talentia at bcam

TALENTIA at BCAM BCAM committed to raise awareness of the applied mathematics to society has received last Wednesday May 7 five university students interested in discovering our work TALENTIA is a program aimed for at the undergraduate students with the highest potential, excellent academic record and other skills identified and evaluated by university bodies. Talentia program promoted by bizkaia:talent jointly with the three Basque universities, Universidad de Deusto, Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU) and Universidad de Mondragón/Mondragon Unibertsitatea (MU), is targeted at the students with the highest potential at the giving advice and support for insertion in the labour market, career development and engagement with the scientific, technological, business and social reality around them in the Basque Country. In their first visit to BCAM, five students: from Informatics Engineering - Deusto, Mathematics- EHU /UPV and Philosophy - Deusto, have known BCAM by a guided tour, a presentation by Lorea GÓMEZ, BCAM General Manager, and a colloquium in charge of the researchers of the Center, Stefanie SONNER, NUMERIWAVES Postdoctoral Fellow Partial differential equations, numerics and control, Tijana RADIVOJEVIC, Ph.D. Student- (FPU MECD 2012) and Julia SÁNCHEZ, Ph.D. Student - (FPI MINECO 2011),Modelling and Simulation in Life and Material Sciences, in which they spoke about their personal and professional experiences in BCAM. news Bilbao, May 9, 2014

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TALENTIA at BCAMØ BCAM committed to raise awareness of the applied mathematics to society has received last

Wednesday May 7 five university students interested in discovering our work

Ø TALENTIA is a program aimed for at the undergraduate students with the highest potential, excellent academic record and other skills identified and evaluated by university bodies.

Talentia program promoted by bizkaia:talent jointly with the three Basque universities, Universidad de Deusto, Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU) and Universidad de Mondragón/Mondragon Unibertsitatea (MU), is targeted at the students with the highest potential at the giving advice and support for insertion in the labour market, career development and engagement with the scientific, technological, business and social reality around them in the Basque Country.

In their first visit to BCAM, five students: from Informatics Engineering - Deusto, Mathematics- EHU /UPV and Philosophy - Deusto, have known BCAM by a guided tour, a presentation by Lorea GÓMEZ, BCAM General Manager, and a colloquium in charge of the researchers of the Center, Stefanie SONNER, NUMERIWAVES Postdoctoral Fellow Partial differential equations, numerics and control, Tijana RADIVOJEVIC, Ph.D. Student- (FPU MECD 2012) and Julia SÁNCHEZ, Ph.D. Student - (FPI MINECO 2011),Modelling and Simulation in Life and Material Sciences, in which they spoke about their personal and professional experiences in BCAM.

news Bilbao, May 9, 2014



Ø BCAM comprometido con dar a conocer la matemática aplicada a la sociedad ha recibido el miércoles 7 de Mayo a cinco jóvenes universitarios interesados en conocer nuestro trabajo.

Ø TALENTIA es un programa dirigido a estudiantes de último curso de carrera (grado) que posean el mejor expediente académico, y otras aptitudes identificadas y evaluadas por las autoridades competentes de cada universidad participante.


El programa Talentia promovido por bizkaia:talent en colaboración con las tres univesidades vascas, Universidad de Deusto, la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU) y la Universidad de Mondragón/Mondragon Unibertsitatea (MU), tiene el objetivo de orientar a los universitarios con mayor potencial hacia una adecuada inserción laboral y desarrollo profesional apoyando su vinculación con la realidad científica, tecnológica y empresarial de su entorno; conocer los proyectos científicos, tecnológicos y empresariales de Bizkaia y acercarse a figuras relevantes del mundo empresarial, científico y social del País Vasco.

En su primera visita a BCAM, cinco jóvenes: David ORIVE MIGUEL, Ingeniería Informática Deusto, Eneko IBARLUCEA MOTO, Endika VARELA MARTÍNEZ y Estibaliz GÓMEZ de MARISCAL, de Matemáticas EHU /UPV y Jon MENTXAKATORRE ODRIOZOLA, Filosofía Deusto conocieron BCAM mediante un recorrido guiado, una presentación a cargo de Lorea GÓMEZ, Gerente General de BCAM y un conversatorio a cargo de las investigadoras del Centro, Stefanie SONNER, NUMERIWAVES Postdoctoral Fellow de la línea de investigación Partial differential equations, numerics and control, Tijana RADIVOJEVIC, Ph.D. Student- (FPU MECD 2012) y Julia SÁNCHEZ, Ph.D. Student - (FPI MINECO 2011), quienes contaron sus respectivas experiencias personales y profesionales en BCAM.