task 13 – pitch


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Post on 06-Jul-2015




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Task 13 – Pitch


Page 1: Task 13 – Pitch

Pitch Publisher = Bauer Media Group I’m here to promote my new music magazine to you – My magazine is called AMPLIFY and is centered on the pop/R’n’B genre. It is aimed at 16-30 year olds, which differs from your music magazine ‘Q’. I feel that you are the most suitable production company to manage this magazine as it ties in very well with your cross ownership with ‘Box Television’ as my magazine is targeted at the personnel whom would watch and listen to the content created by: ‘Kiss’, ‘4Music’, ‘Magic’ and ‘Smash-hits’. Kiss alone covers an area of 4.5 million people and the station covers many towns and cities and has more 15-34 aged listeners than any other station in the UK. This makes it a totally suitable audience for my magazine, as my magazine’s target audience is appropriate to 16-30 year olds. Therefore, my demographic ties in with the demographic of your cross media companies with ‘Box Television’ . You’re probably asking what the content and the aesthetics of my magazine look like? I can assure you that my magazine is clean, fresh and will openly appeal many people. The mode of address is relaxed, laidback and definitely connotes the pop and R‘n’B genre with the black and white colour scheme on the front cover and hints of colour in the typography. My magazine also has a consistent house style; written in formal English with some colloquial language as after all this is aimed towards the teenage/young adult age groups. The font styles and technical elements will be consistent across all issues so that the magazine has familiarity with the target audience. This will make it successful as having a familiar persona makes your brand interesting and different from everybody else. The content of my magazine encompasses an array of interesting features including: information about new releases, breaking news in the music world, and exclusive interviews with popular and current celebrities including lots of imagery, colours and space for advertisements also. On my double page I plan to include an interview with the celebrity who is also featured on the front cover. I’m certain it will be very popular with music enthusiasts. With a monthly issue release, the magazine is sure to be packed with titillating information every time, which will make it successful because people will want to read new and exciting information each month. It will also be an affordable price so many people can afford to buy it when they wish. My target audience is a range of both males and females aged 16-30 year olds and generally classed at the ABC1 category. This again links to the demographics of your cross ownership with the musical radio station ‘Kiss’ as 50.7% of their audience is ABC1s aged between 15 to 34. Plus, there is nearly a 50/50 split ratio of males and females who listen to ‘Kiss’ with 55.4% being female and the remaining 44.6% being male. Psychographics of my target audience would be that they like listening to music, they have several hobbies and they use a lot of social media sites.