task 7

The first shot is of a character opening the door to a class room. The shot was filmed by hand, so wasn't very smooth. also it wasn't lined up straight and was more of a high angle shot, however high angle shots are used to make the character look weak and this wasn't the case for this shot. The most important error from this shot is that the top of the characters head isn't in the shot, this is usually used to show the lack of importance of the character in this shot, but in this case it just shows poor filming as this character is the main character for the

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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Task 7

The first shot is of a character opening the door to a class room. The shot was filmed by hand, so wasn't very smooth. also it wasn't lined up straight and was more of a high

angle shot, however high angle shots are used to make the character look weak and this wasn't the case for this shot. The most important error from this shot is that the top of the characters head isn't in the shot, this is usually used to show the lack of importance of the character in this shot, but in this case it just shows poor filming as this character

is the main character for the preliminary task.

Page 2: Task 7

The second shot reveals the characters face after the match on action, however we continued to film poorly and didn't get the whole of the characters head in the shot.

also the cut from one scene to the next wasn't completely in time and appeared to be quite jumpy, which could have been avoided by cutting the second scene down slightly

at the start. The camera quality in this shot shows that it is extremely poor and that this is something we will have to change when we are filming the opening sequence.

Page 3: Task 7

The next shot was a slow pan shot also filmed by hand, making it look unprofessional and bad quality, this could have been filmed using a tri-pod on one of the tables. This

shot was longer than the other shots so that there was a variation of different shot lengths, to show some thought had gone into the filming process.

Page 4: Task 7

The next shot introduced a new character and was filmed using a tri-pod as we had realised the poor quality of previous shots. Fortunately this shot happened to include

the characters whole face allowing viewers to see his importance. This was a much more clean/ professional looking shot which already shows progression from when we started. The only other thing to think of is the type of shot e.g. over the shoulder shot

rather than a mid master shot.

Page 5: Task 7

The final shot clearly showed not much thought went in to the characters facial expression, at times they were lifeless and others smiling. This is something we really needed to think about as our whole opening scene was mainly the characters facial

expressions to show his emotions. To resolve the lack of expression through the characters face we had to cut the shots short making it look unprofessional and


Page 6: Task 7

Overall I have learnt quite a lot about filming since my preliminary task, including things like;

camera positioning/ angle, character facial expression, the importance of different shots and how they can represent power, the importance of

camera quality/ stability and when editing to keep a range of different length shots to keep

viewers attention.