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Page 1: TCA Orientation & Committee Assignments BOD... · • TCA Membership SW – Matt Kropp – Maintains and owns changes to “oard Member Administrative Task Page” – Owns and addresses

TCA Orientation & Committee Assignments


Page 2: TCA Orientation & Committee Assignments BOD... · • TCA Membership SW – Matt Kropp – Maintains and owns changes to “oard Member Administrative Task Page” – Owns and addresses


• Electronic Documents: Where to find them and contents (p3)

• Navigation of Board Member Administrative Task Page (p4)

• Outsourced roles & compensation (p5)

• Elected roles: (p6) – President, Vice-President, Secretary

• DJ Chair and Committee (p7)

• Board Duties – Everyone (Tuesday, Kellys, Gazebo) (p8)

• Organizational Committees / Roles (Solicit Volunteers) (p9-19)

• Conflict of Interest Policy & Signatures (p20)

• Board/DJ Contacts (p21/22)


Page 3: TCA Orientation & Committee Assignments BOD... · • TCA Membership SW – Matt Kropp – Maintains and owns changes to “oard Member Administrative Task Page” – Owns and addresses

Electronic Documents • How to find them

– At the following link:

– “TCA Public Documents” link from Board Member web page

• Contents


Page 4: TCA Orientation & Committee Assignments BOD... · • TCA Membership SW – Matt Kropp – Maintains and owns changes to “oard Member Administrative Task Page” – Owns and addresses

Functions that you will use on Board Member Administrative Task Page IT will manage passwords to this page for board members

Opening greeter prints out Tuesday evening to check in members These are usually stocked in cabinet for practica

Where announcer on birthday night gets list of member birthdays for the month

Functions generally usually used only by bookkeeper or treasurer to add members, edit member information or renew memberships – may be used by board members to look up member information

Opening greeter prints out Tuesday evening to check in members These are usually stocked in cabinet for practica

A link that can be used to access our public documents

These functions that should not be used by board members The view/edit system setting should be used by IT to change board member names on automated mail messages on Jan 1. 4

Page 5: TCA Orientation & Committee Assignments BOD... · • TCA Membership SW – Matt Kropp – Maintains and owns changes to “oard Member Administrative Task Page” – Owns and addresses

Outsourced Roles & Compensation • Newsletter – Karen Reck

– Publishes TCA Newsletter & Weekend Update

– Maintains all aspects of TCA Website with the exception of the “Board Member Administrative Task Page”

• TCA Membership SW – Matt Kropp – Maintains and owns changes to “Board Member Administrative Task Page”

– Owns and addresses issues associated with membership software: user interface for entering members, reminder messages for expirations, welcome and we missed you messages, generation of Tuesday membership list

• Bookkeeping – Gail Womack – Collects & deposits money, maintains quicken, pays bills, provides budget

framework, generates monthly financial reports & post event summaries, tracks event participation

• Social Media, Comms, IT – Michelle McRuiz – Facebook owner, edits comms, generates passwords, PayPal, maintains electronic

documents, updates web page when board members change

Compensation for outsourced functions: free entrance to milongas, free membership, free entrance to special events


Page 6: TCA Orientation & Committee Assignments BOD... · • TCA Membership SW – Matt Kropp – Maintains and owns changes to “oard Member Administrative Task Page” – Owns and addresses

Elected Roles • President

– Sets agenda, liaison with City (Gazebo), conduit to Albuquerque magazine and Kelly’s, submit 990-N e-postcard (May), announcements, continuous improvement, ensure correct signatories on US bank account.

• Vice President – Fills in for president or secretary when needed, leadership role in executive

decisions, mentor for new board members

• Secretary – Maintain monthly minutes and add financial information from bookkeeper reports.

Send approved minutes in a word document to Michelle to upload into public documents.

– Change the Officers of the club on the Secretary of State website after elections in December, Complete and send out the December meeting minutes listing the names of the elected officers so that their names can be registered with US Bank as signatories on the account, file our annual report with the office of the Secretary of State in May and print out the certificate of good standing for our file. A fee of $25 is charged

• Elected Officers all have check signing authority and can make quick decisions in rare cases when they are needed.


Page 7: TCA Orientation & Committee Assignments BOD... · • TCA Membership SW – Matt Kropp – Maintains and owns changes to “oard Member Administrative Task Page” – Owns and addresses

DJ Chair & Committee • Functions apart from the board

• Is responsible for music, scheduling of DJs and all decisions regarding the music.

• DJ Chair (if not elected as board member) is an ex-officio member of board. President will pull the DJ Chair into a board meeting if there are decisions to be made regarding equipment expenses related to the music

• See Policy 22 for DJ related policies


Page 8: TCA Orientation & Committee Assignments BOD... · • TCA Membership SW – Matt Kropp – Maintains and owns changes to “oard Member Administrative Task Page” – Owns and addresses

Board Duties



Page 9: TCA Orientation & Committee Assignments BOD... · • TCA Membership SW – Matt Kropp – Maintains and owns changes to “oard Member Administrative Task Page” – Owns and addresses

Committees & Support Needed

Responsibilities of each committee will be reviewed and volunteers solicited


Committee/Role Committee Members



Hospitality (2-3)

Special Events (2)

Workshop (2-3)





Page 10: TCA Orientation & Committee Assignments BOD... · • TCA Membership SW – Matt Kropp – Maintains and owns changes to “oard Member Administrative Task Page” – Owns and addresses

Nomination & Election Committee – Process Overview By Laws :

At least 8 but no more that 10 board members Two year term, five members elected each year No Board member shall be elected for more that two terms

Election of Officers Policy Number P.13 Election of officers shall occur at the first board meeting in December following the general election Newly elected board members will attend the December board meeting to vote on new officers and

topics for the board retreat.

Board Elections Policy Number P. 16 Notice of election made 60 days in advance with postings to occur weekly at milongas and practicas.

Notice includes Date of election Number of available positions Cut off date for nominations is two weeks before the election

Any current TCA dues paying member may run List of candidates and number of positions available published at least one week prior to election. Create paper ballot with names of nominated candidates and number of positions available Secretary shall serve as election monitor

Will mark off name as receives ballot Ensure is a paid up TCA member Provide ballot box

Absentee ballot sent out at least more than one week prior to election and returned to Secretary or TCA, PO Box, in sealed envelop with members name on the outside

Two board members to count votes. Results sent by email to the membership as soon as practical (communication committee)


Page 11: TCA Orientation & Committee Assignments BOD... · • TCA Membership SW – Matt Kropp – Maintains and owns changes to “oard Member Administrative Task Page” – Owns and addresses

Nomination & Election Committee - Roles


• Communicate notice of upcoming election 60 days in advance: Date, available positions, cutoff date for nominees (2 weeks prior to election)

• Solicit members to run for the board

• Create paper ballots with names of candidates

• Hand out absentee ballots 1 week prior to elections with mail in instructions.

Page 12: TCA Orientation & Committee Assignments BOD... · • TCA Membership SW – Matt Kropp – Maintains and owns changes to “oard Member Administrative Task Page” – Owns and addresses

Budget Committee (attends budget meeting & makes budgetary decisions)

• Framework • Bookkeeper compiles an annual spreadsheet, showing cash flow

by category (income and expense). • The bookkeeper will edit this spreadsheet to reflect income and

expenses that are forecast for the following year and remove rows and expenses that were “one time” expenses for the current year.

• Meeting agenda • The budget committee will meet once annually to align on

operational expenses and income scheduled for the following year.

• The bookkeeper will monitor our actual month to month bank summary relative to our forecasted income and expenses.

• Significant changes to the operating budget will be brought to the Board’s attention throughout the year.


Page 13: TCA Orientation & Committee Assignments BOD... · • TCA Membership SW – Matt Kropp – Maintains and owns changes to “oard Member Administrative Task Page” – Owns and addresses

Hospitality Committee

See details in

• Duty Recruitment (Board and Community)

• Creates and hands out Monthly Signup sheet for the following month. Board members should sign up to both greet and bring nonperishables.

• Utilize a Guest Signup Sheet to recruit TCA volunteer greeters (snacks optional) the month before they’re required

• At the end of each month, add TCA volunteers to next month’s Monthly Signup Sheets and send to board. Put copy in the TCA supply cabinet

• Stock supply cabinet with nonperishables and food supplies (cups, plates, napkins etc)

• Send out reminders (process in word doc) • A Tuesday milonga service reminder email goes out every Sunday to the board and the


• Gazebo and Kelly’s reminders go out around Friday.


Page 14: TCA Orientation & Committee Assignments BOD... · • TCA Membership SW – Matt Kropp – Maintains and owns changes to “oard Member Administrative Task Page” – Owns and addresses

Special Events Committee Plan and execute Special Events to include: Valentines Day Milonga; Asado Picnic; Tango Tag Sale and the Holiday Milonga

• Create a Budget (total expenses determined at budget meeting)

• Set Pricing (Member/ Non-Member) and payment methods (PayPal, advance cash/check, cash at door)

• If using PayPal, prepare a cell phone for PayPal use at event

• Create and maintain list of attendees if doing anything other than cash at door

• Determine Date and Venue for Holiday and Valentines’ Milonga for the following year, one month after each event

• Determine Time

• Determine whether you want decorations brought or provided and make arrangements accordingly.

• Select caterer and food (or snacks at Costco) and food logistics (purchase, transport, etc)

• Purchase and bring drinks: alcohol, water (use water cooler and lemons), coffee (cream, sugar) – remember to bring large coffee maker

• Purchase serve ware (plates, napkins, plastic silverware, cups for water, wine, coffee)

• Secure Volunteers & Incentives (generally ½ the price of an event)

• Create schedule & instructions for volunteers

• Determine how alcohol is handled (cash bar, none, BYOB, etc). Purchase alcohol liability insurance if needed. Secure licensed bartender if serving alcohol.

• Determine set up (floor, tables, door security)

• Create flyers and notify Karen so event is set up in Tango Newsletter

• Work with Secretary to set up FB invites

• Work with IT to set up PayPal payment option and a post event survey when needed

• Coordinate and plan with Santa Fe Tango Community as Appropriate

• Coordinate with DJ Committee on DJ

• If Elena Gallegos is desired for annual picnic, it must be secured November 1st of prior year (see open space web site for current year instructions)

• If conducting Tango Tag Sale, secure instructions from Kipp or Gail 14

Page 15: TCA Orientation & Committee Assignments BOD... · • TCA Membership SW – Matt Kropp – Maintains and owns changes to “oard Member Administrative Task Page” – Owns and addresses

Workshop Committee

• Maintain a schedule of the workshops around NM - schedule 6 months out • Review proposals submitted for workshops to include:

– Credentials - Teachers general credentials, which might include calling other Tango groups who have hosted these teachers

– Dance Style - Determine that teachers will present a social Argentine style workshop vs. performance or American Tango

– Cost - That it is acceptable based on completion of a P&L and a best guess at attendance and price

– Instructor availability – That the time of year instructor is available to conduct a workshop does not conflict with other workshops in the area

• Present all proposals and recommendations to the board at monthly board meeting • Workshop requests should be approved or declined within two weeks of submission

– If declined, a letter or email should be sent as soon as practically possible to allow the instructors to find alternative options.

– If approved, dates are established based on teacher availability and other events going on that might impact the success of a workshop (refer to workshops in and around NM).

• Follow workshop set up procedure in master file (being created) • Run the workshop

– Find a host family – Arrange private lessons – Procedures are similar to those for running special events

• Relevant Policies – Discounts and Complementary Admission to Workshops Policy Number P.10 – Amendment P.003 – Workshop Agreement Guideline G. 02 – Workshop Application and Review Forms Guideline G.05


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Contact, confirm and introduce speakers on chat night. Arrive early to ensure that room, equipment and props

necessary are set up and available to the speaker. Send chat summary to Michelle to post in public


6 chats for 2018 Feb: March: April: June: August: October: Brent/Daniel – Festivals – Albuquerque & Other


Page 17: TCA Orientation & Committee Assignments BOD... · • TCA Membership SW – Matt Kropp – Maintains and owns changes to “oard Member Administrative Task Page” – Owns and addresses


Build and distribute (mainly to the front desk) copies of "Elements of Tango“

Print copies of the sign in sheet each month as backup in case greeter forgets to print copy

Stock blank membership forms at Lloyd Shaw

Stock Saturday sign up sheets at Lloyd Shaw – overhead cabinets

NOTE: The membership form, Saturday Sign in Sheet and the Elements of Tango files are found at


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See duty details:


Page 19: TCA Orientation & Committee Assignments BOD... · • TCA Membership SW – Matt Kropp – Maintains and owns changes to “oard Member Administrative Task Page” – Owns and addresses

Outreach Committee • Take external requests (or seek out opportunities) for performances and Tango education

• Bree Ortiz is contact for the City

• Determine whether TCA can/should fulfill request (check out dance space & DJ availability)

• Document and align with requester on logistics: • Name of Institution

• Address

• Room Name or Number

• Time

• Determine how event should flow and what is required (narration/DJ needed, Number and skill level of Dancers, etc.)

• Bring TCA Postcards

• Announce opportunities at TCA Tuesday Milongas if appropriate and get volunteers

• Ensure volunteers know: • What’s required of them

• Where and when to meet

• Dress (Formal/ Informal)

• Invite Teachers and Students for Complimentary Milonga and Practica passes: • Contact the Teachers and Studios

• Create Tear off Flyers

• Make announcements

• Have Welcome Flyer ready for participants that join events

• Ensure announcements are made at TCA regarding which studio is invited!!!!


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Board Directory Name Email Address Phone


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DJ Committee

Name Phone Email