taos fall advance flyer

Join us for an unforgettable weekend of fun, inspiration and motivation. Be prepared to expand your vision for success and step into your greatness! NSD Cecilia James & Million Dollar Director, Melinda Balling, will share their success strategies to give you the tools to “Reach Higher” in your Mary Kay business than ever before! Rally with the Reds on Rally with the Reds on Friday Night, Oct. 18th Friday Night, Oct. 18th Star Team Builders (min. 3 active) are invited to come to Taos on Friday night for a special evening of Leadership Training and Sharing. New “Reds” by Oct. 10 or existing Red Jackets who add at least one new qualified between August 1 – Oct. 10th are invited. Team Leaders will be invited to a special slumber party on Friday Night with their Director and Cecilia. Star Consultants ending quarter 9/15, will qualify for a special “dining experience” with Cecilia on Saturday, Oct. 19th. Designed By: [email protected]

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Post on 21-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Taos fall advance flyer

Join us for an unforgettable

weekend of fun, inspiration

and motivation.

Be prepared to expand your

vision for success and step

into your greatness!

NSD Cecilia James & Million Dollar Director,

Melinda Balling, will share their success strategies

to give you the tools to “Reach Higher” in your Mary Kay

business than ever before!

Rally with the Reds on Rally with the Reds on

Friday Night, Oct. 18th Friday Night, Oct. 18th

Star Team Builders (min. 3 active) are invited to come to Taos on Friday night for a

special evening of Leadership Training and Sharing. New “Reds” by Oct. 10 or existing Red Jackets who add at least one new qualified between August 1 – Oct. 10th

are invited. Team Leaders will be invited to a special slumber party on Friday Night with

their Director and Cecilia.

Star Consultants ending quarter 9/15,

will qualify for a special “dining experience”

with Cecilia on Saturday, Oct. 19th.

Designed By: [email protected]