“tank” how to make all “a’s” by eating healthy

“TANK” How to Make all “A’s” by Eating Healthy Author/Activist:Valerie Cheers-Brown Illustrations by: CA

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Post on 12-May-2015




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Page 1: “TANK” How to Make all “A’s” by Eating Healthy

“TANK” How to Make all “A’s”

by Eating Healthy

Author/Activist:Valerie Cheers-BrownIllustrations by: CA

Page 2: “TANK” How to Make all “A’s” by Eating Healthy

Tank the dinosaur will show you how to be the

best of best and always and always bring home

“A’s” on your report card or final grade from

completing and doing your assignments or

homework. Tank says, “no matter what your

age, you can make and should always make


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In math, you can make an “A” by doing the

complete opposite to check your problems for

accuracy and completeness. A tutor will show

you what Tank is talking about if you are

interested in making all “A’s”.

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2x5 = 10 2+ 5 = 7or or10/5 = 2 7-5= 2When you multiply, divide to check the answer to

the problem before moving on to the next problem.

When you do addition or add, you subtract to

check the answer. We want all our answer’s to be

correct before moving on. We will discuss if you

want it discussed what Tank is talking about.

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With a little thinking and using your brain so it will stay healthy, we will do more problems on the blackboard and see how easy it is or we can do right now for practice! Which will it be?

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Don’t forget that the only way to

make straight A’s is to be sure to

eat healthy foods! Look at the

“Tank” book that talks about fruits

and vegetables that add to making

your life healthy and what they do

for the body and mind.

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Many people tend to overlook the importance

of eating healthy in the morning. Many times it is

just a matter of convenience.

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Tank says, “Fruits, breakfast bars and/or

yogurt are good to eat healthy.

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Fruits are always good for your body!

Remember, Tank said that different fruits are also

good for different illnesses. i.e. bananas are good

for muscle spasms.

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You are usually tired and sleepy in

the morning, and you want to eat

something that takes the least

amount of time to prepare.

A lot of people think that since breakfast is

the most important meal of the day, you are free

to eat anything, but if you are looking to lose

weight or gain muscle, then this is not the case.

You are concerned about your overall fitness, then

you really need to start paying attention to what

you are eating in the morning as well.

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Here are some of the foods that you should avoid if you want to eat a healthy breakfast. Of course, these are also foods that most people eat on a regular basis, and that is why it is so hard to avoid them.

Just about every obvious food that you associate with breakfast is not really healthy. For example, one of the worst things that you can eat in the morning is a bagel with cream cheese.

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Cereal, of course, is probably the most popular breakfast option because it is the easiest to prepare. You don’t even have to cut and spread anything like you do with a bagel –you just pour it into a bowl and pour milk over it. When people eat cereals, there are not many of them who

are sticking to healthy ones – mainly because they are not as tasty. Everyone loves the cereals that are loaded with sugar. Not only will the sugar in these cereals make it impossible to get yourself on track if you are looking to lose weight and diet, but the sugar high will not keep you up for a long time and once you crash from the sugar high, you will crash hard. If you are going to eat cereal because that is all you have time to prepare in the morning, at least make sure that it is high in fiber and low in sugar. It might not be tasty as your Frosted Flakes, but it will sure be a lot healthier for you.

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Muffins need to be avoided like the plague as well if you

are looking to lose weight. Muffins are usually eaten by

people who are on the go. They are a food that you will

buy when you are getting your first cup of coffee in the

morning at the local deli. This is the official breakfast

food of the people who are always running late when

trying to get to the office in the morning. Muffins are

just like cereal, in the sense that you will get a nice big

sugar rush immediately, but it will crash you very quickly.

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Muffins are also made with high fat quantities and most

of them are saturated fats. Even the low fat versions of

muffins are not really a solution because they also

contain a similar quantity of sugar, so you will not be

doing yourself any favors by eating low fat muffins. Bran

or muesli muffins that contain fruit are not solutions

either, because the sugar and fat count is still a lot

higher. There really is no muffin type that is good, and it

is best to avoid eating them entirely if you want to stay


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Pancakes are another breakfast food that has no

healthy alternatives. Even if you hear people talking

about buckwheat pancakes and galettes, these are not

healthy either, because they are fried in butter.

Pancakes are made with flour, eggs, milk and butter,

which is sure to give you a lot of carbs and also cause

insulin spike that results in a quick crash, just like in the

case of bagels.

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And that’s without the toppings.

Tank knows there is hardly anyone out there

that is only putting fresh fruit on their pancakes.

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Everyone usually opts for the maple syrup, or even whipped

cream in some cases or powdered sugar.

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There are also people who top their pancakes with bacon.

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Each one of these delicious toppings, unfortunately, causes your calorie count to skyrocket and go through the roof.

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It is best to avoid them entirely, but if you are absolutely addicted to pancakes, try making them with whey powder and serving them with cottage cheese that is sweeten with some vanilla.

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And then there is the fried breakfast. This usually

includes sausages, bacon, eggs, hash browns and this is

the breakfast that your mom probably prepared for you

and the breakfast that your dad told you that you need

to eat in order to grow up strong. Fatty bacon and

sausages, butter-fried eggs, all of this is very delicious,

but you know what – that’s a 3,000 calorie breakfast and

that is an amount of calories you might not be able to

burn off in two days, so forget about burning them off by


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Not only will eating a fried breakfast everyday almost guarantee obesity, but it can also increase your chances of contracting bowel cancer.

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Tank says “this is what could happen if you eat the wrong foods”!

Bowel Cancer

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A better alternative is a nice healthy omelet, or better yet, some grilled vegetables on toast.

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Tank says that grilled vegetables on toast is healthy and good for you.


Tank had to try before saying, “I don’t like that.” How can you say what you don’t like BEFORE you try it and taste it!!!!!

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How is it possible for all things to grow in the world?

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Poverty has many dimensions

Poverty can be measured narrowly, through income alone, or in broader terms. A relative definition of poverty is most useful when it is considered in a multi-dimensional way. This means the focus moves to considering relative poverty as lacking the resources to participate fully in society across anumber of dimensions. For example, it would be possible to take into account the extent of health deprivation, education deprivation, and housing deprivation, employment deprivation, access to services deprivation, as well as income deprivation. It is possible to develop an absolute core concept of poverty in many areas of a child’s life, not only for family or household income. Abuse, a lack of access to education or health care, the use of unsafe water, a bucket toilet system – all of these are impoverishments.

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“Tank” the dinosaur lived for helping people and he took the people to a place where they learned how to grow their own food so they could eat

forever more and they could show their families and anyone who had no food how to provide themselves and get themselves out of poverty.

You see, “Tank” the dinosaur made sure that any person he picked up and carried to this wonderful place, would be able to feed others as well as

themselves from then on and this also made jobs for everyone!

From then on there were no more poor people without healthy food to eat thanks to “Tank” the dinosaur.

The EndTank the dinosaur is not a medical doctor and this is only showing what and how you

can eat healthy to stay healthy.There may be disturbing pictures in this pamphlet, but only for you to observe and get

an idea of what it can eventually look like.


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