task 7

Task 7 Over all in this task I felt a lot more confidant when taking shots and editing to the final version. I felt before I started this task I had learnt a lot more in the technical side I had gained a lot more experience as we had done two of these tasks where we used the cameras and then had to edit on Final Cut Pro, which gave the experience. When looking back at my Prelim task I can see that some of the techniques and editing I have used has improved and I have also carried on using some of the same improved techniques in my most resent task as the shots and editing used goes well with what we did, now as I am now more experienced in getting the right shots such as 180 degree rule, match on action and shot/reverse shot. We played around with more types of shots such as Floor shots and Wall angles and High angles and Low angles, compared to the Prelim task of the opening door scene where there are simple cut behind the shoulder shots and 180’s and other random shots as well as the floor shot looking up as we though looked good. The importance of the continuity is very big as you have to have everything exactly the same such as items, props, equipment, and hand movements have to remain the to create a good looking scene and to keep the continuity consistent. We also included match on action.

Upload: anthonypgrey

Post on 14-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Task 7

Task 7Over all in this task I felt a lot more confidant when taking shots and editing to the final version. I felt before I started this task I had learnt a lot more in the technical side I had gained a lot more experience as we had done two of these tasks where we used the cameras and then had to edit on Final Cut Pro, which gave the experience.

When looking back at my Prelim task I can see that some of the techniques and editing I have used has improved and I have also carried on using some of the same improved techniques in my most resent task as the shots and editing used goes well with what we did, now as I am now more experienced in getting the right shots such as 180 degree rule, match on action and shot/reverse shot.

We played around with more types of shots such as Floor shots and Wall angles and High angles and Low angles, compared to the Prelim task of the opening door scene where there are simple cut behind the shoulder shots and 180’s and other random shots as well as the floor shot looking up as we though looked good.

The importance of the continuity is very big as you have to have everything exactly the same such as items, props, equipment, and hand movements have to remain the to create a good looking scene and to keep the continuity consistent. We also included match on action.

As you can see in the first image is a screenshot of the Prelim task where we had a to create a simple door opening scene and to start off we had a floor scene of people walking past with a Title which was not been touched, in the second screen shot we had the Opening Sequence with the titles and a consistent theme, you can also see that the first screen shot is more amateur than the second one where we have developed more sophisticated looking titles to go with the theme and genre with is a thriller. We learned to keep it more clean and appropriate such as to keep the Titles consistent which is to do with continuity and being in the right place for example as they are more commonly seen at the bottom and with the right type of font and size on the screen it looks more like a thriller.

Page 2: Task 7

In comparison I think that the Opening Sequence we have created is much better and more appropriate to the theme of a thriller than the Prelim that we created a couple months ago. The Opening sequence is a lot cleaner and uses fewer but more sophisticated effects, which does not over kill the production/Opening Sequence. We used just the right amount of effects, which made the Sequence’s atmosphere feel like a thriller with chilling vibes to it, which was our aim to do so. We were also a lot more experienced in the creative side of the Sequence and had better and advanced our skills on camera work and effects.