tb1. per,anne! (1) n. g. boopuol (nolo) i&tj jura••) work...

1 Juno 1946 Sal pan Dh \. Ca) '%he Per-oAIle! to carr, out thh pro£l'U .1 of 31 Mq 19-t6 hI (1) U. S. "07 (\0 1001040 anro.o) tb1. Per, anne! 1, dlatrlbQted a. rollewlt emms m,lsm 13 18 (1) N. G. BoopUol (Nolo) (U.S. I&TJ Jura •• ) " " " (2) M. G. Jleadquart1rll aD4 depar\aIZlh of: hbllc Work •• rtabiD« Ba.'. Public s.tet7. JdmlnletratlT@ (tor elYlllana) 6 14 13 18

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1 Juno 1946 Salpan Dh\.

Ca) '%he Per-oAIle! to carr, out thh pro£l'U .1 of 31 Mq 19-t6 hI

(1) U. S. "07 (\0 1001040 anro.o)

tb1. Per, anne! 1, dlatrlbQted a. rollewlt

emms m,lsm13 18

(1) N. G. BoopUol (Nolo)(U.S. I&TJ Jura•• ) "" "

(2) M. G. Jleadquart1rll aD4 depar\aIZlh of: hbllcWork•• rtabiD« Ba.'. Public s.tet7. JdmlnletratlT@ (tor elYlllana) 6 14

13 18

3 CSducaUon DepartileDt) 1 'une 1946 Saipan Diet.

Ca) Scheol. 'the .chool h•• been et.en a coat ot paint "hich keep. the appeare..nc.ot the .chool property. Three De" .creened head. hare been co-pleted durin« t he month.

(b) School 7arz. !he chickeD boa•• i. 9~ completed. Ile.en new pl~a were bornto the .chool ao". Ten ha•• aurd.ed thu. tar.

(e ) JAWS Iducatton.. :So chaa«e ..

4 (Adalulotratlou Dtpart..ut (CITl1 Iauo) ) 1 JUDO 1946 S.lpu Dhi.

Ca) District Chl.r.. An•• dietrict chl.r ... elected b1 the people to replaceOM redgnc.

(b) loudDC . York progr..... dod,.. butot 210 dwell in« hou••• tor the 857 taailte ••needed.

mrel,.. 1!le 'f'lllac_ I1nw baa a totalApproxlaah17 85 new hou... are .Ull

(0) Bell.r and Public " ..lot_a.nev wage ecal. hal not ,._, been worked

h ..out.

di.tribution of food continUAl alnce a

(4) B'cre-tUen.. MOT1DC pictures are n ov 'how. three n1«;b.h • ft_ 1. Q1alulanoa.. Ord.ere nre l ..ued b7 the D.puq Chief Mill tarT Gcwenaent Officer rUlO"l'1nCthe re.triction of aal•• 1...",111« tb8 caap v1thCQ.t pa.... durin« the hour. of 0600 ­1800.

5 (Leeal Depart.ont) 1 Juno 1946 Sa!paD. Dh t.

(a) SuaMr7 ProToat Court acted .e tollo", t

c•••• Continued aCOIlplaiD.b filed 2

(b) Dl.pod tiona a

Dleat ••e4, 2c..... Heard; a

_ 6 . '!.abo r Depart..nt) Supan mot.

(a)~. !he .horb..., of labor conUnu•• to b. acut•• the deaand. being in,%C," of npp17.

(b) Mll .,.,rK' of r!shtered ciTIUp, we and f.!Sl. l,bor,re ,.ploYedduring tb, Eo~thl


CLASS 1 (Mllltar,r Proj.ct.), include. clTtllaD•.pl."e4 b1 M111t&r7 unlt. (.xclu.lv, at Kllltarr GoY")aDd ~ a c t 1,,1 t l •• r.lated dlr.ct17 ther.to .uch a'U.S.C.C . rarm. aDd Jr~ cd. laT7 481 142

CLASS II (Ioraal Occupat i on. ) ,Adalnl,trattv. and per.anal ••ploT.e. aDd

iud.pendent. - MJllt&r,T GoTerna,nt

CLASS 111 (~hablllt.tl on and aub.l.tenc.tood prDductloD). Includln& fl.hlQS and c~ltT rar-•.~

"'tal 1033

a. On'erzaent paid worken (Mill tar)' GoT' to )\. Iad.p.Dd,nt SDt.rpr.neur. (tar.,r••teo)c. 0. S••••7d. U. s, J.rrr




6 1 Juno 1946 S&1pan Did.

(4) :IuIIber ot rechhrt4 laborer. !!ploYed In 'teh PM r,h, ,xelud1" orIDd.pend.nt iDtr.preneure. 1. Ie tollo~:

.2b por do;r•3b por do;r

Onak1l1e4 LaborUnakUled LaborSkilled LaborSalarIed Iaplor'"Salaried. bpl"T'"Salaried J.pl 07'"Salaried _10,..••Salarted. 1apl'7'"


.. .50 per- do;r

.. 20.00 per month

.. 22.00 per month

.. 22.50 por ..nUl

.. 25.00 p.. aonth

.. 30. 00 por ..n\h





(.) Daily A"er"G' ot Men pM YOllen :r.plole4.

a. IDd.pend.nt lDir.pr.neur.b • .A.tt.ched to pl071DC On! he. hternal De\a11d. In\.rnal (Ki1. a.. ·\)





- ?-(SUpply aod 11"""co Dopartao"t) 1 Juno 1946 Salpan Dlot•..._--<a> AdalnhtrattoD.. 'rbi.depart_nt val clond CII1t during the I!lODt. All

SUPP1.7 function. "ere turned GYrI' to ••y&l SUppl7 Center; linanee function. to••val OperaUoc Ban Pqzaater.

(b) Gratuitoul l ••ua of food stuttl Since all elvlllaAa are on goy.rna_a.trell.r the rollow~ .t.tl,tlca are shown.

'OOlhh,tt. hn.edI.ported. 1004h ••h n.bIra.b 'agetabl••

Dollar Talu.. ,

rreah 'atltaU••rruh noh (.02 perIaported rood.


62.28 ton.22.80 •71,]9 •

156,27 !onl

* 2M1.41pound) 4559.30


Per CapUa Dail, '.lue-all food. - *.1161

Capt t .. D..11.,. )'ood. ConnapUon - all toed. - poUDda

Avarace Population - Japane•• - ~orro219 4355




1 1 June 1946 Salpan mit..

Il1c. 139 2334:BeaD' 55J'l.h and Meat. 161 aeosOtbar rood. 293 42h ••h "e-t.able. 300 430?

948 9161

(c) J' l 1!ADCU

(1) Total lIeg._ hid Durlp& Month(2) weal Collection. - J'1uI and Do« Lieen•••(3) Satok••p1OC Dopo_U_

.IIlont on hond 4/30/46Depodhn tb4r.wa.l. -.IIlOWlt 00 Dopo_it 5/31/56

(d) AAcouotl1'&;

(1) DD.r1e« t.he aOD.th of Ma7 a t.otal ot $10.663.62 V&I recorded. •• ha.,.incbeen earne' oa. 967 .Accow:.t.. tor l.bor pertor..4 during the aenth of jpril. 1946.

M.11h&r'7 Gcn'er.eD.\ UnitO. S. Coamere1al eoaJ:8ll1'



~onoalca (U.5.C.C.) )

(a) Genom.

1 Juca 1946 Salpan Diet.

(1) AP'lcu),tur.. Dr,. weather preTalled thr~out the aonth aDd planUncc•• to. coapleh St..DcbUll. '%hie ce....tton of plant1ns; will probab17 ahow upin reduced production in approd•• telT tyo IIOntha. All of the taraera are nowprepariac their la.nd tor the re1EQ" uaaon which 1••%peeted t o Nein in about threeweek.. Land la 'belli« cleared ot we.a and plowed. aDd ••ed k raad.7 for planUD«'1.-.d1.'.17 follovtng the fira' raiD. Diatribution of Tee-tabl•• haa been creatl7Illpro... ed durin,; the month. AU. S. Commercial Coape.IIT Produce Center vu orcanhed.and PIt Into aperatlon Oil 19 MaT 1946. 1!le Ara7 Qu.art.r....ter and 1'.'Yal Snpp17Center _at. • 48117 pickup at the central po int. JJl the f~ produce 1. d..liTeredb7 the tara. to the center bT 1100 each daJ. "hera It 1. HUed. checked alJd. dtrlded.for dletrlbmtloD b7 1330. ~.D th. ~t ••~ and Milltar" GaYern••nt truck• .ak.a pickup. Both the Ar'aT and tbe BaT7 bay. started a ••11 ce-h'arT tor theoOBTan1.nc. ot thelr dependent t ..llle.. Each co..le~ aak•• a plCkup In aJeep each dq. !bh prod.uce 18 d.'blted to the Q..M. or •• S.C. rupecUTelr &lU1 1.patd tor en the recul r account. '!he U. S. Co..rel&! Co.~ 1_ net 1JlTobed InretalUnc. .AD erea at appro»_te17 30 &.Cre., adjacent to the ,;olt eew.. aDd theaaln road around the hlMd. baa 'been cleared ot UDaipUr ahacke and herreh. ~.

area ... preTl oue17 tar-ed b7 the Japaneee prior to thelr repatriation, and 1••0..ot the b.. t taraing l&Dd OD the ll11and. Due to ita public poet tiOD. it h plannedto clear the area and utilize i\ IU • aNoel.l· tara. Saall ·neeDoooti••• hoo••••well pla.nned to b. Ileat aDd unlton., area to be bullt aD4 ,-.11 3 acre tara. laldout.

8 1 June 1946 Salpan Di.t.

A tuple b ou.. 1_ thon. in pbotocraPh e:I:h1b1t l l ce . t ed in t hl!' ul1t.o area.Good tar• • re "ill b • •elec t ed aDd ...l gned to \he tar•• and required to conducttarstng operation. i n tueh a aanner aa to cr••te a plea.ant tight a. yell a. toproduce tood. Sh•• t I roD. barreh. old dud lIbell. aDd iraah are now being clearedb7 a er." ot _Ix men and • truck. It 1. hoped the area will b. 411084 aDd plowedb1 the U •• the ralD.7 ••uon atarh. Dier. bat been ve'r7 little chau«e in tbenuaber ot tara.ra ~l. mouth. At the pr••ent tim. t he tvo tara cooperatIvea••oetationa baTe a ••mberablp ot 106. ~e.....oel.tlona baT. 356 acre. uDderculthaUon. The Acrlculture ••cUOD. nov ..plOTt 22 Chaaorrana i n the tollewingcla•••u

Mechanic. 3Drl,..rt 370rtaan 1_"'7 (Rq) 2IIa%lch 11 "Produce Center 3General Crew ~


'er, little chaJl&e or Increue can be expected vtthlD the next fev aCDt.h.a. tar u per.o11ntll h concu'!led. '!he labor dtu.&t1oD 1. now'Yer'f t1p\. with\he n&T1 a.Dd the anq ccape\1Dg tor all a'YaUable .en and "e-eD . The U. S.Co_rc1al Co.pa.DT will probabl7 not Leee aDT Dec...ar7 personnel, but willDO\ " able \0 n:pend. Jar-en placed OD De" lend ha'U been clear1nc aDd. bu.1ld.1J1&hou... and shed., and Yill not be produc1~ tor a nu.-ber ot -anth. 7e\.

8 1 J"". 1946 Salpan Dhi.

(2) Trade Goodl. Sale. to the ChamOrTO '%'rad, St.ore ..ounhd h $6284.71for t.he .onth. '!hI ,ale of 10M food. bu dropped 111Cbtl7 due, in part, to th,tact that. the Chaaorro people are fi,hIDg. coll.cUD« bananaa, breM {nUt andplIJlqu OD ....k.Di.. 'l'hlre 1, a Ihortage of vlaene' and ebUdr.nl' ,hoe_ andelltbel. De-and 1. hl~ for t.he.' artlcl... !be people Yent a veri,iT of color.and. pattern. and repeated.17 ask tor th_. '!here h nled. tor IDOre .pac. tn thlfred. Store •• there I, no roc. tor proper dhplllT of 1'.... 'fhe people appearto take prlde in their .tor••

(3) BandlcratS. Illorpntsatton of \he salpan JlaDdlcraft Auoel.tion ft.

accollplhhed. In MaT. !he old organhation "u clinohed aD4 accrued trofU. tortbe pal' Tlar aaoontine t. $2155.50 yere dlatrlbuted "one the •••ber. b7 Bo••ICHIB.ULl. Slcreb.x7-Kana«er or the J.noel,Uon. Opon dtlllOluUon of the old.AAlocl.tloD • DeW argent ••tloD called the Saipan Handicraft ~_ociation ... Cor.ed.X.ber.hip up to 200 w111 be _old at $5.00 each. ArUele. of l.e_oc:iaU on wredra"1l up in 1:Dc11ah &IlId. in CM&orro b7 tl::,to 0. S. Co__reia! Co~. approTec!b7 tt. KllU&r7 30Ternaent and preaenhd to the hancl1era!t 'tlIOrnr.. Darill« theaonth 105 .el:lber~ip. vere taken out. '!be RuuUeratt l.e_oelaU on baa 'been operaUn«UDder dlfflcultl •• due \0 1.laD4 ·Coasac4 requ••\iQC additional l.borer. thl.aonth. AbClU.t 25 _n were taken out of !&Ddieratt to work: 011 other Job. on WPU&Dd DCW are cnl7 able to d.Tote part U ..e t. thb work. CcnaeQ.ueDtl7 the :a.uaberof arUele_ ..de ha. dropped and _alea haTe been eorre.poDd.iI1£lT h... lleta11_al•• bT the A••oci.\1on in __ "OWltec! to $3181.30. '!'be retaU _ell1nc pelle7"u c:bazlced CID 1 MaT end the 0. S. C-.erelal eoap&D7 vithdrew froa -etual ..UiD«

aDd turned OTer to the Chaaorroe the reepaneiblllt7 .t ••llinc \0 the retail

B 1 June 1946 Salpen Dht.

trede. The handicraft budne.. 1, noy in the hand. ot the QUIlDorroa and. appear.to be handled ~er.r effieleDilTo

!be U. S. Co...rcial Coapanr euperTia.a tbe work aDd keep. in touch withofficial. ot the a"oeiattoD in pricing and ..ttere of ceneral polleT_

(4) Saoll Do.loo •••(aj Sll?eremltht fifteen pound' of allYer haa been procured fro.

GUA)( tor tbe ule of the sn",eraa1 tha. Tool, aDd die' ha'l'e been procur.ci troaIaTal Supp17 Center vh.1ch vl11 enable them to produce. beUer qual1t7 of york.!hi. buaiD'" 1. la.er.aa1~ and \here 18 a deaand for the U"Uch. aad. aa quallt7I, ""17 good.

(b) J1orl.'a. IDT••t1gatloD ot \he actlYitl •• of the Plort", baaindicated tut 1 t "ould be adThable to procure a ••11 plot of &round. tor thepurpo.. ot raia1.Dg no....er. ueed. in ..inc Cora8l;u, Leh. etc. At the preuAtil.. , It I, nec••aar,y tOr thea to get flower. troa the ne ighbors cardena. vb1chunnec...arU7 lnereue. the c••t. B7 ralda« their 0'tGl planh, regolar del1Terinot cut noYer. would be -.de to all _aTal aDd Ara7 c.-aaDd.. inter. s t eel. u wella. to iDdiTidual tuiU.. and personnel.

(c) Cobblers. 256 pound.tor use in aalt:1n,: ahoes, watch bands,eq,uiPHnt. such aa .hoe naUs, rubberat SAIPAI tor U •• ot the sho_akers.e%pADded.

rs! leather haa been tural ehed to the cobblersraaor .traps. etc. A aupp17 or cobblerheel. nail.. rubber c aeDt. etc. haTe arriTed'!hie lIl.lne • • h Clourhh lng aDd can be

8 1 Jun. 1946 Saipan Diet.

(d) iakerz. An InT••tlgatlon of COlt ot aa'erial. Uled in relationto the r~t.l1 price at bread wa••Ada. JA. re.ult of this lUT••tigation. ar.co~eDd&tlon v•• aada and approved to locre.I' the retaIl price ot bread lroa.ast per lb. to .06 per lb. It 1. felt tna' thie vll1 allow hi••ufficient markupto take car. ot over head and 10" due to .pol1~•• lack ot lalea. ItC. and allowhi•• fair aargln of protl t.

(5) Mile,lleneou.. Stock at provilionl in the ..aunt ot .23.480.42 valpurcbued trt8 the MilUar7 GO'Y ernaent Supp17 in anticipaU on of dllconUnuanceot craiul too. heu. at tood. More than 3.000 cuu of to-4 ha.e been a OTed troathe old varehouu are•• i n t o the ae.. varehouae in the M1l1t&r7 Gc'Yernaent S'a.Ppl7area. '!he tiret Iblp.ent of trade goode uri'wed on a barge fro. TIBld aDd hadbeen unloaded a nd atored haporar117. 'Dllre 1. a nled tor aore warlhoue .paceand the 'Oepa.t7 Chl~ M11itar"7 Go'rernaen\ Offleer hal iDdieated that epece willbe a ..ignec1 to ...... in the near future. !he .all quen•• ' huh in the beach are.had i.e be eaplO1ed f or. h01le1a,; d.'ulopment, all aO'Yin« va. d ene br the varehoua.worker••

(b) Other light lndu.trleel !oto!Worker. I!.....t J.b! l·ct1ph ~~

5e_.tre•••• 25 264 • 14.90 M.r.1703 368.85 .aU....

Barber Shop 4 23 2.10 ...409 38. 30 •

B 1 Jun e 1946 Salpaa Dh t .fatal

' 9rlcara 1.0. ot Jog, Bee.lpte Co,\u.era

llor ht 2 312 •415.30 _r.C10C Shop 4 20 4.00 J.

219 56 . 18 I'.th'.Maueur 1 160 24.88 1/Wnnd". 8 B18 34.82 J.

17B 7.Z2 1/Cobbler Shop 3 28 49.70 J.

49 47.38 1/7urnltllr. Sh.p 8 ?3 134.10 1/3 . ..117 A Waich bp . Sh op 3 124 = . 28 1/Bat Shop 1 ---:Beau'7 Shop 1 7 Z' .00 "kl-ro14 .1'J' Shllp 1La>qu • 2 4 .00 1/•

(e> Land, 'M Op.rat1 011.

(1) fur'llZ Pr_jec: \ . .Approxiaatel7 3000 potted. plantl were &11'& out4urlDg the . onth. 1h,r. h a deaand tor plant, now and aa..D1' thouNDd.. could 'b.ueed. b7 .nera! large unlh. !bh pre••nt 4.11aZ1d 1. a natural d.'und fr .. thete" Wl1h .0 ba·... heard tbat plant. are ."ail.blB . 'l'bh d.-.nd could b. {ncr.a.edJlaJI;p' U ••• o.,..r b7 vorkin.g with ...arl oua unih M10 -.At to beautlt7 \heir erOUDd,and the DeW ho•• for wi..... aDd t_11te8. 117 plantl!1& baDenu and fruit ir...

8 1 June 1946

.a yell u ehrub•• food lX"odv.cUon 1. augmented. About 400 bulUUd ba•• beenplanted at Iobler fleld. A 11ttle .uperTieloD va. gl~eD ~ the U.S . Co.merelalCOm&pnr Bepresentati•• and help giTea to the group of alx vorka~n (urnlehed byXObler neld . It 1. bell•••d thia method of lUlhcapiDt; and planting vil1 brlnt;r ••ult.; the unit viII furni.h all labor and transportatloD and the U. S. Co~erclal

CO.PaDI will furnish the landscape gardener wo w11l act .a foreman of the gangand plan the york dai17. UDder present condltilon8 thi. 1. the be.t wq to helpout the aa.DT unlt. who are ready to beauUf7 their ground. . V. hay. no Cbaaorroforeman at the preeent time \0 8uperThe a pllUlUng prograa. 'l'here are thr•• ortour are•• where 01 true trut hare groving and york ahould be done to rehabill tatethe tren. 'lb.. hl8Jl,d Coaa&:lder 1. i nterested and hila taken the U.S. CG-.erclalCo~anr aepre.entatlve out in the field and pointed out one citru. plant in« andha••uege.ted that we tr7 to produce frui t. fb8 leland Medical otticer baa takenthe writer out and pointed out area. that .hould be worked ov.r with the ODe objecti,.trw. t production. V. ahould do .olllething on SAIPAll .loD« thJ. 11ne but we haTeto ha'u adequate .uperThlon oyer the worker. and 'We do not haTe a~one at thi.tt.e qualified to carq out a frut t tree rehablli tat ion progru . Banana aM trui ttree planting e ceee under food production and. Ilhould be all IlllportAnt part of ouragricultural progr8ll.


BananuBeano (Strllljl)

total Amo~lnt



ProductBeehCalabaahCarrohCornCuCUllberI«gplan\Green.LeekaLeUuceOnion.PaPItT··PepperaPineapplePupldnalIad.1.hSweet Potato••Sp/)lUIt:e «OUNfoaatoVateraalonWhite gourd ••loD.

1 June 1946

fa tal ""oun\172










Supan Diet.

(e) LiT••toek and Poultrx.

Cattle in herd ere 1n good condl tiOD. and expected to ahow .IIarked l_:p:-0Tement

8 1 June 1946 Salpan Dht.

following riddance of tick., reaoyal iro. fluke area and pr••'Dce of cane paa'ura«e.1'1.... buDired and nineteen polJ.Dd. of beef va••old to the trade Store. Bog herd1. in good condition and threat of Hog rlu 1. DOt .erioue. !went,. ODe hundredand tift,. pounds tit Pork "". aold to the Trade Store. PoultI7 was culled WIdereu1dan.ce of Mr. Paul Gantt durlnt; the .onth. I'ort,. two pound. of dr...ed chicken... 8014 to the !rade Store. Refer to phot~aph exhibit 2.

InTent.o17 at of 31 Mq 1946 tollo'nl




1 Juno 1946 Supan Diet.

Balance on band bepD.Diag or .onth'fotal Caucbt tor _ontb of Mq

Pia trlbutt. 0DTo Cup Sa._To Klllt&r7 Or&aD1 ••tl ..

Prhonar of War S\oc:kIll1.)(111 t&r7 GoYeroaeat Boapi talMlll~ GoTera.ent Inllated XeD

Me••Kl11~7 Qoyer~eDt Officer X•••I.n:T

Balance on haD4 31 Xa.1 1946

~993 lbe,4299 lb••




=~1~58; 1be.50,050

20050,250 lb•.


To ""'e. '1 Whole n.hTo ""'ea '1 II. _ G,to u.. 11 Dr...ed

'l'o Jr.. 13 Whole lillhTo Area '3 II, am G,




--..!~Publ1o Saf.t, - Intel11«.nce - fire Depart.ent) 1 Juno 1946 s.u_ Dl.\.

(a) Org)Dtlltlon. ~. natl~e pollee tore. oonelete ot 70 polle••en aDd 2polt ce Yoaea..

(b) Population St.tlatlca.(1) !be \0'01 uwober of

wa.: 4.615.J.J*D....ChaaorroCarol1nlan

elTlllane In protectlT' eu.todT ae ot 31 KaT 1946


lII£! ...Jll!l loaen Il!k ,.,1, h1AlJapaDe" 67 63 U '7 218Chaaorro 908 891 801 753 3.353Carolln1aD 3lia 303 2la 177 1.044

1.327 1,257 l,OM 977 ',615/I

(c) ~trla\lon. Io one .... r.patri.ted. tra. thia laland dnrin& the aonth.SeTen nat I ••• r.c.1T,d OD 28 MaT troa Tokohaaa. On. Chaaorro aale tor SJlPAI. twoteaat.. (reneo.) tor PALAD ou hnaka _al. ter ftIJ[. on, lanka ..11 tor POI!PI.

(d) Chalan lenO& lir, D.prz~ent.

A tire truck h~. b••D •••iened to Ml11t&r7 GoT.rn-ent bT the I.laDd lireMar,hal and • Chalan Ianoa 'lr. n.parta.nt hal been orcanlze4. !he entire Pollc.

10 1 Juno 1946 lalpan Dht.

'ore. hat been ••nt throU&h the hland n r. rlpUq Schoel aD! trained In the u ••o! tbe truck: and. fire t1£hUD« equtpaent. Ilpt _n 11""'1 been qualified to drt....the truck and ha•• been I.IRed ltc.nul. A lire Bouae ha. b.en conltruet,4 nearthe Polic. S\aUon. Picture. of lire Houe. and ri« ere .hcnm al ezhlbit 3. A.teaporal7 nr. &lara '7.\8. hall been lna iaHed In eWan lanDa. but it bat b.end.tendned \hat thi. '7.tea h inadequate and. plan. are nay MiD« aad, tar \h.in_lallation ot • nev alar••,.ha. 'fb.1, 171t_ Yill 41 ...14, the T111a«' intotOW' aou•• wi ill. u alar. 'box in each district. !he alara box w111 .et ott.120 ...aU ,trln located at the .1d.alnhtraUoD. Oinet aDd will operate a relq whichwill light aD ,lectrlc bulb at the pollee .~tloD.. thowing in which Ion. the tirebaa occurred•

.l watch b111 hat b.en travn up which _lrltallU one of \hI 4rh.r. at thePollee Station at all t1m... In.tructlon. tor reporttnc ttre. ba. been drawn upin 1Dg1hh a.Dd Ch_orro and pa.bl1ahed. Ihr11l& the .onth the tire Departalentparticipated in the erliJ:l«u1eh1nc ot two tiree and recehe4 clapll.enh tor theiracUon b7 the Idud nre Marehal . An enlteted .an SIlDU. Site ba. beeD t_porar1l7...lped to JUl1\&r'7 OO·...r DaeDt to or«aa1.e the Chalan lanoa lire Depar\unt .Be h now worldn« on. tire WrI'eT ot all kllltal7 (Ja'nra.ent acU.,.IU•••Dd area..

1 June 1946

(a) EaplQl!.n\. Tn. aYerage nUMber at eaplo7••• in Public Works tor the.onth va. 139.

1. CIVILI"~ !l0. 1. ~ ll1h Peri OIl~ C.-pleh

to datt

Constraction at lire StattonCon.tructton or thr.e Head. tor ua. at Seh.ollire plug in.-aIled at tire d.part.ent.18CO t •• t at pipe laid tor the lrricatloD at

aehool t~General ..tnteDaDc. and. l.prO'l'eaent to eroUDda

2. CIliLlAIJ~ IO, 2.

3. CIlILIAJ~ IO. ~.

General aaintenanee.

In.talled Cott•• Urn.General aa.1ntenaDCe and laproye_nta to ~ouDd.







1.l!>10 Perl ad


5. OUlell!' 5 CQUlPlI.

I JW1e 1946 Salpan Dist.

~ Co.plet.to date

Construction of beach hou.eConstruction of ahower••IUd.Ued two dllka, two head, two ahowra..AddlUon to Co-tr., 11llDLlT'. quarter.


CODYeraloD ef tor..r Japanese Orpb_na«. intotu~erculo.l. aan1torlua - pluablng, w1rl~ and palntine

7. ADIIINlSl'll.U'1CJ[ .ulll.






__",~\ ~ lTl~~aD Medical Acttyttl •• ) 1 J""" 1946 Salpan D1.t.

(a) Vital 5tatloti.o,ATeret. population tor the .~nth

Total Medical tr••t-euta at ~.-p dlapenaari.atotal Surlieal treat••nte at caap dispenaeri ••ToW major aurgicAl operatlons osmea 1202!btal aiDor .urglesl operation8 OSIMGB 1202Tot.l patient a adaitted to hoapitaltotal patient. diacharged Iro. hoapitalR_ainiDf: in ho.pital 31 Kq 1946Ho.pital 48T' furnl,hedDental Bitting. in C..p dlapena&r7








Is HOlM tall4


4t Bo•• :11

4\ BOlDlf11

Total I14219


(b) D.,tb. bl Cau.el Dl''P0.1aAlipbyxlatl on (Anoxia ot newborn lecondar;r to

\oz••I. or pregD&n~)

lUmber of Death.;


12 . 1 June 1946

I!1!ber ot De,thu

typhoid JeTer 2'I\lberculoeh, Pula0D&r7. tar adT&QCed. acihe,r.infection t.7J)e 1

a••orrha&e. Kanlye right. adrenal Medulla 1tubercula.i •• Pulaonar,y. reinfectIon iTPe. bilat.eral.far-adyanced. acUTe with hratnal h••orrhage 1

Unknown 1

!Vo d ••t.h. vere reported •• f7phold te.er. !be•• pailent. died ehorilTafter adal ••1on and no poeltl",e t ••,. for TJphold vere obtained. the dLa«noel.was ba.ed on the gro•• patholo«lcal fiDding. at autoPeT. laaedl.te atep. weretaken in cuardlng unanthorl.ed .cure•• ot .ater, such .e cistern. and Innoculatln«the entlre yillage aginet ~old. ~o date no ne. or .ueplcloue c•••• bay. beenreported. en. Mllltar7 Go"'er~.nt enlisted personnel. PURTIS. R. H. Sl/e. ~ltt.d.PatIent died; diagnosis. intracranial InJurr.

(0) Chalan :tanoa ntepenu.as

.1"'81'&«e DUIlber of' dck calI. dal17Total aedlcal ,lck call.fotal eurgical dck call.Chaorro .eli1e&! t.r.aUlent..Chulorro eurglcal \r••\..,n\.



12 1 June 1946

lanaka .edleal tr••t.ent.(aDak. nrc1eal ir•• t_nt.J:urat;e 4&117 • tck call - Cb.aaorroA:Yer.,;, daU,. deE call - lanakato~l nuaber patlent, rl&l,tered to date

(4) DenioJ, DeWillOni,

Cbalan lana. Dental Cllnic,

Juaber of lleY paUent.~b.r of alttlnceWuIIber of coapleUonlfotal cc.pl,Uonl to d.ate

"'ber of ehlldrlJl treatedJUab,r or e~tractloD'

Iu.ber ,t re,'orailonlluater of chlldren c~l.ted.

luaber ot children tr••ted to dateIu.ber ot' eblldrla. ccapleted to d.'.






(e) San.Uatlon.&. Garb". aM tr••h Dhpoltl. G.rbace.Ed tr••h ... diapoeed ot 4&1107_

12 1 JUDO 1946

.l11 def.eU?, ttarba«e and trae barrel .tand. were replaced or repair.d.

b. Sevy.. On. (1) cl••ed-drop lat.rin, Y" dne 1n Chelan hnoa Sanitation!r.a.

c. In"ct Control. !be fol lowing area' ha•• b.eD .prared thi. month.lor'aD Caap ArIa (Hou... aD! wljl l . ) . Ar.a ar01m4 houle, In Cbalan KanDa. useefarm. II , 2. 3. and 4. Mot.or Pool. Lepro.arlu•• •ClYlllan Brl«. Ho.plt.al. ClyilAffai r. AdalnhtraUoD. Officer. Quarter., ZI1lllted M.a', :BeKh and quarter••Suppl,. aDd Publlc Sat.iT. 7i.hin« Bu. , Re4 Cro•• Vo••n', ArN. Lak, Suwp• •"'pprorl_te17 20 draa. of k,ro••ne vere n.ed W1.th 20 p0W11. at DIt! povd..r t oeach 55 calloD~.

4 . Rodl n t Control. Darl~ the . ' nt h • total of 273 rat. and ~~ ale.wlr. trapped in all ar... .

10 V.t,r and S.~. . Wine t~k. of .aDd verI n.ed to tlll 1n two cl.t.Tn••two aor. cl.,.rn...r. broken down and will b. fl11,d In a f,. da,.., CITlllan•

....s-e eauUoned. apJ.D.t udng water frca d.tern. tor drlnkiZl& and cooklD&. Itpeople continue drtDkl~ vater and a or e c•••• of t~old are tound In all cl.tern.will be fUled In. . ( • )

~. c.-b;;;.~.- :\.6-&1 ~.. VfotoC\l. •

~t) kr.. l • Tra1ninc. On 3 Mq 24: "th. Iur.... including 0\ aal... craduatedfro. 1202 Mill t&!7 GoTeraaea.t Boapl tal. '!here are t he f1 ret practical Dur.e, .....Cr.tuated on S~PAJI. The be.t atudent of the cl.... Macdalena.u.DAI. reoehed eoa.

12 1 Juno 1946 Salpan Dlot.

aon\ha 1IC0 & CO_eMaUOD trOlil Major General Sar:d.ertord Jaraan U.S .A. tor her OIlh\andincam Urele.. "ork in working wi th our toree. 4u:rl~ the inT•• ioD of SAIPAI. GraduationPicture 1. eneloaed •• exhibi\ 5.

L. G. lIlDUY