tanzania class presentation


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A 5th grade classes' view of life in Tanzania


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Did you know that the Tingatinga paintings are a very popular form in Tanzania? The person who made this kind of art was Edward Said Tingtinga. His paintings involved bright colors, methods of dots, and different shades of colors. He painted them while working on building sites. He also painted trees, rivers, and local life.

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Tanzania Population

• Did you know Tanzania’s population is only double New York’s population? Tanzania’s population was estimated 39,384,223 in 2007. The annual growth rate is 2.6%.

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Tanzania Clothes

Did you know that African clothing is know for it’s colorful fabrics and distinctive designs. And Tanzania never really gets cold. Light clothing is necessary to get you through the evenings and early mornings if you are heading for the highlands. Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro of course requires special clothing and shoes. Always wear shorts but not to short. Don’t wear long pants and shirt it gets hot.

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The people of Tanzania make toys out of stalks and corn cobs. They also make cars that turn by a long handle. People create their toys out of found objects. Wooden animals have wheels. Also helicopter toy.

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Did you know that traditional tribal groups in Tanzania use music and dance to mark

special occasions? These special occasions include a new harvest and initiation


Tanzania’s Entertainment

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I am writing about the animals of Tanzania. Get this if you were walking through the hot Tanzania desert you might run into a black rhino. A black rhino has two horns and a dark skin color so you will notice it quickly. Anywhere you go in Tanzania you will most likely find an animal. For example is you go to Pemba Island you will see a flying fox it might come near you because it is very social. Another example of another animal in Tanzania is if you were climbing up Mt. Kilimanjaro you could find a wild dog which is not to friendly so I wouldn't go near it. Lets just say that we in America have a lot of different animals but a lot of the same.

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The Currency of Tanzania

Americans identify with dollars and Americans identify with dollars and cents. cents. Well, people in Tanzania are used to the Well, people in Tanzania are used to the “Tanzanian Shilling”.“Tanzanian Shilling”. They have banknotes They have banknotes and coins like us, but they are valued in 500, and coins like us, but they are valued in 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, and 10,000 TSh 1000, 2000, 5000, and 10,000 TSh banknotes, and .05, .10, .20, .50, 1.00, and banknotes, and .05, .10, .20, .50, 1.00, and 2.00 coins.2.00 coins. It isn’t your everyday cash!It isn’t your everyday cash!

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In Africa water is very scarce. Can you believe before wells were built in Africa women spent six hours a day boiling water and bringing it back to their homes. Women now have to walk up to ten miles to reach a well and get a day supply of water for their families. In Africa there are only 90 wells provided for the source of water. Believe it or not some children carry water to their families before they go to school. In America we take clean water for granted.

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People of Tanzania

In Tanzania, their language is Kiswahili! Pretty hard to pronounce, right?!?! Our life expectancy is 70 years, but theirs is only 50 years! The kids attendance for school is 74%,Unfortunatley, that effects the literacy rate which is only 67%. Tanzanians have three religions, Muslum,(45%)Christian,(45%) and tribal beliefs,

( only 10%)

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Tanzania’s Communication and Transportation

Did you know that there are only 103,000 TVs in Tanzania! This poor

country only has 134,000 motor vehicles. There are only 129 airports

and 30,000 cell phones. In conclusion this is a poor country in need of help.

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Tanzania Animals

Wild dog a long legged predator with large round ears facing upward. The fur is speckled in black , yellow, and brown colors. The end of the tail is white. Wild dogs hunt in herds.

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The nation gained its independence on April 26 1964.Its constitution went into effect on April 25, 1977 and underwent major Revisions in 1984.Tanzania President and Vice President are elected by popular vote for five year terms.

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All About Tanzania Sports

In Africa, did you know that soccer is a really famous sport and it is called futbol? Tanzania was in the World Cup in 1997 but they tied the game 0-0. Africa is hosting the next World cup in 2010 which is in 3 yrs!

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There are over one hundred and thirty tribes in Tanzania, each with there own artistic skills. For example, the Makonde are

famous for ebony carvings of masks. Tanzania has become a popular art form. Paintings use bright colors to depict local life

and use method of dots of paint, such as in impressionist paintings, to shade the colors of trees and rivers.

Tanzanian Arts

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Wow! Did you know that African holidays are Labor Day and Independence Day and that they are similar to our country. Different holidays are Union Day and Zanzibar.

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Tanzania Languages

In Tanzania they have many different languages, here are some of them, Kishwahili, Chagga, Hay, Haya, Luo, Maasa`I, and English. Swahili is the national language of Tanzania. Virtually all citizens of Tanzania speak Swahili and it is used as the medium of instruction in the first 7 years of primary education. Some other small languages are, Aa’ay, Alagaw, and Zinza. Kwadza is one of the few extinct language.

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Get Climbing Because here comes Mount Kilimanjaro

Did you know Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest peak in Africa? The everlasting main river on Mount Kilimanjaro is called Rufiji. Mount Kilimanjaro is close to many breathtaking amazing sights. One is only 280 km. from the great, blue Indian Ocean. Also it is just over 400 km. from the beautiful and clear Lake Victoria. Mount Kilimanjaro is 19,341 ft. from sea level. This amazing mountain was found in 1889 by a man named, Hans Meyer Ludwig Purtscheller.

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• Tanzania is slightly smaller than Texas and Mexico

• Dar es Salam is the capital and Dodoma is the going to be the capital soon

• Tanzania is a central plateau with highland areas and plains along the coast, Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest peak in Africa the main river is Rufiji

• Tanzania borders the Indian Ocean

• North of Tanzania is Kenya, Uganda- West Rwanda, Burundi- South is Zambia and Mozambique

• The best know lakes are North- Victoria West- Tanganyika and South- Nyasa

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Did you know, in Tanzania there is a disease called yellow fever?

The disease is given to humans and monkeys by mosquitoes that live in the jungle. So I would stay away from mosquitoes at night and in the days. But just to be safe I think you should get vaccinated for it. The symptoms are fever, chills and headache.

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• Dar es Salam is the nation capital

• Dodoma will eventually become the nation capital because government offices have been switched to Dodoma.

• Dar es Salam is the largest port city on the Indian Ocean.

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. .v

Did you know that Tanzania is a home to 3,71800 people .The population distribution in Tanzania is uneven 80 percent of the people live in Rural settings. Most people choose to

live near the water.

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October to March is the hottest period June to September is the coolest period April to May is the most rainy time period Usually it is about 75 degrees Fahrenheit It is hot year round in Tanzania.

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Tanzanian religions

The people of Tanzania believe in many types of religions. The percentage of the religions are: 30% of the people are Christian, 35% Muslim and 35% still practice tribal religions.

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Tanzania Maps The states that border Tanzania are Zambia, Kenya, Raward, Burundi, Unganda, Mozambia and Malawi. Tanzania has only two islands and they are called Zanzilbar and Mafia Island, the area of Tanzania is slightly larger than twice the size of California. The capital of the new nation is Doboma.

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```When you think of food, what do you think of? Hamburgers, a juicy steak, pasta, hotdogs or tacos? Well the people in Tanzania eat some of the same foods. For example there is plenty of seafood along the coast and rivers. They often eat uglai [porridge] for corn meals. Rice, chastises, peppers, beans cabbage, stews, soup, barbecued meats, and vegetables are their favorite meals.