te5 6 computer

UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI - Revised Syllabus for the Third Year Computer Engineering . (Semester V & VI) (With effect from the academic year 2009-2010)

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Revised Syllabus for the

Third Year Computer Engineering

. (Semester V & VI)

(With effect from the academic year 2009-2010)

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UniversityofMumbaiSyllabus Structure(R-2007)

AtT.E. (Computer Engineering)




(T) Class wise tutorial.

Sr. Subject Scheme of Instructions Scheme of EvaluationNo. Periods per Week

Each Period of 60Min.

Theory Practical Paper TW Practical TotalHours Marks &Oral

1. ComputerNetwork 4 2 3 100 25 50 175

2. Advance databaseManagementSystem 4 2 3 100 25 50 175

3. Microprocessor4 2 3 100 25 25 150

4. Theory ofomputer Science 4 2 3 100 25 - 125

5. [WebEngineering 4 2 3 100 25 25 150r ' Environmento. . "

Studies 2 I(T) 2 50 25 - 75

22 it 550 150 150 850

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Objectives oftbe course: This is first course in Computer Networks. Need ofCommunication is the fundamental expectation along with the Layered approach ofComputer Network. It is expected to know the details of layers along with thefunctionalities like: How each layer works? and how each layer communicates with otherlayers?

Pre-requisites: Course in Data Structures and computer organization, C/C++.



Contents",Introduction: Network Applications; Network Hardware:Topologies, LAN, MAN, WAN, Wireless network, Home Network,Intemetworks; Network Software: Protocol Hierarchies, DesignIssues for the layers, Connection oriented and connectionlessServices; Reference Models: Layers details of OSI, TCP/IP Models.The Physical LayerTransmission Media: Guided Transmission Media: Twisted pair,Coaxial, Fiber optics; Unguided media (Wireless Transmission):Radio Waves, Microwaves, Infrared.Network Hardware Components:Connectors, Transceivers and Media converters, Network interfacecards and PC cards, Repeaters, Hubs, Bridges, Switches, Routersand Gateways etc.Telephone network: Major components, Local access transportareas, Signaling, Services provided by telephone networks; Dial-upModems; Digital subscriber line: ADSL, HDSL, SDSL,VDSL;Cable Television network: Cable TV for data transfer, BW,sharing, CM and CMTS, Data transmission schemes: DOCSIS.,





Universitv of MumbaiClass: T.E. Branch: Computer Semester: V

EngineeringSubject: Computer Network (Abbreviated as CN)Periods per Week Lecture 04

(each 60 min) Practical 02Tutorial --

Hours Marks

Evaluation System Theory 03 100Practical and Oral -- 50

Oral --- --,. Term Work --- 25

t Total 03 175

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The Data Dink Layer:Error detection and correction: Types of errors, redundancy,detection versus correction, forward error correction versusretransmission, coding; Block Coding: Error detection, Errorcorrection, Hamming distance, minimum hamming distance; ,Linear block codes; Cyclic codes: CRC, hardware implementation,Polynomials, Cyclic code analysis, Advantages, Other cyclic codes;Checksum;Data Link Control: Framing: Fixed size and variable size framing;Flow and Error control, Protocols for Noisy Channels: simplexprotocol, Stop and wait protocol; Protocols for Noisy Channels:Concept of Sliding Window Protocol, Stop and wait ARQ, Go-back~N ARQ, Selective repeat ARQ; Example of Data Link Protocols:HDLC; The Data Link Layer in the Internet: PPP.Eg.: Ethernet, Token Bus and Token Ring, FDDI, Bridge Protocols,Switching in LAN environnientThe Medium Access Sub-layer:The channel Allocation Problem: Static and Dynamic ChannelAllocation; Random Access: ALOHA, CSMA, CSMA/CD,CSMA/CA; Controlled Access: Reservation, Polling, Tokenpassing; Channelization: FDMA, TDMA, CDMA; Ethernet: IEEEstandards; Standard Ethernet: MAC Sublayer, Physical Layer;Bridged Ethernet, Switched Internet,. Full-Duplex Ethernet; FastEthernet: MAC Sublayer, Physical Layer; Gigabit Ethernet: MACSublayer, Physical Layer, Ten Gigabit Ethernet.


The Network Layer:Network Layer Design Issues: Store and Forward Packet switching,Service provided to the transport layer, Implementation ofconnectionless and connection oriented services, comparison ofVirtual-Circuit and Datagram Subnets; Routing Algorithms:Shortest path routing, Flooding, Distance vector routing, Link staterouting, Hierarchical routing, Broadcast routing, Multicast Routing;Congestion Control Algoritlup.s: General Principles, Congestionprevention policies, Congestion control in virtual circuit &Datagram subnets; Quality Of Service: Requirements, Techniquesfor achIeving good QoS; Internetworking; Introduction to IPProtocol and IP Addresses,

The Transport Layer:The Transport Service: Transport service primitives, BerkeleySockets, Socket programming examples; Elements of TransportProtocols: Addressing, Connection Establishment, ConnectionRelease, Flow control and buffering, Multiplexing; Introduction tothe Internet Transport Protocols: UDP and TCP







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Programs on Error detection and correction: CRC, Hamming Code, Checksum, etcUse network simulators like NS2 to implement:a. Monitoring traffic for the given topologyb. Analysis of CSMA and Ethernet protocolsc. Network Routing: Shortest path routing, DVR, LSR.d. Analysis of congestion control (TCP and UDP).Network Socket programming:a. TCPIUDP Client-Server program.b. Stop and Wait using sockets.c. Sliding Window Program using sockets.

4. Assignment: Case study with Windows / Linux, Prepare short note on anyoneadvanced topic.



BOOKSText Books:

1. A. S. Tanenbaum,.~Computer Networks", Pearson Education, Fourth Edition. '2. B. A. Forouzan, "Data Communications and Networking", TMH, Fourth Edition.


1. M. A. Gallo and W. M. Hancock, "Computer Communications and NetworkingTechnologies", CENGAGE Learning (Indian Edition), First Edition.2. Peterson, and Davie," Computer Networks", Morgan Kaufinann, Second Edition.3. Kurose, Ross, "Computer Networking", Pearson Education, Third -Edition.4. S. Keshay, "An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking", Addison Wesley.5. W.R. Stevens, "Unix Network Programming", YoU, Pearson Education.

TERM WORKTenn work should be based on the Lab experiments (10 Marks) ,attendance (5 Marks)and at least one tenn test must be conducted with a weightage of (10 Marks).


A Practical/Oral examination is to be conducted based on the above syllabus.

7 Network Hardware Components: 04Connectors, Transceivers and Media converters, Network interfacecards and PC cards, Repeaters, Hubs, Bridges, Switches, Routersand Gateways etc

8 Wireless LANslWANs: 04Inroduction to Architecture and Layers of IEEE 802.11, Bluetooth,SONET; Introduction to Satellite Networks.

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University ofMumbaiClass: T.E. Branch: Computer

I Semester: VEngineeringSubject: Advanced Database Management System(Abbreviated as ADBMS)Periods per Week Lecture 04

(each 60 min) Practical 02Tutorial --

Hours Marks

Evaluation System Theory 03 100Practical and Oral -- 50

Oral --- --Term Work --- 25


03Total 175

Module Contents HoursI Extended ER : 04

. E-R modelrevisited

. Specialization& Generalization

. ExtendedE-R

. Subclasssuperclass

. Constraintsandcharacteristicsof specialization&Generalization

. Rlationship typesof degreeHigherthantwo

. Aggregation,Unionand categories. EER- To RelationModelsMapping2 Database Design Methodology: 04

.Role of information system in organization.. DatabasedesignandImplementationProcess

3 Advanced SQL : 08. SQL Data types & Schemas<0

Queriesbasedon SQL3 standards.. (outer join, multi join, left, right, a full outer join, equal join,w

naturaljoin. Aggregate,functions,Nullvaluesetc.. EXISTandNOTEXIST,any/ all,patternmatching

DynamicSQL4 Query Processing: 04

. Overview

. Measuresof Querycost

. Selection operation


. Join Operations j.

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TERM WORK :1. Atleast 6 practical experiments based on above syllabus2. A mini project is desirable to be completed by a group of three with following

specifications..:. Problem definition.:. EER Model

.:. Mapping to relational Model

. OtherOperationsEvaluationof Expression '.

5 Query Optimization: 04. Translationsof SQLQueriesinto relationalalgebra. Heuristicapproach& costbaseoptimization

6 Object Relational and Extended Relational Databases: 06. Overviewof SQL3. Implementationissuesfor extendedtypes,nestedrelations

andcollections,.. Storage and access methods

7 Parallel Dnd Distributed Databases and Client Server 10


a Introduction: for paralleldatabases. Parallel: Query Evaluation

Parallelizing, individual operations;sorting, joins, etc., distributeddatabases, concepts, datafragmentation, Replication andallocation techniques for'distributed database design. Query


Processing in distributeddatabases, concurrency control andrecovery in distributed databases,An overview of Client Server

Architecture.S XML and Internet Databases: 08

. Structuredunstructuredand semistructureddata.-. XMLhierarchical DataModel

. XMLDocument,DID and XMLSchemaXMLDocuments& databases.

. XML Query

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.:. Implementation should include user interface having fwo data entry forms andtwo reports. (using any connectivity of DBMS) ..

NOTE: The above (mini project)would carry a weightage of 10 marks.

A term work test must be conducted with a weightage of 10 marks.

Attendance 05 marks.

Practical Exam: Students are expected to develop adatabase application as a part ofpractical examination.

,Text Books :

1. Elmasri & Navathe " fundamentals of Database Systems" IV edition.PEARSON Education.Korth, Silberschatz sudarshan "Database systems, concepts" 5theditionMcGraw Hill.


Reference Books :

1. Raghu Ramkrishnan & Johannes Gehrke "Database Management System"Tata McGraw HilI.UIedition.

Stefano Ceri;'f!illseppe, pelagatti "Distributed Databases, Principles andSystems" Tata~c GmwHill editions.Dr. P.S. Deshpande, SQL and PL/SQL for Oracle log, Black BooksDreamtech Press. '.

Mark L.Gillenson,Pa~lraj ]?oI}.lliah"Fundamentals of Database Systems"WILEY '.




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ContentsIntroduction to Intel 8085 Microprocessor:

Basic functions of the microprocessor, System bus,Architecture, Pin Configuration and Programmer's model ofIntel 8085 Microprocessor.Overview of the instruction groups of' 8085 and theaddressing modes.(No programming based on 8085).

Intel 8086 Architecture:M~or features of 8086 processor, 8086/88 CPU Architectureand the pipelined operation, Programmer's Model andSegmented Memory.

Instruction Set of 8086 and Programming:Instruction Set of 8086 microprocessor in details, Addressingmodes of 8086/88, Programming the 8086 in assemblyl~age, Mixed mode programming with C-Ianguage andassembly. .

Designing the 8086 CPU module:8086 pin description in details, Generating the 8086 SystemClock and Reset Signals, 8086 Minimum and MaximumMode CPU Modules, Minimum and Ma.ximumModeTiming Diagrams, Interrupt Structure, Interrupt Processingand the Predefined interrupts in 8086 Processor.

Peripheral Cnntrollers for 8086 family and System Design:Functional Block Diagram and description, Control Word

. Fonnats, Operating Modes and Applications of thePeripheral Controller namely 8255-PPI, 8253-PIT, 8259-PICand 8237-DMAC. Interfacing of the above PeripheralControllers.Keyword and Display Interface using 8255.Memory Interfacing: SRAM, ROM and DRAM (using atypical DRAM Controller such as Intel 8203).

System Design based on the Memory and PeripheralsMultiprocessor Systems:

Study of Multiprocessor Configurations namely Tightl.rCoupled System (TCS)and Loosely Coupl~dSystem (tCS),







University of MumbaiClass: T.E. Branch: Computer

I Semester: V. EngineeringSubject: Microprocessor, (Abbreviated as MP)Periods per Week Lecture 04


(each 60 min) Practical 02-..

.. Tutorial --Hours < Marks

Evaluation System .. Theory 03 100PracticalandOral --

Oral --- --Tenn Work --- 25

Total 03 J150

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Term work:Term work shall contain minimum 10experiments (from the list given below) and 03assignments and at least one term test on the above syllabus.A mini-project based on the syllabus to be taken by grpup of students and is desirable butnot mandatory.

(a) Term work and the iournal:. Assembly Language Programming based on TASM/MASM- 03 experiments.. Assembly Language Programming using BIOS/DOS interrupts- 02 -

experiments.. Mixed Language Programming- 02.experiments,. Peripheral Interfacin~ and applications- 05 experiments.The j~urnal shall also contain at least 03 assignments on the syllabus/ beyondsyllabus,Maximum weightage for the certified journal = 10 Marks in the Term work.the Term work.

(b) Term test: .

Test can bea mid-term test of 50 marks (preferably preliminary examination of100 marks at the end of the semester). .

Maximum w~tage for the test = 1<fMarks in the Term work.(c) Attendance:

Minimum 75% attendance is mandatory for the student to maintain the term.Maximum weightage for the attendance = 05 Marks in the Term work.

Practical exaJDination: .

Practica1examination is based on the experiinents carried out in the term work and maycontain the other experiments based on the concepts. Necessary data sheets/control wordformats will be available to the students at the time.of the practical examinationOral ,examination:Oml examination is based.on the entire syllabus and may not be restricted to the practical

carried out in the practical examination.List of reference books:1) Microprocessor architecture and applications with 8085: By Ramesh Gaonkar (Penram

International Publication).2) 8086/8088 family: Design Programming and Interfacing: By John Uffenbeck (Pearson

Education).3) 8086 Microprocessor Programming and Interfacing the PC: By Kenneth Ayala4) Microcomputer Systems: ~O86/8088 family Architecture, Programming andDesign: By Liu & Gibson (PHI Publica(!~n).5) Microprocessor and InterfaGing:By Douglas Hall (TMH Publication).


TCS with the case study of the Coprocessor, Various SystemBus Arbitration Schemes ihLCS, and Role of the BusArbiter (Intel 8289) inthe.LCS.

.. ...

7 I/O Buses and Standards:.

02. .

The EIA RS-232C Serial Interface Standard and IEEE-488GPIB Standard.

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University ofMumbaiClass: T.E. Bral1ch: Computer Semester: V

EngineerinKSubject: Theory of Computer Science (Abbreviated as TCS)Periods per Week Lecture 04(each 60 min) Practical 02

Tutorial --

Hours MarksEvaluation System Theory 03 100

Practical and Oral -- --, Oral --- --

t Term Work --- 25Total 03 125


Objectives of the Course: This course aims to build concepts regarding the fundamentalprinciples of Grammars, Automata Theory, Turing Machines, Push Down Automata,Undecidability and Intractable Problems


Prerequisites: Discrete Structures and Graphs Theory (e.g. Graphs, Trees, Logic andProof Techniques) and also familiar with common Data Structures, Recursion, ,and therole of major system cOwponents such as Compilers.Module Contents Hours1 Introduction:alphabets, Strings and Languages, automata and 05

Grammars. Finite. Automata (FA) -its behavior; DFA -Formaldefinition, simplified notations (&tatetransition diagram, transitiontable), Language of a DFA. NFA -Formal definition, Language ofan NFA. An' Application: Text Search, FA with 'epsilon-transitions,Eliminating epsilon-transitions, Equivalence of DFAs and NFAs.

2 Regular expressions (RE) -Definition, FA and RE, RE to FA,F A to 03

RE, algebraic laws for RE, applications of REs, Regular grammarsand FA, FA for regular grammar, Regular grammar for FA

3 Proving languages to be non-regular - Pumping Lenma, and its 03

applications. Some closure properties of Regular languages -Closure under Boolean operations, reversal, homomorphism, inversehomomorphism, etc. M hill-Nerode Theorem.

4 DFA Minimization./


Some decision properties of Regular languages -emptiness,finiteness, membership, equivalence of two DF As or REs, Finiteautomata with output.


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Conte~-fi > '\~~np~4~tinition, sentential forms, I 10leftmost " t1()Il$,,'tli~, language of a CFG.Derivation mItton, Relationship between parse

trees and derivatI ,",g.and ambiguity, Application of CFGs,Ambiguityin gr , ,fu1d Languages. Simplification of CFGs -Removing useless C)§ymOols, epsilon-Productions, and unitproductions, NOrtrlalforIlls-CNF and GNF. Proving that somelanguages are not context free -Pumping lemma for CFLs,applications. Some closure properties of CFLs -Closure under union,concatenation, Kleene closure, substitution, Inverse homomorphism,reversal, intersection with regular set, etc. Some more decisionIropertiesofCFLs, Review of some undecidable CFL problems.

Pushdown Automata (PDA) -Formal definition, behavior andgraphical notation, Instantaneous descriptions (Ids), The language ofPDA (acceptance by final state and empty stack). Equivalence ofacceptance by final state and empty stack, Equivalence of PDAsand CFGs, CFG to PDA, PDA to CFG;DPDAs -Definition, DPDAs and Regular Languages, DPDAs!Multistack DPDAs & NPDAs and CFLs.Languages of DPDAs, NPDAs, and ambiguous grammarsTuring Machines TM -Formal definition and behavior, Transitiondiagrains, Language of a TM, TM as accepters deciders and

-generators.TMas a computerof integerfunctions,Designof TMs,Programming techniques for TMs -Storage in state, multiple tracks,subroutines':-e.tc.Universal TMs, Variants ofTMs -Multitape TMs,Nondeterministic TMs. TMs with semi-infinite tapes, Multistackmachines, Simulating TM by computer, Simulating a Computer bya TM, Equivalence of the various variants with the basic model..Recursive and recursively enumerable languages, Properties ofrecursive and recursively enumerable languages, A language that isnot recursively enumerable (the diagonalization language). Theuniversal language, Undecidability of the universal language, TheHalting problem, Rice's Theorem, Greibach Theorem, Post'sCorrespondence Problem (PCP) -Definition, Undecidability of PCP.Context sensitive language and linear bounded automata. Chomskyhierarchy:Intractable Problems :The classes P and NP, An NP-completeproblem, A Restricted Satisfiability problem, Additional NP-complete problems, Complements of languages in NP, ProblemsSolvable in polynomial space, A problem that is complete for PS,Language Classes based on randomization, The complexity ofrimality testing.




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TEXT BOOKS1. John E. Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani, Jeffrey D. Ullman, " Introduction to Automata

Theory, Languages and Computation", Pearson Education. ,2. J.C.Martin, "Introduction to languages and the Theory of Computation", TMH.3. Michael Sipser, "Theory ofComputation",Cengage Learning.REFERENCES1. O.G.Kakde, "Theory of Computation", LP.2. Krishnamurthy E.V. , "Introductory Theory of Computer Science", East-Westpress.TERM WORK

>, 1. Term Work should consists of at least 04 experiments and 08 assignments (at least oneimp)ementation on each machine and at least one assignment on each module).2. A Tenn Work should comists of Term Test must be conducted with aweightage of 10marks.

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Objectives: To understand the concepts, principles, strategies, and methodologies of, Web applications and development. to apply current Web technologies to understandcurrent Web business models, to understand and apply Web development processes.

Modole I Contents .' ~urs1 An Introduction to Web Engineering' . 03Motivation, Categories of Web Applications, Characteristics of WebApplications, Product-related Characteristics, Usage-relatedCharacteristics, Development.:related Characteristic, Evolution ofweb engineering.Requirements Engineering for Web ApplicationsIntroduction, Fundamentals, Where Do Requirements Come From?Requirements Engineering Activities RE Specifics in WebEngineering, Principles for RE of Web Applicati°!1S,Adapting REMethods t~,Web Application Development, Requirement Types,Notations, Too!s.Technologies for Web ApplicationsClient-side Technologies, ActiveX Controls, Document-specificTechnologies, HTML-Hypertext Markup Language, DHTML, SMILSynchronized Multimedia Integration Language, XML~XtensibleMarkup Language, XSL-eXtensible Stylesheet Language, JavaScript, Server-side Technologies, Servelet, URI Handlers, WebService, Middleware TechnologiesWeb Application ArchitecturesIntroduction, Fundamentals, What is an Architecture? DevelopingArchitectures Categorizing Architectures, Specifics of WebApplication Architectures, Components of a Generic WebApplication Architecture, Layered Architectures, 2-LayerArchitectures, N-Layer Architectures Data-aspect Architectures,Database-centric Architectures, Architectures for Web DocumentManagement, Architectures for Multimedia DataModeling Web ApplicationsIntroduction, Fundamental, Modeling Specifics in Web

Engineering, Levels, Aspects, Phases Customization, Modeling

Requirements, Hypertext Modeling, Hypertext Structure ModflingConcepts, Access Modeling Concepts, Relation to Content










University of MumbaiCiass: T.E. Branch: Computer

I Semester:VEngineeringSubject: Web Engineering (Abbreviated as WE)Periods per Week Lecture 04(each 60 min) Practical 02

Tutorial --

Hours MarksEvaluation System Theory 03 100

Practical and Oral -- 25Oral --- --

TermWork --- 25Total 03 150

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Modeling, Presentation Modeling, Relation to Hypertext Modeling,Customization Modeling, Relation to Content, Hypertext, andPresentation Modeling.Web Application DesignIntroduction, Web Design from an Evolutionary Perspective,

Information Design, Software Design: A Programming 'Activity,Merging Information Design and Software Design, Problems andRestrictions in Integrated Web Design, A Proposed StructuralApproach, Presentation Design, Presentation of Nodes and Meshes,Device-independent Development, Approaches, Interaction Design,User Interaction User Interface Organization, Navigation Design,Designing a Link Representation, Designing Link Intemals,Navigation and Orientation, Structured Dialog for ComplexActivities, Interplay with Technology and Architecture,FunctionalDesign.Testing Web ApplicationsIntroduction, Fundamentals, Terminology, Quality Characteristics,Test Objectives, Test Levels, Role of the Tester, Test Specifics inWeb Engineering, Test Approaches, Conventional Approaches,Agile Approaches, Test Scheme, Three Test Dimensions, Applyingthe Scheme to WebApplications, Test Methods and Techniques,Link Testing, BrowserTesting, Usability Testing, Load, Stress, andC()iltinuousTesting,'Testing Security, Test-driven Development,Test Automation, Benefits and Drawbacks of Automated Test, TestTools. "'Web Project ManagementUnderstanding Scope, Refining Framework Activities, Building a

,"WebETeam, Managing Risk, Developing a Schedule, ManagingQUality,Managing Change, Tracking the Project.




BOOKSTEXTBOOKS-L Gerti Kappel,BirgitProll, "WebEngineering",John Wileyand SonsLtd, 20062. Roger S.Pressman, David Lowe, "Web Engineering", Tata Mcgraw Hill -

Publicatio~,2007 '

3. Guy W. Lecky-Thompson, "Web Programming", Cengage Learning, 2008REFERENCES1. Moller, "An Introduction toXML and Web Technologies" , Pearson Education

New Delhi, 20092. Chris Bates, "Web Programming: Building Interp.etApplications", Third

Edition, Wiley India Edition, 20073. John Paul Mueller, "Web Development with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005",

Wiley Dreamtech, 2006.

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1.Atleastsix practicalexperimentsbasedon abovesyllabus . .

2. A mini project is desirable to be completed by a group of three that ctiterfollowing tools.. HTML. DHTML. XML

. Java Script

. ServeletNOTE: The above (mini project) would carry a weightage of 10 marks.

. A tenn worktest mustbe conductedwitha weightageof 10marks.Attendance 05 marks.

3~Industrial visit: Prepare and submit the report of Industrial visit in a group. Each groupcontain not more than five students.

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University of MumbaiCL:ASS: T.E. Semester VComputer EngineeringSUBJECT: Environmental Studies

Periods per week Lecture 2(each of 60 min.) Practical -

Tutorial 1*Hours .Marks

Evaluation System Theory Examination 2 50Practical examination - -

Oral Examination - -Term Work - 25

Total 75* Class wise Tutorial

Objective: This course is to create environmental awareness, of variety ofenvironmental concerns.

Modul Contents.

Hre s1 The Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies 1

Definition,.scope and importanceNeed for public awareness

2 Natural re$ources 4Renewab:nd non-renewable resourcesNatural resources & associated problem.a. Forest resources: Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, case studies.

Timber extraction, mining, dams and their effects on forests and tribalpeople.

b. Water resources: Use and over-utilization of surface and ground water,floods, drought, conflicts over water, dams-benefits and problems.

c. Mineral resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects ofextracting and using mineral resources, case studies.

d. Food resources: World food problems overgrazing, effects of modernagriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water logging, salinity, case


e. Energy resources: Growing energy needs, renewable and non renewableenergy sources, use of alternate energy sources. Case studies.

f. Land resources: Land as a resource, land degradation, man inducedlandslides, soil erosion and desertification.

. Roleof an individualinconservationof naturalresources.Equitableuseof resourcesfor sustainablelifestyles.

3 . Ecosystems 3. Conceptsof an ecosystem.. Structureandfunctionof an ecosystem.. Producers,consumersanddecomposers.. Energy flow in the ecosystem. 1

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. Ecological succession.

. Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids.

. Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and function of thefollowing ecosystem:

a. Forest ecosystemb. Grassland ecosystemc. Desert ecosystemd. Aauatic ecosystem (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries)

4 Biodiversity and its conservation 4. Introduction-Definition:geneticspeciesandecosystem

diversity. Bio-geographicalclassificationof India. Value of biodiversity: Consumptive use, productive use,

social, ethical, aesthetic and option valuesOJ

Bio-diversityat global,national,locallevels.. Indiaas a megadiversitynation. Hot spotsof bio-diversity. Threatsto biodiversity:Habitatloss,poachingof wild life,

man-wildlifeconflicts. Endangeredandendemicspeciesof India. Conservation of biodiversity: In- situ and Ex-situ conservation

of biodiv!3rsitv5 Environmental Pollution Definition - 4

. Causes,effectsandcontrolmeasuresof:a. Air pollutionb. Water pollutionc. Soil pollutiond. Marinepollution, e. Noisepollutionf. Thermalpollutiong. NuclearHazards

. Solidwastemanagement:Causes,effectand controlmeasuresof urbanand industrialwastes

. Role of an individual in prevention of pollution'. Pollution case studies. Disaster management: .floods, earthquake, cyclone

and land slides.

6 Socialissuesandenvironment 4. From unsustainable to sustainable development


Urbanproblemsrelatedtoenergy.. Water conservation,rainwaterharvesting,watershed

management. Re-settlementandrehabilitationof people:Its problemsand

concerns.Casestudies.. Environmentalethics:issuesandpossiblesolution. Climatechange,globalwarming,acid rain,ozonelayer

depletion,nuclearaccidentsandholocaust.Casestudies.. Wastelandreclamation. Consumerismandwasteproducts. Environmentprotectionact.

Air( Preventionandcontrolof pollution) act 1. Water( Preventionandcontrolofpollution ) ac. Wildlifeprotectionact

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Theory Examination: . -

1. Question paper will be comprising of total-7questions, each of 10 marks.2. Only 5 questions need to be solved,

- 3. Questionnumber1 will becompulsoryandcoveringthe all modules.4. RemaJningquestions will be mixed in nature. (e.g.- suppose Q.2 has part (a) from,

modul~ then part (b)will befromanymoduleotherthan module3.) -

5. In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number ofrespective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.

Term work: -

Term work shall consist of minimum five projects (PROJECTS SHALL BE DESIGNED ON THESAME GUIDE- LINE OF GIVEN TEXT BOOK) and a writteo test.The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows,Laboratory work (Tutorial/Project and Journal) : .15marks.Te~t (at least one) : 10 marks.The final certification and acceptance of term-work ensures the satisfactory performance oflaboratory work and minimum passing in the term-work.

Recommended Books: .

1. Erach Bharucha, text book of environmental studies, Universities Press/Orient Blackswan2. Jagdish Krishnaswami, R J Ranjit Daniels, 'Environmental Studies', Wiley India Private

Ltd. New delhi3. AninditaBasak,'EnvironmentalStudies",Pearson .

4. Deeksha Dave, 'Text book of , 'Environmental Studies", Cengage learning, ThomasonIndia edition

5. Benny Joseph, 'Environmental Studies", Tata McGRAW HILL6. D L Manjunath, , 'Environmental Studies",Pearson7. R Rajgopalan, , 'Environmental Studies", Oxford8. Alok Debi, 'Environmental science and Engineering",University pre~9. A. Nagraj, Jeevan Vidya- A Primer. . .


. 1$sues involVedn enforcement of environmental legislation8 Public -wareness -

-, -, -,,' .7 HU'!Ian popu!ation and the environment 4

. Populationgrowth,variationamongnations

. PopulationExplosion-familywelfareprogram

. Environmentahdhumanhealth

. Humanrights

. Valueeducation


. Womenandchildwelfare

. Roleof informationtechnologyin environmentand humanhealth

. Case studies8 Understanding Existence and Co-existence 6

Interrelation and Cyclicity between Material order, Bio-order, Animal order andHuman order

-Understanding the human conduct: Relationship in Family, Justice inRelationship, Relationship of Human with Nature (Enviror1ment),HumanBehavior, Human Values, Nature and MoralityUnderstanding the human societyDimensions of Human Endeavor and Objectives, Interrelationship in Society,Mutual Fulfillment and Cyclicity in Nature.

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University of MumbaiSyllabus Structure(R-2007)

AtS.E. (Computer Engineering)


150 2,00

Sr. Subject Scheme of Instructions Scheme of EvaluationlNo. Periods per Week

Each Period of 60 Min.

Ifheory Practical Pat:er TW Practical TotalHours Marks &Oral

1.\ IAdvanceComputerlNetwork 4 2 3 100 25 50 175

12. !SystemProgramminAnd ComplierConstruction 4 2 3 100 25 25 150

3. Object OrientedSoftwareEngineering 4 2 3 100 25 50 175

4. AdvanceMicroprocessor 4 2 3" 100 25 25 150

5. Data Warehouse -

And.. Mining 4 2 3 100 25 25 1506. Seminar '''''iI. 2 . 25. :;;'S 50

20 12 500 1 20 850

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Obj~es: This is advanced course in Computer Network. Main objectives of this courseare to know details of TCPIIP along with all protocols, working of internet, applications onTCPIIP, manaeJng TCPIIP and to prepare foundation for the future networks. Demonstrationand practical should be the main approach of learning this course.Pre-- uisites: Com uter NetworkModule Contents HoursI Introduction: Protocols and standards, Standards Organizations, 06

Internet Standards, Internet Administration; Overview" of referencemodels: The OSI model, TCPIIP protocol Suite, Addressing, IPversions. Connectors, Transceivers and Media converters, Networkinterface cards and PC cards, Repeaters, Hubs, Bridges, Switch~s,Routers and Gateways etc. WW selection.Optical Networking: SONET/SDH standards, Dense Wavelength 106division m~tiplexing (DWDM), Performance and designConsiderations.ATM: The WAN Protocol: Faces of ATM, ATM Protocol operations I 08

. (ATM cell and Transmission) ATM Networking basics, Theory ofOperations, B-ISDN reference model, PHY layer, ATM Layer (Protocolmodel), ATM layer and cell, Traffic Descriptor and parameters, TrafficCongestion control defined, AAL Protocol model, Traffic contract andQoS, User Plane overview, Control Plane AAL, Management Plane,

. . Sub-DS3ATM,ATMpublicservices. " "

Packet Switching Protocol :X.25, theory of Operation and Network I 04Layer functions, X.75, Internetworking protocols, SMDS , SubscriberInterface and Access Protocol, Addressing and Traffic Control.Common Protocols and interfaces in"upper Layer:TCPIIP suite, Network Layer, Transport Layer, Applications Layer,Addressing and routing design, Socket programmin:Routing in the Internet: Intra and interdomain routing; Unicast I06Routing Protocols: RIP, OSPF, HGP; Multicast Routing Protocols:MOSPF, DVMRP. Drawbacks of traditional routing methods, Idea ofTE, TE and Different Traffic classes. IP over ATM, Multi protocolLabel switching(MPLS), Storage Area Networks (SNetwork Management and Services: SNMP: Concept, Management I 03comoonents, SM!, MIB, SNMP format, Messages








University of MumbaiClass: T.E. Branch: Computer Semester: VI

Eneerin1l;Subject: Advanced Computer Network (Abbreviated as ACN)Periods per Week

.Lecture 04"

(each 60 min) Practical 02Tutorial --

Hours MarksEvaluation System Theory 03 100

Practical and Oral -- 50Oral" --- --

Term Work --- 25Total 03 175

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Traffic Engineering and Capacity Planning:Traffic engineering basics: Requirement Definitions: Traffic sizing,characteristics, Protocols, Time Delay considerations, Conneclivity,Reliability, Availability and Maintainability, Throughput calculationsQuality of Service: Introduction, Application, Queue Analysis: M/M/las a packet processing Model, QoS Mechanisms Queue managementAlgorithms, Feedba<;:k,Resource reservation; Queued data and Packetswitched traffic modeling. Application and QoS,Network Performance Modeling, Creating Traffic Matrix, CapacityPlanning and Network vision, Design ToolsMulti-Media over Internet: RTP, RSVP, IP Multicasting, Voice I06Digitization standards, 0.729 and 0.723 and H.323Enterprise Network Security: DMZ, NAT, SNAT, DNAT, PortForwarding, Proxy, Transparent Proxy, Packet Filtering and Layer 7Filtering.Backbone Network Design: Backbone Requirements, NetworkCapacities Topologies, Topologies Strategies, Tuning Networks



Text Books:1. B. A. Forouzan, "TCP/IP Protocol Suite", Tata McGraw Hill edition, Third Edition.2. N. Olifer, V. Olifer, "Computer Networks: Principles, Technologies and Protocols for

Network design", Wiley India Edition, First edition.

References:1. W.Richard Stevens, "TCP/IP Volume1, 2, 3", Addison Wesley.2. D.E.Comer,"TCP/IPVolumeI andII", PearsonEducation. .

3.W.R. Stevens, "Unix Network Programming", Vol. 1, Pearson Education.4. J.Walrand, P. Var~fya, "High Performance Communication Networks", MorganKaufmann. .

5. A.S.Tanenbaum,"Computer Networks", Pearson Education, Fourth Edition.

TOPICS FOR EXPERIMENT1. Installation of Proxy-Server2. Installation of Mail-Server3. Installation of Web-Server4. Installation ofDNS-Server5. Packet grab and Analysis6. Testing and measuring networks

TERM-WORKTerm work shall consist of at least 10 assignments/programming assignments and onewritten test.


1. Attendance (Theory and Practical) 05 Marks

2. Laboratory work (Experiments and Journal) 10 Marks

3. Test (at least one) 10 Marks

PRACTICAL/ORAL EXAMINATIONA Practical/Oral examination is to be conducted based on the above syllabus.


Page 23: TE5 6 Computer

Prerequisites: Programming Language (C/C++/ JAVA)

Objectives: This course is an introduction to design and implementation of various typesof system software like assemblers, macros, loaders and linkers. The course aiso aims togive knowledge of the principal structure of a compiler and about the basic theories andmethods used to implement the different parts of the compiler.










ContentsSystedl Software: Concept, introductionto varioussystemprogramssuch as .

assemblers, loaders, linkers ,macro processors, compilers, interpreters, operatingsystems, dev~, driversAssemblers: Basic Assembler functions, Elements of Assembly languageprogramming, Overview of the assembly process, Design of Single pass andmulti pass assemblers. Examples: SPARC Assembler.Macros & Macro processors: Macro definition and examples, Definitions andconcept of parameterized macro, neStedmacros, conditional macro expansion,recursive macro. Design of simple macro processor.Loaders and Linkers - Basic loader functions, Linking and Relocation concept,Concept oflinkage editors, dynamic linking loaderCompilers: Introduction to Compilers, Phases of a compiler, comparison ofcompilers and interpreters.

Lexical Analysis: Role of a Lexical analyzer, input buffering, specification andrecognition of tokens, Finite Automata, Designing a lexical analyzer generator,PatternmatchingbasedonNFA's. .

Syntax Analysis: Role of Parser, Top-down parsing, Recursive descent andpredictive parsers (LL), Bottom-Up parsing, Operator precedence parsing, LR,SLR and LALR parsers.Syntax Directed Translation: Syntax directed definitions, construction ofsyntaXtree, Top-down translation and Bottom-up evaluation of inheritedattributes, analysis of syntax directed definitions

Run Time storage: Activation record, handling recursive calls, mana!Fment ofvariable length blocks, garbage collection and compaction, storage allc1cationstratel!ies.





02 -





University of MumbaiClass: T.E. Branch: Computer Semester: VI

EngineeringSubject: System Programming And Compiler Construction (Abbreviated as SPCC)

Periods,per Week( Each 60 Lecture 04Min) Practical 02

Tutorial -----Hours Marks

Evaluation System Theory 03 100Oral . 25--

'- Term Work -- 25\

Total 03 150

Page 24: TE5 6 Computer



L A.V. Aho. and J.D.Ullman: Principles of compiler construction,Pearson Education

2. A.V. Aho, R. Shethi and Ulman; Compilers -Principles, Techniques and Tools, Pearson. Education3 LelandBeck" System Software"AddisionWesley4. D. M. Dhamdhere; Systems programming & Operating systems, Tata McGraw HillREFERENCES

1. J.J Donovan: Systems Programming.

2. Dick G~~, KoenG~L, Henri Bal; Modern'Compiler Design, Wiley Publications3. Kennetliq.Louden; ~ompiler Construction, Principles and Practice, Cengage Learning4. John R..yevine; Linkers and Loaders, Morgan Kaufman


I. ~gn ~~implementation of2 pass assemblers for X86 machine.2. D~> .~dlmplementation of Macro Processor3.Er. . .8. Lexical Analyser for a language whose grammar is known.4';b~gp and Implementation of simple Parser using Lex Yacc.

,.(~,5.ItnpJementationof code optimization techniques.~/§, Generate target code for the code optimized, considering the target

~;.... machineto be X86.'?Study of Different Debugger Tools.


Practical and Oral examination is based on the entire syllabus and may not be restricted to thepractical carried out in the practical examination

10 Intermediate Code Generation: lntennediate languages: graphical 04representations, DAGs, Three address code, types of three address statements,syntax directed translation into three address code, implementation of threeaddress statements

11 Code Generation: Semantic stacks, attributed translations, evaluation of 04expressions, control structures, and procedure calls.

12 Code Optimization: Machine dependent and mchine independent code 04optimization, Sources of optimization.

13 Compiler-compilers : JAVA compiler environment, YACC compiler-compiler 02:

Page 25: TE5 6 Computer

Pr isites: Computer NetworkModule Contents1 1.1 Software life cycle models: Waterfall, RAD, Spiral, Open-source,

Agile process1.2 Understanding software process

1.2.1 Process metric1.2.2 CMM levels

2.1 Plannin~& Estimation2.1. i~Product metrics2..1.2 Estimation- LOC, FP, COCOMO models.

2.2 Project Management2.2.1 Planning2.2.2 Scheduling2.2.3 Tracking.

3.0 Workflow of Software life cycle3.1 Requirement Workflow

3.1.1 Functional, Nonfunctional3.1.2 Characteristics of Requirements3.1.3 Requirement Elicitation Techniques3.1.4 Requirement Documentation -Use case specification,

Activity Diagram3.2 Analysis workflow

3.2.1 Static Analysis3.2.1.1 Identifying Object - Methods of identifying objects andtypes -Boundary, Control, Entity3.2.1 Dynamic Analysis3.2.1.1 Identifying Interaction - Sequence and Collaboration

diagTams,Statechartdiagram ~







UniversiD"of MumbaiClass: T.E. Branch: Computer


, (Abbreviatedas OOSE)Periods per Week Lecture 04(each 60 min) Practical 02

Tutorial --Hours Marks

Evaluation System Theory 03 100'.

\ Practical and Oral -- 50Oral --- --:

Term Work -- 25Total 03 175

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3.3.Design Workflow

3.3.1 System Design Concept - Coupling and Cohesion3.3.2 Architectural Styles3.3.3 Identifying Subsystems and Interfaces3.3.4 Design Patterns

4 4.1..Implementation Workflow 84.1.1 Mapping models to Code4.1.2 Mapping Object Model to Database Schema

4.2 Testing4.2.1 FTR - Walkthrough and Inspection4.2.2 Unit Testing, Integration, System and Regression Testing 0

, 4.2.3 User Acceptance Testing4.3 Software Quality - Quality Standards, Quality Matrices

Testing & SQA: FTR, unit testing, integration testing, producttesting, and acceptance testing

5 5.1 Software Configuration Management 35.1.1 Managing and controlling Changes5.1.2 Managing and controlling versions

6 .6.1Maintenance 36.1.1 Types of maintenance6.1.2 Maintenance Log and defect reports.6,1.3 Reverse and re-engineering


Text Books: -.

I. Bernd Bruegge, "Object oriented software engineering", Second Edition, Pearson Education.2. Stephan R. Schach, "Object oriented software engineering";Tata McGraw Hill.3. Roger Pressman, "Software Engineering", sixth edition, Tata McGraw Hill.



1.Tnnothy C. Lethbridge, Robert Lagarnere" Object-Oriented Software Engineering - Apracticalsoftware development using UML and Java", Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi


1. At least two review assignments covering object oriented concepts.2.. Coding Assignment on Mapping models to COde

, 3. A full-fledged mini project in which a student will design an application using OOAD casetool covering all the workflows with UML Documentation

4. Assignments on Design Parierns.5. Working assignments using Project Management tools

-f6. Study of Configuration Management tool

Page 27: TE5 6 Computer



enn work shall consist of at least 10 assignments/programming assignments and one written test.


1. Attendance (Theory and Practical) 05 Marks

2. Laboratory work (Experiments and Journal) 10 Marks

3. Test (at least one) 10 Marks

The final certification and acceptance of TW ensures the satisfactory perfonnance of laboratory Workand 1\(IinimumPassing in the tenn work.. \

PRACTICAL/ORAL EXAMINATIONA PracticMIOralexamination is to be conducted based OIftheabove syllabus.

Page 28: TE5 6 Computer


University of MumbaiClass: T.E. Branch: Computer

I Semester: VIEngineeringSubject: Advanced Microprocessors (Abbreviated as AMP)Perioqs per Week Lecture 04(each 60 min) Practical 02

Tutorial --Hours Marks

Evaluation System Theory 03 100Practical and Oral -- 25

Oral --- --\

Term Work -..- 25:Total 03 150

Pre-reqnisites: Computer NetworkModule Contents IHour31 Introduction to Pipelined Processors: ,10

Pipelining: An Overlapped Parallelism, Linear pipelining, Classification ofPipelined Processors, Principles of designing pipeline processor, Data Flowcomputers,Systolic architecture, Superscalar, Super pipeline and VLIW processors.

2 Intel80386DX Processor: 10

. Detailed stud of Block diagram, Sigrlal interfaces, Bus cycles, Programmingmodel, Operating modes, Address translation mechanism in protected mode,Memory management, Protection mechanism.

3 Intel P5 Micro anhitecfure: 06Pentium Processor Block diagram, Superscalar operation, Integer pipelinestages, Floating point pipeline stages, Branch prediction logic, Cache unit.

4 Intel P6Micro architectures: . 06Introduction to Pentium-Pro Processor, Special Pentium-Pro features,Introduction to Pentium-2 Processor, Pentium-2 software changes, Pentium-3 -processors.

5 Pentium-4 & IA-64Architectures: 04Pentium-4Net BurstArchitecture,IA-64ltaniumProcessorarchitecture.

6 Sun SPARC Architecture: 06

SPARC Processor, Data Formats, Registers, Memory model. Study ofSuperSPARC and UltraSPARC architectures

7 Study of System Buses: 06Features, classifications, applications of the system buses like ISA, ATA,SCSI, PCI and USB. (Study of the buses is without signals and the timingdiagrams),

Page 29: TE5 6 Computer



1) Computer Architecture and Parallel Procesing: By Hwang & Briggs ( McGraw Hill.

- International edition).2) Pentium Processor Syatem Architecture: By Tom Shanley & Don Anderson (Mindshare

Publishing).,. 3) Intel Microprocessors: By Barry B. Brey (Pearson Education)

4) Advanced Microprocessor: By Roy & Bhurchandi (Tata McGraw Hill).5) Advanced Microprocessors: By Daniel Tabak (McGraw Hill)6) The SPARC Architecture Manual (Version 8).7) Intel Manuals.


TERM-WORKTerm work: (25 Marks)Term woIk sball contain minimum 08 experiments based on the above syllabus and theimplementation of the experiments is using any Higher Level Language.

PRACTICAL & ORAL EXAMINATIONPractical and Oral examination is based on the entire syllabus and may not be restricted to thepractical carried out in the practical examination

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Class: T.E. Branch: COInputetI Semester:VIEngineering

Subject: DATA WAREHOUSING AND MINING (Abbreviated as DWM)Periods per Week Lecture , 04(each 60 min) Practical 02

Tutorial --Hours Marks

Evaluation System Theory 03 -100Practical and Oral -- 25Oral --- --

-. Term Work --- 25\ Total 03 150

Objectives: The data warehousing part of module aims to give students a good overview of theideas and techniques which are behind recent development in the data warehousing andomiheanalytical processing (OLAP) fields, in terms of data models, query language, conceptualdesign methodologies and storage techniques. Data mining part of the model aims to motivate,define and characterize data mining &S process; to motivate, define and characterize datamining applications.

Pre-requisites: DBMS

Module Contents , Hours, Data Warehousin1 Overview and Concepts: 04

Need fof data warehousing, The building blocks of a Data warehouse.2 Architecture and Infrastructure: 04

Data Warehouse Architecture, Infrastructure and Metadata Management3 Principles Of Dimension Modeling: . 04

Introduction to Dimensional Modeling, Advanced Concepts4 Extract Transform Load Cycle: 04

ETL overview, Extraction, Loading, Transformation techniques.5 Information Access an4 Delivery: 04

Matching information to classes of users, OLAP - the need, Design of theOLAP database, OLAP operations: slice, dice, rollup, drill-down etc.OLAP implementations.

6 Implementation And Maintenance: 04Physical design process, Aggregates and Indexing. Data WarehouseDeployment

" Data Mining7 Introduction: 04

Basics of data mining, related concepts, Data mining techniques.The KDD process 4


Page 31: TE5 6 Computer

8 Concept Description: 04Class Characterization and comparison, Attribute relevance analysis,Attribute oriented Induction, Mining descriptive statistical measures inlarge databases. r

9 Classification Algorithms: 04What is Classification? Supervised Learning, Classifier Accuracy,Decision Tree and Naive Bayes Classifier.

10 Clustering: 04What is clustering? Types of data, Partitioning Methods (K-Means, K-Medoids) Hierarchical Methods(Agglomerative , Divisive)

11 Association rules: Motivation For Association Rule mining, Market " 04Basket Analysis, Apriori Algorithm, FP tree Algorithm, Iceberg.Queges.Advanced Association Rules (just concepts)


12 Web Mining: Web Content Mining, Web Structure Mining, Web Usage 04rnmmg

BOOKSText Books:

1) Ralph Kimball, "The Data Warehouse Lifecycle toolkit', 2nd edition, Wiley India.2) Han, Kamber, "Data Mining Concepts and Techniques", 2nd edition ,Elsevier3) Reema Theraja "Data warehousing", Oxford University Press.4) "Introduction to Data Mining", lie Pang-Ning Tan, Vipin Kumar, Michael Steinbach

Pearson Education'

5) M.H. Dunham, "Data Mining Introductory and Advanced Topics", Pearson Education.-"'",.

Reference Books :1) Paulraj Ponniah, "Data Warehousing Fundamentals", Wiley Student edition.2) "Data mining For Business intelligence" Galit Shmueli, Nitin Patel, Peter Bruce; Wiley

Student EditioQ..3) "Data Warehousing, Data Mining & OLAP" Alex berson & Stephen J Smith, Tat McGraw

Hill. .

4) "Data Mining with SQL Server 2008" Jamie McLennan & others, Wiley Indian Edition.5) "Mastering Data Mining", M Berry and G. Linoff, Wiley Student Edition. -6) R. Kimball, "The Data Warehouse Toolkit', John Wiley.

TERM-WORKTerm work should consist of at least of the following:

1. One case study given to a group of 3 to 4 students, who will start form dimensional modelingand go upto generating OLAP reports..

2. Programming the data mining algorithms (classification, clustering and Association mining) inJava on example data sets. (Can compare with tools like WEKA).

3. Study of some BI tool like SQL SERVE!torO¥CLE etc.

PRACTICAL & ORAL"EXAMINATIONPractical and Oral examination is based on the entire syUabusand may not be restticted to thepractical carried out in the practical examination '}...

Page 32: TE5 6 Computer


Class: T.E.

Subject: SeminarPeriods per Week

(each 60 min)

,.Evaluation System

Semester: VI

Hours Marks,- Theo

Oral and Prac~ica1. --" /." : "Oral, ---*TeimV{ork. ---

Total. --



Objective:Seminarshouldbaseon recent technicaltopicsin the advanceddevelopmentofComputerEngineering/ InformationTechnology.

'-./ ...... -x~


Term work should consist of the following:1. One topic given to a group of3/4 students,2. Hard copy of Seminar Report.


Final presentation is compulsory in front of panel of examiners.