task 5

This Billboard front cover has Miley Cyrus on it and this is the main feature of this magazine. The image used is a mid-shot, this is conventional as it shows her body language and facial expressions. This magazine represents Miley as strong and powerful. This is shown by her holding a large, heavy, metal M. This makes her seem strong as she is holding this up in front of her chest. Her facial expressions are composed and powerful. This is conventional as Billboard often show women as powerful and strong. This representation of Miley is also shown by the language used. The phrase ‘The Queen of Tween grows up’ This shows her as more mature. This is conventional as Billboard has a more mature approach to typical pop magazines. Her maturity is also shown by the use of Sans Serif fonts. The Sans serif fonts are more mature than serif fonts, as the are bold rather than curly. This shows her as more mature rather than the young, girly girl she was. Miley’s body language is quite strong and powerful, as she is standing straight and tall, this makes her seem Task 5 – Front cover

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Post on 15-Aug-2015




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This Billboard front cover has Miley Cyrus on it and this is the main feature of this magazine. The image used is a mid-shot, this is conventional as it shows her body language and facial expressions. This magazine represents Miley as strong and powerful. This is shown by her holding a large, heavy, metal M. This makes her seem strong as she is holding this up in front of her chest. Her facial expressions are composed and powerful. This is conventional as Billboard often show women as powerful and strong. This representation of Miley is also shown by the language used. The phrase ‘The Queen of Tween grows up’ This shows her as more mature. This is conventional as Billboard has a more mature approach to typical pop magazines. Her maturity is also shown by the use of Sans Serif fonts. The Sans serif fonts are more mature than serif fonts, as the are bold rather than curly. This shows her as more mature rather than the young, girly girl she was.Miley’s body language is quite strong and powerful, as she is standing straight and tall, this makes her seem important. She is wearing all black, this also connotes power and maturity.

Task 5 – Front cover

Task 5 – Contents page

The language used on the contents page is conventional. One example is the words ‘influential’ and ‘symphonic’. This is conventional as it uses more mature language than typical pop magazines to attract the older target audience. The main image is a mid-shot of a man, this shows his body language and facial expressions. His body language is quite laid back as he has his hands in his pockets. This makes the image more inviting. The image is in black and white, this is conventional for Billboard magazine as there is no use of bright colours like other typical pop magazines making the overall image more sophisticated and mature. The main colours used area black, white, blue and grey. The background is white, making the blue text stand out as it is contrasting. The Billboard magazine is also represented as being more mature and sophisticated by the use of Sans Serif fonts as appose to Serif fonts used more stereotypically in pop magazines.

Task 5 – Double page spread

The language on the double page spread is informal. One example of this is the phrase ‘ How the hell…’. This is conventional because it doesn’t need to be formal, as people read it in their spare time and the informal language makes it easy to read. The images on the double page spread are natural. This represents Bruno Mars as more mature as he is not posing he is just doing what he is good at. This is conventional as Billboard mainly represents pop music as more sophisticated than typical pop magazines. The colours used are mainly black and white. This is conventional as it represents the magazine as more mature, by not needing bright colours to make it look interesting. The representation is also shown through the use of Sans Serif fonts. This represents pop music as more mature as other typical pop magazines use mainly serif fonts. The Sans Serif fonts attracts an older target audience.