task 3 – textual analysis of types of styles and writing

Task 3 – Textual Analysis of Types of Styles and Writing BY JORDAN LYN

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Page 1: Task 3 – textual analysis of types of styles and writing

Task 3 – Textual Analysis of Types of Styles and WritingBY JORDAN LYN

Page 2: Task 3 – textual analysis of types of styles and writing

Adverts vs E-magazine - Synopsis

Adverts – Its purpose is to persuade it’s audience to purchase an item they are trying to sell or to inform their audience. It uses short snappy slogans and images incorporated with the subject it is portraying. E-magazines – magazines are used to entertain an audience, it uses text in the context of its genre, for example the People’s magazine uses words like “WOW”, “Whopping” etc. It usually uses text to wrap around an image along with a full page spread of something or someone related to the topic.

Page 3: Task 3 – textual analysis of types of styles and writing

Adverts vs E-magazine – Mode of AddressDepending on the subject of the advert, the mode of address could change. In a promotional campaign the mode of address is usually formal because they are trying to make a message clear and try to not be misunderstood. For example an advert about war showed a little girl through the stages of war, it uses formal text and no music to make the audience feel sympathy and to understand the message of the advert clearer. Adverts may use informal mode of address to not only persuade the audience but to entertain them too, if they are entertained they spread the news to others about it. An example of this is the famous Cadbury advert where an ape plays the drums, many people recognise Cadbury due to the ape, this is called an iconic image. They are used to represent a name.

Page 4: Task 3 – textual analysis of types of styles and writing

Adverts vs E-magazine – Mode of Address

E-magazines uses a formal and informal mode of address to appeal to the right audience. It mostly uses an informal mode of address though as its purpose is to entertain the audience. It could also be personal too as it could be speaking about topics that are personal such as sexual relations, family problems etc. They could sometimes be offensive to a certain audience for example a magazine could speak about someone or a group of people in an informal, rude manner because they were insulted by that particular person/group of people. They also use 1st & 3rd person to appeal to its audience, when they display an interview, the writer may use 1st person to show that they spoke to them. 3rd person writing will be involved when speaking about a story that the writer saw or is evaluating for example this article is take from the Ney York Times magazine.

Page 5: Task 3 – textual analysis of types of styles and writing

Adverts vs E-magazine – Fonts

Adverts may use a range of different fonts to get the right effect to its audience. Adverts today use more modern fonts because it is most relatable to today’s audience. However this font type could be serif (curves) or san serif (no curves) it all depends on the type of message it is trying to portray to its audience for example an advert that wants people to join the RAF would use san serif font types because it is easy to read and its formal, you could consider that it is more blocked which is conventional for the military. The style of the writing is modern. The colours used in these types of adverts are navy blue, white and red simply because these are the colours associated with their company.An example of serif font in an advert is a perfume advert, the curves make the writing fancy which could portray the smell of the perfume, you could also say that the curves connote the scent as it can linger through the air in a wavy fashion. They usually use creamy colours to show luxury in their product.

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Adverts vs E-magazine – Images Images can be placed in adverts through a moving image product or still image. In a moving image product like Haribo’s, they use images at the end to present the logo and an image of the product they are trying to advertise. They are used at the end of the advert to make the buyer aware of what their logo is and what their products will look like in stores. A still image also uses this technique of portraying an image to its audience for them to remember their brand. Images can also deliver a message to the audience, in the snickers advert below it shows an image of the insides of a snickers bar, this connotes the deliciousness which is inside of it. The ad also uses text to persuade the audience into buying the product by displaying a statement.

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Adverts vs E-magazine - Images

E-magazines uses images to give a visual perception of what an article is saying. For example the fashion magazine uses a main image of a woman starring directly at us. The mise-en-scene of the magazine helps us to understand that this is about fashion, she uses a lot of make up and is wearing clothing and dyed hair in comparison with each other. These attributes of the image targets women and could persuade them into reading it and possibly purchasing products that the woman uses for the same look.

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Adverts vs E-magazine - Summary

The text used in adverts are persuasive and sometimes informative, it uses minimal text to across the its audience quick and easily. Its mode of address can change depending on what product they are trying to promote for example a mc Donald’s advert for their happy meals would use a more cheery tone or they will use the voice of someone from a cartoon for their goodies inside whereas their advert for a normal meal is only related to the food’s origins.

The images and layout of an advert are simple but can change in so many ways due to creativity. The text could be at the head of the page or footer it all depends on the designer. The images could be placed anywhere too, sometimes and advert will consist of only one image.

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Adverts vs E-magazine

The text used in a magazine article compared to an advert can be similar due their similarity in their purposes, a magazine tried to inform its audience through using text in the context of its target audience. For example if their audience consists of hip-hop/r&b fans they will use language which suits them.

Images and the layout of a magazine differs from adverts, it uses a lot more text on the page and uses around 1 image per spread. The images used portrays a visual perception of what the article is trying to say or it shows who they are writing their journalism on.