : LexisNexis, 2018 xxii, 639 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DAV RODGERS, Christopher P. Agricultural law 4th ed. London : Bloomsbury Professional, 2016 lxvii, 843 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ROD


SHAWCROSS, Christopher N. Air law / Shawcross and Beaumont 1977 onwards London : Butterworths, 1977 4 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – SHA


BLAKE, Susan A practical approach to alternative dispute resolution / Susan Blake, Julie Browne, Stuart Sime 5th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 lviii, 618 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – BLA BLAKE, Susan The Jackson ADR handbook / Susan Blake, Julie Browne, Stuart Sime 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 xli, 320 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – BLA

BROWN, Henry J. Brown and Marriott's ADR principles and practice 4th ed. / Shirley A. Shipman, Benjamin D. Waters, William Wood ; consultant editor Henry J. Brown London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 xlv, 544 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – BRO KENDALL, John Kendall on expert determination 5th ed. / Clive Freedman, James Farrell London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2014 lix, 550 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – KEN McKECHNIE, Stuart APIL guide to catastrophic injury claims / Stuart McKechnie ... [et al.] 3rd ed. London : LexisNexis, 2020 lxi, 613 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC


FREER, Elaine A practitioner's guide to ancillary orders in criminal courts London : Bloomsbury Professional, 2019 lxxiv, 496 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FRE


VAN BAEL, Ivo EU anti-dumping and other trade defence instruments / Van Bael & Bellis 6th ed. The Hague : Wolters Kluwer, 2019 xxx, 972 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW

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ANDERSON, Jack Anti-social behaviour law 2nd ed. / Jack Anderson ... [et al.] Bristol : Jordans, 2011 lxiii, 511 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - AND BUCKETT, Edwin Preventative orders : a practical guide / Edwin Buckett, Tom Little and Robert McAllister London : Law Society, 2010 xxx, 381 p. Shelf Reference: TEXBOOK BAY - BUC PEMA, Anesh Anti-social behaviour : the new regime / Anesh Pema, Justin Crossley Bristol : Jordans, 2015 xxv, 473 p. Shelf Reference: DESK V - PEM PLATT, John Injunctions and orders against anti-social or violent individuals / John Platt ... [et al.] Bristol : Jordans, 2009 xxiv, 355 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PLA


BURTON, Sir Michael Civil appeals / general editor Sir Michael Burton 2nd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2013 cli, 936 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUR GORDON, Keith M. Tax appeals : law and practice at the FTT 4th ed. Chester : Claritax, 2019 xvi, 388 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOR

HAMILTON, Penny Hamilton on tax appeals Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2016 lxvi, 599 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HAM LEABEATER, James Civil appeals : principle and procedure / James Leabeater ... [et al] 2nd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2015 lxxxix, 870 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LEA NAOME, Caroline Appeals before the Court of Justice of the European Union Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 liii, 314 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW SYMES, Mark Immigration appeals and remedies handbook / Mark Symes, Peter Jorro Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2015 ci, 545 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SYM TAYLOR, Paul Taylor on criminal appeals 2nd ed. / edited by Paul Taylor Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012 cxxviii, 703 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – TAY


ANDREWS, Neil Andrews on civil processes : court proceedings, arbitration and mediation 2nd ed. Cambridge : Intersentia, 2019 cix, 1191 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - AND

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MERKIN, Robert M. Arbitration law 1991 onwards London : Lloyd's, 1991 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MER MUSTILL, Michael John Mustill, Baron The law and practice of commercial arbitration in England / Sir Michael J. Mustill, Stewart C. Boyd 2nd ed. 1989 + 2001 companion vol. London : Butterworths, 1989 1 vol. + companion vol. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MUS REDFERN, Alan Redfern and Hunter on international arbitration 6th ed. / Nigel Blackaby, Constantine Partasides ; with Alan Redfern, Martin Hunter Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 lxxiv, 859 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RED RUSSELL, Francis Russell on arbitration 24th ed. / by David St. John Sutton, Judith Gill, Matthew Gearing London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2015 lxxx, 766 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RUS


BANO, Andrew War pensions and armed forces compensation : law and practice London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2016 lx, 329 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – BAN


COOPER, Elena Art and modern copyright : the contested image Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2018 xix, 282 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – COO O'KEEFE, Patrick J Protecting cultural objects : before and after 1970 Institute of Art and Law, 2017 xxxvi, 304 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – OKE STOKES, Simon Art and copyright 2nd ed. Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2012 xliv, 261 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - STO


DYER, Nigel Detection and preservation of assets in financial remedy claims / Nigel Dyer, Juliet Chapman London : LexisNexis, 2014 lv, 593 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DYE NAIR, Aruna Claims to traceable proceeds : law, equity, and the control of assets Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 xiv, 229 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - NAI RACZYNSKA, Magda The law of tracing in commercial transactions Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 xxiii, 271 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RAC

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SMITH, Ian Smith, Owen and Bodnar on asset recovery : criminal confiscation and civil recovery 2nd ed. / edited by Ian Smith, Tim Owen, Andrew Bodnar 2007 onwards Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SMI TOUBE, Felicity International asset tracing in insolvency / edited by Felicity Toube Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009 lii, 404 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – TOU


GUEST, A. G. Guest on the law of assignment 3rd ed. / Ying Khai Liew London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 l, 285 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GUE SMITH, Marcus The law of assignment 3rd ed. / Marcus Smith, Nico Leslie Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 cxi, 909 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SMI THAM, C. H. Understanding the law of assignment Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2019 xlvi, 475 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - THA TOLHURST, Greg The assignment of contractual rights 2nd ed. Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2016 lxv, 476 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – TOL


SYMES, Mark Immigration and asylum handbook : a guide to publicly funded legal work under the immigration and asylum accreditation scheme / general editor Mark Symes London : Law Society, 2016 xxxv, 412 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SYM SYMES, Mark Asylum law and practice / Mark Symes, Peter Jorro 2nd ed. Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2010 cix, 1144 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SYM


PALMER, Norman E. Palmer on bailment 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2009 cclxxxviii, 2220 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – PAL


BLAIR, Sir William Banks and financial crime : the international law of tainted money 2nd ed. / edited by Sir William Blair, Richard Brent, Tom Grant Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 lxxii, 571 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BLA BRINDLE, Michael Law of bank payments 5th ed. / Michael Brindle, Raymond Cox London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 lxxi, 721 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BRI

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ELLINGER, Peter Ellinger's modern banking law 5th ed. / E. Ellinger, Eva Lomnicka and C.V.M. Hare Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 lxxxii, 886 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ELL ENCYCLOPAEDIA of banking law / general editor P.J. Cresswell 1982 onwards London : Butterworths, 1982 6 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ENC ENCYCLOPEDIA of financial services law / editors Eva Z. Lomnicka, John L. Powell 1987 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1987 5 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ENC GLEESON, Simon Bank resolution and crisis management : law and practice / Simon Gleeson, Randall Guynn Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 xxv, 330 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GLE HEWETSON, Charles Banking litigation 4th ed. / [general editors] Charles Hewetson, Gregory Mitchell London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 lxii, 491 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HEW HOOD, Parker Principles of lender liability / Parker Hood ; consultant editor John Virgo Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012 lxix, 678 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HOO JACK, Raymond Documentary credits : the law and practice of documentary credits and demand guarantees 4th ed. / by Ali Malek, David Quest Haywards Heath : Tottel, 2009 xxxix, 556 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – JAC

LASTRA, Rosa M. Cross-border bank insolvency / edited by Rosa M. Lastra Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 xl, 489 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LAS McCRACKEN, Sheelagh The banker's remedy of set-off 3rd ed. Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2010 xlvi, 340 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC MOSS, Gabriel EU banking and insurance insolvency / edited by Gabriel Moss, Bob Wessels, Matthias Haentjens 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 l, 665 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW PAGET, Sir John, 1848-1938 Paget's law of banking 15th ed. / general editor John Odgers London : LexisNexis, 2018 cxxxix, 1106 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PAG PEDDIE, Jonathan A practitioner's guide to the law and regulation of financial crime 2nd ed. / consultant editors Jonathan Peddie, Charles Thomson, Mark Simpson [Baker McKenzie] London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 xx, 514 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PED PRACTICAL lending and security precedents / general editor: Richard Talbot 1992 onwards London : Longman, 1992 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PRA

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PROCTOR, Charles The law and practice of international banking 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 lxxxvi, 918 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PRO


BYLES, Sir John Barnard Byles on bills of exchange and cheques 30th ed. / [by Jonathan Mark Phillips, Richard Hanke and Ian Higgins] London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 xciii, 556 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BYL CHALMERS, Sir Mackenzie D. Chalmers and Guest on bills of exchange, cheques and promissory notes 18th ed. / by S.J. Gleeson London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 cxxxii, 876 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CHA


CARVER, T. G. Carver on bills of lading 4th ed. / Sir Guenter Treitel, F.M.B. Reynolds London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 lxvii, 922 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CAR DEBATTISTA, C. Bills of lading in export trade 3rd ed. London : Tottel, 2008 xxv, 335 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DEB SCRUTTON, Thomas Edward Scrutton on charterparties and bills of lading 24th ed. / by David Foxton ... [et al.] London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 clxx, 658 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SCR


ALDRIDGE, Trevor M. Boundaries, walls and fences 10th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2009 xxviii, 234 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ALD ANSTEY, John Anstey's boundary disputes : and how to resolve them 4th ed. / updated by David Powell Coventry : RICS Books, 2009 xii, 150 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ANS HANBURY, William Boundary disputes : practice and precedents 2nd ed. London : The Law Society, 2017 xxxvii, 308 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HAN SARA, Colin Boundaries and easements 7th ed. / Colin Sara, Daniel Dovar London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 lxix, 706 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – SAR


JOHNSON, Phillip Ambush marketing and brand protection : law and practice 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 lix, 459 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JOH LAWRENCE, Clive Brands : law, practice and precedents Bristol : Jordans, 2008 xxxii, 543 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – LAW

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LISSACK, Richard Lissack and Horlick on bribery / Richard Lissack, Fiona Horlick [and other contributors] 2nd ed. London : LexisNexis, 2014 liv, 655 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LIS RAPHAEL, Monty Bribery : law and practice Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 xxi, 328 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RAP






WURTZBURG, Edward Albert Building society law / Wurtzburg and Mills 15th ed. / by Timothy Lloyd, Malcolm Waters, Elizabeth Ovey ; editor emeritus John Mills 1989 onwards London : Stevens, 1989 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WUR


FIELDSEND, James Commercial property litigation / James Fieldsend, Paul McAndrews 3rd ed. Bristol : LexisNexis, 2017 lxv, 619 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – FIE

LEWISON, Sir Kim Lewison's drafting business leases 8th ed. / Janet Bignell ; consultant editor Lord Justice Lewison London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2013 lxxiii, 574 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LEW McLOUGHLIN, Patrick Commercial leases and insolvency 4th ed. London : Tottel, 2008 xli, 298 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC REYNOLDS, Kirk Renewal of business tenancies / Kirk Reynolds, Wayne Clark 5th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 lxxxviii, 977 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - REY ROSS, Murray J. Commercial leases 5th ed. 1998 onwards London : Butterworths, 1998 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ROS WILLIAMS, Delyth W. Handbook of business tenancies / Delyth W. Williams assisted by C.M. Brand 1985 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1985 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: DESK V - WIL


ASHTON, Gordon R. Mental capacity : law and practice 4th ed. / consulting editor Gordon R. Ashton; general editor and contributor the Hon Mr Justice Baker; senior contributing editor District Judge Marc Marin Bristol : LexisNexis, 2018 lxxvi, 965 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ASH

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BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION Assessment of mental capacity : a practical guide for doctors and lawyers 4th ed. / British Medical Association and the Law Society ; general editor Alex Ruck Keene London : Law Society, 2015 xlii, 323 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BRI COURT of Protection practice 2020 [Rev. ed.] / consulting editor Gordon R. Ashton; general editor Sir Jonathan Leslie Baker London : Lexis Nexis, 2020 lxxv, 2603 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COU FRIMSTON, Richard The international protection of adults / edited by Richard Frimston ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 lxxxvi, 808 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FRI FROST, Martyn Testamentary capacity : law, practice and medicine / Martyn Frost, Stephen Lawson, Robin Jacoby Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 xxxi, 333 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FRO HARPER, Richard S. Medical treatment and the law : issues of consent : the protection of the vulnerable : children and adults lacking capacity 2nd ed. Bristol : Family Law, 2014 xxxi, 398 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HAR HEYWOOD, Nathaniel Arthur Court of Protection practice / Heywood and Massey [13th ed.] / general editor Denzil Lush 2001 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2001 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HEY

JOHNSTON, Christopher Medical treatment : decisions and the law : the Mental Capacity Act in action 3rd ed. / editor Christopher Johnston Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2016 lvii, 683 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JOH


SIMON, John Allsebrook Simon, Viscount Simon's taxes [5th ed.] / editorial team Alan Blanchard ... [et al.] 2008 onwards London : LexisNexis, 2008 11 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SIM SPRINGETT, Christopher Capital gains tax and the private residence 7th ed. / [Christopher Springett, Tina Riches, Nick Wallis of] Smith & Williamson Kingston-upon-Thames : WoltersKluwer, 2016 xv, 306 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SPR SUMPTION, Anthony Capital gains tax 1981 onwards London : Butterworths, 1981 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SUM TOLLEY'S capital gains tax 2019-20 [42nd ed.] / by Kevin Walton Annual London : Tolley, 2019 xiv, 1831 p. Current ed. only Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – TOL TOLLEY'S yellow tax handbook 2019-20 60th ed. / consultant editor Anne Redston London : LexisNexis, 2019 3 vols. in 6

Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOL

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WHITEMAN, Peter G. Whiteman and Sherry on capital gains tax 5th ed. / general editor Michael Sherry 2008 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2008 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WHI


CHAMBERLAIN, Emma Pre-owned assets and estate planning 3rd ed. / Emma Chamberlain and Chris Whitehouse London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2009 xx, 471 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – CHA DYMOND, Robert Dymond's capital taxes 1986 onwards London : Longman, 1986 3 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DYM SIMON, John Allsebrook Simon, Viscount Simon's taxes [5th ed.] / editorial team Alan Blanchard ... [et al.] 2008 onwards London : LexisNexis, 2008 11 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SIM TOLLEY'S yellow tax handbook 2019-20 60th ed. / consultant editor Anne Redston London : LexisNexis, 2019 3 vols. in 6 Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOL


HOLDING, John D. The British manual of international air carriage / John D. Holding with Harvey Crush Toronto : Irwin Law, 2009 xvii, 223 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – HOL

SHAWCROSS, Christopher N. Air law / Shawcross and Beaumont 1977 onwards London : Butterworths, 1977 4 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SHA


BUGDEN, Paul M. Goods in transit and freight forwarding 4th ed. / Paul M. Bugden, Simone Lamont-Black London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 clxxx, 1141 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – BUG CLARKE, Malcolm A. International carriage of goods by road : CMR 6th ed. London : Informa, 2014 lxiv, 512 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CLAR GLASS, David A. Freight forwarding and multimodal transport contracts 2nd ed. London : Informa, 2012 lxxviii, 487 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – GLA MESSENT, Andrew CMR : contracts for the international carriage of goods by road 4th ed. / by Andrew Messent and David A. Glass Abingdon, Oxon : Informa Law, 2018 lxxvi, 438 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MES RIDLEY, Jasper Ridley's law of the carriage of goods by land, sea and air 8th ed. / by Brian Harris London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2010 Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – RID

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DERRIMAN, James Chancel repair liability : how to research it Rev. ed. London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2006 xviii, 91 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – DER


PRACTICAL lending and security precedents / general editor: Richard Talbot 1992 onwards London : Longman, 1992 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PRA


FALCON CHAMBERS The law and practice of charging orders on land / Falcon Chambers ; coordinating editor and contributor Charles Harpum London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2013 xxxviii, 269 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FAL


CHEVALIER-WATTS, Juliet Charity law : international perspectives Abingdon : Routledge, 2018 255 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – CHE FAURE WALKER, Alice The Charities Acts handbook : a practical guide / general editor Alice Faure Walker Bristol : LexisNexis, 2016 xlv, 831 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BOOK - FAU GARTON, Jonathan Public benefit in charity law Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 xxxvii, 235 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GAR

GILLARD, Cecile Charities and not-for-profit entities : law and practice London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2012 xix, 205 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY- GIL LUXTON, Peter The law of charities Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2001 lxxxiv, 997 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LUX MEAKIN, Robert The law of charitable status : maintenance and removal Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008 xxii, 217 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MEA MORGAN, Gareth G. Charitable incorporated organisations 2nd ed. London : Directory of Social Change, 2018 xxii, 402 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MOR MULLEN, Mark Running a charity 4th ed. Bristol : Jordan Publishing, 2015 xiii, 286 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MUL PICARDA, Hubert The law and practice relating to charities 4th ed. 2010 + 2014 supplement London : Bloomsbury Professional, 2010 cxxxii, 1451 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PIC TUDOR, Owen Davies Tudor on charities 10th ed. / William Henderson, Jonathan Fowles 2015 + 2019 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2015 cxxxi, 1029 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TUD

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CARVER, T. G. Carver on charterparties / general editor Howard Bennett ; authors Robert Bright ... [et al.] London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 ccxxxv, 1524 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CAR DAVIS, Mark Bareboat charters 2nd ed. London : LLP, 2005 xxxiii, 295 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DAV SCRUTTON, Thomas Edward Scrutton on charterparties and bills of lading 24th ed. / by David Foxton ... [et al.] London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 clxx, 658 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – SCR




LOWE, Nigel V. International movement of children : law, practice and procedure / Lowe, Everall, Nicholls 2nd ed. / Nigel Lowe, Michael Nicholls Bristol : LexisNexis, 2016 ciii, 1261 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LOW


GUMBEL, Elizabeth-Anne Guide to child abuse compensation claims 2nd ed. / Elizabeth-Anne Gumbel ... [et al.] Bristol : Jordans, 2011 xxxv, 352 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GUM

HOYANO, Laura Child abuse : law and policy across boundaries / Laura Hoyano and Caroline Keenan Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007 lxxix, 1002 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HOY NORTON, Gary A child's journey through contemporary issues in child protection / Gary Norton, Rhiannon Davies London : Family Law, 2017 xviii, 171 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - NOR


JOHNSON, Simon Child protection proceedings : care and adoption orders / Simon Johnson, Joanne Porter London : Family Law, 2017 xliv, 793 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JOH MAHMOOD, Safda Child care and protection : law and practice 6th ed. / Sada Mahmood, Julie Doughty London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2019 xxvi, 274 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAH NORTON, Gary A child's journey through contemporary issues in child protection / Gary Norton, Rhiannon Davies London : Family Law, 2017 xviii, 171 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - NOR


CHILD POVERTY ACTION GROUP Child support handbook [2020/2021] 28th ed. / Mark Brough London : Child Poverty Action Group, 2020 viii, 272 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – CHI

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CHILD support : the legislation 14th ed. / commentary by Edward Jacobs London : Child Poverty Action Group, 2019 xxviii, 779 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – CHI


BAINHAM, Andrew Children : the modern law 4th ed. / Andrew Bainham, Stephen Gilmore London : Family Law, 2013 lxxxviii, 1010 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BAI BLACKMORE, Sarah Family justice reformed : a guide to the Family Court since the Children and Families Act 2014 / Sarah Blackmore and Jacqueline Thomas, with a specialist contribution from Taryn Lee 2nd ed. Bristol : Family Law, 2017 xxx, 544 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BLA BOND, Abigail Care proceedings and learning disabled parents : a handbook for family lawyers 2nd ed. Bristol : Family Law, 2014 xvi, 274 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BON BRIDGEMAN, Jo Parental responsibility, young children and healthcare law Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2007 xviii, 263 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – BRI CLARKE HALL, Sir William Clarke Hall and Morrison on children 10th ed. 1985 onwards London : Butterworths, 1985 7 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HAL

EMERGENCY remedies in the family courts : preparing, making and enforcing emergency family and child law applications / Roger Bird, general editor ; Nigel Fricker, founding editor [3rd ed.] 1997 onwards Bristol : Family Law, 1997 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EME GEORGE, Rob Relocation : a practical guide / Rob George ... [et al.] 2nd ed. Bristol : Family Law, 2016 xiv, 310 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GEO HAYDEN, Anthony Children and same sex families : a legal handbook / Anthony Hayden ... [et al.] Bristol : Jordans, 2012 xxxviii, 658 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HAY HERSHMAN, David Children Act handbook 2019/20 / Hershman and McFarle Rev ed. London : Bloomsbury Professional, 2019 Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HER HERSHMAN, David Children law and practice / David Hershman, Andrew McFarlane 1991 onwards Bristol : Family Law, 1991 4 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HER JONES, Michael D. Children : the inherent jurisdiction and wardship : a family practitioner's handbook Bristol : Family Law, 2016 xx, 205 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JON

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KNAFLER, Stephen Children's social care law London : LAG, 2018 lxxxvi, 1015 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KNA LOWE, Nigel V. International movement of children : law, practice and procedure / Lowe, Everall, Nicholls 2nd ed. / Nigel Lowe, Michael Nicholls Bristol : LexisNexis, 2016 ciii, 1261 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LOW LOWE, Nigel V. The 1996 Hague Convention on the Protection of Children / Nigel Lowe, Michael Nicholls Bristol : Family Law, 2012 xxii, 278 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LOW MITCHELS, Barbara Children and vulnerable witnesses in court proceedings London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2016 x, 205 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – MIT


FORTIN, Jane Children's rights and the developing law 3rd ed. London : LexisNexis, 2009 lxxiii, 804 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FOR MACDONALD, Alistair The rights of the child : law and practice Bristol : Family Law, 2011 cxii, 1119 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC VAN BUEREN, Geraldine Child rights in Europe : convergence and divergence in judicial protection Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2008 201 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - VAN


ISAACS, Elizabeth Challenging and defending local authority child care decisions : a practical guide / Elizabeth Isaacs ... [et al.] Bristol : Family Law, 2013 xliii, 544 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ISA WISE, Ian Children in need : local authority support for children and families / Ian Wise ... [et al.] 2nd ed. London : Legal Action Group, 2014 lvi, 488 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WIS


BRAND, Ronald A. The 2005 Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements : commentary and documents / Ronald A. Brand, Paul Herrup Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008 xiv, 319 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BRA HARTLEY, Trevor C. Choice-of-court agreements under the European and international instruments : the revised Brussels I Regulation, the Lugano Convention, and the Hague Convention Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 xlix, 495 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW





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ALLEN, Tony Mediation law and civil practice 2nd ed. Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2019 xxxiv, 380 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ALL ANDREWS, Neil Andrews on civil processes : court proceedings, arbitration and mediation 2nd ed. Cambridge : Intersentia, 2019 cix, 1191 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - AND BLACKSTONE'S civil practice 2019 / editor-in-chief Maurice Kay ; editors Stuart Sime, Derek French [Rev ed.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 ca.3000p. in various pagings Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – BLA BLAKE, Susan A practical approach to effective litigation 8th ed Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 xlix, 578 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – BLA BOWERS, John Procedure in the civil courts and tribunals / by John Bowers and Eleena Misra 3rd ed. London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2010 111 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BOW BURTON, Sir Michael Civil appeals / general editor Sir Michael Burton 2nd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2013 cli, 936 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUR

BUTTERWORTHS civil court precedents 1999 onwards London : Butterworths, 1999 3 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – BUT The CIVIL court practice 2019 Rev. ed. 2019 + August supplement London : LexisNexis, 2019 4 vols. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – CIV CIVIL court service 2019 Rev. ed. 2019 + 2019 supplement London : LexisNexis, 2019 clix, 3152 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – CIV CIVIL procedure : [the White Book] 2020 / [editor in chief, Geoffrey Vos ; general editors B. Fontaine, I.R. Scott] 2019 + 3rd cumulative supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 2 vols. + supplement Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – CIV CLAYTON, Richard Civil actions against the police 3rd ed. / general editors Richard Clayton and Hugh Tomlinson 2004 + 2005 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2004 xcviii, 783 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CLA COCKERILL, Sara The law and practice of compelled evidence in civil proceedings Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 xxxi, 223 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COC COLMAN, Sir Anthony D. The practice and procedure of the Commercial Court 6th ed. / by Sir Anthony Colman, Victor Lyon and Philippa Hopkins London : Informa, 2008 Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COL

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CONSTABLE, Adam Litigation in the Technology and Construction Court / Adam Constable, Lucy Garrett, Calum Lamont Abingdon, Oxon : Informa Law from Routledge, 2019 lvii, 567 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CON CORNERSTONE BARRISTERS Cornerstone on the Planning Court Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2015 xl, 485 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COR COURT of Protection practice 2020 [Rev. ed.] / consulting editor Gordon R. Ashton; general editor Sir Jonathan Leslie Baker London : Lexis Nexis, 2020 lxxv, 2603 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COU DAVIS, Michael Technology and Construction Court : practice and procedure / Michael Davis, Robert Akenhead Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2006 lvii, 567 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – DAV DUNN, Virginia Be civil : a guide to learning civil litigation and evidence 3rd ed. [London] : Worth Publishing, 2015 xxii, 346 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – DUC ELLIOTT, Clare On your feet : a practical guide to civil advocacy / Clare Elliott ... [et al.] London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – ELL

The FAMILY court practice 2020 / General editor Anthony Cleary ; consulting editor Lady Black of Derwent ; contributors Michael Anson ... [et al.] [28th ed.] London : Family Law, 2020 ccxxxii, 3196 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – FAM FOSTER, Charles Civil advocacy : a practical guide / Charles Foster ... [et al.] 2nd ed. London : Cavendish, 2001 Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – FOS FOX, Angela The Intellectual Property Enterprise Court : practice and procedure 2nd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 xxxix, 584 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FOX GILES, David Vexatious litigants and civil restraint orders : a practitioner's handbook / David Giles and Maurice Rifat London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2014 xxiii, 201 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GIL HAGUE CONFERENCE ON PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW Practical handbook on the operation of the Service Convention 4th ed. The Hague : The Hague Conference on Private International Law, 2016 liii, 251 p. Shelf Reference: DESK V - HAG HEYWOOD, Nathaniel Arthur Court of Protection practice / Heywood and Massey [13th ed.] / general editor Denzil Lush 2001 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2001 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HEY

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HURST, Peter T. Costs and funding following the civil justice reforms : questions and answers / [Peter Hurst, Simon Middleton, Roger Mallalieu] 5th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 lxxxix, 557 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HUR JACKSON, Sir Rupert The reform of civil justice 2nd ed. / Stephen Clark, Sir Rupert Jackson London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 xxviii, 303 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JAC KEMP, David A. McI. Kemp & Kemp: personal injury law, practice & procedure / general editor Andrew Ritchie 2005 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2005 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KEM LEABEATER, James Civil appeals : principle and procedure / James Leabeater ... [et al] 2nd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2015 lxxxix, 870 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – LEA O'HARE, John Civil litigation 19th ed. / John O'Hare, Kevin Browne London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 xcii, 738 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – OHA SIME, Stuart A practical approach to civil procedure 23rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2020 lxxx, 606 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – SIM

SIME, Stuart Blackstone's guide to the civil justice reforms 2013 / Stuart Sime and Derek French Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 xxxiv, 320 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SIM ZUCKERMAN, A. A. S. Zuckerman on civil procedure : principles of practice 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2013 ccviii, 1506 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – ZUC




ASHTON, David Ashton and Reid on clubs and associations 2nd ed. Bristol : Jordans, 2011 lx, 537 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ASH BARKER, Kerry Club law manual 2nd ed. / Kerry Barker and Henry Stevens London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2011 xxx, 237 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BAR


COHABITATION : law and precedents / general editors Jane Craig, Philippa Pearson ; contributors Jan Atkinson ... [et al.] 2000 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2000 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COH

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HAYDEN, Anthony Children and same sex families : a legal handbook / Anthony Hayden ... [et al.] Bristol : Jordans, 2012 xxxviii, 658 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HAY WALKER, Stephen A practical guide to TOLATA claims Minehead : Law Brief Publishing, 2019 180 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WIL WILDBLOOD, Stephen Cohabitation and trusts of land 3rd ed. / Stephen Wildblood, Elizabeth Darlington, Laura Heaton London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 xxxvi, 549 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – WIL WILSON, John Cohabitation claims : law, practice and procedure 2nd ed. Corsham, Wiltshire : Family Law Week, 2015 lii, 622 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WIL


COLLECTIVE investment schemes : the law and practice / by Timothy C. Cornick ... [et al.] of Macfarlanes 1989 onwards London : FT Law and Tax, 1989 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COL

COMMERCIAL LAW ARANCIBIA, Jaime Judicial review of commercial regulation Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 xix, 232 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ARA

BUSCH, Danny Agency law in commercial practice / edited by Danny Busch, Laura Macgregor, Peter Watts Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 xxxiv, 282 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUS BUTTERWORTHS international commercial litigation handbook 2nd ed. / consultant editors Andrew Dickinson ... [et al.] London : LexisNexis, 2006 xv, 2354 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUT CHRISTOU, Richard Drafting commercial agreements 6th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 lix, 915 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CHR CLARKE, Malcolm A. Commercial law : text, cases and materials 5th ed. / M.A. Clarke ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 lxiii, 1155 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – CLA COLMAN, Sir Anthony D. The practice and procedure of the Commercial Court 6th ed. / by Sir Anthony Colman, Victor Lyon and Philippa Hopkins London : Informa, 2008 Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COL DAVIES, Paul S. Equity, trusts and commerce / edited by Paul S. Davies and James Penner Oxford : Hart, 2017 x, 368 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DAV DEGELING, Simone Equity in commercial law / edited by Simone Degeling, James Edelman Sydney : Lawbook Co., 2005 xlii, 533 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DEG

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ENCYCLOPEDIA of international commercial litigation / general editor: Sir Anthony Colman 1993 onwards London : Graham and Trotman, 1993 3 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ENC FENTIMAN, Richard International commercial litigation 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 lxxiii, 737 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FEN GOLDREIN, Iain S. Commercial litigation : pre-emptive remedies 4th ed. / by Iain S. Goldrein ... [et al.] 2003 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2003 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOL GOODE, Sir Roy Transnational commercial law : international instruments and commentary / Roy Goode ... [et al.] 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012 xxxii, 1072 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOO GOODE, Sir Roy Goode on commercial law 6th ed. / edited Ewan McKendrick London : LexisNexis, 2020 cl, 1483 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – GOO GOODE, Sir Roy Goode on payment obligations in commercial and financial transactions 3rd ed. / edited by Charles Proctor and Victoria Dixon London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 lvii, 329 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOO

HILL, Jonathan International commercial disputes : commercial conflict of laws in English courts 4th ed. / Jonathan Hill and Adeline Chong Oxford : Hart, 2010 cxxxiii, 895 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HIL PRACTICAL commercial precedents / edited by Jeffrey Green 1986 onwards London : Longman, 1986 4 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PRA RACZYNSKA, Magda The law of tracing in commercial transactions Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 xxiii, 271 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RAC RANDOLPH, Fergus The European law of commercial agency / Fergus Randolph and Jonathan Davey 3rd ed. Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2010 xxi, 337 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW SALINGER, Freddy R. Salinger on factoring 5th ed. / by Simon Mills, Noel Ruddy, Nigel Davidson London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 xliv, 417 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SAL STOKES, Robert Commercial law 9th ed. / Robert Stokes London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 lxxiv, 600 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – STO

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VIRGO, Graham Commercial remedies : resolving controversies / edited by Graham Virgo, Sarah Worthington Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017 xxxiii, 590 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - VIR


ALDRIDGE, Trevor M. Commonhold law 2002 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2002 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ALD DAVEY, Francis Leasehold disputes / Francis Davey and Justin Bates 3rd ed. London : Legal Action Group, 2014 xlviii, 329 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DAV


GADSDEN, G. D. Gadsen on commons and greens 3rd ed. / by Edward F. Cousins ; Richard Honey ; Hugh Craddock London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 lxxviii, 829 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GAD SYDENHAM, Angela Commons and greens : the modern law 2nd ed. Corsham, Wiltshire : Lime Legal, 2016 xxxviii, 475 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SYD


CLEMENTS, Luke Community care and the law 7th ed. / Luke Clements ... [et al.] London : Legal Action Group, 2019 cii, 1037 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CLE KNAFLER, Stephen Children's social care law London : LAG, 2018 lxxxvi, 1015 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KNA SLOAN, Brian Informal carers and private law Oxford : Hart, 2013 xxix, 260 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SLO


ANNOTATED companies legislation 3rd ed. / edited by John Birds ; consultant editors Nigel Boardman, Sir Robert Hildyard, Robert Miles Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 ccii, 1827 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ANN BRAMWELL, Richard Taxation of companies and company reconstructions 9th ed. / edited by Richard Bramwell ... [et al.] 2009 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2009 3 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BRA BRITISH company law and practice Bicester : CCH, 1983 2 vols. (loose-leaf) 1983 - 2013 Shelf Reference: LAW REPORTS - B

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BUCKLEY, Henry Burton, Baron Wrenbury Buckley on the Companies Acts [15th ed. re-issue] / general editors: Dame Mary Arden, Dan Prentice, Mr Justice David Richards 2010 onwards London : Butterworths, 2010 3 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUC BUTTERWORTHS company law handbook 33rd. ed / consultant editor Brenda Hannigan London : LeisNexis, 2019 xxx, 3731 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – BUT CHARLESWORTH, John Charlesworth's company law 18th ed. / by Stephen Girvin and Sandra Frisby, Alastair Hudson London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2010 cxix, 836 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CHA CHIVERS, David The law of majority shareholder power : use and abuse 2nd ed. / edited by David Chivers ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 xxvii, 256 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CHI CITY LAW SCHOOL Company law in practice 12th ed. / edited by Stuart Sime Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 xxiV, 239 p. Shelf Reference: 81 DAVIES, Paul L. Introduction to company law 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2020 xxviii, 359 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – DAV

DOUGHERTY, Nigel Company acquisition of own shares / Nigel Dougherty, Anne Fairpo 6th ed. Bristol : Jordans, 2013 xxx, 295 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DOU FRENCH, Derek Model articles of association for companies Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009 lxxxix, 971 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FRE GORE-BROWNE, Sir Francis Gore-Browne on companies 45th ed. / general editor Alistair Alcock ; consultant editor Michael Todd 2004 onwards London : Jordans, 2004 3 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOR GOWER, L. C. B. Gower's principles of modern company law 10th ed. / Paul L. Davies, Sarah Worthington ; with a contribution by Eva Micheler London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 cxxxviii, 1225 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOW KOSMIN, Leslie Company meetings and resolutions : law, practice and procedure / Leslie Kosmin, Catherine Roberts 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 xl, 569 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KOS MAYSON, Stephen W. Mayson, French and Ryan on company law 36th ed. / Derek French Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 cvii, 779 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – MAY

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McCORMACK, Gerard Registration of company charges 3rd ed. Bristol : Jordans, 2009 xxvii, 321 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC MULLEN, Mark Companies limited by guarantee 4th ed. / Mark Mullen, Josh Lewison Bristol : Jordans, 2014 xxv, 213 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MUL NICHOLSON, Rosalind Articles of association : Table A and the new model articles 2nd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2010 xxxix, 628 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - NIC PALMER, Sir Francis Beaufort Palmer's company law 25th ed. / principal editor: Geoffrey Morse ; with specialist editors 1992 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1992 8 vols. + index vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PAL TOLLEY'S company law / edited by Stephen Barc 1990 onwards London : Tolley, 1990 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOL


ASHTON, David Competition damages actions in the EU : law and practice 2nd ed. / David Ashton Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2018 xliii, 495 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW

BELLAMY, Sir Christopher European Union law of competition / Bellamy and Child 8th ed. / edited by David Bailey, Laura Elizabeth John Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 cclxi, 1604 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW BREALEY, Mark Competition litigation : UK practice and procedure 2nd ed. / general editors Mark Brealey, Kyla George Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 cxv, 744 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW BUTTERWORTHS competition law / general editors: Peter Freeman and Richard Whish 1991 onwards London : Butterworths, 1991 7 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW COATES, Kevin Competition law and regulation of technology markets Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 xxviii, 417 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW GOYDER, Joanna EU distribution law 5th ed. Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2011 xxix, 343 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW JEPHCOTT, Mark Law of cartels 2nd ed. / Mark Jephcott ; contributor Munesh Ram Mahtani Bristol : Jordans, 2011 xlix, 495 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JEP

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WHISH, Richard Competition law 9th ed. / Richard Whish, David Bailey Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 xcv, 1056 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW


FOSKETT, Sir David Foskett on compromise 9th ed. / David Foskett ... [et al.] London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 xc, 712 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FOS


BARNES, Michael The law of compulsory purchase and compensation Oxford : Hart, 2014 lxv, 592 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BAR DENYER-GREEN, Barry Compulsory purchase and compensation 11th ed. London : Routledge, 2019 lxii, 404 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DEN ENCYCLOPEDIA of the law of compulsory purchase and compensation / general editor C.M. Brand ; consultant editor Harold J.J. Brown 1960 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1960 3 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ENC ROOTS, Guy R. G. The law of compulsory purchase 3rd ed. / general editor Guy R.G. Roots ; editors Richard Honey, Robert Fookes, James Pereira Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2018 cii, 813 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – ROO


See also INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ARMSTRONG, Dean Cyber security : law and practice / Dean Armstrong, Dan Hyde, Sam Thomas 2nd ed. Bristol : LexisNexis, 2019 xxxvii, 369 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – ARM DE AZEVEDO, Celso Cyber risks insurance : law and guidance 1st ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 xxxi, 395 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DEA ENCYCLOPEDIA of information technology law / general editor Stephen Saxby 1990 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1990 3 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ENC MILLARD, Christopher Cloud computing law / edited by Chrispher Millard Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 xix, 416 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MIL RICHARDSON, Matthew Cyber crime : law and practice London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2014 xxviii, 235 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RIC SCHMITT, Michael Tallinn manual 2.0 on the international law applicable to cyber operations : prepared by the International Groups of Experts at the invitation of the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence / general editor Michael Schmitt; managing editor Liis Vihul 2nd ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017 xli, 598 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SCH

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WALDEN, Ian Computer crimes and digital investigations 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 xl, 519 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WAL WONG, Helen Cyber security : law and guidance Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2018 xlii, 744 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – WON




CITY LAW SCHOOL Conference skills 20th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2020 xi, 227 p. Shelf Reference: 81


ANDERSON, Mark Drafting confidentiality agreements 3rd ed. / Mark Anderson and Victor Warner London : Law Society, 2014 xviii, 212 p. + 1 CD-ROM Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - AND ANTOINE, Rose-Marie Belle Confidentiality in offshore financial law 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 xliii, 417 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ANT BLOCH, Selwyn Bloch and Brearley : employment covenants and confidential information : law, practice and technique 4th ed. / Selwyn Bloch, Kate Brearley London : Bloomsbury, 2018 lxxxix, 1421 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BLO

BOWER, George Spencer The law relating to actionable non-disclosure and other breaches of duty in relations of confidence, influence and advantage 2nd ed. / by Sir Alexander Kingcombe Turner and Richard John Sutton London : Butterworths, 1990 lxxi, 741 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BOW BURROWS, David Privilege, privacy and confidentiality in family proceedings London : Bloomsbury Professional, 2019 xxxix, 347 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUR GOULDING, Paul Employee competition : covenants, confidentiality, and garden leave / edited by Paul Goulding 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 lxv, 784 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOU GURRY, Francis Gurry on breach of confidence : the protection of confidential information 2nd ed. / Tanya Aplin ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012 lxxxix, 881 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GUR INCOMES DATA SERVICES Whistleblowing at work London : Thomson Reuters, 2018 iii, 313 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - INC KAMERLING, Alexandra Restrictive covenants under common and competition law 6th ed. / Alexandra Kamerling and Chris Goodwill ; consultant editor Christopher Osman London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2010 xlix, 597 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KAM

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LEWIS, Jeremy Whistleblowing : law and practice 3rd ed. / Jeremy Lewis ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 xlix, 775 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LEW PATTENDEN, Rosemary The law of professional-client confidentiality : regulating he disclosure of confidential personal information 2nd ed. / Rosemary Pattenden, Duncan Sheehan Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 lxxv, 645 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PAT TOULSON, Sir Roger Confidentiality 4th ed. / Charles Phipps, Simon Teasdale, William Harman London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 lxxv, 567 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – TOU


FORTSON, Rudi Misuse of drugs and drug trafficking 6th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2011 cxv, 1080 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FOR MILLINGTON, Trevor Millington and Sutherland Williams on the proceeds of crime 5th ed. / Mark Sutherland Williams, Michael Hopmeier, Rupert Jones Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 lxxxi, 774 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MIL

MITCHELL, Andrew R. Mitchell, Taylor and Talbot on confiscation and the proceeds of crime / Andrew R. Mitchell, Susan M.E. Taylor, Kennedy V. Talbot [3rd ed.] 2002 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2002 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MIT SMITH, Ian Smith, Owen and Bodnar on asset recovery : criminal confiscation and civil recovery 2nd ed. / edited by Ian Smith, Tim Owen, Andrew Bodnar 2007 onwards Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SMI


HOLLANDER, Charles Conflicts of interest / by Charles Hollander and Simon Salzedo 6th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 lii, 351 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HOL LANGFORD, Rosemary Teele Company directors' duties and conflicts of interest Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 li, 465 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LAN


BLACK, Vaughan Foreign currency claims in the conflict of laws Oxford : Hart, 2010 xxxiii, 227 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BLA

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BLAIR, Sir William Banks and financial crime : the international law of tainted money 2nd ed. / edited by Sir William Blair, Richard Brent, Tom Grant Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 lxxii, 571 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BLA BORK, Reinhard Principles of cross-border insolvency law Cambridge : Intersentia, 2017 xxxiv, 289 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BOR BRAND, Ronald A. The 2005 Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements : commentary and documents / Ronald A. Brand, Paul Herrup Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008 xiv, 319 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BRA BRIGGS, Adrian Civil jurisdiction and judgments 6th ed. London : Informa, 2015 xc, 897 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW BRIGGS, Adrian The conflict of laws 4th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 xxxix, 361 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BRI BRIGGS, Adrian Private international law in English courts Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 lxxii, 1064 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BRI BUTTERWORTHS international commercial litigation handbook 2nd ed. / consultant editors Andrew Dickinson ... [et al.] London : LexisNexis, 2006 xv, 2354 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUT

CABEZA, Ruth International adoption / Ruth Cabeza, Ayeesha Bhutta, Jason Braier Bristol : Family Law, 2012 xxx, 601 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CAB CALLIESS, Gralf-Peter Rome Regulations : commentary / edited by Gralf-Peter Calliess 2nd ed. Alphen aan den Rijn : Wolters Kluwer, 2015 xxvi, 988 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW CHESHIRE, Geoffrey Chevalier Private international law / Cheshire, North and Fawcett 15th ed. / edited by Paul Torremans ; consultant editor James J. Fawcett Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 clxxxviii, 1435 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – CHE CLARKSON, C. M. V. CLARKSON and Hill's conflict of laws 5th ed. / Jonathan Hill, Máire Ní Shúilleabháin Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 lii, 540 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – CLA COLLIER, J. G. Collier's conflict of laws 4th ed. / Pippa Rogerson Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2013 lix, 454 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – COL DICEY, Albert Venn Dicey, Morris and Collins on the conflict of laws 15th ed. / under the general editorship of Lord Collins of Mapesbury 2012 + 2019 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2012 2 vols. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DIC

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DICKINSON, Andrew The Brussels I Regulation recast / edited by Andrew Dickinson, Eva Lein ; assistant editor Andrew James Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 xliv, 836 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW ENCYCLOPEDIA of international commercial litigation / general editor: Sir Anthony Colman 1993 onwards London : Graham and Trotman, 1993 3 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ENC FAWCETT, James J. Intellectual property and private international law 2nd ed. / edited by James J. Fawcett and Paul Torremans Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 lxvii, 986 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FAW FENTIMAN, Richard International commercial litigation 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 lxxiii, 737 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FEN FLETCHER, Ian F. Insolvency in private international law : national and international approaches 2nd ed. 2005 + 2007 supplement Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2005 lvii, 716 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FLE FRIMSTON, Richard The international protection of adults / edited by Richard Frimston ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 lxxxvi, 808 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – FRI

GARNETT, Richard Substance and procedure in private international law Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012 lxvi, 384 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GAR GOODE, Sir Roy Transnational commercial law : international instrument and commentary / Roy Goode ... [et al.] 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012 xxxii, 1072 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOO HAGUE CONFERENCE ON PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW Practical handbook on the operation of the Service Convention 4th ed. The Hague : The Hague Conference on Private International Law, 2016 liii, 251 p. Shelf Reference: DESK V - HAG HARTLEY, Trevor C. Choice-of-court agreements under the European and international instruments : the revised Brussels I Regulation, the Lugano Convention, and the Hague Convention Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 xlix, 495 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW HARTLEY, Trevor C. Civil jurisdiction and judgments in Europe : the Brussels I Regulation, the Lugano Convention, and the Hague Choice of Court Convention Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 lxx, 569 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW

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HO, Look Chan Cross-border insolvency : a commentary on the UNCITRAL model law / general editor Look Chan Ho 4th ed. Woking : Globe Law and Business, 2017 2 vols. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HO JAMES, Michael Litigation with a foreign aspect : a practical guide Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009 lxii, 468 p. Shelf Reference: TEXBOOK BAY - JAM JOSEPH, David Jurisdiction and arbitration agreements and their enforcement 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2015 cxiv, 904 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW KAWALEY, Ian R. C. Cross-border judicial cooperation in offshore litigation : the British offshore world / edited by Ian R.C. Kawaley, Andrew J. Bolton and Robin J. Mayor 2nd ed. London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2016 lxx, 339 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KAW LASTRA, Rosa M. Cross-border bank insolvency / edited by Rosa M. Lastra Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 xl, 489 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LAS LOWE, Nigel V. International movement of children : law, practice and procedure / Lowe, Everall, Nicholls 2nd ed. / Nigel Lowe, Michael Nicholls Bristol : LexisNexis, 2016 ciii, 1261 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LOW

LOWE, Nigel V. The 1996 Hague Convention on the Protection of Children / Nigel Lowe, Michael Nicholls Bristol : Family Law, 2012 xxii, 278 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LOW MARSHALL, Jennifer European cross border insolvency / general editor Jennifer Marshall 2004 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2004 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW McCLEAN, David International co-operation in civil and criminal matters 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012 xlviii, 366 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – MAC McCORMACK, Gerard Security rights and the European insolvency regulation / edited by Gerard McCormack, Reinhard Bork Cambridge : Intersentia, 2017 xlvi, 701 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC McPARLAND, Michael The Rome I Regulation on the law applicable to contractual obligations Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 lxxv, 897 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW MERRETT, Louise Employment contracts in private international law Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 xxxviii, 329 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – MER

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MORRIS, J. H. C. The conflict of laws 9th ed. / David McClean, Veronica Ruiz Abou-Nigm London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 cvii, 610 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – MOR MOSS, Gabriel Moss, Fletcher and Isaacs on the EU Regulation n Insolvency Proceedings / edited by Gabriel Moss, Ian F. Fletcher, Stuart Isaac 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 liii, 684 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW MOSS, Gabriel EU banking and insurance insolvency / edited by Gabriel Moss, Bob Wessels, Matthias Haentjens 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 l, 665 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW OUDKERK, Daniel International employment disputes / Daniel Oudkerk, Amy Rogers and contributors 1st ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 lxvi, 458 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - OUD PLENDER, Richard The European private international law of obligations / by Richard Plender and Michael Wilderspin 5th ed. / edited by Michael Wilderspin London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 xcvii, 854 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW RAPHAEL, Thomas The anti-suit injunction 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 liv, 478 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RAP

SCHLECHTRIEM, Peter Commentary on the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG) / Schlechtriem and Schwenzer 4th ed. / edited by Ingeborg Schwenzer Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 cxiv, 1602 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SCH SETRIGHT, Henry International issues in family law : the 1996 Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Brussels IIa / contributors, Henry Setright ... [et al.] Bristol : Family Law, 2015 xxxvi, 451 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SET SHELDON, Richard Cross-border insolvency 4th ed. / general editor Richard Sheldon Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2015 lv, 694 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SHE WILMAN, Folkert Private enforcement of EU law before national courts : the EU legislative framework Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2015 liii, 601 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW WOOD, Philip R. Conflict of laws and international finance 2nd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 xxiii, 848 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WOO WOOD, Philip R. International insolvency : jurisdictions of the world 1st ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 xxvii, 685 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WOO

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WOOD, Philip R. Principles of international insolvency 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 xxv, 919 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WOO


BRADLEY, A. W. Constitutional and administrative law 17th ed. / A.W. Bradley, K.D. Ewing, C.J.S. Knight Harlow : Pearson, 2018 lxiv, 766 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BRA FELDMAN, David English public law / edited by David Feldman 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009 cxlvii, 1289 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FEL PHILLIPS, O. Hood O. Hood Phillips and Jackson : constitutional and administrative law 8th ed. / by O. Hood Phillips, Paul Jackson and Patricia Leopold London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2001 Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PHI


BILLINGTON, M. J. The building regulations explained and illustrated 14th ed. / M.J. Billington ... [et al.] Oxford : Wiley Blackwell, 2017 1 vol. (various pagings) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BIL COULSON, Sir Peter Coulson on construction adjudication 4th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 xxxv, 633 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COU

EMDEN, A. E. Emden's construction law 9th ed. / general editor Andrew Bartlett; consultant editor Humphrey Lloyd 2002 onwards London : Butterworths, 2002 3 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EMD HAAR, Roger ter Remedies in construction law 2nd ed. Abingdon : Informa, 2017 lxx, 414 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – HAR HUDSON, Alfred Arthur Hudson's building and engineering contracts 14th ed. / general editors Nicholas Dennys, Robert Clay London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 cxxix, 1348 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HUD KEATING CHAMBERS Keating on NEC3 / [editor:] David Thomas and a team of contributing authors [from Keating Chambers] London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2012 xxxv, 630 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KEA KEATING, Donald Keating on construction contracts 10th ed. / by Stephen Furst and Sir Vivian Ramsey 2016 + 2019 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 cxcvii, 1237 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KEA PICKAVANCE, Keith Delay and disruption in construction contracts 4th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2010 lxxi, 1374 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – PIC

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REED, Paul Construction professional indemnity insurance London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 lxxxii, 791 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - REE WALKER-SMITH, Sir Derek The JCT standard forms of building contract 2011 2011-2014 London : LexisNexis Butterworths, 2011 4 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: DESK V - WAL WILMOT-SMITH, Richard Wilmot-Smith on construction contracts 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 cix, 757 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WIL


LEWIN, Thomas Lewin on trusts 19th ed. / by Lynton Tucker, Nicholas Le Poidevin, James Brightwell 2015 + 2019 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2015 ccclviii, 2446 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LEW MITCHELL, Charles Constructive and resulting trusts / edited by Charles Mitchell Oxford : Hart, 2010 xxxii, 368 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MIT SNELL, Edmund Henry Turner Snell's equity 34th ed. / John McGhee, Steven Elliott London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 clxxxix, 1163 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – SNE

UNDERHILL, Sir Arthur Law relating to trusts and trustees / Underhill and Hayton 19th ed. / general editor David Hayton ; with Paul Matthews, Charles Mitchell 2016 + 2017 supplement London : LexisNexis, 2016 ccxxix, 1495 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - UND


BUTTERWORTHS trading and consumer law / editors Deborah L. Parry, Roland Rowell ; consulting editor Brian W. Harvey 1971 onwards London : Butterworths, 1971 3 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUT ENCYCLOPEDIA of consumer credit law / by A.G. Guest and Michael G. Lloyd 1975 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1975 5 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ENC GOODE, Sir Roy Goode : consumer credit law and practice / general edior R.M. Goode ; editors Marise Cremona ... [et al.] [Rev. ed.] 1999 onwards London : Butterworths, 1999 5 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOO HILL-SMITH, Alexander Consumer credit : law and practice 2nd ed. Abingdon, Oxon : Informa Law, 2015 lvi, 386 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HIL



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ANDREWS, Claire Enforcement of consumer rights and protections London : LexisNexis, 2015 cxxii, 1227 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - AND BARRY, Denis Blackstone's guide to the Consumer Rights Act 2015 / Denis Barry ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 xxxviii, 379 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BAR BUTTERWORTHS trading and consumer law / editors Deborah L. Parry, Roland Rowell ; consulting editor Brian W. Harvey 1971 onwards London : Butterworths, 1971 3 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUT KIRK, Jonathan Consumer and trading standards : law and practice 8th ed. / Jonathan Kirk, Bryan Lewin Bristol : LexisNexis, 2020 cxlv, 1196 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KIR MACLEOD, John K. Consumer sales law 2nd ed. London : Cavendish, 2007 lxxix, 1067 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – MAC


TROMANS, Stephen Contaminated land 3rd ed. / Stephen Tromans London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 xci, 835 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TRO


ARLIDGE, Anthony Arlidge, Eady and Smith on contempt 5th ed. / Patricia London editor-in-chief 2017 + 2019 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 clv, 1594 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ARL BORRIE, Sir Gordon The law of contempt 4th ed. / general editor Ian Cram London : LexisNexis, 2010 lxxxvii, 778 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BOR MILLER, C. J. Miller on contempt of court 4th ed. / consultant editors C. J. Miller, David Perry Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MIL


ANDREWS, Neil Contract law 2nd ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2015 lii, 653 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – AND ANDREWS, Neil Contractual duties : performance, breach, termination and remedies 3rd ed. / by Neil Andrews, Andrew Tettenborn, Graham Virgo London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 xcvii, 710 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - AND ANSON, Sir William Anson's law of contract 31st ed. / Sir Jack Beatson, Andrew Burrows, John Cartwright Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2020 lxxxviii, 726 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – ANS

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BEALE, Hugh Contract : cases and materials / H.G. Beale, W.D. Bishop, M.P. Furmston 5th ed. 2008 [ie. 2007] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008 lix, 1269 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – BEA BOWER, George Spencer The law relating to actionable non-disclosure and other breaches of duty in relations of confidence, influence and advantage 2nd ed. / by Sir Alexander Kingcombe Turner and Richard John Sutton London : Butterworths, 1990 lxxi, 741 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BOW BUCKLEY, Richard A. Illegality and public policy 4th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 liii, 353 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUC BURROWS, Andrew A restatement of the English law of contract / Andrew Burrows Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 xiii, 294 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUR BURROWS, Andrew Remedies for torts and breach of contract 4th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 lvii, 566 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – BUR CARTWRIGHT, John Formation and variation of contracts 2nd ed. 2018 + 2020 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 lv, 400 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CAR

CHESHIRE, Geoffrey Chevalier Cheshire, Fifoot and Furmston's law of contract 17th ed. / M.P. Furmston Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 lx, 832 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – CHE CHITTY, Joseph, 1796-1838 Chitty on contracts 33rd ed. / general editor H. G. Beale ; editors A. S. Burrows ... [et al.] 2018 + 2019 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 2 vols. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – CHI DYSON, Andrew Defences in contract / edited by Andrew Dyson, James Goudkamp and Frederick Wilmot-Smith Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2017 xxxi, 299 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DYS EGGERS, Peter Macdonald Vitiation of contractual consent Oxford : Informa Law from Routledge, 2017 xcvii, 832 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EGG FABER, Dennis Treatment of contracts in insolvency / edited by Dennis Faber ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford Unniversity Press, 2013 lxxvii, 579 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FAB FURMSTON, Michael P. Contract formation : law and practice / Michael Furmston, G.J. Tolhurst ; contributor Eliza Mik 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 li, 443 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FUR

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FURMSTON, Michael P. The law of contract / general editor Michael Furmston 6th ed. London : LexisNexis, 2017 cccxxiii, 1971 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – FUR FURMSTON, Michael P. Privity of contract / Michael Furmston, G. J. Tolhurst Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 xlv, 340 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FUR GREEN, Sarah Illegality after Patel v Mirza / edited by Sarah Green and Alan Bogg Oxford : Hart, 2018 xviii, 386 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GRE HALSON, Roger Liquidated damages and penalty clauses Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 xxvi, 212 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HAL LEWISON, Sir Kim The interpretation of contracts 6th ed. 2015 + 2017 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2015 xcv, 898 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – LEW McMEEL, Gerard McMeel on the construction of contracts : interpretation, implication, and rectification 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 lxiii, 848 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC McPARLAND, Michael The Rome I Regulation on the law applicable to contractual obligations Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 lxxv, 897 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW

O'SULLIVAN, Dominic The law of rescission / Dominic O'Sullivan, Steven Elliott, Rafal Zakrzewski 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 lxxii, 614 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - OSU SMITH, Sir John C. A casebook on contract / Smith & Thomas 13th ed. / by Roger Brownsword London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2015 xlix, 1002 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – SMI STANNARD, John E. Delay in the performance of contractual obligations 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 lxxx, 409 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - STA STANNARD, John E. Termination for breach of contract / John E. Stannard, David Capper Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 xlix, 360 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – STA TAMBLYN, Nathan The law of duress and necessity : crime, tort, contract Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2018 xx, 243 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TAM TODD, Richard Todds' relationship agreements / Richard Todd, Elisabeth Todd London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2014 xxxi, 423 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOD TOLHURST, Greg The assignment of contractual rights 2nd ed. Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2016 lxv, 476 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOL

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TREITEL, Sir Guenter The law of contract 15th ed. / Edwin Peel London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 cclxix, 1379 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – TRE TREITEL, Sir Guenter Frustration and force majeure 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2014 lxv, 666 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TRE WILLIAMS, Alan P. Drafting agreements for the digital media industry / Alan Williams, Duncan Callow, Andrew Lee 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 x, 483 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – WIL


DOUGLAS, Simon Liability for wrongful interferences with chattels Oxford : Hart, 2011 xx, 222 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DOU GREEN, Sarah The tort of conversion / Sarah Green and John Randall Oxford : Hart, 2009 xxv, 239 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – GRE


ABBEY, Robert M. A practical approach to conveyancing / Robert M. Abbey, Mark B. Richards 22nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2020 xxxvi, 529 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ABB

BARNSLEY, D. G. Barnsley's conveyancing law and practice 4th ed. / M. P. Thompson London : Butterworths, 1996 Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – BAR DERRIMAN, James Chancel repair liability : how to research it Rev. ed. London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2006 xviii, 91 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DER EMMET, Lewis Emmanuel Emmet on title 19th ed. / J.T. Farrand assisted by Jane M. Millward and Alison Clarke 1986 onwards London : Longman, 1986 3 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EMM LAW SOCIETY Conveyancing protocol 2019 ed. London : Law Society, 2019 viii, 199 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LAW NOCK, R. S. Stamp duty land tax : a practical guide 9th ed. London : The Law Society, 2011 xlvi, 569 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – NOC PRECEDENTS for the conveyancer / general editor E.H. Scamell ; second general editor J.E. Adams 1970 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1970 3 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PRE

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RUOFF, Theodore B. F. Ruoff and Roper on the law and practice of registered conveyancing [6th ed. Current re-issue] / Robert B. Roper ... [et al.] 2003 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2003 3 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RUO SILVERMAN, Frances The Law Society's conveyancing handbook 26th ed. / general editor Frances Silverman ; consultant editors Russell Hewitson, Anne Rodell London: Law Society, 2019 lxvi, 1438 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – SIL SILVERMAN, Frances Standard conditions of sale : a conveyancer's guide 8th ed. Bristol : Jordans, 2013 xxvi, 336 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SIL SWEET & Maxwell's conveyancing practice / general editor P. Kenny ; assistant editors C. Burke, A.M. Kenny 1989 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1989 1 vol. (loose-leaf) + 2000 supplement Shelf Reference: DESK V – SWE


SNAITH, Ian Handbook of co-operative and community benefit society law 2nd ed. / edited by Ian Snaith 2014 + 2016 supplement Bristol : Co-operatives UK in association with Jordan, 2014 liii, 382 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – SNA


ARNOLD, Sir Richard Performers' rights 5th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2015 lxxxii, 645 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ARN BAGEHOT, Richard Music business agreements 3rd ed. / Nick Kanaar and Chris Phillips London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2009 x, 414 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BAG COOPER, Elena Art and modern copyright : the contested image Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2018 xix, 282 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COO COPINGER, Walter Arthur Copinger and Skone James on copyright 17th ed. / by Gillian Davies, Nicholas Caddick, Gwilym Harbottle 2016 + 2018 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 2 vols. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COP LADDIE, Sir Hugh The modern law of copyright and designs / [Laddie, Prescott and Vitoria] 5th ed. / [Adrian Speck ... [et al.] London : LexisNexis, 2018 2 vols. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LAD REINBOTHE, Jorg The WIPO treaties on copyright : a commentary on the WCT, the WPPT, and the BTAP / Jorg Reinbothe, Silke von Lewinski 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 xl, 814 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - REI

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SHEMTOV, Noam Beyond the code : Protection of non-textual features of software Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 xxx, 256 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SHE STOKES, Simon Art and copyright 2nd ed. Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2012 xliv, 261 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - STO STOKES, Simon Digital copyright : law and practice 5th ed. Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2019 lvi, 298 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - STO


CONWAY, Heather The law and the dead Abingdon : Routledge, 2016 xxxiv, 262 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CON CROSS, Caroline The inquest book : the law of coroners and inquests / edited by Caroline Cross and Neil Garnham Oxford : Hart, 2016 xxxvii, 674 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CRO DORRIES, Christopher P. Coroners' courts : a guide to law and practice 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 xxx, 454 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – DOR

JERVIS, Sir John Jervis on the office and duties of coroners : with forms and precedents 14th ed. / [general editor] Paul Matthews London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 cxviii, 772 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JER


PINTO, Amanda Corporate criminal liability / Amanda Pinto and Martin Evans 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2013 lviii, 409 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PIN


ANDERSON, Hamish The framework of corporate insolvency law Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 xli, 304 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - AND BAILEY, Edward Corporate insolvency : law and practice / Edward Bailey, Hugo Groves 5th ed. London : LexisNexis, 2017 ccxii, 2041 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BAI FINCH, Vanessa Corporate insolvency law : perspectives and principles / Vanessa Finch and David Milman 3rd ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017 li, 786 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FIN GOODE, Sir Roy Goode on principles of corporate insolvency law 5th ed. / edited by Kristin Van Zwieten London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 cvi, 967, 246, 22 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOO

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POLLARD, David Corporate insolvency : employment rights 6th ed. Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2016 lxxii, 654 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - POL POLLARD, David Corporate insolvency : pension rights 6th ed. Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2016 lxiv, 729 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - POL TROWER, William Corporate administrations and rescue procedures / William Trower ... [et al.] 3rd ed. London : Bloomsbury Professional, 2017 lxix, 561 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TRO WATSON-GANDY, Mark Watson-Gandy on corporate insolvency practice : litigation, procedure and precedents 2nd ed. London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2017 xlviii, 502 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WAT WITTING, Christian A. Liability of corporate groups and networks Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2018 xxxi, 467 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – WIT


FORLIN, Gerard Corporate liability : work related deaths and criminal prosecutions 3rd ed. / general editor Gerard Forlin ; editor Louise Smail Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2014 lxiv, 648 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FOR

PINTO, Amanda Corporate criminal liability / Amanda Pinto and Martin Evans 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2013 lviii, 409 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PIN WITTING, Christian A. Liability of corporate groups and networks Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2018 xxxi, 467 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WIT




BRAMWELL, Richard Taxation of companies and company reconstructions 9th ed. / edited by Richard Bramwell ... [et al.] 2009 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2009 3 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BRA MILLER, Pete Taxation of company reorganisations / Pete Miller, George Hardy 5th ed. Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2016 xxx, 641 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MIL TOLLEY'S corporation tax 2019-20 [55th ed.] / by Kevin Walton Annual London : Tolley, 2019 xiii, 2403 p. Current ed. only Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOL TOLLEY'S yellow tax handbook 2019-20 60th ed. / consultant editor Anne Redston London : LexisNexis, 2019 3 vols. in 6 Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOL

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COHEN, Paul International corruption / Paul Cohen, Arthur Marriott London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2010 xxx, 454 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COH HORDER, Jeremy Criminal misconduct in office : law and politics Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 xiv, 209 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HOR NICHOLLS, Colin Corruption and misuse of public office / Colin Nicholls ... [et al.] 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 lxxviii, 934 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - NIC ULUC, Inan Corruption in international arbitration London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2018 293 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ULU


BARNETT, Daniel Costs in employment tribunals / Daniel Barnett, Kate Palka, Benjamin Hay Bristol : Jordan, 2010 xxii, 257 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BAR BUTTERWORTHS costs service 1987 onwards London : Butterworths, 1987 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUT

COOK, Michael J. Cook on costs 2020 : a guide to legal remuneraton in civil contentious and non-contentious business [Rev. ed.] / Simon Middleton, Jason Rowley London : LexisNexis, 2019 lxxvi, 999 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COO EDWARDS, Anthony Criminal costs : legal aid costs in the criminal courts / by Anthony Edwards with Colin Beaumont 2nd ed. London : Legal Action Group, 2019 xxxv, 371 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EDW FREER, Elaine A practitioner's guide to ancillary orders in criminal courts London : Bloomsbury Professional, 2019 lxxiv, 496 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FRE FRISTON, Mark Friston on costs 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 clxiii, 2138 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FRI HURST, Peter T. Civil costs 6th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 xc, 742 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HUR HURST, Peter T. Costs and funding following the civil justice reforms : questions and answers / [Peter Hurst, Simon Middleton, Roger Mallalieu] 5th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 lxxxix, 557 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HUR

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JACKSON, Sir Rupert The reform of civil justice 2nd ed. / Stephen Clark, Sir Rupert Jackson London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 xxviii, 303 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JAC


CHILD POVERTY ACTION GROUP C.P.A.G.'s housing benefit and council tax reduction legislation / commentary by Lorna Findlay ... [et al.] 31st ed. London : Child Poverty Action Group, 2018 xliv, 1921 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – CHI ENCYCLOPEDIA of rating and local taxation / general editor Harry B. Sales ; editor Christopher Lewsley ; consultant editors J.H. Emlyn Jones, V.G. Wellings 1988 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1988 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ENC RYDE, Walter C. Ryde on rating and the council tax 14th ed. / general editor Guy R.G. Roots ; editors George Bartlett, Neil King, Richard Glover 1990 onwards London : Butterworths, 1990 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RYD


HOLDHAM, Susan Court of Appeal Criminal Division : a practitioner's guide / Susan Holdham and Alix Beldam 2nd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 xcviii, 640 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HOL


COURT of Protection practice 2020 [Rev. ed.] / consulting editor Gordon R. Ashton; general editor Sir Jonathan Leslie Baker Londoninsider : Lexis Nexis, 2020 lxxv, 2603 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COU HEYWOOD, Nathaniel Arthur Court of Protection practice / Heywood and Massey [13th ed.] / general editor Denzil Lush 2001 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2001 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HEY RUCK KEENE, Alex Court of Protection handbook : a user's guide / Alex Ruck Keene ... [et al.] 3rd ed. London : Legal Action Group, 2019 lxxii, 869 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RUC


CRABB, Letitia Leases : covenants and consents 2nd ed. / by Letitia Crabb, Jonathan Seitler London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2008 xli, 353 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CRA FANCOURT, T. M. Enforceability of landlord and tenant covenants 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2014 xliv, 439 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FAN

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FRANCIS, Andrew Restrictive covenants and freehold land : a practitioner's guide 5th ed. Edinburgh : LexisNexis, 2019 xc, 1029 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FRA JESSEL, Christopher Positive covenants and freehold land London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2019 xxx, 289 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – JES KIDD, Daniel Landlords' consents : a practical guide / Daniel Kidd and Gabrielle Higgins Coventry : RICS Books, 2009 xxviii, 340 Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KID PRESTON, C. H. S. Preston and Newsom's restrictive covenants affecting freehold land 10th ed. / by George Newsom London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2013 lxxvii, 613 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PRE SCAMELL, Ernest H. Scamell and Gasztowicz on land covenants 2nd ed. / Steven Gasztowicz London : Bloomsbury Professional, 2018 lxvii, 965 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SCA


GOODE, Sir Roy Goode and Gullifer on legal problems of credit and security 6th ed. / Roy Goode, Louise Gullifer London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 lxxvi, 441 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOO


SNAITH, Ian Handbook of co-operative and community benefit society law 2nd ed. / edited by Ian Snaith 2014 + 2016 supplement Bristol : Co-operatives UK in association with Jordan, 2014 liii, 382 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SNA


ARCHBOLD magistrates' courts criminal practice 2020 [16th ed.] / editor Stephen Leake ... [et al.] London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 ccviii, 3127 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – ARC ARCHBOLD, John Frederick Archbold : criminal pleading, evidence and practice 2020 [Rev ed.] / [general editor Mark Lucraft] 2020 + 2020 1st supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 cccxcv, 3545 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – ARC BUTTERWORTHS Police and Criminal Evidence Act cases / editors: Michael Cousens, Ruth M. Blair 1992-2015 London : Butterworths, 1992 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: DESK V - BUT DUNN, Virginia It's criminal : a guide to learning criminal litigation, evidence and sentencing [London] : Worth Publishing, 2017 xvi, 447 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DUN

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EMMERSON, Ben Human rights and criminal justice / Ben Emmerson, Andrew Ashworth and Alison Macdonald 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2012 cxxix, 1002 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EMM MAY, Richard Criminal evidence 6th ed. / Steven Powles, Lydia Waine, Radmila May London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2015 lxxxvi, 644 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – MAY PHIPSON, Sidney L. Phipson on evidence 19th ed. / general editor Hodge M. Malek 2018 + 2019 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 ccxci, 1675 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – PHI RADCLIFFE, Pamela Witness testimony in sexual cases : evidential, investigative and scientific perspectives / edited by Pamela Radcliffe ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 xlii, 413 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RAD ROBERTS, Paul Criminal evidence / Paul Roberts, Adrian Zuckerman 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010 xxxvii, 729 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – ROB SPENCER, John R. Evidence of bad character 3rd ed. Oxford : Hart, 2016 xl, 343 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SPE

SPENCER, John R. Hearsay evidence in criminal proceedings 2nd ed. Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2014 xxxvi, 469 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SPE WALDEN, Ian Computer crimes and digital investigations 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 xl, 519 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WAL ZANDER, Michael The Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 8th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 lxx, 1226 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ZAN


BEGLEY, Laura Criminal injuries compensation claims 2nd ed. / general editor Laura Begley London : Law Society, 2016 xxx, 562 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BEG MIERS, David Criminal injuries compensation : state and offender compensation for violent crime / David Miers ; consultant editors Ben Collins, Nicholas Wikeley Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 xxxviii, 341 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MIE


ALLAN, Robert J. Handbook for magistrates 3rd ed. / Robert Allan, Pauline M. Callow London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2012 xvi, 240 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ALL

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ALLEN, Michael J. Criminal law 15th ed. / Michael J. Allen, Ian Edwards Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 xxxvi, 636 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – ALL ANTHONY, E. Anthony and Berryman's magistrates' court guide 2020 [Rev. ed.] / [edited by] A.J. Turner London : LexisNexis, 2019 cxi, 1155 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – ANT ARCHBOLD magistrates' courts criminal practice 2020 [16th ed.] / editor Stephen Leake ... [et al.] London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 ccviii, 3127 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – ARC ARCHBOLD, John Frederick Archbold : criminal pleading, evidence and practice 2020 [Rev ed.] / [general editor Mark Lucraft] 2020 + 2020 1st supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 cccxcv, 3545 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – ARC ARMSTRONG, Dean Cyber security : law and practice / Dean Armstrong, Dan Hyde, Sam Thomas 2nd ed. Bristol : LexisNexis, 2019 xxxvii, 369 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ARM ASHWORTH, Andrew Sentencing and criminal justice 6th ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2015 xxxv, 533 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ASH

ASHWORTH, Andrew Ashworth's principles of criminal law 9th ed. / Jeremy Horder Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 xxx, 548 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ASH BETZ, Kathrin Proving bribery, fraud and money laundering in international arbitration : on applicable criminal law and evidence Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017 xix, 341 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BET BLACKSTONE'S criminal practice 2020 30th ed. / general editors David Ormerod, David Perry ; founding editor Peter Murphy 2019 + 2019 1st supplement Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 cclxix, 3387 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BLA CARD, Richard Criminal law / Card, Cross and Jones 22nd ed. / Richard Card, Jill Molloy Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 liv, 831 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CAR CITY LAW SCHOOL Advanced criminal litigation in practice 9th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010 xxiv, 198 p. Shelf Reference: 81 DE AZEVEDO, Celso Cyber risks insurance : law and guidance 1st ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 xxxi, 395 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DEA

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ELLIOTT, D. W. Elliott and Wood's cases and materials on criminal law 12th ed. / by Michael J. Allen and Simon Cooper London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 xxxix, 765 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ELL EMMERSON, Ben Human rights and criminal justice / Ben Emmerson, Andrew Ashworth and Alison Macdonald 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2012 cxxix, 1002 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EMM RICHARDSON, Matthew Cyber crime : law and practice London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2014 xxviii, 235 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RIC SIMESTER, A. P. Simester and Sullivan's criminal law : theory and doctrine 7th ed. / A.P. Simester ... [et al.] Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2019 lxxxix, 964 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SIM SMITH, Sir John C. Smith, Hogan, and Ormerod's text, cases and materials on criminal law 12th ed. / David Ormerod, Karl Laird Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 xli, 792 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – SMI SMITH, Sir John C. Smith, Hogan, and Ormerod's criminal law 15th ed. / David Ormerod, Karl Laird Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 lxix, 1143 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SMI

WALDEN, Ian Computer crimes and digital investigations 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 xl, 519 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WAL WILLIAMS, Glanville L. Textbook of criminal law 4th ed. / Dennis J. Baker London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2015 clxii, 1559 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WIL WONG, Helen Cyber security : law and guidance Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2018 xlii, 744 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WON


ALLAN, Robert J. Handbook for magistrates 3rd ed. / Robert Allan, Pauline M. Callow London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2012 xvi, 240 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ALL ANTHONY, E. Anthony and Berryman's magistrates' court guide 2020 [Rev. ed.] / [edited by] A.J. Turner London : LexisNexis, 2019 cxi, 1155 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ANT ARCHBOLD magistrates' courts criminal practice 2020 [16th ed.] / editor Stephen Leake ... [et al.] London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 ccviii, 3127 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ARC

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ARCHBOLD, John Frederick Archbold : criminal pleading, evidence and practice 2020 [Rev ed.] / [general editor Mark Lucraft] 2020 + 2020 1st supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 cccxcv, 3545 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ARC BLACKSTONE'S criminal practice 2020 30th ed. / general editors David Ormerod, David Perry ; founding editor Peter Murphy 2019 + 2019 1st supplement Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 cclxix, 3387 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BLA BUCKETT, Edwin Preventative orders : a practical guide / Edwin Buckett, Tom Little and Robert McAllister London : Law Society, 2010 xxx, 381 p. Shelf Reference: TEXBOOK BAY - BUC CAMPBELL, Liz The criminal process 5th ed. / Liz Campbell, Andrew Ashworth, Mike Redmayne Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 xxvii, 498 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – CAM CITY LAW SCHOOL Advanced criminal litigation in practice 9th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010 xxiv, 198 p. Shelf Reference: 81 CITY LAW SCHOOL Criminal litigation and sentencing 30th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press; 2020 xxxiv, 300 p. Shelf Reference: 81

COLVIN, Madeleine Human rights in the investigation and prosecution of crime / edited by Madeleine Colvin and Jonathan Cooper Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009 lxxii, 575 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COL COOPER, Penny Vulnerable people and the criminal justice system : a guide to law and practice / edited by Penny Cooper and Heather Norton Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 xxxviii, 529 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COO CORKER, David Disclosure in criminal proceedings / by David Corker, Stephen Parkinson Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009 xxxvi, 339 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COR DUNN, Virginia It's criminal : a guide to learning criminal litigation, evidence and sentencing [London] : Worth Publishing, 2017 xvi, 447 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DUN EDE, Roger Criminal defence : good practice in the criminal courts 4th ed. / Roger Ede and Anthony Edwards London : Law Society, 2017 xxviii, 394 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – EDE EDWARDS, Anthony Criminal costs : legal aid costs in the criminal courts / by Anthony Edwards with Colin Beaumont 2nd ed. London : Legal Action Group, 2019 xxxv, 371 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EDW

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EMMERSON, Ben Human rights and criminal justice / Ben Emmerson, Andrew Ashworth and Alison Macdonald 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2012 cxxix, 1002 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EMM FREER, Elaine A practitioner's guide to ancillary orders in criminal courts London : Bloomsbury Professional, 2019 lxxiv, 496 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FRE HOLDHAM, Susan Court of Appeal Criminal Division : a practitioner's guide / Susan Holdham and Alix Beldam 2nd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 xcviii, 640 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HOL HUNGERFORD-WELCH, Peter Criminal procedure and sentencing 9th ed. London : Routledge, 2019 xxxvii, 425 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HUN LUCRAFT, Mark Crown Court index 2020 40th ed. / by Mark Lucraft, Thomas Payne London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 cxx, 1052 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LUC McBRIDE, Jeremy Human rights and criminal procedure : the case law of the European Court of Human Rights Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2009 398 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC

MITCHELS, Barbara Children and vulnerable witnesses in court proceedings London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2016 x, 205 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MIT SPRACK, John A practical approach to criminal procedure 16th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 xlix, 518 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SPR STONE, Marcus Cross-examination in criminal trials 3rd ed. Haywards Heath : Tottel, 2009 xv, 288 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - STO TAYLOR, Paul Taylor on criminal appeals 2nd ed. / edited by Paul Taylor Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012 cxxviii, 703 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TAY WAINWRIGHT, Tom Criminal disclosure referencer / Tom Wainwright, Emma Fenn, Shahida Begum 2nd ed. Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2017 xxx, 364 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WAI YOUNG, David Abuse of process in criminal proceedings 4th ed. / David Young, Mark Summers, David Corker Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2014 lxiv, 554 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – YOU

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STONE, Marcus Cross-examination in criminal trials 3rd ed. Haywards Heath : Tottel, 2009 xv, 288 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - STO WELLMAN, Francis L. The art of cross-examination 4th ed. New York; London : Collier, 1936 476 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WIL


LUCRAFT, Mark Crown Court index 2020 40th ed. / by Mark Lucraft, Thomas Payne London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 cxx, 1052 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LUC


BUTTERWORTHS personal injury litigation service / Iain S. Goldrein and Margaret R. de Haas 1989 onwards London : Butterworths, 1989 6 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUT EXALL, Gordon Personal injury litigation 4th ed. / Gordon Exall London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2011 xvi, 260 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EXA

FACTS and figures 2019/20 : tables for the calculation of damages / compiled and edited by members of the Professional Negligence Bar Association ; general editor Simon Levene London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 xiii, 382 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FAC GOVERNMENT ACTUARY'S DEPARTMENT Actuarial tables with explanatory notes for use in persnal injury and fatal accident cases 7th ed. / prepared by an Inter-disciplinary Working Party, Chairman of the Working Party: Robin de Wilde London : The Stationery Office, 2011 70 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOV HALSON, Roger Liquidated damages and penalty clauses Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 xxvi, 212 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HAL HOWARD, Michael Foreign currency : claims, judgments and damages / by Michael Howard, John Knott, John Kimbell Abingdon : Informa Law from Routledge, 2016 xxxviii, 353p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HOW JUDICIAL COLLEGE Guidelines for the assessment of general damages in personal injury cases 15th ed. / compiled for the Judicial College by Mrs Justice Lambert ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 xix, 92 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – JUD KEMP, David A. McI. Kemp & Kemp: personal injury law, practice & procedure / general editor Andrew Ritchie 2005 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2005 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KEM

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KEMP, David A. McI. The quantum of damages in personal injury and fatal accident claims / Kemp & Kemp Rev. ed. / by David A.McI. Kemp ; assisted by Derrick Turriff ... [et al.] 1982 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1982 4 vols. + index vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KEM KRAMER, Adam The law of contract damages 2nd ed. Oxford : Hart, 2017 lxxviii, 616 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KRA McGREGOR, Harvey McGregor on damages 20th ed. 2018 + 2019 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 clxiv, 1985 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC MUNKMAN, John Damages for personal injuries and death / Munkman and Exall 14th ed. / Gordon Exall London : LexisNexis, 2019 xliv, 431 p Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MUN SPRY, I. C. F. The principles of equitable remedies : specific performance, injunctions, rectification and equitable damages 9th ed. Sydney : Lawbook Co. ; London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2014 lxxv, 748 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SPR TETTENBORN, Andrew The law of damages 2nd ed. / general editor Andrew Tettenborn ; editor David Wilby London : LexisNexis, 2010 cxxxviii, 992 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TET

VIRGO, Graham Commercial remedies : resolving controversies / edited by Graham Virgo, Sarah Worthington Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017 xxxiii, 590 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - VIR WILCOX, Vanessa A company's right to damages for non-pecuniary loss Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2016 xxxiv, 192 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WIL


BUTTERWORTHS data protection law handbook / consultant editors Anthony Taylor and Adam Gilbert 2nd ed. London : LexisNexis, 2019 ix, 1044 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUT CASTRO-EDWARDS, James EU General Data Protection Regulation : a guide to the new law London : Law Society, 2017 xxxii, 207 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CAS ENCYCLOPEDIA of data protection and privacy / editors Simon Chalton, Shelagh Gaskill 1988 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1988 4 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ENC JAY, Rosemary Data protection : law and practice 4th ed. 2012 + 2014 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2012 lxxxii, 1330 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JAY

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JAY, Rosemary Guide to the General Data Protection Regulation : a companion to data protection law and practice 4th edition / Rosemary Jay ... [et al.] London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 li, 472 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JAY LONG, Ian Data protection : the new rules Bristol : Jordan, 2016 xxx, 256 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LON MACLENNAN, Alan Information governance and assurance : reducing risk, promoting policy London : Facet Publishing, 2014 xii, 196 p. Shelf Reference: 72 WEBSTER, Mandy Effective data protection : managing information in an era of change London : ICSA Publishing, 2011 xiii, 224 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WEB WELFARE, Damian Cornerstone on information law Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2019 xlii, 617 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WEL


WOOD, Philip R. Project finance, securitisations, subordinated debt 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 xviii, 293 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WOO


KRUSE, John Debt recovery in the courts London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2010 xiv, 138 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KRU LEVAGGI, Peter Enforcement and debt recovery : a guide to the new law / Peter Levaggi, David Marsden and Peter Mooney 2nd ed. London : Law Society, 2014 xxxiv, 492 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LEV


GOODE, Sir Roy Goode and Gullifer on legal problems of credit and security 6th ed. / Roy Goode, Louise Gullifer London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 lxxvi, 441 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOO


ANDERSON, Mark Execution of documents / Mark Anderson and Victor Warner 3rd ed. London : Law Society, 2015 xliv, 428 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - AND


CARTER-RUCK, Peter F. Carter-Ruck on libel and privacy 6th ed. / general editors Alastair Mullis, Cameron Doley London : LexisNexis, 2010 cxxxiv, 1762 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CAR

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COLLINS, Matthew Collins on defamation Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 cxiv, 755 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COL COLLINS, Matthew The law of defamation and the internet 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010 xcvi, 683 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COL DEACON, Robert Privacy and personality rights : commercial exploitation and protection / Robert Deacon, Nigel Lipton and Robert Pinker London : Jordans, 2010 xlviii, 692 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DEA DUNCAN, Colin Duncan and Neill on defamation 4th ed. / by Sir Brian Neill ... [et al.] London : Butterworths, 2015 lxvi, 520 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DUN GATLEY, J. C. C. Gatley on libel and slander 12th ed. / by joint editors: Alastair Mullis, Richard Parkes 2013 + 2017 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2013 cliii, 1620 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GAT MILO, Dario Defamation and freedom of speech Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008 xxxiv, 338 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MIL


NORTH, Sir Peter Occupiers' liability 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 xxxv, 263 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - NOR


TIBERG, Hugo The law of demurrage 5th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2013 ci, 695 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TIB


HENDRY, Ian British overseas territories law / Ian Hendry and Susan Dickson 2nd ed. Oxford : Hart, 2018 xxxi, 397 p. Shelf Reference: 74


DUBINSKY, Laura Foreign national prisoners : law and practice / Laura Dubinsky ; with Hamish Arnott and Alasdair Mackenzie London : Legal Action Group, 2012 civ, 881 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DUB FRIPP, Eric The law and practice of expulsion and exclusion from the United Kingdom : deportation, removal, exclusion and deprivation of citizenship / general editor Eric Fripp ; deputy editors Rowena Moffatt, Ellis Wilford Oregon : Hart, 2015 ixvii, 523 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – FRI

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HUDSON, Alastair The law on financial derivatives 6th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 lxxxviii, 1012 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HUD SOUTHERN, David Taxation of loan relationships and derivative contracts 10th ed. Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2017 lxi, 654 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SOU WOOD, Philip R. Set-off and netting, derivatives, clearing systems 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 xx, 470 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WOO


RUSSELL-CLARKE, Alan Daubeny Russell-Clarke and Howe on industrial designs 9th ed. / by Martin Howe London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 lxxxi, 870 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RUS STONE, David European Union design law : a practitioners' guide Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012 xlvi, 445 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW




DOWDING, Nicholas Dilapidations : the modern law and practice 6th ed. / by Nicholas Dowding, Kirk Reynolds and Alison Oakes London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 xcix, 1147 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DOW


DENZA, Eileen Diplomatic law : commentary on the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations 4th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 xviii, 453 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DEN SATOW, Sir Ernest Satow's diplomatic practice 7th ed. / edited by Sir Ivor Roberts Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 lxii, 747 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SAT


COMPANY directors : law and liability / editors Neil Sinclair, David Vogel, Richard Snowden 1997 onwards London : FT Law and Tax, 1997 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COM LANGFORD, Rosemary Teele Company directors' duties and conflicts of interest Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 li, 465 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LAN

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MITHANI, Abbas Directors' disqualification 2nd ed. / general editor Abbas Mithani 1998 onwards London : Butterworths, 1998 3 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MIT MORTIMORE, Simon Company directors : duties, liabilities, and remedies / edited by Simon Mortimore 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 clxxxvi, 1206 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MOR PAOLINI, Adolfo Directors' and officers' liability insurance / by Adolfo Paolini and Deepak Nambisan London : Informa, 2008 xxvii, 214 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PAO STAFFORD, Andrew Fiduciary duties : directors and employees / Andrew Stafford, Stuart Ritchie 2nd ed. Bristol : Jordan, 2015 l, 552 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - STA WALTERS, Adrian Directors' disqualification and insolvency restrictions / Adrian Walters, Malcolm Davis-White 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2010 cii, 1072 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WAL WILLIAMS, Richard Disqualification undertakings : law, policy and practice Bristol : Jordans, 2011 xxxii, 332 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WIL




BOWER, George Spencer The law relating to actionable non-disclosure and other breaches of duty in relations of confidence, influence and advantage 2nd ed. / by Sir Alexander Kingcombe Turner and Richard John Sutton London : Butterworths, 1990 lxxi, 741 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BOW BUSHELL, Simon Disclosure of information : Norwich Pharmacal and related principles / Simon Bushell, Gary Milner-Moore 2nd ed. Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2019 xxxiii, 280 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUS CARTWRIGHT, John Misrepresentation, mistake and non-disclosure 5th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 xci, 643 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CAR COOPER, Penny Vulnerable people and the criminal justice system : a guide to law and practice / edited by Penny Cooper and Heather Norton Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 xxxviii, 529 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COO CORKER, David Disclosure in criminal proceedings / by David Corker, Stephen Parkinson Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009 xxxvi, 339 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COR

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WAINWRIGHT, Tom Criminal disclosure referencer / Tom Wainwright, Emma Fenn, Shahida Begum 2nd ed. Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2017 xxx, 364 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – WAI


GORDON, Keith Discovery assessments : how to challenge them 2nd ed. Chester : Claritax, 2019 xiii, 178 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOR HIBBERT, Peter R. The electronic evidence and e-disclosure handbook / Peter Hibbert London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 xliv, 646 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HIB MATTHEWS, Paul Disclosure / by Paul Matthews and Hodge M. Malek 5th ed. 2017 + 2019 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 cc, 831 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAT O'NEILL, David Ancillary discovery Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2009 lvii, 468 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ONE WHEATER, Michael Electronic disclosure : law and practice / Michael Wheater, Charles Raffin Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 xlvii, 508 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – WHE


DISCRIMINATION law / general editor Pauline Hughes 1999 onwards Haywards Heath : Tottel, 1999 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DIS DOYLE, Brian J. Disability discrimination : law and practice 6th ed. Bristol : Jordans, 2008 lxv, 591 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DOY ELLIS, Evelyn EU anti-discrimination law 2nd ed. / Evelyn Ellis and Philippa Watson Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012 l, 519 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW INCOMES DATA SERVICES Discrimination at work London : Incomes Data Services, 2017 v, 1829 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - INC MONAGHAN, Karon Monaghan on equality law 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 lxxxiv, 755 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MON O'DEMPSEY, Declan Discrimination in employment : a claims handbook / edited by Declan O'Dempsey ... [et al.] London : Legal Action Group, 2013 lxxxii, 673 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ODE

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RUBENSTEIN, Michael Discrimination : a guide to the relevant case law 32nd ed. Annual London : Michael Rubenstein Conferences Ltd, 2019 154 p. Shelf Reference: 119 WADHAM, John Blackstone's guide to the Equality Act 2010 / edited by John Wadham ... [et al.] 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 lxi, 508 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WAD


DAVIDSON, David Pensions and family breakdown 2nd ed. London : Law Society, 2008 xxii, 173 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DAV HARPER, Mark International trust and divorce litigation 3rd ed. / Mark Harper, Dawn Goodman London : LexisNexis, 2019 xliv, 487 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – HAR JACKSON, Joseph Jackson's matrimonial finance 10th ed. / editors Clive Newton, Deepak Nagpal London : LexisNexis, 2019 cxlviii, 1475 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JAC RAYDEN, William Rayden and Jackson on relationship breakdown, finances and children 19th ed. 2016 onwards London : LexisNexis Butterworths, 2016 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – RAY


ELLINGER, Peter The law and practice of documentary letters of credit / Peter Ellinger and Dora Neo Oxford : Hart, 2010 lii, 429 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ELL ENONCHONG, Nelson The independence principle of letters of credit and demand guarantees Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 xxxv, 348 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ENO INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The complete UCP : uniform customs and practice for documentary credits : texts, rules and history 1920-2007 / written and compiled by Dan Taylor Paris : ICC Services, 2008 249 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - INT JACK, Raymond Documentary credits : the law and practice of documentary credits and demand guarantees 4th ed. / by Ali Malek, David Quest Haywards Heath : Tottel, 2009 xxxix, 556 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – JAC


NORTON, Gary A child's journey through contemporary issues in child protection / Gary Norton, Rhiannon Davies London : Family Law, 2017 xviii, 171 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - NOR WILSON, Jane Domestic abuse : practice and precedents London : Law Society, 2010 xxi, 375 Shelf Reference: TEXBOOK BAY - WIL

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KESSLER, James Taxation of non-residents and foreign domiciliaries 2019-20 18th ed. Oxford : Key Haven, 2019 7 vols. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – KES


BAKER, Philip Double taxation conventions and international tax law 3rd ed. 2001 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2001 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BAK MUNRO, Alastair Tolley's UK tax treaties / by Alastair Munro ; [with] Joanna Harrison, Teresa Nogueira London : LexisNexis, 2013 xix, 991 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MUN SIMON, John Allsebrook Simon, Viscount Simon's taxes [5th ed.] / editorial team Alan Blanchard ... [et al.] 2008 onwards London : LexisNexis, 2008 11 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SIM


ANDERSON, Mark Drafting confidentiality agreements 3rd ed. / Mark Anderson and Victor Warner London : Law Society, 2014 xviii, 212 p. + 1 CD-ROM Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - AND

BEARDSMORE, Valerie Opinion writing and drafting in tort / Valerie Beardsmore and Adele Cox London : Cavendish, 1996 xx, 347 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – BEA BLAKE, Susan A practical approach to effective litigation 8th ed Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 xlix, 578 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – BLA BUTT, Peter Modern legal drafting : a guide to using clearer language 3rd ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2013 li, 329 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUT CHRISTOU, Richard Drafting commercial agreements 6th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 lix, 915 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CHR CITY LAW SCHOOL Drafting 20th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2020 xiii, 434 p. Shelf Reference: 81 FROST, Martyn Risk and negligence in wills, estates and trusts / Martyn Frost, Penelope Reed and Mark Baxter 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 xliv, 504 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – FRO

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FROST, Martyn Testamentary capacity : law, practice and medicine / Martyn Frost, Stephen Lawson, Robin Jacoby Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 xxxi, 333 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FRO GOODMAN, Andrew Effective written advocacy : a guide for practitioners 2nd ed. London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2012 xxi, 361 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – GOO KELLY, James Henry Kelly's legal precedents 21st ed. / by Roderick Ramage 2014 + 2015 supplement London : LexisNexis, 2014 cxvii, 1576 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KEL KESSLER, James Drafting trusts and will trusts : a modern approach 14th ed. / James Kessler, Charlotte John London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 lxxiii, 710 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KES LEWISON, Sir Kim Lewison's drafting business leases 8th ed. / Janet Bignell ; consultant editor Lord Justice Lewison London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2013 lxxiii, 574 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LEW ROSE, William M. Pleadings without tears : a guide to legal drafting under the Civil Procedure Rules 9th ed. / William Rose ; updated and revised by Roger Eastman Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 x, 365 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – ROS


CALLOW, Pauline M. The drink- and drug-drive offences : a handbook for practitioners London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2018 xlviii, 322 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CAL


CALLOW, Pauline M. Drink and drug drive case notes 3rd ed. London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2015 xxxvii, 654 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CAL FORTSON, Rudi Misuse of drugs and drug trafficking 6th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2011 cxv, 1080 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FOR MOLONEY, Tim The drugs offences handbook / Tim Moloney ... [et al.] Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2018 xxxii, 382 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MOL


ENONCHONG, Nelson Duress, undue influence and unconscionable dealing 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 lxv, 582 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ENO TAMBLYN, Nathan The law of duress and necessity : crime, tort, contract Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2018 xx, 243 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TAM

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See also RIGHTS OF WAY GALE, Charles James Gale on easements 20th ed. / Jnathan Gaunt, the Honourable Mr Justice Morgan London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 xcv, 781 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GAL SARA, Colin Boundaries and easements 7th ed. / Colin Sara, Daniel Dovar London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 lxix, 706 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SAR WEBSTER, William Restrictions on the use of land / William Webster and Robert Weatherley London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2016 xcii, 572 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WEB


CHURCH OF ENGLAND The CANONS of the Church of England London : Church House Publishing, 2012 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf reference: 119 HILL, Mark Ecclesiastical law 4th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 lxvii, 547 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HIL MOORE, E. Garth Moore's introduction to English canon law 4th ed. / edited by Timothy Briden London : Bloomsbury, 2013 xxvii, 213 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – MOO

MYNORS, Charles Changing churches : a practical guide to the faculty system London : Bloomsbury, 2016 xx, 443 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – MYN


BERNSTEIN, Robby Economic loss 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2013 2 vols. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BER


CHILD POVERTY ACTION GROUP Student support and benefits handbook : England, Wales and Northern Ireland [2019/2020] 16th ed. / David Malcolm ... [et al.] London : Child Poverty Action Group, 2019 xxvii, 340 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – CHI The LAW of education 9th ed. / Peter Liell, John B. Saunders 1984-2014 London : Butterworths, 1984 7 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LAW McMANUS, J. Richard Education and the courts 3rd ed. London : Jordans, 2012 lxxv, 569 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC


BIELANSKA, Caroline Elderly clients : a precedent manual 5th ed. / general editor Caroline Bielanska London : Jordans, 2016 xlii, 809 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BIE

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STAYNER, Ann Financial abuse of older clients : law, practice and procedure London : Bloomsbury, 2017 xxxi, 284 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - STA


SCHOFIELD, Norman Schofield's election law 3rd ed. / Paul Gribble 2008 onwards Crayford : Shaw & Sons, 2008 5 vols. (loose-leaf) + CD-ROM Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SCH


BRAZELL, Lorna Electronic signatures and identities : law and regulation 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 lxii, 608 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BRA MASON, Stephen Electronic signatures in law 4th ed. London : Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, 2016 lvii, 418 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAS


EMERGENCY remedies in the family courts : preparing, making and enforcing emergency family and child law applications / Roger Bird, general editor ; Nigel Fricker, founding editor [3rd ed.] 1997 onwards Bristol : Family Law, 1997 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EME


EMPLOYEE share schemes / edited by David Pett 1996 onwards London : FT Law and Tax, 1996 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – EMP


MUNKMAN, John Munkman on employer's liability 17th ed. / general editor Daniel Bennett London : LexisNexis, 2019 clv, 1070 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – MUN REDGRAVE, Alexander Redgrave's health and safety 9th ed. / Jonathan Clarke ; EU consultant Michael Ford ; Scottish case editor Astrid Smart London : LexisNexis, 2016 lxxxviii, 2684 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RED


ALLEN, Robin Employment law and human rights 3rd ed. / Robin Allen ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 lxiii, 565 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ALL BARNETT, Daniel Employment law handbook 7th ed. / Daniel Barnett, Gus Baker and Stephen Butler London : Law Society, 2017 xlviii, 304 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BAR

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BLOCH, Selwyn Bloch and Brearley : employment covenants and confidential information : law, practice and technique 4th ed. / Selwyn Bloch, Kate Brearley London : Bloomsbury, 2018 lxxxix, 1421 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BLO BOWERS, John A practical approach to employment law 9th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 lxxxvi, 568 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – BOW BOWERS, John Termination of employment 5th ed. / John Bowers and Carol Davis London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2010 248 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – BOW BUTTERWORTHS employment law guide 4th ed. / General editors Christopher Osman, Timothy Brennan London : LexisNexis, 2005 ciii, 1083 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – BUT BUTTERWORTHS employment law handbook / editor Peter Wallington 27th ed. London : LexisNexis, 2019 xxiii, 3134 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – BUT CITY LAW SCHOOL Employment law in practice 13th ed. / edited by Nigel Duncan Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 xxxiii, 340 p. Shelf Reference: 81 FOSTER, Alison Disciplinary and regulatory proceedings 10th ed. / Alison Foster, Gregory Treverton-Jones, Saima Hanif London : LexisNexis, 2019 lxxviii, 482 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FOS

GOULDING, Paul Employee competition : covenants, confidentiality, and garden leave / edited by Paul Goulding 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 lxv, 784 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOU HARVEY, R. J. Industrial relations and employment law / editor in chief R.J. Harvey ; editors Patrick Elias ... [et al.] [1975] onwards London : Butterworths, 1975 7 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HAR INCOMES DATA SERVICES Atypical and flexible working London : Thomson Reuters, 2019 viii, 461 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - INC INCOMES DATA SERVICES Contracts of employment London : Thomson Reuters, 2019 iv, 852 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - INC INCOMES DATA SERVICES Disciplinary and grievance procedures London : Incomes Data Services, 2009 iii, 123 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - INC INCOMES DATA SERVICES Equal pay [Rev. ed.] London : Thomson Reuters, 2017 iii, 490 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - INC INCOMES DATA SERVICES Whistleblowing at work London : Thomson Reuters, 2018 iii, 313 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - INC

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JOINT COUNCIL FOR THE WELFARE OF IMMIGRANTS Guide to the points-based system / edited by Duran Seddon London : Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants, 2011 xii, 481 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JCW KAMERLING, Alexandra Restrictive covenants under common and competition law 6th ed. / Alexandra Kamerling and Chris Goodwill ; consultant editor Christopher Osman London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2010 xlix, 597 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KAM LEWIS, Jeremy Whistleblowing : law and practice 3rd ed. / Jeremy Lewis ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 xlix, 775 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LEW MARSHALL, David Compensation for stress at work Bristol : Jordans, 2009 xxxvi, 385 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAR MERRETT, Louise Employment contracts in private international law Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 xxxviii, 329 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MER O'DEMPSEY, Declan Discrimination in employment : a claims handbook / edited by Declan O'Dempsey ... [et al.] London : Legal Action Group, 2013 lxxxii, 673 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ODE

OUDKERK, Daniel International employment disputes / Daniel Oudkerk, Amy Rogers and contributors 1st ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 lxvi, 458 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - OUD POLLARD, David Corporate insolvency : employment rights 6th ed. Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2016 lxxii, 654 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - POL ROMNEY, Daphne Equal pay : law and practice Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 xliv, 420 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ROM SELWYN, N. M. Selwyn's law of employment 21st ed. / Astra Emir Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2020 lxxxviii, 648 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – SEL SMITH, I. T. Smith and Wood's employment law 14th ed. / Ian Smith, Aaron Baker, Owen Warnock Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 lxxxix, 817 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – SMI STAFFORD, Andrew Fiduciary duties : directors and employees / Andrew Stafford, Stuart Ritchie 2nd ed. Bristol : Jordan, 2015 l, 552 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - STA SWEET & Maxwell's encyclopedia of employment law / general editor Robert Upex 1992 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1992 4 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – ENC

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UPEX, Robert The law of termination of employment 8th ed. / Robert Upex, Stephen Hardy Bristol : Jordans, 2012 lxxv, 476 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – UPE


BARNETT, Daniel Costs in employment tribunals / Daniel Barnett, Kate Palka, Benjamin Hay Bristol : Jordan, 2010 xxii, 257 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – BAR GOODIER, Colin Employment tribunals : the complete guide to procedure 6th ed. / Colin Goodier, Jonathan Parkin London : Nova, 2011 lvi, 533 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOO KORN, Anthony Employment tribunal remedies 4th ed. / Anthony Korn, Mohinderpal Sethi Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 lv, 452 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KOR MACMILLAN, John Blackstone's guide to the Employment Tribunals Rules 2013 and the Fees Order Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 xxvii, 274 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC


ALLINSON, Stephen Enforcement of a judgment 12th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 lxxiv, 584 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ALL

GARB, Louis Enforcement of foreign judgments / edited by Louis Garb and Julian Lew 1995 onwards The Hague : Kluwer Law International, 1995 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GAR HARTLEY, Trevor C. Civil jurisdiction and judgments in Europe : the Brussels I Regulation, the Lugano Convention, and the Hague Choice of Court Convention Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 lxx, 569 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW JOSEPH, David Jurisdiction and arbitration agreements and their enforcement 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2015 cxiv, 904 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW KAWALEY, Ian R. C. Cross-border judicial cooperation in offshore litigation : the British offshore world / edited by Ian R.C. Kawaley, Andrew J. Bolton and Robin J. Mayor 2nd ed. London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2016 lxx, 339 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KAW KRUSE, John Debt recovery in the courts London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2010 xiv, 138 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KRU LEVAGGI, Peter Enforcement and debt recovery : a guide to the new law / Peter Levaggi, David Marsden and Peter Mooney 2nd ed. London : Law Society, 2014 xxxiv, 492 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LEV

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MORRIS, Simon Financial services regulation in practice Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 lvi, 551 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MOR NORRIS, Julie The law of regulatory enforcement and sanctions : a practical guide / Julie Norris, Jeremy Phillips Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 xxxvi, 342 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - NOR TRAVERS, David Planning enforcement / David Travers, Edward Grant and Emmaline Lambert London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2015 xiv, 224 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TRA WILMAN, Folkert Private enforcement of EU law before national courts : the EU legislative framework Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2015 liii, 601 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW


HAGUE, N. T. Leasehold enfranchisement / Hague 6th ed. / by Anthony Radevsky and Damian Greenish 2014 + 2019 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2014 xcix, 1366 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HAG HARRISON, Piers Leasehold enfranchisement : law and practice / Piers Harrison and David Lonsdale London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2014 xxxii, 340 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – HAR


DARBYSHIRE, Penny Darbyshire on the English legal system 12th ed. / by Penny Darbyshire London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 xlviii, 536 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – DAR SLAPPER, Gary How the law works 4th ed. London : Routledge, 2016 x, 308 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – SLA WALKER, M. G. Walker and Walker's English legal system 11th ed. / Richard Ward, Amanda Akhtar Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 lxviii, 732 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WAL WILLIAMS, Glanville L. Glanville Williams : learning the law 16th ed. / edited by A.T.H. Smith London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 xv, 293 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – WIL


ENCYCLOPEDIA of environmental health / general editor Charles A. Cross ; assistant editor Harold F. Baines 1968 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1968 5 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ENC


BURNETT-HALL, Richard Burnett-Hall on environmental law 3rd ed. / general editors Richard Burnett-Hall, Brian Jones London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2012 clxx, 1166 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUR

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JONES, Gregory The Habitats Directive : a developer's obstacle course? / edited by Gregory Jones Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2012 xli, 323 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JON MOULES, Richard Environmental judicial review Oxford : Hart, 2011 xlix, 379 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MOU RODGERS, Christopher P. The law of nature conservation : property, environment, and the limits of law Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 xxix, 337 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – ROD TROMANS, Stephen Environmental impact assessment 2nd ed. Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2012 xxxvii, 697 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TRO WAITE, Andrew Environmental law in property transactions / Waite and Jewell 4th ed. / Adrew Waite, Gregory Jones, and Valerie Fogeman Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2016 lxxiv, 601 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WAI WOLF, Susan Environmental Information Regulations : a practical guide London : Law Society, 2011 xxviii, 245 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WOL


MONAGHAN, Karon Monaghan on equality law 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 lxxxiv, 755 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MON WADHAM, John Blackstone's guide to the Equality Act 2010 / edited by John Wadham ... [et al.] 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 lxi, 508 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WAD


DEVONSHIRE, Peter Account of profits Wellington : Thomson Reuters, 2013 xiii, 194 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DEV HAYTON, David J. Hayton and Mitchell : text, cases and materials on the law of trusts and equitable remedies 14th ed. / by Ben McFarlane, Charles Mitchell London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2015 lxxxii, 871 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – HAY SNELL, Edmund Henry Turner Snell's equity 34th ed. / John McGhee, Steven Elliott London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 clxxxix, 1163 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – SNE SPRY, I. C. F. The principles of equitable remedies : specific performance, injunctions, rectification and equitable damages 9th ed. Sydney : Lawbook Co. ; London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2014 lxxv, 748 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SPR

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DAVIES, Paul S. Defences in equity / edited by Paul S. Davies, Simon Douglas and James Goudkamp Oxford : Hart, 2018 x, 368 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DAV HANBURY, Harold Greville Hanbury and Martin: modern equity 21st ed. / Jamie Glister, James Lee London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 clix, 942 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – HAN MEAGHER, R. P. Meagher, Gummow and Lehane's equity : doctrines and remedies 5th ed. / J.D. Heydon, M.J. Leeming, P.G. Turner Chatswood, New South Wales : Butterworths, 2015 cxxxiv, 1283 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – MEA PETTIT, Philip H. Equity and the law of trusts 12th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012 xcv, 739 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – PET SNELL, Edmund Henry Turner Snell's equity 34th ed. / John McGhee, Steven Elliott London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 clxxxix, 1163 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – SNE TODD, Paul Todd & Wilson's textbook on trusts and equity 12th ed. / Sarah Wilson Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 xxxvi, 493 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – TOD

TURNER, P. G. Equity and administration / edited by P.G. Turner Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2016 lix, 540 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TUR VIRGO, Graham The principles of equity and trusts 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 xl, 691 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – VIR WATT, Gary Trusts and equity 9th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2020 xli, 623 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WAT


BANT, Elise The change of position defence Oxford : Hart, 2009 xxviii, 264 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BAN BOWER, George Spencer Spencer Bower : reliance-based estoppel : the law of reliance-based estoppel and related doctrines 5th ed. / by Piers Feltham ... [et al.] Haywards Heath: Bloomsbury, 2017 xciv, 704 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BOW HANDLEY, K. R. Estoppel by conduct and election 2nd ed. London : Thomson Reuters, 2016 lxxvii, 356 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HAN McFARLANE, Ben The law of proprietary estoppel Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 xxxiii, 643 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC

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TRUKHTANOV, Alexander Contractual estoppel Abingdon : Routledge, 2017 xxxvi, 193 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TRU WILKEN, Sean The law of waiver, variation, and estoppel 3rd ed. / Sean Wilken, Karim Ghaly Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012 lxiv, 471 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WIL


ARDEN, Dame Mary Shaping tomorrow's law. Vol. 1: Human rights and European law : building new legal orders Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 viii, 352 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ARD ARROWSMITH, Sue The law of public and utilities procurement : regulation in the EU and the UK 3rd ed. Vol. 1 2014 + vol. 2 2018 London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2014 2 vols. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ARR ASHTON, David Competition damages actions in the EU : law and practice 2nd ed. / David Ashton Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2018 xliii, 495 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW ATKINSON, Duncan EU law in criminal practice / edited by Duncan Atkinson ; consultant editors David Perry, Valsamis Mitsilegas Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 xxxix, 331 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW

BAUDENBACHER, Carl The handbook of EEA law / Carl Baudenbacher, editor Cham [Switzerland]: Springer, 2016 xl, 859 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW BELLAMY, Sir Christopher European Union law of competition / Bellamy and Child 8th ed. / edited by David Bailey, Laura Elizabeth John Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 cclxi, 1604 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW BLACKSTOCK, Jodie EU criminal procedure : a general defence practitioner's guide London : Justice, 2011 233 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW BLAKENEY, Michael The protection of geographical indications : law and practice Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2014 xxix, 473 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW BORK, Reinhard Commentary on the European insolvency regulation / edited by Reinhard Bork, Kristin van Zwieten Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 lxxii, 919 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW BRIGGS, Adrian Civil jurisdiction and judgments 6th ed. London : Informa, 2015 xc, 897 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW BRIGGS, Adrian Private international law in English courts Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 lxxii, 1064 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BRI

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BUTTERWORTHS competition law / general editors: Peter Freeman and Richard Whish 1991 onwards London : Butterworths, 1991 7 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW CALLIESS, Gralf-Peter Rome Regulations : commentary / edited by Gralf-Peter Calliess 2nd ed. Alphen aan den Rijn : Wolters Kluwer, 2015 xxvi, 988 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW CASTRO-EDWARDS, James EU General Data Protection Regulation : a guide to the new law London : Law Society, 2017 xxxii, 207 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CAS COATES, Kevin Competition law and regulation of technology markets Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 xxviii, 417 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW COOK, Trevor Pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and the law 3rd ed. London : LexisNexis, 2016 lxxviii, 748 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COO CRAIG, Paul EU administrative law 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 xcv, 836 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW CRAIG, Paul EU law : text, cases and materials : |bUK version / Paul Craig and Grainne de Burca 7th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2020 cxxv, 1264 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW

EFTA COURT Judicial protection in the European Economic Area : international conference by the EFTA Court on 17 June 2011 / EFTA Court, ed. Stuttgart : German Law Publishers, 2012 viii, 231 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW ELLIS, Evelyn EU anti-discrimination law 2nd ed. / Evelyn Ellis and Philippa Watson Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012 l, 519 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW FELDSCHREIBER, Peter The law and regulation of medicines / edited by Peter Feldschreiber Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008 lii, 473 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FEL GORDON, Richard EU law in judicial review 2nd ed. / Richard Gordon, Rowena Moffatt Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 lxxi, 623 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW GOYDER, Joanna EU distribution law 5th ed. Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2011 xxix, 343 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW GRAGL, Paul The accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights Oxford : Hart, 2013 xxviii, 333 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GRA GUILD, Elspeth The EU citizenship Directive : a commentary / Elspeth Guild, Steve Peers, Jonathan Tomkin Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 xxiii, 334 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW

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HANCHER, Leigh EU state aids 5th ed. / Leigh Hancher, Tom Ottervanger, Piet Jan Slot London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 lxxi, 1228 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW HARTLEY, Trevor C. Civil jurisdiction and judgments in Europe : the Brussels I Regulation, the Lugano Convention, and the Hague Choice of Court Convention Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 lxx, 569 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW HARTLEY, Trevor C. The foundations of European Union law : an introduction to the constitutional and administrative law of the European Union 8th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 lxvi, 503 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – EU LAW HEIJER, Maarten den Europe and extraterritorial asylum Oxford : Hart, 2012 xx, 321 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW KLIP, Andre European criminal law : an integrative approach 2nd ed. Cambridge : Intersentia, 2012 xvii, 580 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW KUIJPER, Pieter Jan The law of the European Union 5th ed. / edited by Pieter Jan Kuijper ... [et al.] Alpen aan den Rijn : Kluwer, 2018 xlvii, 1402 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW

LENAERTS, Koen EU procedural law / Koen Lenaerts, Ignace Maselis, Kathleen Gutman ; edited by Janet Tomasz Nowak Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 clix, 890 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW MARSHALL, Jennifer European cross border insolvency / general editor Jennifer Marshall 2004 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2004 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW McCORMACK, Gerard Security rights and the European insolvency regulation / edited by Gerard McCormack, Reinhard Bork Cambridge : Intersentia, 2017 xlvi, 701 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC McPARLAND, Michael The Rome I Regulation on the law applicable to contractual obligations Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 lxxv, 897 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW MOLONEY, Niamh EU securities and financial markets regulation 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 lxvi, 1044 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW MORRIS, Simon Financial services regulation in practice Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 lvi, 551 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MOR

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MOSS, Gabriel Moss, Fletcher and Isaacs on the EU Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings / edited by Gabriel Moss, Ian F. Fletcher, Stuart Isaacs 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 liii, 684 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW MOSS, Gabriel EU banking and insurance insolvency / edited by Gabriel Moss, Bob Wessels, Matthias Haentjens 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 l, 665 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW MULLAN, Rory The interaction of EU treaty freedoms and the UK tax code / by Rory Mullan and Harriet Brown Oxford : Key Haven, 2011 xxvii, 389 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MUL PANAYI, Christiana HJI European Union corporate tax law Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2013 xviii, 394 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PAN PLENDER, Richard The European private international law of obligations/ by Richard Plender and Michael Wilderspin 5th ed. / edited by Michael Wilderspin London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 xcvii, 854 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW QUIGLEY, Conor European state aid law and policy 3rd ed. Oxford : Hart, 2015 xc, 792 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW

RANDOLPH, Fergus The European law of commercial agency / Fergus Randolph and Jonathan Davey 3rd ed. Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2010 xxi, 337 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW STEINER, Josephine Steiner and Woods EU law 14th ed. / Marios Costa, Steve Peers Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2020 lxxxix, 710 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – EU LAW STONE, David European Union design law : a practitioners' guide Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012 xlvi, 445 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW TRITTON, Guy Intellectual property in Europe 5th ed. / by Richard Davis, Thomas St Quintin, Guy Tritton 2018 + 2020 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 cxxii, 1421 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW TROMANS, Stephen Environmental impact assessment 2nd ed. Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2012 xxxvii, 697 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TRO VAN BAEL, Ivo EU anti-dumping and other trade defence instruments / Van Bael & Bellis 6th ed. The Hague : Wolters Kluwer, 2019 xxx, 972 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW

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VAUGHAN, David Law of the European Union / David Vaughan and Aidan Robertson editors 2003 onwards Richmond : Richmond Law & Tax, 2003 6 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW VON MUHLENDAHL, Alexander Trade mark law in Europe 3rd ed. / Alexander von Muhlendahl ... [et al.] London : Oxford University Press, 2016 lvi, 894 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW WHISH, Richard Competition law 9th ed. / Richard Whish, David Bailey Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 xcv, 1056 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW



BATES, Ed The evolution of the European Convention on Human Rights : from its inception to the creation of a permanent court of human rights Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010 xxxv, 571 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BAT CALLEWAERT, Johan The accession of the European Union to the European Convention of Human Rights Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2014 104 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CAL COUNCIL OF EUROPE. Steering Committee for Human Rights Reforming th European Convention on Human Rights : a work in progress : a compilation of publications and documents relevant to the ongoing reform of the ECHR Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2009 718 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COU

DIJK, P. van Theory and practice of the European Convention on Human Rights 5th ed. / by P. van Dijk ... [et al.] Cambridge : Intersentia, 2018 xvii, 1230 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DIJ EVANS, Malcolm D. Manual on the wearing of religious symbols in public areas Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2009 v, 126 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EVA GOSS, Ryan Criminal fair trial rights : Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights Oxford : Hart, 2014 xxvii, 224 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOS HARRIS, David J. Harris, O'Boyle and Warbrick: Law of the European Convention on Human Rights 4th ed. / David Harris ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 lxv, 986 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HAR JACOBS, Sir Francis The European Convention on Human Rights / Jacobs, White, and Ovey 7th ed. / Bernadette Rainey, Elizabeth Wicks and Clare Ovey Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 lxxiv, 692 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JAC McBRIDE, Jeremy Human rights and criminal procedure : the case law of the European Court of Human Rights Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2009 398 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC

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REID, Karen A practitioner's guide to the European Convention on Human Rights 6th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 clvi, 1358 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - REI SALINAS DE FRIAS, Ana Counter-terrorism and human rights in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2012 461 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SAL SCHABAS, William A. The European Convention on Human Rights : a commentary Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 cxxiii, 1308 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SCH VAN BUEREN, Geraldine Child rights in Europe : convergence and divergence in judicial protection Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2008 201 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - VAN VERPEAUX, Michel Freedom of expression : in constitutional and internationl case law Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publishing, 2010 219 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - VER WADHAM, John Blackstone's guide to the Human Rights Act 1998 7th ed. / John Wadham ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 lxvi, 496 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WAD


ARDEN, Dame Mary Shaping tomorrow's law. Vol. 1: Human rights and European law : building new legal orders Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 viii, 352 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ARD EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS Bringing a case to the European Court of Human Rights : a practical guide on admissibility criteria / European Court of Human Rights, Council of Europe [2nd ed.] Nijmegen : Wolf Legal Publishers [for Council of Europe/European Court of Human Rights], 2011 124 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EUR


LASOK, Paul Lasok's European court practice and procedure 3rd ed. Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2017 cvii, 1780 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW NAOME, Caroline Appeals before the Court of Justice of the European Union Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 liii, 314 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW


CORBETT, Richard The European Parliament 8th ed. / Richard Corbett, Francis Jacobs, Michael Shackleton London : John Harper Publishing, 2011 xvii, 437 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW

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ALLEN, Christopher Practical guide to evidence 5th ed. / Christopher Allen, Chris Taylor and Janice Nairns London : Routledge, Taylor and Francis, 2016 lxvii, 457 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – ALL BURROWS, David Evidence in family proceedings Bristol : LexisNexis, 2017 l, 506 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUR CITY LAW SCHOOL Evidence 20th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2020 xxxii, 328 p. Shelf Reference: 81 COCKERILL, Sara The law and practice of compelled evidence in civil proceedings Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 xxxi, 223 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COC CROSS, Sir Rupert Cross and Tapper on evidence 13th ed. / Roderick Munday Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 cxxvi, 740 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – CRO DUNN, Virginia Be civil : a guide to learning civil litigation and evidence 3rd ed. [London] : Worth Publishing, 2015 xxii, 346 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – DUN HIBBERT, Peter R. Civil evidence for practitioners 4th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2014 xlviii, 584 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HIB

HIBBERT, Peter R. The electronic evidence and e-disclosure handbook / Peter Hibbert London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 xliv, 646 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HIB HOLLANDER, Charles Documentary evidence 13th ed. London : Thomson Reuters, 2018 lxxix, 636 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HOL KEANE, Adrian The modern law of evidence 13th ed. / Adrian Keane, Paul McKeown Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 lxxv, 790 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – KEA KHODYKIN, Roman A guide to the IBA rules on the taking of evidence in international arbitration / Roman Khodykin, Carol Mulcahy, [consultant editor] Nicholas Fletcher Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 xxxvii, 584 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KHO MASON, Stephen International electronic evidence / edited by Stephen Mason London : British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 2008 lxxxiv, 1002 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAS MASON, Stephen Electronic evidence 4th ed. / [editors] Stephen Mason, Daniel Seng London : Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, 2019 xli, 379 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAS

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MUNDAY, Roderick Evidence 10th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 xl, 542 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – MUN MURPHY, Peter Murphy on evidence 15th ed. / Richard Glover Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 lxix, 743 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – MUR PHIPSON, Sidney L. Phipson on evidence 19th ed. / gneral editor Hodge M. Malek 2018 + 2019 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 ccxci, 1675 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – PHI RADCLIFFE, Pamela Witness testimony in sexual cases : evidential, investigative and scientific perspectives / edited by Pamela Radcliffe ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 xlii, 413 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – RAD ZANDER, Michael The Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 8th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 lxx, 1226 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ZAN


LAWSON, Richard Exclusion clauses and unfair contract terms 12th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 xxxix, 372 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LAW

MACDONALD, Elizabeth Exemption clauses and unfair terms 2nd ed. Haywards Heath : Tottel, 2006 xxxv, 337 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC


CLARRY, Daniel The supervisory jurisdiction over trust administration Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 xliii, 303 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CLA MELLOWS, Anthony R. Taxation for executors and trustees [7th ed.] / by R.A. Wallington ... [et al.] 1994 onwards London : Butterworths, 1994 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MEL WILLIAMS, Sir Edward Vaughan Williams, Mortimer and Sunnucks on executors, administrators and probate 21st ed. / Alexander Learmonth, Charlotte Ford, Julia Clark, John Ross Martyn (consulting editor) London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 ccxxxv, 1476 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WIL


GRANGE, Edward Extradition law : a practitioner's guide / Edward Grange and Rebecca Niblock 2nd ed. London : Legal Action Group, 2015 xxxvii, 362 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GRA

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NICHOLLS, Clive Nicholls, Montgomery and Knowles on the law of extradition and mutual assistance 3rd ed. / Clive Nicholls ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 lxi, 813 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - NIC


SALINGER, Freddy R. Salinger on factoring 5th ed. / by Simon Mills, Noel Ruddy, Nigel Davidson London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 xliv, 417 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SAL


CLAYTON, Richard Civil actions against the police 3rd ed. / general editors Richard Clayton and Hugh Tomlinson 2004 + 2005 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2004 xcviii, 783 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CLA


BLACK, Dame Jill A practical approach to family law 10th ed. / Jill Black ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 lvi, 475 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – BLA BROMLEY, P. M. Bromley's family law 11th ed. / N.V. Lowe, G. Douglas Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 cviii, 1127 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – BRO

CRETNEY, Stephen M. Cretney and Probert's family law 10th ed. / by Rebecca Probert and Maebh Harding London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 xcix, 464 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – CRE CRETNEY, Stephen M. Principles of family law 8th ed. / by J.M. Masson, R. Bailey-Harris and R.J. Probert London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2008 cxxxiv, 917 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – CRE HAYDEN, Anthony Children and same sex families : a legal handbook / Anthony Hayden ... [et al.] Bristol : Jordans, 2012 xxxviii, 658 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HAY HAYES, Mary Hayes and Williams' family law 6th ed. / Stephen Gilmore, Lisa Glennon Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 xcii, 795 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – HAY HESS, Edward Standard family orders handbook : volume 1 : financial and enforcement orders / editor Edward Hess Scunthorpe : Class Legal, 2017 xv, 228 p. Shelf Reference: DESK V - HES PRACTICAL matrimonial precedents / Peter Clark, Diana Parker, Bruce Blair 1989 onwards London : Longman, 1989 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PRA

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RAYDEN, William Rayden and Jackson on relationship breakdown, finances and children 19th ed. 2016 onwards London : LexisNexis Butterworths, 2016 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RAY SETRIGHT, Henry International issues in family law : the 1996 Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Brussels IIa / contributors, Henry Setright ... [et al.] Bristol : Family Law, 2015 xxxvi, 451 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SET TODD, Richard Todds' relationship agreements / Richard Todd, Elisabeth Todd London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2014 xxxi, 423 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOD WISE, Ian Children in need : local authority support for children and families / Ian Wise ... [et al.] 2nd ed. London : Legal Action Group, 2014 lvi, 488 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WIS


BEDINGFIELD, David Advocacy in family proceedings : theory and practice 2nd ed. Bristol : Family Law, 2013 xlii, 788 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – BED

BLACKMORE, Sarah Family justice reformed : a guide to the Family Court since the Children and Families Act 2014 / Sarah Blackmore and Jacqueline Thomas 2nd ed. Bristol : Family Law, 2017 xxx, 544 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BLA BOND, Abigail Care proceedings and learning disabled parents : a handbook for family lawyers 2nd ed. Bristol : Family Law, 2014 xvi, 274 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BON BURROWS, David Evidence in family proceedings Bristol : LexisNexis, 2017 l, 506 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUR BURROWS, David Privilege, privacy and confidentiality in family proceedings London : Bloomsbury Professional, 2019 xxxix, 347 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUR DOUGHTY, Julie Transparency in the family courts : publicity and privacy in practice / Julie Doughty, Lucy Reed, Paul Magrath Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2018 xxx, 342 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DOU EMERGENCY remedies in the family courts : preparing, making and enforcing emergency family and child law applications / Roger Bird, general editor ; Nigel Fricker, founding editor [3rd ed.] 1997 onwards Bristol : Family Law, 1997 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EME

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The FAMILY court practice 2020 / General editor Anthony Cleary ; consulting editor Lady Black of Derwent ; contributors Michael Anson ... [et al.] [28th ed.] London : Family Law, 2020 ccxxxii, 3196 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – FAM GEDDES, Gillian The single family court : a practitioner's handbook / Gillian Geddes and Richard Budworth 2nd ed. London : Wildy, Simmonds, and Hill, 2017 xxi, 569 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GED GEORGE, Rob Relocation : a practical guide / Rob George ... [et al.] 2nd ed. Bristol : Family Law, 2016 xiv, 310 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GEO ISAACS, Elizabeth Challenging and defending local authority child care decisions : a practical guide / Elizabeth Isaacs ... [et al.] Bristol : Family Law, 2013 xliii, 544 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – ISA


ALLARDICE, Miranda Inheritance Act claims : a practical guide 2nd ed / Miranda Allardice ... [et al.] London : Law Society, 2017 xxv, 305 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ALL FRANCIS, Andrew Inheritance Act claims : law, practice and procedure 2003 onwards Bristol : Jordans, 2003 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FRA

HARRISON, Richard 1KBW on trusts in matrimonial finance proceedings / Richard Harrison ... [et al.] London : Bloomsbury Professional, 2019 xxi, 295 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HAR JACKSON, Joseph Jackson's matrimonial finance 10th ed. / editors Clive Newton, Deepak Nagpal London : LexisNexis, 2019 cxlviii, 1475 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JAC PEARCE, Nasreen A practitioner's guide to Inheritance Act claims 3rd ed. London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2017 xlvi, 446 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PEA ROSS, Sidney Inheritance Act claims 4th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 lii, 720 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ROS


FORLIN, Gerard Corporate liability : work related deaths and criminal prosecutions 3rd ed. / general editor Gerard Forlin ; editor Louise Smail Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2014 lxiv, 648 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FOR


SNELL, Edmund Henry Turner Snell's equity 34th ed. / John McGhee, Steven Elliott London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 clxxxix, 1163 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – FID

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ASHDOWN, Michael J. Trustee decision making : the rule in Re Hastings-Bass Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 xxiv, 218 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ASH BOWER, George Spencer The law relating to actionable non-disclosure and other breaches of duty in relations of confidence, influence and advantage 2nd ed. / by Sir Alexander Kingcombe Turner and Richard John Sutton London : Butterworths, 1990 lxxi, 741 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BOW CONAGLEN, Matthew Fiduciary loyalty : protecting the due performance of non-fiduciary duties Oxford : Hart, 2010 xliv, 287 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CON STAFFORD, Andrew Fiduciary duties : directors and employees / Andrew Stafford, Stuart Ritchie 2nd ed. Bristol : Jordan, 2015 l, 552 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - STA


YEOWART, Geoffrey Yeowart and Parsons on the law of financial collateral / Geoffrey Yeowart, Robin Parsons ; with Edward Murray, Hamish Patrick Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2016 lxv, 836 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - YEO


PEDDIE, Jonathan A practitioner's guide to the law and regulation of financial crime 2nd ed. / consultant editors Jonathan Peddie, Charles Thomson, Mark Simpson [Baker McKenzie] London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 xx, 514 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PED


DUCKWORTH, Peter Matrimonial property and finance [New ed.] 2000 onwards Bristol : Family Law, 2000 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DUC DYER, Nigel Detection and preservation of assets in financial remedy claims / Nigel Dyer, Juliet Chapman London : LexisNexis, 2014 lv, 593 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DYE FAMILY LAW BAR ASSOCIATION At a glance : essential tables for financial remedies 29th ed. London : Family Law Bar Association, 2020 iv, 108 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – FAM HARPER, Mark International trust and divorce litigation 3rd ed. / Mark Harper, Dawn Goodman London : LexisNexis, 2019 xliv, 487 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – HAR

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HARRISON, Richard 1KBW on trusts in matrimonial finance proceedings / Richard Harrison ... [et al.] London : Bloomsbury Professional, 2019 xxi, 295 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HAR HESS, Edward Standard family orders handbook : volume 1 : financial and enforcement orders / editor Edward Hess Scunthorpe : Class Legal, 2017 xv, 228 p. Shelf Reference: DESK V - HES JACKSON, Joseph Jackson's matrimonial finance 10th ed. / editors Clive Newton, Deepak Nagpal London : LexisNexis, 2019 cxlviii, 1475 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JAC


ARMOUR, John Principles of financial regulation / John Armour ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 xxvii, 669 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ARM BLAIR, Michael Blackstone's guide to the Financial Services and Markes Act 2000 / edited Michael Blair 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009 xlvii, 627 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BLA BLAIR, Michael Financial markets and exchanges law 2nd ed. / edited by Michael Blair, George Walker, Stuart Willey Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012 lx, 678 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BLA

BUTTERWORTHS financial regulation service / general editor Michael Blair ; consultant editor Andrew Whittaker 2002 onwards London : Butterworths, 2002 11 vols. (loose-leaf) + supplement Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUT ENCYCLOPEDIA of financial services law / editors Eva Z. Lomnicka, John L. Powell 1987 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1987 5 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ENC FRESHFIELDS BRUCKHAUS DERINGER Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer on financial services : investigations and enforcement 3rd ed. London : Bloomsbury Professional, 2014 lxiv, 869 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FRE KIRK, Jonathan Modern financial regulation / Jonathan Kirk, James Ross Bristol : Jordans, 2013 xxxiv, 668 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KIR McMEEL, Gerard McMeel and Virgo on financial advice and financial products : law and liability / edited by Gerard McMeel, John Virgo 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 lxxix, 1064 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC MOLONEY, Niamh EU securities and financial markets regulation 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 lxvi, 1044 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW MORRIS, Simon Financial services regulation in practice Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 lvi, 551 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MOR

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SAMUEL, Adam A practitioner's guide to consumer financial services complaints and compensation London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 xvii, 942 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SAM VAN SETTEN, Lodewijk The law of financial advice, investment management, and trading Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 xxix, 370 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - VAN WALKER, George Alexander Financial services law 4th ed. / edited by George Walker, Robert Purves ; consultant editor Michael Blair Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 cviii, 1095 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WAL YATES, Madeleine The law of global custody : legal risk management in securities investment and collateral 4th ed. / Madeleine Yates and Gerald Montagu London : Bloomsbury Professional, 2013 xliv, 377 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - YAT


SAUNSBURY, Laura The firearms law handbook 8th ed. / Laura Saunsbury and Nick Doherty London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2019 xlv, 291 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SAU


TREITEL, Sir Guenter Frustration and force majeure 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2014 lxv, 666 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TRE




FOX, Hazel The law of state immunity 3rd ed. / Hazel Fox, Philippa Webb Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 xliv, 645 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FOX McLACHLAN, Campbell Foreign relations law Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014 lxxv, 587 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC


BOGAN, Paul Identification : investigation, trial and scientific evidence 2nd ed. / Paul Bogan, Andrew Roberts Bristol : Jordans, 2011 xxxix, 544 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BOG


MASON, J. K. Mason's forensic medicine for lawyers 6th ed. / Helen Whitwell ... [et al.] Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2015 xxvii, 429 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAS

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ATKIN'S encyclopaedia of court forms in civil proceedings 2nd ed. 1961 onwards London : Butterworths, 1961 41 vols. + service vols. Shelf Reference: 81 BULLEN, Edward Bullen and Leake and Jacob's precedents of pleadings 19th ed. / general editors William Blair ... [et al.] London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 2 vols. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – BUL BUTTERWORTHS civil court precedents 1999 onwards London : Butterworths, 1999 3 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – BUT The ENCYCLOPAEDIA of forms and precedents 5th ed. 1985 onwards London : Butterworths, 1985 41 vols. + 5 loose-leaf service vols. Shelf Reference: 73 KELLY, James Henry Kelly's legal precedents 21st ed. / by Roderick Ramage 2014 + 2015 supplement London : LexisNexis, 2014 cxvii, 1576 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KEL PRACTICAL commercial precedents / edited by Jeffrey Green 1986 onwards London : Longman, 1986 4 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PRA

PRACTICAL lending and security precedents / general editor: Richard Talbot 1992 onwards London : Longman, 1992 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PRA PRACTICAL matrimonial precedents / Peter Clark, Diana Parker, Bruce Blair 1989 onwards London : Longman, 1989 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PRA PRACTICAL trust precedents / by Richard Underwood ... [et al.] 1986 onwards London : Longman, 1986 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PRA PRACTICAL will precedents / by Murray Hallam ... [et al.] 1987 onwards London : Longman, 1987 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PRA PRECEDENTS for the conveyancer / general editor E.H. Scamell ; second general editor J.E. Adams 1970 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1970 3 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PRE




ARLIDGE, Anthony Arlidge and Parry on fraud 5th ed. / by Anthony Arlidge ... [et al.] 2016 + 2018 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 lxx, 689 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ARL

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BETZ, Kathrin Proving bribery, fraud and money laundering in international arbitration : on applicable criminal law and evidence Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017 xix, 341 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BET CHAPMAN, Matthew Fraudulent claims : deceit, insurance and practice St Albans : xpl, 2007 xxix, 266 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CHA GRANT, Thomas Civil fraud : law, practice and procedure / general editors Thomas Grant, David Mumford London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 clii, 1245 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GRA McGRATH, Paul Commercial fraud in civil practice 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 lxvii, 839 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC MONTGOMERY, Clare Fraud : criminal law and procedure / edited by Clare Montgomery, David Ormerod 2008 onwards Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – MON


GUILD, Elspeth The EU citizenship Directive : a commentary / Elspeth Guild, Steve Peers, Jonathan Tomkin Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 xxiii, 334 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW


BENEDEK, Wolfgang Freedom of expression and the internet / by Wolfgang Benedek and Matthias C Kettemann Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2013 190 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BEN MILO, Dario Defamation and freedom of speech Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008 xxxiv, 338 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MIL VERPEAUX, Michel Freedom of expression : in constitutional and international case law Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publishing, 2010 219 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - VER


BIRKINSHAW, Patrick Freedom of information : the law, the practice and the ideal 4th ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010 xlix, 527 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BIR BIRKINSHAW, Patrick Government and information rights : the law relating to access, disclosure and their regulation 5th ed. / Parick Birkinshaw, Mike Varney London : Bloomsbury, 2019 cxxii, 1047 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BIR

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COPPEL, Philip Information rights : a practitioner's guide to data protection, freedom of information and other information rights 5th ed. / Philip Coppel ; contributors Paul Bowen ... [et al.] Oxford : Hart, 2020 2 vols. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COP CULLEN, Sue Freedom of information in the UK Oxford : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 ciii, 1345 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CUL MACDONALD, John Macdonald on the law of freedom of information 3rd ed. / edited by John Macdonald and Ross Crail Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 lxxviii, 855 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – MAC WELFARE, Damian Cornerstone on information law Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2019 xlii, 617 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WEL WOLF, Susan Environmental Information Regulations : a practical guide London : Law Society, 2011 xxviii, 245 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WOL


BIELEFELDT, Heiner Freedom of religion or belief : an international law commentary / Heiner Bielefeldt, Nazila Ghanea, Michael Wiener Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 xxxvii, 660 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BIE

DINGEMANS, Sir James The protections for religious rights : law and practice / Sir James Dingemans ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 lxi, 555 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DIN EVANS, Malcolm D. Manual on the wearing of religious symbols in public areas Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2009 v, 126 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EVA


BEAN, Sir David Injunctions 13th ed. / David Bean ; assisted by Andrew Burns ; Part C (matrimonial and domestic proceedings) by Isabel Parry London : Sweet &Maxwell, 2018 lvi, 317 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BEA GEE, Steven Commercial injunctions 6th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 clx, 1019 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GEE GOLDREIN, Iain S. Commercial litigation : pre-emptive remedies 4th ed. / by Iain S. Goldrein ... [et al.] 2003 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2003 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOL


TREITEL, Sir Guenter Frustration and force majeure 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2014 lxv, 666 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TRE

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SMITH, Colin Milner Smith and Monkcom : the law of gambling 4th ed. / general editors Gerald Gouriet, Jeremy Phillips ; consultant editor Stephen Monkcom Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2017 lxxxiv, 1380 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SMI


RUSS, Tim Law of field sports / Tim Russ and Jamie Foster London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2010 xxix, 182 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – RUS


LOWNDES, Richard, fl. 1874 The law of general average and the York-Antwerp Rules / Lowndes and Rudolf 15th ed. / by R.R. Cornah, R.C.G. Sarll, J.B. Shead London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 xlii, 827 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LOW ROSE, Francis D. General average : law and practice 3rd ed London : Informa, 2017 xl, 325 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ROS


HYLAND, Richard Gifts : a study in comparative law New York : Oxford University Press, 2009 xxi, 708 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HYL

WHITEHOUSE, Chris A modern approach to lifetime tax planning for private clients (with precedents) / Christopher Whitehouse and Lesley King 2nd ed. Bristol : Jordans, 2016 lx, 718 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WHI


EGGERS, Peter Macdonald Good faith and insurance contracts 4th ed. / Peter Macdonald Eggers, Simon Picken London : Lloyd's List, 2018 lxxxix, 742 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EGG SIPIORSKI, Emily Good faith in international investment arbitration Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 xxxviii, 265 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – SIP


GRAVE, Damian Class actions in England and Wales / general editors Damian Grave, Maura McIntosh and Gregg Rowan London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 lxxvii, 674 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GRA


ANDREWS, Geraldine Mary Law of guarantees / by Geraldine Mary Andrews, Richard Millet 7th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2015 lxxxviii, 819 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - AND

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HOOD, Parker Principles of lender liability / Parker Hood ; consultant editor John Virgo Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012 lxix, 678 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HOO O'DONOVAN, James The modern contract of guarantee / Wayne Courtney, John Phillips, James O'Donovan 3rd English ed. / Wayne Courtney, John Phillips London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 xciii, 969 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ODO ROWLATT, Sir Sidney Arthur Taylor Rowlatt on principal and surety 6th ed. / editors David G. M. Marks, Gabriel Moss London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2011 Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ROW TOMLINSON, Hugh Lender claims / general editors Hugh Tomlinson, Thomas Grant ; contributors Tim Bullimore ... [et al.] London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2010 lxxxix, 568 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOM WOOD, Philip R. International loans, bonds, guarantees, legal opinions 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 xx, 657 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WOO


WILLERS, Marc Gypsy and traveller law / edited by Marc Willers and Chris Johnson 3rd ed. London : LAG, 2020 cii, 916 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WIL


FARBEY, Judith The law of habeas corpus 3rd ed. / Judith Farbey and R. J. Sharpe ; with Simon Atrill Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 xlix, 255 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FAR FARRELL, Brian R. Habeas corpus in international law New York : Cambridge University Press, 2017 xxii, 257 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FAR


DEACON, Robert Privacy and personality rights : commercial exploitation and protection / Robert Deacon, Nigel Lipton and Robert Pinker London : Jordans, 2010 xlviii, 692 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – DEA


ALDOUS, Grahame Work accidents at sea / Grahame Aldous, Linda Nelson ; editor Stephen Glynn London : 9 Gough Square, 2008 xii, 137 p. Shelf Reference: DESK V - GOU ENCYCLOPEDIA of health and safety at work / general editor M.J. Goodman ; Scottish editor Douglas Brodie 1962 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1962 5 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ENC

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FORLIN, Gerard Corporate liability : work related deaths and criminal prosecutions 3rd ed. / general editor Gerard Forlin ; editor Louise Smail Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2014 lxiv, 648 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FOR GLYNN, Stephen Asbestos claims : law, practice and procedure / general editor Stephen Glynn 3rd ed. London : Chambers of Andrew Ritchie QC [9 Gough Square], 2016 xx, 240 p. Shelf Reference: DESK V - GOU REDGRAVE, Alexander Redgrave's health and safety 9th ed. / Jonathan Clarke ; EU consultant Michael Ford ; Scottish case editor Astrid Smart London : LexisNexis, 2016 lxxxviii, 2684 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RED RITCHIE, Andrew Manual handling claims / by Andrew Ritchie ; edited by Stephen Glynn London : 9 Gough Square, 2008 viii, 139 p. Shelf Reference: DESK V - GOU


FARRINGTON, Dennis. J. The law of higher education / Dennis J. Farrington, David Palfreyman 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012 lxxxvii, 723 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FAR


ENCYCLOPEDIA of highway law and practice / general editor Stephen J. Sauvain ; assistant editor Ruth A. Stockley 1965 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1965 5 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ENC FOSTER, Charles APIL guide to tripping and slipping cases / by Charles Foster and Ben Bradley 2nd ed. Bristol : Jordans, 2015 xxxii, 310 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FOS SAUVAIN, Stephen J. Highway law 5th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2013 cxvii, 746 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SAU


HARWOOD, Richard, 1970- Historic environment law : planning, listed buildings, monuments, conservation areas and objects 2012 + 2014 supplement Builth Wells : Institute of Art and Law, 2012 xx, 400 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HAR


ARDEN, Andrew Homelessness and allocations : a guide to the Housing Act 1996 parts 6 and 7 and the Housing (Wales) Act 2014 Part 2 11th ed. / Andrew Arden, Justin Bates and Toby Vanhegan London : Legal Action Group, 2018 cviii, 1066 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ARD

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LUBA, Jan Housing allocation and homelessness 5th ed. / Jan Luba, Liz Davies, Conor Johnston, Tessa Buchanan London : LexisNexis, 2018 cxiii, 1570 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LUB


HANDY, Christopher Housing associations : a legal handbook 5th ed. / Christopher Handy and John Alder London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HAN


CHILD POVERTY ACTION GROUP C.P.A.G.'s housing benefit and council tax reduction legislation / commentary by Lorna Findlay ... [et al.] 31st ed. London : Child Poverty Action Group, 2018 xliv, 1921 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – CHI


ARDEN, Andrew Housing law / by Andrew Arden, Martin Partington and Caroline Hunter 1994 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1994 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ARD ASTIN, Diane Housing law handbook 4th ed. London : LAG, 2018 xcvi, 1093 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - AST

ENCYCLOPEDIA of housing law and practice / general editor Andrew Arden ; consulting editor C.A. Cross 1958 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1958 6 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ENC LUBA, Jan Defending possession proceedings 8th ed. / Jan Luba ... [et al.] London : Legal Action Group, 2016 cxxxiv, 1089 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LUB WEBBER, Gary Residential possession proceedings / Gary Webber, Daniel Dovar 10th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 lxxiii, 656 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – WEB


ALLEN, Robin Employment law and human rights 3rd ed. / Robin Allen ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 lxiii, 565 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ALL ARDEN, Dame Mary Shaping tomorrow's law. Vol. 1: Human rights and European law : building new legal orders Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 viii, 352 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ARD ARNELL, Paul Law across borders : the extraterritorial application of United Kingdom law Abingdon : Routledge, 2012 xvi, 196 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ARN

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BEATSON, Sir Jack Human rights : judicial protection in the United Kingdom / Sir Jack Beatson ... [et al.] London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2008 cxxvii, 912 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BEA BIELEFELDT, Heiner Freedom of religion or belief : an international law commentary / Heiner Bielefeldt, Nazila Ghanea, Michael Wiener Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 xxxvii, 660 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BIE BROWNLIE, Sir Ian Brownlie's documents on human rights 6th ed. / edited by Ian Brownlie and Guy S. Goodwin-Gill Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010 xxvii, 1261 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BRO CLAYTON, Richard The law of human rights / editors Richard Clayton and Hugh Tomlinson 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009 2 vols. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – CLA COLVIN, Madeleine Human rights in the investigation and prosecution of crime / edited by Madeleine Colvin and Jonathan Cooper Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009 lxxii, 575 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COL DINGEMANS, Sir James The protections for religious rights : law and practice / Sir James Dingemans ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 lxi, 555 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DIN

DREW, Sandhya Human trafficking - human rights : law and practice London : Legal Action Group, 2009 xlvi, 319 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DRE DUBINSKY, Laura Foreign national prisoners : law and practice / Laura Dubinsky ; with Hamish Arnott and Alasdair Mackenzie London : Legal Action Group, 2012 civ, 881 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DUB EMMERSON, Ben Human rights and criminal justice / Ben Emmerson, Andrew Ashworth and Alison Macdonald 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2012 cxxix, 1002 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EMM FELDMAN, David English public law / edited by David Feldman 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009 cxlvii, 1289 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FEL HATHAWAY, James C. The law of refugee status / James C. Hathaway and Michelle Foster 2nd ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014 ixxxi, 693 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HAT KEMPEN, P. H. P. H. M. C. van International and regional human rights documents 3rd rev. ed. Nijmegan, The Netherlands : Wolf Legal Publishers, 2010 xviii, 1217 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KEM

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LESTER OF HERNE HILL, Anthony Lester, Baron Human rights law and practice 3rd ed. / general editors Lord Lester of Herne Hill, Lord Pannick, Javan Herberg London : Butterworths, 2009 clxxv, 974 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – LES MYJER, Egbert Human rights manual for prosecutors 2nd ed. / Egbert Myjer, Barry Hancock, Nicolas Cowdery, eds. Nijmegan, The Netherlands : International Association of Prosecutors in cooperation with Wolf Legal Publishers, 2009 xii, 239 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MYJ NICOL, Andrew G. L. Media law and human rights / Andrew Nicol, Gavin Millar, Andrew Sharland 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009 xxxi, 307 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - NIC SIMOR, Jessica Human rights practice / editors Jessica Simor, Ben Emmerson 2000 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2000 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – SIM TUGENDHAT, Sir Michael Liberty intact : human rights in English law Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 xx, 252 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – TUG VARUHAS, Jason NE Damages and human rights Oxford : Hart, 2016 lii, 499 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - VAR


DREW, Sandhya Human trafficking - human rights : law and practice London : Legal Action Group, 2009 xlvi, 319 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DRE NORTON, Gary A child's journey through contemporary issues in child protection / Gary Norton, Rhiannon Davies London : Family Law, 2017 xviii, 171 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - NOR


BOGAN, Paul Identification : investigation, trial and scientific evidence 2nd ed. / Paul Bogan, Andrew Roberts Bristol : Jordans, 2011 xxxix, 544 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BOG


BUCKLEY, Richard A. Illegality and public policy 4th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 liii, 353 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUC


BUTTERWORTHS immigration law service 1991 onwards London : Butterworths, 1991 3 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUT

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DENHOLM, Graham Detention under the Immigration Acts : law and practice / Graham Denholm, Rory Dunlop ; consultant editor Lisa Giovannetti Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 xlii, 372 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DEN DUBINSKY, Laura Foreign national prisoners : law and practice / Laura Dubinsky ; with Hamish Arnott and Alasdair Mackenzie London : Legal Action Group, 2012 civ, 881 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DUB JACKSON, David Immigration law and practice 4th ed. / general editors David Jackson ... [et al.] Haywards Heath : Tottel, 2008 clxxx, 1415 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JAC JOINT COUNCIL FOR THE WELFARE OF IMMIGRANTS Guide to the points-based system / edited by Duran Seddon London : Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants, 2011 xii, 481 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JCW JOINT COUNCIL FOR THE WELFARE OF IMMIGRANTS JCWI immigration, nationality & refugee law handbook 2006 ed. / edited by Duran Seddon London : Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants, 2006 xxxvii, 1593 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – JCW

MACDONALD, Ian A. Immigration law and practice in the United Kingdom 9th ed. / general editors Ian A. Macdonald, Ronan Toal 2014 + 2017 and 2018 supplements London : LexisNexis, 2014 2 vols. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC SYMES, Mark Immigration and asylum handbook : a guide to publicly funded legal work under the immigration and asylum accreditation scheme / general editor Mark Symes London : Law Society, 2016 xxxv, 412 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SYM SYMES, Mark Immigration appeals and remedies handbook / Mark Symes, Peter Jorro Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2015 ci, 545 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SYM


DAVIES, Mark R. The law of professional immunities Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 xi, 250 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DAV


POTTER, D. C. Potter and Monroe's tax planning with precedents 11th[/12th] ed. / by A.R. Thornhill and K.J. Prosser London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1988 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - POT

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SIMON, John Allsebrook Simon, Viscount Simon's taxes [5th ed.] / editorial team Alan Blanchard ... [et al.] 2008 onwards London : LexisNexis, 2008 11 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SIM TOLLEY'S income tax 2019-20 104th ed. / by David Smailes Annual London : Tolley, 2019 xvi, 2262 p. Current ed. only Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOL TOLLEY'S yellow tax handbook 2019-20 60th ed. / consultant editor Anne Redston London : LexisNexis, 2019 3 vols. in 6 Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOL WHITEMAN, Peter G. Whiteman and Sherry on income tax 4th ed. / general editor Michael Sherry 2009 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2009 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WHI


COURTNEY, Wayne Contractual indemnities Oxford : Hart, 2014 liii, 308 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COU SINCLAIR, Neil Sinclair on warranties and indemnities on share and asset sales 11th ed. / general editor Robert Thompson London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 xxii, 525 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SIN


LAWSON, Stephen A. Individual voluntary arrangements [3rd ed.] 1999 onwards Bristol : Jordans, 1999 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – LAW


BOWERS, John The law of industrial action and trade union recognition / John Bowers ... [et al.] 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 xlvi, 416 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BOW INCOMES DATA SERVICES Industrial action London : Incomes Data Services, 2017 ii, 317 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - INC


See also COMPUTER CRIME ARMSTRONG, Dean Cyber security : law and practice / Dean Armstrong, Dan Hyde, Sam Thomas 2nd ed. Bristol : LexisNexis, 2019 xxxvii, 369 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ARM COATES, Kevin Competition law and regulation of technology markets Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 xxviii, 417 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW DE AZEVEDO, Celso Cyber risks insurance : law and guidance 1st ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 xxxi, 395 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DEA

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ENCYCLOPEDIA of information technology law / general editor Stephen Saxby 1990 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1990 3 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ENC FALCON CHAMBERS The electronic communications code and property law : practice and procedure Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2018 xxiv, 898 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FAL HIBBERT, Peter R. The electronic evidence and e-disclosure handbook / Peter Hibbert London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 xliv, 646 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HIB MASON, Stephen Electronic evidence 4th ed. / [editors] Stephen Mason, Daniel Seng London : Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, 2019 xli, 379 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAS MASON, Stephen International electronic evidence / edited by Stephen Mason London : British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 2008 lxxxiv, 1002 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – MAS MILLARD, Christopher Cloud computing law / edited by Christopher Millard Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 xix, 416 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MIL RICHARDSON, Matthew Cyber crime : law and practice London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2014 xxviii, 235 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RIC

SCHMITT, Michael Tallinn manual 2.0 on the international law applicable to cyber operations : prepared by the International Groups of Experts at the invitation of the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence / general editor Michael Schmitt; managing editor Liis Vihul 2nd ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017 xli, 598 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SCH WALDEN, Ian Computer crimes and digital investigations 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 xl, 519 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WAL WHEATER, Michael Electronic disclosure : law and practice / Michael Wheater, Charles Raffin Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 xlvii, 508 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WHE WILLIAMS, Alan P. Drafting agreements for the digital media industry / Alan Williams, Duncan Callow, Andrew Lee 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 x, 483 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WIL WONG, Helen Cyber security : law and guidance Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury Professional, 2018 xlii, 744 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WON

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CHAMBERLAIN, Emma Pre-owned assets and estate planning 3rd ed. / Emma Chamberlain and Chris Whitehouse London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2009 xx, 471 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CHA DYMOND, Robert Dymond's capital taxes 1986 onwards London : Longman, 1986 3 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DYM FOSTER, Sir John Foster's inheritance tax 1976-2017 London : Butterworths, 1976 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FOS McCUTCHEON, Barry D. McCutcheon on inheritance tax 7th ed. / by Withers LLP, Aparna Nathan and Marika Lemos 2017 + 2018 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 lxxiii, 1456 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – MAC POTTER, D. C. Potter and Monroe's tax planning with precedents 11th[/12th] ed. / by A.R. Thornhill and K.J. Prosser London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1988 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – POT SIMON, John Allsebrook Simon, Viscount Simon's taxes [5th ed.] / editorial team Alan Blanchard ... [et al.] 2008 onwards London : LexisNexis, 2008 11 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SIM

TOLLEY'S inheritance tax planning / by Richard Dew ... [et al.] 2007/2008 - 2012/2013; 2014/2015 London : LexisNexis Tolley Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOL TOLLEY'S inheritance tax 2019-20 [34th ed.] / by Malcolm Gunn Annual London : Tolley, 2019 xiv, 1020 p. Current ed. only Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – TOL TOLLEY'S yellow tax handbook 2019-20 60th ed. / consultant editor Anne Redston London : LexisNexis, 2019 3 vols. in 6

Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOL


BEAN, Sir David Injunctions 13th ed. / David Bean ; assisted by Andrew Burns ; Part C (matrimonial and domestic proceedings) by Isabel Parry London : Sweet &Maxwell, 2018 lvi, 317 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BEA GEE, Steven Commercial injunctions 6th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 clx, 1019 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – GEE GOLDREIN, Iain S. Privacy injunctions and the media : a practice manual Oxford : Hart, 2012 xiviii, 1169 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOL PLATT, John Injunctions and orders against anti-social or violent individuals / John Platt ... [et al.] Bristol : Jordans, 2009 xxiv, 355 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PLA

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RAPHAEL, Thomas The anti-suit injunction 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 liv, 478 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – RAP SPRY, I. C. F. The principles of equitable remedies : specific performance, injunctions, rectification and equitable damages 9th ed. Sydney : Lawbook Co. ; London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2014 lxxv, 748 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SPR


COOPER, John Inquests Oxford : Hart, 2011 xxxiv, 204 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COO CROSS, Caroline The inquest book : the law of coroners and inquests / edited by Caroline Cross and Neil Garnham Oxford : Hart, 2016 xxxvii, 674 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – CRO


AUSTIN, Janet Insider trading and market manipulation : investigating and prosecuting across borders Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2017 x, 298 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - AUS CLARKE, Sarah Insider dealing : law and practice 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2020 xxxv, 510 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CLA

RIDER, Barry A. K. Market abuse and insider dealing 3rd ed. / by Barry Rider ... [et al.] Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2016 xli, 414 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RID


ATHANASSIOU, Lia Maritime cross-border insolvency : under the European insolvency regulation and the UNCITRAL model law Abingdon, Oxon : Informa, 2018 xxix, 310 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ATH BEALE, Simon Insolvency and restructuring manual / Simon Beale, Paul Keddie 3rd ed. Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2018 xxxiv, 325 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BEA BERRY, Elspeth Law of insolvent partnerships and limited liability partnerships / Elspeth Berry and Rebecca Parry London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2015 lxxiii, 670 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BER BORK, Reinhard Principles of cross-border insolvency law Cambridge : Intersentia, 2017 xxxiv, 289 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BOR BORK, Reinhard Commentary on the European insolvency regulation / edited by Reinhard Bork, Kristin van Zwieten Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 lxxii, 919 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW

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BUTTERWORTHS insolvency law handbook 20th ed. / editors Glen Davis, Marcus Haywood London : LexisNexis, 2018 xxiv, 3516 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – BUT CALLAND, Tim Butterworths property insolvency / general editors Tim Calland, Dev Desai ; principal editors Zia Bhaloo ... [et al.] London : LexisNexis, 2015 xlvii, 396 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CAL CALNAN, Richard Proprietary rights and insolvency 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 xxxvii, 445 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – CAL DOYLE, Louis G. Insolvency legislation : annotations and commentary / general editors Louis Doyle, Andrew Keay 8th ed. Bristol : LexisNexis, 2019 clii, 1885 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DOY FABER, Dennis Treatment of contracts in insolvency / edited by Dennis Faber ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford Unniversity Press, 2013 lxxvii, 579 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FAB FLETCHER, Ian F. Insolvency in private international law : national and international approaches 2nd ed. 2005 + 2007 supplement Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2005 lvii, 716 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FLE

FLETCHER, Ian F. The law of insolvency 5th ed. / Ian F. Fletcher London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 cxliii, 1098 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FLE GOODE, Sir Roy Goode on principles of corporate insolvency law 5th ed. / edited by Kristin Van Zwieten London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 cvi, 967, 246, 22 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOO GOODE, Sir Roy Goode on proprietary rights and insolvency in sales transactions 3rd ed. / edited by Simon Mills London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2010 xxix, 191 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOO HO, Look Chan Cross-border insolvency : a commentary on the UNCITRAL model law / general editor Look Chan Ho 4th ed. Woking : Globe Law and Business, 2017 2 vols. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HO KAWALEY, Ian R. C. Cross-border judicial cooperation in offshore litigation : the British offshore world / edited by Ian R.C. Kawaley, Andrew J.Bolton and Robin J. Mayor 2nd ed. London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2016 lxx, 339 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KAW Crai R. Insolvency law : corporate and personal / Andrew R Keay, Peter Walton 5th ed. London : LexisNexis, 2020 xcvi, 813 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KEA

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LASTRA, Rosa M. Cross-border bank insolvency / edited by Rosa M. Lastra Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 xl, 489 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – LAS MARSHALL, Jennifer European cross border insolvency / general editor Jennifer Marshall 2004 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2004 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW McCORMACK, Gerard Security rights and the European insolvency regulation / edited by Gerard McCormack, Reinhard Bork Cambridge : Intersentia, 2017 xlvi, 701 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC McLENNAN, Sarah Insolvency litigation : a practical guide / general editors Sarah McLennan and Adam Deacock 2nd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 lxxi, 418 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC McLOUGHLIN, Patrick Commercial leases and insolvency 4th ed. London : Tottel, 2008 xli, 298 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC MOSS, Gabriel Moss, Fletcher and Isaacs on the EU Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings / edited by Gabriel Moss, Ian F. Fletcher, Stuart Isaac 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 liii, 684 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW

MOSS, Gabriel EU banking and insurance insolvency / edited by Gabriel Moss, Bob Wessels, Matthias Haentjens 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 l, 665 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW PARRY, Rebecca Transaction avoidance in insolvencies 3rd ed. / Rebecca Parry, James Ayliffe, Sharif Shivji ; consultant editors Hamish Anderson, William Trower Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 lxxi, 639 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PAR SEALY, L. S Annotated guide to the insolvency legislation 23rd ed. / Len Sealy, David Milman, Peter Bailey London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 2 vols. Shelf reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SEA SHELDON, Richard Cross-border insolvency 4th ed. / general editor Richard Sheldon Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2015 lv, 694 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SHE TOLLEY'S insolvency law 1996 onwards London : Tolley, 1996 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOL TOTTY, Peter Insolvency / Peter Totty and Gabriel Moss 1986 onwards London : FT Law and Tax, 1986 4 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOT

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TOUBE, Felicity International asset tracing in insolvency / edited by Felicity Toube Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009 lii, 404 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOU WOOD, Philip R. International insolvency : jurisdictions of the world 1st ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 xxvii, 685 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WOO WOOD, Philip R. Principles of international insolvency 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 xxv, 919 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WOO


BIRDS, John Birds' modern insurance law 11th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 lvii, 465 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BIR BURLING, Julian M. Research handbook on international insurance law and regulation / edited by Julian Burling, Kevin Lazarus Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2011 lxvi, 815 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUR CLARKE, Malcolm A. The law of insurance contracts [loose-leaf edition] 1999 onwards London : LLP, 1999 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CLA

COLINVAUX, Raoul Colinvaux's law of insurance 12th ed. / Robert Merkin 2019 + 2020 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 cxcii, 1735 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COL DE AZEVEDO, Celso Cyber risks insurance : law and guidance 1st ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 xxxi, 395 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DEA EGGERS, Peter Macdonald Good faith and insurance contracts 4th ed. / Peter Macdonald Eggers, Simon Picken London : Lloyd's List, 2018 lxxxix, 742 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EGG MACGILLIVRAY, E. J. MacGillivray on insurance law : relating to all risks other than marine 14th ed. / John Birds, Ben Lynch, Simon Paul 2018 + 201 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 clxxix, 1369 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC MERKIN, Robert M. Insurance and the law of obligations / Rob Merkin and Jenny Steele Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 xlii, 414 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MER MOSS, Gabriel EU banking and insurance insolvency / edited by Gabriel Moss, Bob Wessels, Matthias Haentjens 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 l, 665 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW

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PAOLINI, Adolfo Directors' and officers' liability insurance / by Adolfo Paolini and Deepak Nambisan London : Informa, 2008 xxvii, 214 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PAO SCOREY, David The Bermuda Form : interpretation and dispute resolution of excess liability insurance / David Scorey, Richard Geddes, Chris Harris 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 xliii, 539 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SCO


CHAPMAN, Matthew Fraudulent claims : deceit, insurance and practice St Albans : xpl, 2007 xxix, 266 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – CHA PADFIELD, Alison Insurance claims 4th ed. London : Bloomsbury Professional, 2016 lxvi, 433 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – PAD


See also COPYRIGHT, PATENT, TRADE MARKS AND PERFORMERS’ RIGHTS BENTLY, Lionel Intellectual property law 5th ed. / L. Bently ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 cxxvii, 1382 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BEN BLACK, Gillian Publicity rights and image : exploitation and legal control Oxford : Hart, 2011 xx, 223 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BLA

COOK, Trevor Pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and the law 3rd ed. London : LexisNexis, 2016 lxxviii, 748 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COO CORNISH, W. R. Intellectual property : patents, copyright, trade marks and allied rights 9th ed. / David Llewelyn, Tanya Aplin London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 cxliv, 955 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COR DAVIES, Gillian Moral rights / Gillian Davies and Kevin Garnett 2nd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 cxvii, 1393 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DAV DEACON, Robert Privacy and personality rights : commercial exploitation and protection / Robert Deacon, Nigel Lipton and Robert Pinker London : Jordans, 2010 xlviii, 692 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DEA FAIRPO, Anne Taxation of intellectual property 4th ed. Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2016 xxvi, 526 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FAI FAWCETT, James J. Intellectual property and private international law 2nd ed. / edited by James J. Fawcett and Paul Torremans Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 lxvii, 986 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FAW

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FELDSCHREIBER, Peter The law and regulation of medicines / edited by Peter Feldschreiber Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008 lii, 473 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FEL FOX, Angela The Intellectual Property Enterprise Court : practice and procedure 2nd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 xxxix, 584 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FOX LAWRENCE, Clive Brands : law, practice and precedents Bristol : Jordans, 2008 xxxii, 543 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – LAW MELVILLE, Leslie William Forms and agreements on intellectual property and international licensing 3rd ed. [current version] 1979 onwards London : Clark Boardman, 1979 4 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MEL REINBOTHE, Jorg The WIPO treaties on copyright : a commentary on the WCT, the WPPT, and the BTAP / Jorg Reinbothe, Silke von Lewinski 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 xl, 814 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - REI RICKETSON, Sam The Paris Convention for the protection of industrial property : a commentary Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 lxii, 921 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RIC RIORDAN, Jaani The liability of internet intermediaries Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 lvi, 639 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RIO

SHEMTOV, Noam Beyond the code : Protection of non-textual features of software Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 xxx, 256 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SHE SHEMTOV, Noam Free and open source software : policy, law and practice / edited by Noam Shemtov, Ian Walden Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 xxxii, 506 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SHE TRITTON, Guy Intellectual property in Europe 5th ed. / by Richard Davis, Thomas St Quintin, Guy Tritton 2018 + 2019 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 cxxii, 1421 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW


GOLDREIN, Iain S. Commercial litigation : pre-emptive remedies 4th ed. / by Iain S. Goldrein ... [et al.] 2003 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2003 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOL


ASHFORD, Peter The IBA guidelines on party representatives in international arbitration : a guide Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2016 xiii, 143 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ASH BETZ, Kathrin Proving bribery, fraud and money laundering in international arbitration : on applicable criminal law and evidence Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017 xix, 341 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BET

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BINDER, Peter International commercial arbitration and mediation in UNCITRAL model law jurisdictions 4th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 xxx, 1092 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BIN BUTTERWORTHS international commercial litigation handbook 2nd ed. / consultant editors Andrew Dickinson ... [et al.] London : LexisNexis, 2006 xv, 2354 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUT CHOONG, John A guide to the SIAC Arbitration Rules 2nd ed. / John Choong, Mark Mangan, Nicholas Lingard Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 xlii, 422 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CHO COX, Joanne M. Expropriation in investment treaty arbitration Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 xxvii, 383 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COX DERAINS, Yves A guide to the ICC rules of arbitration / by Yves Derains and Eric A. Schwartz 2nd ed. The Hague : Kluwer, 2005 xvi, 606 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DER JOSEPH, David Jurisdiction and arbitration agreements and their enforcement 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2015 cxiv, 904 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW

KHODYKIN, Roman A guide to the IBA rules on the taking of evidence in international arbitration / Roman Khodykin, Carol Mulcahy, [consultant editor] Nicholas Fletcher Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 xxxvii, 584 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KHO PICHONNAZ, Pascal Set-off in arbitration and commercial transactions / Pascal Pichonnaz, Louise Gullifer Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 xl, 427 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PIC REDFERN, Alan Redfern and Hunter on international arbitration 6th ed. / Nigel Blackaby, Constantine Partasides ; with Alan Redfern, Martin Hunter Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 lxxiv, 859 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RED SCHAFFSTEIN, Silja The doctrine of res judicata before international commercial arbitral tribunals Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 xxxviii, 326 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SCH SCOREY, David The Bermuda Form : interpretation and dispute resolution of excess liability insurance / David Scorey, Richard Geddes, Chris Harris 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 xliii, 539 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SCO SECOMB, Matthew Interest in international arbitration Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 xxx, 279 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SEC

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SIPIORSKI, Emily Good faith in international investment arbitration Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 xxxviii, 265 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SIP STRONG, S. I. Arbitration of trust disputes : issues in national and international law / edited by S.I. Strong ; consultant editor Tony Molloy Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 li, 567 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – STR ULUC, Inan Corruption in international arbitration London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2018 293 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – ULU WEBSTER, Thomas H. Handbook of ICC arbitration : commentary and materials 4th ed. / Thomas H. Webster and Michael W. Buhler London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 xlii, 879 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WEB


CLARKE, Malcolm A. International carriage of goods by road : CMR 6th ed. London : Informa, 2014 lxiv, 512 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CLA MESSENT, Andrew CMR : contracts for the international carriage of goods by road 4th ed. / by Andrew Messent and David A. Glass Abingdon, Oxon : Informa Law, 2018 lxxvi, 438 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MES


DERAINS, Yves A guide to the ICC rules of arbitration / by Yves Derains and Eric A. Schwartz 2nd ed. The Hague : Kluwer, 2005 xvi, 606 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DER INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INCOTERMS 2020 : ICC rules for the use of domestic and international trade terms Paris : ICC Publishing, 2019 193 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - INT WEBSTER, Thomas H. Handbook of ICC arbitration : commentary and materials 4th ed. / Thomas H. Webster and Michael W. Buhler London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 xlii, 879 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – WEB


ARCHBOLD : international criminal courts : practice, procedure and evidence 5th ed. / authors Karim A.A. Khan, Rodney Dixon ; consultant editor Lord Justice Adrian Fulford London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 clxxvi, 2208 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ARC


FULLER, Geoffrey The law and practice of international capital markets 3d ed. London : LexisNexis Butterworths, 2012 xc, 702 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FUL

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KUPELYANTS, Hayk Sovereign defaults before domestic courts Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 xliii, 331 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KUP McKNIGHT, Andrew McKnight, Paterson, and Zakrzewski on the law of international finance / edited by Sarah Paterson and Rafal Zakrzewski 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 cxxxviii, 1230 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC NETHERCOTT, Craig R. Islamic finance : law and practice / edited by Craig R. Nethercott and David M. Eisenberg 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012 xxv, 386 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - NET WOOD, Philip R. Comparative law of security interests and title finance 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 xxiv, 788 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WOO WOOD, Philip R. Conflict of laws and international finance 2nd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 xxiii, 848 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WOO WOOD, Philip R. International loans, bonds, guarantees, legal opinions 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 xx, 657 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WOO

WOOD, Philip R. Project finance, securitisations, subordinated debt 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 xviii, 293 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WOO WOOD, Philip R. Regulation of international finance 2nd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 xxv, 1030 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WOO WOOD, Philip R. Set-off and netting, derivatives, clearing systems 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 xx, 470 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WOO


AKEHURST, Michael Akehurst's modern introduction to international law 8th ed. / Alexander Orakhelashvili Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2019 Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - AKE ARNELL, Paul Law across borders : the extraterritorial application of United Kingdom law Abingdon : Routledge, 2012 xvi, 196 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ARN AUST, Anthony Handbook of international law 2nd ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010 lxiii, 527 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – AUS

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BLAIR, Sir William Banks and financial crime : the international law of tainted money 2nd ed. / edited by Sir William Blair, Richard Brent, Tom Grant Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 lxxii, 571 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BLA BRIERLY, J. L. Brierly's law of nations 7th ed. / Andrew Clapham Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012 li, 518 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BRI BROWNLIE, Sir Ian Basic documents in international law / edited by Ian Brownlie 6th ed. 2009 [i.e. 2008] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009 ix, 425 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BRO BROWNLIE, Sir Ian Brownlie's principles of public international law 9th ed. / by James Crawford Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 lxxxv, 785 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BRO COHEN, Paul International corruption / Paul Cohen, Arthur Marriott London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2010 xxx, 454 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COH EVANS, Malcolm D. International law / edited by Malcolm D.Evans 5th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 lxxiii, 896 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – EVA FARRELL, Brian R. Habeas corpus in international law New York : Cambridge University Press, 2017 xxii, 257 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FAR

KEMPEN, P. H. P. H. M. C. van International and regional human rights documents 3rd rev. ed. Nijmegan, The Netherlands : Wolf Legal Publishers, 2010 xviii, 1217 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KEM McLACHLAN, Campbell Foreign relations law Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014 lxxv, 587 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC QURESHI, Khawar Public international law before the English Courts / Khawar Qureshi ; assisted by Catriona Nicol and Joseph Dyke London : Wildy, Simmonds & Hill, 2016 xviii, 315 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - QUR


BAKER, Philip Double taxation conventions and international tax law 3rd ed. 2001 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2001 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BAK BRABAZON, Mark International taxation of trust income Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2019 xlvi, 369 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BRA MEINDL-RINGLER, Angelika Beneficial ownership in international tax law Alphen aan den Rijn : Kluwer Law, 2016 xxiv, 424 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MEI

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MUNRO, Alastair Tolley's UK tax treaties / by Alastair Munro ; [with] Joanna Harrison, Teresa Nogueira London : LexisNexis, 2013 xix, 991 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MUN ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT Model tax convention on income and capital : condensed version [10th ed.] [Paris] : OECD, 2017 654 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ORG SCHWARZ, Jonathan Schwarz on tax treaties 5th ed. Kingston upon Thames : Croner-i, 2018 xx, 753 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SCH


AZEREDO DA SILVEIRA, Mercedeh Trade sanctions and international sales : an inquiry into international arbitration and commercial litigation Alpen aan den Rijn : Kluwer, 2014 xxiv, 416 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - AZE BRIDGE, Michael G. The international sale of goods 4th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 lxiv, 884 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BRI CARR, Indira International trade law 6th ed. / Indira Carr ; with contributions on private international law by Peter Stone London : Routledge, 2018 cvi, 748 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CAR

DEBATTISTA, C. Bills of lading in export trade 3rd ed. London : Tottel, 2008 xxv, 335 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DEB GOODE, Sir Roy Transnational commercial law : international instruments and commentary / Roy Goode ... [et al.] 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012 xxxii, 1072 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOO HILL, Jonathan International commercial disputes : commercial conflict of laws in English courts 4th ed. / Jonathan Hill and Adeline Chong Oxford : Hart, 2010 cxxxiii, 895 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HIL INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INCOTERMS 2020 : ICC rules for the use of domestic and international trade terms Paris : ICC Publishing, 2019 193 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - INT SCHLECHTRIEM, Peter Commentary on the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG) / Schlechtriem and Schwenzer 4th ed. / edited by Ingeborg Schwenzer Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 cxiv, 1602 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SCH SCHMITTHOFF, Clive M. The law and practice of international trade / Schmitthoff 12th ed. / by Carole Murray, David Holloway, Daren Timson-Hunt London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2012 clxviii, 1027 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SCH

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BENEDEK, Wolfgang Freedom of expression and the internet / by Wolfgang Benedek and Matthias C. Kettemann Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2013 190 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BEN COLLINS, Matthew The law of defamation and the internet 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010 xcvi, 683 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COL GRINGRAS, Clive Gringras: the laws of the internet 5th ed. / Paul Lambert Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2018 lviii, 637 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GRI MILLARD, Christopher Cloud computing law / edited by Chrispher Millard Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 xix, 416 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MIL REINBOTHE, Jorg The WIPO treaties on copyright : a commentary on the WCT, the WPPT, and the BTAP / Jorg Reinbothe, Silke von Lewinski 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 xl, 814 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - REI RIORDAN, Jaani The liability of internet intermediaries Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 lvi, 639 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RIO

SMITH, Graham J. H. Internet law and regulation 5th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 cxviii, 1625 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SMI TOMLINSON, Hugh Online publication claims : a practical guide / edited by Hugh Tomlinson and Guy Vassall-Adams ; authors Darryl Hutcheon ... [et al.] London : Matrix Chambers, 2017 lii, 285 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOM


ANDERSON, David W. K A question of trust : report of the investigatory powers review London : Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation, 2015 373 p. Shelf Reference: DESK V – AND BOGAN, Paul Identification : investigation, trial and scientific evidence 2nd ed. / Paul Bogan, Andrew Roberts Bristol : Jordans, 2011 xxxix, 544 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BOG McKAY, Simon Blackstone's guide to the Investigatory Powers Act 2016 Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 xl, 512 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC


VAN SETTEN, Lodewijk The law of financial advice, investment management, and trading Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 xxix, 370 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - VAN

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NETHERCOTT, Craig R. Islamic finance : law and practice / edited by Craig R. Nethercott and David M. Eisenberg 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012 xxiii, 346 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – NET


HEWITT, Ian Hewitt on joint ventures 6th ed. / edited by Ian Hewitt, Simon Howley, James Parkes London : Thomson Reuters, 2016 xlv, 810 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HEW


ALLINSON, Stephen Enforcement of a judgment 12th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 lxxiv, 584 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ALL KRUSE, John Debt recovery in the courts London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2010 xiv, 138 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KRU


ARANCIBIA, Jaime Judicial review of commercial regulation Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 xix, 232 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ARA

AUBURN, Jonathan Judicial review : principles and procedure / Jonathan Auburn, Jonathan Moffett, Andrew Sharland Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 cxxxvii, 912 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - AUB CORNERSTONE BARRISTERS Cornerstone on the Planning Court Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2015 xl, 485 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COR DE SMITH, S. A. De Smith's judicial review 8th ed. / Lord Woolf ... [et al.] 2018 + 2020 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 cclxxxii, 1196 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DES DE SMITH, S. A. De Smith's principles of judicial review 2nd ed. / editors Catherine Donnelly … [et al.] London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 cclxxvii, 1078 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DES FORDHAM, Michael Judicial review handbook 6th ed. Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2012 xx, 869 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FOR GORDON, Richard EU law in judicial review 2nd ed. / Richard Gordon, Rowena Moffatt Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 lxxi, 623 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW LEWIS, Sir Clive Judicial remedies in public law 5th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2015 cxxxiii, 712 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LEW

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MANNING, Jonathan Judicial review proceedings : a practitioner's guide 3rd ed. / Jonathan Manning, Sarah Salmon and Robert Brown London : Legal Action Group, 2013 cvii, 866 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAN MOULES, Richard Environmental judicial review Oxford : Hart, 2011 xlix, 379 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MOU PATTERSON, Dame Frances Patterson and Karim on judicial review / general editor Sam Karim ; assistant editor Constanze Lowrison Bell 3rd ed. London : LexisNexis, 2019 cxxxi, 663 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PAT SOUTHEY, Hugh Judicial review : a practical guide / Hugh Southey ... [et al.] 3rd ed. London : LexisNexis, 2017 xliv, 602 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SOU SUPPERSTONE, Sir Michael Judicial review 6th ed. / Sir Michael Supperstone, James Goudie, Sir Paul Walker ; general editor Helen Fenwick 2017 + 2019 supplement London : LexisNexis, 2017 clxxxvi, 1003 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SUP VON BERG, Piers Criminal judicial review : a practitioner's guide to judicial review in the criminal justice system and related areas / general editor Piers von Berg Oxford : Hart, 2014 xx, 735 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - VON


BRAND, Ronald A. The 2005 Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements : commentary and documents / Ronald A. Brand, Paul Herrup Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008 xiv, 319 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BRA BRIGGS, Adrian Civil jurisdiction and judgments 6th ed. London : Informa, 2015 xc, 897 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW BRIGGS, Adrian Private international law in English courts Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 lxxii, 1064 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BRI BUTTERWORTHS international commercial litigation handbook 2nd ed. / consultant editors Andrew Dickinson ... [et al.] London : LexisNexis, 2006 xv, 2354 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUT DICKINSON, Andrew The Brussels I Regulation recast / edited by Andrew Dickinson, Eva Lein ; assistant editor Andrew James Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 xliv, 836 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW HARTLEY, Trevor C. Choice-of-court agreements under the European and international instruments : the revised Brussels I Regulation, the Lugano Convention, and the Hague Convention Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 xlix, 495 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW

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HARTLEY, Trevor C. Civil jurisdiction and judgments in Europe : the Brussels I Regulation, the Lugano Convention, and the Hague Choice of Court Convention Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 lxx, 569 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW JONES, Michael D. Children : the inherent jurisdiction and wardship : a family practitioner's handbook Bristol : Family Law, 2016 xx, 205 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JON JOSEPH, David Jurisdiction and arbitration agreements and their enforcement 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2015 cxiv, 904 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW MANCE, Jonathan Hugh Mance, Baron Privy council practice / Lord Mance, Jacob Turner Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 xxx, 193 p. : ill. (some col.) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAN RAPHAEL, Thomas The anti-suit injunction 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 liv, 478 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RAP


AUBREY-JOHNSON, Kate Youth justice law and practice / Kate Aubrey-Johnson, Shauneen Lambe and Jennifer Twite London : Legal Action Group, 2019 lxxi, 862 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - AUB


BARNSLEY, D. G. Barnsley's land options 6th ed. / Martin Dray and Adam Rosenthal ; contributors (chapter 12) Christopher Grove, Adam Dolder London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 lxiii, 469 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BAR


BRILLIANT, Simon Practical guide to Land Registration proceedings / Simon Brilliant, Michael Michell 1st ed. London : LexisNexis, 2015 xxxviii, 601 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BRI REES, David W. Land registration manual 3rd ed. / David W. Rees London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2018 xxix, 630 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - REE RUOFF, Theodore B. F. Ruoff and Roper on the law and practice of registered conveyancing [6th ed. Current re-issue] / Robert B. Roper ... [et al.] 2003 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2003 3 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RUO WONTNER, J. J. Wontner's guide to land registry practice 22nd ed. / David W. Rees London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2009 xxxi, 433 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WON

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ALDRIDGE, Trevor M. Leasehold law 1980 onwards London : Longman, 1980 3 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ALD BUTTERWORTHS business landlord and tenant handbook 6th ed. / consultant editors Katie Bradford and Paul Matthews London : LexisNexis, 2012 xv, 806 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUT BUTTERWORTHS residential landlord and tenant handbook / consultant editor James Driscoll 6th ed. London : LexisNexis Butterworths, 2012 xxx, 2074 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUT CALLAND, Tim Butterworths property insolvency / general editors Tim Calland, Dev Desai ; principal editors Zia Bhaloo ... [et al.] 1st ed. London : LexisNexis, 2015 xlvii, 396 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CAL CRABB, Letitia Leases : covenants and consents 2nd ed. / by Letitia Crabb, Jonathan Seitler London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2008 xli, 353 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CRA FANCOURT, T. M. Enforceability of landlord and tenant covenants 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2014 xliv, 439 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FAN

HILL, Harold Arthur Hill and Redman's law of landlord and tenant 18th ed. / general editor Michael Barnes ; specialist editors Edward Cole ... [et al.] ; precedent editors Raymond Cooper and Christopher Jessel 1988 onwards London : Butterworths, 1988 6 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HIL KIDD, Daniel Landlords' consents : a practical guide / Daniel Kidd and Gabrielle Higgins Coventry : RICS Books, 2009 xxviii, 340 Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – KID KRUSE, John Powers of distress : a guide to remedies unreformed by the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2009 xlvii, 225 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KRU LUBA, Jan Housing conditions : tenants' rights 6th ed. / Jan Luba, Catherine O'Donnell and Giles Parker London : Legal Action Group, 2019 lxii, 357 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LUB RADEVSKY, Anthony Tenants' right of first refusal / Anthony Radevsky, Wayne Clark 3rd ed. Bristol : LexisNexis, 2017 xxiiii, 342 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RAD WALSH, Emily A guide to landlord and tenant law Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2018 xlv, 347 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WAL

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WOODFALL, William, d. 1806 Woodfall's law of landlord and tenant 28th ed. 1978 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1978 4 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WOO


BLACK, Henry Campbell Black's law dictionary 11th ed. / Bryan A. Garner, editor in chief St. Paul, Minn. : Thomson Reuters, 2019 xxxiii, 2075 p. Shelf Reference: DESK VIIA BROOM, Herbert A selection of legal maxims 10th ed. / by R.H. Kersley London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1939 lxxxvii, 706 p. Shelf Reference: DESK VIIA BYRNE, William James A dictionary of English law London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1923 xliv, 942 p. Shelf Reference: DESK VIIA JOWITT, William Allen Jowitt, Earl Jowitt's dictionary of English law 5th ed. / editor Daniel Greenberg ; deputy editor Klara Banaszak London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 2 vols. Shelf Reference: DESK VIIA The NEW Oxford companion to law / edited by Peter Cane, Joanne Conaghan Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008 lxxxiii, 1306 p. Shelf Reference: DESK VIIA OSBORN, Percy George Osborn's concise law dictionary 12th ed. / edited by Mick Woodley London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2013 vii, 527 p. Shelf Reference: DESK VIIA

The OXFORD companion to law / by David M. Walker Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1980 ix, 1366 p. Shelf Reference: DESK VIIA PENNER, J. E. The law student's dictionary 13th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008 318 p. Shelf Reference: DESK VIIA RAISTRICK, Donald Index to legal citations and abbreviations 4th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2013 ix, 592 p. Shelf Reference: DESK VIIA STROUD, F. Stroud's judicial dictionary of words and phrases 10th ed. / editor Daniel Greenberg London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 3 vols. Shelf Reference: DESK VIIA TETLEY, William Glossary of maritime law terms / William Tetley with the assistance of Robert C. Wilkins 2nd ed. Montreal : Langlois Gaudreau O'Connor, 2004 132 p. Shelf Reference: DESK VIIA WORDS and phrases legally defined 5th ed. / under the general editorship of David Hay 2018 + 2019 supplement London : LexisNexis, 2018 2 vols. Shelf Reference: DESK VIIA

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SUMMERSKILL, Michael Brynmor Summerskill on laytime 6th ed. / Simon Baughen London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 xxxvii, 490 p. TEXTBOOK BAY - SUM


BOND, Abigail Care proceedings and learning disabled parents : a handbook for family lawyers 2nd ed. Bristol : Family Law, 2014 xvi, 274 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BON


DAVEY, Francis Leasehold disputes / Francis Davey and Justin Bates 3rd ed. London : Legal Action Group, 2014 xlviii, 329 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DAV


ALDRIDGE, Trevor M. Leasehold law 1980 onwards London : Longman, 1980 3 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ALD CRABB, Letitia Leases : covenants and consents 2nd ed. / by Letitia Crabb, Jonathan Seitler London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2008 xli, 353 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CRA

HAGUE, N. T. Leasehold enfranchisement / Hague 6th ed. / by Anthony Radevsky and Damian Greenish 2014 + 2019 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2014 xcix, 1366 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HAG HARRISON, Piers Leasehold enfranchisement : law and practice / Piers Harrison and David Lonsdale London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2014 xxxii, 340 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HAR KIDD, Daniel Landlords' consents : a practical guide / Daniel Kidd and Gabrielle Higgins Coventry : RICS Books, 2009 xxviii, 340 Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – KID LEWISON, Sir Kim Lewison's drafting business leases 8th ed. / Janet Bignell ; consultant editor Lord Justice Lewison London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2013 lxxiii, 574 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – LEW ROSS, Murray J. Commercial leases 5th ed. 1998 onwards London : Butterworths, 1998 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ROS


BLAKE, Susan A practical approach to effective litigation 8th ed Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 xlix, 578 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BLA

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CAPE, Ed Defending suspects at police stations: the practitioner's guide to advice and representation / Ed Cape ; with Jawaid Luqmani 7th ed. London : Legal Action Group, 2017 xlviii, 984 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CAP DE WAAL, John Risk and negligence in property transactions / edited by John de Waal London : The Law Society, 2018 xxvii, 188 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DEW EDWARDS, Anthony Advising a suspect in the police station : guidelines for solicitors 8th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2013 xiii, 224 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EDW FROST, Martyn Risk and negligence in wills, estates and trusts / Martyn Frost, Penelope Reed and Mark Baxter 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 xliv, 504 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FRO GLEDHILL, Kris Defending mentally disordered persons London : Legal Action Group, 2012 lviii, 782 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GLE TAYLOR, Carolyn Advising mentally disordered offenders : a practical guide 2nd ed. / Carolyn Taylor and Julia Krish ; with Frank Farnham London : Law Society, 2010 xx, 220 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TAY

WALKER, Stephen Advising and representing clients at mediation / Stephen Walker and David Smith London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2019 xx, 248 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WAL


EDWARDS, Anthony Criminal costs : legal aid costs in the criminal courts / by Anthony Edwards with Colin Beaumont 2nd ed. London : Legal Action Group, 2019 xxxv, 371 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EDW FREER, Elaine A practitioner's guide to ancillary orders in criminal courts London : Bloomsbury Professional, 2019 lxxiv, 496 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FRE LING, Vicky LAG legal aid handbook 2018/19 [Rev ed.] / edited by Vicky Ling, Simon Pugh and Sue James ; with Anthony Edwards London : Legal Action Group, 2018 l, 603 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LIN


Allbon, Emily Legal research : a practitioner's handbook 3rd ed. / Emily Allbon, with contributions by Ian Hunter ; consultant editor Peter Clinch London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill,2019 xxix, 463 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ALL CITY LAW SCHOOL Opinion writing and case preparation 6th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2020 xiv, 380 p. Shelf Reference: 81

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HOLBORN, Guy Butterworths legal research guide 2nd ed London : Butterworths, 2001 Shelf Reference: ENQUIRY DESK KNOWLES, John Effective legal research 4th ed. / John Knowles ; 1st ed. co-authored by Philip A. Thomas London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 x, 193 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KNO WILLIAMS, Glanville L. Glanville Williams : learning the law 16th ed. / edited by A.T.H. Smith London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 xv, 293 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WIL


CORDERY, Arthur Cordery on legal services 9th ed. [re-issue] 2010 onwards London : Butterworths, 2010 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COR GOULD, John The law of legal services 2nd ed. / John Gould ; contributors Andrew Donovan, Michael Stacey Bristol : Jordan, 2019 lxxxiv, 738 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOU


BENNION, Francis Bennion on statutory interpretation 7th ed. / Diggory Bailey, Luke Norbury ; consultant editor, David Feldman 2017 + 2019 supplement London : LexisNexis, 2017 cxxxix, 941 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BEN

CRAIES, William Feilden Craies on legislation : a practitioners' guide to the nature, process, effect and interpretation of legislation 11th ed. / editor Daniel Greenberg 2017 + 2018 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 xciv, 1261 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CRA THORNTON, G. C. Thornton's legislative drafting 5th ed. / Helen Xanthaki Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2013 xxxii, 557 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - THO


SHARPLES, John Land licences Bristol : Jordans, 2011 xlix, 291 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – SHA


CORDERY, Arthur Cordery on legal services 9th ed. [re-issue] 2010 onwards London : Butterworths, 2010 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COR SNELL, Edmund Henry Turner Snell's equity 34th ed. / John McGhee, Steven Elliott London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 clxxxix, 1163 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SNE

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HOUSEMAN, David Houseman's law of life assurance 15th ed. / Robert J. Surridge, Brian Murphy, Noleen John London : Bloomsbury Professional, 2016 xxxiii, 785 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HOU


BURTON, Frank Personal injury limitation law 3rd ed. / Frank Burton, Andrew Roy Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2013 lv, 834 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUR LAW of limitation / general editor: David di Mambro ; editors: Christopher Gardner, Ian Leeming 2000 onwards London : Tottel, 2000 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LAW McGEE, Andrew Limitation periods 8th ed. 2018 + 2020 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 lxxiv, 549 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – MAC


PALMER, Sir Francis Beaufort Palmer's limited liability partnership law / general editor Geoffrey Morse ; editors Paul L. Davies ... [et al.] 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 lxxvii, 1294 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – PAL

WHITTAKER, John The law of limited liability partnerships 4th ed. / consultant editor John Whittaker ; general editor John Machell Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2016 lxxvii, 665 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WHI


FRENCH, Derek Applications to wind up companies 3rd ed. / Derek French ; consultant editor Stuart Sime Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 clvi, 861 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FRE LOOSE, Peter Loose and Griffiths on liquidators : the role of a liquidator in a winding up 9th ed. / Gneral editors Peter Loose, Andrew Clutterbuck Paul Greenwood London : LexisNexis, 2019 lxvi, 641 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LOO McPHERSON, B. H. McPherson and Keay : the law of company liquidation 4th ed. / Andrew R. Keay London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 clviii, 1234 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC


HARWOOD, Richard, 1970- Historic environment law : planning, listed buildings, monuments, conservation areas and objects 2012 + 2014 supplement Builth Wells : Institute of Art and Law, 2012 xx, 400 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HAR

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MYNORS, Charles Listed buildings and other heritage assets 5th ed. / Charles Mynors, Nigel Hewitson London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 xci, 834 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MYN


BLAKE, Susan A practical approach to effective litigation 8th ed Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 xlix, 578 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BLA BREALEY, Mark Competition litigation : UK practice and procedure 2nd ed. / general editors Mark Brealey, Kyla George Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 cxv, 744 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW BUTTERWORTHS international commercial litigation handbook 2nd ed. / consultant editors Andrew Dickinson ... [et al.] London : LexisNexis, 2006 xv, 2354 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUT CIVIL procedure : [the White Book] 2020 / [editor in chief, Geoffrey Vos ; general editors B. Fontaine, I.R. Scott] 2019 + 3rd cumulative supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 2 vols. + supplement Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – CIV ENCYCLOPEDIA of international commercial litigation / general editor: Sir Anthony Colman 1993 onwards London : Graham and Trotman, 1993 3 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – ENC

FENTIMAN, Richard International commercial litigation 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 lxxiii, 737 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FEN FIELDSEND, James Commercial property litigation / James Fieldsend, Paul McAndrews 3rd ed. Bristol : LexisNexis, 2017 lxv, 619 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FIE HEWETSON, Charles Banking litigation 4th ed. / [general editors] Charles Hewetson, Gregory Mitchell London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 lxii, 491 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HEW JAMES, Michael Litigation with a foreign aspect : a practical guide Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009 lxii, 468 p. Shelf Reference: TEXBOOK BAY – JAM SIME, Stuart A practical approach to civil procedure 23rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2020 lxxxiii, 606 p. Shelf Reference: TEXBOOK BAY – SIM


HURST, Peter T. Costs and funding following the civil justice reforms : questions and answers / [Peter Hurst, Simon Middleton, Roger Mallalieu] 5th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 lxxxix, 557 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HUR

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JACKSON, Sir Rupert The reform of civil justice 2nd ed. / Stephen Clark, Sir Rupert Jackson London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 xxviii, 303 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JAC PIROZZOLO, Rocco Litigation funding handbook / general editor Rocco Pirozzolo London : Law Society, 2014 xxvi, 310 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – PIR


BURLING, Julian M. Lloyd's : law and practice Abingdon, Oxon : Informa Law, 2014 xxxvi, 583 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUR


HOOD, Parker Principles of lender liability / Parker Hood ; consultant editor John Virgo Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012 lxix, 678 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HOO PRACTICAL lending and security precedents / general editor: Richard Talbot 1992 onwards London : Longman, 1992 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PRA SOUTHERN, David Taxation of loan relationships and derivative contracts 10th ed. Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2017 lxi, 654 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SOU

TOMLINSON, Hugh Lender claims / general editors Hugh Tomlinson, Thomas Grant ; contributors Tim Bullimore ... [et al.] London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2010 lxxxix, 568 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOM WOOD, Philip R. International loans, bonds, guarantees, legal opinions 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 xx, 657 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WOO


ADAMYK, Simon Assets of community value / law and practice London : Wildy, Simmonds & Hill, 2017 xlv, 435 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ADA ARNOLD-BAKER, Charles Local council administration in English parishes and Welsh communities 11th ed. / Charles Arnold-Baker and Paul Clayden London : LexisNexis, 2018 lv, 1085 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ARN ARROWSMITH, Sue The law of public and utilities procurement : regulation in the EU and the UK 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2014 2 vols. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ARR CORNERSTONE BARRISTERS Cornerstone on councillors' conduct / Cornerstone Barristers ; editor Philip Kolvin Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2015 xxiii, 390 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COR

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CROSS, Charles A. Cross on local government law 9th ed. / S.H. Bailey 1996 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1996 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CRO ENCYCLOPEDIA of local government law / general editor Charles Cross ; assistant general editors Stephen Bailey, Stephen Campbell ; financial editor Reginald Jones 1980 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1980 6 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ENC ISAACS, Elizabeth Challenging and defending local authority child care decisions : a practical guide / Elizabeth Isaacs ... [et al.] Bristol : Family Law, 2013 xliii, 544 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ISA PUGSLEY, Keith Enquiries of local authorities and water companies : a practical guide / Keith Pugsley and Ken Miles 6th ed. London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2016 xviii, 248 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PUG SCHOFIELD, Norman Schofield's election law 3rd ed. / Paul Gribble 2008 onwards Crayford : Shaw & Sons, 2008 5 vols. (loose-leaf) + CD-ROM Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SCH STOKES, Paul Planning and the Localism Act 2011 : a guide to the new law / Paul Stokes and Pat Thomas London : Law Society, 2012 xxi, 421 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - STO

WISE, Ian Children in need : local authority support for children and families / Ian Wise ... [et al.] 2nd ed. London : Legal Action Group, 2014 lvi, 488 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – WIS


GARNER, John F. Garner's local land charges 14th ed. / Jan E. Boothroyd London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2010 xxviii, 292 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GAR



TURNER, Peter A guide to the LCIA arbitration rules / Peter Turner, Reza Mohtashami New York : Oxford University Press, 2009 xxvi, 387 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TUR


ALLAN, Robert J. Handbook for magistrates 3rd ed. / Robert Allan, Pauline M. Callow London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2012 xvi, 240 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ALL ANTHONY, E. Anthony and Berryman's magistrates' court guide 2020 [Rev. ed.] / [edited by] A.J. Turner London : LexisNexis, 2019 cxi, 1155 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ANT

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ARCHBOLD magistrates' courts criminal practice 2020 [16th ed.] / editor Stephen Leake ... [et al.] London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 ccviii, 3127 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ARC STONE, Samuel Butterworths Stone's justices' manual 2020 151st ed. / edited by A.J. Turner ... [et al.] With Key materials [supplement], containing: Criminal Practice Directions; Criminal Procedure Rules 2015; Magistrates' court sentencing guidelines 2020 + 2020 supplement London : LexisNexis, 2020 3 vols. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - STO


MOULES, Richard Actions against public officials : legitimate expectations, misstatements and misconduct London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2009 lxiv, 423 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MOU


JESSEL, Christopher The law of the manor 2nd ed. London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2012 lv, 525 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JES


ARNOULD, Sir Joseph Law of marine insurance and average / Arnould 19th ed. / by Jonathan Gilman ... [et al.] 2018 + 2020 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 clxiv, 2009 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ARN

CHALMERS, Sir Mackenzie D. Chalmers' Marine Insurance Act 1906 11th ed. / Simon Rainey, Guy Blackwood, David Walsh London : Bloomsbury, 2019 xliii, 499 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CHA ROSE, Francis D. Marine insurance : law and practice / by F. D. Rose ; with the assistance of Gerard McMeel, Stephen Watterson 2nd ed. London : Informa, 2012 lxxvi, 881 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ROS


PEASE, Joseph Gerald Pease and Chitty's law of markets and fairs 6th ed. / Edward F. Cousins Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2012 xliv, 380 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PEA


HARPER, Mark Same sex marriage and civil partnership : the new law / Mark Harper ... [et al.] Bristol : Family Law, 2014 xxxvi, 571 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – HAR HAYDEN, Anthony Children and same sex families : a legal handbook / Anthony Hayden ... [et al.] Bristol : Jordans, 2012 xxxviii, 658 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HAY


INCOMES DATA SERVICES Maternity and parental rights London : Incomes Data Services, 2015 iv, 725 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – INC

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DUCKWORTH, Peter Matrimonial property and finance [New ed.] 2000 onwards Bristol : Family Law, 2000 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DUC HARRISON, Richard 1KBW on trusts in matrimonial finance proceedings / Richard Harrison ... [et al.] London : Bloomsbury Professional, 2019 xxi, 295 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HAR JACKSON, Joseph Jackson's matrimonial finance 10th ed. / editors Clive Newton, Deepak Nagpal London : LexisNexis, 2019 cxlviii, 1475 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JAC


BLACK, Gillian Publicity rights and image : exploitation and legal control Oxford : Hart, 2011 xx, 223 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BLA DEACON, Robert Privacy and personality rights : commercial exploitation and protection / Robert Deacon, Nigel Lipton and Robert Pinker London : Jordans, 2010 xlviii, 692 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DEA GOLDREIN, Iain S. Privacy injunctions and the media : a practice manual Oxford : Hart, 2012 xiviii, 1169 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOL

MILLAR, Gavin Newsgathering : law, regulation and the public interest / Gavin Millar, Andrew Scott Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 xxxv, 428 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MIL NICOL, Andrew G. L. Media law and human rights / Andrew Nicol, Gavin Millar, Andrew Sharland 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009 xxxi, 307 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - NIC ROBERTSON, Geoffrey Media law / by Geoffrey Robertson and Andrew Nicol 5th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2007 xli, 1044 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ROB ROWBOTTOM, Jacob Media law Oxford : Hart, 2018 xxxiv, 375 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ROW TOMLINSON, Hugh Online publication claims : a practical guide / edited by Hugh Tomlinson and Guy Vassall-Adams ; authors Darryl Hutcheon ... [et al.] London : Matrix Chambers, 2017 lii, 285 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOM TUGENDHAT, Sir Michael The law of privacy and the media / Tugendhat and Christie 3rd ed. / edited by N A Moreham, Sir Mark Warby ; consultant editors Sir Michael Tugendhat, Iain Christie Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 xcvi, 838 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TUG

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WILLIAMS, Alan P. Drafting agreements for the digital media industry / Alan Williams, Duncan Callow, Andrew Lee 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 x, 483 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – WIL


ALLEN, Tony Mediating clinical claims London : Bloomsbury Professional, 2018 xviii, 256 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ALL ALLEN, Tony Mediation law and civil practice 2nd ed. Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2019 xxxiv, 380 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ALL ANDREWS, Neil Andrews on civil processes : court proceedings, arbitration and mediation 2nd ed. Cambridge : Intersentia, 2019 cix, 1191 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - AND AUBREY-JOHNSON, Kate Making mediation work for you : a practical handbook / Kate Aubrey-Johnson ; with Helen Curtis London : Legal Action Group, 2012 xxvii, 487 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - AUB GOODMAN, Andrew Effective mediation advocacy : a guide for practitioners 3rd ed. St Albans : Mediation Publishing, 2016 xvii, 392 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOO

WALKER, Stephen Advising and representing clients at mediation / Stephen Walker and David Smith London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2019 xx, 248 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WAL


ALDOUS, Grahame Clinical negligence claims : a practical guide / general editor Grahame Aldous London : 9 Gough Square, 2008 xviii, 256 p. Shelf Reference: DESK V - GOU ALLEN, Tony Mediating clinical claims London : Bloomsbury Professional, 2018 xviii, 256 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ALL JONES, Michael A. Medical negligence 5th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 cxliii, 1411 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JON MULHERON, Rachael P. Medical negligence : non-patient and third party claims Farnham : Ashgate, 2010 xlv, 419 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MUL POWERS, Michael J. Clinical negligence 5th ed. / Michael J. Powers, Anthony Barton ; assistant editor Barry Jackson Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, [2015] lvii, 1467 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – POW

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GOMEZ, David The regulation of healthcare professionals : law, principle and process 2nd ed. / by David Gomez London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 2 vols. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOM WHITFIELD, Jon Professional discipline and healthcare regulators : a legal handbook / Jon Whitfield ... [et al.] 2nd ed. London : LAG, 2018 lxxviii, 664 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WHI


HARPER, Richard S. Medical treatment and the law : issues of consent : the protection of the vulnerable : children and adults lacking capacity 2nd ed. Bristol : Family Law, 2014 xxxi, 398 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HAR JOHNSTON, Christopher Medical treatment : decisions and the law : the Mental Capacity Act in action 3rd ed. / editor Christopher Johnston Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2016 lvii, 683 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – JOH MAHENDRA, B. Substance misuse in psychiatry : a guide for lawyers Bristol : Jordans, 2008 xvii, 311 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAH


FOSTER, Charles Medical law precedents for lawyers / edited by Charles Foster London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2010 xiv, 398 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FOS LAING, Judith Principles of medical law 4th ed. / edited by Judith M. Laing, Jean V. McHale ; consultant editors Sir Ian Kennedy, Andrew Grubb Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 cxvi, 1225 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LAI MASON, J. K. Mason and McCall Smith's law and medical ethics 11th ed. / G.T. Laurie, S.H.E. Harmon, E.S. Dove Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 lii, 722 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAS


BRIGGS, Nicholas Modern law of meetings 3rd ed. / Nicholas Briggs ... [et al.] Bristol : Jordans, 2013 xlix, 506 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BRI KOSMIN, Leslie Company meetings and resolutions : law, practice and procedure / Leslie Kosmin, Catherine Roberts 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 xl, 569 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KOS

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SHACKLETON, Frank Shackleton on the law and practice of meetings 14th ed. / general editors Madeleine Cordes, John Pugh-Smith ; [contributors] Samar Abbas ... [et al.] London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 l, 425 p. Shelf Reference: TETXTBOOK BAY – SHA


ASHTON, Gordon R. Mental capacity : law and practice 4th ed. / consulting editor Gordon R. Ashton; general editor and contributor the Hon Mr Justice Baker; senior contributing editor District Judge Marc Marin Bristol : LexisNexis, 2018 lxxvi, 965 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ASH BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION Assessment of mental capacity : a practical guide for doctors and lawyers 4th ed. / British Medical Association and the Law Society ; general editor Alex Ruck Keene London : Law Society, 2015 xlii, 323 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BRI BUTLER, Michael A practitioner's guide to mental health law London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2014 xxxvii, 355 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Mental Health Act 1983 : code of practice [Rev. ed.] London : The Stationery Office, 2015 461 p. Shelf Reference: DESK V - DEP FRIMSTON, Richard The international protection of adults / edited by Richard Frimston ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 lxxxvi, 808 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – FRI

GLEDHILL, Kris Defending mentally disordered persons London : Legal Action Group, 2012 lviii, 782 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GLE GOSTIN, Lawrence Principles of mental health law and policy / edited by Lawrence Gostin ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010 xc, 1004 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOS JOHNSTON, Christopher Medical treatment : decisions and the law : the Mental Capacity Act in action 3rd ed. / editor Christopher Johnston Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2016 lvii, 683 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JOH JONES, Richard M. Mental Health Act manual 23rd ed. / Richard M. Jones ; consultant Blake Morgan London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 xlv, 1139 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JON TAYLOR, Carolyn Advising mentally disordered offenders : a practical guide 2nd ed. / Carolyn Taylor and Julia Krish ; with Frank Farnham London : Law Society, 2010 xx, 220 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TAY


BUTLER, Jonathan Mental health tribunals : law, practice and procedure / Jonathan Butler ; contributing editor Helen Wilson 2nd ed. Bristol : Jordans, 2013 lix, 532 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – BUT

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JOHNSTON, Sarah Mental health tribunal handbook / Sarah Johnston, Sophy Miles and Claire Royston London : Legal Action Group, 2015 xxxviii, 510 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JOH


PARKER, Jonathan UK merger control / Jonathan Parker and Adrian Majumdar ; consultant editor and contributor Simon Pritchard Oxford : Hart, 2011 lxix, 869 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PAR PARR, A. Nigel UK merger control : law and practice 3rd ed. / by A. Nigel Parr, Roger J. Finbow, Matthew J. Hughes London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 lxii, 1043 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PAR The TAKEOVER code 11th ed. 2013 onwards London : Panel on Take-overs and Mergers, 2013 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TAK WEINBERG, M. A. Weinberg and Blank on take-overs and mergers 5th ed. / by Laurence Rabinowitz 1989 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1989 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WEI


LOWE, Nigel V. International movement of children : law, practice and procedure / Lowe, Everall, Nicholls 2nd ed. / Nigel Lowe, Michael Nicholls Bristol : LexisNexis, 2016 ciii, 1261 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LOW


JOFFE, Victor Minority shareholders : law, practice, and procedure 6th ed. / Victor Joffe ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 lix, 654 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JOF


FRECKELTON, Ian Scholarly misconduct : law, regulation and practice Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 xxix, 636 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FRE HORDER, Jeremy Criminal misconduct in office : law and politics Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 xiv, 209 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HOR MOULES, Richard Actions against public officials : legitimate expectations, misstatements and misconduct London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2009 lxiv, 423 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – MOU

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BOWER, George Spencer Actionable misrepresentation / Spencer Bower and Handley 5th ed. / by K.R. Handley London : LexisNexis, 2014 xcii, 340 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BOW CARTWRIGHT, John Misrepresentation, mistake and non-disclosure 5th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 xci, 643 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CAR


McMEEL, Gerard McMeel and Virgo on financial advice and financial products : law and liability / edited by Gerard McMeel, John Virgo 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 lxxix, 1064 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC SAMUEL, Adam A practitioner's guide to consumer financial services complaints and compensation London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 xvii, 942 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SAM


CARTWRIGHT, John Misrepresentation, mistake and non-disclosure 5th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 xci, 643 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – CAR

HODGE, David Rectification : the modern law and practice governing claims for rectification for mistake 2nd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2015 liii, 882 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HOD


BETZ, Kathrin Proving bribery, fraud and money laundering in international arbitration : on applicable criminal law and evidence Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017 xix, 341 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BET BLAIR, Sir William Banks and financial crime : the international law of tained money 2nd ed. / edited by Sir William Blair, Richard Brent, Tom Grant Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 lxxii, 571 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BLA CAMP, Peter J. Solicitors and money laundering : a compliance handbook / Peter Camp and Amy Bell 4th ed. London : Law Society, 2018 xxiii, 354 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CAM MILLINGTON, Trevor Millington and Sutherland Williams on the proceeds of crime 5th ed. / Mark Sutherland Williams, Michael Hopmeier, Rupert Jones Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 lxxxi, 774 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MIL

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PEDDIE, Jonathan A practitioner's guide to the law and regulation of financial crime 2nd ed. / consultant editors Jonathan Peddie, Charles Thomson, Mark Simpson [Baker McKenzie] London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 xx, 514 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PED SMITH, Ian Smith, Owen and Bodnar on asset recovery : criminal confiscation and civil recovery 2nd ed. / edited by Ian Smith, Tim Owen, Andrew Bodnar 2007 onwards Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SMI


POPE, David Mooting and advocacy skills 2nd ed. / David Pope, Dan Hill London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2011 viii, 188 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - POP SNAPE, John How to moot : a student guide to mooting / John Snape and Gary Watt 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010 xxiii, 244 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SNA




COUSINS, Edward F. Cousins on the law of mortgages 4th ed. / by Edward F. Cousins, Ian Clarke, Stuart Hornett London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 cxxxviii, 785 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COU

FISHER, William Richard Fisher and Lightwood's law of mortgage 15th ed. / co-ordinating editor and contributor, Wayne Clark London : LexisNexis, 2019 ccxlvii, 1263 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FIS POWELL, Timothy Mortgage possession proceedings London : Law Society, 2012 xxviii, 355 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - POW SNELL, Edmund Henry Turner Snell's equity 34th ed. / John McGhee, Steven Elliott London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 clxxxix, 1163 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SNE TOMLINSON, Hugh Lender claims / general editors Hugh Tomlinson, Thomas Grant ; contributors Tim Bullimore ... [et al.] London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2010 lxxxix, 568 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOM TOZER, Stephanie Mortgage receivership : law and practice / Stephanie Tozer and Cecily Crampin London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2018 lx, 472 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOZ WATERS, Malcolm Retail mortgages : law, regulation and procedure / Malcolm Waters, Elizabeth Ovey, Mark Fell London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2013 liv, 464 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WAT

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MERKIN, Robert M. The law of motor insurance 2nd ed. / Robert Merkin, Maggie Hemsworth London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2015 xciv, 906 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MER RITCHIE, Andrew Guide to MIB claims : uninsured and untraced drivers / Andrew Ritchie ; assistant editor Jeremy Ford 4th ed. Bristol : Jordans, 2016 xxviii, 532 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RIT WILLIAMS, Donald B. Guide to Motor Insurers' Bureau claims 10th ed. / Donald B. Williams and Malcolm Johnson London : Law Society, 2012 xx, 136 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WIL


BINGHAM, Leonard Bingham and Berrymans' personal injury and motor claims cases 15th ed. / Ruth Graham ... [et al.] London : LexisNexis, 2018 clxiii, 1662 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BIN RITCHIE, Andrew Guide to MIB claims : uninsured and untraced drivers / Andrew Ritchie ; assistant editor Jeremy Ford 4th ed. Bristol : Jordans, 2016 xxviii, 532 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RIT




KAWALEY, Ian R. C. Cross-border judicial cooperation in offshore litigation : the British offshore world / edited by Ian R.C. Kawaley, Andrew J. Bolton and Robin J. Mayor 2nd ed. London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2016 lxx, 339 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KAW McCLEAN, David International co-operation in civil and criminal matters 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012 xlviii, 366 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC NICHOLLS, Clive Nicholls, Montgomery and Knowles on the law of extradition and mutual assistance 3rd ed. / Clive Nicholls ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 lxi, 813 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - NIC


SIMON, John Allsebrook Simon, Viscount Simon's taxes [5th ed.] / editorial team Alan Blanchard ... [et al.] 2008 onwards London : LexisNexis, 2008 11 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SIM TOLLEY'S yellow tax handbook 2019-20 60th ed. / consultant editor Anne Redston London : LexisNexis, 2019 3 vols. in 6 Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOL

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FRANSMAN, Laurie Fransman's British nationality law 3rd ed. / Laurie Fransman ; contributors Adrian Barry, Alison Harvey London : Bloomsbury Professional, 2011 ixxxvii, 1853 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FRA FRIPP, Eric The law and practice of expulsion and exclusion from the United Kingdom : deportation, removal, exclusion and deprivation of citizenship / general editor Eric Fripp ; deputy editors Rowena Moffatt, Ellis Wilford Oregon : Hart, 2015 ixvii, 523 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – FRI GUILD, Elspeth The EU citizenship Directive : a commentary / Elspeth Guild, Steve Peers, Jonathan Tomkin Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 xxiii, 334 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW JOINT COUNCIL FOR THE WELFARE OF IMMIGRANTS JCWI immigration, nationality & refugee law handbook 2006 ed. / edited by Duran Seddon London : Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants, 2006 xxxvii, 1593 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JCW


BUCKLEY, Richard A. The law of negligence and nuisance 6th ed. London : LexisNexis, 2017 cx, 744 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUC

CHARLESWORTH, John Charlesworth & Percy on negligence 14th ed. / general editor C.T. Walton 2018 + 2020 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 ccxii, 1354 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CHA DOUGLAS, Simon Liability for wrongful interferences with chattels Oxford : Hart, 2011 xx, 222 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DOU FAIRGRIEVE, Duncan The negligence liability of public authorities 2nd ed. / Duncan Fairgrieve, Dan Squires Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 lxi, 889 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FAI GREEN, Sarah Causation in negligence Oxford : Hart, 2015 xiv, 185 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GRE HODGSON, Douglas The law of intervening causation Aldershot : Ashgate, 2008 xvi, 273 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HOD JACKSON, Sir Rupert Jackson and Powell on professional liability 8th ed. / general editors John L. Powell and Roger Stewart ; editors Scott Allen ... [et al.] ; consultant editor Sir Rupert Jackson 2017 + 2019 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 ccxliv, 1526 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JAC PLUNKETT, James The duty of care in negligence Oxford : Hart, 2018 xxiv, 225 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PLU

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CITY LAW SCHOOL Negotiation [14th ed.] 2009/2010 Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009 xii, 256 p. Shelf Reference: 81 KENNEDY, Gavin Everything is negotiable : how to get the best deal every time 4th ed. London : Random House, 2008 304 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KEN


AGNEW, Donald Neighbour disputes : a guide to the law and practice / Donald Agnew and Amanda Morris 2nd ed. London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2011 xxvii, 259 p. Shelf Reference: TEXBOOK BAY - AGN


BUSHELL, Simon Disclosure of information : Norwich Pharmacal and related principles / Simon Bushell, Gary Milner-Moore 2nd ed. Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2019 xxxiii, 280 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – BUS O'NEILL, David Ancillary discovery Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2009 lvii, 468 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ONE


BROOKE, Richard Brooke's notary 14th ed. / by N.P. Ready London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2013 xlv, 787 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BRO


BUCKLEY, Richard A. The law of negligence and nuisance 6th ed. London : LexisNexis, 2017 cx, 744 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – BUC CLERK, J. F. Clerk & Lindsell on torts 23rd ed. / general editor Michael A. Jones London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 ccclxxxvi, 2400 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – CLE FRY, Chris Guide to noise claims / Chris Fry, Theo Huckle; with assistance from Joseph Wynn Bristol : Jordan, 2016 xxiv, 164 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – FRY MALCOLM, Rosalind Statutory nuisance : law and practice / Rosalind Malcolm, John Pointing 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 xxxvii, 429 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAL McCRACKEN, Robert Statutory nuisance 4th ed. / Robert McCracken ... [et al.] Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2019 xlvi, 787 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC

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MURPHY, John The law of nuisance Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010 xxvii, 208 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MUR


ANDERSON, Mark Execution of documents / Mark Anderson and Victor Warner 3rd ed. London : Law Society, 2015 xliv, 428 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - AND


MERKIN, Robert M. Insurance and the law of obligations / Rob Merkin and Jenny Steele Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 xlii, 414 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MER PLENDER, Richard The European private international law of obligations / by Richard Plender and Michael Wilderspin 5th ed. / edited by Michael Wilderspin London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 xcvii, 854 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW


ANTOINE, Rose-Marie Belle Confidentiality in offshore financial law 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 xliii, 417 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ANT

ANTOINE, Rose-Marie Belle Offshore financial law : trusts and related tax issues 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 liii, 667 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ANT HARPER, Mark International trust and divorce litigation 3rd ed. / Mark Harper, Dawn Goodman London : LexisNexis, 2019 xliv, 487 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – HAR The INTERNATIONAL trust 3rd ed. / general editor David Hayton Bristol : Jordan Publishing, 2011 cii, 925 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - INT INTERNATIONAL trust precedents / general editors: Nicola Bradbury, Keith Bruce-Smith, Murray Hallam 1989 onwards London : Longman, 1989 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - INT INTERNATIONAL trust laws / edited by John Glasson 1992 onwards London : Chancery Law Publishing, 1992 3 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – INT KEMPSTER, Steven International trust disputes / edited by Steven Kempster ... [et al.] 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2020 lxx, 584 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KEM PANICO, Paolo International trust laws 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 lxix, 842 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PAN

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SPITZ, Barry Offshore service / general editor Giles Clarke ; consulting editor Barry Spitz 1998 onwards London : Tolley, 1998 5 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SPI WILLIAMS, Richard A practical guide to the transfer of trusteeships / editors Richard Williams, Arabella Murphy and Toby Graham 3rd ed. London : Globe Law and Business, 2017 447 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WIL


BEARDSMORE, Valerie Opinion writing and drafting in tort / Valerie Beardsmore and Adele Cox London : Cavendish, 1996 xx, 347 p. Shelf reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BEA CITY LAW SCHOOL Opinion writing and case preparation 6th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2020 xiv, 380 p. Shelf reference: 81


WOOD, Philip R. International loans, bonds, guarantees, legal opinions 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 xx, 657 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WOO


INCOMES DATA SERVICES Maternity and parental rights London : Incomes Data Services, 2015 iv, 725 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - INC


BRIDGEMAN, Jo Parental responsibility, young children and healthcare law Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2007 xviii, 263 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BRI GEORGE, Rob Relocation : a practical guide / Rob George ... [et al.] 2nd ed. Bristol : Family Law, 2016 xiv, 310 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GEO


ARNOLD-BAKER, Charles Local council administration in English parishes and Welsh communities 11th ed. / Charles Arnold-Baker and Paul Clayden London : LexisNexis, 2018 lv, 1085 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ARN


CLAYDEN, Paul The law of parks and open spaces Crayford, Kent : Shaw & Sons, 2009 xxviii, 194 p. Shelf Reference: TEXBOOK BAY - CLA

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MAY, Sir Thomas Erskine Erskine May's treatise on the law, privileges, proceedings and usage of Parliament 25th ed. / editors Sir David Natzler, Mark Hutton ; assistant editors Matthew Hamlyn ... [et al.] London : LexisNexis, 2019 lxxi, 1281 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAY


ARNOTT, Hamish Parole Board hearings : law and practice / Hamish Arnott and Simon Creighton 3rd ed. London : Legal Action Group, 2014 xxxviii, 497 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – ARN


BERRY, Elspeth Partnership and LLP law 2nd ed. London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2018 xlii, 248 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BER BERRY, Elspeth Law of insolvent partnerships and limited liability partnerships / Elspeth Berry and Rebecca Parry London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2015 lxxiii, 670 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BER BLACKETT-ORD, Mark Partnership law : the modern law of firms, limited partnerships and LLPs 6th ed. / Mark Blackett-Ord and Sarah Haren Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2020 cxii, 1108 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BLA

ENCYCLOPEDIA of professional partnerships / by R.C. I'Anson Banks 1987 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1987 3 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ENC LINDLEY, Nathaniel Lindley, Baron Lindley & Banks on partnership 20th ed. / by Roderick I'Anson Banks 2017 + 2019 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 ccxxvi, 1511 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LIN RAY, Edward E. Ray : partnership taxation 5th ed. / Nigel T. Davey ; with Maurice A. Parry-Wingfield 1996 onwards London : Butterworths, 1996 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RAY TWOMEY, Michael Twomey on partnership / by Michael Twomey; editor Maedhbh Clancy 2nd ed. Dublin : Bloomsbury Professional, 2019 lxxxii, 1082 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TWO


BICKFORD-SMITH, Stephen Party walls : law and practice 4th ed. / Stephen Bickford-Smith, David Nicholls and Andrew Smith with Alistair Redler Bristol : Lexis Nexis, 2017 xxxii, 322 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BIC ISAAC, Nicholas The law and practice of party walls Moseley : Property Publishing, 2014 283 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ISA

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JOHNSON, Phillip Ambush marketing and brand protection : law and practice 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 lix, 459 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JOH WADLOW, Christopher The law of passing-off : unfair competition by misrepresentation 5th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 lxix, 797 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WAD


See also INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CIPA CIPA guide to the Patents Acts 9th ed. / editors Paul G. Cole, Richard Davis for the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CIP ENCYCLOPEDIA of U.K. and European patent law / editors T.A. Blanco White ... [et al.] ; assisted by David Llewlyn 1977 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1977 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ENC GRUBB, Philip W. Patents for chemicals, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology : fundamentals of global law, practice, and strategy 5th ed. / by Philip W. Grubb and Peter R. Thomsen Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010 xlv, 537 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GRU

JOHNSON, Phillip The modern law of patents 4th ed. / Phillip Johnson, Ashley Roughton, Trevor Cook London, LexisNexis, 2018 cclxxxiii, 1994 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JOH SHEMTOV, Noam Beyond the code : Protection of non-textual features of software Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 xxx, 256 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – SHE TERRELL, Thomas Terrell on the law of patents 18th ed. / general editor Mr Justice Birss ; editors Tim Austen ... [et al.] 2016 + 2019 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 cxi, 1201 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – TER


BRINDLE, Michael Law of bank payments 5th ed. / Michael Brindle, Raymond Cox London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 lxxi, 721 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BRI GOODE, Sir Roy Goode on payment obligations in commercial and financial transactions 3rd ed. / edited by Charles Proctor and Victoria Dixon London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 lvii, 329 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – GOO


HALSON, Roger Liquidated damages and penalty clauses Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 xxvi, 212 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HAL

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ANDERSON, Hamish The framework of corporate insolvency law Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 xli, 304 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - AND BANO, Andrew War pensions and armed forces compensation : law and practice London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2016 lx, 329 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BAN DAVIDSON, David Pensions and family breakdown 2nd ed. London : Law Society, 2008 xxii, 173 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DAV ELLISON, Robin Pensions law and practice with precedents 2000 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2000 4 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ELL The GUIDE for pension trustees : a practical manual of essential pensions knowledge 2004-2014 Henley-on-Thames : NTC Publications, 2004 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: DESK V - GUI INGLIS-JONES, Nigel Sweet & Maxwell's law of pension schemes 1989 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1989 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ING POLLARD, David Corporate insolvency : pension rights 6th ed. Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2016 lxiv, 729 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - POL

POLLARD, David The law of pension trusts Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 lv, 518 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - POL


ARNOLD, Sir Richard Performers' rights 5th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2015 lxxxii, 645 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ARN


ALDOUS, Grahame Work accidents at sea / Grahame Aldous, Linda Nelson ; editor Stephen Glynn London : 9 Gough Square, 2008 xii, 137 p. Shelf Reference: DESK V - GOU BURTON, Frank Personal injury limitation law 3rd ed. / Frank Burton, Andrew Roy Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2013 lv, 834 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUR BUTTERWORTHS personal injury litigation service / Iain S. Goldrein and Margaret R. de Haas 1989 onwards London : Butterworths, 1989 6 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUT CURRAN, Patrick Personal injury pleadings 6th ed. / by Patrick Curran London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 cxvii, 2403 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CUR

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DOHERTY, Bernard Accidents abroad : international personal injury claims / Bernard Doherty ; with Colin Thomann ... [et al.] 2nd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 xcix, 779 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DOH EXALL, Gordon Personal injury litigation 4th ed. / Gordon Exall London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2011 xvi, 260 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EXA FACTS and figures 2019/20 : tables for the calculation of damages / compiled and edited by members of the Professional Negligence Bar Association ; general editor Simon Levene London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 xiii, 382 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FAC FOSTER, Charles APIL guide to tripping and slipping cases / by Charles Foster and Ben Bradley 2nd ed. Bristol : Jordans, 2015 xxxii, 310 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FOS GLYNN, Stephen Asbestos claims : law, practice and procedure / general editor Stephen Glynn 3rd ed. London : Chambers of Andrew Ritchie QC [9 Gough Square], 2016 xx, 240 p. Shelf Reference: DESK V - GOU GOVERNMENT ACTUARY'S DEPARTMENT Actuarial tables with explanatory notes for use in personal injury and fatal accident cases 7th ed. / prepared by an Inter-disciplinary Working Party, Chairman of the Working Party: Robin de Wilde London : The Stationery Office, 2011 70 p. Shelf Reference: ENQUIRY DESK

JUDICIAL COLLEGE Guidelines for the assessment of general damages in personal injury cases 15th ed. / compiled for the Judicial College by Mrs Justice Lambert ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 xix, 92 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – JUD KEMP, David A. McI. The quantum of damages in personal injury and fatal accident claims / Kemp & Kemp Rev. ed. / by David A.McI. Kemp ; assisted by Derrick Turriff ... [et al.] 1982 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1982 4 vols. + index vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KEM KEMP, David A. McI. Kemp & Kemp: personal injury law, practice & procedure / general editor Andrew Ritchie 2005 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2005 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KEM McKECHNIE, Stuart APIL guide to catastrophic injury claims / Stuart McKechnie ... [et al.] 3rd ed. London : LexisNexis, 2020 lxi, 613 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC MUNKMAN, John Damages for personal injuries and death / Munkman and Exall 14th ed. / Gordon Exall London : LexisNexis, 2019 xliv, 431 p Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MUN RITCHIE, Andrew Manual handling claims / by Andrew Ritchie ; edited by Stephen Glynn London : 9 Gough Square, 2008 viii, 139 p. Shelf Reference: DESK V - GOU

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WILCOX, Vanessa A company's right to damages for non-pecuniary loss Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2016 xxxiv, 192 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – WIL


HUNTER, Muir Muir Hunter on personal insolvency / senior author Muir Hunter and junior author John Briggs 1987 onwards London : Stevens, 1987 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HUN SCHAW MILLER, Stephen Schaw Miller and Bailey : personal insolvency : law and practice 5th ed. / David Mohyuddin ... [et al.] London : LexisNexis, 2017 clix, 1293 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SCH


BEALE, Hugh The law of security and title-based financing / Hugh Beale ... [et al.] 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 lxxxii, 924 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BEA BRIDGE, Michael G. The law of personal property / Michael Bridge ... [et al.] 2nd ed. 2018 + 2019 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 cxliii, 1185 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – BRI

BRIDGE, Michael G. Personal property law 4th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 xxxiv, 317 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BRI DOUGLAS, Simon Liability for wrongful interferences with chattels Oxford : Hart, 2011 xx, 222 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DOU HICKEY, Robin Property and the law of finders Oxford : Hart, 2010 xvi, 183 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HIC SHEEHAN, Duncan The principles of personal property law 2nd ed. Oxford : Hart, 2017 xliv, 427 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – SHE SMITH, Roger J. Plural ownership Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2005 xxi, 223 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SMI STANYER, Ann Personal chattels : law, practice and tax with precedents London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2009 xxviii, 337 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - STA


BOWES, Ashley A practical approach to planning law 14th ed. / Ashley Bowes Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 lxv, 708 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BOW

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BUTTERWORTHS planning law service 1990 onwards London : Butterworths, 1990 5 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUT CORNERSTONE BARRISTERS Cornerstone on the Planning Court Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2015 xl, 485 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COR ENCYCLOPEDIA of planning law and practice / general editor Sir Desmond Heap ; consultant editor Harold J.J. Brown ; editor Malcolm Grant 1959 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1959 9 vols. + index vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ENC HARWOOD, Richard, 1970- Planning policy / Richard Harwood and Victoria Hutton Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2017 xlv, 680 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HAR LITTLE, A. J. Planning controls and their enforcement 8th ed. 2009 onwards London : Shaw, 2009 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LIT MILLS, Alistair Interpreting the NPPF : the new national planning policy framework Bath : Bath Publishing, 2018 xxiii, 212 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MIL MYNORS, Charles Changing churches : a practical guide to the faculty system London : Bloomsbury, 2016 xx, 443 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MYN

MYNORS, Charles The control of outdoor advertising and graffiti Crayford, Kent : Shaw & Sons, 2009 xlvii, 478 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MYN PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT BAR ASSOCIATION Handbook 2019-20 London, Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 104 p. Shelf Reference: 90 STOKES, Paul Planning and the Localism Act 2011 : a guide to the new law / Paul Stokes and Pat Thomas London : Law Society, 2012 xxi, 421 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - STO TELLING, A. E. Telling and Duxbury's planning law and procedure 16th ed. / edited by R.M.C. Duxbury Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 lxxii, 621 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TEL TRAVERS, David Planning law and practice / David Travers, Noemi Byrd and Giles Atkinson London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2013 xii, 126 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TRA TRAVERS, David Planning enforcement / David Travers, Edward Grant and Emmaline Lambert London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2015 xiv, 224 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TRA TROMANS, Stephen Environmental impact assessment 2nd ed. Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2012 xxxvii, 697 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TRO

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WALTERS, Graham Welsh planning law and practice Cardiff : University of Wales Press, 2017 l, 312 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WAL WEBSTER, William Planning law : a practitioner's handbook London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2019 c, 666 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WEB WEBSTER, William Restrictions on the use of land / William Webster and Robert Weatherley London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2016 xcii, 572 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WEB


BULLEN, Edward Bullen and Leake and Jacob's precedents of pleadings 19th ed. / general editors William Blair ... [et al.] London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 2 vols. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUL CURRAN, Patrick Personal injury pleadings 6th ed. / by Patrick Curran London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 cxvii, 2403 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – CUR ROSE, William M. Pleadings without tears : a guide to legal drafting under the Civil Procedure Rules 9th ed. / William Rose ; updated and revised by Roger Eastman Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 x, 365 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ROS


BEGGS, John Police misconduct, complaints, and public regulation / John Beggs, Hugh Davies Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009 lx, 771 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BEG BUTTERWORTHS Police and Criminal Evidence Act cases / editors: Michael Cousens, Ruth M. Blair 1992-2015 London : Butterworths, 1992 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: DESK V - BUT CAPE, Ed Defending suspects at police stations: the practitioner's guide to advice and representation / Ed Cape ; with Jawaid Luqmani 7th ed. London : Legal Action Group, 2017 xlviii, 984 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CAP CLAYTON, Richard Civil actions against the police 3rd ed. / general editors Richard Clayton and Hugh Tomlinson 2004 + 2005 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2004 xcviii, 783 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CLA COLVIN, Madeleine Human rights in the investigation and prosecution of crime / edited by Madeleine Colvin and Jonathan Cooper Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009 lxxii, 575 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COL EDWARDS, Anthony Advising a suspect in the police station : guidelines for solicitors 8th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2013 xiii, 224 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EDW

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McKAY, Simon Blackstone's guide to the Investigatory Powers Act 2016 Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 xl, 512 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC McKAY, Simon Covert policing : law and practice 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 xlix, 401 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC ZANDER, Michael The Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 8th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 lxx, 1226 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ZAN


TAYLOR, Carolyn Advising mentally disordered offenders : a practical guide 2nd ed. / Carolyn Taylor and Julia Krish ; with Frank Farnham London : Law Society, 2010 xx, 220 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TAY


LUBA, Jan Defending possession proceedings 8th ed. / Jan Luba ... [et al.] London : Legal Action Group, 2016 cxxxiv, 1089 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LUB POWELL, Timothy Mortgage possession proceedings London : Law Society, 2012 xxviii, 355 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - POW

TOLLEY'S claims to the possession of land [5th ed.] / authors Adrian Davis ... [et al.] ; editor-in-chief Bryan McGuire ; consultant editor Philip Walter 2000 onwards London : Tolley, 2000 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOL WEBBER, Gary Residential possession proceedings / Gary Webber, Daniel Dovar 10th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 lxxiii, 656 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WEB


THOMAS, Geraint Thomas on powers 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012 cxxvii, 845 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - THO


ALDRIDGE, Trevor M. Powers of attorney 11th ed. / Trevor M. Aldridge, Geoffrey A. Shindler, Susan E. Sherry London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 xxx, 454 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ALD CRETNEY, Stephen M. Cretney and Lush on lasting and enduring powers of attorney 8th ed. / by Caroline Bielanska, Denzil Lush London : LexisNexis, 2017 lxiii, 928 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CRE

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HEYWOOD, Nathaniel Arthur Court of Protection practice / Heywood and Massey [13th ed.] / general editor Denzil Lush 2001 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2001 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HEY WARD, Craig Lasting powers of attorney : a practical guide 4th ed. London : Law Society, 2019 xxxvi, 487 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – WAR


CREIGHTON, Simon Prisoners : law and practice / Simon Creighton and Hamish Arnott London : Legal Action Group, 2009 l, 813 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CRE FIELD, Stephen Prison law index 2011-2012 2nd ed. Stockport :, 2011 304 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FIE LIVINGSTONE, Stephen Livingstone, Owen and Macdonald on prison law 5th ed. / edited by Tim Owen, Alison Macdonald Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 lxxvii, 659 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LIV OBI, Margaret Prison law : a practical guide London : Law Society, 2008 xxiii, 361 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - OBI

The PRISONS handbook 2014 / Mark Leech 16th ed. Stockport :, 2013 1190 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PRI


BLACK, Gillian Publicity rights and image : exploitation and legal control Oxford : Hart, 2011 xx, 223 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BLA BURROWS, David Privilege, privacy and confidentiality in family proceedings London : Bloomsbury Professional, 2019 xxxix, 347 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUR CARTER-RUCK, Peter F. Carter-Ruck on libel and privacy 6th ed. / general editors Alastair Mullis, Cameron Doley London : LexisNexis, 2010 cxxxiv, 1762 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CAR DEACON, Robert Privacy and personality rights : commercial exploitation and protection / Robert Deacon, Nigel Lipton and Robert Pinker London : Jordans, 2010 xlviii, 692 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DEA DOUGHTY, Julie Transparency in the family courts : publicity and privacy in practice / Julie Doughty, Lucy Reed, Paul Magrath Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2018 xxx, 342 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DOU

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GOLDREIN, Iain S. Privacy injunctions and the media : a practice manual Oxford : Hart, 2012 xiviii, 1169 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOL TUGENDHAT, Sir Michael The law of privacy and the media / Tugendhat and Christie 3rd ed. / edited by N A Moreham, Sir Mark Warby ; consultant editors Sir Michael Tugendhat, Iain Christie Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 xcvi, 838 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TUG


GOLDSWORTH, John Private foundations : law and practice Saffron Walden : Mulberry House Press, 2011 viii, 390 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOL NIEGEL, Johanna Private foundations world survey / edited by Johanna Niegel, Richard Pease Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 xxx, 579 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - NIE PANICO, Paolo Private foundations : law and practice Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 xxxiii, 382 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PAN


BARKER, Kit Apportionment in private law / edited by Kit Barker and Ross Grantham Oxford : Hart, 2019 xxxii, 352 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BAR

BURROWS, Andrew English private law 3rd ed. / edited by Andrew Burrows Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 ccxxviii, 1434 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUR


BURROWS, David Privilege, privacy and confidentiality in family proceedings London : Bloomsbury Professional, 2019 xxxix, 347 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUR CHOO, Andrew L.-T. The privilege against self-incrimination and criminal justice Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2013 xxvi, 152 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CHO HIGGINS, Andrew Legal professional privilege for corporations : a guide to four major common law jurisdictions Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 xxix, 281 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HIG PASSMORE, Colin Privilege 4th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 lxxxviii, 1190 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PAS THANKI, Bankim The law of privilege / editor Bankim Thanki 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 lix, 394 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - THA

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MANCE, Jonathan Hugh Mance, Baron Privy council practice / Lord Mance, Jacob Turner Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 xxx, 193 p. : ill. (some col.) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAN


BIGGS, Keith A step-by-step guide to wills and probate 6th ed. / Keith Biggs London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2017 194 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BIG BIGGS, Keith A practitioner's guide to probate and the administration of estates / Keith Biggs and Samantha Edwards 4th ed. London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2018 xliii, 578 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BIG BUTTERWORTHS wills, probate and administration service / general editor D.T. Davies 1990 onwards London : Butterworths, 1990 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUT FRANCIS, Andrew Contentious probate claims : the law and procedure / Andrew Francis, Hedley Marten London : Thomson, 2004 xxx, 469 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FRA FROST, Martyn Risk and negligence in wills, estates and trusts / Martyn Frost, Penelope Reed and Mark Baxter 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 xliv, 504 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FRO

ISLAM, Carl Contentious probate handbook : practice and precedents London : The Law Society, 2016 xxxii, 392 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ISL KING, Lesley Wills, administration and taxation law and practice 13th ed. / by Lesley King London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 lviii, 715 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KIN LAW SOCIETY Wills and inheritance protocol London : Law Society, 2013 vii, 195 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LAW PEARCE, Nasreen A practitioner's guide to probate disputes London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2016 xxxi, 260 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PEA ROSSDALE, Philip S. A. Rossdale : probate and the administration of estates : a practical guide 5th ed. / Richard Dew, Georgia Bedworth and Julia Beer London : Wolters Kluwer, 2016 lxxvi, 506 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ROS TOLLEY'S administration of estates / general editor Christopher Whitehouse ; consultant editor David Hayton 1997 onwards London : Tolley, 1997 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOL TRISTRAM, Thomas Hutchinson Tristram and Coote's probate practice 31st ed. / R. D'Costa, P. Teverson, T. Synak 2015 + 2019 supplement London : LexisNexis, 2015 xcii, 1778 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TRI

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WILLIAMS, Sir Edward Vaughan Williams, Mortimer and Sunnucks on executors, administrators and probate 21st ed. / Alexander Learmonth, Charlotte Ford, Julia Clark, John Ross Martyn (consulting editor) London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 ccxxxv, 1476 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WIL


ARROWSMITH, Sue The law of public and utilities procurement : regulation in the EU and the UK 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2014 2 vols. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ARR COLLINSON, Matthew Procurement of utilities : law and practice Oxford : Oxford University press, 2013 xxxiv, 335 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COL


FAIRGRIEVE, Duncan Product liability 3rd ed. / by Duncan Fairgrieve, Richard Goldberg Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2020 cxii, 928 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MIL FELDSCHREIBER, Peter The law and regulation of medicines / edited by Peter Feldschreiber Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008 lii, 473 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FEL MILLER, C. J. Product liability and safety encyclopaedia 1979 onwards London : Butterworths, 1979 5 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MIL


The BAR handbook / Nicholas Bacon, Simon Garrod [7th ed.] London : LexisNexis, 2014 xlvi, 1543 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BAR BAR STANDARDS BOARD The Bar Standards Board handbook 4th ed. London : Bar Standards Board, 2019 252 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BAR CITY LAW SCHOOL Professional ethics 19th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2020 xi, 228 p. Shelf Reference: 81 CORNERSTONE BARRISTERS Cornerstone on councillors' conduct / Cornerstone Barristers ; editor Philip Kolvin Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2015 xxiii, 390 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COR FOSTER, Alison Disciplinary and regulatory proceedings 10th ed. / Alison Foster, Gregory Treverton-Jones, Saima Hanif London : LexisNexis, 2019 lxxviii, 482 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FOS GOMEZ, David The regulation of healthcare professionals : law, principle and process 2nd ed. / by David Gomez London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 2 vols. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOM

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HOPPER, Andrew Outcomes-focused regulation : a practical guide / Andrew Hopper and Gregory Treverton-Jones London : The Law Society, 2011 xii, 250 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HOP LAW SOCIETY Guide to good practice : collected Law Society practice notes 2nd ed. London : Law Society Publishing, 2018 xxvi, 946 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LAW PATTENDEN, Rosemary The law of professional-client confidentiality : regulating the disclosure of confidential personal information 2nd ed. / Rosemary Pattenden, Duncan Sheehan Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 lxxv, 645 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PAT The SOLICITOR'S handbook 2019 / by Gregory Treverton-Jones ... [et al.] 8th ed. London : Law Society, 2019 xxxvii, 825 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SOL SOLICITORS REGULATION AUTHORITY SRA handbook Dec. 2018 ed. London : Law Society, 2019 vi, 522 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SOL WEST, Nigel The Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal : law and practice / Nigel West and Susanna Heley London : Law Society, 2016 xxxii, 352 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WES

WHITFIELD, Jon Professional discipline and healthcare regulators : a legal handbook / Jon Whitfield ... [et al.] 2nd ed. London : LAG, 2018 lxxviii, 664 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WHI


CANNON, Mark Professional indemnity insurance / Mark Cannon, Brendan McGurk 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 xlv, 415 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CAN ENRIGHT, W. I. B. Professional indemnity insurance law 2nd ed. / by W.I.B. Enright and Digby C. Jess London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2007 cxix, 937 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ENR REED, Paul Construction professional indemnity insurance London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 lxxxii, 791 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - REE


CHARLESWORTH, John Charlesworth & Percy on negligence 14th ed. / general editor C.T. Walton 2018 + 2020 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 ccxii, 1354 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CHA DAVIES, Mark R. Solicitors' negligence and liability Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008 xlviii, 497 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DAV

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DAVIES, Mark R. The law of professional immunities Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 xi, 250 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DAV DE WAAL, John Risk and negligence in property transactions / edited by John de Waal London : The Law Society, 2018 xxvii, 188 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DEW FLENLEY, William Solicitors' negligence and liability / William Flenley, Tom Leech 3rd ed. Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2013 xcvi, 1026 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FLE FROST, Martyn Risk and negligence in wills, estates and trusts / Martyn Frost, Penelope Reed and Mark Baxter 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 xliv, 504 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FRO JACKSON, Sir Rupert Jackson and Powell on professional liability 8th ed. / general editors John L. Powell and Roger Stewart ; editors Scott Allen ... [et al.] ; consultant editor Sir Rupert Jackson 2017 + 2019 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 ccxliv, 1526 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JAC SIMPSON, Mark Professional negligence and liability / general editor Mark Simpson ; consultant editor Lord Hoffmann 2000 onwards London : LLP, 2000 3 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SIM


GALE, Charles James Gale on easements 20th ed. / Jonathan Gaunt, the Honourable Mr Justice Morgan London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 xcv, 781 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GAL WEBSTER, William Restrictions on the use of land / William Webster and Robert Weatherley London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2016 xcii, 572 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WEB


WOOD, Philip R. Project finance, securitisations, subordinated debt 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 xviii, 293 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WOO


CALLAND, Tim Butterworths property insolvency / general editors Tim Calland, Dev Desai ; principal editors Zia Bhaloo ... [et al.] 1st ed. London : LexisNexis, 2015 xlvii, 396 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CAL CALNAN, Richard Proprietary rights and insolvency 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 xxxvii, 445 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CAL

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FOX, David Property rights in money Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008 xxxiii, 334 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FOX GOODE, Sir Roy Goode on proprietary rights and insolvency in sales transactions 3rd ed. / edited by Simon Mills London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2010 xxix, 191 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOO


FAIRGRIEVE, Duncan The negligence liability of public authorities 2nd ed. / Duncan Fairgrieve, Dan Squires Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 lxi, 889 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FAI MOULES, Richard Actions against public officials : legitimate expectations, misstatements and misconduct London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2009 lxiv, 423 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – MOU


BEER, Jason Public inquiries / editor Jason Beer ; consultant editors James Dingemans, Richard Lissack ; contributors Joseph Aiken ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 xxxiii, 513 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BEE


THORNTON, Peter The law of public order and protest / by Peter Thornton ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010 lxv, 460 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - THO


ARROWSMITH, Sue The law of public and utilities procurement : regulation in the EU and the UK 3rd ed. Vol. 1 2014 + vol. 2 2018 London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2014 2 vols. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ARR


CLARK, Charles David Lawson Clark's publishing agreements : a book of precedents 10th ed. / general editor Lynette Owen Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2017 xxviii, 830 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CLA


SOKOL, Daniel K. Pupillage inside out : how to succeed as a pupil barrister / by Daniel K. Sokol and Isabel McArdle 1st ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2013 xviii, 210 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SOK WOLFE, Georgina The path to pupillage : a guide for the aspiring barrister / by Georgina Wolfe and Alexander Robson 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2013 xiv, 298 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – WOL

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ENCYCLOPEDIA of rating and local taxation / general editor Harry B. Sales ; editor Christopher Lewsley ; consultant editors J.H. Emlyn Jones, V.G. Wellings 1988 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1988 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ENC RYDE, Walter C. Ryde on rating and the council tax 14th ed. / general editor Guy R.G. Roots ; editors George Bartlett, Neil King, Richard Glover 1990 onwards London : Butterworths, 1990 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RYD


CHESHIRE, Geoffrey Chevalier Cheshire and Burn's modern law of real property 18th ed. / E.H. Burn, J. Cartwright Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 cxliv, 1206 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CHE COOKE, Elizabeth Land law 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012 xx, 265 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COO DE WAAL, John Risk and negligence in property transactions / edited by John de Waal London : The Law Society, 2018 xxvii, 188 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DEW

FALCON CHAMBERS The electronic communications code and property law : practice and procedure Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2018 xxiv, 898 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FAL FALCON CHAMBERS The law and practice of charging orders on land / Falcon Chambers ; coordinating editor and contributor Charles Harpum London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2013 xxxviii, 269 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FAL GAMMIE, Malcolm Land taxation / general editor Jeremy de Souza ; founding editor Malcolm Gammie 1986 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1986 3 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GAM GRAVELLS, Nigel P. Landmark cases in land law / edited by Nigel Gravells Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2013 x, 294 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GRA GRAY, Kevin J. Elements of land law 5th ed. / Kevin Gray and Susan Francis Gray Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009 cxxxvi, 1434 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GRA MACKENZIE, Judith-Anne Textbook on land law 17th ed. / Judith-Anne MacKenzie, Aruna Nair Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 xxxvii, 651 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC MAUDSLEY, Ronald Harling Maudsley and Burn's land law : cases and materials 9th ed. / E.H. Burn; J. Cartwright Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009 lxxxiv, 1130 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAU

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MEGARRY, Sir Robert E. Megarry's manual of the law of real property 9th ed. / by Philip Rainey ... [et al.] London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2014 lxxiii, 542 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MEG MEGARRY, Sir Robert E. The law of real property / by Sir Robert Megarry and Sir William Wade 9th ed. / by Stuart Bridge, Elizabeth Cooke, Martin Dixon London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 ccliv, 1499 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MEG SHARPLES, John Land licences Bristol : Jordans, 2011 xlix, 291 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SHA SMITH, Roger J. Property law 9th ed. Harlow : Pearson, 2017 lxxvi, 642 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SMI SPRINGETT, Christopher Capital gains tax and the private residence 7th ed. / [Christopher Springett, Tina Riches, Nick Wallis of] Smith & Williamson Kingston-upon-Thames : Wolters Kluwer, 2016 xv, 306 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SPR THOMPSON, Mark P. Thompson's modern land law 7th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 xliv, 559 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - THO TOMLINSON, Hugh Lender claims / general editors Hugh Tomlinson, Thomas Grant ; contributors Tim Bullimore ... [et al.] London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2010 lxxxix, 568 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOM

WAITE, Andrew Environmental law in property transactions / Waite and Jewell 4th ed. / Andrew Waite, Gregory Jones, and Valerie Fogleman Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2016 lxxiv, 601 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WAI WALKER, Stephen A practical guide to TOLATA claims Minehead : Law Brief Publishing, 2019 180 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WIL WEBSTER, William Restrictions on the use of land / William Webster and Robert Weatherley London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2016 xcii, 572 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WEB WEEKES, Tom Property notices : validity and service 2nd ed. Bristol : Jordans, 2011 xxx, 234 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WEE WILDBLOOD, Stephen Cohabitation and trusts of land 3rd ed. / Stephen Wildblood, Elizabeth Darlington, Laura Heaton London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 xxxvi, 549 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WIL


KERR, William Williamson Kerr and Hunter on receivers and administrators 21st ed. / edited by Thomas Robinson, Peter Walton London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 cvii, 614 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KER

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LIGHTMAN, Sir Gavin Lightman and Moss on the law of administrators and receivers of companies 6th ed. / Sir Gavin Lightman ... [et al.] London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 cxlvi, 981 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LIG PICARDA, Hubert The law relating to receivers, managers and administrators 4th ed. Haywards Heath : Tottel, 2006 cii, 814 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PIC TOZER, Stephanie Mortgage receivership : law and practice / Stephanie Tozer and Cecily Crampin London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2018 lx, 472 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOZ


HODGE, David Rectification : the modern law and practice governing claims for rectification for mistake 2nd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2015 liii, 882 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HOD McMEEL, Gerard McMeel on the construction of contracts : interpretation, implication, and rectification 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 lxiii, 848 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – MAC SPRY, I. C. F. The principles of equitable remedies : specific performance, injunctions, rectification and equitable damages 9th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2014 lxxv, 748 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SPR


INCOMES DATA SERVICES Redundancy [6th ed.] London : Incomes Data Services, 2016 iii, 512 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - INC


GOODWIN-GILL, Guy S. The refugee in international law 3rd ed. / Guy S. Goodwin-Gill and Jane McAdam Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007 lix, 786 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOO HATHAWAY, James C. The law of refugee status / James C. Hathaway and Michelle Foster 2nd ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014 ixxxi, 693 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HAT


EDELMAN, Colin The law of reinsurance 2nd ed. / Colin Edelman, Andrew Burns Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 xxxii, 215 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EDE O'NEILL, P. T. The law of reinsurance in England and Bermuda 5th ed / by P.T. O'Neill, J.W. Woloniecki, Franziska Arnold-Dwyer London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 cx, 1246 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ONE

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REINSURANCE law / by John S. Butler and Robert M. Merkin Rev. ed. 1996 onwards London : Kluwer, 1996 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - REI


BURROWS, Andrew Remedies for torts and breach of contract 4th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 lvii, 566 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUR CITY LAW SCHOOL Remedies 20th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2020 xxix, 272 p. Shelf Reference: 81 DYER, Nigel Detection and preservation of assets in financial remedy claims / Nigel Dyer, Juliet Chapman London : LexisNexis, 2014 lv, 593 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DYE KORN, Anthony Employment tribunal remedies 4th ed. / Anthony Korn, Mohinderpal Sethi Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 lv, 452 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KOR MORRIS, Simon Financial services regulation in practice Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 lvi, 551 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MOR

VIRGO, Graham Commercial remedies : resolving controversies / edited by Graham Virgo, Sarah Worthington Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017 xxxiii, 590 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - VIR


BERNSTEIN, Ronald Handbook of rent review / Ronald Bernstein and Kirk Reynolds ; with Nicholas Dowding 1985 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1985 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: DESK V - BER


BOWER, George Spencer Res judicata / Spencer Bower and Handley 5th ed. / K.R. Handley London : LexisNexis, 2019 cxiii, 359 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BOW SCHAFFSTEIN, Silja The doctrine of res judicata before international commercial arbitral tribunals Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 xxxviii, 326 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SCH


O'SULLIVAN, Dominic The law of rescission / Dominic O'Sullivan, Steven Elliott, Rafal Zakrzewski 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 lxxii, 614 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - OSU

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FINNEY, Malcolm J. Residence and domicile for individuals : a practical guide 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 xxxix, 496 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FIN GEORGE, Rob Relocation : a practical guide / Rob George ... [et al.] 2nd ed. Bristol : Family Law, 2016 xiv, 310 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GEO GORDON, Keith M. Residence : the definition in practice 3rd ed. Chester : Claritax, 2016 xv, 152 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOR KAMAL, Setu Individual tax residence : the law and practice relating to the residence of individuals for the purposes of UK tax, with source material and a commentary on the UK-India Double Tax Treaty London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2011 xviii, 359 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KAM


BUTTERWORTHS residential landlord and tenant handbook / consultant editor James Driscoll 6th ed. London : LexisNexis Butterworths, 2012 xxx, 2074 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUT

COLBEY, Richard Residential tenancies / Richard Colbey and Niamh O'Brien 5th ed. London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2009 viii, 132 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COL DAVEY, Francis Leasehold disputes / Francis Davey and Justin Bates 3rd ed. London : Legal Action Group, 2014 xlviii, 329 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DAV DRISCOLL, James Handbook of residential tenancies / James Driscoll, Del W. Williams, Charles E.J. Boston 2001-2013 London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2001 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: DESK V - D WEBBER, Gary Residential possession proceedings / Gary Webber, Daniel Dovar 10th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 lxxiii, 656 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – WEB


BURROWS, Andrew A restatement of the English law of unjust enrichment / Andrew Burrows ; assisted by an advisory group of academics, judges and practitioners Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012 xiii, 197 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUR BURROWS, Andrew The law of restitution 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 xlix, 737 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUR

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CALLIESS, Gralf-Peter Rome Regulations : commentary / edited by Gralf-Peter Calliess 2nd ed. Alphen aan den Rijn : Wolters Kluwer, 2015 xxvi, 988 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW DYSON, Andrew Defences in unjust enrichment / edited by Andrew Dyson, James Goudkamp and Frederick Wilmot-Smith Oxford : Hart, 2016 xxxi, 328 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DYS GOFF OF CHIEVELEY, Robert Goff, Baron The law of unjust enrichment / Goff and Jones 9th ed. / edited by Charles Mitchell and Paul Mitchell and Stephen Watterson London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 cxli, 1047 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOF GREEN, Sarah Illegality after Patel v Mirza / edited by Sarah Green and Alan Bogg Oxford : Hart, 2018 xviii, 386 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GRE VIRGO, Graham The principles of the law of restitution 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 xlii, 772 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - VIR


GOULDING, Paul Employee competition : covenants, confidentiality, and garden leave / edited by Paul Goulding 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 lxv, 784 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOU

HEYDON, J. D. The restraint of trade doctrine 4th ed. Sydney : LexisNexis, 2018 lxxxi, 347 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HEY KAMERLING, Alexandra Restrictive covenants under common and competition law 6th ed. / Alexandra Kamerling and Chris Goodwill ; consultant editor Christopher Osman London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2010 xlix, 597 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – KAM


BLOCH, Selwyn Bloch and Brearley : employment covenants and confidential information : law, practice and technique 4th ed. / Selwyn Bloch, Kate Brearley London : Bloomsbury, 2018 lxxxix, 1421 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BLO FRANCIS, Andrew Restrictive covenants and freehold land : a practitioner's guide 5th ed. Edinburgh : LexisNexis, 2019 xc, 1029 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FRA GOULDING, Paul Employee competition : covenants, confidentiality, and garden leave / edited by Paul Goulding 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 lxv, 784 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOU

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KAMERLING, Alexandra Restrictive covenants under common and competition law 6th ed. / Alexandra Kamerling and Chris Goodwill ; consultant editor Christopher Osman London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2010 xlix, 597 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KAM PRESTON, C. H. S. Preston and Newsom's restrictive covenants affecting freehold land 10th ed. / by George Newsom London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2013 lxxvii, 613 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PRE WEBSTER, William Restrictions on the use of land / William Webster and Robert Weatherley London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2016 xcii, 572 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WEB


MITCHELL, Charles Constructive and resulting trusts / edited by Charles Mitchell Oxford : Hart, 2010 xxxii, 368 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MIT


BARNES, Michael The law of rights of light Oxford : Hart, 2016 xix, 419 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BAR BICKFORD-SMITH, Stephen Rights of light 3rd ed. / Stephen Bickford-Smith, Andrew Francis, Tom Weekes ; with contributions from Andrew Cartmell ... [et al.] Bristol : Jordans, 2015 li, 500 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BIC

KARAS, Jonathan The law of rights of light / Jonathan Karas ; with technical appendices by Point 2 Surveyors London : Wildy, Simmonds & Hill, 2016 xxxi, 284 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KAR


See also EASEMENTS BICKFORD-SMITH, Stephen Private rights of way / Stephen Bickford-Smith ... [et al.] Bristol : Jordans, 2012 lv, 492 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BIC RIDDALL, John G. Rights of way : a guide to law and practice 4th ed. / by John Riddall and John Trevelyan London : Ramblers' Association and Open Spaces Society, 2007 liv, 883 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RID SYDENHAM, Angela Public rights of way and access to land 4th ed. Bristol : Jordans, 2010 lv, 669 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SYD SYDENHAM, Angela Public rights of way : the essential law London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2019 xliii, 183 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SYD WEBSTER, William Restrictions on the use of land / William Webster and Robert Weatherley London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2016 xcii, 572 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WEB

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BINGHAM, Leonard Bingham and Berrymans' personal injury and motor claims cases 15th ed. / Ruth Graham ... [et al.] London : LexisNexis, 2018 clxiii, 1662 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BIN ENCYCLOPEDIA of road traffic law and practice / editor Robert Ward; assistant editor Rosemary Hosking; E.E.C. editor Mark Brealey 1960 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1960 6 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ENC WILKINSON, G. S. Wilkinson's road traffic offences 29th ed. / general editor Kevin McCormac ; [editors] Philip Brown ... [et al.] 2019 + 2020 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 clxxiii, 1295 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WIL


STILTON, Andrew Sale of shares and businesses : law, practice and agreements 5th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 xxx, 836 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - STI


ATIYAH, P. S. Atiyah and Adams' sale of goods 13th ed. / Christian Twigg-Flesner, Rick Canavan ; with sections on Scottish law by Hector MacQueen London : Pearson, 2016 lvi, 571 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ATI

BENJAMIN, Judah Philip Benjamin's sale of goods 10th ed. / general editor Michael Bridge 2017 + 2019 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 cclxxxii, 2610 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BEN BRIDGE, Michael G. The international sale of goods 4th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 lxiv, 884 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BRI BRIDGE, Michael G. The sale of goods 4th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 xcix, 822 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BRI DEBATTISTA, C. Bills of lading in export trade 3rd ed. London : Tottel, 2008 xxv, 335 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DEB GOODE, Sir Roy Goode on proprietary rights and insolvency in sales transactions 3rd ed. / edited by Simon Mills London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2010 xxix, 191 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOO SCHLECHTRIEM, Peter Commentary on the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG) / Schlechtriem and Schwenzer 4th ed. / edited by Ingeborg Schwenzer Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 cxiv, 1602 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SCH

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BRICE, Geoffrey Brice on maritime law of salvage 5th ed. / edited by John Reeder London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2011 lxxxi, 995 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BRI KENNEDY, Sir William Rann Kennedy and Rose : law of salvage 9th ed. / Francis D. Rose London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 lxxxvii, 965 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – KEN


O'DEA, Geoff Schemes of arrangement : law and practice / Geoff O'Dea, Julian Long, Alexandra Smyth Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012 xxiii, 315 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – ODE PAYNE, Jennifer Schemes of arrangement : theory, structure and operation Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014 xlvii, 409 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PAY


STONE, Richard, 1951- The law of entry, search and seizure 5th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 lxiii, 486 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – STO


GEE, Steven Commercial injunctions 6th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 clx, 1019 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GEE GOLDREIN, Iain S. Commercial litigation : pre-emptive remedies 4th ed. / by Iain S. Goldrein ... [et al.] 2003 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2003 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOL


BLAIR, Michael Financial markets and exchanges law 2nd ed. / edited by Michael Blair, George Walker, Stuart Willey Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012 lx, 678 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BLA HUDSON, Alastair Securities law 2nd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2013 cviii, 874 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HUD MOLONEY, Niamh EU securities and financial markets regulation 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 lxvi, 1044 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW YATES, Madeleine The law of global custody : legal risk management in securities investment and collateral 4th ed. / Madeleine Yates and Gerald Montagu London : Bloomsbury Professional, 2013 xliv, 377 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - YAT

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YEOWART, Geoffrey Yeowart and Parsons on the law of financial collateral / Geoffrey Yeowart, Robin Parsons ; with Edward Murray, Hamish Patrick Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2016 lxv, 836 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - YEO


WOOD, Philip R. Project finance, securitisations, subordinated debt 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 xviii, 293 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – WOO


LUBA, Jan Defending possession proceedings 8th ed. / Jan Luba ... [et al.] London : Legal Action Group, 2016 cxxxiv, 1089 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LUB TOLLEY'S claims to the possession of land [5th ed.] / authors Adrian Davis ... [et al.] ; editor-in-chief Bryan McGuire ; consultant editor Philip Walter 2000 onwards London : Tolley, 2000 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOL


CHOO, Andrew L.-T. The privilege against self-incrimination and criminal justice Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2013 xxvi, 152 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CHO


ASHWORTH, Andrew Sentencing and criminal justice 6th ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2015 xxxv, 533 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ASH BANKS, Robert Banks on sentence 15th ed. / Author: Harry O'Sullivan ; adviser: Robert Banks Etchinham, East Sussex : Robert Banks, 2020 2 vols. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BAN BUCKETT, Edwin Preventative orders : a practical guide / Edwin Buckett, Tom Little and Robert McAllister London : Law Society, 2010 xxx, 381 p. Shelf Reference: TEXBOOK BAY - BUC CITY LAW SCHOOL Criminal litigation and sentencing 29th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press; 2018 xxxiv, 297 p. Shelf Reference: 81 COOPER, Penny Vulnerable people and the criminal justice system : a guide to law and practice / edited by Penny Cooper and Heather Norton Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 xxxviii, 529 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COO DUNN, Virginia It's criminal : a guide to learning criminal litigation, evidence and sentencing [London] : Worth Publishing, 2017 xvi, 447 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DUN

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HUNGERFORD-WELCH, Peter Criminal procedure and sentencing 9th ed. London : Routledge, 2019 xxxvii, 425 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HUN LUCRAFT, Mark Crown Court index 2020 40th ed. / by Mark Lucraft, Thomas Payne London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 cxx, 1052 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LUC THOMAS, D. A. Current sentencing practice 1982 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1982 3 vols. + index (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - THO THOMAS, D. A. Thomas' sentencing referencer 2020 [Rev ed.] London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 xiii, 445 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - THO WASIK, Martin A practical approach to sentencing 5th ed. London : Oxford University Press, 2014 xxxii, 324 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WAS


DAVEY, Francis Leasehold disputes / Francis Davey and Justin Bates 3rd ed. London : Legal Action Group, 2014 xlviii, 329 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DAV

FREEDMAN, Philip Service charges : law and practice / Philip Freedman, Eric Shapiro, Brian Slater 6th ed. London : LexisNexis, 2018 xliii, 375 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FRE ROSENTHAL, Adam Commercial and residential service charges / Adam Rosenthal ... [et al.] Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2013 lv, 595 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ROS TANFIELD CHAMBERS Service charges and management / Tanfield Chambers 4th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 lxiii, 918 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TAN


HAGUE CONFERENCE ON PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW Practical handbook on the operation of the Service Convention 4th ed. The Hague : The Hague Conference on Private International Law, 2016 liii, 251 p. Shelf Reference: DESK V - HAG


DERHAM, S. Rory The law of set-off 4th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010 cxix, 982 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DER McCRACKEN, Sheelagh The banker's remedy of set-off 3rd ed. Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2010 xlvi, 340 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC

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PICHONNAZ, Pascal Set-off in arbitration and commercial transactions / Pascal Pichonnaz, Louise Gullifer Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 xl, 427 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PIC WOOD, Philip R. Set-off and netting, derivatives, clearing systems 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 xx, 470 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WOO


LEWIN, Thomas Lewin on trusts 19th ed. / by Lynton Tucker, Nicholas Le Poidevin, James Brightwell 2015 + 2019 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2015 ccclviii, 2446 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LEW


CARD, Richard Sexual offences / Richard Card, Alisdair A. Gillespie and Michael Hirst Bristol : Jordans, 2008 lxxviii, 679 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CAR GERRY, Felicity The sexual offences handbook : law, practice and procedure 2nd ed. / Felicity Gerry, Catarina Sjolin, Lyndon Harris London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2014 xx, 831 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GER

RADCLIFFE, Pamela Witness testimony in sexual cases : evidential, investigative and scientific perspectives / edited by Pamela Radcliffe ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 xlii, 413 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RAD ROOK, Peter F. G. Rook & Ward on sexual offences law and practice / Peter Rook and Robert Ward 5th ed. 2016 + 2019 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 cxcix, 2249 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – ROO


SIMPSON, Edwin Sham transactions / [edited by] Edwin Simpson and Miranda Stewart Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 xlii, 299 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SIM


CHARMAN, Andrew Shareholder actions / Andrew Charman, Johan du Toit 2nd ed. Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2017 lvii, 490 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CHA CHIVERS, David The law of majority shareholder power : use and abuse 2nd ed. / edited by David Chivers ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 xxvii, 256 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CHI EASTAWAY, Nigel A. Practical share valuation 7th ed. / Nigel Eastaway ... [et al.] Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2019 l, 1009 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EAS

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HOLLINGTON, Robin Hollington on shareholders' rights 8th ed. 2007 + 2018 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 li, 406 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – HOL SINCLAIR, Neil Sinclair on warranties and indemnities on share and asset sales 11th ed. / general editor Robert Thompson London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 xxii, 525 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SIN STILTON, Andrew Sale of shares and businesses : law, practice and agreements 5th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 xxx, 836 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - STI THOMAS, Katherine Reece The law and practice of shareholders' agreements / Katherine Reece Thomas, Christopher Ryan ; consulting editor David Baylis 4th ed. London : LexisNexis, 2014 lii, 539 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – THO


ATHANASSIOU, Lia Maritime cross-border insolvency : under the European insolvency regulation and the UNCITRAL model law Abingdon, Oxon : Informa, 2018 xxix, 310 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ATH

BERLINGIERI, Francesco Berlingieri on arrest of ships : a commentary on the 1952 and 1999 Arrest Conventions 5th ed. London : Informa, 2011 lxxxi, 791 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BER CARVER, T. G. Carver on charterparties / general editor Howard Bennett ; authors Robert Bright ... [et al.] London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 ccxxxv, 1524 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CAR COOKE, Julian H. S. Voyage charters / by Julian Cooke ... [et al.] 4th ed. Abingdon : Informa, 2014 cxxxiii, 1329 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COO GIRVIN, Stephen Carriage of goods by sea 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 lxvii, 871 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GIR MARSDEN, Reginald G. Marsden and Gault on collisions at sea 14th ed. / general editors Simon Gault, Steven Hazelwood London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 cxxxi, 1150 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – MAR SCRUTTON, Thomas Edward Scrutton on charterparties and bills of lading 24th ed. / by David Foxton ... [et al.] London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 clxx, 658 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – SCR SUMMERSKILL, Michael Brynmor Summerskill on laytime 6th ed. / Simon Baughen London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 xxxvii, 490 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SUM

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TETLEY, William Glossary of maritime law terms / William Tetley with the assistance of Robert C. Wilkins 2nd ed. Montreal : Langlois Gaudreau O'Connor, 2004 132 p. Shelf Reference: DESK VIIA TIBERG, Hugo The law of demurrage 5th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2013 ci, 695 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TIB WILSON, John F. Carriage of goods by sea 7th ed. Harlow : Longman, 2010 lvi, 559 Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WIL


PEARL, Patricia Small claims procedure in the County Court : a practical guide to mediation and litigation 6th ed. / Patricia Pearl and Christopher Dodd London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2014 xl, 292 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PEA


CHILD POVERTY ACTION GROUP Social security legislation 2020/21 : Volume 1 : Non-means tested benefits and employment and support allowance [Rev. ed.] / general editor Nick Wikeley ; commentary by Ian Hooker ... [et al.] ; consultant editor Child Poverty Action Group London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 lxxxii, 1866 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CHI

CHILD POVERTY ACTION GROUP Social security legislation 2020/21 : Volume 2 : Income support, jobseeker's allowance, state pension credit and the social fund [Rev. ed.] / general editor Nick Wikeley ; commentary by John Mesher, Richard Poynter, Nick Wikeley ; consultant editor Child Poverty Action Group London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 lxviii, 1670 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CHI CHILD POVERTY ACTION GROUP Social security legislation 2020/21 : Volume 3 : Administration, adjudication and the European dimension [Rev. ed.] / general editor Nick Wikeley ; commentary by Mark Rowland, Christopher Ward ; consultant editor Child Poverty Action Group London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 cii, 2032 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – CHI CHILD POVERTY ACTION GROUP Social security legislation 2020/21 : Volume 4 : Tax credits and HMRC-administer ed social security benefits [Rev. ed.] / general editor Nick Wikeley ; commentary by Nick Wikeley, Edward Mitchell, Ian Hooker ; consultant editor Child Poverty Action Group London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 lx, 1421 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CHI CHILD POVERTY ACTION GROUP Social security legislation 2019/20 : Volume 5 : Universal credit [Rev. ed.] / commentary by John Mesher ... [et al.] ; consultant editor Child Poverty Action Group London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 liv, 1228 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CHI

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CHILD POVERTY ACTION GROUP Student support and benefits handbook : England, Wales and Northern Ireland [2019/2020] 16th ed. / David Malcolm ... [et al.] London : Child Poverty Action Group, 2019 xxvii, 340 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CHI CHILD POVERTY ACTION GROUP Welfare benefits and tax credits handbook [2020/2021] 22nd ed. London : Child Poverty Action Group, 2020 xxi, 1895 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CHI TOLLEY'S social security and state benefits handbook 1998-2016 London : Tolley, 1998 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – TOL


CLEMENTS, Luke Community care and the law 7th ed. / Luke Clements ... [et al.] London : Legal Action Group, 2019 cii, 1037 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CLE ENCYCLOPEDIA of social services and child care law / general editor Richard M. Jones 1993 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1993 5 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ENC KNAFLER, Stephen Children's social care law London : Legal Action Group, 2018 lxxxvi, 1015 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KNA


SHEMTOV, Noam Beyond the code : Protection of non-textual features of software Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 xxx, 256 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SHE SHEMTOV, Noam Free and open source software : policy, law and practice / edited by Noam Shemtov, Ian Walden Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 xxxii, 506 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – SHE


BILLINS, Roger Solicitors' duties and liabilities 2nd ed. London : Law Society, 2010 xxx, 737 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BIL CAMP, Peter J. Solicitors and money laundering : a compliance handbook / Peter Camp and Amy Bell 4th ed. London : Law Society, 2018 xxiii, 354 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CHI CORDERY, Arthur Cordery on legal services 9th ed. [re-issue] 2010 onwards London : Butterworths, 2010 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COR DAVIES, Mark R. Solicitors' negligence and liability Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008 xlviii, 497 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DAV

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FLENLEY, William Solicitors' negligence and liability / William Flenley, Tom Leech 3rd ed. Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2013 xcvi, 1026 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FLE FROST, Martyn Risk and negligence in wills, estates and trusts / Martyn Frost, Penelope Reed and Mark Baxter 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 xliv, 504 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FRO HOPPER, Andrew Outcomes-focused regulation : a practical guide / Andrew Hopper and Gregory Treverton-Jones London : The Law Society, 2011 xii, 250 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HOP LAW SOCIETY Guide to good practice : collected Law Society practice notes 2nd ed. London : Law Society Publishing, 2018 xxvi, 946 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LAW The SOLICITOR'S handbook 2019 / by Gregory Treverton-Jones ... [et al.] 8th ed. London : Law Society, 2019 xxxvii, 825 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SOL SOLICITORS REGULATION AUTHORITY SRA handbook Dec. 2018 ed. London : Law Society, 2019 vi, 522 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SOL

WEST, Nigel The Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal : law and practice / Nigel West and Susanna Heley London : Law Society, 2016 xxxii, 352 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – WES


JOHNSON, Phillip Ambush marketing and brand protection : law and practice 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 lix, 459 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – JOH


BELOFF, Michael J. Sports law 2nd ed. / Michael Beloff ... [et al.] Oxford : Hart, 2012 xlix, 346 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BEL DE MARCO, Nick Football and the law Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2018 lxii, 549 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DEM JOHNSON, Phillip Ambush marketing and brand protection : law and practice 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 lix, 459 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JOH LEWIS, Adam Sport : law and practice / [edited by] Adam Lewis and Jonathan Taylor 3rd ed. Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2014 cxiv, 1966 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – LEW

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DE VOIL, Paul W. De Voil indirect tax service [New ed.] 1995 onwards London : Butterworths, 1995 6 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DEV MONROE, John George Monroe and Nock on the law of stamp duties 7th ed. / by R.S. Nock 1989 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1989 3 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MON NOCK, R. S. Stamp duty land tax : a practical guide 9th ed. London : The Law Society, 2011 xlvi, 569 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - NOC SERGEANT, E. G. Sergeant and Sims on stamp duties and stamp duty reserve tax [13th ed.] / Michael J.M. Quinlan 2000 onwards London : Butterworths, 2000 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SER TOLLEY'S orange tax handbook 2019-20 46th ed. / consultant editor Roderick Cordara London : LexisNexis, 2019 2 vols. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOL


HANCHER, Leigh EU state aids 5th ed. / Leigh Hancher, Tom Ottervanger, Piet Jan Slot London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 lxxi, 1228 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW

QUIGLEY, Conor European state aid law and policy 3rd ed. Oxford : Hart, 2015 xc, 792 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW


FOX, Hazel The law of state immunity 3rd ed. / Hazel Fox, Philippa Webb Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 xliv, 645 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FOX


BENNION, Francis Bennion on statutory interpretation 7th ed. / Diggory Bailey, Luke Norbury ; consultant editor, David Feldman 2017 + 2019 supplement London : LexisNexis, 2017 cxxxix, 941 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BEN CRAIES, William Feilden Craies on legislation : a practitioners' guide to the nature, process, effect and interpretation of legislation 11th ed. / editor Daniel Greenberg London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 xciv, 1261 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CRA GREENBERG, Daniel Statutes for students : the essentials of statutory interpretation : how to read and apply legislation in 40 easy pages London : Daniel Greenberg, 2019 41 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GRE

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LOWE, David Understanding legislation : a practical guide to statutory interpretation / David Lowe and Charlie Potter Oxford : Hart, 2018 lxii, 272 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LOW


MALCOLM, Rosalind Statutory nuisance : law and practice / Rosalind Malcolm, John Pointing 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 xxxvii, 429 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAL McCRACKEN, Robert Statutory nuisance 4th ed. / Robert McCracken ... [et al.] Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2019 xlvi, 787 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC


BLAIR, Michael Financial markets and exchanges law 2nd ed. / edited by Michael Blair, George Walker, Stuart Willey Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012 lx, 678 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BLA LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE The rules of the London Stock Exchange 2003 onwards London : London Stock Exchange, 2003 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: DESK V - LON


CHILD POVERTY ACTION GROUP Student support and benefits handbook : England, Wales and Northern Ireland [2019/2020] 16th ed. / David Malcolm ... [et al.] London : Child Poverty Action Group, 2019 xxvii, 340 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CHI JOINT COUNCIL FOR THE WELFARE OF IMMIGRANTS Guide to the points-based system / edited by Duran Seddon London : Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants, 2011 xii, 481 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JCW


PARRY, Sir David Hughes The law of succession / Parry and Kerridge 13th ed. / by Roger Kerridge ; assisted by A.H.R. Brierley London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 lxxvii, 666 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PAR


GOLDREIN, Iain S. Commercial litigation : pre-emptive remedies 4th ed. / by Iain S. Goldrein ... [et al.] 2003 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2003 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOL


McKAY, Simon Blackstone's guide to the Investigatory Powers Act 2016 Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 xl, 512 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC

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The TAKEOVER code 11th ed. 2013 onwards London : Panel on Take-overs and Mergers, 2013 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TAK WEINBERG, M. A. Weinberg and Blank on take-overs and mergers 5th ed. / by Laurence Rabinowitz 1989 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1989 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WEI


ANTOINE, Rose-Marie Belle Confidentiality in offshore financial law 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 xliii, 417 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ANT ANTOINE, Rose-Marie Belle Offshore financial law : trusts and related tax issues 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 liii, 667 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ANT SPITZ, Barry Offshore service / general editor Giles Clarke ; consulting editor Barry Spitz 1998 onwards London : Tolley, 1998 5 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SPI


CANNON, Patrick GAAR : a practical approach 2nd ed. Oxford : Key Haven, 2015 x, 135, 34, 132, 25 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – CAN CHAMBERLAIN, Emma Pre-owned assets and estate planning 3rd ed. / Emma Chamberlain and Chris Whitehouse London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2009 xx, 471 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CHA KESSLER, James Taxation of non-residents and foreign domiciliaries 2019-20 18th ed. Oxford : Key Haven, 2019 7 vols. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KES MURRAY, Rebecca Tax avoidance 4th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 xli, 494 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MUR POTTER, D. C. Potter and Monroe's tax planning with precedents 11th[/12th] ed. / by A.R. Thornhill and K.J. Prosser London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1988 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Lincoln's Inn: 1988 onwards Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - POT TOLLEY'S inheritance tax planning / by Richard Dew ... [et al.] 2007/2008 - 2012/2013; 2014/2015 London : LexisNexis Tolley Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOL

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WHITEHOUSE, Chris A modern approach to lifetime tax planning for private clients (with precedents) / Christopher Whitehouse and Lesley King 2nd ed. Bristol : Jordans, 2016 lx, 718 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WHI WHITEHOUSE, Chris A modern approach to wills, administration and estate planning / Christopher Whitehouse and Lesley King 5th ed. Bristol : Lexis Nexis, 2017 lxxiv, 851 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WHI


KING, Lesley Wills, administration and taxation law and practice 13th ed. / by Lesley King London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 lviii, 715 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – KIN CHAMBERLAIN, Emma Trust taxation and estate planning / Emma Chamberlain and Chris Whitehouse 4th ed. 2014 + 2017 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2014 cxxiii, 2418 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CHA DE VOIL, Paul W. De Voil indirect tax service [New ed.] 1995 onwards London : Butterworths, 1995 6 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DEV

FAIRPO, Anne Taxation of intellectual property 4th ed. Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2016 xxvi, 526 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FAI FINNEY, Malcolm J. Residence and domicile for individuals : a practical guide 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 xxxix, 496 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FIN GAMMIE, Malcolm Land taxation / general editor Jeremy de Souza ; founding editor Malcolm Gammie 1986 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1986 3 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOR GORDON, Keith M. Guide to the tax treatment of specialist occupations 4th ed. London : Bloomsbury, 2012 xxxv, 354 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOR GORDON, Keith M. Residence : the definition in practice 3rd ed. Chester : Claritax, 2016 xv, 152 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOR GORDON, Keith M. Tax appeals : law and practice at the FTT 4th ed. Chester : Claritax, 2019 xvi, 388 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GOR HAMILTON, Penny Hamilton on tax appeals Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2016 lxvi, 599 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HAM

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JACKSON, Joseph Jackson's matrimonial finance 10th ed. / editors Clive Newton, Deepak Nagpal London : LexisNexis, 2019 cxlviii, 1475 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JAC KESSLER, James Taxation of non-residents and foreign domiciliaries 2019-20 18th ed. Oxford : Key Haven, 2019 7 vols. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KES MELLOWS, Anthony R. Taxation for executors and trustees [7th ed.] / by R.A. Wallington ... [et al.] 1994 onwards London : Butterworths, 1994 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MEL MULLAN, Rory The interaction of EU treaty freedoms and the UK tax code / by Rory Mullan and Harriet Brown Oxford : Key Haven, 2011 xxvii, 389 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – MUL RAY, Edward E. Ray : partnership taxation 5th ed. / Nigel T. Davey ; with Maurice A. Parry-Wingfield 1996 onwards London : Butterworths, 1996 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RAY REVENUE law: principles and practice 37th ed. / general editors Anne Fairpo, David Salter Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2019 cviii, 1843 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - REV

SIMON, John Allsebrook Simon, Viscount Simon's taxes [5th ed.] / editorial team Alan Blanchard ... [et al.] 2008 onwards London : LexisNexis, 2008 11 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SIM SOUTHERN, David Taxation of loan relationships and derivative contracts 10th ed. Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2017 lxi, 654 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SOU STANYER, Ann Personal chattels : law, practice and tax with precedents London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2009 xxviii, 337 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - STA TILEY, John Tiley's revenue law / Glen Loutzenhiser 9th ed. Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2019 lvii, 1588 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TIL TOLLEY'S orange tax handbook 2019-20 46th ed. / consultant editor Roderick Cordara London : LexisNexis, 2019 2 vols. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOL TOLLEY'S Tiley and Collison's UK tax guide 34th ed. / edited by Keith M. Gordon, Ximena Montes Manzano London : Butterworths, 2018 xii, 3215 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOL TOLLEY'S yellow tax handbook 2019-20 60th ed. / consultant editor Anne Redston London : LexisNexis, 2019 3 vols. in 6 Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOL

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BUTTON, James T. H. Button on taxis : licensing law and practice 4th ed. Haywards Heath : Tottel, 2017 lxvii, 1576 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUT


CONSTABLE, Adam Litigation in the Technology and Construction Court / Adam Constable, Lucy Garrett, Calum Lamont Abingdon, Oxon : Informa Law from Routledge, 2019 lvii, 567 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CON DAVIS, Michael Technology and Construction Court : practice and procedure / Michael Davis, Robert Akenhead Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2006 lvii, 567 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DAV


FALCON CHAMBERS The electronic communications code and property law : practice and procedure Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2018 xxiv, 898 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FAL


BOWERS, John Termination of employment 5th ed. / John Bowers and Carol Davis London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2010 248 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BOW

UPEX, Robert The law of termination of employment 8th ed. / Robert Upex, Stephen Hardy Bristol : Jordans, 2012 lxxv, 476 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - UPE


SALINAS DE FRIAS, Ana Counter-terrorism and human rights in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2012 461 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SAL WALKER, Clive Terrorism and the law / Clive Walker ; consultant editors Lord Carlile of Berriew, Lord Ken MacDonald, Sir David Omand Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 lxxiii, 553 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WAL


SMITH, Sir John C. Smith's law of theft 9th ed. / David Ormerod, David Huw Williams Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007 lvii, 497 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SMI


COGHLIN, Terence Time charters 7th ed. / by Terence Coghlin ... [et al.] London : Informa, 2014 cv, 928 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COG

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BEARDSMORE, Valerie Opinion writing and drafting in tort / Valerie Beardsmore and Adele Cox London : Cavendish, 1996 xx, 347 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BEA BURROWS, Andrew Remedies for torts and breach of contract 4th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 lvii, 566 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUR CALLIESS, Gralf-Peter Rome Regulations : commentary / edited by Gralf-Peter Calliess 2nd ed. Alphen aan den Rijn : Wolters Kluwer, 2015 xxvi, 988 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW CHAMBERLAIN, Erika Misfeasance in a public office Toronto : Thomson Reuters, 2016 xxxiv, 263 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CHA CLERK, J. F. Clerk & Lindsell on torts 23rd ed. / general editor Michael A. Jones London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 ccclxxxvi, 2400 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CLE DEGELING, Simone Torts in commercial law / edited by Simone Degeling, James Edelman, James Goudkamp Sydney : Lawbook Co., 2011 xlv, 514 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – DEG

DYSON, Andrew Defences in tort / edited by Andrew Dyson, James Goudkamp and Frederick Wilmot-Smith Oxford : Hart, 2015 xxx, 340 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DYS GREEN, Sarah Causation in negligence Oxford : Hart, 2015 xiv, 185 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GRE HEPPLE, Sir Bob Hepple and Matthews' tort law : cases and materials 7th ed. / David Howarth ... [et al.] Oxford : Hart, 2015 li, 1188 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HEP HODGSON, Douglas The law of intervening causation Aldershot : Ashgate, 2008 xvi, 273 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HOD MARKESINIS, Sir Basil S. Markesinis and Deakin's tort law 8th ed. / Simon Deakin and Zoe Adams Oxford : Clarendon Press, 2019 xcviii, 912 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAR McBRIDE, Nicholas J. Tort law / Nicholas J. McBride and Roderick Bagshaw 5th ed. Harlow : Pearson, 2015 lii, 958 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC OLIPHANT, Ken The law of tort 2nd ed. / general editor Ken Oliphant London : LexisNexis, 2007 ccxxvii, 1734 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - OLI

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PLUNKETT, James The duty of care in negligence Oxford : Hart, 2018 xxiv, 225 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PLU STREET, Harry Street on torts 15th ed. / Christian Witting Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 lxiii, 687 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - STR TAMBLYN, Nathan The law of duress and necessity : crime, tort, contract Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2018 xx, 243 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TAM TOMLINSON, Hugh Online publication claims : a practical guide / edited by Hugh Tomlinson and Guy Vassall-Adams ; authors Darryl Hutcheon ... [et al.] London : Matrix Chambers, 2017 lii, 285 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOM WINFIELD, Sir Percy Henry Winfield and Jolowicz on tort 19th ed. / by Edwin Peel, James Goudkamp London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2014 clvii, 852 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WIN WITTING, Christian A. Liability of corporate groups and networks Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2018 xxxi, 467 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WIT


NOWAK, Manfred The United Nations Convention Against Torture : a commentary / Manfred Nowak and Elizabeth McArthur Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008 xxvi, 1649 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - NOW


NAIR, Aruna Claims to traceable proceeds : law, equity, and the control of assets Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 xiv, 229 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - NAI RACZYNSKA, Magda The law of tracing in commercial transactions Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 xxiii, 271 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RAC TOUBE, Felicity International asset tracing in insolvency / edited by Felicity Toube Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009 lii, 404 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOU


KERLY, Sir Duncan M. Kerly's law of trade marks and trade names 16th ed. / by James Mellor ... [et al.] London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 cv, 1678 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KER MORCOM, Christopher The modern law of trade marks 5th ed. / Christopher Morcom, Ashley Roughton, Thomas St Quintin London : LexisNexis, 2016 cxxviii, 1277 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MOR SHEMTOV, Noam Beyond the code : Protection of non-textual features of software Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 xxx, 256 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SHE

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TSOUTSANIS, Alexander Trade mark registrations in bad faith Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010 lv, 364 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TSO VON MUHLENDAHL, Alexander Trade mark law in Europe 3rd ed. / Alexander von Muhlendahl ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 lvi, 894 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - EU LAW


BOWERS, John The law of industrial action and trade union recognition / John Bowers ... [et al.] 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 xlvi, 416 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BOW INCOMES DATA SERVICES Trade unions London : Incomes Data Services, 2018 iii, 599 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - INC


KIRK, Jonathan Consumer and trading standards : law and practice 8th ed. / Jonathan Kirk, Bryan Lewin Bristol : LexisNexis, 2020 cxlv, 1196 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KIR


INCOMES DATA SERVICES Transfer of undertakings London : Incomes Data Services, 2015 vii, 692 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - INC

WYNN-EVANS, Charles The law of TUPE transfers 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 xxxvi, 430 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – WYN


SAGGERSON, Alan Package holiday law : cases and materials St. Albans : xpl, 2008 xi, 448 Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SAG SAGGERSON, Alan Saggerson on travel law and litigation 6th ed. / Matthew Chapman, Sarah Prager and Jack Harding London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2017 lxxviii, 833 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – SAG


AUST, Anthony Handbook of international law 2nd ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010 lxiii, 527 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - AUS AUST, Anthony Modern treaty law and practice 3rd ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2013 l, 468 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - AUS BUGA, Irina Modification of treaties by subsequent practice Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 lvi, 417 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUG

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COX, Joanne M. Expropriation in investment treaty arbitration Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 xxvii, 383 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COX GARDINER, Richard K. Treaty interpretation 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 xliii, 523 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GAR SCHWARZ, Jonathan Schwarz on tax treaties 5th ed. Kingston upon Thames : Croner-i, 2018 xx, 753 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SCH


BOWERS, John Procedure in the civil courts and tribunals / by John Bowers and Eleena Misra 3rd ed. London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2010 111 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BOW BRILLIANT, Simon Practical guide to Land Registration proceedings / Simon Brilliant, Michael Michell 1st ed. London : LexisNexis, 2015 xxxviii, 601 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BRI FOSTER, Alison Disciplinary and regulatory proceedings 10th ed. / Alison Foster, Gregory Treverton-Jones, Saima Hanif London : LexisNexis, 2019 lxxviii, 482 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FOS

JACOBS, Edward Tribunal practice and procedure 5th ed. London : Legal Action Group, 2019 cxxix, 719 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JAC


HOLDEN, Andrew Trust protectors / Andrew Holden; consultant editor David Brownbill Bristol : Jordans, 2011 liv, 347 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HOL HUBBARD, Mark Protectors of trusts / Mark Hubbard ; with a chapter by John Eidinow Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 xxxii, 288 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HUB


ASHDOWN, Michael J. Trustee decision making : the rule in Re Hastings-Bass Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 xxiv, 218 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ASH BRABAZON, Mark International taxation of trust income Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2019 xlvi, 369 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BRA CHAMBERLAIN, Emma Trust taxation and estate planning / Emma Chamberlain and Chris Whitehouse 4th ed. 2014 + 2017 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2014 cxxiii, 2418 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CHA

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CLARRY, Daniel The supervisory jurisdiction over trust administration Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 xliii, 303 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CLA FROST, Martyn Risk and negligence in wills, estates and trusts / Martyn Frost, Penelope Reed and Mark Baxter 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 xliv, 504 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – FRO The GUIDE for pension trustees : a practical manual of essential pensions knowledge 2004-2014 Henley-on-Thames : NTC Publications, 2004 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: DESK V - GUI HARRISON, Richard 1KBW on trusts in matrimonial finance proceedings / Richard Harrison ... [et al.] London : Bloomsbury Professional, 2019 xxi, 295 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HAR HAYTON, David J. David J.Hayton and Mitchell : text, cases and materials on the law of trusts and equitable remedies 14th ed. / by Ben McFarlane, Charles Mitchell London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2015 lxxxii, 871 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HAY KESSLER, James Drafting trusts and will trusts : a modern approach 14th ed. / James Kessler, Charlotte John London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 lxxiii, 710 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KES

LEWIN, Thomas Lewin on trusts 19th ed. / by Lynton Tucker, Nicholas Le Poidevin, James Brightwell 2015 + 2019 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2015 ccclviii, 2446 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LEW MAUDSLEY, Ronald Harling Maudsley and Burn's trusts and trustees : cases and materials 7th ed. / G.J. Virgo, E.H. Burn Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008 lxxxix, 1064 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAU MELLOWS, Anthony R. Taxation for executors and trustees [7th ed.] / by R.A. Wallington ... [et al.] 1994 onwards London : Butterworths, 1994 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MEL PARKER, David B. Parker and Mellows: the modern law of trusts 9th ed. / by A.J. Oakley London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2008 lxxxi, 1000 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PAR PENNER, J. E. The law of trusts 11th ed. / J. E. Penner ; with contributions from Jeremiah Lau Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019 xxxix, 477 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PEN PETTIT, Philip H. Equity and the law of trusts 12th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012 xcv, 739 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PET

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POLLARD, David The law of pension trusts Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 lv, 518 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - POL PRACTICAL trust precedents / by Richard Underwood ... [et al.] 1986 onwards London : Longman, 1986 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PRA SNELL, Edmund Henry Turner Snell's equity 34th ed. / John McGhee, Steven Elliott London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 clxxxix, 1163 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SNE STANYER, Ann Personal chattels : law, practice and tax with precedents London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2009 xxviii, 337 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - STA STEEL, Gill Trust practitioner's toolkit London : Law Society, 2018 ix, 102 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - STE STEEL, Gill Trust practitioner's handbook 4th ed. London : Law Society, 2018 xxix, 450 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - STE STRONG, S. I. Arbitration of trust disputes : issues in national and international law / edited by S.I. Strong ; consultant editor Tony Molloy Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 li, 567 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - STR

THOMAS, Geraint The law of trusts / Geraint Thomas, Alastair Hudson [and contributors] 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010 ccxiv, 1681 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - THO TODD, Paul Todd & Wilson's textbook on trusts and equity 12th ed. / Sarah Wilson Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 xxxvi, 493 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOD TOLLEY'S administration of trusts / general editors John Dilger, Simon Jennings 1999 onwards Croydon : Tolley, 1999 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOL UNDERHILL, Sir Arthur Law relating to trusts and trustees / Underhill and Hayton 19th ed. / general editor David Hayton ; with Paul Matthews, Charles Mitchell 2016 + 2017 supplement London : LexisNexis, 2016 ccxxix, 1495 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - UND VIRGO, Graham The principles of equity and trusts 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018 xl, 691 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - VIR WALKER, Stephen A practical guide to TOLATA claims Minehead : Law Brief Publishing, 2019 180 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WIL WATT, Gary Trusts and equity 9th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2020 xli, 623 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WAT

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WHITEHOUSE, Chris A modern approach to lifetime tax planning for private clients (with precedents) / Christopher Whitehouse and Lesley King 2nd ed. Bristol : Jordans, 2016 lx, 718 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WHI WHITEHOUSE, Chris A modern approach to wills, administration and estate planning / Christopher Whitehouse and Lesley King 5th ed. Bristol : Lexis Nexis, 2017 lxxiv, 851 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WHI WILDBLOOD, Stephen Cohabitation and trusts of land 3rd ed. / Stephen Wildblood, Elizabeth Darlington, Laura Heaton London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 xxxvi, 549 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – WIL WILLIAMS, Richard A practical guide to the transfer of trusteeships / editors Richard Williams, Arabella Murphy and Toby Graham 3rd ed. London : Globe Law and Business, 2017 447 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WIL


ATHANASSIOU, Lia Maritime cross-border insolvency : under the European insolvency regulation and the UNCITRAL model law Abingdon, Oxon : Informa, 2018 xxix, 310 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ATH

BINDER, Peter International commercial arbitration and mediation in UNCITRAL model law jurisdictions 4th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 xxx, 1092 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BIN HO, Look Chan Cross-border insolvency : a commentary on the UNCITRAL model law / general editor Look Chan Ho 4th ed. Woking : Globe Law and Business, 2017 2 vols. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HO


BOWER, George Spencer The law relating to actionable non-disclosure and other breaches of duty in relations of confidence, influence and advantage 2nd ed. / by Sir Alexander Kingcombe Turner and Richard John Sutton London : Butterworths, 1990 lxxi, 741 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BOW ENONCHONG, Nelson Duress, undue influence and unconscionable dealing 3rd ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 lxv, 582 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ENO


LAWSON, Richard Exclusion clauses and unfair contract terms 12th ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2017 xxxix, 372 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – LAW

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MACDONALD, Elizabeth Exemption clauses and unfair terms 2nd ed. Haywards Heath : Tottel, 2006 xxxv, 337 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC


INCOMES DATA SERVICES Unfair dismissal [6th ed.] London : Incomes Data Services, 2015 [13], iii, 898 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - INC RUBENSTEIN, Michael Unfair dismissal : a guide to relevant case law / by Michael Rubenstein and Yvonne Frost ; revised by Daniel Way 37th ed. Annual London : LexisNexis, 2019 152 p. Latest edition only Shelf Reference: LAW REPORTS - R


STEWART, Nicholas The law of unincorporated associations / Nicholas Stewart, Natalie Campbell, Simon Baughen Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011 xxxiii, 290 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - STE


ARROWSMITH, Sue The law of public and utilities procurement : regulation in the EU and the UK 3rd ed. Vol. 1 2014 + vol. 2 2018 London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2014 2 vols. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ARR

COLLINSON, Matthew Procurement of utilities : law and practice Oxford : Oxford University press, 2013 xxxiv, 335 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COL


PARRY, Richard Parry's valuation and investment tables 14th ed. / University College of Estate Management London : Routledge, 2019 xlii, 507 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PAR ROYAL INSTITUTION OF CHARTERED SURVEYORS RICS valuation : global standards 2017 : incorporating the IVSC International Valuation Standards : [the red book] June 2017 ed. London : Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, 2017 Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RIC ROYAL INSTITUTION OF CHARTERED SURVEYORS RICS valuation : professional standards UK : [the red book] January 2014 [Rev. April 2015] ed. Coventry : Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, 2016 Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - RIC SHAPIRO, Eric Modern methods of valuation 12th ed. / Eric Shapiro, David Mickman and Gary Sams London : Routledge, 2019 xxxii, 549 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SHA

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CARTWRIGHT, John Formation and variation of contracts 2nd ed. 2018 + 2020 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 lv, 400 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - CAR WILKEN, Sean The law of waiver, variation, and estoppel 3rd ed. / Sean Wilken, Karim Ghaly Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012 lxiv, 471 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WIL


DE VOIL, Paul W. De Voil indirect tax service [New ed.] 1995 onwards London : Butterworths, 1995 6 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - DEV LASOK, Paul Value added tax : commentary and analysis / general editor Paul Lasok 2009-2010 London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2009 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LAS TOLLEY'S orange tax handbook 2019-20 46th ed. / consultant editor Roderick Cordara London : LexisNexis, 2019 2 vols. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOL TOLLEY'S value added tax 2018-19 2nd ed. / by Louise Hemmingsley and David Rudling Annual London : Tolley, 2018 xiv, 2235 p. Current ed. only Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - TOL


GILES, David Vexatious litigants and civil restraint orders : a practitioner's handbook / David Giles and Maurice Rifat London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2014 xxiii, 201 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GIL


GILIKER, Paula Vicarious liability in tort : a comparative perspective Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010 xliii, 280 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GIL GRAY, Anthony Vicarious liability : critique and reform Oxford : Hart, 2018 xi, 282 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - GRA


COOKE, Julian H. S. Voyage charters / by Julian Cooke ... [et al.] 4th ed. Abingdon : Informa, 2014 cxxxiii, 1329 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – COO


COOPER, Penny Access to justice for vulnerable people / edited by Penny Cooper and Linda Hunting London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2018 xxvi, 261 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COO

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COOPER, Penny Vulnerable people and the criminal justice system : a guide to law and practice / edited by Penny Cooper and Heather Norton Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 xxxviii, 529 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COO HARPER, Richard S. Medical treatment and the law : issues of consent : the protection of the vulnerable : children and adults lacking capacity 2nd ed. Bristol : Family Law, 2014 xxxi, 398 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - HAR JOHNSTON, Christopher Medical treatment : decisions and the law : the Mental Capacity Act in action 3rd ed. / editor Christopher Johnston Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2016 lvii, 683 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JOH MITCHELS, Barbara Children and vulnerable witnesses in court proceedings London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2016 x, 205 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MIT


INCOMES DATA SERVICES Wages [March 2016 ed.] London : Incomes Data Services, 2016 Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - INC


WILKEN, Sean The law of waiver, variation, and estoppel 3rd ed. / Sean Wilken, Karim Ghaly Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012 lxiv, 471 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WIL


JONES, Michael D. Children : the inherent jurisdiction and wardship : a family practitioner's handbook Bristol : Family Law, 2016 xx, 205 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - JON


SINCLAIR, Neil Sinclair on warranties and indemnities on share and asset sales 11th ed. / general editor Robert Thompson London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 xxii, 525 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SIN


BATES, John H. Water and drainage law 1990 onwards London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1990 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BAT WISDOM, A. S. Wisdom's law of watercourses 6th ed. / William Howarth and Simon Jackson London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2011 liv, 479 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – WIS


PUGSLEY, Keith Enquiries of local authorities and water companies : a practical guide / Keith Pugsley and Ken Miles 6th ed. London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2016 xviii, 248 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PUG

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INCOMES DATA SERVICES Whistleblowing at work London : Thomson Reuters, 2018 iii, 313 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - INC LEWIS, Jeremy Whistleblowing : law and practice 3rd ed. / Jeremy Lewis ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 xlix, 775 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LEW


RODGERS, Christopher P. The law of nature conservation : property, environment, and the limits of law Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 xxix, 337 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ROD


KING, Lesley Wills, administration and taxation law and practice 13th ed. / by Lesley King London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2020 lviii, 715 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KIN BIGGS, Keith A step-by-step guide to wills and probate 6th ed. / Keith Biggs London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2017 194 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BIG BRIGHOUSE, Henry Brighouse's precedents of wills 14th ed. / by David Endicott and Andrew Jones London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2007 xxvi, 455 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BRI

BUTTERWORTHS wills, probate and administration service / general editor D.T. Davies 1990 onwards London : Butterworths, 1990 2 vols. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - BUT FROST, Martyn Risk and negligence in wills, estates and trusts / Martyn Frost, Penelope Reed and Mark Baxter 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014 xliv, 504 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FRO FROST, Martyn Testamentary capacity : law, practice and medicine / Martyn Frost, Stephen Lawson, Robin Jacoby Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015 xxxi, 333 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - FRO ISLAM, Carl Contentious probate handbook : practice and precedents London : The Law Society, 2016 xxxii, 392 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ISL ISLAM, Carl Tax-efficient wills simplified 2014/2015 [5th ed.] Oxford : Management Books, 2014 360 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - ISL KESSLER, James Drafting trusts and will trusts : a modern approach 14th ed. / James Kessler, Charlotte John London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2019 lxxiii, 710 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KES

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KING, Lesley A practitioner's guide to wills 4th ed. / Lesley King, Keith Biggs and Peter Gausden ; onsulting editor Meryl Thomas London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2017 xlv, 483 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KIN KING, Lesley Wills : a practical guide / Lesley King and Peter Gausden London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2011 xviii, 259 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - KIN LAW SOCIETY Wills and inheritance protocol London : Law Society, 2013 vii, 195 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - LAW PARKER, Anthony Parker's will precedents 10th ed. / by Leon Pickering Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury, 2020 xxvii, 444 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PAR PEARCE, Nasreen A practitioner's guide to probate disputes London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2016 xxxi, 260 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PEA PRACTICAL will precedents / by Murray Hallam ... [et al.] 1987 onwards London : Longman, 1987 1 vol. (loose-leaf) Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - PRA SAGAR, Leigh The digital estate 1st ed. London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2018 xxviii, 203 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - SAG

STANYER, Ann Personal chattels : law, practice and tax with precedents London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2009 xxviii, 337 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - STA THEOBALD, Sir Henry Studdy Theobald on wills 18th ed. / by John G. Ross Martyn ... [et al.] 2016 + 2019 supplement London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2016 ccxxvi, 975 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - THE WHITEHOUSE, Chris A modern approach to wills, administration and estate planning / Christopher Whitehouse and Lesley King 5th ed. Bristol : Lexis Nexis, 2017 lxxiv, 851 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - WHI WILLIAMS, William James Williams on wills 10th ed. / Francis Barlow ... [et al.] 2014 + 2018 supplement London : LexisNexis, 2014 2 vols. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – WIL


COOPER, Penny Vulnerable people and the criminal justice system : a guide to law and practice / edited by Penny Cooper and Heather Norton Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017 xxxviii, 529 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - COO MITCHELS, Barbara Children and vulnerable witnesses in court proceedings London : Wildy, Simmonds and Hill, 2016 x, 205 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MIT

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RADCLIFFE, Pamela Witness testimony in sexual cases : evidential, investigative and scientific perspectives / edited by Pamela Radcliffe ... [et al.] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016 xlii, 413 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY – RAD


INCOMES DATA SERVICES Working time London : Thomson Reuters, 2019 v, 462 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - INC McLYNN, Lucy Working time and holidays : a practical legal guide Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009 xxx, 280 p. Shelf Reference: TEXTBOOK BAY - MAC