tactic matters - or why we need a digital apprenticeship model


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Post on 21-Nov-2014




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My slides from the geekgirlmeetup.de on why we should look at a more structured approach to transfer knowledge systematically.


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@NicoleSimon, nicole-simon.eu

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The plan

„With all talk about strategy, tactics and operation is often overlooked. As a result process documentation is considered evil and not learning the tools of the trade kinda hipster. I will present examples and myths from my daily work and client liefe and hope to leave you with a better idea of why tactics are relevant”

A move to Berlin came in the way. ;) So more fingerfood ideas than the planned meal.

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Strategy vs. Tactics

Strategy Vision – where do

we want to go and why

what to achieve

Tactic (+ Operation)

how do we get there

what is to do? steps,

procedures, workflows

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Example for tactics

Setting up / running / supporting / managing

mail boxes to work with externals / VA a tumblr blog the proper way content process from research to

publishing blogger outreach events with attendees list running data through scripts /

spreadsheet organizing a physical inbox

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Everything playing together

Quelle Wikipedia, Artikel Note, Klavierauszug, Partitur

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Amateur versus professional Amateur tries around and if successful,

is happy Does not really learn from experiences

Professional tries to get to the ground of what they are doing and providing solutions which can be optimized over time

Tries to transfer knowledge to strengthen the web of knowledge

And there are people who like doing this

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People love accounting

Okay, some people love accounting. If you don‘t love it, don‘t work there

Simple question: Did you build Lego or play with it?

I heard most of my life „Step away from the tools!“- when in fact I should step closer towards them

there is a strong need to move towards an apprentice – journeyman – master model to gain enough experience to become good

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practice makes perfect

Malcom Gladwell’s outliers describes the famous 10K hours (but he also describes “to be there at the right time”)

But you will not be able to ‘do’ everything on that level which is why we need more connection points or as I like to call it pipes

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More pipes and more connections Having single ego driven products and

services / startups will not move us ahead.

We need more connection between systems in order to achive what science fiction has been promising us for like forever

Working on open source projects / creative commons will not be the future but it is a step in the right direction

„Tactics“ as I define it play a huge part

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Understand roles

Traditional model of shared production process is working – you should adapt it

But this requires also a mindset of such a workflow

Ask yourself: If you had an assistant, would you trust them with your inbox aka Google Mail login?

Is then the solution to not have an assistant or prepare your surrounding in a way that you can?

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Example Interview Deutschlandradio Each of the following is one person pre interview / initial contact setting up time and place of recording getting me in the studio, setting up technician on my side technician on the oder side pre show person to coordinate moderator to talk to me Sounds crazy?

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We need to evolve

Technology – while advancing forward – has moved backwards

The things I could do a decade ago are not available any more

We are dumbing down (and startups play their part in this) instead of moving to a <insertwordhere> future

That includes spending ressources

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No input, no output

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The master apprentice problem People stay on the level pre apprentice There is no system to compare yourself

in regards of your skill set Teaching of skills and craftsmanship is

not done systematically or properly Result: We all stay amateurs and waste

time with people who need apprenticeship level support instead of working with professionals

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Using skripts / workflows15

“Cooking by recipe” makes your steps repeatable

Everything you do more than once a year should be skripted

Goal: Be able to switch of your brain

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Workflow is not evil

Enterprise and traditional business is a source of inspiration for easier working

No fretting over what to do

Bad workflow is the problem “French intern” test

“it is about being ready”

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Learn the tools and ask the master If in doubt, find somebody who can do it

better than you do. They know the tricks of the trade and

know where you currently stand Start to have a producer mindset, not a

consumer, start looking for the ways to enhance and help others

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Pay it forward works

Things will not come back to you directly but indirectly

Example my podcast series It allows me from time to time to ask

stupid questions I get asked things in my area of

expertise which help me to deepen my knowledge

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Ignore what people are telling you to go to / at and move towards what you like doing

Comments, suggestions?I‘d love to get your input!http://nicole-simon.eu/contact