task 6 a

Task 6A Teamwork is one of my main transferable skills. When it comes to teamwork I excel. I have grown up playing football a pastime of mine and that involves teamwork. I have played for four different teams so far in my lifetime. I have played for Mount Merrion Youths, Cherry Orchard, Home Farm and now I play for Mount Merrion Seniors. I have also played for my school, Oatlands College and my college IADT. Throughout my years of playing football I have a lot of examples of how teamwork has won me trophies. It was the week before the All- Ireland final with Cherry Orchard, me and my teammates were training hard and backing each other in every aspect of the game, if someone made a mistake we wouldn’t shout at them we would just say unlucky or better luck next time. That to me was a great sign of teamwork. During the All-Ireland final every man gave a hundred percent and we backed each other

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Task 6A

Teamwork is one of my main transferable skills. When it comes to teamwork I excel. I have grown up playing football a pastime of mine and that involves teamwork. I have played for four different teams so far in my lifetime. I have played for Mount Merrion Youths, Cherry Orchard, Home Farm and now I play for Mount Merrion Seniors. I have also played for my school, Oatlands College and my college IADT. Throughout my years of playing football I have a lot of examples of how teamwork has won me trophies. It was the week before the All-Ireland final with Cherry Orchard, me and my teammates were training hard and backing each other in every aspect of the game, if someone made a mistake we wouldn’t shout at them we would just say unlucky or better luck next time. That to me was a great sign of teamwork. During the All-Ireland final every man gave a hundred percent and we backed each other throughout the game and won 3-2. It was an amazing achievement and we did not give up once. Teamwork really can win you a game. Teamwork was also very important to me when I worked in Schuh. We had to rearrange the shop for the Christmas sales. So we all got together and each person did their part of the job and we had the shop in perfect condition by seven o clock the next morning.

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Another one of my main transferable skills is physical ability. To me anything physical I enjoy. As a kid in primary school I lived for P.E. I would get up early for school with excitement for P.E day. I found every sport we done in P.E easy and enjoyable and my competitive nature would come out a lot. I enjoy going to the gym to exercise and workout. I try to lift one better weight then the week before to improve my strength. I had a job their last year in L’occitane in dundrum. My role was to get the deliveries each week. That required a lot of physical ability. I had to push trollies with heavy boxes in them to the stockroom and then had to carry the boxes up and downstairs. I really enjoyed this job because it was active and I wasn’t just sitting behind the cash register all day. I am really into fitness and staying healthy. I train twice a week with my football team and play a match on the weekend. I go gym every Sunday for two hours and make sure I work on every aspect of my body. I try to eat a lot of carbs and stay away from fats. I do occasionally like a snack so I leave that to Sundays.

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Another one of my main transferable skills is time management. When it comes to college once I get an assignment I start on it immediately. I divide my work up each week if I have assignments. I never leave anything to the last minute because that is how mistakes are made. When it comes to lectures I make sure I am five minutes early so I can get a good seat near the front. When it comes to getting up in the morning I set my alarm an hour before I have to get up so I don’t oversleep and risk lateness. When it comes to work I make sure I arrive ten minutes before my shift, this gives me time to get settled and mentally prepare for work. I then make sure I start work five minutes early. When it comes to lunch at work, I never leave my department until I have a replacement. I will then return from work five minutes early. I am very good at time management and hate being late. I hate people who are late because it keeps me waiting. If I am ever running late it stresses me out and I get angry.

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Another one of my transferable skills is spoken communication. I would say myself I am not great at spoken communication. Over my years I have not done many presentations in front of people. Hopefully though with college this will change. In my Enterprise Practice module, we are doing weekly presentations on the book we are reading. Michael Murphy gives us the option to speak or just present it in silent. I have chosen silent most weeks and so have my classmates. But hopefully one week I will be able to speak. This will then improve my communication. I also have to do a stalls project in February in St Anne’s Park, Clontarf. I will need to be vocal to attract people to my stalls. This will hopefully help me improve my spoken communication. College in general will give me the chance to improve my communication. I am a shy guy at the start to people I don’t know or have never seen before, but if you give me a chance I do come out of myself and you see the through me.

And another one of my transferable skills is flexibility. I am a very flexible person and can adapt to new surroundings very quickly. I did a PLC last year in BFEI and changed to this course in IADT and I was able to adapt to the new surroundings. I have moved football teams a lot and have been able to gel and make friends wherever I’ve gone. I have had four different jobs in the last year and have been able to adapt to new roles and new managing styles, for example I went from working on footwear in Schuh to serving

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customers on the cash register in Sports Direct. Flexibility is one of my greatest skills. I never judge a book by its cover. I can get along with any type of person. I feel every person deserves a chance to get to know me and vice versa.