task 4

Factual page layout task 4 By Lusi Ndoja

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Post on 07-Dec-2014




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Page 1: Task 4

Factual page layout task 4

By Lusi Ndoja

Page 2: Task 4

For my first page layout I have decided to use a 3x3 grid in order to help me with the guidelines to have my layout well structured. Firstly I have inserted the first image on the left hand side for this design. And the main header is located at the side of the of there the image is. This is so that it is the first thing you see which will draw your attention in. Secondly the text would be around the image starting from the right hand side. Also I have used another image of the person that the article would be about ‘Kate Moss’. this style of layout was inspired by a page in vogue as I liked the layout as it looked sophisticated and also well structured.In the layout of the text I have used the drop capital tool as I have found this technique is popular with many publications. I especially used it in this layout as the reader will know where the beginning of the sentence starts. In some fashion articles they sometimes do not use all the white space on the background called negative space. However on my layout I have used all the white space. The font is left black as well as I have gone for a simple, as this type of layout and article will be found in a fashion magazines the reader is more interested I the images that are inserted rather than the text. The target audience for this type of magazine would be aimed at women so I felt this type of style will work best and would be well suited.

Page 3: Task 4

Following on, I have used the same article but however I have rearranged the layout. This time I have experimented with the layout and bended the rules to see what I could create.

Firstly, you can see that the main image I have inserted it in the centre of the page in large so it’s the first thing the reader sees, as it draws your attention.

The main title is written vertically rather than going across is a horizontal line. This is to fill in the negative space.

I have used three different columns for this design. My first Column on the left hand side on a vertical line I have gone outside the margins. I have used a different font which is not very clear to read and not appropriate. My last two columns placed on the top and bottom have over lapped with the first column. This sort of technique is not used much as it is not clear to the audience.

Experimenting with the page layout is something the youths would be interested in as it makes the page busy with the overlapping of text and experimenting with different fonts.

Page 4: Task 4

With my second development I have chosen the same 3x3 grid but however the layout is different to the first. The main header is located on the top of the page this is so it is the first piece of information the reader will read abut and also the colour of the header is in red. I have chosen this colour because of the image I have used. the three images of the iconic singer Rihanna. The colour of her dress is red and I have used the select colour tool to copy the exact colour for the header. This technique is used in most publications, this gives the layout a professional look as they match well together.

In the font I have used the word ‘Hot’ this and I have used the colour red this links in with the three techniques as I have played with the word. The font is bold and sharp and works well with the colour as its bright and eye catching. Its screaming at the audience for attention so it cannot be missed.

There are three columns and I have inserted the images in the centre of the page across the three, I have selected a different range of poses giving the audience a visual image. Again the drop capital is used as it indicates where the start of the sentence begins.

this layout was inspired by a tabloid magazines such as OK! As it is simple but also the text and image are well balanced out with each other.

Page 5: Task 4

My third idea I decided to go for a fashion type of layout. I have used the make boohoo.com as it is one of my preferred websites and I felt it would be interesting to experiment with the layout to see what I could come up with.

I decided to use the reverse technique. Here you can see I have used a black background. I have also used a 4x4 grid to achieve this design. I've located the main header of the layout alone the left hand side of the page and followed the same colour scheme as the official site to give it a professional design. The subheading is on the left hand side also but this time it is on a horizontal line, with subheadings for each column of information. I liked this design as I got to experiment a lot more with the techniques as I used colours but also using the reverse technique, where many page layouts are on a white negative background. With he colour scheme I have used the three colours throughout (black, white and pink).

I have used to different images that are diagonal from each other with text. I have balanced the two out but having equal amount of information with imagery.