tatfeu - nys historic...

>t;j T j f*. i !•):• Vii J 1 : * ! < ! < X i r\ r /)X/tJMI •< •;* V ^ | XJ ^'-»- vi'>J!-/i'i - •»' Iri v.-vwv* . •-hi W\ ! , i ANl) THE dOTJ \ a vi ti. * l - GOtrVERNEUR, N ftf E R 2#]EJ IT R TIM ifil:9 j -X- Y./THURSDAY, OCTOBErf28,1880. i. "ikw^i » t v AVI **. ii -<•* YASL*; f| dj f If -*, I ;F \ 4 J M ••••['¥• w i s k i l l . iV i 11 i#'' ***di ^ '• I NXJMfcER ^ ..i. V v. y >i&: I f flOIJVKRNKirR l I!KltAilJ)JwK8ho6..oi'<)«*ri«.**. V'vf ,,J D OOtTVKUNFltlt Tl^llCS. I torry jyS")fc»k Vfm*ng\ at ti(ivvv!miKun t N*. Y. 2w »• O^llli^M T»H t ralillijkrr ami Jfrop. J ; — f - I- - r BsmuMt.Oi *-!»»rt(i<t < .. . < |I.0» tl ItMIAfMl ..f ihn yimr.-... i I.A" Ita in *<l<litl<m h> the *t|nv* r»t«s f B> I*T •111 ohsr*f<l nil |M*»»I<*» J^YlnJr »ki nhsr*^! nil 1*1 rs ontsM* of M. I.*wiwit4'« Omnly lUfN l».tf> 1TR, m»nuf<|Ot nr*r ftf llnoi* «nl J <* Auctioneer. A tH.TloMKKIL-II. U (OMKMM. Jr., *n /I An^tloiir«r of oon«l<larftt>l« ruimto In th« Wo«l» l»rlnf |Hiniiitiifntlir l^ntwl in (Jourf»r irur, will «(i^n«| to All «*lr#i fintriMlcNl to hi 1«M». HTOOIC «Af.»»l A Al'KOtAf.TV. (JouvoMiniir. M. V,. .Inn. Ot|t t IHWK j gilif Job PHnilng. •Ml. '••>•* '•• i ^ . • • II • , < i U fintriMlcNl to hin la. p^#il^w TO H!HIM Ulllf BR j ifrtfc fcf M*AUA «A#4r #M4#<?r<j>«»ri#j »»t# M* *? lei " /#n</ui< iuiA, l*m>.** MM i*$+*f%*9" tfrmi must remit in litn* U> k**%* mvn+H r«#kiA u* *#/<»• th* tims |Mi4f /w r#|# 4^{$ / #^ |»#f i/Mtr MMO< lAfv <<<» |H«y in itti |A4 IffpM |M««I fv**h* mutt |Miy # |./>4 /or fA# yMft'i «««fl<M «Nl<lllforif^ /imr (Vrt/i/c/r tt#ty l>tin<f>|<wlrtjni|>nini j WMI*'* <n w l i u ' k v , u/AirA |i.#d|>#r y#a*. iV» (i4/#ri< Ari« IIM W> il»»<rtf«»/rom owr «Mfv#rltf«^ff rule*, <*rut 4»AI«A o)f» 4riif<M <4«(^«. V 4*44ir^«« " <^ 64 >na^# promptly tJUbt/uMft***. r0iju04t9 H I Hi Tgh'9 IA# JM.»( k/>t9# M l i ( ^ 'M ^*^ «* ' ^ ^ <'»<* ^ ° N-A^'A awA r j O O K * , l*»ni|>h1ou», < i i U l 4 I> llilU. AN<l*tlkin<l«or j( \—411 L ()li Prinllnv at the W. T. 1 •4#M#W^*K? DI^HI and Cloak Making. t\if?** An6 ri OAK kAHiNur Th* nt<<!f>r«i*n*<I IIAVA movM tbrlr OrfM ifo'l n<m% niMAhiff «koi» lotlm ro*tbi* Over I./»VA< | A <'o\ <lr»i|f *tom, Ulolv <>COH|U{M| hy |||<iA fVlhlh ll#Aiil«ln|«. H^vlitK lArR«tly inrrrH«f«l our PA HiitltAMr <!oln|: w. rk w« ^-^•wl/AHy Aolfcilt I h f |»|%lrohAK«t o f A l l H ho IINIT^ irnrk in oqr linn. Wf» MIIAII mMko 4 Mi*rlAltv.»f bill thn [)Al««t «n«( lo«4|itif «lrl<M. *4ml our rfiArirfA WIUIKI A4 loif M th4l»»l>ilii«NH» f r i l l AJTonK , <J<»ilVcriifMir, fittnt. a, IMMa I IE. A. 1*ATT»| h 1ftml t Attob A. VbmiATEi u -"pi'i** '*? ^ ^ p t ' j 1 Agcult for theftAleol TICKETS! 1 All j>*riA -of thf countrj, by) rAilix>Aa *\u h. r^ U»NI &'*'• v., » »r,/ , WJ 1 |# clf#<r««l, 4H 9rxt*W to r*o*Mv titUntbm - * * _ _ j fl« rilloivlM r*t«« «»in ^ •iii«»iy AiHt^r««l U» bollJwIUl lor«lf n A< w«ll AA l^i»l mlvrrtU«r«. ttJll»gklr#nU4Ja« Into AcM*>nttl, iliw IIAMAII. »n4 Tl4#<(0*»MIM*HM1 ) I< UiA^boAprAliMlvor 1 ^ I ^ f ^l f w l H " ""' H ' " ^ jin f 1««»•! •» •"•i »» » j '"'i *'• iv f*«d|i i»|ii «»(••> ui'» *» (iA «N'| *" I ^ n ( U | ( <H A* IR»{ ..i Ol j U\ I lA l«»| tM» I ftA» MiA jujiA «^v> M'| no 1 j<> tm| t ui 1 1*1 ul-.» * * / ' •" -•- -—• *— * > Cu+19 'ft' tMi-«Mf irfr«, l.tw v*r ytmi. hiiiiil UIMI, il.O« |mr >rrtf, »i ;,>»Mlni' t|a4tli fctfAll iu| . fMipiAl VMti«MAilr*rit»*ni*nttt, (i>f»Aro#«|ft« 'If*. TrA|«|«U| |«i^• ru««in»o 1.( iiAV<ir4" In %t\ f<nw4, ins Boot fljnd S h o e Shbp,^^ p f * . r t 0 f t O N I t ' l l , rriiotioAl [llooi «m1 I\ # Niton Mulicr, P|IOJ» lt( Lhmfn lll<M^k t fuiium M». t <J«|uv^rijnyr, M. T. \ Tweniy- nw v«»Ar«' 0«|»#M|incv im lliojlx»nrh kiv«t me ootin«lnnoA to gtUrtuitOA I M l»^M Ami f\i*t <lur- AblA work to I** IMMI AnJrwhi«W.|n thA tviimfrf. My |»rlrv0« «r« unlfomt(T fr6m 10 to 90 ber b«low olhnr workmen ffcr Ilia i«ni« nlM* of work hut of Inferior <jtiAl(ty to ln(n» rin© llooU, Ami On* hull**' Ami IM>I^ # Mio^i ^ •pf»clAlty. lie- (•Airing <huio OB xlmrt mttloiw with mv Mr. A. MAjr, on«i or the *OAI nklllful w<»rkm<m In th#«i# r>AriA. hlitf I ha«««AA4^lAteU tfie MoAt Aklllfi R.[f«.Ol>^oiirnir. IHl.-UU" »i« hmrry for HiAir oorri*Mt|o|H|«ln<^ nhouhl I A D i m who it#¥f«r A nlnd quAlity of NIA- 4 tiotirry for iliAir o4»rri»«tj lni|ulr«t for CrAtte'A I.AI!N»«' MO|H I'Aiwm Ami ».nf«loi)«A to nuiu-h. ThfAff Iffootbt am pr«- •rulrl in Hii|H«rih|(t Aii<i;h%lrANii|»«rtlniihniiHU t tho Irtilor iMilng liiMtirjm4«Mvl In I'urUv, Ton« AIKI Hi>Atllifiil *of( lln|«h hy rrrfi tlm An**! for- fiK«» i»r'Mlu«i|nii. |oj-«nlohv J\M. l(«rnoi.iiA 9 JM., Ilm»k4*t||<ir Afl't .fAWnl<*r, 4J|»riVArfi«tir. T'STf Waterlown Ads. 1<>04'iiU f l r f M l f«<Mr lnff»rif»l 4t tlm r»tAi nrA eff*?y th»«* of tf»»c«(»«fcuuiA<l, Irtlow. Htory wctllili.rr Alt #*lff rMAeH*»«»M not nriinrtHl nnt ipntileriHl r)vntiMiii»«l. ill hit -*r** >'K»S DIKKCTOKV. k l^wyerwt H7A»<ti«'. AUtiofr, ¥ * I IAWTRH, O ^HSICII * a^KA^CW, I I.AWyAMA, A. CmUrii 0 («» H'Mik Ituii tiny, Hiti ( F llo.i^iriiriM, V Y. _-*•..Li* . L . ^ i s . . ; i i. .-,. w Ari IITO^i 4 A I I H 1 MTOItK, t I «HtmlH»At' nl«of>r>An m^nnbrrAflb<lKxcurAkin flU-ketn. FMjl InforniAtlon irlrcii. aiApA tn<l n|A i*\Av* rumi«hr<l, bag K 'KO chcckwl And ft{«f ping Urlh« Ae^urad. j lYuvchrs* fusuttaiico Ttckett* l fMcAKTn on foreign c o u n t r y nokl At the I*tw- elt rntos UiiU-o in A. (ioittnl A <'' 0 - , « lUok. <4»ttvorii«liir. opitn from $ A. m. t«l 4 p. flu bStt /rjHA^II TRtrffK ttAII^AV JI OF CANADA Quit one Change 6 f C a n IlklrWEg* t»UI>ENSUUitU ANnciIICAUO. 7(4 Jfiit* Shorter to Detroit th*n t>y *ny other Rout*. TiXlV* t K A V B PRKACOTT JUMCTIUK AH roi.Lown : T KXPIIKM8 At 1:45 p. iri., irrWlrtg at HOIT next morningAt$:ifl A. mi kn<l C u i - OAjut> AAm#«T«nlog %l7:40i p. m. t bonnectlog IM All trglnA for the We*H IIMIIT |CJLl*liEMHai i:IH A tei, ArrlylfigAt DiJitoiT •Am© evening «t tf:W k n . t ami ( iiiiCAdO ttext morning At HutO g. nfc.tx>nD#ctinf wlOi All UTAint for the W>At, | AtOCKU tKA3N at7A> p. lrl. v for WayttAtloQA lietbven rnBMOt>TTaiMl Hitt>v^vitil*.«rrf?lng At tUtHJMiVlLLBHjQOp. m. - f' J , i UOlNti KA8T, IIAT HkrRKHH at S:lo a. m. t ahl?in|r it MifijrRHA t. at 7 ^0 a. m.. ootinetitlng With trglnn fori BonNiH. N«w YOK«; and {lib WiltT* MobMTAIliH. ' f Ntt<]»Ht kXPUKftflat 4:00 p. ro., firlvlrtg At MoHtHaii Al v*00 p. M< t eonnedilAg with iratti^forfjrtrango and ro«TLANf>.| ^leeplnj oir* dirookh roATLA»r IflllKlTI twr^ri PHI Moi<TK»Ali0)JI0p. m. Ti*{nAl«iA|v * AiidjIUAo, ii Tin*. <lgd«**"»urg to DofhMI, W Hoim Tlbiis. t •• IJhicMgo, AUiofrn. TUB) HKflHtgHT QUICK »HT AMU ([iKAPggT HOI TB T<> IB Wl ,.. Sleeping from IIONYMBAI. to Q u k a s c Ami RAIN at 10^45 A, m,, f ^ k a U cm•be- in firing At A LICE I CABY'fl M W I T T I E S T POEJTI Of All tie beautiful fdoturt* ThAt lang on Memory's wnll^ l# one ol a dim old foreat, | That A*emeth beM of All; I Not for ItA gnarled onka olden, Dark |r|»li t4ie mintIrloo; Not for Ihe violeta golden , ThAt Jinnkle the Tale below; j Not for ttie mllk-whlle liliea Thai lian from the fragrant Hc<1krc r Coqiiettng All day with U10 BiiMne^ima, And ftnaling their golden edgoi. Not for ne rincaon the nplandj ! Where] the bright red berrle^rfjut; Not the ginka, nor the pale swiej eowsHps, Ii Hcerleth to mo the Insst. i once lujll a little brother, With o|e» that were dark nn«Id^fp— In the lag of that oldon fore»t He lletl lh peace aaleep; Light a* tie down on thq thistle,] Free A.4the winds that blow f We roveil there heantifii| iumMr|, The Aiittmers 0/ loag njpro; Hut his fan on the hills jjrew weAi(y, And on| of ih* Autumn e\ on I mAdefoIr my' little brother A bed ol the yellow len»o«# '' Swrelly his pAte nrftiH folded / . My necl in A meek emUrace t A>« (IK; ^KPt of immortal ^0,111 ty | Silently |;oi ored hU fac#; j And whenjtbe an< w* of sunset fjndge4 lh the tt. vj-tops bright. He fell, ltiliii saint-like beAuly, Asleep lijf the gi\t<b of light. Thereforefof all tiirkdeturea j ThathAiMon M.MuLry'g waH, ! The one OMthe <l>'n .»U| forest Heometh|;b^t. *t of all. wortjjnny mDrc,|p(Jt; wc (will *ce U|or raving, I cnkight tU^narlio of! that tjjioy won ? t trjoublc yoti njny nftotl j I^erbort. Unco Bjye seemed fcg^in|r rly, n now{ it." j I , , ,"8Aid iPcAHie, Robej c lost ^Villlk, I ftuppc iurrr and MotfrTHBAX4, —^ M iij|0p. m. . n« I^Mjve for Portland, Mo., at 4 DiitoitjiChi icago, Milwaukee 1M WBAT t .%lt?TII-W NORTJI-WBAT. .10 p. m„ »«T AND Wo bavoot rAhrETTHfl!\ I Sw' A M T .Vrf kNBy*Ai*n rnrKBBT.ow .IT T AW, amui 1 fi 1 ii . * v '" * Banker*. '^. . ._ I|«\>IK fT (JfM!VKIC<ir,U h < has Anihoiiv. II FA»4i'l|n|; Win. J Av«'t<tl.Vh<« I'M iilrnt, II ^>|.hU. I*AhNir ***AJtr jv-, a"rT)l"' l ^ t ' i I ! ir ' j g .' , .l l " .'. - * i, | » If. I'ft'WV, M. f». Phy.bnn and MR li« * I ^« M n '** I Ofjloe At ie»J<h"»»ee,ioM»«t «<f IVrk IMWAIII tHTMtA, t^oiivertimir. N. Y. «IJH ^APlWfJUH If. IV, lMm<nO|^itl.yi Phr •ItAAm Aid H«^<HMI Oltten h4ur# fyoni I B, l |iol|i, in. uf!b# with l»r^ '. M. itUt in Noiru blook, tioiitrenieur, hl^tf IfOplW. M. «>L Phv«i^iAh »ii«l Hiirgwiti. nf UWIIAIAAI it tho (%ilht|t« of Phy«i 4|rsSMnA dl OntarbK ly~iUrnom1 [A4W Almost<II og morn. I'I IvM" ,K,U « ,# UeAj Ukt«M.lllo« h Of. I**tt||tel#4t i«i4fl«Mio«\ l«t biHtO| b||4)k #f llAlinifiiik. \)%\W« hour*, I to A 11. in. TViifpJiii. *v* r ^ Hi W|ll,AO* } Miynlelan n.nd Ht^jeon. M|o«t|Al rt«hlttsit'e, lip •tMh'4 > lit BJvmi |«r*#ur, H. Y. *W i|erii#ur, M. . Def^tal HnrgtMma. ^Tii 4 - ^— If. MAtAllBN. IN»biUt,of floii««?rnmir.miiy Hid Al h|4 o(V^0, ovfir Hiiimor A Ai,|h« flftt («% o wiH'ki hi ourh niontli. hllilf f I V o n \A !>• '«•«» /aj-^Hia'AAhiAi Al(|o^|«rs | | o i A » t l r A|(^iid«nl t'». if Si 4 WAkWfck f> »>• «.. »TA*lnuln of IVo.i I |L •flfrtltfl iltAlAg* Mf I»#HI*I HUIKOM, 1 «l«m pleXiure In In«i»wii«'lo«iio IIM |M«IHMII.« IM«<I \>l*>- r »lfl#f ti«»nrftriifi(ir iMci violnilv tlntl hn iut« ro BfB««l to eoltlitit* tlo Ariit (but <»( lit- i>i"fi <••*( -o At fttTMler oAfiltt MVerlAnihony & < o. « |Unk. lh* iiMt|iV«Mtl» ^o AirVuik perlitliihig to |Mn.ti- lr/a<B*«g , J »•• !h« 4M1IU140 «««a«i«»ii of IMI'H utiii 'TfirAI.L. **>M WABiNAwrao. *r>it I i M M I . MPBH^IlfH. IN.. f»KNT|HT. •I <tfr«<h»Ai4oMH* l'hdk(lol|Hil*I»t tititl < .'lirgo r rki^ 1 AI. trAtu<•>{ 1 ^r4i( U. li.»»|u]tni»ir»<«M« m Klllmer A %lr»rrU iie^rlhUlok, «|hAN Ii* <« |4t»pun'd »«» «i.. ,»n *»ik >IB i «a«iuf Niroli# •B«lil«- 11. Highing u»«i. lit rtlltMl W III ti'»b|. MUoi, rluthn.ru anl ml«d VtWlU <'«m*M fnoth oloaiif 'I IIIMI |«*d WltBlMlf lAjM^f to tbv niMiitot, k A*tlrt.|Al TBtfth lilMMled 011 |t..»bl. Mllf.M". lLAi Bln|T»tt^ And <«'ttul»ll A l l . W«n H VAMr^. ^ 1 ^»"» ling l*f 11 •J !\4» HAiitUtry, t t 1«M| nb4i MitAly ^UIMMII j.«ln h) IH'v 4 Irlll^M P«W'llK- r-t-d*!!*.. M T . m ^ h P X IXH fwt««»l»rl tl'PMUglMlol. HI.IMII.|MH|, t •(«'!% I ovi«Bfl 4n«l AUMI f»-l ^lr«t rl.iHi o Ivetv •«* M h*< I I li t'..pn.d^. CIARPKTfNt CAUPKTTVna OAUPI TINGa ti|r ^oJr« on liny CxprntNl TrAttin j j I Ko«t And We«t. Pulihij»n\ Ilriiwlnr «<M>III (Urn , ON PAY THAINX 1 ^uMmanN ralAtlnl Meepfttkrars ! i ON NKJIiTTUAINH, | t lllirough from HONTKBAI. And PLB*€4>TT rfoN to OBTiioiTttiid CIIK'AUOTwithout °1 '»rjrngn Choked Through from Okjr»K*H- ni»K4 fi[nd in* Hiibjeot to CII^LOIII lbais4 exaini- AUth»Jl. ] ANtfArilnd see that your Tickets rbgd VIA UKAtrMTKtT^K RAILWAY, tho shorl Hue to the W«4t. J tjfiih T U'y ferry SteAmerTKANSlT leaves Ogde|iAkiirg for Pr*«(oott t At 1 :«M p. ml |n<H>n) And im a. in, (midnight), connecting with !>AV »»»d Might KxiiresA Trains f«»r tho Wekt. Afl n4oii K W. A o. K. H. (^mnei t with Hteamer A|rslTatOgdnnshiirg. , H[fiirth«ir partteiilnrs npply at the«imceof theifMiid Trunk Itallwav. eoener of l>N.rd mid Miator'n^tH limbers Work, Ogdeunhurk. N. V. UKO.flt.O^WKIX.fcaHlern Pas^engeg ABent, -,v.L'.i \_ L Ogdcifhlmrg. .IOSi:if|| HlKKSON, Genenii Manage** W. wklkW!tKJItX<^neral PAHseng^rKlten^ i I N. AlontieaL P. O. f.. IriRPrNl!|;R. AlientUouyerneurl N. V. At t.I'lA^m A- t'oV. I l i » n k . \ li/ttf - 4 • • • •- —»-~* + I ABOIVDTIIR truii I,ovr eaiii«f'to me In tho spring-tirhi WJ|II tbciiofl, sweet A pi J1 sliowfrfe; Her iMeatl/wAs the breath of the woodland, A oil her pup was filled with How erf. If or >jtop wp AfiOligIn the silence J Its tnulodB rt>i«e and fell ^ [ed tlmn^li tbo fragrant (wili^Iit ler \\Q kinc\r HO well, , As she ilan To |he bo TO It* FOT r NlilV I riurKTiMGft. fllK MiRKKT. We fnrnUli every de|ierli»t!oii of (l*w»r cloth At the lowest.possible prices. A ftns line id choir© 'fhll palferns In Hrtmscls ami lux"*'"* )M*t op««ned t<| which vn\ Invilte attention. 1 CAMrBBI.f., K'AnWIT.I, 4 W*» iri^ff . 5 ! Watert A niiHtAnn: B LOTi TATfeU ,*.v FlMI- AND M<)NLV Wn'wouWl nnnonnroiAil,« l»U I «|»!».Mvf (he M»(bt fof thv roiM'ii o( iho . ET,! WAN! tih$ 'riKrrlt'Kt: k-umllr Ibat wehafre •W|it> I W- f si l.a tl be U*<tn ail'OM^. r<>9 TM.tMKH, Prop. V hmt J r,»l. TAl.CWiw. Prop. L llVtl** l«M'ii. oilireme.ir, X. Y. I | \ j $f%0§t'iL$»$ M>«MIMM!II/I /»,|» irim#H^i I ^ tifl»>4 B>M«I 4'«•*!4ota M< Mil 1(4 »ftp. iniHtaiti; h Bfsltkr I t OHfio<t«M<»nt Hlmple Moguls nlti«4h« I k r r « # UI11SA to Aid hroia s l l n »«•» 1 l^i ( r.iici dar. liiil t* for «laily thr ( f M of ii fvi r< *i^ ' t l i a r i * * |<i %nl UK IHll'il,. lt«M|ontlr rr.||tlr«».| I, MloHt' ll'i'iofi mti<l «'*[•»•'• hW t h i t o l , Pfiuon.iaf iol|.dl«'d. U U l \ N ; I» \ V H , I'liopiiiMoi. h A tKlH6H!>Af) ilOPMr". UnffNvdle T.ewl^ \i 1 A iji*. M. R- V«»»»*«|dMiii t.» tlsi doming V * groiitMa. t^MM ia»>l'\ t lifMoo |fjn.-l ' in I - l«ir» 19*W \ }Hn A lil.ftoii. rnvprlBfoM.- v%i Jt f vi BV i » jrr*.:jl •rf'.lJLL—U N llsvitis; pur i Ii i o n of u r o . M herein 411 IIM entire I iv «i r v on Hit ono of thr* Ilne«it Sts tllfM. With IIHMt Of>mplolo turn elite In North orn Mew York, I tiiko ple»«<*iiie la At«Mih»tf the farmer naTiontf Ati'l nil n s w on*'*, that tu^ hii«lncM* will t>w roiidm'tt <l 1 ^^mmmmr- u With ovury po«. Slhlw elnNtrt to Bl*A MlUfiribm «•» every custn msr, Brwstluf m H»wr,il (.IUM.HS^O will IHI M t a M a » l A A l a l k j * i»«44t I Mi ring th* 4*«<^» » eptriAily will l>e ms to of m>tiv*t>lttg p a f t l ^ ^db Hhrir l'«*tf*K«> to thr ss»ttth Wtliwls, Tritnl I sk^ •••• « n v olio r pUr* of reAoft^ rrlo«»4 gt«afA«ilc«H l «» bo liitarnthly the ta)wivB on tf4»aiii i t t ^ e t | »**t ><> ( fi « n*i» list ohttroh, •«?#** n»«U fitim tfeposl-oill«'«». 1 T J. M- VORt'llA%t 1 sii soi 10 IMtKKMAN. Tbl« improvrmcnt <oinprNc IIM<».U, imtr•». UIMI rvrrVlbiiig it«i> of tlin arcounlullt, fttrfhithiih/ \thtfttttl (a - 4 J it ftfold* nil mUtni#s by ^re^lng eorrect 1 ••#«•• Jii'l !i iiiiiiiot.inditm of v\w\ \- iruiMuction h, in 1' um i.f HI rniint f«4inocn tljl ptlnclpAl And t • • * t. '1 »noi x J u . 1 ,,,« ifnilv invlth thr att«»»tl4n of etery im in. .1 ui HI in enn fully nviiiiilhe tills blotter and Inl^ml to i •# f /• 11 ihv-nioc »il wiclf A price AS will lolng It a IthHi l!irlr««li of \\\\ )i i>itrrsl IMC es M note And ruin ordering V IIHUM I* Obhti'll f (loiiVeriicnr.iwn hArd Ihe s«m« tuljletcd with- • ut nth* • hug* , Addfil*s all oikleie to ill 0. NH!5rin.i»«. , Piibll«((er llrrafd, t (^•u\^rinlur N. Y. ilitf«Hirr*tIMC. I'at* Tablet 14 pitt Itplh pack Mile fiuiinMficiiil «!#•*, hh^kiti. An\ ilri hill, noti\ or l e t t e r h«*ad)i of the r mure », M> M M Fanhlonabl0 r —44 'Mil lilt ory. M. ------- |j Would «ay to the luillo< «Sf Oour^mr niiiity that HIH'IIH^ oh hand A |.Ar rneittr and VI- ao and Well cbnt^Ml Stock l>f NHW A Sty rAHUT0tf}*im.K ' *'*•"• 1 f Which she will sell At th4it*4rt ^ite wn.ibl be pleAMcd to hare thi t.kdlea eall *nd"**tnino Mto k and prh^ea ln>f*<|e tAirehAsIng ri .owbere. I a*iy| Mr. IC. c;. [renftment; a -jM«ii(l<' for Hvst^ilA, Idislhess, < oAviilstons rvoiM Mrn<|«4 hs, Slcn'.il heprmstop. I,<MA «i irmor% ni^nnitorrlnra, IniiKKr^jic?| luvolitn- i«i\ 1:1111 «stons. Preinatiire tild Aire, e.iiise*! hr 1 11 %1/rii 1% wiiki/rii. I Wni'i Nt-no and llrsln ' Incus, l>epn hiiKiteli Old A over-etortlon. stilf-ahime. or ovo|- inihilgence, wbffh loads to misery, decay anu dehih. One IMI% will cure ro«^eut eaao«|. Ifach Utfi contAins ono month's f rtmtmenf. <hie ^totlitr k IMH, or *\\ thiten for live dollars; tent by hiaii prepAld on reiaiptof pi ice We guarantee sti ho^es to corn any r/iso. WithnaoA <ir«ler rDeoljred hy us for *i\ ho & e* accompanied with Hrf» dollars, we will send thi e piirehasAr our wHtte les to rrtiint the money |g the treatment d<»es n.»t effect A nire. taiArrtntees Usn#s) <• WKH'IJA <<l.,H..le Proprietor. 1 h[ WillUini l¥hltuey. Hol« AMlborUcd Agent for "* »eby Mr. A HiBlfh, hlUyl WiilLam Whitney, lioto-lriieiir, N. V. R.-IMWI Melllllei. Per sale In MAIO Hmltfc, Ihtulltilo >Vhole«Alo Agfnts. llostoit. J. ...1-1 'gi- ' • ' wr n «ABiriici.ivM NOW mw TiiK urk or 1 giuirao- f<HIN i^agf*. HI. ^80 lit! (Ul 1 *pi:Nti;n f A*I |asj»n A t'oV. Iti>nli N.T. V A Mil ANOKMK And die spllngglidcVl on to Uie Htikn|ncr With the lame of Its fervent darts, And the noi > of the lleeneg heason, W'n* ihetftfiu of our healing'heitiftii llut tho atttitnn came with its shndi>ifs, And tKHtnnras no lon/n liot; , And the frolr, crept int<i otir pnlsc^; And flfiimai*r and spring \vcrc noi And I.ove \kti* nlire tilth the winter Hut her IxBiuty and grA*^ had Hoi; fkfid tbe sinnvs of MHICII 1 left IKT, . With a cvirn^H wurifli at her hcadj \tiart t^fjmqn, in Ihtrpcr'n Matftq:(n* f'*r ! THICKr! OIJI MAIDS. HV lto|P$ IfAUTWIfTK T1T0itI*at. "IMjtiAl i Hnih'tl I'ciij what u m»l.» won It I hrtve Mteppril th't him to forgive \\itr tor believiug in idle Ulc*, and takpiajr ber^hild away. yoked up and said: 'I will jbrfH% ^fi'^ bank t<> you, Herberl.'r ' ^3 M'lknewUI, J felt auwofTt;tlifc rrjoment I bolieldj her fare!" he-iox* nfchiimed, with n g)ht\ Iij(ht shining in hl« eyes "8h« HJllio very pieturMlf ^ t/ ^ r j left my homo nit* tdiea years ago lapj .Fanuary, taking oMrHttla daughteriwith her. Can it bei that>fter all titji»«o years, I have fotjnjd ray rijiild ?" "Only to think-4 B! c nenllfd doWw n l\\$ mossy seat undir the apple tree, for 1 Willie itid conic after all, and Pckrlio Xvho bad NC tloivn tbe road, ran " naid PoaHie, &k y Willie's i-ido on 51'titly kept wat'-h out to meet him, (fONCLPOKP.) jerjy flfot rid of hini'Vori UrJ "and wa<» Ih^nkin^ u!i|l llituo Willie and I by (jur^dvef, whrn up other man, ttte (die who had been irate hi 1880 1880 llllf tillKAT TIIIKMHill AM> iVATKIi KOPTK AND . | NOltltUKftN TRANSIT (TO FOR , who WH* fio looking tha NAT hU at tent pa (MiKVKLANn/' yy ) I r:no f MIL n\ 11'A^/TA; CHIC AiG . And all Vo Wi^TJNJmTlI-WE.sT a The northern Transit Co b an«l Mm olnts I and 80i:Tll-WkRT! rapAJiy, having ikiade ricltml^e Armngements with thl« (trnml I U> . will run the lioAt* of this line in coil tlon wiii die U. T. Ky. fnim Harnia, to sU above Mhts, leaving Harnia dally (Hatdri i"K, or *|>< n arrival of trains fro^i iho Ka-t rim thnhiidh to all the AIHIVO poin{t4 WITlfOITT CIlANtiK Olf BO At- PAHHchgf M from imints on ilic line of t It. It., Ii WT. A O It. It. and O. A' I,, i laLmg tlie iiioining trainH t wlll arrive Ust dcii*hn#g s)t noon and make Obme ennnU with traiinil on U. T. Uy for tiiraia, wln[r«i IMKII will ha found In waiting. Tho llrahd Trunk Kr U new>. In t\rM-t conditio!!, |he track liuvlug hedn \relaijl ^teel rails, And Ihe equipment Hccmid to it( the cottifcrff, [ The iNfaiij Imve alio liern thnrodghly rrJpHired and pnlnjtcd mid no paiun wid be spared \\> ihake A trip vlN t^is route im pleasant and HgretJAble an |HMsliUv Tnno Ei'o|n O^deiMbiirit (o (Tlovel or TJ>l^do 2 tUya ; to M ilwaukeo thik^mid loChirft^o ;tj ( | n y 9 Flfst-ehiiA tl'lcketa Include Ifealn and llcjrlhs on Steamer's f^Pilrllfa or families mbting Wfst hoiiMfiholl rfoodrt, hornes, wa^on, Ac., w ill II to Ibeif aifvantage to coii4ptt the AKCII this llneJAA gtlcr special iiiilincinriitM ttiAt clssi of travel. I.V» ibs.jof llaggiigc Free to ea^bi P/isaengi |.*i^Tl4kct-« miv be bad at all ti)c ngcuciii tbcl;ijiti|l fruiil* Itv in N^ribeiit New n ami f a n Ala. W. W AikwJRfiJfiT. trcrteral PHs^rn^or A>Hi j rit 1 i\. T, Itv, Montreal, P. i). <)nn. It. t N i u M , Kaitern Pai-. Agt , U T. Uv, ogd<<p«hurp, Nl. Y. V W. Illi>r:ur, *;. p. A., N. I to., | I Port Union, M||.<h. foa. lltrk^N, tlenl Malinger, o. T. Itv., Montreal. K i) T,. .f. SA^R^FANT. Tnifflc Mat ager, ti. T. IIv Montreal, P. O Tor full lAforiilaMon a^lilnv^ I, .JT|. Npp Tl-:!!, b4al jig!., Oou%eineiir. V, Y. bl..ij».^ and H.bv og- ion.H the !a^s Kith v in rid trltli llnd tb of for r. 4 Of otk \\rurn HutXii uisr I J TAI{K TIIK Most Ptreci a>\it (JntUrsf 9 'Kolfh j VIA Rome, Wutorttnvn and Ogdc^is burg k. K., New York (Jen raj, and Connecting I Lines. dlag changes, fc at Thus avoldliFg: changes, ferrr transfr*r fit *\ «leiMburgJ ta<t uio-erta|nt\ of connection Pre^eott Junction, and the Indention of h(ig- ifags by < h*t<)iii lloii.te oflleUN Chktatp*. 7*i^N*|fet«cao«^ef fytan by ant/ ntJ^rr eowfe, KlegantlPnbisrngrr Coach leaving («lM»venicur at li.: .roiigli 1+ 'SM Inttached to trlin p. m., ami nun acute Vilrhotut change jnakinK Willi Npecja14 [iT 'W thriMig direct uudlrollahlc connection OAin» KxprWslTralu for all p<lnt* West Trains leavp Uoiiverneur a^ifollows jfiolNU WEST AND EAHT. T>AY rdinfKKM H.U a. in., arriving at Wafifr- |4>wn tO:h»k. fk, (Kuego I :<W | Hyraetise lip |>. m York W;iW)>. Bi., lt»K'he-*ter tin S\r«eusea:*>|t» in., ItiiBAlofH <|> p, nl., Rochester vliiOnwegn Aad fMiarVJtte *Wt>- m., ltu(Taio t*:0(i p. m., Husneh- sion Ilridg4 via Oiwego and t,ew istown 7:40 b. BI.. Nlkgnri rklls7:A4) p. in.. Met roll 7:00 a. in ^noclal (lilongo Kxpress I2:M p. tn. t arriviiig h* At IViiltortdwuJ H:.'W p. in., Nvrnetii-etf:Jt>ni ltoe|ieiterfl:44)i». m., Ituflalo'Pi.-.'Mi a. in., (lev 1 1;UH|H;|U a. )ui J Oetrolt l»:.«l u UL. Toledo 10:15 it. in., C'ilcsgJ> 7bU) p. HI., t'oliititbus ll:M p. uj 1 Inrtlnnalfl .'^ p. m., IndlanarMtUsflnl.'} p. in. New York Kkptcm 1:2.1 p. m.^irrtvlug at W tertoWn A.-JVl II.IIII., <Nwego VM\ p. m. r Home U:.A\ Hyra<jute u :il, tltica 10:10 i>, i n , Albany 1:45 f m.. Mew Y(<rk filfla. m., Iloston H;Jha. m. Wagner^ Dtlace Sleeping Van attnc|fnl att U^-Hester to Special Chicago K^ i iress, and rm) through to Cleveland, Detrol), ;hiOAsTo And t;tr>cinnsil w'" lAD¥i / 1 r.x ivjAJoat inwDY'N i^rit or TIIK LirK Ol CJKN, J AM KM A, (tARPfKMH The Tuwflhiy, tMB «elolar, the Citfien- Htddfer, IhB HiAtesnMB. T Oy MAJOKJ. if. BUMOT, His p*rs<>n»l Irleml, reeentljr his guest il Men- tor, And with every faeil(tv given hlii " v u * n t^Ardfud and his most Intlpsste frl«nd«I for com piling iM most reaxUble an<1 ABthektio life, 'BUjor llunoy'e Life of U#h. l^arileld.r savsthf AiUeVdaer, *'IB thBjlieet on* that Baa vet appeared, aw will utMloubtt*lly be the heel thai will N publiatied.'' Prlcfc, paper, N T < oramerclal AiUfTtlaer, *'IB the) fl>esl one •jy^UOw II* \fifJM&H&i fiioafo ami t tr»cinnsu without chaage. t!Vr rare AlWavs low, and fane Quicker that by soy other rdute. llaggAge checketl IhrottglL nrlfo UMH» ami call at (he office qf K (t. IWVGh\ Agent, befm pro\ curing Iwktts tUrltkere. Mr. l>o«lip I A supplest with through eon no* tb kets to aTl or I net pal in>lnts West—Tlrtt, Hi «v»wl and Tliinl CI ASS- which can ho ohtalo of him ju«t is cheap gs hy anr other route. Bi A. VAKllOBlf B, Oev'l Bupt.. h „ ^ ( \ watertown, N. T II. T. ritAWr, (Jen'l Ticket Agent, L Watertown, N. T. K. O. D<>p«K, Agent, (Jouverneur, N. T*g<l| VVillin earnnlnp jtM tl)en, ami fenft he tiid be*i<ln the th I \ \ook >t)Htt | I f< rig. two so <i)fO!y 4o-ni^Ilt. ,, "It|t, , F ..,., , r ^^- x that ijkro lost Willlk, I «uppo»e f shallU «Fuit before »he ditd, >b^L)v< have Uo take one bf ihera, or bo an | abfl «aid: 'I will jbrffl% ^^ old Tuljid myRelf: jl thih^ I like Mr. HamIl|on from New Orleans the bc*(, he \HH6 tall and handsome." v Thcito was a bu*{y time in tho UttW cottagllfor the njext hour or t ^ . AnxiotU cyefl i>t»eptd into ev ry c o ^ j m y lost wife, who] left my homo aii> f ceirabjp nook aiu^ corner, in search for qitv etfay wpcckj or spot if dirt Whidbl might bav(B escaped (heir observation in tho earlier'part of tho day. Room* already ^eat as wax, were) tlhorotighly cjxamlinecl and /fl- diifitedl] tho ^reat bk-ass candleg-Ftirjc on tho mantlo werelpoliwhed till they looked liko ,go!d, ] antfi everything about tn^ house wait pipt in "appic- pXo ,, oraer, for this yrti* an Important event m the Hvofl of theae three quiet, eldorry Badio*, w h o ^ day« of romance lay HO mr in tho paBfj. In a|IU|io yearn ol" MiM (Jlmrity'a peacefiillUfe, there hfid never been a time wljien sho bad possessed a lover of hertUti), and fhb tender loving heart wjlieh woultl have made HUU- nhino In Inn y homo, ft pent it* wealth | of nlibotmii on her sifters and the little waif which bat! comet to them sixteen yearn bonore. j r . j Mi** i|°po ha<I onre been a beahty and a beWe, nnd traeeh of that girliati tovrlinc* shll liugerc|d in the outlines Of liwr oopiidy faee.. >|fltny a worthy suitor hull nought her hand in those olden dais; but her fyand fihe would not give, Rvl)en ht*rhe)rt could never go, ftntl I lift t heart ha<J ,one.o thiillrd under tli<j light >f h^idsome even. He wa« almoRta fit ranker to her, «fid she hatl njet him but aifew timew, hut alas! one!moment in hin soatety htnl been morji precious to Iter than weeks lidy of othr-^H* Almont a lifi.il yet ^he n<»ver forget the a rwhieh pile | had read Jt ho litis rii'trri'1^4 a few weekft IJITEBtRt NOTICES* h the R0< l ranger, b:tifi wit Recount leaving poor MIHS (parity in a flutter of nervm« anxiety kt the awful res- ponsibility of entertaining a gentler- men alotie. '•Oiily to thikik, Willie Utirncp, no wa<^ iny Own father all the time, and is more than hdlf in love with Mils Hope, already, rind I 8i|p- poso Mias Charity will rellnvo mo of the oth r one. r ijhey sa|d that; I should nut bo bothered by ihem any- more, aim i gucM tAey nioiiit it, Fo you $ce f Willie, th<jrc wil^ be only you left, after all."; Whi l^is quite on girl,1 think," said pink cheek. "Ah, well!'theylve been good mbthriV to me, and 1 suppose I ought to he thankful that I <];ui do Houictliiug for t'leml" miirmurcit IVarlie, feeling as thoiuHi in aouie \v\y sho hud bppii their beiwrfietor, wit: iog how. One morning, a fti TeHrlle wandered down 1 by the gate, tin a (treiidiiii uproar, a* it, wUli oil ofi Ml^s iugh for one]littlo pie, pinching her Lout jtiMf. know- Ater. Amid i iviiirli tho Mis* Kaifl trom the i dreadfully (tiHlrtohif ftrjngrr, and di^tin^iiiHliPtl I just n littKr |)roud lie begged VI nn and luting for the imri^Rion, hat I ot so and wir*\£0 gHnd|au<l courtly, gra^iUd nK^ilqueft; but 1 am ii f»uiip about ^\>Uic ; he lonktd tlaggers and said soinMluKg etuler his bijeath, which I'm Mil-tk wasH^t a polite ron- >y |NII Ihing him* Or- time with Willie 4 U * "|o, or—that Ik) [willi me. Willitj die til wiidi, iU\d I 4<mlil to do. The sjtranger iiiYuiitlueeilh self as Mr. llttnilton, IrortKjtfow leans; 8iid lie talked a 1 on talked niostl) noi. say a <bz Ree h c ' d i d n l r«|ihh Ihe v\nv Ilamiitt>n Leu his handsome* cjyt's nholiit in\ -4--t bUid wli(Hi be HJIW IH1»W iinp.iti -ni mid voiif? Willie vAi4 gottitiif ho %a?<>i11<I likfi ! to see t ho la»!i whdru I htllnjmMl, and a*kcd [per mlf*<|iiiiti to <*H|I (hi^ e\cuiii^ t bec^n*t, he S|4MI ho hi: t lOi^in^ at me <i(ut of r nil •dly. n<r- Mjrll t<» Me Hsl^ed it) you, urn), till I told Neuj- i >rleai ttiat; y<»u wotill he pleased to re* dm) r After ,w,^ Willie h awar, »v line lake! and flsi«l and lie lliou^ H\^ e\ ^niiit/, becAtet, nt'Mitled to n turn t«* ei had bowed bit) lurried me down (< him eive ielf thje K0:u ould take a fail ; ake nch . I it re r nn old oak f ree nihil: \M tx .i( l*i ^et the l*».ii. t We IIHSI- better our imsket- will'lus HIH! eat our b undOr the tnt'l |»i> tIM* other side guess ho IhnuJhlr I WMHii't s u f e < any longer, soJbf heated me nnde lie h i d | u t ' hank, when w take a *e-.t 1 i lie iNrt w rll le Ihjrt-W fll 4)H jmt, nd W»»it* d pa|t(|i);iTy a to ^id! it e!i»iii< t t dk with me. hut Wdlie Hho SU« ll M tl 111 |rt at'«Ho>t!d. I d \V(>n!d tio u in i)j I tin:: toifrther. I cfiilrt see b\ twipi ;tred behind the M Mhou'd come upku*d !••' me but Mr. <:ilrk. i\ h?tt, snvieg U» 4 »( he II th<« rnorrling tlo'tinve H nice T dosv I; wns iri i On t in' Jenr h».^. t it'iuin, fur LA •ul.tn •< is <Jn<u he >it- Ui'i know what { ri «aw ii^ iheie vll Afi Inst, he came, 4ml < bud;. In h) k * tlat )w*(\ v.ot slated 'Igreiitdctd m< 'Tho bosf is nil tie without so nolice Mr. (Uui 4 1 suppose 1 wi ite'.i'iy, IVurlit miurh as tiei^nind kj whournse and s^Sd, I Irave to let von rt 1 . tid i to •l suppose i will ;nave to let you tp», Mi--.** Ani'.ltl ; »»itt» I wotdd llkijg) vorv mu<f!t f<» e|ll|at your pie:ty iijtie ht te •bi o; be cottsge some tijiu|. f " '•Pd^,' f-'aidl I *we w : li all J home f! I- i ven kii.' " |n»eause. you aji-^i T thought, sij it iniisl eome, prrli^pa it w,%s Itv to »»Ve it all ok'dn at oiie*. [ t Wijlio and uskea thim to eoiOo l< budheifiaid he gtiCHHed there wouhj enotigh wtthcuti hptu. andthht le.o^ld diniense with hi* company, and tljoti Tsaid 8bmethiii*|| it) t ns ^piteAil m I could, and—oil, demr me ! wo ha<| a quarrel right t|hftrejand now»r spcjke a word to eacjhji (dlicr all the \vjav homo. I sttppjofjiu ir \ never make pip with Millie,^(ll baVe to accept one] of theflo old inenj. night." ' €, Thii very , To InaUre siitvetss^htluUl havo tbelr printers tifej ARNOlD'fi PATKNT llKAI>t CVT KLECTlpN HTrCK^R BLANKS : ri : i |.L " ' " ' art r 1 , 1 [.,.,4. i 111 Mil V) Co., 1} on BfHra mmmmmmmm k IB your lawn. T t n u anil $9 Addreaa U. IULLBTT * bAlyl h+ are eonvingUo w, 'i, ! > /"/ ••; .«:*! igfcl?" cried Mi Charity^ thro^iiig I up her (lutrJriy little hands in j llisihay, on the vkpt importanco of tjhjp tmith fiaUv dawdod upon h0r. H Wwk >*n ha^'t had no many men in tl|(|honso at one time for) oars. | | '* x h •'Not since weHweJ-e girls (ogeth<|r\ f said Miw FaiM anil her dark ojfdfl hatl a wistful ^prossion f as though eho were looking fat-back Into thtMe years* ^ •" I- ^ / \\ '•Wcti, siheir jt(3cy^are coming, we most sea that cvicjrv ^hlng is in readi- ness to receivtij thpm, M etclaimtd practical Miss Hjo|pe, springing to^iietr feet <4 Thisnaiighty child has got Jus into^ dreadful niesi # and we mist get oot the best wayi we can. DoiW I tho htiftle and confusion unusual event occasioned, took time to steal away bst, up Into ihe little, low oh am her, wliere under the slanting rjoof, Mtootlnn ohlj red chest* (>are- fully she lifted thjf) lid and looked Within. Tliere, jvtlh»wed by time, lay a bridal "veil, a] wedding dress and an orange wreath pf dry, faded blos- soms. Ah* ! |Ju» itory of her lonely life was toil. Thr *hip which was bringing liir Toveij, Paul Marks homo from /oreigfi lan^jwae wrecked, and til itild hor I^Jdal Wre laiil a & w weeks latef, disconsolately l» hotuc being in tdio expressed aith's wedding finery scattered alxjut, and Mis$ II<i A )e't» to follow so soon that tho dainty things jhad Hltandy begun to arrive, and t\u} gmtlral order and precision ot thie little isniso was utter- ly demolished. Whenjner father and Miss Hope had consulted her In re- gsrd lo thtfir funiTlag<< quietly and demurely sent, thiukiug tiiat h very wise fn choosing the,! }>rettiest ot her nevjf rthi leps,feeling ju at !|lic changes HO t-l she had very |given herCon- r father wa5 the best ami mothers, but la little lonely or fly to take 0 rail go wreath ay tyrtjv^if. Their very existence had he^n] aliho^t forgotten by all t Ravel her f< who Lad watered tbjem so 4 q,, v (iifie-** during theac er sortv^ful, fal- witii i The first l<» .riik*e, tint! [evening, /^s the jullerti^n introduced to •earlie by Ars. Howen, wh<»se name lonely yrai liik^ tear-. The first w shb was notfcuresh0 remembered cor really. He [had s|B«ager, expectant !o<|ik on hi-» jac<» wl^n shetn^t him at tloor, and led : the waj' loliii! whew three ven primi Indies., Oil, Fair I reJllyVmmd 1 tu« (In placid In her home. Ap she hto M! thei'e a fro|n her reverie, J| l|n^ uio! dolt r< hti | J her Kin?! 1 her.) "fhnivc eoiile to tell ifoaiiie, n he ; enid, wjith a merry voire arc»n«Jed nd Mr. Clark, 1 »lood hefOio roti a secret, fu-t a little voice, for she hnothcr insult twiuklu In t!ie eyes laughed at her the day ith'K<J>ver , ('•ifcjs; I know,^ HUH tOuey of anger in her socrcitiy;felt as though wercHaliout to bo offerld her dainty ielf. i "I know all abdut it; Faith, Hope aad Charity, thefd three ; but the gironjtcM of thesti is '•(5haijiiy; the ijeartst . nd the K.i(j waiting in thpir hest/lx*--!,? 4i»id he ^lullrn^; M siio will \ f vv for my which had sho ran a race ..lie WA1 i'lKf Wi|li(ln intf U; r {Introduce h;»u as Mif. Sjiark^ m.errfvi'iutbienlvj^fepi'edt pa|t \\<>y int*H tJ e niniu, cxeianirtnj/ my dm line, ti at Irt-t /" udlMisN (T.iiih, wi!!u ^vl^;te f u|s jui d f.iee f ir id a glad, > urji ppeti iiitij t he s|ielt» r o\ i hh* Iovu?«j at nil'*, refill nljd I o \uv at l.iM, a i d raised a h'ip|)|y r ratliwnt f'»ei» ho showered i IneV dl'irud.. as *\ havo I kisses whit ii quite to |*ear wani confldt il to Wyib* H'^iios. out u>r I h e pon ir, n? aft« i- / Th I'lider tLv. npnle tl ee. j | mr A fow worijjs of weileoino i'lfmi the two sisters, tiluew wdrtl^ «d'i ^JIIMII .- titui in l ivg'ir<i fjo t h e l«H;jf ii ars <u sdence, niul K^iih, hanio^ IMI Iter | re'*< ut ** 1 ' i Ion:; lo^t lovers jftrni.' watul r*d oui | llo'ud into (no-mooi lirgaroYn. j if t •? ihj? bed ^MiTjded :yMf't»Ild lilih', rtnd V* jir- luiugh \li-i- Frkhh h^t'l, uivk'^iirh a loviinr mot liMlti kliotlu -ilei-s ' hihlivi ,S.MJ[ wittehe.l idiu g^ im> the graV« I wslklvith a. ll.ish iu U><\v blue eyes, then (uriiin^t' away *VH» Uaid alu.ost sju'idndy : i <4 I tlofi'l care ; ho i.q nothing but an old wi4fir#cr nny how ai;tl'i wool *uU linvr in irriel him if ho hud been ihe la t if)an on enrib. I've done F»/oa good fn frnding husbands for f ho^e datlinjg old u'Ki.lh* -v» f o/jvnlne ; hid I w o:i .vr'l|:;ive \$ d ieV brown ej es f \jv ail t htjt-^ i»f them, if */no i^ iu\ own fat J .ei;{" -±Xattonal. I KOHTH AMI •AOP'XV #KVfK.W. I^jie leading art ici^. in tho North Amcricab Uevlew for Kovember is by the HOrii Williain Hoach Lawrence nnd devoted to an exposition of the; monarchist principle in the United States Constitution. Tho lyitbor f<>rosep8 danger to tho perm- An cue n of otir republican instructions, resulting both from the vastness of tl^odo* povycrs an* from the existing Oietliods of choosing 1'residents, and thinks that a ratlical cJHUige in the Constitution is imperatively deman- ded, in tho same number of the Re- view Bishop W. C. Doano points out tho advantages of free religious firs- eoswlon^cven "the blasphemy of ir- religious > diseu^sioii/' ho thinks, works tho glory of God. Tho lion. Montgomery Blair writes of "TheUe- publlcan Party as it was and is." M. Desire Chsi-nay contributes the third of hi* valuable illustrated papers on u T?ho Huiiis of Central America." TftO ^>f her articles in this number ot the Ityvioyv are "Tho Nicaragua ltout>5 to %fyo Pacific," by Rear-Ad- miral Daniel Ammen ; "The Coming Revision or tho Bible," bj the Rev. DP. Mowant Crosby ; "Recent F^tirop- eai Piiblic^tioiis/' % Prof. T. F. Crane ; and! finally a paper entitled "Tho PolitS^tl Sifuation from a Fi- nancial .Standpoint." | . \j ;. L M i .i J ' X ' j f j 'HA>irKlLS MAtlAZINK f'r'NoWruber concluyling rhe '#*Ixt\ > - first Voliinie-^is, probably, taken a \^ho)e, the most beautiful wi ruber pvor issued^ j It contains another of 111 two illuHtrated pipers hy Wiliiatn Jiatnikon Gibson, entitled *' An Au- tuiil P;tst<)ral," 'J'ho landscape draw- ings by K Mliirphy, illustrating John W. Cyliadwlel'a very interesting article, 44 in Western Maasachiibeits," represent work which, iu artistic quality, is unsurpassed by anything in descriptive articles of this kind. The number opens with p, beautiful papt^r 0ii "Sii|nt Cecilia.'' E. Manson contHi)utea irtother paper on tho Old Dutch ;masters, with portraits and itliistralHoii«j ()iw of thft most pop- ular attjraotiorts of tho number \yill bo (^asfon FiiyM "Saline Types,* fuif of h Jiutge Tourgee ami Ills Wife. Although "A Fool's Errand" was published last Winter it is still selling at the rate $f 2500 copies a week They even read it in tho solid south. A gentleman some time ago, went into a doctor's office in Greensboro, N. C\, so unexpectedly that the med- ical gentleman fried to hide a book he was reading. It was the "Fool's Errand." Rcing rather pushed into tho corner by inquisitive questions, tho doctor confessed that he was Intensely interested in it, and that ho was really reading it for the third time. The strangest part of alf is that the North Carolinians do not fly into a rage over the book, but on the whole ^ro said rather to enjoy it. Tiiey take tho stories of the Ku-Klux iicndishness and other atrocities as a compliment to the], unconquerable \ spirit of the south. Tho " Vcrdcnton" of tho book'ls Greensboro, N« C. "Warrington" is the plantation upon which Judge Tourgeo settled. He went to Stay. JIc was, in no sense of the word, »-carpct-baggcr. lie went, as ho says, "forgetful of tho fact that the social conditions of three hundred years are not to bo overthrown In a moment." His wife, a leflned, ac- complished woman, accompanied hini; like himself full of hope and courage. * This Is how they lived after they got there. When Mrs. Tourgeo went along the streets of (rrcensboro, the women of that town made a circuit aroifnd hor, and gathered back their clothes as if they wero afraid of touch- ing her. All tiiat impotent female spite cofHd do to poison h^r existence was done. Socially, she m o d in an UEHSOFXHOUWHT* Some thongbts arc prayers. The era isolation as tefcriblo as if slie hafl*bccn the old Indian fcpman on her Santa isfe moments when, whatever be toe attitude of tho body, the soul is on* Us knees. , . . |} Any one thing in tho creation ta •mtlicient to demonstrate a providence til an humble and grateful mind.— tijpictelu*. | * - i tiAnnihilatd not the mercies of God b£f tho oblivion of ingratitude.—A> T^oma^ Jlrowne* ~ j, he modern scntirjUnUiism about urc in a mark of dietaso—one more nptom of the gentral liver com- plaint- It is well enough for a mood, t o*?a vacation, but not lor a habit of l^ti.—LiwcIL . _ n |^V mad that is young in years may bpold i|i honors, if he have lost no j tljtoo. ; , . - . . |^That>eraon did me good," said '. oiffe friend to another after hearing * a a eloquent sermon, "wa shall aee}," ~ w»* thB> reply, , • feelings come and go like Hgiit troops following the victory of tho , priSbent; but principles, like troops ' of Uie line, are undUturbed and stand faaKk v 1?ho hal^it of rcsoiviitif without , ae^bg is worse than not revolving at allf Inasmuch as it gradually sunders th#i naturaf connection between thcight and deed. ; Mjany ams^i gets crodlt for g;6od touft^cr whfc never 'knew what It was to :|e provoked ; while he who has retained his expIosiVoqepf by great eilort nine times is leptl^d a flery- ten^ered man because the ^fnamite gotitho better of him on the toath* , r rt- 'hi 1v 1 1 -'4'. - ! i i I'M r r * |yie i^ iu> own Ltwary Monthly. lie, irvhnji a^ in -owe w i\, went to an-w<tl Mr. 11sm ilt th< in b \ P th-« tlithli w'jie M is ^ l!«»pe r heard M r/'11-i bt»ii<-\V*d i.< h> _j •#<*——^» . fi'lndon Daily .Tews»i\M ; Th" following are exfiMcfs fr m % i letter ) jjddte-s;d hy I)<\ Wendell s to H .member of the English Spt'lliijg Iteloi in Association : **Ff I have not Hktm «*i«f'*K wit h t.t^sp:dliug refoi n< niovimeiit, i f is veiw probably I ;w>ts no! taken h^ld of early honor" ind 'favor" y|ei come to I m a v *•*' o)ugh Mh I <lk opiv wr.'i-|^ejil ;'t.v\\ j b^cfmsh I ;W :s IH r ils Mifniuon/i \J j rnou^frr'^p«»!l * \ii t fmin :\(-u i) leafiH, } with I|M» ti, aipl wt^ u«*h(»red ijlto ih»» pj-rs .-nCc of t h ! "c !'. % »MU' , 'J«nd i "felosf-ifu'-'-i- if flmt is t v*o r« ni dnin^sistlpr*, and iiUh)ditei'd J K«IO I jjli«)<iography. At jiny rate i ouldfo-t care to be an fjbslruetive, 1 could M», In the way <^ any well rile. Sim did ii'»f s;«(: fti crept lo f he |o»h- </' >rov.'n hy'i.-; led h«> ^ttl»iwi r/in:irlc fhal hW »'ief y* i** Arnold he- foie, and was Iphasyd •<» renew the acquaintance U^aici. Ai.d then he stated him^ejf b/side her, leaving Mis«4 (Minriiy tit\*]f Pearlie to entertitin Mr. (Mark, wlio/arrivcd ^.ro tin e. "I did nut iHificip^te 'ht* pleasure of mooting yjjdu this '\e»ing, Miss Arnold," ^M, Mr v M-M:II ton. "I Was so at<j(iot|s »•» ir \ »> ^m^fhing definite ii/re^ai v d to the » hihl your- self and '/Mors have so kindly cared for thoAe ma f ii'yeM'H. Can sow tell me \v\)<o h»r |>:|rent|t were?" re pi iCM I Mi^ Hojie, |direetif»n of J^eailieV !i a l<Mk oy love and icr eyes. 4< lt Was,ix- last winter, one cold, stonry rvcidijir, just after theevptvis hatl passetl through, th«|t a tiiniti km»ek arotisetlj u» to tl.tj fact that some one was j at ihe tloor. When we opened it, fi hidy staggered into the had carrying a child In 'hi r arms. She was scarcely able to stand* After we had got heij to bed-sho grew rap- KV worse, ami, although we s4im- uicl^l a physid;la^who ditl all iri his poweWor her, khWlied the next *|ay. My,silers ami myself adoptetl the little <w, who has made a world of sutishine in our home these many years. At firstl wo were fearful that someone would come tr> claim our darling ; but shpi h a s t e n ours so long that 1 sometlmd* thiWc, perhaps, the mother who brought her. hette was her only rolati\(e." . \ ' tell vou her name or she died ?' he asked "[ /criTiitot, ga/j4ig iu tlm bright fjee witj ad'iiiration in een vears asrn "htnildif'ft can; tt) be it or.'tanlfftl^ scholiriy ' atle[upt to KV form ijur Eugloh (ami j American) fanyntje. It is ceitaiiiiy j b.-trbaroiH to irtaUtt otigh take air> matjv forms of prttmtitfd if ion as' it now jdors. But \ on mttst iillow a fair Hlbare of old *t|uar< -jt JC I prejidiee in sonal likings to old y t hcir|pf r- huarc-toet! p^'j.'o.j I Inite to «ee my name KJJC If Hi';nu>;>ci I never prom tinee the 1. I l:ii;iw from old ("amdv'jfa that its d< rivatb>n is from Ihe woitlholm, ami I wjaut the extra h fte;|; an i is as gotnl a«fan in<*h : in«thi^ conpicetion, if I may v<n*ur«' tiehil«r»ted illensmtry. Theie are. many ihiA^s f sjjouid like to have a ^lonp-t ot tt. iiuulired .years from now, amon<{ iho r^sj our Eng- lish sja IJinj/. I law hf lie jlouht (h.»t tiiuiv of tiie t?hai:g(-H youcfiifemplate «Ml have taken place, aild that I shojiid look back upon mynelfin I^Mi as a hopeless bigot to superannuated notions long since extinct. Believe me-, my dear dlr, yejurs very truly, (.). W. IIJOLMKS." "How far is it to Bui!er, straight on?" ; "Well, about tweni^-fivcl ^niles but if you turn the ojther way, tttV about, half a mile." "Did she not the child's befo anxlouslf. "No, she became dellrloas almost as toon aa we got bar to bed; but in f i keep i thousand imordus, stories ' concerning the )ld Salts*' of Lontr Wand. Abbey e<jntributes a full-page iilustnation of Hbrrickj^ potm "Upon Spur." A fide aorjoet, entitled "Tho I^roken Bars," IHaccompanictl by an illustra- tion ih ^li^M Jessie Curtis** bek style and itoj^aird Pyle contributes a very effective - iljtittratfofi Un Mrs 4 Spoff- t>rd # s flijort' sforv, *The DriU-wood Fire." in tili tho artiudtNs above men- tionett tho literary chat in is as promi- ,iiont ap Ihe ?e-»thetic. It is tobe ad- tlod thnt this number contain! a new poem iy Allrifd Tennyson ^a remark* ably inimfifiil poem, "Tho' Level Liiid,'^ by Margaret Veley ; an im* portant ^)a)>eir, entitled "Scientific ('omnitidBchool EducaHoii,"by Chas. Francis Atuiips, Jr,; an Interesting contribution from Tjtus, Munson Coan, Entitled "Securing a Compet- i nee ;"]», humorouH Southern stocy, "I{ev. JSlK Blaud^ Wre tie with tho ( h e vie f, -Wiiiije H o g / ' hy Will Wal- laee Ilar^eyj; iti<l a spirited pot in by Paul IU Ha>U>e, aprtqioB o' the Oii- tennial) Ofdebrjation of fJn; haMlo <d KingV fdj0(}n;t.iin. 'i'l.e i;,ii!oi i|il De- partmehl-H Vh v*"tjM Mi-tainet^ ami the ibawor |s linu«ua!ly gootl. ; Ttii:r>r<*:,^\nliJoi ^IKTAVKU'S MoVnn.Y Scril^iem'sj MouMily, oMiJ^raU-s its f ntn tirthqay uilh a permanent change:of coyejC, u nd with a number (Hr November Avhioh tho conductors h t^e tldue all ih their power to make une ol exceptional beauty, interest, and. vajtje, a$ t? in also the largest nuiAhcr: ^<^f Scribner ever is^ued. St*rihner's. rt^ver has turned from viojet t<| nfarrn^i own, and has a rich iiIet^ t most fain- j,Sower," engraved by Cole, forma the frontispiece, ami among the principal artistic fcattiren of the numbcrj*\rt* a Hlriking portrait, ht filad^ouo, printed in thojjotly of tiio upi^ii/ine. With t!i-nun^>i r is begun rbo fjocohdiuitl c«..jichi<ling pai t ol I'«:igei)e SidiuVIer's ilhihliaftti life of Peteiv tbe ti»e!it, entitled "i^eter thetffi'CHit an Holer and Heformer," aNo a ntw short ^| v rial by a new writer,-vTlgi-rLiijj," by Mrs. Julia Scha>er.! Toe Idr urjjy Interest of thi^ nntnbcr of-Scrjbn6r| whether inten- lioniul; dr jfiotj h ujiwily nftlie ps?r- somil ikjitd— -i^earljr f every article having for Its in hi Hot KOHIO conspic- uou^ iiidividutuliity ;e^en Miss Phelps's KIOIV has: lories iiorA a real person, whose tragic fattr IK [here recorded. Mr. St* doom's; HIKH of Walt Whit- man, in ttlfj N)hns b\i the American pt>efs, h-in<lb*$ a mt^Uctl and ditlicult sublet witji frl-iiWii^s, orieinality," a/tA freshfiei*. f Mr.i3|a<btPe essay on Artemu.-> Vv^artt 'IrrJiAs a hacknayed i-i.bj et n'MJe tWe llfdrary hpirit. An illestr.sfrd p'<i\^v enl "Hontfiifown and the ife"uiap|rte^' r alii open anew and i-^iriouf elnpffjr of Americau society to iujo-t:r»at|eiy. The article on ^Tablaai^s'Nw-iiili uk?lure* by Miss Oakey, ^9«^ irtoro jthproughly' than u«ual into ljie arti^tllcrapabilities of such cntertajnutont*! [The poenis of the numberlarei by plj " Mrs' Plaft^ ii. A», a U editorial d(!barttiu i)t» hassomethlrlg to fa\| a and history |of HtriMnek*. which will bo read with interest b}j the numerous readers of this vi^v pbpilar magarine. Barbara Island, t^ptherij ladies of- ten come north* nowvlay^ f to visit her Iu Cincinnati, amt iclsowhcro. Tney are made as welcome f^nd made tlie recipients of as many graceful, Hocisi attentions as If i hero never had i>een.a war betwcii tho North and South and as if,indecd, tho Morth hatl never beaten tne South in afair f'ght. Bat Mra TciOrgee, a lady as refined, as delicately bred as any woman in tho land, went among southern people, and only because *bc was from the north was put upon a level with "niggers." Perhaps however, this is a proper manifesta- tion of the "unconquerable spirit Carolinians glory in. The domestic happiness tho "fool" and his wife enjoyed may be inferred from the fact that whenever Judge Tourgeo started out to.uttend court Mrs Tourgeo never dar<Hl feel any confidence that ho would come back alive. He was a northern man, and a republican who dare<l to say so in what is supposed to bo a free country. F-orthi8 reason ho "was universally hated. Attempts wcre^ made to kill him. A plot to assassinate him Vas^Up 0 ^ 1 ^!*ves is attracting the atten formed, much in the same manner as | ftuq^SscJentists in Europe and Asia. violet tti warm4)iowi: dccl)rat(ve (flbjt.^M ou> picture, "'the,So IE iiovesen, others. In tho Dr. Holland J>ouf the origin described in the story. Ho escaped it by following the road his horse ehosc. A man who knew him well at Ctcensboro, and who lived there when he did, says l.c received stacks of anonymous letters from the "regu- lator^" threatening his. life* They were profusely decoratcdjwith Collins, skVdls and und cross bine n . Black men, und white ones too, used fre- quently to creep secretly to his house, wiMi their backs all blocdiug from ihe Ivtuklux bull-whip, fhoy had bcc-ii dragged from their btds in the dead of night,aud thus cruelly lathed. Cincinnati Commercial. j +++ ,— . (Wl Harmonize. Tho commitfeo on peaco and har- mony reported that they had been actively engaged in an effort to bring about harmoijy and irood feeling be- tween the men who pack six quarts of peaches iiito a four.-tjuart basket and sell themlfor a jfeck, and tho gen- eral public wlo buy, but thus far all their Work has gone for naught. They had wnjstlcd with grocers who dump a peck luf half decayed pears into a btishrl^jifskct and cover them over with sound fruit, but they could not ^ay tl*4t their iufluencc had been felt. They hatl worked hard, accom- plished nothing, and were clear dis- «XJ u raged.. "in divch&rgiu'de committee from furtlcr co^!*idcra*hun of do report*" replied bfother (iardner, •'! would say dat I hadn't dc faintest hope dat dcy would succeed in makln'achange* Jist so long as wo lib in dis world wc will ob*arvc tlat dc man who has an old cow to sell will be lookin' fur some way to take do wrinkles off her horns and deceive dc buyer. When a church deacon in good htandiu' am privileged to file oil dc teef of a bo>s 19 y'ars ole an' sot his aigc baek to 7, too much nitib'not bo 'spectcd from do common run o' folks, who wouldn't hcv to plug up worm-holes \n apples if natiija^ hadn't cheated us by put tin' 'cm darfustiy."—Lime Kiln Clvh, U C T S OF SCIESCK A>» ABT» iers has a river of ink; formed by ||ho union of two branches* one coniftjg from a region of ferruginous soil and the other from a peat swamp. Tho iron of one and tho gallic acid of the 4 h e r unitCjto form a true Ink.; Sajlic ladies in Philadelphia have fornt|d an assodlation for theencorir* agcrwnt of silk culture, and have opihrid a school for instruction in the. busijifap* il is believed that the raising df silk worms and the oare of cocoojhs mljifit form a resource for the W^vcs anli daughters of farmora, many|c>f woom are at too great a distance from mar bat to raise poul* try alii cggsjprofltably. . y \ Ed^cm tal|s enthusiashcally bf th* time ^hon electrical cnginta will bf cmpMed <Ax the Pennsylvanha liail* road, Ind f says he can readily obtain a ppcejl of Jifty to 6ixty miles an hour, with J#66 danger of accident than oi- curs by steam; for the rails transmit* the en|rgy that moves tho train, and tho iujfetant the engine leaves tho track ifiis enorgy ceases to be in com- munication with iL | . | A liquid fuel for etcatosilps aad n *i :fS »* > U-' Ono of tho mod giiaradteiistic of ho many anecdote* of (JMrcnbacb, hich are recalled hy his jleath was as toltl apropos to nis Interview itb the Emperor William at Ems. tie Emperor said : "We, So, have a igbt to bo probd of you, Ifprr OfTen- •ach, for you were borti, I am in- armed at Bonn." "No, ydur majes- ty," was Offenbach's' answer, "the O'her man was born at Bonn* I am a native of Cologne." Tbelthermon wrs Beethoven. , I > 1 " 1 !•• ; /.•'.4 •. f Rrafsiit !EVM| «he;behufiful Ponra huaidenj . w]itle|y Ikiiown as an instance of t|ie powler tif education and kindnesij iirdcvtjloffng fine traits of womanhdotl in thq Indian, has written a !alio. ! uf Indian child life (hor flr*t sto^y) for t^e St. Nicholas mag izine. lit is *ahl : 'to be true to life and full of NautifuL feqling. Bright Eyes, with (tier Tbmthlr and three sisters who h^ive lj»cen eJucatctl, at the Onaha Agency, ar(i thi only mem- bers of her jlargu family who can speak English, ijler fetlicr has been, or U; tho hekd cbiel of] the Poncas, and is said t)o bo a mian of noble character m- '' ' f m*% •i« i y % i i r i- : | :l l'i *.; 1 i'JM ' ! •• f j 4- % 1 -a/fflj How ft Yonnar IVeaelier was Fnennr- aged. A yoUrTg minister and hin wife vi^i- itetl the congregation where Ids father was previously the pastor, lie preached onf tho Sabbath, andljaftcr service ono of the venerable ciders, speaking with the young minister's, wife, paid.: j '•Your?husband preached from the same text that his father had the last time he was in the pulpit." "Indeed!'" replied tho laidy; "I hope U was not the same sermon, too. 9f "Oh, no,'* said the good elder; "his father was a dreadful smart It haa i>een tried with complete suc- cess pi the fastest Russian mail boat on tho Caspian sea,and is to be adop- ted ou thejocomotiveaof various Asi- atic (linea. Tho fluid itelrbply the rcfu?j) W i>etroleum oil, which is car- ried idriau iron tank and blown into spray Inside the furnace by a' jet of' steam, '#here it burns with a roaring ^ sheet Of liame. •, Such a means of combustion requires no stoking, and the liable can be mrnipulated like a jet of ^is, and the steam pressure is' easily jpegulsted and kept constant. Moreover, there are no ashes, and the smolto is free from sulphur. *.•* —^ 5ALS. s ^ PEKk»> i^ach the I o n OObnBach the lomposer is <lead. ^ Ceorjte Washington's bUtao was cxacUy|»ix feet two inches. - , Simmons, the sculptor, has just comple^Kl at his studio in Itomt, a marble llatue af Senator Blaine, * Thecttpressof Germany is a vertr. charitabio lady. Sho supported '* sahool and hospital in Berlin out Of ' her private puree. Caribaldi, now In his 74th yoar, is still makin> trouble in Italian poli- tic*, lie is a very irrepressible pa- triot. £v # r r Merrill King, air Ithica lawyer. Is said to 1!|YC \thc largest private law library, ^IthNono exception, in the United fetatcs. Ife has nearly 4,000 volumrs-i \ • : The P^ncc of Wales and Duke of Connaug&t havo country homes of thoir owti, but their brother, the . Imkc of ISdinburg, has to hire Eas ; t-f well Park from the bankrupt Earl of WlnchcJljaHt. x The BUNs ruouument trustees* pf Ayr, Scotland, hav^completed th pur<:haue> of tlie cottage in which Robert Itunifc was born. Tho build- ing has hitherto been used as a public house. Ijt Is to be converted into a iuaseuui*in wha:h relics of the poet- wid be gathoretf together. The price of the htittse ant}'ground wse $20,000. h -if. l'.' c '\^ fe k ^4^ man. •^••*- A lover who ha<i gone West to make a home for his "birdie,'' wrote to her: "Pvo ;got the finest quarter- section qf land (one hundred and fifty acred) 1 evor put my foot down on." Birdie wrote back: "Suppose you buyfanother quarter section, John, so wo dan havo a lawn round your foot." John "made a home," but Birdie never was mistress of it. One evening last week flic Madison Square Theatre, New York, ceiubra-r l^id thol ; 'l&ih consecutive performance of "Haze) Kirkc," This is tho lon- gest dramatic run on record in this country, 't- * - t -**- ---?•** —— . * A Wasliingtan paper gives the fol-' lowing account of a strange adventure that befell poor puss: A cat ascended the Washington Monumer** a few nights ago, and be- coming frightened in the liornlng when the workmen returned |o their labors, sprang from the top!to the ground, a distance of 1C0 ieei» Sho spread bcjkclf out like a flying squir- rel and flruqk the ground on aU fdurs. After looking around she started to leave, when a dog wfct for her. and i*0t being in good running condition, she was easily captured and killetU The cat will be stuffed' antl placed in tbe Smithsonian insti- tution, with a card which will bear this legend: "This eat Jumpied, o* Sept. 23djj 18^0, from WashlntTtOO | Monument and lived." , ^^ ^ T : "t. e V) .•!.; i t il *»* I ••-.-:/:. u A :-^ ••;.}.- km^&d'

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Page 1: TATfeU - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031341/1880-10-28/ed-1/seq-1.… · >t;j T j f*. i !•):• Vii J1 X i r\ r/)X/tJMI •< •;* V ^ | XJ ^'-»-

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D OOtTVKUNFltlt Tl^llCS.

I torry jyS")fc»k Vfm*ng\ at

ti(ivvv!miKunt N*. Y.

2 w »• O^ll l i^M T»Ht ralillijkrr ami Jfrop. J ; — f - I- -

r BsmuMt.Oi *-!»»rt(i<t < . . . < | I . 0 » tl ItMIAfMl ..f ihn y i m r . - . . . i I.A" Ita in *<l<litl<m h> the *t|nv* r»t«sf B> I * T •111 H« ohsr*f<l nil |M*»» I<*» J^YlnJr »ki nhsr*^! nil

1*1 rs ontsM* of M. I.*wiwit4'« Omnly

l U f N l » . t f > 1TR, m»nuf<|Ot nr* r ftf l lnoi* « n l J < * A u c t i o n e e r .

A tH.TloMKKIL-II . U (OMKMM. Jr., *n / I An^tloiir«r of oon«l<larftt>l« ruimto In th« Wo«l» l»rlnf |Hiniiitiifntlir l^ntwl in (Jourf»r irur, will «(i^n«| to All «*lr#i fintriMlcNl to hi 1«M». HTOOIC «Af.»»l A Al'KOtAf.TV.

(JouvoMiniir. M. V,. .Inn. Ot|tt IHWK j g i l i f

Job P H n i l n g . • • M l . '••>•* ' • • i ^ . • • II • , < i U

fintriMlcNl to hin

l a .


T O H!HIM U l l l f BR j

ifrtfc fcf M*AUA «A#4r #M4#<?r<j>«»ri#j »»t#

M* *? lei " /#n</ui< iuiA, l*m>.**

MM i*$+*f%*9" tfrmi must remit in litn* U> k**%* mvn+H r«#kiA u* *#/<»• th* tims |Mi4f /w

r#|# 4^{$ / #^ |»#f i/Mtr MMO< lAfv <<<» |H«y in itti

|A4 IffpM |M««I fv**h* mutt |Miy # |./>4 /or fA# yMft'i «««fl<M «Nl<lllforif^ / imr (Vrt/i/c/r t t # t y l>tin<f>|<wlrtjni|>niniji« WMI*'* <n wl iu'kv, u/AirA

| i . # d | > # r y#a*. iV» (i4/#ri< Ari« IIM W> il»»<rtf«»/rom owr «Mfv#rltf«^ff rule*, <*rut

4»AI«A o)f» 4riif<M <4«( «. V 4*44ir^«« " <^ 64 >na^# promptly

tJUbt/uMft***. r0iju04t9 H I Hi Tgh'9 IA# JM.»( k/>t9# M l i ( ^ 'M * ^ «* '^^ <'»<* ^ ° N-A^'A awA

r j O O K * , l*»ni|>h1ou», < i i U l 4 I > l l i lU . AN<l*tlkin<l«or j (

\—411 L

()li Prinllnv at the W. T.

1 •4#M#W^*K?

D I ^ H I a n d C l o a k M a k i n g . t\if?** An6 ri OAK kAHiNur

T h * nt<<!f>r«i*n*<I IIAVA m o v M tbrlr O r f M ifo'l n<m% niMAhiff «koi» lot lm ro*tbi* Over I./»VA< | A <'o\ <lr»i|f * tom, Ulolv <>COH|U{M| hy |||<iA fVlhlh ll#Aiil«ln|«. H^vlitK lArR«tly inrrrH«f«l our PA H i i t l t A M r <!oln|: w. rk w« ^-^•wl /AHy Aolfcilt Ihf |»|%lrohAK«t ofAll H ho I I N I T ^ irnrk in oqr linn. Wf» MIIAII mMko 4 Mi*rlAltv.»f bill thn [)Al««t «n«( lo«4|itif «lrl<M. *4ml our rfiArirfA W I U I K I A4 loif M th4l»»l>ilii«NH» frill AJTonK ,

<J<»ilVcriifMir, fittnt. a, IMMa I IE. A. 1*ATT»|

h 1ftml t A t t o b A. VbmiATEi


-"pi'i** '*? ^ ^ p t '

j 1 Agcult for the ftAle ol

T I C K E T S ! 1 All j>*riA -of thf countrj, by) rAilix>Aa *\u

h. r U»NI

& ' * ' •

v., »

»r , / ,

W J 1

|# clf#<r««l, 4H 9rxt*W to r*o*Mv titUntbm • - * * • _ _

j f l « rilloivlM r*t«« «»in ^ •iii«»iy AiHt r««l U» bollJwIUl lor«lf n A< w«ll AA l^i»l mlvrrtU«r«. t tJ l l»gklr#nU4Ja« Into AcM*>nttl, iliw I I A M A I I . »n4 T l 4 # < ( 0 * » M I M * H M 1 ) I< UiA^boAprAliMlvor

1 ^ I ^ f ^ l f w l H " ""' H ' "

^ j i n f 1««»•! •» •"•i »» »j '"'i *'• i v

f *«d| i i»| i i «»(••> ui'» *» (iA «N'| *" I ^n

( U | ( <H A* IR»{ ..i Ol j U\ I lA l«»| tM» I ftA» MiA jujiA «^v> M'| no 1 j<> tm|tui 1 1*1

u l - . » * * / ' • " - • - — - — • * — *

> Cu+19 'ft' tMi-«Mf irfr«, • l.tw v*r ytmi. hiiiiil UIMI, il.O« |mr >rrtf, »i ;,>»Mlni'


fc t fAl l i u | . fMipiAl VMti«MAilr*rit»*ni*nttt, (i>f»Aro#«|ft« ' I f * . T rA |« |«U| | « i ^ • ru««in»o 1.( iiAV<ir4" In %t\ f<nw4,


Boot fljnd Shoe Shbp,^^ p f* .r t0f t ON I t ' l l , rriiotioAl [llooi «m1 I \ # Niton Mulicr, P|IOJ» lt( Lhmfn lll<M kt

fuiium M».t <J«|uv^rijnyr, M. T. \ Tweniy-nw v«»Ar«' 0«|»#M|incv im lliojlx»nrh kiv«t me ootin«lnnoA to gtUrtuitOA I M l» M Ami f\i*t <lur-AblA work to I** IMMI AnJrwhi«W.|n thA tviimfrf. My |»rlrv0« «r« unlfomt(T fr6m 10 to 90 ber b«low olhnr workmen ffcr Ilia i«ni« nlM* of work hut of Inferior <jtiAl(ty to ln(n» rin© llooU, Ami On* hull**' Ami IM>I # Mio i ^ •pf»clAlty. lie-(•Airing <huio OB xlmrt mttloiw with mv Mr. A. MAjr, on«i or the *OAI nklllful w<»rkm<m In th#«i# r>AriA.


I ha«««AA4^lAteU tfie MoAt Aklllfi

R.[f«.Ol>^oiirnir. IHl.-UU"

» i « hmrry for HiAir oorri*Mt|o|H|«ln<^ nhouhl I A D i m who it#¥f«r A nlnd quAlity of N IA-

4 tiotirry for iliAir o4»rri»«tj lni|ulr«t for CrAtte'A I.AI!N»«' MO|H I'Aiwm Ami ».nf«loi)«A to nuiu-h. ThfAff Iffootbt a m pr«-• r u l r l in Hii|H«rih|(t Aii<i;h%lrANii|»«rtlniihniiHUt tho Irtilor iMilng liiMtirjm4«Mvl In I 'urUv, Ton« AIKI Hi>Atllifiil *of( lln|«h hy r r r f i tlm An** ! for-fiK«» i»r'Mlu«i|nii. |oj-«nlohv J\M. l ( « rno i . i iA 9

JM., Ilm»k4*t||<ir Afl't .fAWnl<*r, 4J|»riVArfi«tir.


W a t e r l o w n Ads.

1<>04'iiU f l r f M l f«<Mr

lnff»rif»l 4t tlm r»tAi nrA

eff*?y th»«* of tf»»c«(»«fcuuiA<l, Irtlow. Htory w c t l l i l i . r r

Alt #*lff rMAeH*»«»M not nriinrtHl nnt ipntileriHl r)vntiMiii»«l.

ill hit


>'K»S DIKKCTOKV. k l^wyerwt

H7A»<ti«'. AUtiofr, ¥ * I I A W T R H ,


A. CmUrii 0 («» • H'Mik Ituii tiny, Hi t i ( F l lo . i^ i r i i r iM, V Y.

_-*•. .Li* . L . ^ i s . . ; i i. .-,.

w A r i IITO^i 4 A I I H 1 MTOItK,

t I

«HtmlH»At' nl«of>r>An m nnbrrA flb<l KxcurAkin flU-ketn. FMjl InforniAtlon irlrcii. aiApA tn<l

n|A i*\Av* rumi«hr<l, bagK'KO chcckwl And ft{«f ping Urlh« Ae^urad.

j lYuvchrs* fusuttaiico Ttckett* l fMcAKTn on foreign country nokl At the I*tw-

elt rntos UiiU-o in A. (ioittnl A <''0-,« lUok. <4»ttvorii«liir. opitn from $ A. m. t«l 4 p. flu bStt

/ r j H A ^ I I TRtrffK ttAII^AV

JI OF CANADA Quit one Change 6f C a n IlklrWEg* t»UI>ENSUUitU ANnciIICAUO.

7(4 Jfiit* Shorter to Detroit th*n t>y *ny other Rout*.


T KXPIIKM8 At 1:45 p. iri., irrWlrtg at HOIT next morningAt$:ifl A. m i kn<l Cui -

OAjut> AAm#«T«nlog %l7:40i p. m.t bonnectlog IM All trglnA for the We*H IIMIIT |CJLl*liEMHai i:IH A tei, ArrlylfigAt

DiJ i to iT •Am© evening «t tf:W k n . t ami ( iiiiCAdO ttext morning At HutO g. nfc.tx>nD#ctinf wlOi All UTAint for the W>At, |

AtOCKU t K A 3 N at7A> p. lrl.v for WayttAtloQA lietbven rnBMOt>TTaiMl Hitt>v^vitil*.«rrf?lng At tUtHJMiVlLLBHjQOp. m. - f'

J , i UOlNti KA8T, IIAT HkrRKHH at S:lo a. m.t ahl?in|r i t

MifijrRHA t. at 7 0 a. m.. ootinetitlng With trglnn fori BonNiH. N « w YOK«; and {lib Wi l tT* MobMTAIliH. ' f

Ntt<]»Ht kXPUKftflat 4:00 p. ro., firlvlrtg At M o H t H a i i Al v*00 p. M<t eonnedilAg with iratti^forfjrtrango and ro«TLANf>.| ^leeplnj oir* dirookh roATLA»r

IflllKlTI twr^ri PHI Moi<TK»Ali0)JI0p. m.

Ti*{nAl«iA|v * AiidjIUAo, i i

T i n * . <lgd«**"»urg to DofhMI, W Hoim Tlbiis. t •• IJhicMgo, AUiofrn.

TUB) HKflHtgHT QUICK »HT AMU ( [ i K A P g g T HOI TB T<>

IB Wl ,.. Sleeping

from IIONYMBAI. to Qukasc Ami

RAIN at 10 45 A, m,, f ^ k a U cm •be-in firing At

A L I C E I C A B Y ' f l M W I T T I E S T POEJTI

Of All t i e beautiful fdoturt* ThAt lang on Memory's wnll^

l# one ol a dim old foreat, | That A*emeth beM of All; I

Not for ItA gnarled onka olden, Dark |r|»li t4ie mintIrloo;

Not for Ihe violeta golden , ThAt J innkle the Tale below; j

Not for ttie mllk-whlle liliea Thai lian from the fragrant Hc<1krcr

Coqiiettng All day with U10 BiiMne ima, And ftnaling their golden edgo i .

Not for n e rincaon the nplandj ! Where] the bright red berrle^rfjut;

Not the ginka, nor the pale s w i e j eowsHps, Ii Hcerleth to mo the Insst.

i once lujll a little brother, With o|e» that were dark nn«Id^fp—

In the lag of that oldon fore»t He l letl lh peace aaleep;

Light a* t i e down on thq thistle,] Free A.4the winds that blowf

We roveil there heantifii| i u m M r | , The Aiittmers 0/ loag njpro;

Hut his fan on the hills jjrew weAi(y, And o n | of ih* Autumn e\ on

I mAdefoIr my' little brother A bed ol the yellow len»o«# ''

Swrelly his pAte nrftiH folded / . My nec l in A meek emUracet

A>« (IK; ^KPt of immortal 0,111 ty | Silently |;oi ored hU fac#; j

And whenjtbe an< w* of sunset fjndge4 lh the tt. vj-tops bright.

He fell, ltiliii saint-like beAuly, Asleep lijf the gi\t<b of light.

Thereforefof all tiirkdeturea j ThathAiMon M.MuLry'g waH, !

The one OMthe <l>'n .»U| forest Heometh|;b^t. *t of all.

wortjjnny mDrc,|p(Jt; wc (will *ce U|or raving, I cnkight tU^narlio of! that tjjioy won?t trjoublc yoti njny nftotl j I^erbort. Unco Bjye seemed fcg^in|r

rly, nnow{ it." j I , , ,"8Aid iPcAHie, Robej c lost ^Villlk, I ftuppc

iurrr and MotfrTHBAX4, — ^ M i i j | 0 p . m. . n« I Mjve for Portland, Mo., at 4

DiitoitjiChi icago, Milwaukee


WBATt.%lt?TII-W N O R T J I - W B A T .

.10 p. m„


Wo bavoot


I Sw' A M T .Vrf kNBy*Ai*n rnrKBBT.ow .IT T AW,

a m u i 1 fi1 ii . * v '" * B a n k e r * .

' ^ . . ._ I |«\>IK f T (JfM!VKIC<ir,Uh < has Anihoiiv. I I FA»4i'l|n|; Win. J Av«'t<tl.Vh<« I'M ii lrnt, II ^>|.hU. I*AhNir ***AJtr

j v - , a"rT)l"' l ^ t ' i I !ir ' j g . ' , . l l " .'. -

* i, | » If. I ' f t 'WV, M. f». P h y . b n n and MR li« * I ^« Mn'** I Ofjloe At ie»J<h"»»ee,ioM»«t «<f IVrk

IMWAIII tHTMtA, t^oiivertimir. N. Y. «IJH ^APlWfJUH If. IV, lMm<nO|^itl.yi Phr

•ItAAm Aid H«^<HMI Oltten h4ur# fyoni I B , l | i o l | i , in. uf!b# with l»r '. M.

itUt in N o i r u blook, tioiitrenieur, hl^tf

I f O p l W . M. «>L Phv«i^iAh »ii«l Hiirgwiti.

n f UWIIAIAAI it tho (%ilht|t« of P h y « i 4|rsSMnA dl OntarbK l y ~ i U r n o m 1

[A4W Almost<II og morn. I'I IvM" , K , U« , #


Ukt«M.lllo« h Of. I**tt||tel#4t i«i4fl«Mio«\ l«t biHtO| b||4)k #f

l lA l in i f i i ik . \)%\W« hour*, I to A 11. in. TVi i fpJi i i . * v * r

^ H i W | l l , A O * } Miynlelan n.nd Ht^jeon. M|o«t|Al rt«hlttsit'e, l ip •tMh'4> lit BJvmi

|«r*#ur, H. Y. * W i|erii#ur, M.

. Def^tal HnrgtMma. ^ T i i 4 - ^—

If. MAtAllBN. IN»biUt,of floii««?rnmir.miiy Hid Al h|4 o(V^0, ovfir Hiiimor A Ai,|h« flftt («% o wiH'ki hi ourh niontli.

hllilf f I V o n

\ A !>• '«•«» /aj-^Hia'AAhiAi Al(|o^|«rs | |o iA»tlr A|(^iid«nl t'». i f Si 4 WAkWfck f> »>• «.. »TA*lnuln of IVo . i I | L • f l f r t l t f l iltAlAg* Mf I»#HI*I HUIKOM, 1 «l«m pleXiure In In«i»wii«'lo«iio IIM |M«IHMII.« IM«<I \>l*>-r»lfl#f ti«»nrftriifi(ir iMci violnilv tlntl hn iut« ro BfB««l to eo l t l i t i t* t l o Ariit (but <»( lit- i>i"fi <••*( -o

At fttTMler oAfiltt MVerlAnihony & < o. « |Unk. lh* 1« iiMt|iV«Mtl» ^o AirVuik perlitliihig to |Mn.ti-l r /a<B*«g , J »•• !h« 4M1IU140 «««a«i«»ii of IMI'H utiii 'TfirAI.L. **>M WABiNAwrao. *r>it

I i M M I . MPBH^IlfH. IN.. f»KNT|HT. •I <tfr«<h»Ai4oMH* l'hdk(lol|Hil*I»t tititl < .'lirgo

r r k i ^ 1 AI. trAtu<•>{ 1 ^r4i( U. li.»»|u]tni»ir»<«M« m Klllmer A %lr»rrU iie^rlhUlok, «|hAN Ii* <« |4t»pun'd »«» «i.. ,»n *»ik

>IB i «a«iuf Niroli# •B«lil«- 11. Highing u»«i.

l it rtlltMl W III ti'»b|. M U o i , r luthn.ru a n l m l « d VtWlU <'«m*M f n o t h oloaiif ' I IIIMI |«*d WltBlMlf lAjM^f to tbv niMiitot, kA*tlrt. |Al TBtfth lilMMled 011 |t..»bl. Mllf.M".

lLAi Bln|T»tt^ And <«'ttul»l l A l l . W«n H V A M r ^ . ^ 1 ^»"»

l ing l*f 11

•J !\4» HAiitUtry, t t

1«M| nb4i MitAly ^UIMMII j.«ln h)

IH'v 4 Ir l l l^M P«W'llK- r-t-d*!!*.. M T . m ^ h P X IXH fwt««»l»rl tl'PMUglMlol. HI.IMII. |MH|, h«t •(«'!% I ovi«Bfl 4n«l AUMI f»-l ^lr«t rl.iHi o Ivetv •«* M h * < I I li t ' . . p n . d ^ .




ti|r oJr« on liny CxprntNl TrAttin j j I Ko«t And We«t.

Pulihij»n\ Ilriiwlnr «<M>III (Urn , ON PAY THAINX 1

^uMmanN ralAtlnl Meepfttkrars



lllirough from H O N T K B A I . And PLB*€4>TT rfoN to OBTiioiTttiid CIIK'AUOTwithout °1 '»rjrngn Choked Through from Okjr»K*H-

ni»K4 fi[nd in* Hiibjeot to CII^LOIII lbais4 exaini-AUth»Jl. ]

ANtfArilnd see that your Tickets rbgd VIA UKAtrMTKtT^K R A I L W A Y , tho shorl Hue to the W«4t. J

tjfiih T U'y ferry SteAmerTKANSlT leaves Ogde|iAkiirg for Pr*«(oottt At 1 :«M p. ml |n<H>n) And im a. in, (midnight), connecting with !>AV »»»d Might KxiiresA Trains f«»r tho Wekt. Afl

n4oii K W. A o . K. H. (^mnei t with Hteamer A|rslTatOgdnnshiirg. , H[fiirth«ir partteiilnrs npply at the«imceof

theifMiid Trunk Itallwav. eoener of l>N.rd mid Mia to r'n^tH limbers Work, Ogdeunhurk. N. V. UKO.flt.O^WKIX.fcaHlern Pas^engeg ABent,

-,v.L'.i \ _ L Ogdcifhlmrg. .IOSi:if|| HlKKSON, Genenii Manage**

W. w k l k W ! t K J I t X < ^ n e r a l PAHseng^rKlten^ i I N. AlontieaL P. O.

f.. I r i R P r N l ! | ; R . AlientUouyerneurl N. V. At t.I'lA^m A- t'oV. I l i » n k . \ li/ttf

- 4 • • • •- — » - ~ * +

I A B O I V D T I I R truii I,ovr eaiii«f'to me In tho spring-tirhi

WJ|II tbciiofl, sweet A pi J1 sliowfrfe; Her iMeatl/wAs the breath of the woodland,

A oil her pup was filled with How erf.

If or >jtop w p A fiOlig In the silence J Its tnulodB rt>i«e and fell ^

[ed tlmn^li tbo fragrant (wili^Iit ler \\Q kinc\r HO well, ,

As she ilan To |he bo

T O It* FOTrNlilV I


f l lK M i R K K T .

We fnrnUli every de|ierli»t!oii of (l*w»r cloth At the lowest.possible prices.

A ftns line id choir© 'fhll palferns In Hrtmscls ami lux"*'"* )M*t op««ned t<| which

vn\ Invilte attention.

1 CAMrBBI.f., K'AnWIT.I, 4 W*»

iri^ff . 5 ! Watert

A n i i H t A n n :


, * . v


Wn'wouWl nnnonnroiAil,« l»U I «|»!».Mvf (he M»(bt fof thv roiM'ii o( iho

. ET,! WAN!

tih$ 'riKrrlt'Kt:

k-umllr Ibat wehafre • W | i t >

I W-f si l.a

tl be

U*<tn ail'OM . r<>9 TM.tMKH, Prop. V hmt J r,»l. TAl.CWiw. Prop.

L l l V t l * * l « M ' i i . o i l i r e m e . i r , X. Y. I | \ j $f%0§t'iL$»$ M > « M I M M ! I I / I /»,|» irim#H^i I ^ t i f l » > 4 B>M«I 4'«•*!4ota M< Mil 1(4 »ftp. iniHtaiti; h B fs l tk r I t OHfio<t«M<»nt Hlmple Moguls nlti«4h« I k r r«# UI11SA to A id hroia s l l n »«•» 1 l^i (

r.iici dar. liiil t* for «laily

thr (fM of

i i f v i r<*i^ ' t l i a r i * * |<i %nl

UK I H l l ' i l , . lt«M|ontlr rr.||tlr«».| I, MloHt' l l ' i ' iof i mti<l «'*[•»•'• hW thitol, Pfiuon.iaf iol|.dl«'d. U U l \ N ; I» \ V H , I'liopiiiMoi.

h A tKlH6H!>Af) ilOPMr". U n f f N v d l e T.ewl^ \i 1 A iji*. M. R- V«»»»*«|dMiii t.» tlsi d o m i n g V * groiitMa. t^MM ia»>l'\ t lifMoo |fjn.-l ' in I - l« ir»

19*W \ }Hn A l i l . f t o i i . rnvprlBfoM.-

v%i Jtfvi BV i »




llsvitis; p u r i Ii i o n of uro . M herein 411 I I M entire I iv «i r v on Hit ono of thr* Ilne«it Sts t l l f M . W i t h I IHMt Of>mplolo turn elite In North orn Mew York, I tiiko ple»«<*iiie la At«Mih»tf the farmer naTiontf Ati'l n i l n s w on*'*, that tu^ hii«lncM* w i l l t>w roiidm'tt <l

1 ^^mmmmr- u With ovury po«.

Slhlw elnNtrt to Bl*A M l U f i r i b m «•» every custn m s r , Brwstluf m H»wr,il ( .IUM.HS^O will IHI M taMa»l AAlalkj* i»«44t

I Mi ring th* 4*«<^» » eptriAily will l>e ms to of m>tiv*t>lttg p a f t l ^ ^ d b Hhrir l'«*tf*K«> to thr ss»ttth Wtliwls, Tritnl I sk^ •••• « n v ol io r p U r * of reAoft^ rrlo«»4 gt«afA«ilc«H l«» bo l i i tarnthly the

ta)wivB on tf4»aiii i t t ^ e t | »**t ><> (fi« n*i» list ohttroh, •«?#** n»«U fitim tfeposl-oill«'«». 1 T J . M- VORt ' l lA%t 1 s i i soi 10


Tbl« improvrmcnt <oinprNc IIM<».U, imtr•». UIMI rvrrVlbi i ig M« it«i> of tlin arcounlul l t ,

fttrfhithiih/ \thtfttttl (a

- 4 J it ftfold* nil mUtni#s by ^re^lng eorrect

1 ••#«•• Jii'l !i i i i i i i iot . inditm of v\w\ \- iruiMuction h, in 1' um i.f HI rniint f«4inocn tljl ptlnclpAl And t • • * t. '1 »noi x J

u . 1 ,,,« ifnilv invlth thr att«»»tl4n of etery im in. .1 ui HI in e n n fully nviii i i lhe tills blotter and Inl^ml to i •# f /• 11 i h v - n i o c »il wiclf A price AS will l o l n g It a IthHi l ! i r l r«« l i of \\\\ )i

i>itrrsl IMC es M note And ruin ordering

V IIHUM I* Obhti'll

f (loiiVeriicnr.iwn hArd Ihe s«m« tuljletcd with-• ut n t h * • hug* , Addfil*s all oikleie to

ill 0 . NH!5rin.i»«. , Piibll«((er llrrafd, t (^•u\^rinlur N. Y.

i l i tf«Hirr*t IMC. I'at* Tablet 14 pitt Itplh pack Mile

fiuiinMficiiil «!#•*, hh^kiti. An\ ilri hill, not i \ or letter h«*ad)i of the r


», M> M

M Fanhlonabl0


— 4 4 ' M i l l i l t ory .

M . - - - - - - - |j Would «ay to the luillo< «Sf O o u r ^ m r

niiiity that HIH'IIH^ oh hand A |.Ar

rneittr and VI-ao and

Well cbnt^Ml Stock l>f

NHW A Sty rAHUT0tf}*im.K

' *'*•"• 1 f Which she will sell At th4it*4rt

ite wn.ibl be pleAMcd to hare thi t.kdlea eall *nd"**tnino Mto k and prh^ea ln>f*<|e tAirehAsIng ri .owbere. I a*iy|

Mr. IC. c;. [renftment; a

-jM«ii(l<' for Hvst^ilA, Idislhess, < oAviilstons rvoiM Mrn<|«4 hs, Slcn'.il heprmstop. I,<MA «i

irmor% ni^nnitorrlnra, IniiKKr^jic?| luvolitn-i«i\ 1:1111 «stons. Preinatiire tild Aire, e.iiise*! hr

1 1 1 %1/r i i 1% w i i k i / r i i . I W n i ' i Nt-no and llrsln '

Incus, l>epn hiiKiteli Old A

over-etortlon. stilf-ahime. or ovo|- inihilgence, wbffh loads to misery, decay anu dehih. One IMI% will cure ro«^eut eaao«|. Ifach Utfi contAins ono month's f rtmtmenf. <hie ^totlitr k IMH, or *\\ thiten for live dollars; tent by hiaii prepAld on reiaiptof pi ice We guarantee s t i ho^es to corn any r/iso. WithnaoA <ir«ler rDeoljred hy us for *i\ ho & e* accompanied with Hrf» dollars, we will send thi e piirehasAr our wHtte les to rrtiint the money |g the treatment d<»es n.»t effect A nire. taiArrtntees Usn#s) <• WKH'IJA <<l.,H..le Proprietor. 1 h[ WillUini l¥hltuey. Hol« AMlborUcd Agent for

"* »eby Mr. A HiBlfh,


WiilLam W h i t n e y , l ioto-lri iei ir , N. V. R.-IMWI M e l l l l l e i .

Per sale In MAIO Hmltfc, Ihtulltilo

>Vhole«Alo Agfnts. llostoit. • J . . . .1-1 'gi- ' • • ' wr

n «ABiriici.ivM NOW mw TiiK u r k or

1 giuirao-

f<HIN i agf*. HI.

^ 8 0



1 * p i : N t i ; n f A*I |asj»n A t'oV. Iti>nli

N.T. V A Mil A N O K M K

And die spllngglidcVl on to Uie Htikn|ncr With the l a m e of Its fervent darts,

And the noi > of the lleeneg heason, W'n* ihetftfiu of our healing'heitiftii

llut tho atttitnn came with its shndi>ifs, And tKHtnnras no l o n / n liot; ,

And the frolr, crept int<i otir pnlsc^; And flfiimai*r and spring \vcrc noi

And I.ove \kti* nlire tilth the winter Hut her IxBiuty and grA*^ had Hoi;

fkfid tbe sinnvs of MHICII 1 left IKT, . With a cvirn^H wurifli at her hcadj

\tiart t^fjmqn, in Ihtrpcr'n Matftq:(n* f'*r


HV lto|P$ IfAUTWIfTK T1T0itI*at.

"IMjtiAl i Hnih'tl I'ciij what u m»l.» won It I hrtve Mteppril th't

him to forgive \\itr tor believiug in idle Ulc*, and takpiajr ber^hild away.

yoked up and said: 'I will jbrfH% ^fi'^ bank t<> you, Herberl.'r ' ^ 3

M'lknewUI, J felt auwofTt;tlifc rrjoment I bolieldj her fare!" he-iox*

nfchiimed, with n g)ht\ Iij(ht shining in hl« eyes "8h« HJllio very pieturMlf ^t/ ^ r j left my homo nit* tdiea years ago lapj .Fanuary, taking oMrHttla daughteriwith her. Can it bei that>fter all titji»«o years, I have fotjnjd ray rijiild ?"

"Only to think-4 B! c nenllfd doWw n l\\$ mossy seat undir the apple tree, for1 Willie itid conic after all, and Pckrlio Xvho bad NC tloivn tbe road, ran

" naid PoaHie, &k y Willie's i-ido on

51'titly kept wat'-h out to meet him,

( f O N C L P O K P . )

jerjy flfot rid of hini'Vori UrJ "and wa<» Ih^nkin^ u!i|l llituo Willie and I by (jur^dvef, whrn up other man, ttte (die who

had been irate hi

1880 1880

l l l l f t i l lKAT TIIIKMHill




w h o W H * fio

looking tha NAT hU at tent


(MiKVKLANn/' yy ) I r:nof MIL n\ 11'A^/TA;

C H I C AiG . And all Vo

Wi TJNJmTlI-WE.sT a The northern Transit Co


an«l Mm

olnts I and 80 i :T l l -WkRT!

rapAJiy, having ikiade ricltml^e Armngements with thl« (trnml I U> . will run the lioAt* of this line in coil tlon wi i i die U. T. Ky. fnim Harnia, to sU above M h t s , leaving Harnia dally (Hatdri

i"K, or *|>< n arrival of trains fro^i iho Ka-t rim thnhiidh to all the AIHIVO poin{t4

WITlfOITT CIlANtiK Olf BO At-PAHHchgf M from imints on ilic line of t

It. It., I i WT. A O It. It. and O. A' I,, i laLmg tlie iiioining trainHtwlll arrive Ust dcii*hn#g s)t noon and make Obme ennnU with traiinil on U. T. Uy for tiiraia, wln[r«i IMKII will ha found In waiting.

Tho llrahd Trunk Kr U new>. In t\rM-t conditio!!, | he track liuvlug hedn \relaijl ^teel rails, And Ihe equipment Hccmid to it( the cottifcrff, [

The iNfaiij Imve alio liern thnrodghly rrJpHired and pnlnjtcd mid no paiun wid be spared \\> ihake A trip vlN t^is route im pleasant and HgretJAble an |HMsliUv

Tnno Ei'o|n O^deiMbiirit (o (Tlovel or TJ>l^do 2 tUya ; to M ilwaukeo

thik^mid loChirf t^o ;tj ( | n y 9

Flfst-ehiiA tl'lcketa Include Ifealn and llcjrlhs on Steamer's

f ^ P i l r l l f a or families mbting Wfst hoiiMfiholl rfoodrt, hornes, wa^on, Ac., w ill II to Ibeif aifvantage to coii4ptt the AKCII this llneJAA w« gtlcr special iiiilincinriitM ttiAt clssi of travel.

I.V» ibs.jof llaggiigc Free to ea^bi P/isaengi |.*i^Tl4kct-« miv be bad at all ti)c ngcuciii

tbcl;ijiti|l fruiil* Itv in N^ribeiit New n ami fan Ala. W. W AikwJRfiJfiT. trcrteral PHs^rn^or A>Hijrit

1 i\. T, Itv, Montreal, P. i). <)nn. It. t N i u M , Kaitern Pai-. Agt ,

U T. Uv, ogd<<p«hurp, Nl. Y. V W. I l l i > r : u r , *;. p. A . , N. I t o . , |

I Port Union, M||.<h. foa. l l t r k ^ N , t l en l Malinger, o . T. Itv.,

Montreal. K i) T,. .f. S A ^ R ^ F A N T . Tnifflc Mat ager, ti. T. IIv

Montreal, P. O Tor full lAforiilaMon a lilnv^ I, .JT|. N p p

Tl-:!! , b4al jig!., Oou%eineiir. V, Y. bl..ij».


H.bv o g -ion.H the

!a s Kith v in


trltli llnd

tb of for

r. 4 Of otk

\\rurn HutXii u i s r I J TAI{K TIIK

Most Ptreci a>\it (JntUrsf9'Kolfh j VIA

Rome, Wutorttnvn and Ogdc^is burg k. K., New York (Jen

raj, and Connecting I Lines.

dlag changes, fc at Thus avoldliFg: changes, ferrr transfr*r fit *\ «leiMburgJ ta<t uio-erta|nt\ of connection Pre^eott Junction, and the Indention of h(ig-ifags by < h*t<)iii lloii.te oflleUN

Chktatp*. 7*i^N*|fet«cao«^ef fytan by ant/ ntJ^rr eowfe,

KlegantlPnbisrngrr Coach leaving («lM»venicur at li.:

.roiigli 1+ ' S M

Inttached to trlin p. m., ami nun

acute Vilrhotut change jnakinK Willi Npecja14 [iT


thriMig direct uudlrollahlc connection OAin» KxprWslTralu for all p<lnt* West

Trains leavp Uoiiverneur a^ifollows jfiolNU WEST A N D EAHT.

T>AY rdinfKKM H.U a. in., arriving at Wafifr-|4>wn tO:h»k. fk, (Kuego I :<W | Hyraetise l i p |>. m York W;iW)>. Bi., lt»K'he-*ter tin S\r«eusea:*>|t» in., ItiiBAlofH <|> p, nl., Rochester vliiOnwegn Aad fMiarVJtte *Wt>- m., ltu(Taio t*:0(i p. m., Husneh-sion Ilridg4 via Oiwego and t,ew istown 7:40 b. BI.. Nlkgnri rklls7:A4) p. in.. Met roll 7:00 a. in

^noclal (lilongo Kxpress I2:M p. tn.t arriviiig

h* At IViiltortdwuJ H:.'W p. in., Nvrnetii-e tf:Jt> p« ni ltoe|ieiterfl:44)i». m., Ituflalo'Pi.-.'Mi a. in., ( lev 1

1;UH|H;|U a. )ui J Oetrolt l»:.«l u UL. Toledo 10:15 it. in., C'ilcsgJ> 7bU) p. HI., t'oliititbus ll:M p. uj 1 Inrtlnnalfl .' p. m., IndlanarMtUsflnl.'} p. in.

New York Kkptcm 1:2.1 p. m.^irrtvlug at W tertoWn A.-JVl II.IIII., <Nwego VM\ p. m.r Home U:.A\ Hyra<juteu:il, tltica 10:10 i>, in , Albany 1:45 f m.. Mew Y(<rk filfla. m., Iloston H;Jha. m.

Wagner^ Dtlace Sleeping Van attnc|fnl att U^-Hester to Special Chicago K^

iiress, and rm) through to Cleveland, Detrol), ;hiOAsTo And t;tr>cinnsil w'"

l A D ¥ i / 1 r .x ivjAJoat i n w D Y ' N • i ^ r i t o r


The Tuwflhiy, tMB «elolar, the Citfien-Htddfer, IhB HiAtesnMB. T

Oy MAJOKJ. if. B U M O T , His p*rs<>n»l Irleml, reeentljr his guest i l Men­tor, And with every faeil(tv given hli i " v u * n

t^Ardfud and his most Intlpsste frl«nd«I for com piling i M most reaxUble an<1 ABthektio life, 'BUjor llunoy'e Life of U#h. l^arileld.r savsthf

AiUeVdaer, *'IB thBjlieet on* that Baa vet appeared, a w will utMloubtt*lly be the heel thai will N publiatied.'' Prlcfc, paper,

N T < oramerclal AiUfTtlaer, *'IB the) fl>esl one

•jy UOw II* \fifJM&H&i

fiioafo ami t tr»cinnsu without chaage. t!Vr rare AlWavs low, and fane Quicker that

by soy other rdute. llaggAge checketl IhrottglL nrlfo UMH» ami call at (he office qf

K (t. IWVGh\ Agent, befm pro\ curing Iwktts tUrltkere.

Mr. l>o«lip I A supplest with through eon no* tb kets to aTl or I net pal in>lnts West—Tlrtt, Hi «v»wl and Tliinl CI ASS- which can ho ohtalo of him ju«t i s cheap gs hy anr other route.

Bi A. VAKllOBlf B, Oev'l Bupt.. h „ ^ ( \ watertown, N. T II. T. ritAWr, (Jen'l Ticket Agent,

L Watertown, N. T. K. O. D<>p«K, Agent, (Jouverneur, N. T*g<l|

VVillin earnnlnp jtM tl)en, ami fenft he t i id

be*i<ln the th I \ \ook

>t)Htt | I f<

rig. two so <i)fO!y


"It|t, „ , F . . , . , , r ^ ^ - x

that ijkro lost Willlk, I «uppo»e f shallU «Fuit before »he ditd, >b^L)v< have Uo take one bf ihera, or bo an | abfl «aid: 'I will jbrffl% ^ ^ old Tuljid myRelf: jl thih^ I like Mr. HamIl|on from New Orleans the bc*(, he \HH6 tall and handsome." v

Thcito was a bu*{y time in tho UttW cottagllfor the njext hour or t ^ . AnxiotU cyefl i>t»eptd into ev ry c o ^ j m y lost wife, who] left my homo aii> f ceirabjp nook aiu^ corner, in search for qitv etfay wpcckj or spot i f dirt Whidbl might bav(B escaped (heir observation in tho earlier'part of tho day. Room* already ^eat as wax, were) tlhorotighly cjxamlinecl and /fl-diifitedl] tho ^reat bk-ass candleg-Ftirjc on tho mantlo werelpoliwhed till they looked liko ,go!d, ] antfi everything about tn^ house wait pipt in "appic-pXo,, oraer, for this yrti* an Important event m the Hvofl of theae three quiet, eldorry Badio*, who^ day« of romance lay HO mr in tho paBfj.

In a|IU|io yearn ol" MiM (Jlmrity'a peacefiillUfe, there hfid never been a time wljien sho bad possessed a lover of hertUti), and fhb tender loving heart wjlieh woultl have made HUU-nhino In Inn y homo, ft pent it* wealth

| of nlibotmii on her sifters and the little waif which bat! comet to them sixteen yearn bonore. j r . j Mi** i|°po ha<I onre been a beahty and a beWe, nnd traeeh of that girliati tovrlinc* shll liugerc|d in the outlines Of liwr oopiidy faee.. >|fltny a worthy suitor hull nought her hand in those olden da i s ; but her fyand fihe would not give, Rvl)en ht*rhe)rt could never go, ftntl I lift t heart ha<J ,one.o thiillrd under tli<j light >f h^idsome even. He wa« almoRta fit ranker to her, «fid she hatl njet him but aifew timew, hut alas! one!moment in hin soatety htnl been morji precious to Iter than weeks

lidy of othr- H* Almont a lifi.il yet ^he n<»ver forget the a rwhieh pile | had read Jt ho litis rii'trri'1^4 a few weekft


h the R0< l ranger ,

b:tifi w i t Recount <»

leaving poor MIHS (parity in a flutter of nervm« anxiety kt the awful res­ponsibility of entertaining a gentler-men alotie. '•Oiily to thikik, Willie Utirncp, no wa< iny Own father all the time, and is more than hdlf in love with Mils Hope, already, rind I 8i|p-poso Mias Charity will rellnvo mo of the oth r one. rijhey sa|d that; I should nut bo bothered by ihem any­more, aim i gucM tAey nioiiit it, Fo you $cef Willie, th<jrc wil^ be only you left, after all.";

Whi l^is quite on girl,1 think," said pink cheek.

"Ah, well!'theylve been good mbthriV to me, and 1 suppose I ought to he thankful that I <];ui do Houictliiug for t'leml" miirmurcit IVarlie, feeling as thoiuHi in aouie \v\y sho hud bppii their beiwrfietor, wit: iog how.

One morning, a fti TeHrlle wandered down1 by the gate, tin a (treiidiiii uproar, a* it, wUli oil ofi Ml s

iugh for one]littlo pie, pinching her

Lout jtiMf. know-

Ater. Amid i

iviiirli tho Mis* Kaifl trom the i

dreadfully (tiHlrtohif ftrjngrr,

and di^tin^iiiHliPtl I just n littKr |)roud lie begged VI

nn and luting for the imri^Rion, hat I ot so

and wir*\£0 gHnd|au<l courtly, gra^iUd nK^ilqueft; but 1 am ii f»uiip about ^\>Uic ; he lonktd tlaggers and said soinMluKg etuler his bijeath, which I'm Mil-tk wasH^t a polite

r o n -

>y | N I I

Ihing h im*

Or-t ime

with Willie 4U* "|o, or—that Ik) [willi me. Willitj die

til wi idi , iU\d I 4<mlil

to do. The sjtranger iiiYuiitlueeilh self as Mr. llttnilton, IrortKjtfow leans; 8iid lie talked a 1 on

talked niostl) noi. say a <bz Ree hc'didnl r«|ihh Ihe v\nv Ilamiitt>n Leu his handsome* cjyt's nholiit in \ -4--t bUid wli(Hi be HJIW IH1»W i inp.iti -ni mid

voiif? Wil l ie vAi4 gottitiif ho %a?<>i11<I likfi ! to see t ho la»!i whdru I htllnjmMl, and a*kcd [per mlf*<|iiiiti t o <*H|I ( h i ^ e \ c u i i i ^ t b e c ^ n * t ,

he S |4MI ho hi:

t lOi^in^ at me <i(ut of r nil



" « t < »

Me Hsl^ed it)

you , urn), t i l l

I told Neuj- i >rleai ttiat; y<»u wotill he pleased to re* dm) r After , w , ^ Willie

h awar, »v line lake! and flsi«l and lie lliou^

H\^ e\ niiit/, becAtet, nt'Mitled to n turn t«* 1»

ei had bowed bit) lurried me down (<

him eive ielf thje

K0:u ould take a fail ; ake nch . I it re

r nn old oak f ree nihil: \Mtx.i( l*i ^et the l*».ii.

t We IIHSI- better our imsket- will'lus HIH! eat our b undOr the tnt'l |»i> tIM* other side g u e s s h o IhnuJhlr I WMHii't sufe <

any longer, soJbf heated me nnde

l ie h i d | u t ' hank, when w take a *e-.t 1 i lie iNrt w rll l e Ihjrt-W f l l 4)H jmt ,

nd W»»it* d pa|t(|i);iTy a t o ^ id! it e!i»iii< t

t dk w i t h me. hut W d l i e Hho SU« ll M tl 111 |rt

at'«Ho>t!d. I d \V(>n!d tio u in i)j I tin:: toifrther. I cfiilrt see b\

twipi ;tred behind the M Mhou'd come upku*d !••' me but Mr. <:ilrk. i\ h?tt, snvieg U»4»( he

II th<« rnorrling tlo'tinve H niceT dosv I; wns iri i On t in' Jenr

h». . t it'iuin, fur LA •ul.tn •< is <Jn<u

he >it-

Ui'i know what {ri «aw ii iheie vll

Afi Inst, he came, 4ml < bud;. In h)k *

tlat )w*(\ v.ot slated 'Igreiitdctd m< 'Tho bosf is nil tie without so nolice Mr. (Uui 41 suppose 1 wi

ite'.i'iy, IVurlit miurh as tiei^nind kj whournse and s Sd, I Irave to let von


tid i to

•l suppose i will ;nave to let you tp», Mi--.** Ani'.ltl ; »»itt» I wotdd llkijg) vorv mu<f!t f<» e|ll|at your pie:ty iijtie


t e

•bi o ; be

cottsge some tijiu|.f" ' • P d ^ , ' f-'aidl I *we w:li all J

home f! I- i ven kii.' " |n»eause. you aji- i T thought, sij

it iniisl eome, prrli^pa it w,%s Itv to »»Ve it all ok'dn at oiie*. [ t Wijlio and uskea thim to eoiOo l< budheifiaid he gtiCHHed there wouhj enotigh wtthcuti hptu. andthht le.o^ld diniense with hi* company, and tljoti Tsaid 8bmethiii*|| it) t ns piteAil m I could, and—oil, demr me ! wo ha<| a quarrel right t|hftrejand now»r spcjke a word to eacjhji (dlicr all the \vjav homo. I sttppjofjiu ir \ never make pip with Millie,^(ll baVe to accept one] of theflo old inenj. night." '

€,Thii very ,

To InaUre siitvetss^htluUl havo tbelr printers tifej



: r i : i |.L " ' " ' art



, 1

[.,.,4. i

111 Mil V)

Co., 1} on

BfHra mmmmmmmm

k IB your lawn. T t n u anil $9 Addreaa U. I U L L B T T *


h+ are eonvingUo

w,'i,!> /"/ ••;


igfcl?" cried Mi Charity^ thro^iiig I up her (lutrJriy little hands in j llisihay, on the vkpt importanco of tjhjp tmith fiaUv dawdod upon h0r. H Wwk >*n ha^'t had no many men in tl|(|honso at one time for) oars. | | '* x h

•'Not since weHweJ-e girls (ogeth<|r\f

said Miw FaiM anil her dark ojfdfl hatl a wistful ^prossionf as though eho were looking fat-back Into thtMe years* ^ •" • I- ^ / • \\

'•Wcti, siheir jt(3cy^are coming, we most sea that cvicjrv ^hlng is in readi­ness to receivtij thpm,M etclaimtd practical Miss Hjo|pe, springing to iietr feet <4Thisnaiighty child has got Jus into^ dreadful niesi# and we mist get oot the best wayi we can. DoiW

I tho htiftle and confusion unusual event occasioned, took time to steal away

bst, up Into ihe little, low oh am her, wliere under the slanting rjoof, Mtootlnn ohlj red chest* (>are-fully she lifted thjf) lid and looked Within. Tliere, jvtlh»wed by time, lay a bridal "veil, a] wedding dress and an orange wreath pf dry, faded blos­soms. Ah* ! |Ju» itory of her lonely life was toil . Thr *hip which was bringing liir Toveij, Paul Marks homo from /oreigfi lan^jwae wrecked, and

til itild hor I^Jdal Wre laiil a


w weeks latef, disconsolately

l» hotuc being in tdio expressed aith's wedding

finery scattered alxjut, and Mis$ II<iA)e't» to follow so soon that tho dainty things jhad Hltandy begun to arrive, and t\u} gmtlral order and precision ot thie little isniso was utter­ly demolished. Whenjner father and Miss Hope had consulted her In re-gsrd lo thtfir funiTlag<< quietly and demurely sent, thiukiug tiiat h very wise fn choosing the,! }>rettiest ot her nevjf rthi leps,feeling ju at !|lic changes HO t-l

she had very |given herCon-

r father wa5 the best ami mothers, but

la little lonely or fly to take

0 rail go wreath ay tyrtjv^if. Their very

existence had he^n] aliho^t forgotten by allt Ravel her f< who Lad watered tbjem so 4 q , , v (iifie-** during theac

er sortv^ful, fal-w i t i i i

The first l<» .riik*e, tint! [evening, /^s the jullerti^n introduced to •earlie by Ars. Howen, wh<»se name

lonely yrai liik^ tear-.

The first w

shb was not fcure sh0 remembered cor really. He [had s|B«ager, expectant !o<|ik on hi-» jac<» wl^n shetn^t him at

tloor, and led : the waj' loliii! whew three ven primi Indies.,

Oil, Fair I reJllyVmmd 1

tu« (In

placid In her home. Ap she hto M! thei'e a

fro|n her reverie, J| l|n^ uio! dolt r< hti |


her Kin?!1

her.) "fhnivc eoiile to tell

ifoaiiie,n he; enid, wjith a merry

voire arc»n«Jed nd Mr. Clark, 1 »lood hefOio

roti a secret,

fu-t a little voice, for she

hnothcr insult

twiuklu In t!ie eyes laughed at her the day

ith'K<J>ver , ('•ifcjs; I know,^ HUH

tOuey of anger in her socrcitiy;felt as though wercHaliout to bo offerld her dainty ielf. i "I know all abdut i t ; Faith, Hope aad Charity, thefd three ; but the gironjtcM of thesti is

'•(5haijiiy; the ijeartst . nd the K.i(j waiting in thpir hest/lx*--!,? 4i»id he ^lullrn^; Msiio will

\fvv for my

which had sho ran a race

..lie WA1 i'lKf Wi|li(ln intf U; r {Introduce h;»u as

Mif. Sjiark^ m.errfvi'iutbienlvj^fepi'edt pa| t \\<>y int*H tJ e niniu, cxeianirtnj/

my dm line, ti at Irt-t / "

udlMisN (T.iiih, w i ! ! u ^vl^;tef u | s jui d f.ieef ir id a glad, > u r j i ppeti iiitij t he s|ielt» r o\ i hh* Iovu?«j

at nil'*, refill nljd I o \uv at l.iM, a i d raised a h'ip|)|yr ratliwnt f'»ei»

ho showered i IneV dl ' irud.. as *\

havo I

kisses whit ii quite to |*ear wani confldt il to Wyib* H'^iios. out

u>r I he

p o n i r ,

n? aft« i -

/ Th

I'lider tLv. npnle tl ee. j | mr

A fow worijjs of weileoino i'lfmi the two sisters, tiluew wdrtl^ «d'i ^JIIMII .-titui in livg'ir<i fjo the l«H;jf i i ars <u sdence, niul K^iih, h a n i o ^ IMI Iter | re'*< ut

** 1 ' i Ion:; lo^t love r s j ft rni.' watul r*d oui | l lo 'ud into (no-mooi l i rgaroYn. j if t •? ihj? bed ^MiTjded :yMf't»Ild lilih', rtnd V* jir-

luiugh \li-i- Frkhh h^t'l,

uivk'^iirh a loviinr mot liMlti kliotlu -ilei-s ' hihlivi

,S.MJ[ wittehe.l idiu g^ im> the graV« I wslklvith a. ll.ish iu U><\v blue eyes, then (uriiin^t' away *VH» Uaid alu.ost s j u ' i d n d y : i

<4I tlofi'l care ; ho i.q nothing but an old wi4fir#cr nny how ai;tl'i wool *uU linvr in irriel him if ho hud been ihe la t if)an on enrib. I've done F»/oa good fn frnding husbands for f ho^e datlinjg old u'Ki.lh*-v»f o/jvnlne ; hid I w o:i .vr'l|:;ive \$ d ieV brown ej es f\jv ail t htjt- i»f them, if */no i iu\ own fat J.ei;{" -±Xattonal.


I jie leading art ici . in tho North Amcricab Uevlew for Kovember is by the HOrii Williain Hoach Lawrence nnd i« devoted to an exposition of the; monarchist principle in the United States Constitution. Tho lyitbor f<>rosep8 danger to tho perm-An cue n of otir republican instructions, resulting both from the vastness of tl odo* povycrs an* from the existing Oietliods of choosing 1'residents, and thinks that a ratlical cJHUige in the Constitution is imperatively deman­ded, in tho same number of the Re­view Bishop W. C. Doano points out tho advantages of free religious firs-eoswlon^cven "the blasphemy of ir­religious > diseu^sioii/' ho thinks, works tho glory of God. Tho lion. Montgomery Blair writes of "TheUe-publlcan Party as it was and is." M. Desire Chsi-nay contributes the third of hi* valuable illustrated papers on uT?ho Huiiis of Central America." TftO >f her articles in this number ot the Ityvioyv are "Tho Nicaragua ltout>5 to %fyo Pacific," by Rear-Ad-miral Daniel Ammen ; "The Coming Revision or tho Bible," bj the Rev. DP. Mowant Crosby ; "Recent F tirop-eai Piiblic^tioiis/' % Prof. T. F. Crane ; and! finally a paper entitled "Tho PolitS^tl Sifuation from a Fi­nancial .Standpoint." | . \ j

;. LM i .i J ' X ' j f j 'HA>irKlLS MAtlAZINK

f'r'NoWruber concluyling rhe '#*Ixt\>-first Voliinie-^is, probably, taken a« a \^ho)e, the most beautiful wi ruber pvor issued^ j It contains another of 111 two illuHtrated pipers hy Wiliiatn Jiatnikon Gibson, entitled *' An Au-tuiil P;tst<)ral," 'J'ho landscape draw­ings by K Mliirphy, illustrating John W. Cyliadwlel'a very interesting article, 44in Western Maasachiibeits," represent work which, iu artistic quality, is unsurpassed by anything in descriptive articles of this kind. The number opens with p, beautiful papt r 0ii "Sii|nt Cecilia.'' E. Manson contHi)utea irtother paper on tho Old Dutch ;masters, with portraits and itliistralHoii«j ()iw of thft most pop­ular attjraotiorts of tho number \yill bo (^asfon FiiyM "Saline Types,* fuif of h i«

Jiutge Tourgee ami Ills Wife. Although "A Fool's Errand" was

published last Winter it is still selling at the rate $f 2500 copies a week They even read it in tho solid south. A gentleman some time ago, went into a doctor's office in Greensboro, N. C\, so unexpectedly that the med­ical gentleman fried to hide a book he was reading. It was the "Fool's Errand." Rcing rather pushed into tho corner by inquisitive questions, tho doctor confessed that he was Intensely interested in it, and that ho was really reading it for the third time. The strangest part of alf is that the North Carolinians do not fly into a rage over the book, but on the whole ^ro said rather to enjoy it. Tiiey take tho stories of the Ku-Klux iicndishness and other atrocities as a compliment to the], unconquerable \ spirit of the south. Tho " Vcrdcnton" of tho book'ls Greensboro, N« C. "Warrington" is the plantation upon which Judge Tourgeo settled. He went to Stay. JIc was, in no sense of the word, »-carpct-baggcr. l ie went, as ho says, "forgetful of tho fact that the social conditions of three hundred years are not to bo overthrown In a moment." His wife, a leflned, ac­complished woman, accompanied hini; like himself full of hope and courage. *

This Is how they lived after they got there. When Mrs. Tourgeo went along the streets of (rrcensboro, the women of that town made a circuit aroifnd hor, and gathered back their clothes as if they wero afraid of touch­ing her. All tiiat impotent female spite cofHd do to poison h^r existence was done. Socially, she m o d in an

UEHSOFXHOUWHT* Some thongbts arc prayers. The era

isolation as tefcriblo as if slie hafl*bccn the old Indian fcpman on her Santa

isfe moments when, whatever be toe attitude of tho body, the soul is on* Us knees. , . .

|} Any one thing in tho creation ta •mtlicient to demonstrate a providence til an humble and grateful mind.— tijpictelu*. | * - i

tiAnnihilatd not the mercies of God b£f tho oblivion of ingratitude.—A> T^oma^ Jlrowne* ~ j, •

he modern scntirjUnUiism about urc in a mark of dietaso—one more nptom of the gentral liver com­

plaint- It is well enough for a mood, t o*?a vacation, but not lor a habit of l^ti.—LiwcIL . _ n

| V mad that is young in years may • bpold i|i honors, if he have lost no j tljtoo. ; , . - . .

|^That>eraon did me good," said '. oiffe friend to another after hearing * a a eloquent sermon, "wa shall aee}," ~ w»* thB> reply, , • •

feelings come and go like Hgiit troops following the victory of tho , priSbent; but principles, like troops ' of Uie line, are undUturbed and stand faaKk

v 1?ho hal^it of rcsoiviitif without , ae^bg is worse than not revolving at allf Inasmuch as it gradually sunders th#i naturaf connection between thcight and deed. ;

Mjany ams^i gets crodlt for g;6od touft^cr whfc never 'knew what It was to :|e provoked ; while he who has retained his expIosiVoqepf by great eilort nine times is leptl^d a flery-ten^ered man because the ^fnamite gotitho better of him on the toath* ,



'hi 1v 1



- ! i i

I 'M


r *

|yie i iu> own Ltwary Monthly.

lie, irvhnji a in -owe w i\, went to an-w<tl

Mr. 11sm ilt

t » th< in b \ P

th-« tlithli w ' j i e

M is ^ l!«»per,«

h e a r d M r/'11-i

bt»ii<-\V*d i.< h>

_j •#<*——^» .

fi'lndon Daily .Tews»i\M ; Th" following are exfiMcfs fr m% i letter

) jjddte-s;d hy I)<\ Wendell s to H .member of the English

Spt'lliijg Iteloi in Association : **Ff I have not Hktm «*i«f'*K wit h t.t^sp:dliug refoi n< niovimeiit, if is veiw probably

I ;w>ts no! taken h ld of early honor" ind 'favor"

y|ei come to I m a v *•*'

o)ugh Mh I <lk opiv wr.'i-|^ejil ;'t.v\\ j b^cfmsh I ;W :s IH r ils Mifniuon/i \J j rnou^frr '^p«»!l * \iit fmin :\(-u i) leafiH, } with I|M» ti, aipl

wt^ u«*h(»red ijlto ih»» pj-rs .-nCc of t h • ! "c !'.%»MU','J«ndi "felosf-ifu'-'-i- if flmt is t v*o r« ni dnin^sistlpr*, and iiUh)ditei'd J K«IO I jjli«)<iography. At jiny rate i

ouldfo-t care to be an fjbslruetive, 1 could M», In the way <^ any well

rile. Sim did ii'»f s;«(: fti crept lo f he |o»h- </' >rov.'n hy'i.-; led h«> ttl»iwi r/in:irlc fhal hW

»'ief y* i** Arnold he-foie, and was Iphasyd •<» renew the acquaintance U^aici. Ai.d then he stated him^ejf b/side her, leaving Mis«4 (Minriiy tit\*]f Pearlie to entertitin Mr. (Mark, wlio/arrivcd f» .ro tin e.

"I did nut iHificip^te 'ht* pleasure of mooting yjjdu this '\e»ing, Miss Arnold," ^M, Mrv M-M:II ton. "I Was so at<j(iot|s »•» ir \ »> ^m^fhing definite ii/re^aivd to the » hihl your­self and '/Mors have so kindly cared for thoAe mafii'yeM'H. Can sow tell me \v\)<o h»r |>:|rent|t were?"

re pi iCM I Mi^ Hojie, |direetif»n of J^eailieV !i a l<Mk oy love and icr eyes. 4<lt Was,ix-last winter, one cold,

stonry rvcidijir, just after theevptvis hatl passetl through, th«|t a tiiniti km»ek arotisetlj u» to tl.tj fact that some one was j at ihe tloor. When we opened it, fi hidy staggered into the had carrying a child In 'hi r arms. She was scarcely able to stand* After we had got heij to bed-sho grew rap-KV worse, ami, although we s4im-uicl^l a physid;la^who ditl all iri his poweWor her, khWlied the next *|ay. My,silers ami myself adoptetl the little <w, who has made a world of sutishine in our home these many years. At firstl wo were fearful that someone would come tr> claim our darling ; but shpi h a s t e n ours so long that 1 sometlmd* thiWc, perhaps, the mother who brought her. hette was her only rolati\(e." . \ '

tell vou her name or k» she died ?' he asked

" [ /criTiitot,

ga/j4ig iu tlm bright fjee witj ad ' i i i ra t ion in een vears asrn

"htnildif'ft can; tt) be it or.'tanlfftl^ scholir iy ' at le[upt to KV form ijur • Eug loh (ami j American) fanynt je . It is ceitaiiiiy j b.-trbaroiH to irtaUtt otigh t ake air> matjv forms of prttmtitfd if ion as' it now jdors. But \ on mttst iillow a fair Hlbare of old *t|uar< -jt JC I pre j id iee in sonal likings to old y

t hc ir |pf r-

huarc-toet! p^'j.'o.j I Inite to «ee my name KJJC If Hi';nu>;>ci I never prom tinee the 1. I l:ii;iw from old ("amdv'jfa that its d< rivatb>n is from Ihe woitlholm, ami I wjaut the extra h fte;|; an i is as gotnl a«fan in<*h:in«thi^ conpicetion, if I may v<n*ur«' tiehil«r»ted illensmtry. Theie are. many ihiA^s f sjjouid like to have a ^lonp-t ot tt. iiuulired .years from now, amon<{ iho r^sj our Eng­lish sja IJinj/. I law hf lie jlouht (h.»t tiiuiv of tiie t?hai:g(-H youcfiifemplate «Ml have taken place, aild that I shojiid look back upon mynelfin I Mi as a hopeless bigot to superannuated notions long since extinct.

Believe me-, my dear dlr, yejurs very truly, (.). W. IIJOLMKS."

"How far is it to Bui!er, straight on?" ;

"Well, about tweni^-fivcl ^niles but if you turn the ojther way, tttV about, half a mile."

"Did she not the child's befo anxlouslf.

"No, she became dellrloas almost as toon aa we got bar to bed; but in

f i keep i


imordus, stories ' concerning the )ld Salts*' of Lontr Wand. Abbey

e<jntributes a full-page iilustnation of Hbrrickj^ potm "Upon Spur." A fide aorjoet, entitled "Tho I^roken Bars," IHaccompanictl by an illustra­tion ih li M Jessie Curtis** bek style and itoj^aird Pyle contributes a very effective - iljtittratfofi Un Mrs4 Spoff-t>rd#s flijort' sforv, *The DriU-wood Fire." in tili tho artiudtNs above men-tionett tho literary chat in is as promi-

,iiont ap Ihe ?e-»thetic. It is tobe ad-tlod thnt this number contain! a new poem iy Allrifd Tennyson ^a remark* ably inimfifiil poem, "Tho' Level Liiid,'^ by Margaret Veley ; an im* portant )a)>eir, entitled "Scientific ('omnitidBchool EducaHoii,"by Chas. Francis Atuiips, Jr,; an Interesting contribution from Tjtus, Munson Coan, Entitled "Securing a Compet-i nee ;"]», humorouH Southern stocy, "I{ev. JSlK Blaud^ Wre tie with tho (he vie f, -Wiiiije Hog/' hy Will Wal-laee Ilar^eyj; iti<l a spirited pot in by Paul IU Ha>U>e, aprtqioB o' the Oii-tennial) Ofdebrjation of fJn; haMlo <d KingV fdj0(}n;t.iin. 'i'l.e i;,ii!oi i|il De-partmehl-H Vh v*"tjM Mi-tainet^ ami the ibawor |s linu«ua!ly gootl. ;

Ttii:r>r<*:,^\nliJoi ^IKTAVKU'S MoVnn.Y Scril^iem'sj MouMily, oMiJ raU-s its

f ntn tirthqay uilh a permanent change:of coyejC, und with a number (Hr November Avhioh tho conductors h t^e tldue all ih their power to make une ol exceptional beauty, interest, and. vajtje, a$ t? in also the largest nuiAhcr: < f Scribner ever is^ued. St*rihner's. rt ver has turned from viojet t<| nfarrn^i own, and has a rich

iiIet^tmost fain-j,Sower," engraved

by Cole, forma the frontispiece, ami among the principal artistic fcattiren of the numbcrj*\rt* a Hlriking portrait, ht filad^ouo, printed in thojjotly of tiio upi^ii/ine. With t!i-nun^>i r is begun rbo fjocohdiuitl c«..jichi<ling pai t ol I'«:igei)e SidiuVIer's i lhihl iaftt i life of Peteiv tbe ti»e!it, entitled "i^eter thetffi'CHit an Holer and Heformer," aNo a ntw short |vrial by a new writer,-vTlgi-rLiijj," by Mrs. Julia Scha>er.! Toe Idr urjjy Interest of thi^ nntnbcr of-Scrjbn6r| whether inten-lioniul; dr jfiotj h ujiwily nftlie ps?r-somil ikjitd— -i earljr f every article having for Its in hi Hot KOHIO conspic-uou^ iiidividutuliity ;e^en Miss Phelps's KIOIV has: lories iiorA a real person, whose tragic fattr IK [here recorded. Mr. St* doom's; HIKH of Walt Whit­man, in ttlfj N)hns b\i the American pt>efs, h-in<lb*$ a mt^Uctl and ditlicult sublet witji frl-iiWii^s, orieinality," a/tA freshfiei*. f Mr.i3|a<btPe essay on Artemu.-> Vv artt 'IrrJiAs a hacknayed i-i.bj et n'MJe tWe llfdrary hpirit. An illestr.sfrd p'<i\^v enl "Hontfiifown and the ife"uiap|rte^'r alii open anew and i- iriouf elnpffjr of Americau society to iujo-t:r»at|eiy. The article on ^Tablaai^s'Nw-iiili uk?lure* by Miss Oakey, ^9«^ irtoro jthproughly' than u«ual into ljie arti^tllcrapabilities of such cntertajnutont*! [The poenis of the numberlarei by plj " Mrs' Plaft^ ii. A», a U editorial d(!barttiu i)t» hassomethlrlg to fa\| a and history |of HtriMnek*. which will bo read with interest b}j the numerous readers of this vi^v pbpilar magarine.

Barbara Island, t^ptherij ladies of­ten come north* nowvlay^f to visit her Iu Cincinnati, amt iclsowhcro. Tney are made as welcome f nd made tlie recipients of as many graceful, Hocisi attentions as If i hero never had i>een.a war betwcii tho North and South and as if,indecd, tho Morth hatl never beaten tne South in afair f'ght. Bat Mra TciOrgee, a lady as refined, as delicately bred as any woman in tho land, went among southern people, and only because *bc was from the north was put upon a level with "niggers." Perhaps however, this is a proper manifesta­tion of the "unconquerable spirit Carolinians glory in.

The domestic happiness tho "fool" and his wife enjoyed may be inferred from the fact that whenever Judge Tourgeo started out to.uttend court Mrs Tourgeo never dar<Hl feel any confidence that ho would come back alive. He was a northern man, and a republican who dare<l to say so in what is supposed to bo a free country. F-orthi8 reason ho "was universally hated. Attempts wcre^ made to kill him. A plot to assassinate him Vas^Up0^1^!*ves is attracting the atten formed, much in the same manner as | ftuq^SscJentists in Europe and Asia.

violet tti warm4)iowi: dccl)rat(ve (flbjt.^M ou> picture, "'the,So

IE iiovesen, others. In tho

Dr. Holland J>ouf the origin

described in the story. Ho escaped it by following the road his horse ehosc.

A man who knew him well at Ctcensboro, and who lived there when he did, says l.c received stacks of anonymous letters from the "regu­lator^" threatening his. life* They were profusely decoratcdjwith Collins, skVdls and und cross binen. Black men, und white ones too, used fre­quently to creep secretly to his house, wiMi their backs all blocdiug from ihe Ivtuklux bull-whip, fhoy had bcc-ii dragged from their btds in the dead of night,aud thus cruelly lathed. — Cincinnati Commercial.

j +++ , —

. ( W l Harmonize. Tho commitfeo on peaco and har­

mony reported that they had been actively engaged in an effort to bring about harmoijy and irood feeling be­tween the men who pack six quarts of peaches iiito a four.-tjuart basket and sell themlfor a jfeck, and tho gen­eral public w l o buy, but thus far all their Work has gone for naught. They had wnjstlcd with grocers who dump a peck luf half decayed pears into a btishrl^jifskct and cover them over with sound fruit, but they could not ^ay tl*4t their iufluencc had been felt. They hatl worked hard, accom­plished nothing, and were clear dis-«XJ u raged..

"in divch&rgiu'de committee from furtlcr co^!*idcra*hun of do report*" replied bfother (iardner, •'! would say dat I hadn't dc faintest hope dat dcy would succeed in makln'achange* Jist so long as wo lib in dis world wc will ob*arvc tlat dc man who has an old cow to sell will be lookin' fur some way to take do wrinkles off her horns and deceive dc buyer. When a church deacon in good htandiu' am privileged to file oil dc teef of a bo>s 19 y'ars ole an' sot his aigc baek to 7, too much nitib'not bo 'spectcd from do common run o' folks, who wouldn't hcv to plug up worm-holes \n apples if natiija hadn't cheated us by put tin' 'cm darfustiy."—Lime Kiln Clvh,

UCTS OF SCIESCK A>» ABT» iers has a river of ink; formed

by ||ho union of two branches* one coniftjg from a region of ferruginous soil and the other from a peat swamp. Tho iron of one and tho gallic acid of the 4 h e r unitCjto form a true Ink.;

Sajlic ladies in Philadelphia have fornt|d an assodlation for theencorir* agcrwnt of silk culture, and have opihrid a school for instruction in the. busijifap* i l is believed that the raising df silk worms and the oare of cocoojhs mljifit form a resource for the W vcs anli daughters of farmora, many|c>f woom are at too great a distance from mar bat to raise poul* try alii cggsjprofltably. . y \

Ed^cm tal | s enthusiashcally bf th* time ^hon electrical cnginta will bf cmpMed <Ax the Pennsylvanha liail* road, Ind f says he can readily obtain a ppcejl of Jifty to 6ixty miles an hour, with J#66 danger of accident than oi-curs by steam; for the rails transmit* the en|rgy that moves tho train, and tho iujfetant the engine leaves tho track ifiis enorgy ceases to be in com­munication with iL | . |

A liquid fuel for etcatosilps aad


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Ono of tho mod giiaradteiistic of ho many anecdote* of (JMrcnbacb, hich are recalled hy his jleath was as toltl apropos to nis Interview itb the Emperor William at Ems. tie Emperor said : "We, So, have a

igbt to bo probd of you, Ifprr OfTen-•ach, for you were borti, I am in­

armed at Bonn." "No, ydur majes­ty," was Offenbach's' answer, "the O'her man was born at Bonn* I am a native of Cologne." Tbelthermon wrs Beethoven. , I >

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Rrafsiit !EVM| «he;behufiful Ponra huaidenj . w]itle|y Ikiiown as an

instance of t|ie powler tif education and kindnesij iirdcvtjloffng fine traits of womanhdotl in thq Indian, has written a !alio. !uf Indian child life (hor flr*t sto^y) for t^e St. Nicholas mag izine. lit is *ahl:'to be true to life and full of NautifuL feqling. Bright Eyes, with (tier Tbmthlr and three sisters who h ive lj»cen eJucatctl, at the Onaha Agency, ar(i thi only mem­bers of her jlargu family who can speak English, ijler fetlicr has been, or U; tho hekd cbiel of] the Poncas, and is said t)o bo a mian of noble character

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How ft Yonnar IVeaelier was Fnennr-aged.

A yoUrTg minister and hin wife vi i-itetl the congregation where Ids father was previously the pastor, l ie preached onf tho Sabbath, andljaftcr service ono of the venerable ciders, speaking with the young minister's, wife, paid.: j

'•Your?husband preached from the same text that his father had the last time he was in the pulpit."

"Indeed!'" replied tho laidy; "I hope U was not the same sermon, too.9f

"Oh, no,'* said the good elder; "his father was a dreadful smart

It haa i>een tried with complete suc­cess p i the fastest Russian mail boat on tho Caspian sea,and is to be adop­ted ou thejocomotiveaof various Asi­atic (linea. Tho fluid itelrbply the rcfu?j) W i>etroleum oil, which is car­ried idriau iron tank and blown into spray Inside the furnace by a' jet of' steam, '#here it burns with a roaring ^ sheet Of liame. •, Such a means of combustion requires no stoking, and the liable can be mrnipulated like a jet of is , and the steam pressure i s ' easily jpegulsted and kept constant. Moreover, there are no ashes, and the smolto is free from sulphur.

* . • * —^

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^ PEKk»>

i^ach the Ion OObnBach the lomposer is <lead. ^ Ceorjte Washington's bUtao was

cxacUy|»ix feet two inches. - , Simmons, the sculptor, has just

comple^Kl at his studio in Itomt, a marble llatue af Senator Blaine, *

Thecttpressof Germany is a vertr. charitabio lady. Sho supported '* sahool and hospital in Berlin out Of ' her private puree.

Caribaldi, now In his 74th yoar, is still makin> trouble in Italian poli­tic*, l ie is a very irrepressible pa­triot. £v# r r

Merrill King, air Ithica lawyer. Is said to 1!|YC \thc largest private law library, ^IthNono exception, in the United fetatcs. Ife has nearly 4,000 volumrs-i \ • :

The P^ncc of Wales and Duke of Connaug&t havo country homes of thoir owti, but their brother, the . Imkc of ISdinburg, has to hire Eas;t-f well Park from the bankrupt Earl of WlnchcJljaHt. x

The BUNs ruouument trustees* pf Ayr, Scotland, hav^completed th pur<:haue> of tlie cottage in which Robert Itunifc was born. Tho build­ing has hitherto been used as a public house. Ijt Is to be converted into a iuaseuui*in wha:h relics of the poet-wid be gathoretf together. The price of the htittse ant}'ground wse $20,000.





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man. — •^• • * -

A lover who ha<i gone West to make a home for his "birdie,'' wrote to her: "Pvo ;got the finest quarter-section qf land (one hundred and fifty acred) 1 evor put my foot down on." Birdie wrote back: "Suppose you buyfanother quarter section, John, so wo dan havo a lawn round your foot." John "made a home," but Birdie never was mistress of it.

One evening last week flic Madison Square Theatre, New York, ceiubra-r l id thol;'l&ih consecutive performance of "Haze) Kirkc," This is tho lon­gest dramatic run on record in this country, 't- * -t

-**- ---?•** ——. • * A Wasliingtan paper gives the fol-'

lowing account of a strange adventure that befell poor puss:

A cat ascended the Washington Monumer** a few nights ago, and be­coming frightened in the liornlng when the workmen returned |o their labors, sprang from the top!to the ground, a distance of 1C0 ieei» Sho spread bcjkclf out like a flying squir­rel and flruqk the ground on aU fdurs. After looking around she started to leave, when a dog wfct for her. and i*0t being in good running condition, she was easily captured and killetU The cat will be stuffed' antl placed in tbe Smithsonian insti­tution, with a card which will bear this legend: "This eat Jumpied, o* Sept. 23djj 18^0, from WashlntTtOO

| Monument and lived." ,

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